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So I'll tell you right now what I am doing, I am going about my life as if I do not know anything ...
Very good advice!  Basically it's all too complicated to get a handle on the whole thing with our feeble human conscious minds - literally mind-blowing.  It's interesting how some people have the scientific aliens/extra dimensional beings take on it, others might call an 'extra dimensional being' an astral entity, or if they were malevolent they might call them a demon!

I could ramble on about this stuff, but I think that even if we had the full picture your advice would still be the best for the moment. [:D]

Quiet Storm


I dunno about you but I wouldn't trust a Zeta more than I would trust myself. That is also not to say that I wouldn't let a Zeta help me, it's just that you have to be more cautious, I have read things that the Zetas might be more deceiving than you think, and I heard they might be part of the New World Order.

Anyways.. your advice is good. At times when I am alone, I live like it is going to happen, and at times that I am not I live like it is not going to happen.

It is a bit off-putting to have read so many clues, and so much "evidence" that events will be occuring, yet no "official" confirmation (through TV, radio broadcast or commercial news websites) at least for those who don't know of the Earth Changes.

Now why would some organization want to take control of planet Earth when is bound to be destroyed. Well on the surface of things I think it is the greed, and the fear of the events that are going to happen which are fueling their "need" to dominate planet Earth. They know that there are going to be Earth changes and they even made plans to stay in power over us even when and after these Earth changes occur, but I think our SPIRIT won't let this happen.

I KNOW that when these Earth changes occur, the humans (and perhaps help from other entities) won't let this continue. I have chosen to belevie in Oazaki's writings because they ring true in my Heart, and it is in consensus with what my Heart desires. The fulfillment of my Heart's desires is something I beleive myself to be able to attain with the power of "knowing".

This all is very subtle. But I think there is a purpose behind everything. The domination by this organization has let us work for our freedom, and has given us as a collective consciousness many many lessons. After all, as souls we all agreed to be here before we were born. We all agreed to experience this journey in these bodies, and these events, for the sake of experience, and we all came here to make the most of these experiences, and learn to experience ourselves experiencing what it is that we are experiencing and what we'd like to experience. ;)


I don't! LOL

But I seem to "know" it.

efimxz;pcionmweo;ihsdouipfnhxlk mnm,pstuioahdrio


well all i have to say Quiet Storm, you have the same thoughts as i do.  but your mixed thoughts on the zetas is understandable. i am telling you now that the zetas, saying if there bad, will not matter because there definently is a multi-dimentional race out there watching over us.  they are preparing us, helping our governments, along with the bad ones. . . the problem is, we have been in contact with the bad opnes first, so i have no clue whats happenings now with that situation.  i was watching fox news just yesterday and they were talking about 'unusual movement'of navy ships in the pacific ocean.  he government replied saying it was routine.

Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
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umm guys, a "house" sized meteor fell on australia today.  I just ran across this article:,5744,9869458%255E421,00.html and have not double checked it.  


'House-sized' meteorite hits
From staff and AAP
June 17, 2004
A METEORITE reportedly the size of a house fell on the NSW south coast overnight, exploding in a bright flash, police have said.

A driver on the Hume Highway shortly after 9pm (AEST) near Menangle reported an object the size of a house falling from the sky.

The object fell east of the Hume Highway, possibly in an escarpment near the top of a hill at Bulli, police were told.

The meteorite was described as glowing silver in colour and similar to an artillery shell when it exploded with a bright flash on impact.

Workers at the Sydney Airport Tower said they saw a meteorite about 9pm, police said.

No other reports were received by police and extensive police patrols of the area for more than an hour did not turn up the space debris.

"We went out to check if it was something bad, like a plane," said a police spokesman.

"However we didn't find anything - there was no bloody great rock sitting in the middle of the highway, anyway".

Police intend on talking to the original witness again later today in an effort to pinpoint the impact site, but admit that unless someone literally stumbles over the meteorite, the chances of finding it are slim.

Just a *wink* heads-up [:D]  If anyone else can confirm this, let us know.

