The Astral Pulse

Metaphysics => Welcome to Metaphysics! => Topic started by: MAYATNIK on August 30, 2003, 21:50:57

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 30, 2003, 21:50:57

Two AP MEMBERS IN  'Joint Venture'* !

*Pleaidians assist in telepathic link-up to Zeta

Yes - it is true!  And now, the truth shall be known more and more about the Zeta, and what they are here for..... because, following an 'incident' last Sunday night (17 August, 2003 - a date to remember!) that 6 members of the Astral Pulse were witness to in a Multi-Chat on MSN Messenger, the Zeta are now seeking "Friendly Interchange" with humans in a Joint Venture with the Pleiadians, who have arranged in the last few days a special 'hook-up' with the Zeta for Pleiadian telepathy students here on the Astral Pulse to talk one-to-one with a Zeta Guide-Representative who will be available to answer all questions.

The 'incident' that had led to this decision being made by the Zeta following discussion they had with the Pleiadians was concerning a Zeta guide who had broken a rule of 'etiquette' by encouraging her charge (a non-member, invited into the 'chat' session) to Astral Project in what was meant to be a telepathy discussion group.  The Zeta guide had acted with the best of intentions, but had not checked with her supervisor-guide, nor had she taken heed of the fact that it was a gathering of Pleiadian guides and their charges.  The result of the Zeta guide's enthusiasm to seek to pursuade (via her charge) other members of our group to Astral Project at that time (the normal Zeta 'method' of contact, rather than by telepathy) led to confusion within our cyberspace gathering, and in fact some distress of those members present due to the shock of the unanticipated turn of events that had culminated in a strong Astral Projection felt even in cyberspace.

During the time of the incident my PC crashed (something it is very prone to doing, but on this occasion at the very worst time) and I lost contact with those in the group for about a minute.  In thiat time I realized on speaking to my guide, Karek, that things were not as we had planned.  I requested communication with Shea (the Zeta guide now in that group) but Shea declined telepathic communication without reason given (and that is a further breach of rules of cross-species etiquette in the Higher Realms) but I became aware through Karek that Shea was continuing with the purpose of an Astral Projection for the group, harmless in itself, but disturbing since not requested.  Karek then contacted the Zeta at the highest level, and Shea was immediately reprimanded by her supervisor and the Astral Projection was terminated.  Within seconds I had received the equivalent of a telepathic email from the Zeta wishing to apologise publically for this breach of etiquette by their guide.  I then typed what I'd received and proceeded to explain in brief to the group in the multi-chat what had transpired.

While in itself only a breach of etiquette, the Zeta take such things very seriously and top-level discussions then took place  with the Pleiadians who explained how I was training certain members of the Astral Pulse who the Pleiadian guides had considered 'ready' for telepathy.  The Zeta, who promised that such a breach would not occur again, were keen to explore possibilities of co-operation with the Pleiadians for selected members of our telepathy group to have "Friendly Interchange" with the Zeta, which would be good for the members and good for the Zeta who feel, as the Pleiadians do also, that humans will benefit from knowing more about the them and their purpose here at this time with the Earth Project the Zeta are already working on with the Pleiadians and other off-planet species of Higher Beings.  So it was, that a new milestone was reached last Sunday with the opportunity now that will be ongoing for humans to have contact in "information sessions"  with the Zeta as never before, and which was largely hitherto confined to such as Nancy of Zetatalk.  Thus, 17 August, 2003 will go down in Galactic History, as a brand new joint venture with humans.

I am pleased to be able to announce here, that the Pleiadian guides have selected EDI and PARMENION to be the first to talk at length with the Zeta - and those two events (which I carefully kept independent and separate from each other with no interaction between them) were recorded on MSN Messenger exactly word for word as they took place.

The system employed in the telepathy training sessions is what will be used here.  That is, when a guide is speaking to the person via telepathy then the person types what they 'hear' in their head using the initial letter of the guide's name followed by a colon and then what has actually been received.  In the case of the Zeta guide-representative we used "Z:" to indicate.  To further clarity and ease of reading, I have for the purposes of this article, specially formatted the guide's text-lines as follows.....

----- telepathic person <--- here EDI or PARMENION.
----- P: Perena speaking <--- Edi's guide
----- K: Karek speaking <-- Parmenion's guide.
----- (Karek at the moment working jointly with Parmenion and me)
----- Z: Zeta speaking <--whichever Zeta is there.
-----Myself (MAYATNIK) speaking

(I am also in touch at all times during telepathic training sessions with the person's own guide so that I can work directly and effectively in the training of the person by me following their guide's instructions via a 'private line' telepathically - and the same procedure is extended to include the Zeta here, who I am also in constant touch with during the course of the person's conversation in my 'monitoring' capacity of the event).

