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Yeah! I'm starting to see auras.

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You're right, no one cares... [;)]  
just kidding...I'm jealous [:P]


I thought you would have developed your auric sight long ago[:O] Judging from your posts, you seem to be pretty advanced in other areas[;)]

I started seeing auras about a year ago. There was a period where I was suffering from insomnia, and all of a sudden I started seeing all of these colours around people. clearly the insomnia was stimulating my third eye chakra. So there's a proven technique for any newbies... stop sleeping [:P]

I can see the general outline whenever I try now. Trees are a good thing to practise on.


Weird cus when i was having a problem with sleep and hadn't eaten or slept for two days straight i was able to see auras too.  I looked at my brother while he was typing and saw yellow.. I even saw a white aura around my dog.

One of these days i want to focus on learning to see them.  I think it would be one of the more useful skills to learn.  Seems you could help with healing or even just knowing wahts going on with another person.


That is totally great news mate! Im real happy for you, Im sure you will be posting if you want any help with that![:D


thanks guys, and i think i agree with the no sleep thing. for me it seems like i have to relax my physical vision a bit and "shift" my visual perception so that it combines physical and spiritual vision.

as for the "being advanced in other things", well, yeah, but i can't do EVERYTHING... yet. [:D]  most of my training seemed to get focused more around power than around skills and abilities sadly. this time around, i'm gonna try for both. [^]



That's interesting the no sleep bit, when I'm tired I will see flashes of colour coming of people, I have always assumed that it was the aura .But what I couldn't  work out is why do I have to be tired ,again I came to a assumption i.e. my eyes were out of focus .But now after reading what Kakkarof  writes in his last post , the latest assumption is that there's more than unfocused eyes at work.


Nice work... If only I could break past step 1....

Heh.  Nice improvements.  It's good to see somebody succeeding


I read a short little book at Barnes & Nobles, I believe it is called "Seeing and Reading the Aura".  The book contains exercises that are designed to increase the range of colors and light you can see.  Its a little mini paperback book that only takes about 2 hours to read, check it out sometime if you hang out there, like I do occasionally.

Sorry, I know some of you live over seas, and I have no idea if you have a Barnes & Nobles, its just a big book store.


I can see a very white misty area around almost any object if focused on enough, it's like, you have the object, then a couple of millimeters space, then i see this mist, and quite often it will look like it's flowing upwards...  anyone else see that?


don't see the mist, but on objects i see something around them (in the first couple of millimeters) that looks like what i would expect a magnetic field to look like. though it could just be the effect of light bending around objects. i certainly don't believe it's an aura of an object.

strange, yet cool. there is soo much to the world that is soo nifty, and humans could see it more clearly if only we weren't so centered on our selves. (not to say that I am anymore, or that anyone else here is, but you have to admit that "normal" people do seem to be really self-centered in their lives)



I know what you mean about the light that bends around the edge of the object, no, that is not an aura.
With me it's like between the edge and about 3 millimeters from the object is just plain see through, you can see past it, but beyond that you can have a vast mist of white/grey type color, it's quite cool to sit and watch.

And yes, i do agree, that most western world people are self centered.  They will change someday...


yoki, the reason why it's easy to see auras when your tired is because the third eye chakra becomes very active -I'm not sure why exacly, I think just the basic muscle strain of trying to keep your eyes open stimulates it. You'll notice that there is pressure in the area, if your REALLY tired it can be like a heavy burning sensation. An active brow centre is all that is needed to see auras -assuming that you have basic eyesight [:P]

When your brow centre (third eye chakra) has had a good enough workout -be it from sleepless nights or "intended" energy stimulation- you'll be at a point where it certainly isn't necessary to be tired in order to see auras.

For me, once I started seeing aura's I never lost the abillity. It triggered because I had heaps of trouble sleeping; and when I eventually caught up on my sleep, it wasn't quite as intense, but I could -still can- see auras at will quite easily.


If you look at that picture, do you see that white mist around their body, someone has drawn it on, that's what i see, but it's usually more potent than that.  That's Edgar Cayce if anyone wondered [:)]


"when your tired is because the third eye chakra becomes very active". sahlyn, are you sure? maybe it's just that your physical eyes are becoming LESS active (thereby allowing you to percieve better with the "less used" senses). [;)]

either way, though, i guess this would mean that beginning practice should probably be done closer to your bedtime, for two reasons. a) sleepiness sometimes gives better ability to see auras and b) no obnoxious sunlight to make you squint and loose your focus.

of course, i also find it difficult to focus on seeing auras when there is something on the backdrop of what i'm trying to the see aura of. for instance, i was just trying to see the aura of my hand, but i had move my hand from in front of my monitor, to in front of a newspaper, and then to in front of a door. the reason was because my mind was getting distracted by what was behind my hand, constantly wanting to focus on that stuff.

and nice pic submission. that's more-or-less what i'm seeing too.



