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Kitiara uth Matar threatened and insulted Nay.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


Originally posted by Awakening

why was that deleted?

Yeah, this whole trend of removing entire long threads because of one or two offenders is REALLY not cool.  You'd think that in such a diverse community that generally prides itself on openmindedness, we wouldn't have to worry about this kind of censorship.

I propose a new forum -- one where mods and their nemeses can freely threaten and delete each other until they all get carpal tunnel.  [:D]  Maybe then the rest of us could continue with the interesting discussions we've been having, in peace.

Anyway, as I said before, I'm about to leave for about a week and a half... if there are any new developments that might be in danger of disappearing before I get back, someone keep me posted, yeah?
Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes."
    --Gospel of Thomas, saying 10


Contemplate your position, and think if that's a really good idea?  Some threats on these boards aren't the idle threats on some gaming forum, ponder that on you week off [:O]
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Though I am curious as to why this one was deleted as well, I still put my posts and topics at the hands of the Mods and believe that when something is done it is done for the best.

Though if as was suggested the topic was deleted because of one remark made by one person, wouldnt it have made more sense to just delete that post rather than the whole thread?

I await an answer filled with oddidbladdity...??[:D]
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"

Quiet Storm

I await an answer filled with oddidbladdity...??



St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"

Quiet Storm

Yeah, this whole trend of removing entire long threads because of one or two offenders is REALLY not cool. You'd think that in such a diverse community that generally prides itself on openmindedness, we wouldn't have to worry about this kind of censorship.

I agree.


has forums, the admins won't moderate you, might even create a whole new forum section for you if you ask nicely :)

FYI:they are heavily opinionated, if you want a link directly to the open forum - >

you'll notice it says "Talk about everything"   so let er' rip :)


Original from Kitiara uth Matar in the last prediction thread

Now I posted much the same account on OccultForums before it was hacked (one of the times...) but at the time, though I did have strong suspicions as to who his attacker was, I wasn't sure enough about it to state it openly. Now I do believe that I am so sure: it was I AM who attacked Oazaki. You may know him Nay, he's a moderator over on OccultForums. A very knowledgable, and a very, very competent ceremonial magickian. I'd easily rank him as one of the most powerful magickians on the planet, and a very vicious one at that. I have a lot of respect for him and would think not only twice but six or seven times before taking him on in any way myself. And yet he was just a minor irritation to Oazaki, an irritation which just amused him. Truly lady, you have no idea of the power of the one you're dealing with here. You know what I AM is doing now? Dying. Painfully. This too I have checked and it is very clear. Which is why I am certain about what I initially only suspected. I'm sure you could PM or e-mail him though if you don't believe me. Maybe he'll reply. Maybe he's already too far gone for that. But I get the impression that he has a couple more weeks of pain to go through before he finally does die. I'm not sure why Oazaki was so harsh on him. I'm sure he had his reasons though.

I just wanted to say that was complete BS. I PMed I AM and he is fine.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


wow. a real human posting that kind of....crap?
I must apologize beforehand by saying that I dont like calling anyone on BS, but people, when you are saying this stuff you are totally destroying any credability many of the subjects here within these forums contain.

I don't even know how to feel about that except by acknowledging suspicions on the fact that Oazaki might be a dual user, taking both the name Oazaki and Kitiara to use in order to further manipulate those who are already vulnerable to influence.

Just the fact that somebody would post something so deliberately unfocused and unrealistic is cause for reexamining the reliability of many on these and other forums.
Im sorry again, but if that was posted on a thread I created, Im happy it was deleted.

It is not beyond us as human beings to realize our potential in any aspect, metaphysical or other, but to live in another world completely based on such notions and to attempt to negotiate and manipulate others using those notions is almost an insult to everyone on these forums.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


That was just a part of Kitiaras posting, the rest was even worse.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


Can you post the rest? I'm interested [:)]


    i am a curious person.  so i looked into the origins of oazaki.  
oazaki is japanese.  it means "night soil"; or "human excreta as fertilizer"  .............odd.
"It has been said, quite accurately, that a psychotic person is drowning in the very same things that a mystic swims in." -- Pema Chodron

Quiet Storm

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock....