As for the Zeta's I do not know what is up with them.  I read a book done by a remote viewer who claims that we are in contact at present with Zetas from different parts of their existence.  Some of the ones we are dealing with come from a more turbulent and desperate time and others from a more advanced, benevolent, and spiritual time.


Wow thats amazing information holy-cow!  it it crazy that the longer we go through june, there are more anbd more comets and meteors hitting the earth!!  And right now it is June 18, 2004, lol Were going to find out if anything happens this month or next! And plus, A house-sized Meteor would be hitting the news wouldnt it? or would it be kept secret to keep the public under better control?  Well either way I am definently getting better convinced when I am reading all this crap about space excrement hitting the earth.  I am watching the news everyday waiting for some kind of evidence on something coming.  

 but there is a link that nagual has posted on another thread  That talks about a comet that apparently has no known peers of its kind from this solar system. . . if the NON-short attention span people are actually reading these links, you can maybe aggree with me that this space object might of been propelled/Dragged in our solar system by a much larger mass, perhaps a mass comparable to a planet's mass(Planet Nibuiru).

 Another thing to make you guys think about, and look for is, the major sudden support from president Bush to jump start the space travel, NASA, and the 400 million dollar budget, because of there knowledge of the un avoidable events to come. . . ill post something little later
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
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Presidential panel urges NASA overhaul
An earlier version of this story took a quote about the need for cultural change at the space agency out of context. Commission chairman Edward Aldridge said cultural as well as structural changes were needed, but that the report released today was "not a vote of no confidence" in NASA.

In an echo of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board's report last year, the commission appointed by U.S. President George Bush to recommend ways to implement his vision for getting NASA back to the moon and on the way to Mars missions, called today for significant changes in the way NASA is run.

Edward C. (Pete) Aldridge, chairman of the President's Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, said the report released today is not a "vote of no confidence" in NASA, but a blueprint for the changes the space agency must embrace if it is to take maximum advantage of the clearest presidential directive its been given in decades.

Speaking at a press conference at George Washington University to release the commission's report, Aldridge said the commission was convinced that NASA headquarters and the agency's field centers throughout the country must be streamlined and operated with modern business management practices.

"Changing the cultural nature of people will take a little longer time but that's what we are proposing to do," Aldridge said. "This is a tremendous thing for NASA. For years they didn't have a direction that's been clearly articulated by the president."

The commission's 60-page report, "A Journey to Inspire, Innovate, and Discover," recommends a significant reduction in the number of departments at NASA headquarters and restructuring the agency's field centers in the mold of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which is run for NASA by the California Institute of Technology.

The commission also recommended the creation of a White House office to oversee all of the government's involvement in space including civil, military and commercial space issues.

The last time such an office existed was during the administration of the current president's father, George H.W. Bush. From 1989 to 1992 Vice President Dan Quayle oversaw the White House National Space Council, a concept that had also been used during the Eisenhower administration when NASA was created.

John Logsdon, director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, said the commission's proposal, if adopted by NASA and approved by Congress and the White House would constitute "the most radical transformation of how NASA does business since NASA was created."

No base closings suggested
Logsdon said the most radical of the commission's recommendations was the proposal to transform NASA field centers into Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). He acknowledged that there would likely be resistance to that idea inside NASA and in the Congress.

"I think it is going to be a hard row to plow," said Logsdon, who was a member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.

Nevertheless, the report's recommendations were not as radical as some steps that had been recommended during the commission's public hearings such as closing some NASA facilities by using the same Base Realignment and Closure process that the Pentagon has used to close military bases.

"If we put into our report that NASA should undertake a base realignment and closure activity, the report would have been burned on the first day," Aldridge said.

Aldridge said he does not expect the transition to FFRDCs to happen right away and also acknowledged that it would take time, particularly to counter political resistance.

Aldridge said that in his view the most important Commission recommendations were the creation of a Space Exploration Steering Council reporting to the White House, the reorganization of NASA headquarters and getting Congress to approve the increase in NASA's 2005 budget requested by the Bush administration.

Another strong Commission recommendation was getting NASA to turn launch activity that does not involve astronauts over to the private sector.

