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Channeling God!!

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Hi Seeker
We dont have highschool where I was raised but I sort of "flubbed out of the eqivilent" 10grade. By flobbed I did not mean fluked or flunked but just barely made it by the skin of my teeth with very bad grades. Those were the hippi days we had more important things to do then[:)]
Regards MS
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Oh, so this was a long time ago?


Originally posted by TheSeeker

Oh, so this was a long time ago?

I guess so : he's 49. Look at his profile.

Steel Hawk


Please stop with the drugs, mother and I really care for you! I hate to see you throw your life away like this. We have supported you in the past but doing this to these good people is just wrong! Think about your kids.

Sarah misses you, she wants you to be the way you were. Please stop this and come back to the way it was.

Peace and Love,



Channeling God

you know God ....I would like to talk to you about Steel Hawk
why....does he bother you that much
yes well not really but it is so sad to see him getting so worked up about it all and I think that folks are kind of laughing at him....thats sad cause he is kind of nice
yea I feel pretty bad about that too but there is nothing much I can do about it is his free will....anyone can act like that if they want
but couldn't you try to stop him or something, he talks as if I am someone he knows and related to him
MUSTARDSEED dont go there and try to pretend know he is trying to make a fool of you and is just kiddin
sorry is just so.......tempting he is such a dope
now listen up ok.... I don't like you to talk about him that way, he is just a guy trying to ......well ok he is a bit of a dope but what, he is gonna learn ....eventually, just be nice
ok then
and remember I love Him too and ....its not that bad he is just trying to be funny I have to laugh though
no you dont have to go that far just be civil....ok
ok then I will try
just remember how it feels to be misunderstood....that will help you
ok then  goodnight
goodnight Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


my question for God :
why do you call Mustardseed Mustardseed ?



    I have some questions here lol yet to be answered(I'll word it differently I suppose) lol. keep you busy with questions, while at the same time tinkling people off hah.

1) Are we going to be confronted with other 'alien' species here in the next 10 years?

2) Are people really channeling other species?

3) As detailed as possible, how can one train himself to channel with 'You', Other Spirits, Species ect,(if possible) without saying something like "got to accept me within you" lol or anything like that, OK i suppose the quesiton is, "do people train to learn how to channel like people learn to AP?"

4) How do you know when your spiritually Developing?

5) I read this book, "A Divine Revelation of the Spirit World" by Mary Baxter, She claimed in the book she Channeled and saw, walked around with jesus(she Astral Projected), in the book it said this:
"But God told me, 'I am going to reveal to you the reality of Hell.  I will show you these things so that many may be saved and many can repent of there evil ways before it is too late.'"
 He continued solemnly, "Your soul will be taken out of your body by Me, The Lord Jesus Christ.  You will be conveyed supernaturally into hell and to other places in the spirit realm.  You will be able to see things that you cannot see in the natural realm, but these are the things I want you to see."

So the question is I suppose, was this lady channeling with Jesus Christ, and in the astral planes with him also?

6) Is it possible to see Jesus Christ in the astral Realm?
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds

Steel Hawk

Yeah okay now I KNOW your not talking to God

and remember I love Him too and ....its not that bad he is just trying to be funny

I AM trying to be "bad", I'm not trying to be funny. I'm trying to debunk you even more so than you already are. Point proven. Peace.


Steel Hawk, I'm not sure what the problem with you and this thread is about, if its a Childhood Problem or Daddy wouldnt stop drinking, but Don't reply to this thread nomore, because its making you upset and recalling childhood memories.  Just let the past go.

 Your a very Self-Thinking kind of guy, what you say is the right. what others say depends on your judgement.  Sorry to say, thats wrong.  People wont just stop what they 'believe' in (faith) because 'You' Say its wrong.

 Now another thing, you think your proving something on this thread by making arrogant stupid comments?  why dont you go to a different thread, you have done enough whining here.  Now im not gonna bust yea out and then say something nice like, 'But your a nice guy though'. No, i dont know you, and so far, Im thinking your a pretty arrogant kinda guy, so I'm just gonna bust yea out.  

