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A glitch in the matrix?

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This morning something really weird happened. Now, these two folks could have been trolling me. Or each other... I was walking back to my dwelling through a neighboring suburb. As I walked past a particular house, there were two people in the driveway pulling items out of a truck. One was an older gentleman and the other- quite possibly his Son. I didn't stare at them, didn't feel like waving hello either so I just walked casually past them.
As the son handed the man something I heard the man say, "thank you" and then the son, "thank you" and then the man again, "thank you" and the son again, "thank you." At this point I thought they were joking with each other, or trying to get my attention- but there was no additional emotion behind it- and it was in the same tone each time.

Not only that, they continued to say thank you two more times before everything ended. They said the same thank you 8 times, 4 times from each person. Probably in the span of 10 seconds?

It was so surreal I wondered if someone was trying to play a trick on me.
I even had the thought, did I just witness a glitch in the matrix?


Haha, that's trippy! It sounds like a matter fabric glitch. Like a film roll with a scratch that keeps flipping to the same frame over and over lol.
If you want to be entertained find the movie "Free Guy". When I watched it on the big screen and I saw the portrayal of being inside a video game but not knowing it (seeing the fabric of the environment), I felt claustrophobic for a few minutes. Almost wanted to get out of the theater because I knew where we are is very much a designed fabric environment and I felt that the fabric will crush me. I wanted to get out of it and feel free. It was a very weird feeling. After that when I watched it on TV it did not have that effect, but it's a very good and funny movie.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Interesting experience.

Well, the so called "physical world" in an illusion, a projection of the personal and collective Mind. Since your own mind is responsible for projecting personal experience, it may well be that your subconscious mind caused you to experience this for a specific reason. What though of course is between your conscious and subconscious mind.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Thank you Adrian. I have learned the subconscious mind doesn't just exist within our brain but extends outside our physical bodies too.
There seems to be moments of real communion with the conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind.
Maybe beings we've called angels are actually forms moving through the superconscious??

This experience was more like the reality with which I am accustomed to had a momentary malfunction. The desire of late is to be in communion with God more often. So maybe that's what's being communicated here... A way to grab my attention compared to the more traditional manifestative styled promptings I've learned to recognize.

It fascinates me that this intelligence can actually manipulate physical reality to demonstrate its presence as one that is *guiding and/or *comforting. To be prompted in a way that makes us say, "that's crazy!" is actually quite comforting when you start to think of it as coming from a Loving God. Though there are schools of thought that would say we are that- I acknowledge the little me is not. I am not trying to create distance from God by making such a proclamation- I just don't think I am solely responsible for manipulating past/present/future, material reality and the things supposedly outside of my control in such an intelligent way.

No I am not self-realized/Actualized, but there are moments of real communion. To me, it's important to give God as an all knowing(yes that means God knows the things we don't), all powerful, an all loving and omnipotent creator due respect. I would rather think my self a student, friend, child and lover of God. All that matters(to me) is to Know God. To Seek God. And to be in that state of communion more often. It's a beautiful place to be.

I do believe we are given taste, and we are constantly(while in these bodies) seeking or desiring the Source. Maybe the mission is, how much sooner can we bring ourselves back in Communion with God?


Quote from: tides2dust on October 23, 2024, 22:33:38Thank you Adrian. I have learned the subconscious mind doesn't just exist within our brain but extends outside our physical bodies too.

Yes, there is a common misconception that the brain is the mind and seat of consciousness, and that the brain is capable of originating thought. In fact, the brain is simply an organic interface that the subconscious mind uses to maintain bodily functions and impulses from the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is an aspect of Spirit, and therefore of Source that exists everywhere in the universe, eternity, concurrently. Ultimately the brain and body do not even exist, except as a projection of the subconscious mind.

QuoteThis experience was more like the reality with which I am accustomed to had a momentary malfunction. The desire of late is to be in communion with God more often. So maybe that's what's being communicated here... A way to grab my attention compared to the more traditional manifestative styled promptings I've learned to recognize.

