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Aliens visited by TMI

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I found this old article from TMI about visiting aliens species, some destroyed by war,
at this link. From the text:

"With the aid of F42 Hemi-Sync frequencies, we traveled to the Alpha Centauri
and Sirius star systems. Alpha Centauri had lots of planets circling in a doughnut
shaped belt around two suns. The beings there (angular, short limbed) were very
friendly (their energy felt like part of my I-There cluster), and they showed me
around. They seemed to have a "pair" consciousness, though they can also function
alone with some difficulty. Sirius felt empty and desolate. The custodian energy-being
there told me that Sirius's many planets were destroyed by war and natural disasters.
Many Sirians left and settled/incarnated in the neighboring star systems, including
Earth and Alpha Centauri. I felt deep compassion, love, and a desire to heal the
entire area. On another trip, we visited Arcturus, which felt heavy/low in energy
and old. The Pleiades was a very familiar energy. There seemed to be several
civilizations able to "teleport" themselves and their large ships from one planet
to another via laser telescope–type equipment. The beings there were golden/orange,
very thin, with triangular faces and slanted eyes, and resembled one of my guides.
Orion felt like a sort of United Nations—the government of our galactic neighborhood—with
ambassadors from many star systems, including ours. We were introduced to an energetic
multidimensional space station, called "Alpha Squared," that symbolized our I-There cluster
in the Sea of I-There Clusters. It appeared as a cylinder full of energy swirls (I-Theres)
bonded to each other, transferring and homogenizing their energy, and thus bonding with
more I-Theres. Eventually, they all click into one piece and become a fully formed I-There
cluster. The process is similar when I-There clusters eventually form a sea of clusters.

I wonder how close to us, those aliens are? Have any of you tried to communicate with them?

They seem to be part of our I-Theres, but so far I think I've only managed to communicate with
one member who was turtle-like.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Very cool stuff. I haven't met many ETs but I do hope they make physical contact before we destroy our planet.
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I had an OBE last night where I came upon a large ornate flying saucer and a normal looking man (just rather short) said he had been the being that had been waving at me (for years while meditating I occasionally see an outline of a man waving at me). Some of his also short cohorts gathering around and asked if I wanted to go flying with them but wondered if I was too old (I'm 50) so were looking at my physical fitness and decided I was fine. I walked onboard and when they started to lift off I asked if they wanted my DNA and they all looked at each other without answering so I flew off (it wasn't easy getting through their 'window'). This could all be an elaborate dream but it felt hyper-real and is the only time I've experienced anything ET-like. Interesting. 


Very interesting indeed! I'm came across several UFOs in dreams but never got to see the pilots.

Do you recall where they took you? What did the inside of the vessel look like? Were the people wearing any funny suits?
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The 'aliens' looked and were dressed very normally, just short with slightly larger heads. There are theories that some look like us so I guess that's not out of the question if this was representative of something real.

The outside of the ships (there were 6 that landed all at once) was spectacular but the inside vestibule (the only part I saw) was unimpressive, just some long tables were some people were sitting and eating. What was interesting is how I felt no hesitation about going with them until I remembered all the abduction stories and figured this might not be a good idea. Of course, it was just my astral body so I was never in any harm, but still, why chance an unpleasant experience?

Perhaps the most interesting part is that I have seen this small skinny being with a large head waving at me for years (the first time when I was meditating in the desert in Arizona) so the fact that he stated this was him makes me wonder if I'm picking up on an inter-dimensional being.


Yea, could definitely be. Cool stuff.
Check out my blog @


That war-torn Sirius area reminds me of a great deal of esoteric history that tells that they had many very long wars against the people from Orion.


This is exactly the kind of thing that interests me, I've wanted to meet an extraterrestrial for as long as I can remember and this is the sort of thing that keeps that desire alive.


Quote from: Steelflame on August 14, 2014, 22:32:15
This is exactly the kind of thing that interests me, I've wanted to meet an extraterrestrial for as long as I can remember and this is the sort of thing that keeps that desire alive.
Learn to AP (Astral Project) and you will meet many "Friends"!  :wink:


Meditation + Binaural Beats = Cloud 9

Have a safe journey! always remember, have fun doing what ever it is you doing.

Alcohol Treatment Center Newark NJ


I had a sighting twice in my life, one from very far (10-20km) and another from kinda close (1-2km).
All I can say is that I've never seen any kind of planes/aircraft go up to that speed and have ridiculously fast maneuverings like they did.
Both had very bright yellow light so I couldn't distinguish the form of the craft.
I saw the farthest one with one of my friend and we couldn't believe what we were seeing.
My friend didn't believe what he saw and after telling him 10 times it was a UFO he denied everything called it a plane.
Planes doesn't go from left to right and right to left then proceed to vanish in like 10 seconds.
We were far from it, and by triangulation I could tell that this spaceship did at least 3-4km in about 2 seconds then proceeded to a U-turn in less than a second to do 3-4km again in 2 second and go back to the last spot to finally vanish in the dark sky.
To me this is clear that they've been watching us for a long time.
The lack of contact, and the lack of remembered/positive experiences to me means that they are in a dilemma, they are still trying to determinate if we're allies or enemies.
It wouldn't surprise me with all the stuff going on. We are always at war and this can affect their decision.
Personally if I was an alien looking for a civilization I'd like to share wisdom/technology with, I wouldn't choose the one which could possibly annihilate me in a distant future...
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.