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Angels or our guides

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Don't really know myself, but I think you just call for them.  In your mind yell as loud as you can, "I demand that my spirt guide will come to me." and that should get them there, if not then they will problay come on there own so you should just enjoy yourself.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


thanks ill try it, but in the mean time does anyone have anything else they do?


Keep in mind your guides are ALWAYS there, it's their "task" and they enjoy it.

My guides have shown up in everything from music to doodles, you name it man... just gotta open up your perception, this can be done with practice..

here is a link to get you started

Have fun! tell them silentjohn said hello.



A good way to start is the pendulum.

This is a good topic at first. Then it goes into some infighting over some stuff about aliens, who can be guides. (I know. It sounds funky.) So just read the first parts. Anyway is too long to read all the way through.

I got in contact with my guide with it. I don't use the pendulum much anymore. Now the contact feels like a strong hunch. I just let it happen. I do not ask questions and expect an awnser immediatly, cause that can be myself deciving me. I just put out a question and the awnser comes when I least expect it but when it is needed the most. Some people can actually hear their guides. I don't.

Another way I hear that works is "psichic writting" which is just relaxing and let your hand write whatever it feels like. I have never tried it myself.


thanks everyone. the site was really good,silentjohn


If anyone could help me contact myguide through MSN, could tey please add me? I'm interested in meeting my guide.

pm me for my email

James S

Sorry to dissagree here with Travelinbob's advice, but unless you are already versed in the practices of mediumship, the pendulum is a very BAD idea. It's a tool that should only be used by those who are experienced enough to discern the energies of the beings they communicate with it.

Also, if you demand that your spirit guide appears, you'll not get very far. They are intelligent, wise and sensitive beings, not slaves to use for our every whim. You cannot make a guide come to you. They will only reach out to you when they know you are ready. The idea of being able to get a guide any time you want one is a really good way of unwittingly inviting unwanted low level astral entities into your life.

Arc - meditation is the key to spirit communications for two main reasons:
1) in order to be perceptive of the spirit world around you, you need to raise your natural vibration levels and increase your "astral" sensitivity. Meditation and energy raising techniqes like NEW help achive this.

2)You need to have a calm quiet mind. Spirits are all around us, and willing to help us if only we listen. For the most part, the constant mental noise in our minds is like listening to music with headphones on and the volume turned right up. Someone walks up behind you tries to tell you something, you can't hear them. If you're really lucky, you'll get a slap on the back of the head (some spirits have their way of doing that). Otherwise, they'll just walk away and wait till some other time when you're actually listening.

Meditation is the one essential key to most, if not all, aspects of spiritual work and growth.

Some good reading material if you want to learn particularly about meeting spirits -
How To Meet And Work With Spirit Guides by Ted Andrews
- an excellent book by a knowledgeable and easy to follow author

Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians, by Richard Webster
Don't know as much about this author, but some good info here.

I know it's a pain in the but getting books rather than doing internet searches, but if you've got a good public library nearby you should find something there. I tend to stear clear of the internet for things like this. There's just so much crap on the web, and because the internet tends to be so overly commercial, you'll end up getting lots of links to people who are more interested in making money that providing good guidance.

- James.


Hi Arc,
There are so many ways to meet your Guides, the question is, which one will work for you ?  When you try methods, try to stick to them regularly for at least 30 days, so you will know if it is going to work for you.

Also, a good rule of thumb is to keep whatever you do very basic.  Try not to get caught up in the complexities of all the ideas and beliefs.

The method I use works well for a lot of people.  You will find it described at my pages.  I hope it helps you.

James S,
Your's was a brilliant post James, saying perfectly all the things I wanted to say but did not have your unique experience of it, so I would have hashed it up.  LOL

You brought up an important point.  Telling the difference between various Beings by their unique Feel.  I think this is one of the keys to successfully working with the Guides and Others.  

Love Always. [:)]


I agree that books is probably the best way in our current day and age to learn about esoteric principles other than finding a qualified teacher. I prayed a long time to find teachers to show me what i need, and spirit provided BOOKS rather than fleshly bodies. I ended up buying them all online as they are readily available and i'm a book connessieur anyway. I still seek real teachers though, especially for the finer points of kundalini.

And of course these boards have wonderful teachers as well, if one is only open to their wisdom.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.

James S

Thanks Tayesin, but I've never yet seen you hash up a post. [:)]
Good thought about keeping things simple too. Preconcieved notions can often cause us to miss out.

Narfellus, brilliant point you mention about spirit leading us to books. [^]
It's interesting, I've been led to read a few books in this way, and they've always hit home very thoroughly. Funny thing is I never get any spirit guidance towards finding somenthing on the internet. Amongst the online dross there are some quite valuable gems, yet I get the distinct feeling from the spirits around me that they prefer I stay away from internet based articles.

Anyone else had this feeling?

Yes I'm aware of the irony here.[:I]




Originally posted by James S
It's interesting, I've been led to read a few books in this way, and they've always hit home very thoroughly. Funny thing is I never get any spirit guidance towards finding somenthing on the internet. Amongst the online dross there are some quite valuable gems, yet I get the distinct feeling from the spirits around me that they prefer I stay away from internet based articles.

Anyone else had this feeling?

Yes I'm aware of the irony here.[:I]


When in my medium training days I had the opposite advice, up to that time I read many books often seemingly based on reccomendations, after a period of time I received the advice to be cautious of inheriting others beliefs however attractive they looked and to focus on my own explorations. Coincidently today I followed a link by another posting  where a section of RBs text covers the same points about not becoming hidebound by others belief systems (my paraphasing).  

As to whether to use the Internet or not, this was not really an option at the time but now I would in some contexts have a preference for internet based material due to the often immediate potential for peer review of such, the opportunity to quickly find supporting and opposing views with supporting text is I think a powerful asset when making decisions about usage and commitment of self perhaps for extended periods of ones life. It can provide fast options for a serious reviews and debate of ideas and philosophies, equally one can meet the completely bizarre and good chaff filters can be required :)
All this as opposed to or in addition to maybe one persons ideas in a book :)

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


can someone help me and tell me how to contact our spirit guides/angels/ whatever you call them?i wanna know how to do it. any help would be appreciated. thanks