God, Source communicates through the Heart as intuition, inspiration, knowing, and not through language or any other device. Any "promptings" you receive are likely originating from your Higher Self which of course has an interest in your Spiritual evolution during an Earthly life.

QuoteNo I am not self-realized/Actualized, but there are moments of real communion. To me, it's important to give God as an all knowing(yes that means God knows the things we don't), all powerful, an all loving and omnipotent creator due respect. I would rather think my self a student, friend, child and lover of God. All that matters(to me) is to Know God. To Seek God. And to be in that state of communion more often. It's a beautiful place to be.

Indeed. Ultimately Spiritual Evolution is all about being and becoming progressively more "God-like", more Divine, until finally we Experience Divinity absolutely, and we have finally returned Home.

The objective of incarnations on Earth, and in the Astral, all of which take place concurrently as "time" does not exist, is to transcend the influence of the ego to be more aligned with Divine Love.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: tides2dust on October 23, 2024, 22:33:38The desire of late is to be in communion with God more often...

No I am not self-realized/Actualized, but there are moments of real communion. To me, it's important to give God as an all knowing (yes that means God knows the things we don't), all powerful, an all loving and omnipotent creator due respect. I would rather think my self a student, friend, child and lover of God. All that matters(to me) is to Know God. To Seek God. And to be in that state of communion more often. It's a beautiful place to be.

I do believe we are given taste, and we are constantly (while in these bodies) seeking or desiring the Source. Maybe the mission is, how much sooner can we bring ourselves back in Communion with God?

I have felt the same desire to be in communion with God, even more so of late and have experienced such. A Divine presence that I have no doubt felt, seen and experienced from time to time. I still believe God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent as the creator. Also agree that God knows things we don't. This is the Christian part of me and the belief continues. I just can't adhere to the concept that we are all God. I may strive to have spiritual experiences and to be more pure, more evolved, closer to the divine in thoughts, actions and behavior, which brings me closer to God's reflection. But God I am not. Being part of God, being created by God in his reflection, is one thing, but being God is another. I also believe when we die we maintain our personal autonomy and conscience, instead of dissolving into a collective. I believe our experiences help us evolve, and ascend in spirit. Our experiences are observed by the divine with purpose, the details of which may not be fully known, but despite God being omniscient, there may be knowledge gained.

 Just my thoughts, I realize opinions differ greatly on the subject.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Yes, for many the  truth that we ARE God, Source, The One etc is a leap to far for many, which is understandable. It might be more acceptable for such people to consider themselves to be children of God, which is also true. For Christian people, they might like to read the passage in the Christian Bible were Jesus said: "In that day you will know that I am in my Father, you in me and I in you", which means we are all one with each other and with God, Source.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Yes, I am familiar with that passage and agree with what it says. I agree with the concept of being the children of God. I believe we are all created by God, part of God, but not God himself. I also believe there is a oneness with everything, the earth, the people, nature, the animals etc.. When we are in communion with God I do feel a oneness with God as well, but it just does not resonate with me to carry it a step further and say I am God. Feeling a Divine presence many times in my life (that was quite powerful, beautiful and overwhelming) it became apparent to me that the feeling of oneness with God is very different than feeling we are God. To me we are not on the same tier of existence. I'm sure some of these beliefs are part of my Christian upbringing, but thus far, it still rings true with me.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Yes I understand your position completely. All I would add is that "feeling we are God" is not the same as Knowing that we are God. And yes, the whole meaning of Spiritual evolution, as I mentioned earlier in a previous post, is to progressively realise more and more of our Divinity, to become more and more God-like, Divine, until ultimately we are on the same "tier" as God, and we are finally truly Home. Actually we never left, but that is a different topic.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


