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Channeling God for healing

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Dear MustardSeed, great ideas.  Good to see someone wants to channel something positive and helpful.  

Considering taking you up on the healing as I have what I call mystery pain - no one can diagnose it or identify its source.  

Is this the kind of thing you are talking about?  Of course I realize there are like more members who are in far more dire situations than surgery gone wrong.  I am talking about cancer patients and such.  

The prayer chain is also a great idea.  I like the idea of heal the earth and heal us with it.  Just a thought.  

Chit chat later....Jenadots


Dear All

We are finally setup and ready to roll. In order to make this more tangible,  I am constructing a Astral Doctors office. (I will explain more about it as we go along). However if you wish to check it out, Imagine yourself infront of a big white door, with a large Gold sign on it saying  "GOD's practice, come right in, the door is open". Inside there is a small waitingroom, and yet another door, to the practice.

Secretary Mustardseed, opening the door to the waiting room, with a big smile, God is in so......"Next please", .........anyone!

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!



   I am on 2 days of no sleep, so I might be talking strange and be very vague but From what I understand so far, isnt needed to be retyped cause its everything you wrote, But please with the best of you understanding me, Be as descriptive as you can on this
'Astral Doctors office' please, Draw it, do a story type description on it for I myself can draw it.  I was information on if I go to this place, Wut I will see on my left, on my right, in front of me.  If what you say is true, You being there.  I will be a test subject myself, I will PM you about my situation.  I will put my 100% effort in this as possible, but be more descriptive please on this place you wish to create in the astral planes.

We will make it like Astral Pulse Island. It will be as real as that.  I will contact JVP and he will get his contacts to see about Actuall healer guides Being there to assist, lol okay my tireness is making me talk too creaticely sorry! JVP means James Van Praagh, you should look him up.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Mustardseed : great idea !

Ryan : Please keep James Van Praagh out of this. He's a fraud. For some enlightment read the following :
and other articles.
Is he your friend ? Or are you joking ?


JVP is no fraud, you base your reading on a internet clippin, and people following him TRYING to bonk his day up.  Same with this million dollar prize to anyone who can prove one of there gifts, noone could do it cause it messed them up.  He has been on Larry king live, 20/20, dateline, 60 minutes, theres a CBS mini-series JUST about his life!  He tried a shower like edwards but Fraud edwards shut him down.  You dont know James til you talk to him, read his books, or get on his site and speak with him.  He knows all. he knows others who knows all.  

But aside of that, do you think MS should describe this astral doctors office more and we CREATE it!?
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


JVP is no fraud, you base your reading on a internet clippin, and people following him TRYING to bonk his day up. Same with this million dollar prize to anyone who can prove one of there gifts, noone could do it cause it messed them up. He has been on Larry king live, 20/20, dateline, 60 minutes, theres a CBS mini-series JUST about his life! He tried a shower SHOW hah like edwards but Fraud edwards shut him down. You dont know James til you talk to him, read his books, or get on his site and speak with him. He knows all. he knows others who knows all.

But aside of that, do you think MS should describe this astral doctors office more and we CREATE it!?
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Welcome to Dr. Gods Office

Imagine a large white door, Gold doorknob, smooth hinges, a light shining from through the keyhole and around the door. Behind you is a misty cloudy sky dispensed with soft clouds, below you nothing and above nothing. Just the door. Behind it could lie the answer to your problems, the final solutions to the situation that has been bothering you for so long. You take a look at the door and the large golden plaque on the door. It reads


With determination you take hold of the doorknob and without hardly any effort the door swings open.

Inside you find a smallish cozily lit room. Along the walls are white soft couches, they seem like leather but feel soft like nothing you ever touched. the walls are a shimmering white, almost look transparent, and if you look for long at them you see landscapes forming, quiet dark and cool forests, hot sunny fields, wide oceans, they seem like giant pictures. There is music in the air almost like chimes and choirs, sometimes distant but if you listen they get louder. The floor is green and soft you wriggle your toes and it feels like grass caressing your feet. You just stand there and look across the room. At the desk is a middle aged man all  in a white simple cotton shirt, slightly balding,[;)], he looks up from his papers, and smiles to you while he looks at you over the rim of his glasses. His eyes smile as well. He gets up from the desk and come toward you still smiling, and as if greeting a old friend he gives you a great big hug and kiss on your cheek. Holding both your hands he speaks to you.

