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Please note: Channeler withdrawn, sickened.

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Wow ... I didn't realize what was going on, you just opened my eyes on all this ! I find it really too bad that because of some poor minded people all our great channelers are leaving things one after the other, preventing the ones who believe of having some new information and answers ! I don't know what to say in fact, i'm really flabbergasted (wrote it right this time Edi ... ;)) by all this ...Wether you decide to continue the channelings or not, you all, i thank you for your hard work and dedication for bringing up the channels to the forum, and i really sincerly hope you'll all get better soon, to come back stronger than ever ! I give you all my encouragements.

- Ama et fac quod vis -


I too have followed many of the channelings with interest and did not realize this was going on.   Sadly, and as always, it seems a few are ruining it for the majority.  That you would be attacked and even outright ridiculed for your service and dedication is appalling.

I hope that you are able to heal fully from these reprehensible attacks, and able to continue your channelling to an appreciative audience, preferably here, but if not, some place that can share in the spirit of love and friendship that the guides have always shown.
Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.

Euphoric Sunrise

I'm another who didn't realise the scope of this situation. Especially considering what The Astral Pulse is supposed to be about, this is quite a disappointing discovery. This is supposed to be a place for open-minded discussion of the metaphysical. People are supposed feel comfortable expressing things like this, and instead we have people not being able to do something that should be a pleasure to do.

I have to be honest here, i'm really disappointed at the people who have given these channelers so much grief. It's not just the newer members either. I'm not gonna name any names, but i've seen more regular users get into fights and say things.

Well i hope this situation can be solved and our channelers (or at least Fuzziwig) can get back on their feet without having ot worry about being ridiculed. There are those of us who really do appreciate what you guys have all done. This is the only place in the world i know of where inexperienced explorers can have some kind of contact with what seems to be ETs. And regardless of whether they really are or not, the information written on the pages is good stuff!

Anyways, all the best to Fuzzi. I'd help if i could [:D]
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


I Dig A Pony

I dig a pony
Well you can celebrate anything you want
Well you can celebrate anything you want
I do a road hog
Well you can penetrate any place you go
Yes you can penetrate any place you go
I told you, all I want is you.
Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it to
I pick a moon dog
Well you can radiate ev'rything you are
Yes you can radiate ev'rything you are--
I roll a stoney
Well you can imitate ev'ryone you know
Yes you can imitate ev'ryone you know
I told you, all I want is you.
Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it to
I feel the wind blow
Well you can indicate ev'rything you see
Yes you can indicate ev'rything you see--
I dug a pony
Well you can syndicate any boat you row
Yes you can syndicate any boat you row
I told you, all I want is you.
Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it to

Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.


In other words what you are saying is if we wish to continue reading the channelings we're not allowed at all to criticise them.
Nothing can go without criticism, especially channeled information. I have opinions on the channelings and it is my every right to express my opinion on them - now I have split veiws on it, I read the channelings with interest but I take them with a pinch of salt, if I feel something needs to be said about certain channeled information then i'll say it.

If this anouncement is primarily in regards to people being abusive to the people receiving the channeled information then I can understand that and I agree it is wrong, I myself have never been abusive toward channelers and it is wrong to do so - the info channeled however should always be studied carefully and not simply accepted.

Dont get me wrong, I as others appreciate that you channel this info to us and I always look forward to reading what the Zetas have to say.


In all seriousness, if these channelers are experiencing actual illness from the negative comments and feelings directed towards them then they should definitely not be channeling.  If they can't handle the emotional and psychic bombardment that goes along with peoples free will than I am not sure how they even operate in the world, whether it be the physical or spiritual.  Especially in there everyday lives where peoples emotions are constantly surrounding them.  Perhaps they should work on a form of psychic self-defense.  Just block the bad stuff out and learn to open yourself up only with conductive to your needs.



Originally posted by Edi
You all know how those channelings were received by people on this forum.

« You all know » ? Are you saying that you know what all of us know ?

Apart from the few encouraging and many quiet voices, there was all the time an ongoing onslaught of vicious criticism and deliberate attack on the work that was done.