For someone that have experienced the Oneness from the point of view of All That Is, I know (not just believe) we can perceive this and that, not this OR that. We can perceive being ALL THAT IS. We are not only what we think we are at this focus. If we shed all filters that we have imposed as a single expression we perceive ourselves as God. There is no dissolvement of personality, but you are able to observe yourselves and everyone/everything all at once. I know this is not easy to  be understood or comprehended from a character point of view. Some day when we become in spirit we will understand the true nature of existence and expressions, wheat they are, their purpose, but ultimately creation has no beginning and no end, we were not created afterwards by God as a bi-product. We all compose the completeness of God. We can not experience the power of the oneness because we have created the illusion that we are something small and separate.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Well stated LightBeam. Experiencing leaves one in no doubt whatsoever, only an absolute knowing, as to the true intrinsic nature of who we really Are. Also the truth that the Universe is One, must mean that the Universe and all it encompasses is God, Source, The One, The All, and that as such we must also be that same Source. "Children of God" implies duality, ergo, God and the children of God, as separate entities. This is simply an illusion of the ego, which exists get its own way through attempting to propagate duality.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Exactly, Adrian! I understand the function of the ego. It protects, but it has no visibility outside of its character. Character experience is necessary as we have discussed here many a time. However, it's very beneficial to go through the motions of dense experiences as individualized characters, but at the same time KNOWING on a large scale who and what you truly are is incredible.  Characters seek protection and help outside of themselves because they have created the illusion of separation and they can't experience the power of the Oneness. And that is perfectly fine, it is the design of these realities. It's just when you know that you are the Oneness (not in egoistical superior way, but all of us and everything together) is a game changer of how you experience these realities, the joy and fearlessness, the understanding of why things happen they way they happen. This is truly so freeing. At least for me. And again, the fear of losing the personality is also an illusion. It is never lost, it is enriched with perceiving everything all at once.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Good morning Astral Pulse! = ) I am so happy we can engage in this conversation, respecting each persons belief with where they are at- this means we acknowledge that there are people separate from ourselves experiencing with God a different reality than what we are currently engaged with.

Ah- what a paradox! Even more, if we consider a higher self then we acknowledge that there is a self in some fashion separate from what we presently identify but still belonging to whatever constitutes this "higher" aspect... Curious?? Hahaha, oh no, let's not get tangled up!!  :-D
 Or maybe it's time to create a knot for the hell of it. Hehehe...

Okay, I am caffeinated and just having fun with words without putting much thought- this is not good for anyone.

I will most certainly come back and re-read this thread when I'm not as pressed for time... But I can't help myself, this is exciting, so I am here to participate-

Please do share your beliefs as you've experienced them, or even feel free to draw from whatever doctrine you find your self engaged with(presently).

Lately, I've been studying something called the Urantia Book with a wonderful group of people. I'm not sure I believe everything in it, but I also acknowledge that my understanding is limited. It's true, my knowledge is limited. This alone tells me there is something greater than my self.

The UB says, "God is everything, but not everything is God"

It's a head scratcher- but then I look at all of us who say our immediate incarnations are illusions, while still recognizing a higher self and even going so far as saying the higher self is not the same as God.

The UB says we are gifted something called Thought Adjusters, which are immediate links to God and our destiny is to fuse with them. There are myriads of beings within these realms which for me- I am thinking have something to do with the subconscious and superconscious planes. I believe what we consider ETs may even be a part of this-

My personal belief is yes, there is an intrinsic bond with all that is- and once again, whatever you believe- it is more important to be in communion with God or ~all that is~ than to think we have this reality or the realities we barley understand figured out.

That doesn't mean we can't talk about it. I believe it is a noble pursuit, especially because we *seek God, we *crave God.... Truly... And it's ok to not have it figured out, it's ok to deviate... It's ok to get things wrong.

So I am very happy to see the thread moved in this direction.

My favorite quote is by a beautiful Realized saint, Anandamayi Ma... Please consider:

"Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same."