Go to another thread! another post! take a nap! look at family pictures, Get happier, stop putting people down.  *MUUUUU SAAAA*
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds



lol sorry
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Hi Kerrblur
I hope you have had a good newyear so far[;)]. I read your questions with interest and would like to direct you to the thread I set up about Channeling. Can't remember what I named it. I would like to hear your own opinion on these questions. About my channeling experience or whatever we call it I have a few comments.

What I do is this. I simply sit down and ....... write. I never think a lot about what I write nor do I make big changes. My spelling is sometimes off so I do often go back and correct that, but I have on this thread frequently been very suprised at what I have seen appear on the screen. Wether I am channeling God or not is a question I am also asking myself. I would say that for me .....I believe it is God or His Spirit speaking, however I am not saying that God is "upthere" as a man sitting looking down in much the same way as I am on my keyboard. I believe thet HE inspires the writing and that His Spirit empowers and "translates" the wisdom He has and want to share with me into a sort of, play, or charade. A bit like a visual or audio story , but containing the very truths that he wants to share with me.

In my "universe" God is a loving father type figure , an everforgiving and patient mentor, older brother, mate and a trusted friend. The God I see in the Bible, wants and desires contact with me as well as you and everyone else. He possesses emotions, has likes dislikes and a standard of behaviour, right and wrong is important to him and He is much closer through Jesus to humanity, than the "cosmos type of far away allpowerfull but unpersonal diety" that others on the board believes him to be. This is my opinion. I do not feel that this Channeling/prophecy is in contradiction to the Bible but in addition.

This is really IMO what Channeling/prophecy is all about. The ability and desire to just sit and talk to God, no big holabaloo and a marching band. I have done this for many years and it has brought me comfort and answers in very complex situations. It has given me patience when I have been all worked up and rest when I have felt flustered stressed and I will continue to do this. I have decided to open up my world and how I live think and act, in this thread and apologise to anyone for any harm it does to their faith or lack of same. That is not the intent. It is a truth that whenever anyone of us tries to do something positive we will all face opposition, we will all have our Sanhedrin counsil our judas but nevertheless, I believe this is just to make us stronger. You yourself has had this experience and it has made you a different person. Life is a funny buissness . As we grow older some get better some get bitter. My advise is to stay open and talk to Him yourself. He said that if any one that comes to him he will never cast out. I wish you the best and will get to your questions in my next post.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


This thread is nothing if not interesting!

I like your results Mustardseed.

I have tried a bit of channeling on and off over the past couple of years, using a similar method to yours, with some interesting results.
Sometimes it seems 'only' to be an inner dialogue that I am conversing with, but sometimes something suprising comes through which throws that assumption. Some critics are too hasty to dismiss it as 'just inner dialogue'.

IMO 'inner dialogue' is a means by which your subconscious mind can talk to you (and you to it). This is very useful. What is even more useful is that IMO the subconscious mind is ALSO the bridge between your mind and the astral (and other higher regions); its where the two meet. Therefor I believe that higher powers can communicate to you via your subconscious, whether in dreams, visions, or direct channeling as you describe.

These higher powers may include God, the Gods, or some part of the cosmic heirarchy (I suppose we all have our own views on which, but they all add up to 'the divine'); I think it does work however; I suppose that it takes experience to establish what is coming from you and what comes 'from above'. As I said, the two seem to be closely linked.

you have great results so far Mustardseed. It sounds like you have established an easygoing communication method.

Keep up the good work!