Below you will find the two transcripts, made public for the first time.  EDI was the very first human to communicate with the Zeta in this venture, so naturally he comes before Parmenion in order.  But Parmenion made an excellent interviewer of the Zeta when his turn came.  And, needless to say, the Zeta are highly delighted with the outcome from this first beginning and it will now become incorporated in future Zeta-Pleiadian co-operation to bring information to humans by answering  questions in this "Friendly Interchange" using telepathy thanks to the Pleiadians facilitating hook-ups with the Zeta computer by arrangement.

*EDI* talks with the Zeta

EDI says:
Hello Edward.
Hello Edi.  How are you now?
EDI says:
Perena asks me to tell you from her:"Edi would really like to be shown something in order to gain more confidence".
EDI says:
And I'm still a bit afraid of expressing this myself, as in the first night
Perena has told me what she would like me to do with you, in a session.  And it will expand your knowledge at the same time.
EDI says:
I felt this night right to ask about it.
Yes...... it will be very good for you.
I am trying to clear another window, then we can start the session.... hang on.......

When will it be quiet in your house for this session Edi?
EDI says:
It is quiet now - everyone is sleeping, and normally no one comes looking for the computer. My mother goes to the toilet every 3 hours, the last time 20 minutes ago, so I should be undisturbed now.
That is good.  We are nearly ready now.
EDI says:
I am thankful for whatever will come and appreciate the time you put into this.
It is your time for these things.  The guides choose the time.
Finally.........the decks are cleared..... and we can now be undisturbed.
EDI says:
Has Perena told you anything about the Zeta?
EDI says:
Do you know anything about them yourself?
EDI says:
I know they are an alien race, and what I read in your posts on AP... Just an alien species. And I know
Well, essentially....they are the ones who fly the 'flying saucers'. Also, they are different from the Pleiadians in the way they talk.  They are very 'etiquette' conscious, and like 'correctness' and 'politeness' at all times.  Also, they tend to be very 'work minded', always 'busy' doing something....going somewhere or coming back from somewhere to go somewhere else to do another job.
Can you picture them from that description?
EDI says:
Yes, I get a feeling about them
that's good....because you need to get a 'diplomatic' feel about how they see themselves.
they are very interested now in talking to people, so that humans can get to know them better - and I was given a small list of those selected by the Pleiadians who are now jointly working with them on this particular venture..... for those humans to take part in conversation with a Zeta guide-representive, and who I am going to help introduce to them......starting with you.
EDI says:
I'm so interested in other species and cultures... I thought about this before.
EDI says:
I wanted to know how other species live their life - what they do all they, their culture, their people, and so on.
Well, this cropped up as a very practical issue last night, as you will be aware from what I have told you about the 'incident' that occurred in a multi-chat... and which has now brought about this opportunity for you to talk to the Zeta, following joint Zeta-Pleiadian agreement for this to take place under the supervision of your Pleiadian guide who is making all necessary arrangements here
You may talk about anything that you like regarding the Zeta......and also about such things as the so-called 'abductions' that the Zeta do.  Feel free in your questioning.  All that is required is to be 'diplomatic' at all times since this is standard galactic convention in telepathy, and have an obvious air of sincere politeness in addressing them.  They will respond always in a polite manner.
EDI says:
EDI says:
I'm a bit nervous, but I have courage and trust my guidance
That's all you have to will be easy.... First we are going to get good contact with your own guide (the Zeta have their guide-representative standing by) and then Perena will connect you (jsut like a telephone link-up) when she feels you are we'll talk first with Perena.
Contact Perena now please, Edi
EDI says:
I am talking with her now.
(type everything you say, and everything said to you......use Z:  for Zeta and P: to preced whatever your guide Perena says)
EDI says:
P: Concentrate on my voice Edi
EDI says:
P: This is good
EDI says:
P: I will hook you up when you are ready
EDI says:
Okay, I think we can begin
I'll just watch for now.
EDI says:
P: Here we go...
EDI says:
Z: Hello Edi
EDI says:
I am pleased to meet you.
EDI says:
Z: The pleasure is on my side, too.
EDI says:
Z: We are interested in talking to humans, and I think you will be interested in talking to us, too.
EDI says:
Please understand that this is still uncommon for me and I need a few minutes to get familiar with it. I would like to talk about what is going on with Earth at the moment and in the near future.
EDI says:
Z: I understand. What area are you interested in?
EDI says:
I learned that several species oversee the evolution at the Earth at the moment. I would be interested in the role your species, the Zeta, play here.
EDI says:
Z: We are here to bring information to the human race in our ways, which are different from those of other races.