Aldridge said NASA needs to trust the private sector to launch supplies to the space station and then transform the way it does business with launch providers. He said the high level of government oversight on such launches is not necessary.

Aldridge said he also favors getting NASA to agree to buy data from entrepreneurs willing to take the risk of launching their own scientific spacecraft and to adopt more of what is known in the industry as delivery-on-orbit contracts where the government pays only once the contracted spacecraft has been successfully placed in orbit and starts producing data. He said it was one way to reduce the excessive amount of government oversight.

At the same time Aldridge said NASA needs to maintain strict oversight of human spaceflight activities.

Aldridge told reporters the Commission's report was delivered to U.S. Vice President willy Cheney at 11 a.m. EDT. He characterized Cheney's response as positive. After the meeting Aldridge said he thought Cheney would be amenable to a space council, noting that he was familiar with it from first Bush administration when he served as Secretary of Defense.

'Pay-as-you go' budget
Neil deGrasse Tyson, a member of the commission and director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York, said it is important that Congress understand that the Bush vision is affordable on a pay-as-you go basis.

He noted that during the 1960s when the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs were conducted, NASA spent about $17 billion a year in today's dollars. "We know that we can do great things at that budget level," he said. "We're not just pulling this out of the ether and hoping something can happen."

The commission also recommended that NASA seek the involvement of international partners for the exploration of the moon and Mars and that the United States make the commercialization of space activity one of its top priorities in space through such incentives as tax incentives and prizes for technological innovation.

NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, who attended the press conference, did not speak and declined to answer any questions from reporters.

O'Keefe did issue a statement on NASA's web site, which read: "The recommendations released today by the commission will influence our work for years to come and will help guide us through a transformation of NASA," O'Keefe said. "The specific details of this transformation will be announced in the days and weeks ahead and will be reflected by foundational changes in our organization and the way we do business."

Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds

Quiet Storm

Got this from

Surprise Meteor Shower Possible in June

By Joe Rao's Night Sky Columnist,

Meteor enthusiasts will likely be out in force in the coming nights, hoping to catch a glimpse of an on-again, off-again meteor display. Special emphasis will be placed on two specific nights: June 22-23 and June 26-27.

Ironically, the month of June is usually not noteworthy for any major meteor showers.

Yet six years ago, during the final weekend of June 1998, sky watchers worldwide were caught off guard by an unexpected shower of bright meteors and fireballs.

From Japan, for instance, came reports of meteors that were visible even through heavily overcast skies. Reports from visual observers in other regions suggested that this surprise meteor display produced meteor rates of anywhere from 50 to 100 per hour and lasted more than half a day.

Similar bursts of June meteor activity were noted many decades ago, in 1916, 1921 and again in 1927. Because the meteors seemed to fan-out from a region of the sky near the northern border of the constellation of Bootes, the Herdsman, they became popularly known as the "June Bootids."

and here's the link to the article on Yahoo:

Here's more articles to the "house sized meteor" sighting:

And another article which was posted on yesterday about Threat
From Taurid Meteors:


Art Bell gets a Frantic Call from an Ex-worker of Area 51,
about earth changes

The following tape was sent to me by a webfriend named Teri. It is a short segment from a radio show that Art Bell did, I understand, in 1997.

The tape is only a few minutes long. Listen to this tape. It may be one of the most important few minutes you have ever spent. This tape may have special significance now that information is coming out about Planet X.

On the night this tape was made, Art had asked workers of Area 51 to phone in and spill the beans about Area 51. He may have got more than he bargained for.

When you listen to this tape, listen to your intuition. Listen to you gut reaction. Feel this guy's emotion. If you get chicken-skin (goose-bumps), I believe that is your higher self telling you that what you hear is the truth.

When you hear silence on the tape - keep listening. There is more after a fairly long break. The silence is because within 2.08 minutes of speaking, the caller was knocked off the phone line. There was a massive shut down.

I am told that on the very next program Art said they found out what the problem was: Their satellite had LOST EARTH LOCK. That means, it was KNOCKED OUT OF POSITION!!! What would have the immense power and capability to knock one a satellite out of position so quickly???