"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


I had a pretty shi**y new years, my whole familys in florida, spent news by myself lol, other than that I'm doing great lol.  I would like to learn anything your brain is filled with! but I will ask slowly.  Last time I ask soo many complex questions, a church wouldnt except me there nomore lol. when you finish with what I have then lol ill keep going heh i hope you have the patience
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Channeling God

God I am back now.
Howdy/....thats a wierd expression for you to use
yea....well .....I sort of like it and I am tired of the "yes Mustardseed reply...but I am listening
ha thats funny
you have to have a sense of humour that is one of the best abilities to have be able to laugh whae everything seems so serious
interesting...sounds like a future conversation
now....later....its all the same to me[;)]
ok what about that Walsh guy, he said he was talking to you. Was he?
that is a good question. and I can only say yes he was TALKING to me ....but a bit slow in hearing from me. It is a interesting subject really, and important for anyone who wants to talk to me. Some people get so busy trying to get their thoughts across that they miss what I have to say. The blabber on with  "well God dont you think that so and so and this and that " and I try to stop them and say "yes.....but" . They never hear  the but. It is a symptom of the times you live in. Things are in a bottleneck, knowledge is increases and many are running t[;)]o and fro in the earth, always looking for a new thing
so he was talking to you then
yes ....everyone who adresses me is talking to me and I hear them all. Omnipresense is a corker, dont even try to understand that one
but he didn't listen
the problem is, that some people are so full of themselves and they have it all figured out allready and all they seem to want me for is to sign their plan so to speak. They have it all wrapped up in a little system and just want my signature
but isn'nt that said they should use their mind
yes it is good that they think about it but not that they think so much that they forget to ask me for my input.
so it gets slanted or what
yes it does its a part of the picture but often leaves out key elements or adds others that were not in accordance with me. Elements of pride either pride in man strong elements of self will self effort and the praise of man and comercialism
ok then to the alien thing are there other worlds inhabited out there
Ok now here is the deal. YOU DECIDE. what do you want to believe. I can give you a few hints but again it is up to you to make the desision what to believe. The reason I put it this way is that any choice you make could influence the way you decide to live your life and I have committed myself to only partly interfere so as to not push you around. This is how I will put it. After life here there will be lots to do. All on earth will get to know me . That is all who have lived lives and will live, and after that there is more work still to be done.
sounds quite nomcommittal
thats all I've got to say about that[;)]
but are they channeling reptiles and pleideans and stuf and are we gonna have a alien invasion
ok ......I gotta level with you about that one . No reptiles and no Pleiadeans but...they are talking to someone allright!!!
who is it they are talking to
its entities who deny my existance. Think about that
ohhh I see
yep its just as easy to hear from them as it is to hear from me
how do we know the difference
what a mans heart is full of will overflow in his life. Like attracts like as you say. If you desire the world to be of no importance and your life to be insignificant, becourse you are failing in life, and you do not want to try very much to change things, or if you are constantly looking for things  that indicate that YOU are special and a chosen one.....both extremes bearing strong aspects of pride  you will chose voices that bolster your own preconcieved ideas of how things are. Pride is at the root of every channeling that has dipped into the lower parts.
so they are bad spirits
some are but remember your own spirit actually becomes a bad spirit in rebellion, and some are just like that
so can this happen to Christians too
ofcourse they can be some of the most screwed up becourse of their Pride in their faith and they say and do things that I never told them to say and do, I am no respecter of persons and groups or churches. I see each of you as individuals

last question for now can one see Jesus in the Astral
yes but not all do, for even demons and lesser beings can apperar as angels of light. Some have seen that part of me but some have been decieved as well

ok thanks I have to go but will get back later with the rest
anytime ... anytime

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


My last complaint:

If you're just sitting down and writing, then perhaps it is your subconcious/higher self, but I think it's pretty arrogant and irresponsible to claim to be in direction communication with your 'God'.



   Hey, with my other question yet to be answered still yet to be answered, I have another question to add for the Answer that was given about the 'alien' 'entitie spirits' that people are channeling,  You/God said:

who is it they are talking to
its entities who deny my existance. Think about that


In the Chanelling about the 'Zetas' They claim to believe in God in the fullest, they also claim that they believe you have to have Love with God, (you know all that).  I'm not doubting but just, a person like myself can't answer question by himself without some help, so I have to add(to help answer myself)

Doesnt God perceive himself in different ways?

Same could be true to beings not of this world?