EDI says:
What is this information about, and how do you get it "down" on earth?
EDI says:
I learned that the species involved use something we would call a "computer" to access this world and to interact with humans.
EDI says:
Z: Yes, we use what you call a "computer" to bring information to the consciousness of humans. But we also use it to gather information to see how everything progesses, and what actions to take best.
EDI says:
Z: Our link to the human mind is made by altering it's state of consciousness - you call it trance, astral projection, meditation - even drug experiences are what whe work with.
EDI says:
Z: The overall goal is to awaken the humans to their full potential, to help them get rid of their barriers.
EDI says:
Z: And to finally evolve and take the next evolutionary leap.
EDI says:
Is your computer able to control Astral Projections?
EDI says:
Z: Yes. What humans can do by themselves, we can assist with our computer.
EDI says:
Z: We can take them out of their bodies if they are willing to, or if they sleep, and give them information this way.
EDI says:
P: Edi would be very interested in seeing how this works.
EDI says:
Z: It is not difficult to do.
EDI says:
I have been practicing Astral Projection, but with no big success. Is it possible that you show me how you computer does this?
EDI says:
Z: It does require physical relaxation, which you do not have sufficiently at the moment.
EDI says:
If it'll be possible to talk to you later, I would be glad to talk about this again when I am in a more comfortable position.
EDI says:
Z: You may contact us at any time.
EDI says:
Another topic I have some questions about is: abductions.
EDI says:
Z: This is something commonly misperceived.
EDI says:
The overall image is that people get abducted, suffer from pain, get back on earth and tell horror stories of aliens.
EDI says:
Z: There are two causes for this wrong image. First, the human mind often is not ready to accept what it perceives and makes up a story in his mind. When someone doesn't believe that everything was fine, he may construct something which fits his view of the world. This is the case when people are afraid of everything which has to do with aliens, when they are following the image they are given from their governments via the media.
EDI says:
Z: Second, many of the "abduction accounts" are simply faked to provoke fear.
EDI says:
What does in fact happen when someone gets abducted, taken on an extraterrestrial ship?
EDI says:
Z: One thing is: the genetic material and the state of the evolving body is checked, in order that further planning can be done, and to see how everything develops.
EDI says:
Z: Then, information is given to individuals. They may not remember it consciously, but it will affect their behaviour, it is like an electromagnetic imprint which is influencing it's environment.
EDI says:
Z: This is information about: what is going to happen with earth and the humans; what the world governments are up to; what personal things the individual should address to further his growth and the growth of his environment.
EDI says:
Z: Note that only few of these "abductions" are done by using physical ships. In fact, we work much with people while they sleep.
EDI says:
I remember a "dream" from some days ago - I was in a distant place when I was being invited to an alien ship by 2 creatures. Are the Zetas in any way related to this "dream"?
EDI says:
Z: It was not we who took you on the ship in this dream.
EDI says:
P: It was a Pleiadian scene you were in.
EDI says:
Z: Do you have more questions?
EDI says:
There are many things I am interested in. For now: Can you tell me of the role you are playing in this earth scenario?
EDI says:
Z: I cannot tell you too much now, but you can know that I am working in the area of communication with humans. Direct communication. There are many organisational things to do in the background, and many things which are not directly related to communicating face-to-face (or mind-to-mind) with humans.
EDI says:
Z: I am a guide for some humans, giving them information and helping them to grow.
EDI says:
I thank you for this information.
EDI says:
I am curious about your people. I know that you are overseeing the evolution of the earth, but what is the whole of your people doing? Is every Zeta being watching the Earth, or do you too have cities, people who work and do their duties, build houses and live a "normal" life?
EDI says:
Z: We do originate from a distant part of this universe, where we have planets with cities on it, where "normal" life takes place, as you call it. But everyone is aware of what is happening here. A portion of our people came to Earth to assist actively in this development.
EDI says:
I would really enjoy meeting end experiencing your people and your culture.
EDI says:
Z: You will, if you want to. You can ask your guide to contact us at any time, so we can either talk or later show you what you are interested in by using our methods.
EDI says:
I thank you for this generous offer.
EDI says:
Z: We will be glad to establish a friendly flowing of information between our species.
EDI says:
Do you have any questions, or something I could answer you from my point of view?
(I got cut off - your last message was:
Do you have any questions, or something I could answer you from my point of view?