I have been told by one person that the same guy was on the Art Bell show some time later and he said that he was only joking. All of what he was saying was acting to kind-of pull Art's coat tails. He has been on other times since and done different but similar jokes. He did say that he was surprised that Art was knocked off of the air. He had no explanation for that.

Teri said: "I only heard him call in one other time after that and he said something to the effect that he was "better" now". If he did in fact say that, does that sound like a practical joker to you?

There are other possible explanations for why someone later phoned in claiming it was a joke:

1) How do we know for sure it was the same guy who rang back?

2) How do we know they didn't grab him, hypnotise him and then get him to phone in? This would be VERY easy for them to do.

Download MP3 File of Recording

Please make your comments after you listen to this disturbing audio following the information that has been provided in this thread
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
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That's very freaky.

So to summarize the video

"Aliens" are actually extra dimensional beings that an "earlier precursor of the space program made contact with", to quote the guy exactly.

Also, there are coming disasters that will wipe out millions of heavily populated areas and the government knows about them and can take actions to save everyone, but won't because they want a smaller population that's more easily controlled.  So obviously, they'll head to the safe areas while we get wiped out.

I just hope portland is safe.  Looks like all them meteor predictors might be right.
There is no spoon


I am told that on the very next program Art said they found out what the problem was: Their satellite had LOST EARTH LOCK. That means, it was KNOCKED OUT OF POSITION!!! What would have the immense power and capability to knock one a satellite out of position so quickly???

Umm, how about a burned fuse? A failed solder? A short-circuit? Atmospheric distortion causing the connection to be lost?
Or, given that it's the Art show possibly giving the game away, the government just plain shutting down the uplink/downlink/whatever connection?

So a number of simpler questions are just as valid.

2cents & L&L


yea but the most relevant answer is to what was going on suring that interview. . . . common sense man
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
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Let's assume for a second that the government we have here is smart and is weaving this conspiracy to let most of the world be destroyed and is doing this via these aliens, bla bla bla.

What do you think would be the dumbest thing to do when a guy starts blabbing about your program?  Shutting him down on the spot.  Why?  Because it adds an air of validity to what he's saying.  Make him quietly "disappear" quickly afterwards, but freakin bombing the connection is like saying, "It's all true!"

If that broadcast had gone on without being interrupted like that, I probably would have thought "Nice, but he's probably just crazy.  Medical leave?  Probably for insanity or something."

So, I gather that either
a) The government panicked and flipped the switch
If this is the case, they are either morons, or he was about to reveal something far worse and more important than he already did.  Such as safe zones, what these extra-dimensional beings really are, dates, ect.

b) Art Bell did it (with his stations approval) to make it seem more real
If this is the case... well.  Can't really prove it, but I don't think Art Bell would do this anyways.

c) It was a freak occurance
This is the second most possible conclusion.  But we are talking satellite connection here.  It would be extremely unlikely to have one just "break" in the middle of a broadcast.

Freaky, all in all.
There is no spoon




    Listen, I have honoestly been listening to Art Bell for over 7 years every friday night, and in those 7 years of listening to him; There has not been on time where he has been cut off the air.  Now, lets put together our knowledge on multi-dimentional beings, the planet X ariving(SP?), and the evident comets that are soon, or sometime soon going to hit the earth.  Now when you listen to this audio recording, and you are listening to your 'higher-self' on this one, feeling the goose bumps you get on the back of your neck; Take my word for it when I say you have to believe such a recording.   In the 7 years of listening to this man, that is very very very renowned in his hosting of coast to coast; would never ever stage such a event.

