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Mentally and Physically drained

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I could really use some healing in the form of good intentions. I'm tired of feeling stuck and constantly putting out figurative fires. I need a break, mentally and physically.

If you got this far, I thank you.
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Jen, if you feel stuck, know that this group is your support. Do an exercise and imagine all of us from the Pulse sitting together in a circle. A circle of support and understanding, friendship and fellowship. In the center of the circle a warm crackling fire spreads warmth and coziness. Feel it. And feel the warmth and love coming from each and one of us, merging collectively into a strong unified energy. The fire burns away and cleanses all our fears and melts away pain and doubt. The fire is one of the elements. It has the power to cleanse and renew.
You said you have to put out fires. Don't pout them out, increase them and let what needs to be burned and cleansed get burned and cleansed.

Another exercise is to imagine your challenge as a big monster standing right in front of you. You may feel afraid. But try to say to it "hello my dear, how are you? Lets get to know each other. I am Jen, would you like me to hold your hand?" Then take its hand, touch it and transfer the greatest love you can imagine. Then see how it will start shrinking, getting smaller and smaller and at the end it will become a cute little puppy. Small and innocent. Take it in your arms and thank it for teaching you haw to face your fears. Because the whole time it truly was just a puppy in disguise. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you. It's funny you mention the fire element, I feel it's my spirit element. Water is my enemy. As a fire spirit, I feel the need to make things better for myself and others, always bouncing back and fighting the good fight.

The second exercise you mentioned is similar to something I already practice, so thank you for mentioning it. Sending that love right back out to you and the Universe.
Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
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Great, Jen!
May I suggest to reevaluate some definitions. See, words and thoughts like enemy and fight would bring as reflections more of it. From a character perspective we perceive extreme polarity and we define things in a certain way. But if we remove some filters we will see that these things are opportunities to learn and were created for that purpose. If we replace these words and the charging thoughts behind them we automatically will start creating things in alignment with our definitions. Replace enemy with teacher. replace fight with opportunity and see what happens :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 :-)  <3 Great advice LightBeam

Hi Kodemaster. I'm sorry you're feeling drained. Sometimes I feel really tired, especially when I encounter disagreeable behavior. And some things that I think are common sense, I learn- even among adults, aren't so common.

It can be disheartening. I've just had some trying moments with the world around me-

I agree with LB... This life is an opportunity. I am actually grateful for all my moments of uncertainty, anxiety and strain.
But in the moment, I am lost and fragile.
I realize I can not control others. And this need for things to be in a way that make sense to me, actually takes energy away from me. 
I lose sleep over it because my mind starts working double time.

More and more I am of the belief that this life is a Divine Partnership. Between you and the One. And we are indeed learning. Experiencing. Assimilating. Processing. And... What more? Choosing who we want to be... What we want to achieve... Where we wish to reside...

All of that comes with very real consequences. Or as LB says... Opportunity. So the recognition for a break is one to pay heed to.

Last Friday I was so mentally and physically exhausted I did not get out of bed until noon. And I am an early riser, finished with a good chunk of my errands by 11AM. Today I think I need to rest too.

When we exercise, physically, we do not do ourselves any favors skipping our rest days. Sleep is the most important part of good health, a literal reset or standby mode for our body.... Our energies.

But not just sleep- turning off our worries, turning off our Egoic drives...

When I do this I feel the support of a Loving Source like no other, and all of a sudden I am endowed with zeal.

I hope some of this resonates with you. I think if you are feeling like you need a break, you should give your self a break. A part of that, means letting go.

I love the expression... "Let Go and Let God."

I am sorry you are feeling tired and drained... I understand the energy and I will pray you are blessed with revitalizing strength.


I just thought of something else. We essentially are everything, all elements. But if you perceive water as your enemy on this level whether you think literally or figuratively (the mind will still be influenced), and the human body is 65% water, then the equation will read "My body is my enemy". Then you will create the applicable experience.

As far as making others better, the best way is to be the best version of yourself, follow your passion every moment of every day and serve as an example. What they do with the information you give them is none of your concern because they chose what to experience and when and how to progress. Don't get frustrated if you don't observe change in someone you think should change. Observe, but do not absorb. Help them the best way you can but take it no further upon yourself, because if someone accepts the help they will receive it, but if they don't (may be on a higher level) then this is their choice and you let it go.

Another thing is if you define yourself as always sorting thing out, then you will keep creating circumstances that present the opportunity to sort things out. If you believe that here in this world one has to always fight and struggle for survival or resources you will keep creating more of these scenarios. The way we see the world and ourselves becomes our reflections and experiences. A good exercise to analyze ourselves is to see first what is around us, the people, the circumstances, our homes, surroundings, etc. These are all reflections of ourselves. If we prefer different reflections, we have to think about what beliefs about myself do I need to replace to match the circumstances I would rather experience.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Sorry for the multiple posts lol. I just wanted to give you one example with myself. I have always been so proud of my ability to solve problems. At work everyone knew I was a problem solver and everyone came to me with their problems. But this started stressing me out and I wished things were smoother and more balanced. I started wondering why there were so many problems. I asked to be shown and one day it clicked "Well, I am defining myself as a problem solver, and as such I am creating more opportunities and circumstances to fulfil this template."
I am a template that is ever changing and the physical reality is the actualization of this template. The maker of the template are my beliefs, perceptions and definitions. So, if I wanted to change the template so the physical reality actualization can also change, I need to redefine things about myself. I replaced problem solver with guide, and shortly after the patterns changed precisely. People started coming to me for guidance. I now guide them how to solve their problems but I no longer need to solve the problems for them. Quite different.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on November 05, 2024, 10:32:15I have always been so proud of my ability to solve problems. At work everyone knew I was a problem solver and everyone came to me with their problems. But this started stressing me out and I wished things were smoother and more balanced. I started wondering why there were so many problems. I asked to be shown and one day it clicked "Well, I am defining myself as a problem solver, and as such I am creating more opportunities and circumstances to fulfill this template."

LB, you have described me to a T. I took on much too much problem solving for others in the past. Setting boundaries also helped "redefine" me. And what a wonderful guide you are.  🙂

"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Thank you everyone. You're right, I am just one person. I can only control my own behaviour. I can only do so much, as one person out of billions here on this rock. Reflecting on that helps me feel less helpless and I thank you.
Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
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