She recognized that there is an Eternal nature and a changeable nature.

I believe the changeable nature is a part of the Eternal nature- but the Eternal nature can exist independently.
I do not think this life is an illusion-

I think this life is something to celebrate- and I believe the wedding of Spiritual and Material is profound. That's what this existence is to me- the wedding of Material and Immaterial. Nature and Spirit, dancing together. The dance is what I'm here to enjoy. And I believe, certainly, I am not dancing alone.

.... I would like to give this more thought later, and more sincere efforts if others continue to participate.

Loving regards  :-) 


Will continue to read this topic tomorrow and comment as appropriate, but regarding:

QuoteThe UB says, "God is everything, but not everything is God"

I am not familiar with ideas promulgated by that book, but that quote could be more accurately be phrased as:

"God is everything, but not everything is God-like"
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: Adrian on October 24, 2024, 10:36:34Will continue to read this topic tomorrow and comment as appropriate, but regarding:

I am not familiar with ideas promulgated by that book, but that quote could be more accurately be phrased as:

"God is everything, but not everything is God-like"

and to continue, not everything is God-like because it has forgotten that it is God and perceives itself as not God, thus creating an illusion. This is where these simulations feel real and the experiences are real, but the reflections are simulations for learning.

I like to keep things very very simple. All That is IS All That Is. Nothing is outside of All That Is, otherwise it would not be All That Is. 

The parts that perceive individuality are exactly where they need to be at any given focus with specific amount of knowledge. That creates the thrill of re-discovery as if it's something new. Otherwise there will be no thrill.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi Adrian, the UBook is challenging and it takes time to become familiar with the ideas presented. I understand what you and LB are suggesting.

But basically the UB says
"God is all and in all, but all is not God because God is the Source of all and therefore greater than all."

It may be too hard for limited minds like ours to comprehend. It may be that there are no words to corrrectly describe one who is 'more than all.' But the UB implies God as a personality.

I do enjoy trying, reaching and imagining.



I like to think of God and our individual consciousness as the well-known analogy of a drop in the ocean. Is the drop the ocean? Is the ocean in the drop? I believe the drop is the ocean itself and also part of it. The ocean exists thanks to each drop. If the drop experiences itself as a drop or the ocean depends on its current state of consciousness and focus. In lower planes, it's a drop; in higher planes, it's the ocean.

I know it's difficult to understand the spiritual world through material analogies, but well.
Also considering time doesn't exist and we experience everything simultaneously in the plane of pure consciousness, linear evolution is challenging to grasp. I might be experiencing my primitive, intermediate, and most elevated state of consciousness (being one with God) all at once.
So, It's not entirely incorrect to say I'm God and not God at the same time, as both might be correct in different levels of focus and perception. I feel like I now only experience being a condensed state of being of a broader One. I like to think of oneness with God as if the walls of this illusory container (ego/egosphere) are broken and the fusion with all takes place, but in a sense of Being. But perhaps this is a confusion on my part and has more to do with the Higher Self and not with the very Source of everything that exists.

I haven't had the Source experience (that would be marvelous) and appreciate those who shared their experiences here, because it clarifies and confirms what many books say.
My furthest superhuman experience was losing ego and melt with a vast network of consciousnesses in a collective mind, multiple times. But that wasn't experiencing God; I knew there was more beyond, but in my current state, it would've been overwhelming to experience it.
Theosophical branches raise another question: is God personal or impersonal? Is it 'someone' or simply the substance composing everything (consciousness in different degrees)? While experiencing human ego, this answer seems out of reach, as there are states beyond individuality incomprehensible to the human mind.
God must be experienced directly to truly understand. Still, I enjoy philosophizing about it and reading about it.

This conversation is fascinating! Regarding Tides' Matrix glitch, simply wow! My friends and I experience similar inconsistencies, showing this physical reality, solid as it seems, has unexplained inconsistencies.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


That's beautiful Tak~ And I agree with what you're saying. As well as Adrian, LB and Frosty. As you know, I'm not sure where I stand with the UB but I do find myself interested in understanding its revelations.