 I will tell you right now, other times when he expected some kind of government employee to spill there guts, it NEVER happened, and in this recording, which I do DO remember listening to back in 97 long time ago, Someone from Area 51 Actually Called.  I was flabber gasted by what I heard,  I DID not ever hear it again until i miRaculously found a website with the recording of that night while back here!!!  I couldn't believe it.  Research this man Art Bell,  You will know how honest he really is.  His whole objective is to find truth and give it to the people, and this night, he got his blessing.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


but with this ironic audio file and this evidence hitting us in the face, and meteors hitting the australian country, lol i think were in for something other than terrorist
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds



wow thats ridiculous, did you listen to the audio tape?
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Hey guys, I've quickly flipped through the pages of this thread and made a quick timeline of meteor and nasa related events.  Kinda scary when you look at the spacing between each meteor hit/blow up

March 26
Illinois - Meteor falls through house, leaves hole in ceiling

June 4
Seattle - Meteor lights sky and makes sonic boom

June 10
New Zealand - Meteor enters earths atmosphere with a huge flash of light and a loud bang

June 12
Somewhere (can't get page to load), but it was posted on page 4, meteor hits and lands on families couch

June 16
Pacific Ocean - Unusual movement of ships in pacific ocean

June 17

Australia - House sized meteorite falls

June 17
Space - Comet Wild 2's makeup is like no other comet and leaves astronomers "astounded"

June 18
Intention to overhaul and revamp NASA announced (or at least the presidential panel is pushing for it)

June 19
Missouri, USA
Meteorite blows up with TWO very loud booms (2 meteorites?)

June 22-23
Meteor Shower should be appearing

June 26-27
Another meteor shower should appear
There is no spoon


Well, I love a good sky show, but the sky has been overcast for what feels like weeks now!  I wonder if I'll see anything.


Do not worry, if things come to happen like there suppose to, either this month, or next, or sometime soon.   lol i think everybody will see it, even through the overcast lol just start watching the south skies.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds

Quiet Storm

I saw this at Rumor Mill and looked interesting.

WATCH THE SKY TONIGHT! Scuttlebut and Other Strangeness

Posted By: Esclarmonde Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, 5:37 p.m.

On June 20, the date when Aussie Bloke said we could expect the Debris Cloud to manifest quite near Earth, SOHO closed its camera 'doors' presumably to protect the lens from damage. (Gee, I'm just sure it is a coincidence, aren't you?) told us that the 'debris cloud' we are going through was left over from a comet that went by in the 1819: Comet P7 Pons-Winnecke. At least one layer of this debris cloud has been named: The June Bootids, due to its appearance in front of the Bootes Constellation.

However, there are several other 'debris rings' making their play towards the Earth right now. They all may come from the initial shock of Comet P7, or even P7 itself may have come from the shock of a Stellar Explosion that occurred around the time of Jesus birth. This Neutron explosion sent forth a shock wave of ionic particles which bumped against the Oort Cloud, creating both comets and smaller debris clouds, many which have an orbital affinity with the Planet Jupiter.

For instance, we also have the Phi Saggitarids; and, the June Aquilids, confirmed in 1968 by none other than Dr. Grant Gartrell!!!

The following link by a Japanese scientist gives an excellent summation (with pictures) of what might be happening with this rather large layered Debris Cloud which certainly appears to come FROM THE SOUTH. You'll notice the various rings of debris. Apparently each ring becomes its own group of asteroids.

The following article suggests that everytime the Bootids have gone their course they appear to leave a 'circle' of debris, much like a toroid. Apparently we are due to go through as many as 4 of these layers of debris within the next few days:

"In recent days, a different forecast for the June Bootids has been issued by Jerimie Vaubaillon of the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides, in Paris, France and Russians Sergey Dubrovsky and Sergey Shanov.

Their calculations suggest that the Earth will interact with a swarm of meteoroids that were ejected by Comet Pons-Winnecke at not just one, but several of its past visits to the Sun, most notably in 1819, 1825, 1830, 1836 and perhaps 1875. In addition, the predicted peak for this activity comes several days earlier than Rendtel's suggestion: Wednesday, June 23 at 11h GMT (7 a.m. EDT).

Western North America and the Pacific Ocean will still be in darkness at that time, and are favored with the best possible views. But should the activity last for many hours, then it could be worthwhile to carefully watch the sky from Tuesday night, the 22nd, on until the first light of dawn on Wednesday, the 23rd."