(like christians, muslims, two different gods, but perceived in different ways ect.)
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


If you're just sitting down and writing, then perhaps it is your subconcious/higher self, but I think it's pretty arrogant and irresponsible to claim to be in direction communication with your 'God'.
you are correct theseeker. this kind of "danger" is present in ALL channeling attempts though, not just those with God (ie, your quote is valid for the channeling palaedians, reptile, zeta, etc threads too).

and besides, anyone can be wrong. mustardseed is trying this as an experiment. i've seen nothing from him saying that we all have to believe this is from God or we are all going to burn in hell for an eternity, or anything like that. so believe it if you will, or don't if you don't *shrug* that's up to you and everyone else reading this thread to decide *for themself*.

my personal opinion is also that mustardseed is channeling his higherself (or some part or his own mind), but that is my own opinion and not to be confused with truth (although, since we don't *know* if/what mustardseed is really channeling, we can't exactly decide what is *true*, now can we ^_^ )




    Well, my comments about this thread, at first I thought it was hillarious when i started reading it because I was like ' HAH he's mkaeing fun of these reptillians and ZETAS, lol all this ya hoo.  

 Then I'm asking questions to see what kind of response I get form MS, when you guys say Higher Self, (MS can answer this too), could it be (now think before you say you answer), possibly it is the higher consciousness, but when you say "God is in all of us" could it be the 'higher self' is the area in all of us that 'God' operates in?  I have nothing to back this on, just a random thought that just came up for no reason lol.

 And plus TheSeeker, when you say:

My last complaint:

If you're just sitting down and writing, then perhaps it is your subconcious/higher self, but I think it's pretty arrogant and irresponsible to claim to be in direction communication with your 'God'.


Did MS not say this?

Wether I am channeling God or not is a question I am also asking myself.

Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


I'm sorry i might of mis read your comment seeker, apologize. .
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Maybe it would be a good thing to define our discussion. It seems that from what I gather, the term you use for "higher self' is the term I use for God. As an example RB was in the bush ,and recieved help from his Higher self, (and I believe God came to his aid). It may be just terminology but could be offensive, as some people may not want to recognize God as a reality, and others do no want to believe that they have a higher self. I personbally believe in God as you know. I believe that as I strive to be like Christ, He lives in me. This concept is quite easily supported in the scriptures for any fundies who have questions. I believe He is my consiousness so to speak and he may be what you term "higher self".

There are many points that I would like to share about Channeling(which I call Prophesying according to Christian terminology) and as someone wisely said I do not expect a single soul to adhere to or even believe in what I channel. If it resonnates and if it is helpful go ahead but if it does not relax, I ain't gonna bash you over the head with it.

I have a hard time understanding the offense that Steel Hawk and Seeker and maybe others have taken to this thread. I might be able to understand it if they were fundies, but seeing they are not it is strange to me that they care. Unless they are "closet fundies" [;)]Any coment would be appreciated from you two without the abuse please[:)].

At any rate I think I will just keep going and let you get a brief glimse of my life, Prophesy is a very big part of it but if noone is interested let me know and I will desist if it bothers the majority.

For the future I am considering another style. More like spirit writing as it is called by some. The typing of red and Blue is very laborious for me and for the future I will just let Blue speak[;)]. I will then fill in with black to explain my questions and any comments.

Regards Mustardseed

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Channeling God

You know God I really feel like ....s...
and why do you think that is
please could you just be a friend and not so damn all knowing and maybe just listen for a bit
ok then[;)] I kind of think this is funny though)
yea whatever God I am a bit ticked you actually
tell me about it then
I got this PM from Steel Hawk and It makes me soooo sad that he would say things like this: (Steel Hawk)Even if you are a prophet your message has been so far discredited it makes the entire post into a giantic joke. So it doesn't matter know does it? You lost. Good vs. Evil and all that. By the way if you do have contact with God tell him to kill me.