Where ?

Many people are not willing to examine in a calm way what was channeled and discuss it in a way that would be appropriate for mature people.

Maybe you have a problem in picking up emotions from a post. It's happened before. It's normal. We all do that. You are accustomed to channel beings who have no emotions. So you don't have to « guess » their emotions.

Many people did not hesitate to ridicule the channelers and the big amount of work and effort that was involved in this.

Where ?

Being called 'idiots who pretend to channel entities' is just the smallest part of it.

What's the big part ?

The atmosphere has been like this for a long time and hurt many people badly, not only the channelers.This is why there are so few actually channeling, because it has to be correct at all times. A channeler by their nature feels things very deeply, that is why they can do the job in the first place. They open up, and if they are attacked over and over again it is like being abused.

You were abused ? Maybe you need some psychological counselling, which I am sure Mayatnik will provide.

So, to become a good channeler you need to :
- shed all conditioning
- feel things very deeply

Parmenion was sickened to the point he could not continue. He was physically nauseated.TruthSeeker was accused and hurt which made him leave this forum. Val was viciously attacked and injured just for speaking out about why people were being attacked.

oh oh oh

And now Fuzziwig was brought to the point where he can not channel anymore the way he feels. It is clearly visible in the latest posting in the Reptilian Channelings thread that the total lack of respect that some have destroys the ability of the channeler to be accurate at all times.

Clearly visible. Total lack of respect. DESTROyed the ability. Wow.

Because of this, the guides decided that Fuzziwig be put on 'sick leave' for the time being, until he recovers his stability and confidence.

That's a good call.

This means that he cannot continue channeling at the present time. Karek, who is in charge of this whole project, has instructed this, and it has been independently verified by each guide of the persons involved.


Up to now, Fuzziwig has been doing excellent work. All his previous channelings were impeccable. He doesn't deserve the upset that he has had. He has worked so well and dedicatedly.

I am sorry Fuzzy. You sure seem like a sympathetic character. Too bad you can't speak for yourself anymore.

It is your decision, all of you who read this, on how you treat people. If you want, you can shoot down each one of us, one after the other.

Ok now let me take my riffle [:P].


What was the point of that post, Chill? I believe those sorts of posts are exactly the types of things that aren't really helping anyone. Maybe I'm just misinterpretting your 'humor', but some of the comments you made sounded somewhat disrespectful, as they were really nothing more than smarting off to disected piece of Edi's post.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


This type of thinly-veiled sarcastic dissection of someone's words is, on one end, what is contributing to the breakdown of communications here at the forums.  What's the point of taking every other sentence and rebuffing it with either a query for MORE proof or simply maligning someone's character?  This serves no one and is one of the reasons I've stayed out of all this until now, however it's just coming to a point where all of the channelings are going to stop and no one's going to be any better off, regardless of any individual's position on the manner.  These people are putting a vast majority of their time, effort, and energy into this.  Without them, NONE of this would be possible.  Show a little appreciation.

This is NOT an attack, it's a plea for more peaceful interaction so the channelings can continue without hurting any of those involved.  Those doing this type of work are naturally going to respond to the emotional environment being transmitted, that's how it works.  If you don't 'care' how sensitive they are then maybe you should move on or at least relax a bit!

Of course, this will probably open up more attacks, but the request being made is to simply ask people to be a bit more respectful is all, not to censor themselves -- just watch the manner in which your message is being conveyed.  Humanity needs to learn how to 'play nice' with each other -- this is a good place to start it!


[Edit: Chill, no_leaf_clover responded while I was in the midst of typing up a reply, so don't take this as 'ganging up', just a timing issue.  However, my position on this issue stands - if we want this to continue, we should work in a manner that is beneficial to everyone involved.  THOUGHTFUL discussion.]



It's too late NOW to send me private messages - to tell me to 'chill out'. I am a human being and it's normal for me to have emotions. And I am honest about them. I think it was normal for me to get ticked by you moving my thread and not telling me about it, waiting half an hour (at least) then deleting my second thread. I have NO PROBLEM with you moving my threads as you see fit, I had a problem with you making it look like my stuff had been deleted, I was looking for my thread everywhere, and you did not respond to my 2nd thread asking where it was, you simply deleted that one. I had to find my new first thread, it finally popped in the healing section, where I never go.