EDI says:
This talk was quite exhausting .. a bit "formal" and rigid maybe
Did I miss anything when I was cut off?  There was no answer after your question I repasted no end to the conversation apperently ???
EDI says:
The answer was
"Z: No, thank you very much. As we are looking from the "outside" to the "inside", we can see and know more than you can imagine."
EDI says:
Then i said "Then, as I don't have any questions left myself, I think it's time to finish this conversation. I thank you ver much for being able to talk to you and for the information I received."
EDI says:
"Z: It was a pleasure to talk to you. I wish you a good night."
EDI says:
(cut&paste doesn't work, but I can type fast)
That is excellent....... I just missed all that......there was no 'edi is typing' message on my screen, and nothing came through.... so that is now everything in the converstion, for the log.  good.
EDI says:
I will like to learn more about these computers and see what they do
they are fascinating....and unlike ours they don't break down
EDI says:
Yes... telepathy is nice, but I am missing some vivid colours, something happening, something to see, if you know what I mean... I'd like to see the computer doing something with me.
We'll see.
EDI says:
What do you think of this conversation?
The Zeta work a different way.......their 'operating system' is different, so they will tend to want to use their 'methods' to show people things, especially if a person has a Zeta guide......and which they have offered to do, for you also even though your guide is Pleiadian..... You can however 'see' these things by also asking Perena to 'connect' you (that is the Pleiadian system - to 'take you' there, on invitation - and it is faster than the Zeta computer, in fact virtually instant)... so all that is open to you.....'in full colour' as you put it.
Ask Perena about this.
EDI says:
P: I can hook up your consciousness to different places via our computer.
As for the was had a very good 'rapport' there, and I was getting good reports from the Zeta also on this.  They are highly pleased with the conversation.
EDI says:
The voice was low and in the beginning a bit .. metallish  But I got used to it quickly.
EDI says:
I sortof "see" the zeta voice in the lower left part of my mind, and perena is in the upper right.
EDI says:
That's how I can distinguish easily... everyone has his space in my mind.
Yes.  That splits it well.
EDI says:
I just can't think of a place I'd like to be connected to... hmm
The Zeta are quite 'formal' sounding in their now you have experienced another off-planet culture that is very old.
EDI says:
Uncommon, but nice.
they are very much the Mr Spock of the Enterprise type personality (they don't mind me saying
EDI says:
Hehe  =)
EDI says:
Everyone has to play his role.
The reports I was getting from the Zeta side during that conversation were that they are now planning for more of this type of communication using telepathy with those who are Pleiadian trained (such as yourself) and in that way build a very friendly interchange of information between humans and themselves.
EDI says:
That will be very nice
You are the FIRST in this new venture!
EDI says:
Well, I'm not too excited about it, but I really appreciate it
EDI says:
(excitement is something I am missing since the beginning )
It has been done before, obviously - I did it myself when I was training......but it has never been done in a 'formal' sense as part of a program (such as we are undertaking with the Pleiadians here)
EDI says:
I understand
Why do you think the excitement is missing.
EDI says:
Ah okay, it is not missing, it just isn't there
EDI says:
I just accept what comes
EDI says:
Without big turmoil
Do you feel you are somehow now 'intergalactic' in your perception, and that it is becoming as easy as breathing.
EDI says:
Yes, I feel that I am opening to a much bigger world around me
EDI says:
Which I will want to explorer with all senses and tools which are available to me
The telephone that you first got was exciting the first time.....but now you treat it as normal, and even necessary, in 'everyday' communication....and that you are concentrating more now on what can be done with it, rather than the 'facility' itself.
EDI says:
The Zeta and Perena wish me to ask you may I post this conversation with the Zeta on the the appropriate time.....since this will greatly help the understanding of humans regarding the Zeta
Perena knows all about this, so ask her please.
EDI says:
P: There will be more information on the board regarding the different species, and who play what role in what is to come.
EDI says:
I agree that it's posted at the appropriate time if it will help.
EDI says:
It is good.. over time, this will grow really big.
Well, I shall have moved on before too long...and others will be coming in to further it.
Now..... As you have been told by the Zeta are welcome to talk to them at any time, and even experience for yourself how they do things - but as they have said, that is more suitable for when you are really relaxed, or in bed...  For our purposes online especially, here and in any training sessions, the Pleiadian system of instant connection is more appropriate and of course is ideal for Messenger....typing what you see.......
EDI says:
P: Maybe we can show Edi how to use this instant connection, if you like to.
(Unlike the standard Zeta system of AP-ing and 'trance', you would be fully conscious and at the keyboard while that is Parenion's transcript of his similar experience that he posted some time back)