I have read the rest of the post, and I don't think it needs to be posted, but it eludes even more so to a deliberate delusion focusing on raising awareness of oazakis "powers."
Even the way it was written is similar to oazaki's and in fact speaks of certain things that I dont think anyone would know or pay attention to less they were COMPLETELY obsessed with someone enough to remember every detail of what that person does, and where.

The end even talks of having the post and kitiaras account deleted because of threats made and "kitiara" showing no remorse and is indifferent to the fact that the account will most likely be deleted, which usually does matter unless that person has some other means to return, i.e. it doesnt matter because it is oazaki and he can always return.

I am sorry though that there may be someone on here like him who cannot deal with their real lives well enough that they must come into different forums on the internet and manipulate people into following him and attempting to make everyone believe he is a powerful person when in fact he is in more likelyhood a scared unfocused and probably disturbed youth.
I remember after asking him what his age was and he told me 29 he said pretty amazing to have all this knowledge and experience for someone so young huh?
yeah, well I dont know what he has gone through in life but if it led him onto these forums just to screw with people with such depth behind it, it must not have been very exciting at all.

There are other things as well, but I don't think we need to focus on this subject less it persists in returning. This is the prophecy/divination forum, not, lets solve the riddle of oazaki forum which is a riddle unworthy of our time.
The best thing we can do in this situation is just ignore him now.

St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


I agree with Aileron. I don't know if both are the same person, but it's quite possible I think. Doesn't matter though, they're both crazy and should be avoided, imo.

"I AM" will probably write a comment about Kitiaras posting (I'll post it for him then, he has problems registering on AP, he said) here by tommorow, so I request this thread to stay open until then, please.

I don't do much, and I do it well.

Quiet Storm

ehh.. I dont think it was Oazaki.

But I must say that his style was kinda... tempting to rub off of. He is very accurate in describing what he wants to express, and has like.. key 'phrases' or... ways of writing.

So kitiara just could have liked the style (not making it possesive to anyone) and used the ways as a tool in her own writing, you know?

or not.. ya know, maybe it really was oazaki trying to 'generate' more 'karmas'.

Either way my path is not dependant on it in any way if that's what you want to get at here.


You're right, your not dependant on any of that. You are an intelligent enough person not to be swayed, but we all have influences and at one time or another and again in the future we make the mistake of putting some coherancy to someones doesnt even have to be insanity, excuse the exaggeration there.

As I said I only suspect they are they same person, and I was looking for evidence to suggest as such, but I did not want to blantantly disregard everyones right to innocence before proof of guilt.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


Pleiadian love and logic!


Hmmm, well guess I better make a brief comment on this one, especially as Kitiara sent me the whole text of her post by e-mail (always nice to be kept informed [:)] ).  My position is this: indifference.  As I have already stated, I do not and cannot view the people of this planet as my enemies, nor do I view them as truly opposed to me.  My opponents and my battles are, or more accurately were, fought on a far larger stage for far larger stakes.  As to whatever action one person sees fit to take against another, I care not.  Always have I been on the side of freedom and letting people do what they will, for whatever actions anyone takes my purposes are fulfilled.  And restriction of another's freedom was never my thing, indeed freeing humanity from the bonds which have been placed upon them and which they have placed upon themselves has ever and always been one of my key purposes in this whole design.

Regarding deleting whole threads for the sake of removing one or two posts which are viewed as unsavoury, I do find that childish, but then again I also find it childish to react with magickal attack just because a thread (which can be found in google's cache anyway) has been deleted.  Nevertheless, I guess I can understand where you're both coming from and I love you both anyways babes... [:)].

As regards Kitiara's account of whatever may or may not have happened between me and I AM, I have no comment.  Indeed, I have always been kindly disposed towards I AM, though admittedly it is probably reasonable to say that he has never been the greatest supporter of my material and what I am trying to do.  Still, be that as it may, as I have repeatedly said, I can't really ever view humans on this planet as my enemies, or even my opponents, no matter how they themselves might perceive me or their relation to me.

