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Physical Healing

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One thing my mind has been mulling over a lot lately, is the idea of supernatural physical healing. When I was an evangelical Christian, I was raised in a culture that believed strongly in praying for people to be healed physically. We believed this because we believed in the life and words of Jesus that physical healing, the way that Jesus is written of doing, is absolutely possible for us if we simply have enough faith. When I left Evangelicalism and sort of became a naturalist for a while, that whole notion seemed silly. However, I cannot explain the literally hundreds of supernatural healings I've seen take place. I've prayed for people and seen them instantly healed of things like chronic back pain, terrible eyesight being turned into 20/20, short legs growing out, sickness, migranes, even diseases such as cancer I have seen people instantly healed from. I have even seen a dead person be raised back to life. I myself have been healed of a number of things that I have no way of explaining through naturalism.

On the other hand, I have never seen a stump limb or withered hand grow out back into a normal hand, or someone with down syndrome brought back to normal health. But it seems obvious to me that physical healing is most definitely possible if someone believes it enough. However most Christians believe that people are either healed because it is "the will of God" or not, which always bothered me tremendously. Because why would God heal one person and not another? Why would God heal my headache, but not heal this poor child from leukemia? It seems to me that it has more to do with how much belief the person praying has.

My question is, how can we explain this phenomenon in relation to consciousness? If we look at Quantum physics, we know that the "Observer Effect" shows that particles take position based on how they are observed. What are your thoughts?
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


Everything has a "probability" of happening.  Our "Intent" can influence the probability of what YOU want to happen to actually happen.

This is why prayer *CAN* and *DOES* work.  You're essentially meditating when you're in deep prayer.  The more you focus, the more pointed your Intent becomes, and the more you can influence the probability of your desire to occur.  :)


It works I had a medical condition which required surgery that was healed over the space of an hour last year. Though it seemed to come from outside I later learned how it worked, and it has more to do with intent and belief that it is happening. The symbolism that is generated is appropriate for the intent and belief. ( not what you want to believe.. big difference)