That would be a good idea Perena....... because it is really very easy, as Parmenion demonstrated.
EDI says:
And I would like it very much, probably.
probably is an understatement Parmenion would tell you.  It will be a very good experience if Perena will do this for you.
EDI says:
P: He is just laying a conversation on ice so he is free.. then we can begin
EDI says:
P: Good.. we can begin
EDI says:
P: Type what I say, and what you experience
EDI says:
P: Ask me to hook you up to the place I want you to see (it's normal to ask for it, so we do it here)
EDI says:
Perena, please hook me up to the place you want me to see.
EDI says:
I experience just a bit a cold feeling in my palms.. nothing else
EDI says:
P: You have to allow yourself to go
EDI says:
P: Just give me some time
EDI says:
P: And keep your eyes open.
EDI says:
I experience... just the room I am sitting in, my normal surroundings.
EDI says:
Typing this into the computer
EDI says:
Hearing the sound of the computer fans
Try to see the image before you......sense it.. the area that you are 'in' (not the room...... where the image is) and allow yourself to expand your consciousness to see and feel it, be there
Try to see and be with the image before you
EDI says:
Like with my physical eyes, or in my mind?
It is your 'inner' eye......your true consciousness (your physical eyes simply connect to your body)
EDI says:
I can sense something... a faint image in my inner eye
EDI says:
P: What color do you see?
EDI says:
EDI says:
I feel something moving to the left
(defucus your eyes..and let yourself 'see' the new surroundings)
that's good < --- * Perena had confirmed progress ot me 'privately' *
you can turn your physical head...... or sense your consciousness turning its head.
EDI says:
a strange feeling is there, but i don't see much
then go by the 'feeling', sense it that way
listen for any 'voces' (they will be telepathic) ..'look' to see where they are coming from, look for a figure
EDI says:
it's like someone waving a hand there... trying to get my attention
that's've got it !
EDI says:
in a long brown robe
you're there !
EDI says:
I'm not quite sure of the surroundings
EDI says:
P: Describe
EDI says:
A conveyor belt to the left?
EDI says:
P: no.. look again
EDI says:
The ground starts to get green
EDI says:
like grass
EDI says:
in the middle of the image there's something brown...
EDI says:
like a hut maybe
EDI says:
P: Yes
EDI says:
The person in the robe is giving me signs to come to him
EDI says:
P: Just use your will and go there
EDI says:
Am I there with a body?
EDI says:
P: Look down..
EDI says:
I see my body
EDI says:
P: It depends on where you are if the others can see you
EDI says:
The person says "Nice to meet you"
EDI says:
I ask "Who are you?"
EDI says:
He: "I am just someone living in this hut..."
EDI says:
"Did you know that I'll come?"
EDI says:
He: "No, it took me totally by surprise.. not many people are passing here"
EDI says:
Mayatnik, am I doing it right?
You're doing very well indeed.
Perena will guide you
EDI says:
I hear birds in the trees ... a river...
EDI says:
P: Look around you - either turn your head or use 360° awareness, whatever you like
EDI says:
There's a forest around the wood... The hut is built at the edge of a clearing
EDI says:
a forest around the _hut_ I mean.
EDI says:
P: Ask the person if he can teach you something
EDI says:
He: "If you like to, yes. Follow me into the hut"
EDI says:
he goes to the door, opens it
EDI says:
it's not so dark inside, there's a violet light.. violet and red
EDI says:
P: Enter
EDI says:
P: What is this light like?
EDI says:
it's on the walls... and crossing the room in solid beams.. or like a liquid
EDI says:
red lines on violet background
EDI says:
He: "Imagining being in a field of this colors has a certain effect on you"
EDI says:
P: Feel how it is like
EDI says:
it gives strength and determination
EDI says:
P: Exactly!
EDI says:
He: "You can summon such a field around yourself whenever you need to accomplish something... when you have to be strong and stable"
EDI says:
I'm back on the outside
EDI says:
the man said goodbye ...
EDI says:
P: Raise yourself over the scenery and look
EDI says:
I see big forests... a river to the right.. mountains in the distance.. a beautiful scenery
EDI says:
P: Okay, this is it.
EDI says:
P: We're done with this little excursion.
EDI says:
Okay ...
EDI says:
This was ... nice
EDI says:
I expected to see more vividly before my eyes... it's still faint before my inner eye, but that will develop I think.
EDI says:
P: You will grow into it
This was a first time....and it is like using muscles for the first time.....they become second-nature after they've been used......but just take a few times to get used to... next 'visit' will be easier.
EDI says:
Okay, I'll train with Perena.
EDI says:
it's probably the same as with telepathy
It is
EDI says:
thank you for this
You have an additional 'facility' now
EDI says:
P: I was training before with Edi to see images and short scenes in his mind this way, and so prepared him.
EDI says:
Good... when I'm in bed I'll ask about out-of-body exploration with the Zetas... I'm curious about everything
You did that well Edi.... now you know how to let yourself 'go' there
EDI says:
Yes.. it's a reality which is always there, but my inner eye is so undeveloped because I never paid attention to it.
EDI says:
P: Exactly... when you astral project, you have only these inner senses without the disturbances of the physical body, that's why it may seem easier.
