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Ive had natural AP's when i was younger. often would feel like electricity coursing through me, jolting me awake. and constant flying dreams. they faded in time and i didnt think much of them.

so here I am now. Studying the metaphysical in a great many bounds. Formulated my own method of law of attraction. extensive chakra work. Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner etc. and yet.. I have never fully managed to manifest my being onto this plane. like us all, ive had my fair share of struggles that have held me back. but no longer.

Ive retaken up my interested in willful AP techniques. Knowing that upon this plateau will lead the most growth.
although with little direction and too much desire..
and so
Ive become a student of Hermes. and have been studying the 7 hermetic principles
1. the principle of Mentalism
2. the principle of Correspondence
3. the principle of Vibration
4. the principle of Polarity
5. the principle of Rhythm
6. the principle of Cause and Effect
7. the principle of Gender

Through this ive found my new direction.
using the principle of correspondence, i will use AP techniques to 'Phase' inward. to know the within. to know my self. that will be my greatest tool in knowing the vastness of that which is without. it is my stepping stone, it is my mayflower. and self discovery is my new world. i wish to know myself as "THE ALL" knows me. I am open minded to whatever journey will follow, and would greatly appreciate any aid in direction or acquaintanceship along the way


Sounds interesting there. The principles of phasing inward are not much different than evocation. It requires focus and intent. You have established vision to some degree which is good. 

This is very similar to meditation. You need to go into what is basically state of hypnosis. Even though the tape has to be discarded for projection itself the method of induction can be learned from using self hypnosis tapes. This uses sound principles and a variety of inductions   You can learn how to do this and use it as a foundation. That is focus

Understanding that the universe lies within you. You are currently tuned to a physical body but there is no reason why you cannot tune into the universe.  You have to understand that even the evocation that you have already done comes from within you and your looking at something you called up from within, not something that lives outside. In fact nothing not even me as I'm writing this post lives outside. There are two ways to see you can see with your physical eyes to the holodeck that you chose to manifest for learning or you can see within to the vast universe.

All things came from one thing by the meditation of one.

The one thing is your heart. It is a place of love and peace. If I can find it you can find it. If you do that you are awake.


Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on October 23, 2015, 10:03:45
Sounds interesting there. The principles of phasing inward are not much different than evocation. It requires focus and intent. You have established vision to some degree which is good. 

maybe i should clarify,
I dont plan on necessarily using "phasing or evocation" to achieve an AP. I plan on using any AP technique that works for me to achieve the AP state of mind. once im "out" as one might say. i will then Phase my awarness into the field of reality that exists within myself. I wish to know who i am. ALL OF ME.
past lifes, future lifes, access my personal akashic records. the within reflects the without, if i find myself, maybe i'll find god


Okay. lets clarify things a little bit. I did not say use evocation to AP. I am saying that you can evoke an entity to HELP you learn to AP

AP is the same thing as phasing. I prefer Monroe's terminology because it's more descriptive and more accurate. You do not leave your body. You are not in your body to begin with most of you is in non material reality.  All you are doing is focusing on that instead of physical. When you get to that state you will see this is true very easily if you don't get distracted.

You need to learn to meditate or trance ( both the same thing essentially) to a deep state and be able to hold it there without falling asleep.


I have been meditating in trance states for roughly an hour each time. The problem is i think is i remain too focused, too alert as to my intentions. but small steps i suppose.

what methods of evocation do you recommend? ive tried "calling" to my higher self, and to the "brotherhood" but still.. no luck