So before I go I will give you an appoximate date to expect the arrival of the cloud in full force: 18th-20th June.
Impact 1)24-25th
Impact 2)26th-27th "anomaly"....unknown effect but current estimates are not too encouraging. Diameter uncertain. mass uncertain. What IS known is is composed mostly of a crystalline substance of unknown consistency. Some have speculated that it could be a chunk of diamond from the core of a gas giant...who knows. But it is weird and fast and coming this way. It is NOT a comet...NOR a is nothing like we have ever seen before. That is why we do not know what it will do if and when it hits us. Have a laugh now...I know you will..WE did at first too when we first detected it.
The Bootids first show is tonight, the 23rd-24th; the second BIG Show happens to fall on June 27.
SCUTTLEBUT HEARD ON E-STREET (being talked about and considered in various forums): ;-)

~~~~>We were 'barely missed' on the 20th by a large asteroid that would have pretty much changed all life on this planet as we know it. It passed within 75,000 miles of us. (The moon is about 250,000 miles from us, to give you an idea.) Think a lot of folks spent the evening of the 19th in their 'bunkers'. ;-)

~~~~>The real question at the moment is what are all the explosions going off in the ocean? Is it possible they are setting off Cold Fusion Nukes (no radiation) to dig big underwater trenches in an attempt to thwart tsunamis that might be caused by incoming asteroids?

A 6.1 Seismo reading off the coast of Florida (even though no quake) is the size of 25 Hiroshimas...or so. And the 6.9 registered in Venezuela on the many times that. All very curious goings on.

~~~~>Did we say 'Cold Fusion Nukes'? Wasn't the beloved Dr. Eugene Mallove (murdered on May 14th) working on Cold Fusion? don't suppose he thought this was a crazy idea, do you? One that might backfire?

There have been some larger than normal wave readings; and then there is that super typhoon that recently hit Japan.

~~~~>As for what just went across SOHO's screen...that was Mercury, which was behind the sun this time. Curiously, we are unable to watch its companion any longer. The Large 'shadowy' figure that showed up following behind it in early 2003. NASA changed the dif pics so the object would no longer be visible. However, the Cassiopeans said (back in the early 90's) that this was a 'stargate' and a 'base' of sorts used by the Zetas to enter our Solar System. Gee, and to think we have pictures of it...

Okay, we've stirred up enough trouble for one post...


Quiet Storm,

 Wow that is amazing information here!  because I have seen meteors last 2 days, I have litterally been outside of my house watching the south and north skies.  Now tonight(24) is one of the bigger nights, then I suggest anyone who is reading these posts, you and I and all the other participants(SP?) that also put there input and help in all this information we've gathered about this coming event, start watching outside for this.  Its the end of the month now, or getting there, its the time, that this whole thread was basing this information on. . . Its the time that (some of us) have been kinda lol anticipating honoestly, aND others who read it and kinda get scared about and wish it not to happen.

But I think when this event happens, reather its this month, or next year, its going to solve all problems here on earth, its going to bring the people, I say people because Im speaking for everyone in the world together! its going to turn around the turmoil that has been building for the last 10 years.

 And I've noticed there is alot of people reading this, 'Guests' and 'Silent Members' that have read this and havnt spent the time to place there input in all this information we put out here the last month or so.  Too scared to voice there oppinion or just speechless cause of what we have put on here. I'd love to hear more input from others also! :) the more people help in this, the better the evidence and information flow in here! if you think about it, its to help everyone
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds

Quiet Storm

Aussie Bloke Revived? (This website has alot of new info!)

I also found this : More Coverups of Cosmic Impacts?
By Michael Goodspeed

In response to my recent article Why I Fear Toutatis (, I have received numerous emails from people who claim to have seen unusal fireballs and/or meteor activity in the United States over the past few weeks.

I also received a message from a resident of Los Angeles, who claims that he or she heard a report on an LA radio station of a "fireball" near LAX, which was described by witnesses as "appearing like an airplane falling from the sky, then exploding." This person also says that there were no reports of such an event anywhere in the media in the following days.