As regards me and Kitiara being the same person, well I can think of three very obvious differences right away: left breast, right breast and, ahem, that bit in between [:P].  And I do fully intend to become One with her, on a regular basis, very soon indeed (well, you are an extreme babe babes, and you are indeed most spirited... [;)]).  Beyond that, whatever.  It's not the first time people have though I was another user just because there was some similarity in what we said or how we said it, and it probably won't be the last either.  That, too, is a matter which I am indifferent about, and also, admittedly, find quite amusing.

Well that's about it I guess.  And to think I only checked in today to see how Quiet Storm is going with the breatharian process.  How is that going btw QS?

all the best all,
Expect No Mercy

Quiet Storm

The breatharian process is doing fine man. I started drinkin fluids yesterday and today I am feeling fine except for this acid that has been forming around my chest for the past 3 days which I had to repeteadly dispose of through the mouth, but now I am just letting it stay and now it's cool though. Now my body is feels like it is recovering from the dry period.

I sent you an email reguarding my progress also, so you may wanna check your inbox.


Going there now...

Good to hear you're through the first seven days QS! [:)]  That's the hard part done.  The rest is plain sailing really.  Well done btw.  Those seven days are usually enough to break most people.  Truly it takes a strong will and focused determination to get through them.  So you have cause to pat yourself on the back I think.

[^] [:)]

all the best,
Expect No Mercy


I have no enemies  I have risen above petty emotional entanglements.  I somehow end up implying or saying that my opponents are childish.  But that's because I just want to teach others.  Not because I myself am sullied by any emotions or competitiveness.  My natural superiority shines through in the ways I am not affected and smile at everything.  I make predictions so that you will see that I know things.  When these do not come true, I say I changed my mind.  I have forgotten why I decided to make predictions since I of course knew I would change my mind and change the world.  I am not sure why I predict things and then when the time comes I tell people the changes are not visible.  Enlightenment is not knowing exactly what you are doing while talking about women's breasts.  If you have a problem with me talking about breasts like a competitive frat boy, it's because you have judgements of sex.  Why are you suprised that enlightened sex talk is the same as the way the 'cool' boys in high school talk about women so they don't have to face their fear of women.  Boys who become men who end up with short term relationships with generally angry self-destructive women.  Women who also manage to tell themselves that the sex is somehow 'hot' and not cold, unloving, mechanical 'pseudo pleasure'.

I really don't care what you think.  This complete independence in the emotional sphere is enlightenment.

If you think you feel an undercurrent of neediness in my posts, desperation for attention and adulation, you are reading to deeply.  I am not deep.  I am surface.  I am the Cheshire Cat's disappearing smile.  I am the production of imagination.  I am the teenage boy's imaginized Buddha.  That whimpering unpopular kid I see sometimes when I hop into my Mazzerati has nothing to do with me.  Your reactions have nothing to do with me.  There is nothing for me to learn.  Pressure is not building up around me.  It is not harder and harder to maintain this false smile.  It is not hard at all to hide from myself my own disappointment at my mistakes and failed predictions.  I find that easy.  You poor weak things that cannot ignore your mistakes, all in the name of integrity.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Quiet Storm

Thats gotta be one hell of an ego trip don't ya think?

Mystic Cloud

Coben I advice you balance your crown energy centre.
Because when it is unbalanced it gives EXACTLY the kind of thoughts
you have written in your post. Spiritually arrogant, yes I've
been there myself and everynow and then I slip there [:D]

But the truth is that we are all equally valued since every
human soul has a unique gem inside it that no one else has.
I were very arrogant a long time and then I were at a chakra workshop
where they told about the energy centres and how they affect our
thoughts. When I've read about it I thought it was just pure bovine excrement,
but when the lecturer spoke from his own experience it all opened

So I stimulated my crown centre, BANG, all my arrogant thoughts
disappeared [:O] Try it out [:D]
If we compare us to infinitely small,
that will make us infinitely big,
but if we compare
ourselves to infinitely
big, it will make us infinitely small.
What is our size again?