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11:11, 22:22, 19:19.....

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I heard it's common for people to see same numbers when looking at the clock. Someone once referred me to Jung's book on synchronicity in order to find out more about it, but I haven't yet had an opportunity for this. Was wondering if anyone has find out what it means?


when you see 11:11 it means you keep looking at the clock because you want lunchtime to roll around.

legit vids.  not for lolcats.



Sorry, all that comes to mind here is:

'Someone looks at a clock.. "oh, its 11:11". He then looks at his watch "OMG 11:11 again"'


Karxx Gxx

well this is weird becuase i opened this, and read like 4 words up intill clock and looked. it was 10:10 ...  :-o
Your way is The way


Yeah, I know exacty what you mean. It's definitely not a coincidence. I remember when I first start seeing same numbers on clock and start to write them down to see if there are any patterns. I talked to a friend about it and he said that if I will write them down, I will start seeing it even more. Made sense so I stoped paying attention to it for quite some time. But nevertheless it never stops.