I can tell you that tomorrow when I wake up I will have all forgotten about this, and forgiven.

But don't tell me to chill out now.

Anyway if you can spare a prayor, here is what I said, summerized :

I don't know what your religion is. Maybe you have none. Fine.
If you have one, and there is 'prayer' involved, I ask you to pray for those people :

- Fuzzywig
- Parmenion
- Edi
- Mayatnik
- Val killmer
- Truthseeker

To pray that they heal - in all 'aspects' : spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and even sexual healing - that counts too !
To pray so that they have peace and love and light again !
For those in the list who are not yet sickened, the prayer will serve as prevention !

Do it now, please, it will only take approx. 15 seconds of your time, PRAYER WORKS, well that's my personnal experience speaking, no need to tell anyone you have done it, do it, don't postpone/forget.

Thank you so much.



You have deleted my post. You find it offensive toward you ?
Ok. I did use words composed of *****, and the word ticked, which can be regarded as pretty unpleasant. My appologies. I thought it was better to censor me.

Now will you stop it, oh please, my princess ?

Oh God
Have Nay
Stop moving me &
deleting me around
on this board
I love


Sorry to those in the thread, I normally would not take this to the public forums, but it seems chill feels differently.

I saw your thread in the wrong forum, and moved it appropriately.  If you click on Active Topics it would have been right there.  Then for me to come back only to see you posted a FLAMING post about a mod deleting your post. I deleted that one, appropriately.  Then I come in here and see a flaming personal attack against me!  I deleted that one as well.  You are doing exactly what we are asking people not to do!

Your very first thread that you created is doing very well, in the healing forum.  You are asking for healing (and yes, prayer is a form of healing) of people, I am sorry if you disagree, but this is where those topics go....

Sorry you have so much anger towards me, I feel it is unfounded.




I hope everything gets back to normal soon for the people that have been sharing their channeled information, and that they come back soon. I am one of the people that appreciate and thank the time and work that goes into those topics. Whether it is or real or not, that is up to you to decide, but it is a good read nevertheless and the channelers shouldn't have to feel that they are being shut out and ridiculed, this is supposed to be an open-minded community after all?

Well, I haven't really read everything that has being going on, but I have seen a few of the combative posts that this topic is talking about in various parts of the forum. Generally speaking, while everyone has the right to their opinion, why do some people have to persistantly debunk, argue, and criticize, in the first place? People have the right to do what they want, that's why, but IMHO I think sometimes people get carried away TOO much. Instead of simply stating their opinion of something like "I respect what you are saying and I agree/disagree, and here's why", it instead turns into something that is a bit excessive, or entirely unnecessary, and some even to the point where they start getting repetitive and keep bringing it up in subtle ways in every post they make, criticising and spinning every chance they can get, while showing lack of respect, lack of common decency, and plenty of immaturity. When you read information that is being communicated, you either agree or you do not, and everyone that reads it will do the same, whether they state it publicly or not. If the person hasn't asked for your criticism, or it isn't warranted, or even it is, why bother sometimes to try and disprove things and try to make people look bad, and all that other nasty stuff that is associated with the word "criticism". I feel it's just wasted energy that could be used doing something more productive/important, like congratulating someone on their memorable channeling/AP experience.  [:D]


Originally posted by Adinaut

A forum will attract participants that are on different
levels. If one can't handle a situation, then that's
very honest and fair. But pouring out guilt isn't gonna
help it. I see guilt as a form of control often used
by someone aligned to light polarity - and it's used when
somebody tries to control a situation. Some will bend their
knees, others will be detested. It expands the division
already there.

No one can give guild it's something you have or not, whit reason.

If have to admit the forum is taking a turn for the worse, I denied this till I was caught doing exactly what I denied was happening.

I think we should all think really hard about our own behavior, is this really who we want to be, a forum full of bickering immature people? I don't, ill be twice as careful about how I say something now, as not to fall into anger.

Last I just want to say thanks to the channelers doing this, for doing something wonderful for us and wish the ones on "sick leave" a quick recovery.    


>I think we should all think really hard about our own
>behavior, is this really who we want to be, a forum full
>of bickering immature people? I don't, ill be twice as
>careful about how I say something now, as not to fall into

What you say spells like control to me.I don't like control
wheter it's about dark dominance, or light 'I know what's
best for you'.

You think we should do this or that, but the fact remains, it
is OUR choice to do whatever we choose to do.

I don't know what's right for everyone. But I know what is
right for me. And I will act accordingly.
Don't worry about me, I've got all that I need. You know how it feels, not minding the time passing by. I've got all and more, my smile, just as before, is what I carry with me now, yes, *I* am free.


I would like to add my own thoughts and experiences here.

Firstly, Channeling is a VERY DANGEROUS MYSTIC ART. In most cases you don't know if what you are channeling can get kicked out by another being, or if something can take the place of the channeled being before the actual channeling begins. Furthermore, these beings are talking through you. Sometimes, they are even IN you. In my experiences this can lead to trouble. I once Channeled a grey, unfortunately for me it was a negative grey and tried to take control of my body. I had to kick it out. Normally I am very sensitive and know when something is negative, but when another beings thoughts are overriding yours your senses are blocked and you go into a "semi-komotose" state of mind. You have little control unless you can mind split.

Additionally, a channelling can have some good benifits, but in the case of the greys There ARE, as mentioned above, negative greys who like to mislead. Channeling such entities are inevitable sometimes, and very tiring to fight off.

I would also like to add that a channelled spirit likes to give the user some good and some bad information if it's negative. I am not saying if Edi's or Mayatniks channelings are this case or not, as I have not been following these things. But it is possible.


That is all, have a nice day.


Originally posted by MJ-12

I find it disquieting that these guides would attempt to malign those that would legitimately question their validity and orientation.

Several on here have alluded to the possibility that these guides may actually be negatively oriented, and now, instead of a rational, coherent response, we get the whole guilt trip.

I don't buy it. Furthermore, if people channeling these guides have experienced these feelings as you say, then I wonder why these guides don't continually offer psychic and spiritual support to counterbalance this negativity.

I have to second this also. If this kind of thing is happening to the humans doing the channeling then this brings into question the type of training thay are getting to do this. And as i have said elsewhere there seems to be no safeguards whatsoever that these channelers are using to determine the nature of the entities they are opening up to.

SpectralDragon also made some good points in his post such as;

"I would also like to add that a channelled spirit likes to give the user some good and some bad information if it's negative."

I have asked what things these channelers (who i will say here i think sincerely believe they are doing a service to others) are doing to test these entities but have had no real reply so far.

Spiritual churches have circles where they train new mediums which can often take years (even then i consider this dangerous) and yet on here we are seeing people being encouraged to just open up to any old spirit and channel over just one IM conversation.

Now it may be (and i say that cautiously) that some of these channelings are genuine when the channeler is 'opening up' to these entities. But have these channelers been taught how to actually close back down again and ground themselves? Otherwise there could be a possibility that any passing entity could come along and mess with these "open" and psychically unprotected people. This belief in not needing to know the basics of psychic self-protection seems to stem from the belief that all spirits are good but this just isnt the case. There are the darker variety of entities out there and if you are open and unprotected it can be similar to how sharks can sense blood in the water for miles around.

If your are interested in the subject of channeling then i at least suggest you learn the basics of shielding and psychic self-defense just as a safety measure before doing so.


I forgot to add that it is universally customary for positive beings to give positive energy to the person doing the "mediating"


It's sad to read your post Edi.  We need to question and reason in order to grow, but you are correct in stating that many of us do not read all the information and rapidly jump to pre-conceived conclusions[8)]

I hope you and the Zetas are not angry though if we throw a few tough questions your way?  If we do, it is to try and understand if the Zetas are spiritually advanced or only technologically advanced.