Hi Flannery Welcome. Just take a seat and get comfortable, while I get some paperwork together.[:)] So great to see you. I hope you are not nervous, if so there is no need at all, this is not the dentist you know. Ok lets get to it.

Well, before we get into details I want to explain some principles to you first. It is all about physical and spiritual health and it is good advice for all.

Not counting spiritual attacks, most physical disabilities are first of all a result of what goes into the body. That would be diet, the food you eat or dont eat, it would be pollutants as well as medicin and drugs, all of those affect the body.

Spiritual health or sickness for that matter is much the same. It is the thoughts you think, what you read, your beliefs about yourself as well as the influences from those around you. Sometimes the lines are a bit blurred and something you eat will affect your spirit like becoming happy after eating a nice meal or some chocolate and sometimes you will be under stress spiritually making you unable to enjoy food. The combinations vary.

In order for you to find out whether your disability depression or whatever we choose to call it is spiritually or physical, it is important that you be honest , WITH YOURSELF, you are the one this hinges on, becourse as you very well know God cannot bless disobedience. If you yourself know that you are breaking any of my spiritual or physical health guidelines, you cannot have faith to recieve healing, you will in effect have become your own worst enemy.

So this is your opportunity to think through your life , take stock of your existance and if you take this opportunity I will guide you. For sure you will have the pleasure of having, with a bit of help from all your friends, been honest with yourself. So here are the questions I want you to think over and answer.

1.Discribe briefly your life as you see it.
2.What are your habits. The good ones and the bad.
3.How is your physical diet.
4.Do you take medicin or drugs.
5.How is your spiritual life, and have you been involved in things
related to the more sinister parts of the dark arts.
6.Tell me a bit about your family.
7.How is/was your sexlife.

Please take your time to answer these and I will be back as soon as you are done.

He smiles at you again and leaves you alone. In front of you is a cute little white Laptop, you start to type.


To all of you out there, if you are interested please work along with us, this is an experiment and we will develope it together as we go. (in case you did not realise it I am the secretary[;)])

Regards Mustardseed

PS When I first typed the above, it came very strongly and fluently, much like a channeling. Howeer I paused a couple of times and was not sure if I was really having a link, so I decided to make it RED instead of blue.
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


My prayers are for you Flannery, I hope to hear more from you.  I will draw to the best of my ability what you described, thank you alot MS.  I will Help you create, and build such a wanderful place!

Note to everyone 'glanceing' over this thread

Just like all of you Contributed to the creation of Astral Pulse Island, It is that simple to create something that can benefit All of us AND the satisfaction of your enjoyment, curiosity like Astral Pulse Island did.  

If you cant Project, Just think it when going to sleep at night, or when your not doing much around the house, or on your lunch break  at work!  this place will be awesome!!!

And you will feel like a million bucks knowing God IS there(if you doubt) when someone is in great need! By this test right here, well thought out.

Need help though.  Imagination :) :)
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Channeling God

