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11:11..Now I see 9:11

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Hi Guys,

It's been a real long time since I've been here but I thought I would come back to share my experience at the moment. I have been seeing the time 11:11 for quite a while now and just thought of it as a good omen. Often I am deliberating something in my head when I look up and see it on the digital clock. I usually know what decision to make from there on.

Lately I have been seeing a whole lot of 9:11. Not just only on the clock but also else where. I work in a call centre and I work with dates a lot and entering them into the computer. The date 09/11 is coming soon and I wander if it holds something in store for me.

Has anyone else experienced this lately. I didn't know anybody else experienced 11:11 until I came across it by accident on Uri Gellers website

Also I think I should add that my role in my job at the moment is helping out the new trainees and I get a real buzz out of it. It's something to do with my life purpose and I know it is teaching me a lot and will come in handy in the future. I reckon I am being told that I am on the right track

So check it out and let me know what you reckon is going on  :wink:

Step outside the square you live in.


I hope so man! I'm sick of waiting...

Fingers crossed it's 9/11...


11:11 has deep metaphysical implications.  Both in the past, as well as in the future.  Both the time is a reminder, the date is more important.

Now by 9/11, well, your not an american(that would be September 9th), since for us it's 11/9(november 9th).  I guess it depends on the syntax of the channeler?

Here's one link: is full of 11:11 references, it has to do with dimensions and DNA among other things.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Thanks for the link. The light worker site was bit heavy for me just at the moment. I get the feeling that this all has something to do with numerology. My birthday is coming up on 18/11 or 11/18 for the Americans  :lol:

I was born 18/11/1983 so maybe someone can put something together from that. Anyway I'm still interested in what ya'll think

Step outside the square you live in.


So today was 9/11 and of course I saw 09:11 which was kind of fun. I can't help but think that I'm getting some sort of sign from above but I just can't work it out. It's kinda getting frustrating now.

Oh well. I'll just be cool about it and I'm sure it will present itself in time
Step outside the square you live in.


Personally I'd think of it as becoming aware that we live in important times.. I reckon this month is going to be very interesting... :D

I had one of those moments a while ago actually .. it was pretty cool. It was the 4/4/04, and i was on the net, and i noticed it was 4:44am and went 'whoa!', then I opened up the time panel in windows, and when i opened it up, it clicked over to 4:44 and 44 seconds. Which was cool. :D


11:11 try to code your heart with, and get the answer!
Don't do it.
Do it.
Don't do it!


11:11..  isn't that a gateway number like 12:12 ?  There has been a lot of  seeing the number series' this past year for a lot of people.  What gets me is how we aren't setting ourselves up to look at that moment... we automatically look away from what we are doing and just see it.

So far this year, Ive noticed all the 3's and 4's series...  the 10:10, 11:11, and 12:12...  and others like 10:01, etc.

your birthdate numbers are interesting, as you are one of the few males with a 5...  which is usually associated with Female energy and Balance.

On a grid the numbers show what 'tools' you brought into this life and what things you wanted to work on.  So, the tools you brought in are.. 1, new beginnings.... 3, what I see as the effort you put in to establish your spiritual connection... 5, FE & Balance: your birthdate numbers added together..  8, for Power and 9, for End of Cycles.

The blank spaces are..  2, for understanding your relationships to all things....  4, for strong bases/foundations in this life... 6, what I see as creating the full spiritual connection, where it's a 2-way street...  7, for Learning.  These are the things you chose to 'attain' this life.

This is really very basic Numerology with a hint of my own perceptions thrown in.




I see 9:11 all the time too. :/ No idea why but have been for several months if not longer.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

Hannah b

I love this...I'm reading this post,I glance at the computer clock and it's 15:15... :wink:
The only constant in the Universe is change


you should check out this web-site also and click on the 11:11 button...enjoy.

I'm also recording my 11:11.


yeah this woman from crystallinks has got a very strong presence.i jumped very often blind to this hp trough new age portals.


heres one for you aussie-swede,

You were born 11/18/1983

1+1+1+8= 11

1983 = 8+3=11

thats two 11's for ya, 11:11 plus the eleventh month of nov.

I have conditioned quite a few people to 11:11, and Ill tell you, its not difficult and it is important to do. Once people realize the significance, and that is relevant to many issues, more will waken. So the more conditioned, the more aware.

What I mean by conditioning, is that when we have it in our minds that a certain number should be seen on a clock, often we will begin looking for it subconciously and we will see it. This is the beginning though. Once we have conditioned our minds to see 11:11 as part of our time, part of our lives in the moments that tick by, we will see it and it will occur in many other places.