Here is the full email:

Hi Michael -

Just wanted to let you know, the friday night after
the explosion of the meteor over washington, I was
listening to the radio in LA.  It was 2:30 am and the
traffic update came on.  The announcer said
"Apparently a large explosion was seen over the
405/I-5 interchange near LAX.  Callers described the
fireball as appearing like an airplane falling from
the sky, then exploding.."  There was nothing about
this in the papers or anywhere else for that matter.
I was listening to 640am so go ahead and contact the
station to see if they have transcripts if you want
material evidence.
Just thought id let you know about that one.

Shortly after receiving this message, I emailed the station (, asking for a transcript and/or verification of the alleged news report, but have not yet received a reply.

Interestingly, after reading this email, I did a word search on Google news for "LA fireball", and found a link to a story on a fireball in Oklahoma, published by the Alva Review Courier. The link, as it appears in Google, reads as follows:

Fireball Turns Midnight Sky Orange
Alva Review Courier, OK - Jun 20, 2004
By Helen Barrett. "I looked out the window, heard a big bang and saw a ball of orange fire," Jason Pritchard said of the lightning ...

(Link: )

Unfortunately, when I click on the link, I am taken to a blank page which reads, "No headlines entered." Then, when I did a word search for "fireball" on the website...I found ZERO matches. And then I searched the website's archives for June 20th for this story...and could not find it.

I then did a Google news word search for "fireball" and "oklahoma"...and found ZERO matches.


If the original headline in the Alva Review Courier was correct...and the account of the LA radio report of a fireball explosion near LAX occurred as described by "TS"...

Why have these reports VANISHED and/or not appeared anywhere else?

I realize that alot of things MIGHT be happening, because we have alot of "heresay" to back this up. I do not want that the "big one" that is supposed to send Florida under the waves of the Atlantic to hit us just yet. I have had a number of visions and dreams about a meteor hitting the atlantic and sending a tidal wave my way (Florida).

I hope there is a sign first though before it hits so that I may get out of Florida before it hits. I think it won't be happening anytime this month. Maybe next? I just hope I will be able to prepare myself, and also tell my freinds and family to prepare for it also, so that we may be safe.

I hope this "show" that will be happening this week, won't cause anything more than a some minor impacts here on Earth. At LEAST something that will WAKE THE IGORANT MASSES!! I'd rather have them without the deaths that they MIGHT come with but who knows whether that will happen or not. But I hope there will be at least some kind of disturbance that will make people question their authorities which provide them their "truth".

So we watch and we wait....... again.

I haven't seen any meteors myself, but then again, I haven't really stayed watching the skies for more than 4 minutes at a time, and only about twice a nite for the past couple nites. I'll watch it tonite though.

I did see a meteor once though, a very slow moving one, but it was a couple months ago when I was still in school. I saw it riding the bus to school. It was not big, very small. The only visible part was the tail.

Maybe I'll have better luck tonite? We'll see.


Yea i pray to god that it doesnt happen, even thoguh alot of the information you and I have inputted the last few days proves me wrong.  
There is one thing I want you quiet storm and me, and anyone else who can please take there time to do is. . .

Please send this thread (page 1 link) to all news agencies, and major news agencies, like CNN and foxnews.  I promise you all if More than 1 person send this link to there local news and DEFINENTLY the major news agencies(CNN FOXNEWS) they WILL look into it, and it will be released to the public.  I garentee the government will not warn us, and to back this up, you know from the area 51 recording from Page 5.. . . .  the Government will have nothing else to say but either admit it, or try to cover it up to make it look like there lying.

I am asking everyone to start a new movement, to help send this link to major new's agencies.  I know you think your voice wont be heard but your wrong!!! your one voice, added with all the others mailng THIS LINK(Page 1 link), will appear on the news.

As soon as this appears on the news, Amateur astronomer's will stand up and throw there voice out, they wont be scared of the govenrment nomore. it it will solve alot of problems and maybe save alot of lives also!

Trust me on this, just spend five minutes doing it.  if we get just a PORTION of the 2000 people that read this.  it will be enough for the reporters at the local and major news agengies to speak up!!!
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds

Quiet Storm


*jumps up and spins around*

I'm down man, Im headed over to the big news station websites right now. [:D]