Does having glasses affect your auric sight? Because I have these really thick glasses that I don't even really think about. But if I take them off, EVERYTHING looks like it has an aura because it's so blurry! [:D]

What would you guys recommend as some basic starting techniques? Preferably ones I can do during the daytime; any practice at night I'm assuming I would have to turn a light on which is not possible because my parents will come in and yell at me. [|)] The joys of being 13...


If your eyes are flickering between closed and 3/4 closed, and your vision consists of a blackened, distant blur as you fight to not only open your eyes a little more, but also to keep from passing out from the severe lack of sleep, and lack of energy to even move... then yes, one could say your physical eyes are less active [;)]

But whether or not your eyes become less active, it is very easy to tell that your brow centre becomes more active, the feeling is quite undeniable. I even recall something in Roberts article on auras about the brow centre getting stimulated when your tired. [:)]


Panabelle, like after every post you make, you relate to me more and more.  It's oddening!  Since I was 6 I had the thickest glasses...  And about a week ago, I was wondering if that was hindering my "sight".  I also have contacts, don't know if that matters... I also have an infection in my eye somehow that leads to excruciating pain some days, if that matters...

Whee.  I discuss my pain, and you feel sorry for me!  This post doesnt matter at all!  yayy


Panabelle, I don't see how glasses could inhibit auric viewing. I have no need for them myself, but I always wear sunnies when I'm outside, and they don't affect the ability. From what I recall of Roberts article, an aura is not light that your eyes percieve, but rather a psychic impression that your brow centre percieves and incorporates into your vision.

A book I recommend is "How to see & read the human aura" by Judith Collins. And of course Roberts article is very good, if you've not yet read it[:P]

Anything that involves stimulating your brow centre is good. I recommend getting into the habbit of focusing your awarness there when meditating[:)]


"A book I recommend is "How to see & read the human aura" by Judith Collins. And of course Roberts article is very good, if you've not yet read it"

I totally agree, it is probably the best book I have read on auras, might be hard to get outside of Australia however, Im not sure. Worth the effort of trying to get your hands on certainly.


"From what I recall of Roberts article, an aura is not light that your eyes percieve, but rather a psychic impression that your brow centre percieves and incorporates into your vision". yep, that's about the same as what i said too. yeah!.

i wear glasses too (270+ in each eye) and i haven't tried seeing auras without them on yet. guess i'll try that soon [:D].

and, actually, sahlyn, i meant that when i get tired my eyes start going out of focus and i rely more on my overall awareness of my environment to keep me "in my place" ([;)]) than i do on my eyes. my eyes get tired without my eyelids needing to close.

but! i just tried aura seeing just now, while i am writing this post, and something weird happened. i didn't see a spiritual aura, but i did see the air between my thumb and forefinger (where i was focusing at the time) blur and distort. not like a major distortion, but like how the air gets distorted over a large fire/heat source. except the distortions were even SMALLER (like millimeter large waves moving around in the space between my finger and thumb.) there. just did it again!

strange. and to make it even stranger, i was seeing the aura of my hand in my peripheral vision even while i was seeing the distortions. gah, "what's happening to me?!?!" lol. (and yes, my glasses are on [:)])



My eye still hurts....NOw it's red.  Kill me now...

I think i have -5.75 in one eye and -6 in the other. Scary

~squeek  (short and to the point!)


A neet exercise to see the energy that is close around the body,
In a room that is fairly dimly lit and the lighting is indirect say from a corner or from behind a shade.  Lay out a black cloth, hold your hand over the cloth and at first you may need to squint, then after a time, or very soon for some, you will see the energy around your hand, your health and the quality of the energy will determine how it looks to you.  It should look blueish-grey


Yet nobody asks about my general health of my eye.  It really does hurt.  Alot.  Drops aren't helping, the doctor can't figure it out...  It hurts 2 days in a week at random.  It really makes no sense.

Nothing to do with the topic!! YAY!  (ow)


Hey Squeek!

Since I love the Max Power quote so much I'm going to give you some of the most profound advice I'm certain you will ever receive...See a different doctor. And don't put pencils there the spirit of completely irrelevant posting I go on pracs to various hospitals to learn new skills a couple of times a year. I have discovered that a lot of IV drug users (heroin) shoot up behind their eyes. Yep they put needles behind their own eyes and stab themselves...the coolest part is the infections they get there![}:)] But seriously see a new doctor.


Hi Squeek

 I'm in agreement with Fenris--get your eye looked at by someone else. Tell your doctor you want a referral to an opthamologist pronto! Don't let them doddle --- your eyes are too important.