excuse me God but there is a patient ready
pretty funny stuf Mustardseed
is that good
sure ....why not. I have no problem with the format, love the walls and the music, and the white should try rogaine[:)]
thanks but no thanks[:I] its Flannery
I suppose you read the file
yes ....I did
well what is your comments
Its not that simple Mustardseed
excuse me......what is not simple
before she can get the answer.....she has to figure out the question
and the question is.....??
for her to formulate......her life is in a vaccum. She is between worlds and in two minds. Driven at times by confusion and angst, and at other times by the desire for me and my world
what is happening to her
she is sad.......very sad. So many people in this world are looking for love yet so few find it and when they do it turns so often to misery. Tell her that she is not missing much.....human love and relationships are over rated....MY love and my life is where it is really at.
ok...anything else
she is hurting. She is a very sensitive instrument and goes out of tune easily. A look a word even a thought can tip her balances. She need to shield herself, in the mantle of self discipline. She pretends too much that it does not affect her.....but it does. The rejection, the arguments, being alone. She has become so familiar with her pain that they are starting to feel like a old friend.........ask what the true desire of her heart is....make sure she thinks about it well.
ok....anything else
tell her that integrity, is what she is or rather is supposed to be not what she can expect from others. You have to lift people up to your level not stoop to theirs.......and most of all tell her I love her. I always did I always will........also tell her that she has to do a bit of soul searching. She has certain connections , channels or broadcasting stations if you will and she needs to shut them down
ok but how........
she needs to start filling her mind with certainties ....not questions....she needs to get back on that horse life is and fight. She is getting weary ....tell her to read about John Paul Jones his arm nearly torn off and when the enemy asked if he was ready to surrender his answer was "HELL NO WE HAVN'T EVEN BEGUN TO FIGHT YET"
Thats the kind of attitude that wins spiritually and physically. Advance and keep fighting. Not with physical weapons but with the weapons of the spirit..

anything else..
she would benefit from something to read.....send her something in the mail.....
thats all for now let her think it over......she has plenty of time

Ok Flannery......I am not sure what just happened. I hope you will get some time to look over this and think each point through. I have some more questions but will have to sleep so I will try again tomorrow, Thanks for your patience and faith.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Dear Flannery

First of all thanks for pouring out your thoughts and questions, and also your doubts[:)]. I hope that there will be some helpfull advice for you in the channelings. I would like to bring out a few points and ask that you consider them. First of all I would like you to think about this channeling and how I believe it works and how that relates to you.

In my experience the true maturity of a person is their ability to assimilate life lessons from what they see around them. Lets take an example. One person may go and see a movie like ...."Don Juan de Marco" ....all they see is a storyline and a plot. They are not able to relate to the things the actors/people are going through and subsequently derive nothing from the movie except entertailment. Others see the same movie and it becomes for them a way to understand their own life. The lesson they learn from the movie is assimilated and becomes part of their life.

Some people go through their life not learnin g very much becourse they are not able to get past.....EGO. If they are not 65 and a psycologist or 20 and a heartbreaker , they cannot understand.

Channeling is similar. As is all education. If it is not put into flesh, our flesh, adapted and assimilated it remains theory, and facts and figures only, no emotion is attached no lessons learned, no growth.

The job og assimilating is in this case YOURS and it will take some time and a change of attitude. It will also require some effort on your part. YOur life with the problems it holds is when all comes to all your life. It may be the result of circumstances beyound your control, like your disability, but how you let things affect you is the most imnportant thing.

So in the light of that I would like to make you reconsider telling me/God to "dont say this or that". This only shows that you have a somewhat preconcieved idea of what you wanna hear or expect to hear, it limits your own ability to assimilate and also hinders me in trying to get something for you. If I am constantly worrying that this or that is not gonna be "liked" or concerned about the fact that you hint at me sounding like a shrink, I will have a hard time being at ease. It is like ....maybe speaking to an audience you know allready have their mind partly made up they are critical of your speech or performance. Unnerving[;)]

If anything does not "click" with you, ignore it. We are not trying to perfect my channeling ability, nor are we trying to determine wether it is God speaking or not. What we are trying to do is see if the Channeling is actually helpful or  not. It is sort of an experiment to see if it can actually help anyone.

I will read over your reply again but wanted to get this off to you. About the channels, I believe that it is the spiritual channels that is talked about. It seems to be you are tuned in to neg influence at times and could benefit from "closing" these leaks, channels, pipelines or whatever we choose to call it. In a way we are talking here about Core image removals, and other related issues from RBs book.

I hesitate to actually counter this from a Christian angle as that would require lifestyle changes for you that I dont know if you are interested in making.

