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Hey Kifyre

I think Robert said something like it was an over active brow chakra/pineal gland with the strobe effect.It is annoying & sometimes painful,but I havn't heard of the strobes occuring from the side,get an eye test to make sure it's not a problem with the lens or retina in your eye as I have heard that has happened to some people.Ease up on astral activities as well until it stops,I have found that helps & I think Bruce & Monroe both say in their books to ease up on activities if overstimulation is felt.

Good journeys



I seem to remember reading in Astral Dynamics that this is a pre-cursor to clairvoyance. It's cool, not annoying." border=0>

For the people that have/are experiencing this. Has it stopped? Is it still happening? Have you developed a degree of clairvoyance? I'm just curious about what's going to happen next.



It's not cool if it hurts!

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G,day Kifyre

Like Grenade said "It's not cool if it hurts".You will find if you keep stimulating the little sucker,it will sometimes just keep going on it's own & shut down long after you want it to,resulting in a throbbing head,sore third eye & headaches.

I learnt that lesson the hard way,take Roberts advice,when you feel it being stimulated,that's enough.To quote a section of his book on:

"The above process (refering to stimulating the brow) can be repeated several times for high-level projection attempts,but is not advisable for regular stimulation sessions done for development purposes.Over doing brow center stimulation can cause brow center pain,headaches and a plethora of other physical,mental and psychic problems."

You won't think it's cool if you really get it going & it hasn't been used like that before,it's just like going to a job you havn't done before & at the end of the day realising all the muscles you have never used before,it doesn't seem to hurt right away,but afterwards you PAY!

Good journeys



kifyre, I've been experiencing subtle visual phenomena for about a year, since I started meditation and energy work. I've had a couple clairvoyant episodes, one of them a surpisingly accurate reading. My best advice is to believe you are already clairvoyant and keep trying to pick up images. Good luck!

bitsmart -
information illumination - -


Yep =)

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I think i asked this question a few months back and since then not a lot has changed except the flashes have become more frequent and sometimes bloody annoying as it can be startling if you are just about to fall asleep. Had my eyes checked just in case and they are cool and the gang. If i become psycic, i'll let u know.


Hey all,

There've been a couple threads on flashing lights behind the eyes. I've begun to experience this myself, and I was wondering if anyone has gotten anywhere with it.

The flashes are a dim white, always at the same frequency, relatively quick. I series of flashes usually lasts about a second and a half. I'm starting to see recognizable images and blob-like stuff in my mind's eye.  But as of now, I'm still classifying it as imagination.

I just remembered, the flashes have started to come on different sides of my field of view. Sometimes off to the side, or above.

