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The spiritual importance of raw foods

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Heidi: Yes. Um, I had a dream in which I saw a group of adolescents that went on a raw diet and I noticed they were more intelligent than others as if they had a light shining in the middle of their head, and I want to know ­ Does the raw diet do something to the center of the head, maybe the pineal gland, that would create this bright energy and a higher capacity for intelligence not in the people who were eating the cooked food?

Hilarion: Your question can be answered briefly with "Yes". Do you need more depth on this?

Heidi: A little bit.

Hilarion: The pineal gland is extremely complex. It's ability to produce various substances that at the same time are protected from the rest of the physical body by powerful irradicators of various substances that can come from the blood into the pineal makes it a very interesting organ to study, but as very difficult. It means that as it produces various components, they are very difficult to measure because they do not make their way into the blood, nor from the blood into the pineal. The pineal, however, form where it rests, between the brain hemispheres, is one of the very few components of the brain, the coliculi are another of these, that allow inter-reaction between the brain hemispheres. Intelligence is a very difficult thing to define. Goldman and others have defined various intelligences, including emotional intelligence, spatial intelligence and so on. The various intelligences clearly are moderated by brain interaction, and the pineal is able to establish this. But there is another important factor. When individuals have sufficient awareness and capability to work with higher spiritual information, the pineal gland's natural ability to produce endogenous various triptamenes, particularly, dimethyl triptemene, a very simple molecule, allows a powerful interconnectivity and interpenetration, not just between left and right brain, but between parabrain, higher mentalsoma capacities, and even higher functions as translated by the carriers, by the vibrations imbued into the DMT itself, that is the dimethyl triptemenes into the various components of the brain. These substances are natural to the body, but difficult to produce when the body is in a stressed condition. The raw diet's ability to release various aspects of fear and ego and other matters generally allow this as higher potential, but it is not required. Meditation, repeated work with projection of the consciousness, the ability to develop this capacity actually is not increasing the pineal's capacity. It is rather decreasing the brain's resistance to DMT naturally produced in the pineal. The result of this reduction of resistance is an important aspect of DMT that has been overlooked by the researchers. Its capacity when interacting with the nerves, which of course are widespread throughout the brain, produces superconductivity. The reduction in resistance is not only that with is a psychological resistance, is a resistance at the physical level.

We have spoken of these extensively in the past with references to Ohms Law, potential equals resistance multiplied by flow, an indeed with this reduction of resistance more potential is allowed. That is what you see in your dream: The potential of the great light of consciousness, God consciousness, center of universe consciousness, simply the higher self consciousness, it is more present and available to all aspects of the being. Yet, the pineal will reduce this so that the individual is not overstressed. Individuals in which such capacities for appropriate moderation has been in some way damaged or ruined for the individual, will experienced extreme psychic emergencies. These have been variously called psychosis, autism, schizophrenia, paranoia, and other important psychological states. These conditions become habit and the individual addicted to them for many karmic reasons, but underlying all of this is a malfunction between the pineal and the rest of the brain. As this is eventually understood, by scientists, there may be some attempt at drug intervention. This beings up the other important issue which is the tremendous adaptability of this system. And therefore the best way to understand and work with it is as you guessed, by the utilization of fats and oils and an appropriate diet, and this combined with spiritual exercises to reduce these aspects of resistance and eventually allow the natural higher spiritual evolution in humanity.