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All this and evil

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I see why that would make you think twice about all this.To be honest with you I think that is all garbage to keep us away from our true selves.Your body is never left empty when you obe.

What happens is a perfect copy of your concious is released.The original with all your memorys is always in your physical body.You really have nothing to worry about.

As for evil,In my own opinion.Nothing can really be evil unless it is personally labeled as so.

"your divine awareness awakens all the love in your being.Hating and  fearing forsaken,gone are the guilt and the blame.Your soul forgives,your divinity lives"


Originally posted by SilverSlider:
I'm just getting into this whole field of energy work, meditation, astral projection and that kind of thing. I can do some energy things and can pretty much meditate and I've been talking to some close friends about this and some religious friends I work with and they all tend to think that a lot of this is caused by evil spirits and leaving your body is asking for possession. Is there really any credence to this? It's really kind of bothering me and I'm really confused about it. What do you guys think??

I always found it rather funny that these religious people can come off as experts on out of body experiences without ever having one.

Whether a person is religious or just someone who's never had a projection, I think the most common belief is exactly that: a person can be possessed when they are out of their body.

However, I don't believe that when one astral projects, one is leaving their body EMPTY like a shell.  I believe that one of two things are happening:

1) We are tapping into a univeral consciousness, which allows us to interact and perceive with all kinds of entities and environments

2) We are sending our own consciousness OUT into different dimensions that exist within our own.

In either case, we are not leaving our body unattended.  There is always a connection to the body.  Anyone who has any experience with astral projection knows this, or else it wouldn't be so easy (and sometimes frustrating) to have the experience end because your being called back to your body.  If there wasn't a connection between your body and your consciousness, then once you're out projecting yourself to far reaching astral dimensions, how would you get back?  The answer is that it would be just as hard to get BACK to your body as it would to have a 100% success rate at finding someone you know.  And as many of you have probably seen, it's not always easy to make contact with the person that you're looking for.

Sorry for my rambling.  I just had two cents in my pocket and decided to give it to you!

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash - Jokes and Humor
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


It sounds like the big concern is what to do about the friends who think that developing the full potential of our minds is only possible with help from evil spirits. From the perspective of seeking further development, there is no conflict. From the perspective of those people who think it is evil, though, it could be a problem. Is there some way to continue while keeping the friends as friends?


well, silverslider, you could just shield and protect yourself before you ap. that would protect you from evil spirits posessing you (assuming they can more easily when you ap).


Secret of Secrets


Well a lot of these religious friends are ones that I work with and that's it. Even most of my closer friends don't even know I do this, I would rather not say anything because it would just be a hassle. Before I really started talking to my work buddies about this I was about 100% confident that everything is all right, but they kinda lowered that. I'm still pretty confident though

I tend to beleive more that people just get stuck in certain ways of thinking and doing things so they think this is wrong. Then there is always that fear of the unkown, just like when people were trying to fly and they used baloons that went to other cities and villagers attacked the baloons thinking it was some evil spirit or something.

Another thing, and my closing statement, if this was such a bad thing and you had such a high probability of getting possessed, where are all the evil people hiding out at??


Hi Silverslider,
My best friend has been just that for about fifteen years now. I have not told her a lot about what I do in the realms, but have mentioned it lightly to her. Her mind is fairly open and I can read that this frightens her to an extent and she is skeptical. I can not hide all of it from her as the spiritual has always been a part of my life, that is, it  has since the age of eighteen.
Once, in the past year,  I had a vision of being on an aircraft carrier, seeing and feeling everything, in the middle of a conversation with her at work. During this vision I just cut my sentence off to her to gaze at what I was "seeing". I apologized to her and did explain, after dragging my mind back to the here and now.
The higher realm teacher I had, explained that we all (the whole planet) would be receiving influxes of energy to heighten our spiritually. The teacher explained that we have all been "Hibernating" and were now awakening. It doesn't matter "who" a person might be they are all getting a dose of this life-changing energy. So don't worry about your friends right now, they will get theirs too.
Hoping to help,

Josh Redstone

Hey, never mind those religouse guys giving you that flack. Like Jeff_mash said, these guys seem to know a lot about something they dont have any experience with.
My advice to you is to be open minded if you get into this. Personally, I dont know wether its sleep paralysis or alternate relms or whatever, I just know its something we dont really get as a society yet and that it deserves exploring. I have yet to have one, but some day I plan to induce one from a lucid dream, which I'm getting better at.


After almost 20 years of experimenting in this stuff; and I have yet to be possesed by Satan! When you tell your friends about this kind of stuff, whomever they may be, odds are you have challenged their belief system. But the truth is always found in the perceptual corner of the observer.
It's in your corner now.
Good luck, and may the journey be magical.


I'm just getting into this whole field of energy work, meditation, astral projection and that kind of thing. I can do some energy things and can pretty much meditate and I've been talking to some close friends about this and some religious friends I work with and they all tend to think that a lot of this is caused by evil spirits and leaving your body is asking for possession. Is there really any credence to this? It's really kind of bothering me and I'm really confused about it. What do you guys think??