In praying for you last night, I asked God to help me understand your emotions as well as your dream/fantasy life and had a series of 6 very troubling dreams verging on nightmares. It may be significant, and I will try to recount them to you.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Originally posted by Flannery


Mustardseed please stop whatever you are doing.
It is killing me.

Dear Flannery
Are you asking me to stop this thread?. If so I shall gladly oblige. ! I am very sorry if anything is causing you harm or discomfort , that was not the intent at all.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Maybe this rhinegirl/Flannery thing would be better off in a PM thread.
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Channeling Dr.God

God....please come right away GOD!!!
whats up Mustardseed
a couple of the patients in the waiting room are going at each other.....I dont know what to do
Yea I saw that.....
but why dont you stop them
It is their choice. I just hope that after they are finished playing war that they have the guts to admit that it really did not bear any good fruit at all. This is where wars come from , small wars and big wars. Pride Pride Pride. This is the way of the world my friend.
Ok but what should I do......
ask them kindly to stop and apologise for their hard unkind words to each other , the sarcasm and the hurt they inflicted, then after that get on with life and let my spirit work in their heart
what about rhinegirl and her first post I felt sort of....well you know you realise that lots of people Channel me....and sometimes they dont even know. I will use anyone I can. She started in the spirit but finished in the flesh
what do you mean
she told Flannery the truth but she used the truth as a sword instead of pillow. Truth is truth but the greatest ability and the most important , the gift you should desire above all is LOVE, for love will lift up and help love will cover a multitude of sins and cast a cover over countless faults. Love will use truth as a help to build and aid and encourage. This is the difference between people who have only truth and those who have truth as well as compassion. You see the difference in the fruit. It is indeed possible to say "the operation was succesful but the patient died" . Rhinegirl would be wise to work a bit on her delivery, that is if she wants to help anyone?and Flannery on her sensitivity, Just a tad . Noone said it was going to be easy
OK I will tell them........(goes to the door}....thanks

*Peeks out in the waiting room, pretends not to notice the overturned tables, smashed vases and torn clothes on Flannery and Jessica* hi Guys, thought I heard someone outhere. Listen God asked if you could keep it down a tad, he is working on something.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Rhinegirl, Leave this post.  You started putting her down the moment you stepped foot in here.  Your not superior than anyone else, you saying 'LOL! I watch you die' doesn't get anyone attention but how Cruel you are when you speak.

Leave rhinegirl and dont come back to this forum.  You didnt read MustardSeeds Directions? No negativity, Your screwing this WHOLE test up. Everything you say will be the result of ruining this whole thing.  Just dont talk here no more, leave leave. Please. call me whatever name you want, i dont listen to you anymore, you dont even have the respect to answer my PM when i apologized to you. I have no respect for you, And I'll be sorry if anyone else does. Go away
Go away. Go away
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


first post i saw from you that wasnt so negative[:D], and i didnt ask you for your apology did I? no.

Just when your in this post think bout the office, and i know few have yet.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Wow, I need to take a nap after deleting all those nasty posts..

Rhinegirl, consider this your first warning.  If you do not stop verbally attacking people on these forums you will be asked to leave.

Flannery, I will ask you as well not to verbally attack on the forums and the language..YIKES.

Mustardseed I am sorry I did not catch this before it spiraled out of control.  Thank you for the heads up. [:D] I will keep a close eye on this thread for now on and will tell the other Mods to do the same.



Dear Rhinegirl and Flannery

I would like you two to apologise to each other, but this may not happen. I did take Rhinegirls apology and her suggestion to give Nay a little nudge, I respect you for suggesting that Rhinegirl. Flannery I realise you are hurting but ask you to do your best to forgive and forget. Whatta ya say[8D]

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Nay deleted an important post of mine where I was talking about the channeling among other things. Very tiring. This was the result of much and long reflexion.

I don't have to apologize Mustardseed. I was attacked.

Count me out Mustardseed. Let's move this out of the public eye. This is not working for me at all, the neg is from here. I know it. Goinglsow knows it. The farthest and the longest we are away from astral Pulse, the better we feel. There is something wrong with this board, or rather with some of the people who post here. I don't know what it is, but when we take a long break our life returns to normal again.

