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Hey im Lewis im 18 years old  and basically i been on this website for a number off years and during that time i used to be a frequent astral projector from the age off around 8  but a load off stuff happened which stopped me astral projecting at age 15 but recently i had a change off heart and wanted to get back into astral projecting and spirituality in general

i have lost all my spiritual senses but i can still feel my guardian angels presence dunno if thats good or not i just got used to feeling my guardian angels energy for so many years i have made some progress where i do see energy in my vision but thats really all i been getting but yeah i am here to help if needed and i hope to help grow the astral pulse community and maybe one day become as good as some off the admins which i got to admit i learned a lot from when i was last on this site a couple off years ago


"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla
