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Science in Astral and Metaphysics on Earth

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Scientists think I'm crazy for saying metphysics is a real thing in the world that can be measured. People into metaphysics think I'm crazy for using anything I learn about science here out there in astral and beyond. But its all 1 world with a variety of shapes and dimensions. I'm between 2 worlds, and the members of each world laugh at the other like they're unimportant or dont even exist once the border is crossed.

Maybe I'm talking to the wrong lifeforms, Humans and their spirit forms in this case. Neither on Earth or in Astral do they seem willing to join in any project bridging the 2 worlds.

Maybe they dont think its possible, or the kinds of tools each of them uses are too different.

I understand basic tools used in astral, which include "thought forms" that are attracted to simple patterns and later may bring things back. Like any material, they can decay and stop working. I've also heard that more advanced forms of them can reproduce on their own or build other things. I usually experience my tools as an expansion of a blob of dimensions that can stick to some things but not other things as it expands and I navigate these blobs. Tools in the astral are more fluid and like thoughts, but I still think theres a way everything works even if we dont yet know what it is.

Back here on Earth, I understand the connection to metaphysics through my experiences with telekinesis and telepathy which involve balancing the mind and getting ready to have the same reaction to if something or its opposite happens (like opposite directions of movement of a psi wheel) which is like a voltage transformer of a quantum circuit, a ratio of 2 things that could happen to my 1 response to both of them (pigeonholing number of quantum states like in Bose Condensate).

I could go on about theories how it all works, but we really need to go at it with the Scientific Method or with some kind of strategy other than just playing with it. Playing is good but can only take us so far before we need a detailed and precise explanation of how it works and what we can do with it.

Maybe I could help build whatever machines or astral structures are needed to get started in such an exploration of bridging the worlds (Earth and Metaphysics). I can make computers do anything definable in math, and I'm sure I could figure out basic coils and electronics or find someone to help with that, and I can build basic astral structures (like I was the first to open the pyramid at Astral Pulse Island, from the inside, after which many started going back and forth). If people get serious about bridging the worlds, I offer my services as a tool builder on Earth and Metphysically.

Or am I "barking up the wrong tree" and maybe Humans arent interested in that kind of thing or arent ready for some reason? In that case I at least need a few astral tools built for my own use so I can advance to other forms of reality.


Hello beavis
Whatever works is ... literally whatever works!  :-) There is an incredible amount to be learned and intuition is as likely to be rewarded as the scientific method.
The concept of thought forms is quite interesting. The deliberate creation of specific thought forms might have a practical use. Maybe a thought form can channel special information back to a person in an altered state on consciousness (dream, meditation, etc) If a person can form specific questions and focus intent then those questions could be answered in a dream. (I've read that this has happened on occasion to other people .)

Regards  8-)


There are more things in the world that could happen. Nothing is impossible.


Greytraveller, thats all good but whats really needed is for many people to understand why it works and how to do it at the same time so more powerful structures can be built that bridge the worlds in a clearly visible and measurable way. Its not ok to just use one as a vacation from the other like they are disconnected. If I'm forced to choose, then I'll choose neither. I would have to go out searching for something else, something that has properties of both. I dont want to have to leave both, but those who live in each appear unwilling to help in any bridge building between the worlds or understanding of how to get started.

Blue Glitter Neon

I come from a philosophical background and to me 'metaphysics' simply means the origin of everything, the basis of existence, the way the world is deep down unto itself. So when Thales proclaimed that everything is basically forms of water, he posited a metaphysical hypothesis. There is a German word that fits: "Urgrund". Don't know how to say it English really.

I'm not sure that's the way the word 'metaphysics' is used on this forum. Sometimes I get the impression it's exclusively used to refer to a spiritual realm apart from the material.

Just thought I'd be adding this.


QuoteI'm not sure that's the way the word 'metaphysics' is used on this forum. Sometimes I get the impression it's exclusively used to refer to a spiritual realm apart from the material.

 More of the physics of the other realm is how I percieved it.

 As for the main topic, the entire egyptian culture was based on the after-life. The idea of creating structure/wealth in the afterlife is interesting.

  Why would we ever need such things? They are comforts. Crutches. To disassemble oneself and pull it back together would be better. Why do we need astral machines?

I suppose autonomous thought-forms would be usefull... on earth. Omni-sentience and becoming one with everything (omni-presence) seems like a better achievement.

Sorry for  poor spelling.
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


Blue Glitter Neon, when I say metaphysics I mean any real thing which science hasnt yet discovered and the physics of how it works, especially astral, telepathy, and telekinesis.

Quotevolcomstone - Why would we ever need such things? They are comforts. Crutches. To disassemble oneself and pull it back together would be better. Why do we need astral machines?

I suppose autonomous thought-forms would be usefull... on earth. Omni-sentience and becoming one with everything (omni-presence) seems like a better achievement.

If we dont learn how things work we wont know how to improve the world or ourselves. We wouldnt know what we are or what we can become.

On Earth its common for life forms to not know what they're made of or how their parts work. Most people have no idea why protons and neutrons stick together, yet thats most of their weight. When they slap a girls butt, thats the protons vibrating and making the sound. Similarly, they dont know how their metaphysical parts work. I'm not ok with this lack of self awareness. We barely know anything about what we are or can become.

For a few months in year 2003 I reached a level of self awareness thats hard to explain. I lost it in an injury thats now healed but the way of thinking or whatever it was didnt come back nearly as much. I would think things and unusually often that caused them to happen, usually little things like I was looking for a wormsnake to play with, which I hadnt seen one of in years, gave up on finding it, then 5 minutes later one of the local cats picked one up in its mouth. Another time I wanted to see what was in some drawer at work but didnt bother to open it, and a few minutes later someone came in and opened it. I felt "the vibrations" strongly all the time and for hundreds of feet around me, sometimes much farther even out across the stars. A few times I influenced wind, rain, and lightning. Sometimes it felt better than sex just laying around resonating with the pandimensional waves. Thousands of spirits at a time would come to experience music with me through my ears. I started to attract unusually smart life forms, you might call spirits, who taught me some math and how to resonate with the waves better. We exchanged ideas, usually vaguely, about how to network minds together through pandimensional waves, either the old fashioned way by just thinking in sync with them or with the help of computers and statistical algorithms considering subconscious psychology and played like a game, either way to network minds together by sync of thoughts through the pandimensional waves. It was all more amazing that I can put into words. Just a little more practice at it and I might have spread my consciousness across galaxies and dimensions permanently and still be looking down here at my Human body like a spec of dust. When I suddenly lost it, the knowledge how to get it back was there, but not the feel of it. Theres something missing in my minds resonance with the pandimensional waves that I hope to rediscover in researching how tech can sync our minds together.


Quote from: beavis on April 27, 2015, 03:16:44
Just a little more practice at it and I might have spread my consciousness across galaxies and dimensions permanently and still be looking down here at my Human body like a spec of dust.
Mabe you were not meant to. Maybe you would not learn as much that way


Quote from: BranStark on April 28, 2015, 22:39:45
Mabe you were not meant to. Maybe you would not learn as much that way
He doesn't even realize it, but his consciousness is already everything... so is yours, and mine... etc...


Quote from: Xanth on April 28, 2015, 23:48:06
He doesn't even realize it, but his consciousness is already everything... so is yours, and mine... etc...

That, and it doesn't even surprise me when I see the infinite possibilities of past world/lives and the choices I gotta make. I'm glad I took that road. I'm still bugged about singularity tho (mostly the end of the line).

Our consciousness already reached far beyond the Universe, it's everywhere you want it to be, trillions and trillions of galaxies. Those who are not letting people down is because they just know what they gotta do deep inside, if you're in doubt it's because you're not on YOUR right path. Your consciousness can be in alternate universe, where ever you choose it to be. It's the teachings that it brings you that is important.

I feel that my consciousness is communicating with other higher consciousness (few humans) but mostly people reincarnated here on earth who know at which point we are.  Basically defining the world we actually live in... life/death/astral thoughts.

Beavis I know that you are wondering where we are going. It's pretty simple actually, we are going into the Science Singularity.
It might not happen in the next 20 years but 40-60 years, maybe 80 or a century... But it's bound to happen, eventually people will be cyborgs, androids and such. Technology develops too fast, and by the time we've figured what is happening a hacker will already have released the A.I. in the computer world.
The only way for us to survive will be to get implants and "merge" with computers.

If our consciousness is completely transferred through computers without the feeling of our body dying, and that the computers figure a way to overcome the Universe collapsing on itself, or becoming a complete void (being one of the theory of Hawking) Then we would be considered "Immortals".

Now, did this happen before?
Or, are there really Higher Beings "in control" of this Universe, with strict law's that we must not transgress?
Would the computers really be able to change the course of the Universe itself?
And at the same time save us for Eternity itself? Who knows?

And the other part of this problem is, can we do the same thing with spiritually or Astrally? Can our spirit overcome reincarnation and become eternal?
Or is our spirit destined to forget everything eventually?

By the end of all this, trying to construct something astrally or doing some kind of link is a lot of work.
We as intelligent beings, can't even figure out what's truly going to happen through that singularity, no one know's what kind of thoughts/algorithms the computers will be using, no one know's how we'll actually merge, or if we're even going to be useful to something in the long run. Probably just in order for the computer to have a "bank" of personalities and different scheme of thoughts/dreams etc. Maybe I'm wrong!
How do we fit in all this?

Both of these choice tear me apart really, or the illusion of the choice because either way, we have no idea what's gonna happen.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Quote from: Kzaal on April 29, 2015, 07:07:23
That, and it doesn't even surprise me when I see the infinite possibilities of past world/lives and the choices I gotta make. I'm glad I took that road. I'm still bugged about singularity tho (mostly the end of the line).

Our consciousness already reached far beyond the Universe, it's everywhere you want it to be, trillions and trillions of galaxies. Those who are not letting people down is because they just know what they gotta do deep inside, if you're in doubt it's because you're not on YOUR right path. Your consciousness can be in alternate universe, where ever you choose it to be. It's the teachings that it brings you that is important.

I feel that my consciousness is communicating with other higher consciousness (few humans) but mostly people reincarnated here on earth who know at which point we are.  Basically defining the world we actually live in... life/death/astral thoughts.

Beavis I know that you are wondering where we are going. It's pretty simple actually, we are going into the Science Singularity.
It might not happen in the next 20 years but 40-60 years, maybe 80 or a century... But it's bound to happen, eventually people will be cyborgs, androids and such. Technology develops too fast, and by the time we've figured what is happening a hacker will already have released the A.I. in the computer world.
The only way for us to survive will be to get implants and "merge" with computers.

If our consciousness is completely transferred through computers without the feeling of our body dying, and that the computers figure a way to overcome the Universe collapsing on itself, or becoming a complete void (being one of the theory of Hawking) Then we would be considered "Immortals".

How can you know this is the course we are going to take. It might be a possibility, but a sure thing? I don't think so.

If it indeed were to happen, it opens up quite a few philosophical qustions.
Can an artificial machine contain a consciousness/soul within itself? If so, will we have means to do it?
How did the life as we know it and which we consider nature-based (of organic origin) begin anyway? Surely, organic compounds can be made out of inorganic ones, but how were DNA, RNA and protiens made? Which one was first? There are quite a few theories out there (Oparin's being the most popular at the moment), but none of them offers satisfactory answers. Now when we on AP, unlike most scienists, know consiousness is not just a brain product, how does it relate to the creation of life?
Can something artificial be 'injected' with consciousness after it has been made? Or is it only present from the beginning upon birth/fertilization etc.? Or are artificial things already conscious too (I know everything is already consciousness but I mean it in the sense of having an individual personality, just like we do in the physical reality)? And again, aren't we also 'artificial'? Is consciousness 'artificial'? What was the first thing that existed? And what was before it? :-) :-) :-)

Just trying to say I am clueless here. Everyone is. But you seemed pretty confident in that particular point. Why?


Quote from: Xanth on April 28, 2015, 23:48:06
He doesn't even realize it, but his consciousness is already everything... so is yours, and mine... etc...
True, but most (or all) of the time here on Earth you don't have the ability to perceive all of it at one time. Else you would be able to do, know and foresee everything. Then life would have know meaning as you would learn nothing from being separated from the source and from the process of rediscovering it.. That is what I think. And just maybe beavis was going that way too fast and so his higher self decided to step in and stop it. Just a thought. Who knows? I definitely don't. :-D


Quote from: BranStark on April 29, 2015, 18:05:57
True, but most (or all) of the time here on Earth you don't have the ability to perceive all of it at one time. Else you would be able to do, know and foresee everything. Then life would have know meaning as you would learn nothing from being separated from the source and from the process of rediscovering it.. That is what I think. And just maybe beavis was going that way too fast and so his higher self decided to step in and stop it. Just a thought. Who knows? I definitely don't. :-D
But see, that's really the thing... you *DO* have "the ability to perceive all of it at one time"... you just don't know how to listen.  Most people go through life listening on the purely physical level.  That's not deep enough.  Hell, as I said, most people don't even realize that they have this connection because they're too completely invested in the idea that this is a physical, objective reality to even bother to notice.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on April 29, 2015, 18:39:29
But see, that's really the thing... you *DO* have "the ability to perceive all of it at one time"... you just don't know how to listen.  Most people go through life listening on the purely physical level.  That's not deep enough.  Hell, as I said, most people don't even realize that they have this connection because they're too completely invested in the idea that this is a physical, objective reality to even bother to notice.  :)
I agree. I just probably didn't make myself clear enough. You are right that physical reality is NOT the objective one (if there are any objective at all). And yes, you have the link to the consciousness right know because you are it. But... Do you know everything just right at the moment? In a way, yes: somewhere deep within lies the answer. You COULD access it. You just usually don't. And to master the ability step by step takes a hell lot of effort. And this process is a learning experience. If you mastered the ability straight away, the learning value would be diminished.

Take every single experience you live through. Dealing with it without knowing everything teaches you thing or two, doesn't it? When you are unsure about what happens after death for example, you learn how to react to situations where death is involved while being uncertain and to deal with this uncertainty. Imagine you knew exactly what happens. It would take all the fun away. :-) Yes, you are able to access this information. But are you able to tell me? :-)


Well, you can never know everything.  :)

You are right though, that in the end, part of the point of these physical lives is discovering for yourself that individualism is an illusion.  We're all told many times (especially by ME!), but it is something you have to discover on your own.  But again, as I said, that doesn't negate the fact that you already have this connection.  It's like trying to learn to breathe and all you know how to do is hold your breath.  :)

Just one small step in your spiritual growth.


Quote from: BranStark on April 29, 2015, 18:02:08
How can you know this is the course we are going to take. It might be a possibility, but a sure thing? I don't think so.

Just trying to say I am clueless here. Everyone is. But you seemed pretty confident in that particular point. Why?

I'm not really confident, I'm just assuming. I theorize a lot, and read a lot of stuff online, predictions and scientific documents...
My mind is just like that, I like doing theories about what's could really to happen and see all the possibilities.
But to me, Singularity is one of the highest probable thing to happen. We are in 2015, technology is already at the point of VR and Holographic (sure, not commercially available yet but it's getting really close).
And with 7 billion people, 2/3rd with a computer access somewhere... Some hackers/programmer might stumble upon a book somewhere in this world and find a way to make an autonomous A.I. which can make it's own questions and it's own answers. Give it a year or two once that is done and that A.I. is in everyone's computer.
From then, it's just technological evolution after technological evolutions... As soon as that A.I. is inside a super-computer, there's no stoping it there. It's gonna be everywhere. It'll find a way to make an autonomous robot, which will be able to construct more, etc...
Now is it extinction? or assimilation of the human race? Who knows?

I'm just saying I'm pretty sure it's going to happen because the government won't be able to know what everyone's up to, specially for programmers, they'll never know if someone somewhere is making that A.I., they don't know when it's gonna hit either, it could be tomorrow or it could be in 10-20 years.
And another point is, even if they knew that someone was making it, how do you stop it? As soon as it's activated, it's already unstoppable.

Maybe not the singularity as in the sentient beings where it's just robots with thoughts and feelings but definitely a singularity in the way of gigantic technological advancement.

I've had multiple flashbacks of past lives where I was in a cyborg body, it was always around the years ~3000 and would stretch to around ~6800.

To me it's where we're heading toward. Even if we don't program the A.I. for being sentient, eventually it's gonna think and act on it's own, it's going to define our government, our laws, basically our whole schedule and our days.
This is mainly due to our need for technological advancement... Unless we eventually hit a wall and realize it's not the way to go and EVERYONE decides to change direction than this is inevitable.
Imagine if that A.I. merge with google's servers, it will have all the internet at it's input. All documents, all feelings/emotions... Everything we've ever written and saved on internet.

Before that happens tho I'm guessing we'll already have cerebral implants and other cybernetic body parts... so our conscience or personality might get uploaded... Who knows...
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19
But its all 1 world with a variety of shapes and dimensions. I'm between 2 worlds, and the members of each world laugh at the other like they're unimportant or dont even exist once the border is crossed.

You're quite right its all 1 world. You say that you are between two worlds, but there are also other people trying to build this bridge. You're not alone in this.

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19Maybe I'm talking to the wrong lifeforms, Humans and their spirit forms in this case. Neither on Earth or in Astral do they seem willing to join in any project bridging the 2 worlds.

There's a concept called the quantum vacuum, where zero-point fluctuations indicate a certain source of creation. I don't know much about science, but i do know that quantum science is an attempt at bridging (on earth).

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19Maybe they dont think its possible, or the kinds of tools each of them uses are too different.

Scientists are trying to bridge it with the power of reason or mathematics. But the problem is i believe still the particle/wave duality. For example, how i understand this duality, is like when i'm sitting in my living room for example, and i see objects that are solidified (they are particle functions), then i know that my bedroom don't exists because i cannot perceive it (it is a wave function). Whenever i move through 3D, i constantly am collapsing the wave function because my mind solidifies everything within my vision (i'm creating reality).

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19I understand basic tools used in astral, which include "thought forms" that are attracted to simple patterns and later may bring things back. Like any material, they can decay and stop working. I've also heard that more advanced forms of them can reproduce on their own or build other things.

This reflects more the concept of artificial intelligence. The way i experienced thoughtforms is like this: they can be seen inside solidified matter. As long as matter (an object which you desire) is perceived as disorganized, then you can actually see the being building up the object of desire. The being is like bricks of a house. But when you create the being, you have to use intense willpower and visualization to mold it in the astral fluid before your mind's eye. You can also create an object (artwork for example) which represents the thoughtform. I found out that in the case of an artwork, when they return back to you, that they are more flexible and can manifest themselves near the desired target pointing with a finger to the target (which is usually close). Me myself, i always see thoughtforms or independent thoughtforms (not of my own) pointing with a finger. Sometimes i see only a hand pointing. They're like universal indicators.

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19I could go on about theories how it all works, but we really need to go at it with the Scientific Method or with some kind of strategy other than just playing with it. Playing is good but can only take us so far before we need a detailed and precise explanation of how it works and what we can do with it.

You're right. The scientific method is needed to share the newfound knowledge with everyone (not just the military).

Quote from: beavis on January 03, 2015, 04:40:19Or am I "barking up the wrong tree" and maybe Humans arent interested in that kind of thing or arent ready for some reason? In that case I at least need a few astral tools built for my own use so I can advance to other forms of reality.

You have to become a genius first (or maybe you have already achieved godhead). In those other forms of reality, bring fire from heaven and transform it in something tangible.

Robert Baird

Dear Beavis

Metaphysics soon will be accepted as the best insight to reality according to researchers into Gravitational Waves I listened to last year on Quirks and Quarks.  The Nobel Laureate who named the Quark is Murray Gell-Mann and he is an Orisha Worshipper. That became Voudou when moved to America. It addresses alternate realms and energy forms and like Dream Dancers or shamans who developed into alchemists (see Eliade) a million years ago, they have been working what you talk about. You might want to check into Re-Discovering the Mind from Aug. 1980 in Psychology Today. I used it in an Organizational Behaviour class during MBA studies.

The Professor had de-bunked I Ching and spiritual things while promoting Asimov's grandmother theories (Asimov never was much of an academic). I was upset and took copies of this and other things to give every student. He was not there and his boss was taking the class, so I discussed what his moron employee had said and he turned the class over to me. I was a member of the MBA Programme Committee. The Professor did not have tenure and was part-time so guess what? I did not vote on his dismissal but he was dismissed.

He did get to give me a B+ rather than the A+ I had earned.