The book says that God is the Ocean, the drop and still God is more than the ocean or the drop. The book is clear God *is a personality.

Do we think there are personalities that exist beyond the human experience? Experiences that transcend ordinary perspectives? I believe so.

I especially like this quote form the UB...

99:5.7 (1091.6)Just as certainly as men share their religious beliefs, they create a religious group of some sort which eventually creates common goals. Someday religionists will get together and actually effect co-operation on the basis of unity of ideals and purposes rather than attempting to do so on the basis of psychological opinions and theological beliefs. Goals rather than creeds should unify religionists. Since true religion is a matter of personal spiritual experience, it is inevitable that each individual religionist must have his own and personal interpretation of the realization of that spiritual experience. Let the term "faith" stand for the individual's relation to God rather than for the creedal formulation of what some group of mortals have been able to agree upon as a common religious attitude.

--- I like how the UB defines faith. We all have a personal experience with a Living/Loving God... it's more important to be united by the pursuits of a common goal(to know god) than the summations of a 'superior philosophy'


Wow, ya'll gettin deep! I loved all your responses and can't say I truly disagree with any of you. So what caught my attention was the title since I had a weird one myself today. My son came in the house several times today (bringing stuff in from outside) and every time he followed himself in again. This repeated three of four times, it was weird.

But then as sometimes happens the topic went sliding sideways. LOL. It happens. Seems God has been the most sought after individual since the dawning of time or man. I picture him grabbing hie tunic and high-stepping it through the tulips with a gaggle of humanity chasing him. AND it's all an illusion according to some.Soooo, what do I think?

I think God is Spirit and presides in the spirit world (not the woowoo one). I believe this spirit is a LIVING spirit, hence the reason it GIVES LIFE. Depending of course on your religion or private thoughts it is this Spirit that we all share (all of us, including minerals, animals, plants and other living things we haven't met yet) who share something in common. The other parts of that we are individually made of can and do comprise many things. However I do not believe for one second it is all an illusion. For if it is an illusion then I must ask myself, what is an illusion?

That living breathing spirit is what we all have in common.

Thanks Tides for a wonderful discussion.


Quote from: Nameless on October 24, 2024, 19:40:59For if it is an illusion then I must ask myself, what is an illusion?

I'll give you an example which can serve as analogy on many levels. I go to Disneyland and enter the Star Tours ride. The experience feels very real, but it actually is a simulation that we are in space on a spaceship lol. The way I know the Star Tours ride is a simulation, The same way I know that this physical reality is a simulation. Don't ask me how I know haha. I just do, cant explain. But the experience is real. All experiences are real, but the definition of game simulation/staged plays is probably different for all of us and we understand it differently.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Here is something simple to understand "You are God having a human experience" :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: tides2dust on October 24, 2024, 16:32:46Hi Adrian, the UBook is challenging and it takes time to become familiar with the ideas presented. I understand what you and LB are suggesting.

But basically the UB says
"God is all and in all, but all is not God because God is the Source of all and therefore greater than all."

It may be too hard for limited minds like ours to comprehend. It may be that there are no words to corrrectly describe one who is 'more than all.' But the UB implies God as a personality.

I do enjoy trying, reaching and imagining.

I am not familiar with the Urantia book or the absolute origin of the information presented therein except that it was apparently channelled. The origin of channelled works are always virtually impossible to verify and accordingly the veracity of what is being conveyed cannot be completely relied upon. For example, I am aware of books that claim to have been channelled from higher celestial beings, but which are quite quite obviously channelled from Astral beings, well meaning though they may be. That is not to shed doubt on the accuracy of such channelled information, but the fact is we can never be absolutely sure to the extent that it can be relied upon, if at all. We also cannot be sure how much the ego, beliefs etc  of the channellers has influenced the text.