I would hope that the Zetas feel that they can learn from us as we feel we can learn from them as we all have higher guides who transmit universal truths to us from time to time that may not be known by all.

Please keep up the good work.  We all live in the same Universe and need to question and sometimes vent inorder to grow[:)]


Hey whoever,

may I ask, do you know how those channelings are being done? Have you read them? Do you know what training we have had all along the way?

I will quote from my latest channeling:

E: Perena, is all set up and ready to channel the Zeta?
P: Yes, they are ready to begin.
E: Is the 'link' already up?
P: No, I only open it and connect you when it is time and when you agree to. If you do not wish to talk to the Zeta, no connection is made.
E: Can any being interfere with the channeling?
P: No, I am watching about it all the time. It is ensured that strict parameters are held and no interference distorts the communication. All that is taking place is only between myself, you and the Zeta. I am administrating the contact.
E: Would channeling be dangerous or problematic if I would just 'open up' to anything?
P: This would be blind and would indeed cause problems sooner or later. Is is important to be conscious of such contact all the time and to set them up and close them explicitely. I serve the purpose in being your guide in this because you know me well. I can also ensure you that I have control over what reaches you and what not, so nothing can interfere with our communication as long as you are stable from your side. This is why your attitude in channeling is important. I protect you at all times in order to ensure that the connection is correct and you are recieving correctly.
E: Fine... can we begin now?
P: Yes, I am linking you up now.
E: And here I see the Zeta in my mind's eye.
Z: Hi.
E: Here we go.

[... talking to the Zeta here ...]

E: Perena, is the connection to the Zeta now closed?
P: Yes, it is. There is no exchange between you going on now and no link exists, which would be necessary for telepathic communication. You are fully seperated and don't influence each other. This means that this channeling session is finished.
E: Wonderful.

What I and my guide have explained here is done EVERY time a channeling is done by us. You can see it in most of the channelings in the zeta thread, and if it's not said explicitely, I omitted it because I assumed that by that time people knew that this channeling link-up is done carefully each time, and I didn't want to explain it again all the time.

We are not opening up to any sudden influce. The training in channeling covers not just 'receiving' but other things, and a person who just 'receives' is NOT a channeler.  It takes a long time, and much careful training. We are protected by the guides in this, who we have build up a trusting relationship with over time. This is not done without thought and consideration. I am aware of my guide's presence 24 hours a day and check EVERY other being I am talking to telepathically, and every sentence I receive from them.

Those are controlled channelings where nothing can be 'kicked out' by malevolent beings. The beings I am channeling are not IN me, SpectralDragon, because this communication takes place in a telepathic manner where only words, images and general telepathic 'feelings' are exchanged. There is total control over all communication that takes place.

We don't 'open up to any old spirit', never. This would be clear if what we wrote would actually be read, but it doesn't look like that is done. Mayatnik asked to be quoted:

Yes.  It is time to do so.  I am fed up of their baby ways, wanting to be spoon fed.  They do not read what has been written over and over and over again.... and they in addition keep to their preconceived notions which blinds them to what is being said even if they read it.
Do we have to cut and paste into every post EVERYTHING that has been said in other posts?  Not feasible.  They are intelligent, whether they show it or not........and it is about time they started to read what we have spent so much time explaining for their benifit......yet they still ask what has already been given time and time again.

And I agree to this view, because I do not feel that your criticism is always related to what we are doing. I think this is because we are just not understanding each other perfectly and more communication would be necessary for this, but please respect that it would be helpful if things that have been explained would be read, instead of carrying along preconceived notions. You have your implicit assumptions, everyone has, me too. And yes, I agree with you in much what you said about 'opening up' to just any spirits. However, I don't see it apply in our case, which I hope was explained clearly now. The problem is not that we disagree, but that we're not talking about the same thing really. In my opinion.

If how I expressed my feelings came around rude, I apologize, but you know, being a channeler is hard at times. [;)]

it's love you're looking for


I have been a watcher and guardian of such things before, and I assure you things DO go wrong even with that system. I was one who was watching for bad spirits at the time and we didn't know where it came from.