Even the 'awareness' to see your surroundings, and to move within them became clearer how to do it as you went on..... became instinctive.
EDI says:
P: Either you AP, or you go there in your mind while in your body... in the end, it's the same.
EDI says:
Intent is everything there.. I just "do" it
EDI says:
and I "am" it
That's all there is to it.......just to 'do' it.
distance, even where in time, is no just 'go'.
EDI says:
I'm getting a hold on all this non-physical things ... now I just need training to percieve more clearly
Perena will train you.
EDI says:
And I would really like to learn techniques to shut of the physical senses to go there and see only with the inner senses
I am here to help you get started, that's all.
EDI says:
P: I and the Zetas will assist you in this
EDI says:
You're the kick-start which get's everything running
I'm the Cranking-Handle.
EDI says:
I've done all these things that you are beginning to learn about now.... so I can look from "above" and co-ordinate with the guides.....
EDI says:
It must be wonderful to see and live clearly in these realms
I'm able to check what you are seeing (go there myself) and also talk to any guides Zeta or Pleiadian and receive instructions from them what to do next, or to let them do (such as letting Perena explain rather than me in places)
EDI says:
I see... that's a good set-up indeed
That is how the tuition works so fast
EDI says:
Seems like those species got a well devised plan =)
Messenger is a good 'format' for the initial stages...because the typing actually helps speed up the confidence.
EDI says:
Yes.. every night on MSN with you is a quantum leap forward.
EDI says:
And Perena gets me to type things even if I am shy of expressing it myself
I am here for when the guides want me to do something....when a person is ready for the next 'stage'.
We shall pick the right time for me to post your telepathy with the Zeta, for the maximum interest of members.
EDI says:
P: We'll see when it fits best
The guides keep a careful check on what is happening in the threads.
EDI says:
That's no surprise
EDI says:
I wonder if they have a internet dial-up on their mothership .. lol
Ask Perena..... lol
EDI says:
She says
"no need to dial in.." ... they can access it easily with their technology
Exactly !
(no dial-up fees either)
EDI says:
EDI says:
This is where I want to lead humanity.. internet without dial-up fees!
When you were doing your hook-up with the Zeta......the Zeta all had a connection with Messenger, and were following the typing as you wrote !  You didn't know you were reaching a mass Zeta audience!
EDI says:
Oh my god! =)
They said, "Don't tell him until afterwards.....but we are all following this with great interest"
EDI says:
That is really nice
EDI says:
If you had told me I had been nervous... I played in a theater group once, I know how it feels to be on stage
The galactic Zeta 'audience' loved you......they are very interested and caring about human beings.
As you get more advanced, you too will be able to get instant 'traffic' and the equivalent of emails from different sources, while you are doing something else.
EDI says:
I already imagined something like that... as Perena can't always give me something, e.g. when I'm not listening, busy or whatever.. I can at some time ask "Perena, do I have new mail?" .. Sounds really funny.
This is it !
EDI says:
Intuition finds its ways, it seems
Karek will say to me, "Don't bother watching the News..there's nothing on much till later tonight.  We'll let you know"
EDI says:
That's nice
Also both Zeta and Pleiadians monitor all the TV and radio transmissions.
EDI says:
Interesting.. I'll have much to find, I'm eager to learn
EDI says:
This night has revealed itself to be very inspiring and productive
EDI says:
P: As I told you this evening.
Why don't you ask Perena now........about the TV... and what is 'monitored' and why.
EDI says:
P: We are mostly interested in the news - what gets presented to the broad masses by their leaders.
EDI says:
P: We also look at how the other entertaining movies etc. affect people's mind
EDI says:
P: What emotions are being provoked
EDI says:
P: We need to be informed because we want to heal the media conditioning... the rigid mind-set which is enforced by watching TV.
EDI says:
P: Ideas and emotions are transmitted by the media.
EDI says:
EDI says:
Well, I think it'll be time for me to go to bed.. I'd like to finish before my parents get up
EDI says:
P: And he desperately needs to go the toilet =)
It has been very productive tonight.
EDI says:
Yes... everything.
I shall make a drink now, before my next 'appointment schedule'.
EDI says:
I'm (as always) really thankful for what you show me
Now you can continue those things with Perena.....and you have the Zeta also.  So, many new horizons are opening up now.
EDI says:
I'll take the time to explore those
EDI says:
I'll retreat to the mountains again tomorrow... and this time, I'll be alone and undisturbed.
You get some much deserved sleep now.
EDI says:
I'll enjoy it... as I know that learning goes on while I sleep
EDI says:
I'm not really tired, but sleeping is good nevertheless
It does indeed.........and the great thing is....that you can talk to Perena (or the Zeta now, whenever Perena connects you) while you're in bed relaxed.........
EDI says:
EDI says:
That's what I'm going to do now
EDI says:
I'll enjoy having lots of aliens in my bed
lol......... Auf Wiedersehen !  Guten Nacht Edi !