Yea he talks a lot but believe me ....he wants to stay alive[;)] so I am not gonna go there. Besides it would be sad if everyone would be held to every word said in a temper fit, think about it!!!
ok am biting the bullit and will accept thet but calm him down and by the way, I would like to ask YOU, what should talk about next
well we could talk about a lot, maybe The Holy Spirit, Spirit helpers and guides, politics, health, or spiritual strength and stamina, or fighting in the spirit. Maybe you should take a poll
ok will do.....what do you guys think? or do you have any other points yourself. I am going to bed now let me know if you have preferences thanks
nighty night, I will be with you in the night. By the way did yiu like my surprise.
ha just wait for the future this is....nothing

I had the most amazing OBE as well as 2 very astonishing Luzid dreams in the same night. Maybe I will open a thread to talk about it , and maybe not I will ask Jeff and get back to you.

Regards Mustardseed

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Hi Chill
Its a one take thing and below is what I got for you for the first part of your questions. Will try again later

Regards Mustardseed


Words are real things and have an effect. Words create deeds and deeds create in turn other deeds and more thoughts. Real things!. Words lift up or the knock down they curse or they damn. As an man thinks in heart so is he, for out of the soul of a man will spring forth a fountain of either blessed or cursed words and deeds. affirmations are similar, in nature as they are thoughts and if made resillient by repeittion become more and more real in the astral/spiritual and as they become real there they are able to influence life here.

This is why FAITH in me is such a strenght and why nothing can stop the man of faith. It is important to learn certain principles in this life, to understand and be able to tap my source of its lifegiving flow. It is good to dwell on the positive in all things be a light and uplifter a joy and a force for good. The more a human mind dwells in my Spirit and seeks oneness with me the more it will become like me as my spirit flows in in all its force. It is what you call a vaccum, but at the same time not all on earth desire this love and my spirit and the answers I give. My weapons of spiritual warfare is humility, selflessness, kindness, suffering and contrary to the world and its pride of life pride of speech and oppulence and luxory, to gain my strenght you must become weak. are what you think, your thoughts determine your life and you become the person you wanna be and some choose me and some choose themselves.

It is Good to always include Me in your prayers and desires, saying: "nevertheless your will be done not mine". Some do this and by doing so commit themselves to My plan for their lives, and believe me, what I have in store for each one who loves and follows me is far better than what they could have figured out and gained on their own. In answering prayers other principles come into play. Think of it this way. When you pray its like playing a game of billards. There is the guy with the cue, the numbered balls the red or white and then the pockets. For a prayer to be answered several things have to be lined up in relation to each other. The posision of the balls in relation to the pockets as well as the direction and force of the cueshot. This is why prayers like "oh Lord won't you give me a Mercedes benz" are often not answered. This also goes for lotteries etc. All these desires is of this life and often is not good for the ones asking, so they ask according to their lust and thereby ask amiss. If any of you want to ask anything of me ask for spiritual gifts to aid others, the gifts of love to heal and the gifts of dicernment to be forearmed and vigilant and if asked in a right spirit I will surely answer such a prayer. I am more willing to give than you are to recieve.  
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Originally posted by Mustardseed

(...) affirmations are similar, in nature as they are thoughts and if made resillient by repeittion become more and more real in the astral/spiritual and as they become real there they are able to influence life here.

This is why FAITH in me is such a strenght (...)



Hi Chill
My impression was, that this is the way it should be understood.

affirmations are similar in (their) nature, as they are thoughts (as well) and if made resillient by repeittion become more and more real in the astral/spiritual and as they become real there they are able to influence life here.

It would be along the line of fear a fear and it will come opun you, and why Faith is such a good antidote.

Regards Mustardseed

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Thank you.

But just to be clear...

Are prayers JUST like affirmations ?

You said that when we talk to you God, you listen. You listen to all of us when we talk to you, whoever we are, all the time, although this is hard to understand for us.

Do you mean that you listen to affirmations as well ? Are affirmations just like prayers ? If not, how are they different ?

God used the pool analogy. Do numbered balls, and the white and the red, represent other people ?

Is there such a thing as spiritual warfare between spirits that serve God and the ones who don't ? Are they fighting between themselves, or are they competing in terms of their 'effects' on the Earth ?

What's a deed ?

Sounds stupid what I am asking. There are stupid questions, bu no stupid answers from God.