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Q re: vibrational energy sensations (sorry long)

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Heyas.. My guess is that, you were experienceing the vibration type feeling that a persons body might undergo, while trying to achieve an Astral Projection.

[ personally i've never projected, im in saddened by that fact, but from what i've read, and have heard people talking about, you are experienceing the first steps on how to project....]

if you follow through with that experience again, try doing another remote veiwing attempt... you may experience things mroe clearer than you have before.

in any case... i may not be the correct one to be giving advise... but i was trying to help out.. and with that said and done... Good luck
If someone has the knowledge, and wants to do something, how far do you think they can go, if they lack the experience, and are unable to sustain the amount of effort needed to succeed?  ~ Self 2/25/2003


Thank you for your insight, Tarconiss.  I am a very passive person, so I find I'm often not prepared mentally for these new experiences.  I tend to savor the moment, rather than taking them to a further step.  And then, of course, I wonder if I'll have a 2nd opportunity. But I shall remember your suggestion when the time comes.



Hey PJ.
Why dont you willfully try to Astral Project? Youre off to a better start than most and i think i can safely say that youll never regret doing it.In fact, it sounds like youve allready partially projected so why not go the whole hog. Ive only recently started but from my limited experience i can testify that its the most fun you can have with your body off [:D]



Parmenion, what steps do you take to initiate your astral projection?  As yet I'm not experienced enough to just happens.  Meditation certainly seemed to bring it on for me, however, I meditate 2x a day and it doesn't always happen.



I only began meditating in Dec. '02. So this is all still very new to me.

I was in a psychic development class in which we did a remote viewing into the astral aura of our partner's home.  We also had to describe a person who frequents there.  I felt stilted and floundering during the viewing of the home, mostly because I kept thinking of this very tall, but stooped man.  I figured it was my wandering imagination, but when it came time for me to describe a person in her house, all I could come up with was this man.  As I began describing him, an electrical vibration started in my back near my heart and spread over my entire upper back, reached over my shoulders, enveloped my front upper torso and rolled in waves down my arms into my hands and fingers.  My palms were turned downward, hovering over my partner's upturned palms.  With each description I shared with her, waves of vibration would travel down my arms; and I started talking faster and faster.  I was so shocked by the sensation that I "choked" and pulled off.  My partner confirmed it was her husband I was describing and that he died 3 yrs. ago.  Was I just collecting info. off the astral "internet" so to speak, or perhaps an imprint in her house; or was my partner's spouse sending this information that seemed to pulse through me?

That was Sunday.  This morning I was doing a routine guided med. tape I've used many times, but this time I was looking at a mandala and also laying down, which I normally don't do.  As I began part 2 of the tape which was just white noise, I began a visualization technique I learned in class and gradually my entire body began to hum, and then I was vibrating.  I was again experiencing the same vibrational energy I'd had in class, but this time it was my entire body.  I also experienced ticking and pulling sensations on the bridge of my nose and around my eyes and top of my head.  I started to fight it as it seemed to hold me down, but then remembered my regret of not following through yesterday, so I relaxed and stayed with it.  I swear it felt like I levitated off the bed at least 4".  I don't think my body actually lifted, but some part of me did.  I "hovered" there in awe of the sensation and wondering what in the world was happening to me, and I gradually fell asleep.

Can someone PLEASE tell me what it is I am experiencing?