*PARMENION* talks with the Zeta

Parmenion says:
Good morning!
Parmenion says:
You get any sleep?
Not yet.
Parmenion says:
Sooooo what's the Plan of Action?
How are you doing with karek?
Parmenion says:
Parmenion says:
Talking every day, many times a day
Parmenion says:
I'm no longer doubting or worrying about it, I just keep chatting
that's good.
What does Karek say at this moment, about the situation regarding the Zeta and so forth?
Parmenion says:
Is it time for me to talk?.........
K: "Definately"
Then can Karek just tell you briefly what we can do this morning?
Parmenion says:
'hook-up' to the Zeta where I will talk with one or more of them
The Zeta are standing by, and are happy to have a "friendly interchange" with you, and answer any questions. Have you got a number of questions already?
Parmenion says:
I would say no....but theres plenty of questions 'up in the air'. I hadn't given thought to what to ask to be honest
Parmenion says:
Questions wont be a problem I imagine
If you just talk, then the questions should easily flow.
Parmenion says:
Are you ready to hook-up to the Zeta now, Karek.....and how will you do this?
Parmenion says:
K: I am ready. I will make the connection
Ok. Then I'll leave it with you to initiate - and you'll obviously be there to assist Parmenion during the course of the conversation if needed. I shall observe and keep in touch with you karek and the Zeta from this end, as Parmenion talks to them, and in that way I will monitor.
Parmenion says:
K: Ok. Leave it with us. All will be fine
Parmenion says:
Z: Hello
Parmenion says:
who am I speaking with?
Parmenion says:
Z: we are a group chosen to represent the Zeta in comunicating with you
Parmenion says:
you'll have to excuse me if Im a little slow, I am typing this as we speak
Parmenion says:
Z: that is ok
Parmenion says:
Z: Is there something you wish to ask us?
Parmenion says:
There are many questions I wish to ask
Parmenion says:
Z: start from the beginning
Parmenion says:
what is your purpose here at this time?
Parmenion says:
Z: we wish to explain to you the nature of our relationship with humans
Parmenion says:
Z: we are here to help
Parmenion says:
Is your area of assistance primarily focused on the Pole Shift?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes it is
Parmenion says:
Z: We are here to assist in many ways to prepare humanity for the huge changes that are coming
Parmenion says:
Have you been here for long?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes we have
Parmenion says:
Z: Time is not the same for us
Parmenion says:
Z: this is a very special time for earth and humanity
Parmenion says:
What exactly is going to happen?
Parmenion says:
Z: there is going to be a huge shift is conciousness on this planet. The Pole shift is a part of the process that will take earth to the next level
Parmenion says:
Of conciousness?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes
Parmenion says:
Z: We are here to prepare you for that
Parmenion says:
Will many people die at the time of the pole shift?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes many people will die
Parmenion says:
Why is this neccessary?
Parmenion says:
Z: It is necessary so that the earth can begin the trancendance from the 3rd Dimension
Parmenion says:
What will happen to governments?
Parmenion says:
Z: they will no longer exist
Parmenion says:
people will rally together?
Parmenion says:
Z: in a way yes. Small groups of people will remain with one or two people to lead these groups. The groups will come together to form little communities.It will be a much more peacefully time
Parmenion says:
Parmenion says:
Z: yes, there will not be feuds or wars as they exist today
Parmenion says:
How do you go about preparing people for this Pole Shift?
Parmenion says:
Z: We let certain people know what to do in the
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 30, 2003, 23:13:03
EDI's post - 24 AUG @ 16:47

A few words about my experience with the Zeta and telepathy in general.

When I normally talk to my guide Perena, I just hear the words in my mind. If I also pay attention to the 'visual' feeling on my inner screen, the voice seems to come from the upper right in front of me. I call the 'inner screen' the area in your mind where you percieve your own imaginations, where your daydreams take place etc., the space where you percieve with inner vision.

When I talk to several being telepathically, they occupy different places on this screen - my guide is to the upper right, and other being I talked to appeared to be at the left side - so it's easy to feel where the words come from.

I do not only get a faint visual image (faint because my inner perception is still developing), but also a whole set of feelings about whoever I talk to. The feeling I have with my guide is totally different of the feelings I had with the Zetas. At first the voice of their representative sounded metallic to me, but later it got quite normal. I perceived them to be a group of maybe 4-6 people, I had the 'image' of them in my mind, and I felt the presence of those who were not actively communicating with me. They had a diplomatic and sincere appearance, so the conversation had a formal and official feeling - I was missing the joking and teasing I use to get from Perena.

As I'll continue 'interviewing' the Zetas, I'd appreciate getting additional input from this forum - that's what it's all about: exchange of information. So whatever questions you may have, I will gladly include them in my sessions. This will not only help me to improve my skills as a 'interviewer' - I admire how Parmenion does this - everyone here will also benefit from this friendly interchange.

With love,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 00:30:35
Can someone summerize the long posts for me, extract the juice out of it, the SUBSTANCE, in a list of points, say 1, 2, 3, etc. in plain english, so that the 5-years-old that I am can understand ?

For example :

1. One sentence here.

2. Another sentence here.

3. Yet another sentence here.

Wrap-up concluding statement here

The header to this thread, which is still under construction, clear stated DON NOT POST - now that is a summary, in those few words, of what is happening here, and should be clear to any 5-year old.

