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The Conscious Mind

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I just had to share this. Sometimes I reckon we all come across things that are so well said or put together we just can't ignore it. So I want to post this for two reasons. One it's brilliant and two I think it fits very well with much of what we talk about here.

What Animals Are Thinking and Feeling - Carl Safina


Very interesting video, Nameless! Thank you for posting! 100% agree. I have an example, when my dad passed away, our dog stopped eating that same day and passed away a week later of a broken heart. How did the dog know my dad passed away? There are many similar stories from around the world. I think animals have abilities to observe and sense things that we cant.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Exactly. I know the thought that often occurs for me when someone asks how an animal knew this or that is 'well they're not stupid'. LOL
I really liked that guys presentation. Glad you watched it. :-)


 That was a great video. Thank you for the share Nameless. I agree, we Humans think that we are "all there is". I would love to see what the animals view is on all of this, lol. They have one unique characteristic that unfortunately some Humans don't even seem to and that's the ability to "Love unconditionally". We Humans do have that ability. We don't always use it though.

I love those Ted Talks, They have some great info. I really Love the ones that they "Ban". Those seem be the ones that hold the real Truths. They ban them because they don't like to "rock the boat"!  :roll:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I do enjoy the TedTalks. You know it's interesting to think that if intelligence were based on compassion we would fall somewhere near the midway to bottom half of the scale. I believe perhaps elephants would rise to the top. When we think of intelligence in different forms it could really change our perceptions of who/what we are.

I mean think about it. If intelligence were based on ability to survive I dare say the cockroach would reign supreme.