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Elemental kinesis?

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I recently came across the subject of kinesis, yesterday in fact, and I found it quite interesting.

Hydrokinesis is my favorite, and my zodiac and chinese symbol tells me this, as well as other things.

What are your views on this? 

What is your favorite element?

What element are you?

For more info try this site:

Thanks for reading!  :wink:


i hope u realise tht the website u have put is based on a cartoon.


Actually, it isn't.  Bending has been around longer than that...


Quote from: CamiGurlRox on August 31, 2008, 12:21:43
Actually, it isn't.  Bending has been around longer than that...

Do you have a link? I can't seem to find anything to support this.


kurai kokoro

if you are suggesting that one could bend elements to ones will then that is simpily a kineses and there by the menipulation of the molecules of the atoms in the element, however one is but an ally to the elements not the master of them.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


i see...and i realize that...



I'm quite heavily fire based, My first use of fire actually meted a relatively strong ice spell. It burnt the chakra paths in my arms the first time. I need to work of water cause its flow will help me learn lightning. (Just a note I haven't been able to bring this to the physical plain... yet)

astral traveler

Quote from: CamiGurlRox on August 29, 2008, 11:00:01What element are you?
fire maybe.  i sometimes generate it on the astral planes.

how would one know?
~~ Astral Traveler ~~