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Frequency 528 Hz

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Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ, Power is their only goal. Now they all shall die.


be awesome.


Looks interesting. I'm going to retune my guitar.


I guess the bearing wave is 528 Hz, but what frequency is the binaural beats?
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


I guess there are many healing frequencies? :)


Quote from: Everlasting on November 23, 2010, 00:12:04
Supposedly it's the healing frequency

Binaural beat

Yeah, "supposedly" is a good qualifier here. I've yet to find any actual published report by any biochemists that support this claim (i.e. that an applied 528 hz sonic pulse inexplicably repairs "broken" DNA), and unfortunately everyone who makes the claim never backs it up with a referral to or citation of the biochemists who supposedly discovered this phenomenon.

(from what I have managed to gather, this rumor is anecdotal and appears to have been mentioned by Horowitz somewhere in his publications... or maybe it was Tenen)


if we turn to mainstream science every time something seems promising we'll never move forward.
be awesome.



well i didn't wanna say to good to be true.  maybe promising was too intense of a word.  but still. 

promising to do anything.  not just this scenario.

but when i learned about  528 it was in relation to water and a global day of playing this tone at bodies of water with a variety of instruments and devices.  the purpose being to cleanse and "heal" the water.  don't know what i think of it now, but i think it's worth consideration.  just because it hasn't been "confirmed" doesn't mean there isn't promise of all kinds of applications of sound therapy.
be awesome.


I have no problem with trying something to see if it works, and I am of the belief that my thoughts influence matter, therefore blessing it makes it 'better' for whoever drinks it, this type of thing, etc.  Because it's something based on a belief that I share, and even if I didn't, I'd look into it.  Why not?

But when someone declares that a specific frequency has healing properties, that sounds like a claim that needs to be backed up by some sort of evidence, because it sounds like a pseudo-scientific claim, and those bug me.  A specific frequency is an exercise in measuring, etc. and sounds like a science experiment.  So if it's going to sound scientific, I'm going to insist on evidence.  Not necessarily proof, but evidence would be nice.

I can declare that at 9:20 in the morning when the morning sun hits my face 'just so', everyone that looks at me will be healed, but are you going to buy that?


lol. possibly.  maybe your face is glorious at 9:20 in the morning.   :lol:

i feel you.  i can't discard "pseudo-science" though because a lot of what i "know" comes from intuitive feeling and not scientific 'proof'.
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on November 30, 2010, 12:20:46
lol. possibly.  maybe your face is glorious at 9:20 in the morning.   :lol: 
Not without makeup it isn't.   :-(

Quotei feel you.  i can't discard "pseudo-science" though because a lot of what i "know" comes from intuitive feeling and not scientific 'proof'.
Oh, pseudo-science is ok, and some of it works, but the act of calling it science is what bugs me.  I'll do the homeopathy but I don't for a second think that anyone can give me extra DNA strands.


be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on November 29, 2010, 22:36:09
well i didn't wanna say to good to be true.  maybe promising was too intense of a word.  but still. 

promising to do anything.  not just this scenario.

but when i learned about  528 it was in relation to water and a global day of playing this tone at bodies of water with a variety of instruments and devices.  the purpose being to cleanse and "heal" the water.  don't know what i think of it now, but i think it's worth consideration.  just because it hasn't been "confirmed" doesn't mean there isn't promise of all kinds of applications of sound therapy.

I'm just pointing out that everywhere on the net is basically the same assertion without citation to its origin. CFT basically summed up my thoughts on the matter. There's a difference between soft technology and hard technology -- the former relies on the dynamic empowerment that the human body/mind/spirit (or some other such creative agency) can have (either individually or collectively) upon a believable and systemized assortment of logic and knowledge; the latter relies upon the general hard sciences formulated by our materialist, reductionist scientists.

With soft technology it is possible that the human can put to use the frequency 528 hz to do wonders, at least theoretically... but for that matter it can do the same for any sound or stimuli. But what people have been doing with the sacred solfeggio scale, or at least this particular sonic frequency, is base its validity on hard science, which is not even necessary... yet if that is going to be done, there needs to be some verification.



i have never seen anything that says "this has been empirically tested and is shown to be scientific fact" anywhere about this.

you people get into such a tizzy over silliness and definition.  when will you get that we're not right just by virtue of being in the present.  (ie, our current understanding doesn't negate everything that we don't understand)

meh, whatever.  i'm sure you all are right.  why not.
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on December 04, 2010, 11:12:31
i have never seen anything that says "this has been empirically tested and is shown to be scientific fact" anywhere about this.

you people get into such a tizzy over silliness and definition.  when will you get that we're not right just by virtue of being in the present.  (ie, our current understanding doesn't negate everything that we don't understand)

meh, whatever.  i'm sure you all are right.  why not.

Are you missing the point on purpose or what?

Don't read anymore into what I'm saying than what I said. I'm not here to decry metaphysics, esotericism, or even the sacred solfeggio scale. Nearly every article on the net about the solfeggio frequencies claims that "528 hz is the exact frequency used by biochemists to repair broken DNA." This is the same as saying, "It has been empirically tested and shown to be scientific fact by biochemists that a 528 hz frequency sonic pulse will repair broken DNA." Is it not? And if it is, then where is this empirical evidence being reported at? That is the only thing I want to know, and am pointing out -- that I have not found such evidence reported anywhere in the literature. If anything, my remark was a request for assistance in this endeavor. Now, unless you've got the paper on your desk or desktop right in front of you, I don't see why you are even attending to my comment.