I, for instance, Have been seeing 1111 for some time before 9/11 occured. 9+1+1=11, since then though the occurances have increased meaning that the significance of its meaning has become more relevant.

My modem number is somehow randomly 1111, everyday I pass by the address 1111 and always look at it without thinking about it. My flight from Mexico when I had lost my mind was 1111, I was born one day after the end of november, 12/1/1979 12-1=11.
the list continues and I cant keep track of them all, but I know that each time I see it, I lose myself in my head for a full minute to contemplate on the future.

dont just see the numbers in front of you how they are though, you should also find associations. Numbers, formulae, etc.

Perhaps there should be group, besides those with, who is it, Solara? WHo get together to celebrate the 11:11 gate opening.

There should be another group that gets 11:11 of the eleventh hour?
Personally I can see something like that being an important aspect, and perhaps the stars see it in our hand eh? I dont like the fact that we are all so passive on our computers, communicating and talking but never acting.....there should be more.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


could be somebody so kind to decode my birth date?
I was born on 10/01/1983   MM:DD:YYYY



YY%% -  '1900' is blended?.

1+9 and 8+3= 10 + 11 = 21 ;
2+1 = 3rd dimensional coding


if 18:58
does this mean 9:13, yet???
Quoteclick on the 11:11 button...enjoy

i don't found this kind of button,plz hlp.


i ve got a new message this night:
the old message was 18:58>>>9:13

i noticed :

9:13 substracted the 2nd raw by 2 i get equalation of 11:11
15:7 substracted the 1st raw by  4 i get equalation 11:11

HLP i don't figure out what was planted into my crazy brain....!!!!


aleshah, are you still looking for the 11:11 link on  Here it is:

Speaking of numbers, I don't see a lot of the 11:11, but i do see a lot of other patterns.  The patterns i see are usually like this:  404, 303, 606, 909, 101, and etc.  I can't seem to find much information on such occurance.  Can anyone help?:?

Have a wonderful day.


what are you ppl saying with the 11-11, might be interresting to calculate it for me since i have no clue what you need to know for it to be calculated and such =) help me out, i wonder what there can be made of it, that is IF..


I went through a period about three or four years ago, (right before my first big evolutionary leap) where I saw 11:11 constantly..I obviously saw it whenever it was 11:11 on the clock, but I also saw it in lots of other places..newspapers, magazines, things would ring up 11 dollars and 11 cents at the grocery really started driving me mad in a way.. But I KNEW it meant something..hard to explain but every time I would see it I felt that the moment meant something I couldnt quite explain...back then I had no idea this was an actual "something" that happened to others as well.

Recently I started seeing 11:11 again a lot. WHich makes sense, because I have been going through more leaps energy level is charging up big time and Ive been having a lot of dreams/visions/channelings again. This definately means something..its amazing! Especially when I happened to find an explanation on the internet one day and was like like "Wooah!"


I think this can get taken a bit far. I look at the clock a lot for repeated numbers, but I doubt there's anything magical about them.

It's wicked fun to pretend though and point and shout "ELEVEN ELEVEN!" to freak people out though :)

I don't get the whole adding numbers together and stuff though. Obviously people only recognize 911 because it's an emergency number and the date of the trade tower bombing.


after the atack in the here in the us, i see the time 9:11 a lot. i dont think it meens anything. its just the news here refures the atack, 9/11. I saw that soooo much on tv, that i noticed it on the clock. I would see other times too, but just because that number stook out more then the others.


i see this numbers in physical world but i do not get stuck on it.What i described i perceived this numbers by my subconscious mind.

In another forum they said this numbers indicate the energy level you are currently in.


there is no single answer for these occurances, and nobody should try to control or obsess about them. One should only feel comfortable with the knowledge that if they are seeing these numbers, understanding and feeling them, then they are among those who may be awaking to the reality of our world.

One must realize, not all number patterns mean the same thing, but they do occur, for we live in a geometric world.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


I just remember looking at my new digital watch in either Kindergarten or grade 1 at 11:11am and realizing it was the only time when all the numbers would be the same. Other groups of number became 'familiar' to me, 12:34, 1:23, 9:11 (first only because of the emergency number), as well as 52 (because it looked like a t-shirt). Basically, it continued to be sort of a game I played when I couldn't sleep. Also messed around figuring out how and which lines on a number needed to move to make the next one.
- Skeptical until proven otherwise -

Hans Solo

"Man, I just sprinted a mile and my heart chakra is going crazy!"

"Women only want me for my Focus 4"


Hahaha Wow! I want some of what that guy is smokin' for damn sure :)

Good Times!
Faith is falling into the Abyss knowing that eternity will catch you.
Humans are to Magick.......As monkeys are to double-barrel shotguns! :)