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That Woah Guy Is Back... :)

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I don't know if many of you know or will remember me as I was just another regular member on here quite a while ago...

Anyway, I hadn't even thought about anything astral or metaphysical for a long time except for the occasional few minutes here and there, but the other day I picked up a book of mine about OBEs, and started to crave whatever it is I was learning here.
So I came back to the forums, looked around a bit and my interest in all things spiritual came back.

So how is everyone?


Quote from: Lola on June 13, 2007, 21:59:12
welcome back, i remember you but it was a different avatar, wasn't it?

I think I'd just switched to this one before I left.
I also think I liked the old one(s) better. :)

And now, I put it back to one of my old ones.
I didn't want to because it's from the cover of an album I don't like, but the image is pretty neat sooo here it is.


Hey Woah,

I remember you too :).
Welcome Back.

Hannah b

hey Woah! Great to see you back :wink:
The only constant in the Universe is change