I am sorry but this action from Nay is just the thing that makes me sway out of here. Thank you Nay. God was acting on your behalf.

I will be happy to talk to you Mustardseed through e-mail.

Have a good life.


I am sorry you feel this way Flannery, I could have sworn that it was just you two yelling and cussing at each other..[:(!] which we try to not have on these forums.  

I agree that you were provoked first but it was getting out of hand I dealt with it in a way I felt was right.




    With all do respect to you, I do not know you but Please consider my words and do not take it in offense.  

 In the world we have evil, and where theres evil, theres good, where theres good there evil.  Its a ying yang effect.  Evil is more than visible accurances like violence, or verbal assualts.  

Alot of time Evil can deceive themselves as many things.  One such thing is 'Weakness' 'no will power' 'No Faith' 'Self-Doubt'

People who are being deceived by Evil, are locked in a box, sheltered from the world, affraid to do something/accomplish something.  No matter what the circumstances are, they flee, affraid to be strong.  Affraid to do what God looks highly towards us for, which is (Before anything else) Love yourself, forgive yourself, hold your chin up.

Face the challenges, doubts, fears, that go through your mind.  Specially in other peoples eyes, it looks sooo simple.  But you see fear, see weakness when looking in a mirror.

Dont do that.  Your going to shut down something because of what?  Its not working out? you only technically posted 3 or 4 things.  You gave this thing 2 days.  You want us to feal sorry for you, I'm not until you put your chip up and be brave.  You want people to put food down for you to get better? I WILL. You must throw away that weakness and doubt that floods you.  That is Evil shrouding you!!!!!

If you can fight, and i know you can! with the challenges you have now, we all can tell just by your words, you know how to fight.  But your losing this fight.

Do you really want that?  Gonna quit and email MS and do it some other time?  MS will be bale to help you.  But with more people on his side(collective thoughts, prayers), you will be healed.  But it wont happen if you run away.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Originally posted by Mustardseed
In order for you to find out whether your disability depression or whatever we choose to call it is spiritually or physical, it is important that you be honest , WITH YOURSELF, you are the one this hinges on, becourse as you very well know God cannot bless disobedience.

Inserting Dogma into a healing situation isn't going to help matters. It may also lead those who dont get healed to believe they have done something wrong against God which may lead to further complications such as guilt-complex, crisis of faith etc. I've seen human healers handle this better than your god so far.

If you yourself know that you are breaking any of my spiritual or physical health guidelines, you cannot have faith to recieve healing, you will in effect have become your own worst enemy.

More Dogma = obstacle to true healing. You are suggesting here that God's love is conditional rather than unconditional. Even on our earthly plain many Atheists who dont follow Gods rules are given healing by human doctors in hospitals. People who get illnesses due to smoking tobacco are warned of the potential to get these illnesses. But they dont get turned away at the hospital if they do become ill.

I thought your god was cool for a while but he's lost points with me (and im sure he doesnt care anyway.)


Even on our earthly plain many Atheists who dont follow Gods rules are given healing by human doctors in hospitals. "

doctors do not heal, they only provide means to physically aid the body to heal itself.  No one can heal us other than ourselves.  But I agree that putting judgements on someone will never help them heal.  All they need to be healed is the want to be healed, and the willingness to receive help, so i really hope no one with problems took MustardSeed's personal regimine and regulations in any negative, or self-condemnating way.


Dear Mc Arthur and others of like mind

If I or "my God" was trying to score points with you, I realise we would have a problem, however we are not. I have no problem with your statements. You speak from the substance of the things you believe.

In my opinion, you and others are so full of new age babble, not committal, no absolute attitudes that any attempt to even bring up the notion that God has likes and dislikes, that right and wrong exist and that it healing is a reward for pleasing God, by learning to be honest with yourself and others is wasted and imidiately sabotaged. I read your "fine" posts and your claim to fame as a "great ghostbuster" of sorts[;)]. You had your say I will have mine.