Take a look at what these people are doing for the polluted Gulf of Mexico... They have a lot of equipment that powerfully blasts out frequencies.

Hutchison Effect Cleans Gulf
Hutchison Effect Cleans Gulf Waters
Scientist John Hutchison Uses Frequency Healing to Restore The Gulf After BP Oil Spill
(at 7:14 she says "528"; at 13:36 the Solfeggio frequencies circle is shown)

Apparently it is working, based on all the sample reports.

Interesting. :-)


Perhaps I'm missing something, but all I see is  people saying that what they did was 'restore' the water to it's proper 'frequency'. 
They are also saying that this doesn't mean the oil is gone, just that the water is now back to it's 'normal' frequency.

So why are the headings advertising that this 'cleaned' the oil spill?  And how is this proof that the solfeggio frequency can heal 'broken' DNA?


Quote from: Yamabushi on December 06, 2010, 05:18:27
Are you missing the point on purpose or what?

Don't read anymore into what I'm saying than what I said. I'm not here to decry metaphysics, esotericism, or even the sacred solfeggio scale. Nearly every article on the net about the solfeggio frequencies claims that "528 hz is the exact frequency used by biochemists to repair broken DNA." This is the same as saying, "It has been empirically tested and shown to be scientific fact by biochemists that a 528 hz frequency sonic pulse will repair broken DNA." Is it not? And if it is, then where is this empirical evidence being reported at? That is the only thing I want to know, and am pointing out -- that I have not found such evidence reported anywhere in the literature. If anything, my remark was a request for assistance in this endeavor. Now, unless you've got the paper on your desk or desktop right in front of you, I don't see why you are even attending to my comment.

no stress friend.  my comment wasn't directed specifically at you, it was more of a general statement.  it has been a while (at least 2 years i guess) since I read about this "special frequency" and at the time i didn't recall seeing anything that said this was used to repair DNA or that it was tested in controlled experiments.  what i read about was specifically in reference to water and "healing" water.  they didn't say it would clean up pollution or anything drastic like that.  the implication that i gathered was that pollution puts "negative" energy in the water and this frequency could cleanse the energy, like sage smudging or something.  so we're really coming from two vastly different perspectives here, which is why my comment wasn't really directed at you.  sorry for any misunderstanding. 
be awesome.


QuoteTake a look at what these people are doing for the polluted Gulf of Mexico... They have a lot of equipment that powerfully blasts out frequencies.

Hutchison Effect Cleans Gulf
Hutchison Effect Cleans Gulf Waters
Scientist John Hutchison Uses Frequency Healing to Restore The Gulf After BP Oil Spill
(at 7:14 she says "528"; at 13:36 the Solfeggio frequencies circle is shown)

Apparently it is working, based on all the sample reports.


Yeah, but going back to the idea about making hard empirical claims, there is no way to test a conclusion like that. There are not two planet earths, each with an identical gulf spill, where they can experiment on the one, and leave the other untouched as a control. There is no way to say that any improvemnt being made was not something simply caused by geological processes over time, or by the actions of some other party using some other means at the same time.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: personalreality on December 06, 2010, 13:23:02
no stress friend.  my comment wasn't directed specifically at you, it was more of a general statement.  it has been a while (at least 2 years i guess) since I read about this "special frequency" and at the time i didn't recall seeing anything that said this was used to repair DNA or that it was tested in controlled experiments.  what i read about was specifically in reference to water and "healing" water.  they didn't say it would clean up pollution or anything drastic like that.  the implication that i gathered was that pollution puts "negative" energy in the water and this frequency could cleanse the energy, like sage smudging or something.  so we're really coming from two vastly different perspectives here, which is why my comment wasn't really directed at you.  sorry for any misunderstanding. 

Thanks for clarifying  :-D

My experience with the solfeggio scale has actually been quite remarkable in other ways not related to DNA repair.


That sounds exciting. Care to elaborate?


Quote from: manwesulimo2004 on December 07, 2010, 01:33:41
That sounds exciting. Care to elaborate?

Sorry for the extremely late reply.

A while ago I took up a sadhana that pretty much boiled down to vocalizing (humming like a Tuva singer) combinations of specific solfeggio notes in specific breathing tempo schemes, a la mantra repetition + pranayama. After a few months of daily practice I began experiencing the classical symptoms of kundalini awakening while doing it. This actually renewed my interest in the metaphysics of kundalini (not just the physics / biophysics) and is what prompted my return to this board and avatar selection.

For anyone further interested: sequence was 528 hz, 417 hz, 528 hz, 396 hz, hummed in key of D, each note held for 3 seconds before blending into the next one without interruption (total sequence 12 seconds in length before taking another breath). One thing this is really good at doing is inducing respiratory apnea and this generally also is accompanied by the "bliss" of a kundalini energization (after all the orgasmic sensations, autonomic coccygeal innervation, kriyas, etc). Interesting to note that the apnea is not the same as just holding the breath... no turning "blue" and once breathing is required again it resumes normally (no huge gaspings for air). I go 3 minutes in theta state without breathing, totally "zoned out" in pleasure, after 20-30 minutes of humming this sequence... but I had to work up to that. Can't guarantee it will work for anyone else, but it has for at least one other person I am aware of - he hums in key of C, without the overtone generation of throat singing.

It's better than MDMA  :-D