Further, the human language is woefully inadequate to enunciate these higher truths. Beyond Earth, all communication is by mind to mind thought transfer, which is unambiguous and complete. 

As to:
Quote"God is all and in all, but all is not God because God is the Source of all and therefore greater than all."

There is no "greater" or "lesser"- these are dualities. All in existence, The All, The One, is Source, God, and therefore must all be Perfect and equal in every way. Yes, Source, by definition is the Source of All That Is", but All That Is, including Humans, are still Source, God, and therefore must be equal and there can be no other way.

Edit: I would like to make it absolutely clear that my above comments regarding channelled works are not directed towards the Urantia book specifically. I have not read any of that book, or intend to, and accordingly cannot comment on specific content.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: LightBeam on October 24, 2024, 22:32:46Here is something simple to understand "You are God having a human experience" :)

Yes, or to put this another way:

God experiences through us, as us.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


My last post served to remind me of a short poem I was inspired to write many years ago to share with the then newsletter readers. The poem, entitled "God Is Therefore I Am" is applicable to every human being, for everyone to utilise, affirming our true relationship with Source, God:

God Became Me That I Could Become God, Therefore I Am God

God Is All, I Am God, Therefore I Am All

God Is Mind, I Am God, Therefore I Am Mind

God Is Light, I Am God, Therefore I Am Light

God Is Love, I Am God, Therefore I Am Love

God Is Infinite, I Am God, Therefore I Am Infinite

God Is Eternal, I am God, Therefore I Am Eternal

God Is Perfect, I Am God, Therefore I May Realise Perfection

God Expresses Through Me, As Me, Therefore I Express Experience

God Is, Therefore I Am

And So It Is.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Good morning Adrian, Nameless, and all participants!  :-)

That's a wonderful Realization/affirmation, Adrian. I am happy to see you have a beautiful sense of Faith, and I am happy to see it in all who have posted here.

All I can add is, when it comes to the human experience, 'never say never.'   :-D 

Believe it or not, I have felt very similar to you- LB and Tak with regards towards my ideas and personal experiences of/as/with God/Consciousness for many years. I have been with the 1111 forum since 2008, where the UB was waiting for me. It took 16 years before I'd even be open to it. Now, I find my self comfortable enough with my relationship in God as a Living/Guiding Spirit that I am curious to the nudges and whispers from this guiding intelligence and so I am giving the UB a honest/sincere attempt.

That same Living Spirit has me moving through Sufism, The Law of One and now The UB. The "peacock angel" is, according to one of the worlds oldest religions, the first manifestation of God. That manifestation has been bestowed with pointing man towards the Sun. This has a special significance to me, and it goes back to something you said earlier---
Quote from: Adrian on October 24, 2024, 04:10:45Indeed. Ultimately Spiritual Evolution is all about being and becoming progressively more "God-like", more Divine, until finally we Experience Divinity absolutely, and we have finally returned Home.

The objective of incarnations on Earth, and in the Astral, all of which take place concurrently as "time" does not exist, is to transcend the influence of the ego to be more aligned with Divine Love.

The UB is considered, "revelatory evolution." My Sufi friend teaches what religion is at its core, and all sincere forms of worship and seeking are respected. The channeler of the UB was, supposedly, a blue collared worker with not interest in what was coming out. Even more curious, this peacock angel has assumed many forms(meaning, influencing various cultures) on this planet and region of time/space all for the sake of helping Man develop that Divine Relationship.

And so I revert back to the UBs definition of faith-
Quote from: tides2dust on October 24, 2024, 17:47:17Let the term "faith" stand for the individual's relation to God rather than for the creedal formulation of what some group of mortals have been able to agree upon as a common religious attitude.

Because that relationship is personal, there is no inclination(from me) to tell someone else they are wrong- I look at another's sincerity and celebrate the desire, ideal and common bond(Which the Sufi implores me to find). It's a beautiful World!