I believe that you are decieved and in the wrong.

I Channel as I said earlier, from MY beliefsystem, I channel a God that I see in the BIBLE, and His Son Jesus , who sits at the right hand of God. But it seems you can't handle that......can you[:)]. I never said His LOVE was conditional, however "HE" said His blessings are, and I believe that to be true. There is a difference...... How can you have and keep the blessing of, fx. good health, while at the same time engage in unhealthy practices. God still loves you and me and everyone else unconditionally, but just becourse he loves us it does not mean that he has to love everything we do.

I hereby declare this thread Closed for further Channeling.

Its all yours....rant and rave and gnash on me with your teeth, if you so please.[:)]Be My guest. I believe you are decieved and have departed from the faith, have been seduced to speak and believe doctrines of darkness, lies and hypocracy, condemning others for the very things you are guilty of, (such as Fx. quoting me 1 Timothy 4:1-2,) somehow hinting that this is truth but at the same time posting as above, is it your consiousness that is being seared with a hot iron?.

1 Timothy 4:1-2 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"

Regards Mustardseed

PS to all you others. The channeling went ok, Flannery is getting better by the minute. Thanks to all of you, the good and the bad the harsh as well as the loving the injust together with the just and the stupid with the wise, for as it says in Romans 8:28

"All things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose"
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!



    Your just gonna give up what you were trying?  Your just gonna stop this God's Office thing I been Imagining for a ridiculous amounts of time, meaning hours a day, for like weeka nd half straight?

Why dont you do this channeling, and at the same time keep with this office thing, we dont need some flannery girl that quit on herself to get you to quit, and everyone else.  Change, dont quit what you think was a good idea.  Just change it.   Jeeesh.

Ima be all mad now if I find that you quit this after me trying to project myself to a place that I thought would be a great learning experience.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Originally posted by Mustardseed
In my opinion, you and others are

Cant get that beam out of your eye eh?

so full of new age babble, not committal, no absolute attitudes that any attempt to even bring up the notion that God has likes and dislikes, that right and wrong exist and that it healing is a reward for pleasing God,

I could hear God replying;

I perform healings when and if the situation calls for it. I do it, not because that person has done something to please me, but because it pleases me to heal.


I Channel as I said earlier, from MY beliefsystem, I channel a God that I see in the BIBLE, and His Son Jesus , who sits at the right hand of God. But it seems you can't handle that......can you[:)].

Ask God that question about me and see what he says and post it here please if you will?

I never said His LOVE was conditional, however "HE" said His blessings are,

Jesus even did healings for the Roman centurion, one of the enemies of Gods' chosen people as an example that Gods Love and blessings/healings *are* unconditional.

and I believe that to be true. There is a difference...... How can you have and keep the blessing of, fx. good health, while at the same time engage in unhealthy practices. God still loves you and me and everyone else unconditionally, but just becourse he loves us it does not mean that he has to love everything we do.

Hate the sin not the sinner, true. Is there any instance in the Bible where Jesus turns anyone away that came to him from being healed? I can go to a Reiki healer tomorrow and they will offer me healing without judgement. Does this mean then that they offer their healing energy more unconditionally than your god?

I believe you are decieved and have departed from the faith, have been seduced to speak and believe doctrines of darkness, lies and hypocracy, condemning others for the very things you are guilty of,

What is it i am guilty of?

(such as Fx. quoting me 1 Timothy 4:1-2,) somehow hinting that this is truth but at the same time posting as above, is it your consiousness that is being seared with a hot iron?.

FYI that is in my sig file and is on the end of all of my posts. You're seeing things that are not there Mustardseed as regards to you thinking i'm quoting bible verses at you specifically. And this is a perfect example of how God can show people lessons they may need to learn.

FWIW i have enjoyed most of your Channeling God thread and said so. But now i make a couple of observations and share my opinion you dont like it? I apologize if my post came across as somehow harsh but will continue to post my thoughts, even if they clash with other peoples.