The Astral Pulse

Metaphysics => Welcome to Metaphysics! => Topic started by: Ides315 on June 08, 2002, 15:17:49

Title: Memories AAAH
Post by: Ides315 on June 08, 2002, 15:17:49
Hello, CP

I don't think it is posible to erase memories. The can be buried with induced amnesia, but your subconcious still knows, and you will continue to have problems, just the trail to root it out will be hidden.

Most things we go through are for a reason. Maybe  looking for/at  the Karmic lessons will help.

Someone (sorry I don't remember who) listed as something to look at. The technique there will relieve a lot of the emotions that come with the trauma. You would still remember, but it would not be painful.

There is a machine that psychologists use that sort of "burn out" the memory, using a controled REM enviroment. You will still remember but I guess it is pretty distant.

All of these would help, and I would recomend trying to get a handle on what/why the are so upsetting. You are supposed to learn something from that.

Best wishes

Title: Memories AAAH
Post by: Fenris on June 09, 2002, 01:51:06

I agree with Ides315 about learning from memories.

If it is something that you have done then learn more about yourself from it. If it is something someone else has done then learn more about man and the world form it.

I know how you feel and I can relate, but those who do not learn from the past are doomed to relive it. You might think you have learned but acceptance is the final stage of that. I recomend that rather than running from your past and tricking your mind that you analyse yourself to understand why it bothers you so much. Truely and honestly  understanding ourselves is the first step to many great things.

There are lots of methods to self analyse but I feel that a organised system works best as opposed to just trying to think about the past and what it means. Personaly I write a list starting with what happened, how I feel. Why I feel this way, when have I felt like this before... And basically just continually breaking things down in what ever order feels best. After a while you find that you now understand and accept the period or incident - and you have a few pages of writing you can read again later. But you have to be honest to yourself above all else for this to work

There however is no need to do this alone, and you might find that self analysis is not for you. If this is the case than you perhaps should seek professional help, this is not a big issue these days and no one else needs to know.



Veni Vidi Vici
Title: Memories AAAH
Post by: cainam_nazier on June 09, 2002, 03:01:44
You can not erase a memory with any thing short of a labotomy, but that would take care of several othings aswell.  Even if you choose to forget the memory is stil there and you never know what might trigger it's reappearance.  And they are normally much stronger when this kind of thing happens.  But however if you do deal with it you can forget it after and it will not resurface because it is no longer an issue.  

The problem with trying to do self hypnosis with some thing like that is the fact by its mir practice you are recalling that memory and dwelling on.  You are putting so much effort in to trying to forget you can do nothing but remember because that is where your thoughts are.  Even with a full blown hypnosis session or two you can not erase the memory and it is possible for it to come back, and even more the danger would be losing all memories or the ability to form new ones.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
Title: Memories AAAH
Post by: Qui-Gon Jinn on June 09, 2002, 06:16:21
Memories are not to be erased, no matter how hard they are to cope with...  

Keep your focus here and now where it belongs, when you practice moment awareness, you´ll soon come to realize that the past as well as the future - is imaginiation...   the only ´thing´ that is real is this moment, and so if you cannot learn (you can but the lesson are often invisible to the naked eye) from your painful memories, there is only one thing to do - let go of it/them....  that is not always the easiest to do, I know, but I´m 100% convinced that this is the only way to go - at least the only wise thing to do.

  Here´s a little story, lets see if I remember it...  hmmm.. here goes;

Two munks (sp? monks?), one old and one young, walked along a muddy path in a rainforrest, on their way to a monastery in Japan.  
They crossed paths with an adorable young woman who stood helpless on the edge a muddy, fast flowing water watercourse.
When the older monk saw her situation, he picked her up in his strong arms and carried her over.  She smiled at him with her arms around his neck, until he carefully putt her down on the other side.
 She bowed and thanked him, and the monks continued on their way in silence.
 When they got close to the monastery, the young monk could no longer keep silent: - "How could you carry a beautiful woman in your arms? Such a behavior doesn´t deem appropriate for a priest".
The old monk looked at his companion and answered: - "I left her there over. Are you still carrying her?"

 This is something I have had quite some problems with in my life, and I´m sure most with me - but I´m getting there...  one just have to be stubborn as.. something very stubborn...  tell oneself that this happened in the past, and well the past is the past, forget about your ego and let it go.....

 Be well //Richard

- Your focus determines your reality -
Title: Memories AAAH
Post by: Rob on June 09, 2002, 09:47:09
While memories cannot be forcefully erased as far as I know, it doesn't matter as the reason you want to erase it is because it bothers you. And you can do something about that.
Go to the astral pulse, into articles and basic psychic countermeasures. Read up on CIR - Core Image Removal - and apply the techniques to the bad memories you have. It works and is really easy!
happy housework

Title: Memories AAAH
Post by: CP on June 08, 2002, 13:36:26
I don't really know where to post this -
I have some undesireable memories, and I can only really rest happy when they are erased.  I tried a self hypnosis which was basically a long relaxation script followed by affirmations (example: the memories of all the people who you met at blah blah no longer effect you, etc).  In short, I haven't forgotten anything.  Please, if someone could help me in erasing memories, I would be SO GRATEFUL.  

P.S. I will only really be happy if I can erase the memories, not just 'solve the problem' that I have with them