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alien in the house!

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hello i'm new here.  the reason i joined was to get some advice on Astral Projection.

i've been having trouble having an AP.  the reasons:

1- can't seem to minimize my train of thoughts
2- which explains why i can't enter the trance state <_<
3- i've never gone beyond that

..but once i was able to feel the floating sensation but i slammed back in my body.  that happened to me two days ago, that to twice!

anyone has any suggestions on how to calm my over active mind :(



Hello, alien4life. Nice to here your trying to project. My advice would be play a scene in your mind that has no sound or talking in it. That always does the trick for me. To get to the trance state just imagine yourself falling after you've silenced your mind. Also so chakra work might be very benificial.


hey nice to meet you 3588897 *hugs*

you know i haven't been practicing on my chakra lately.  i think thats maybe thats why i am unable to feel anything?  thanks for the response.  HAPPY NEW YEAR! :-)


Welcome, alien.  :-)

I sometimes have trouble steadying my mind myself. Sometimes it's easy, and sometimes I just keep thinking about stuff.

I'd say you could gradually try do distil it down to one single thought, and after that just try to clear your mind completely.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


hey skippy

thanks for the advice i would surely give it a try. :)


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