This thread is being constructed specifically to enable members to follow what is happening in this topic, so existing material (that is specific to the issue of ZETA CONVERSATIONS and questions) from where it was originally in the TRUTH topic is being transferred here. This will also avoid having to wade through off-topic posts - and your post here does not include questions for the Zeta nor in-context observations on the Zeta Convversations, so is off-topic.

If you are having problems understanding posts in general, then it would be more appropriate to place your post in the CHAT section, or even in the Writers Corner.  If that is not the case, then I can only assume you are making some childish (or, at least, Chill-dish) disruption to what is a serious topic, and which by so doing makes it harder for members to take seriously or follow if such type of posts are placed in between matrial that is there to help people understand better from the information provided - and by your action here that seems to be the only sensible conclusion I can come to, since the intial post of this thread said specifically DO NOT POST.

As a matter of fact, in order to make the psot you refer to above (I assume it is that one, since you have posted here) took me 32 full hours to compile and format in the colours in order to make it as clear to follow as possible.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 01:35:18
wrote 24 AUG @ 22:16)

Edi.. here are some questions:

1.What is in Baciului Forest in Cluj, Romania ?
(in roumanian: Padurea Baciului, judetul Cluj, Romania)
2.Why are in Baciului Forest so many UFOs and Alien sightings ?
(there are over 1000000 pictures of UFOs from Baciului Forest)
3.Do you control all astral projections ?
(what i mean is... for a person to be able to project does he/she needs some kind of acces from the Zeta?)

This will be enough for a start i guess,

wrote 25 AUG @ 00:53

Hi Edi
I appreciate the diplomacy and work that has transpired through the telepathic skills that you guys have given yourselves so freely to at this most important time in the historical transitional event. I aplord your courage.

"As I'll continue 'interviewing' the Zetas, I'd appreciate getting additional input from this forum - that's what it's all about: exchange of information. So whatever questions you may have, I will gladly include them in my sessions. This will not only help me to improve my skills as a 'interviewer' - I admire how Parmenion does this - everyone here will also benefit from this friendly interchange."

I have come across some information that I (and others) would like very much to have a bigger perspective on. To save time explaining, I posted ( a web site address which has an article on UFO activity in the Solomon Islands which is attracting a lot of attention due to the fact the Australian Govt. sending 2000 troops to this one particular Island which has the most reported UFO activity.

On the thread Tayesin (Mark) makes mention in his reply that he calls these (UFO) entities the "Dark Ones". That been the case for the want of identifying them, then my request of you Edi since you have offered to ask our Zeta and Pladian friends (I am
still at the crawling stage with my pendulum, so am being left in the dust with the speed that you guys are moving, ) is :
Are the Zeta and Pladian aware of what is going on in the Solomon Islands and surrounding Islands? (I feel sure they are).

If they are, then what can we expect from these entities "Dark Ones"? Is their intent (being aggressive) going to be restrained. Is there anything they recommend we can do the neutralize what the Dark Ones are intending? Can we make the public more awar
of this situation and deception?

Any thing you might be prompted to ask regarding this would be very welcome Edi.
Thanks again to you and the guides you are working with.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 01:46:06
Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, exactly 24 hours before this post here, TruthSeeker had his very first contact with the Zeta, and an excellent conversation with them, during which the accent in the session was about the background to what the Zeta are all about and what is happening at this time and as we go forward from this point now.  The Zeta, Naren (Truthseeker's guide) and myself, all provide information in this session which you will find below, for the reader to now become more aware and begin to accumulate a storehouse of True Knowledge that will take the Earth forward to the giant leap in Mankind's evolution that is coming soon.

Truthseeker is shown in RED (often putting "Me:")
Naren is shown in ORANGE – ( also as N: )
ZETA are shown in GREEN
(I, MAYATNIK am shown in BLUE

TruthSeeker talks with the Zeta

Would you like to have a session for you to talk to the Zeta?
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I would really like to talk to them.
I feel like I've been standing still the last few days, walking in circles.

Do you feel ok now?
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I'm exellent.  All is very quiet here now.  Everyone's gone to bed, so ideal time.
TruthSeeker says:
You see I really want to learn more.. I feel like a door has been opened, but I'm only able to take a small peek inside.
The reason why you feel you've been "standing still" is because I've not been able to arrange this session until now – this is due to the fact that the events of the 17th affected you adversely by the suddenness and therefore shock as you witnessed the Zeta guide taking the visitor (whom I'd invited to our telepathy multichat) into an Astral Projection... and you simply had not been expecting that, hence they 'symptoms' that are often the side-effect of AP-ing episodes; particularly, in your case, the temporary loss of full teleapathic ability.
So, my guide Karek - as supervisor - and your guide, Naren, both wanted you to have some time to settle down again before we did a link-up with the Zeta for you, for which Karek is the facilitator.  They have decided that the time has now come, and that you are ready.
Have you talked to Naren about it?
TruthSeeker says:
No, I find it hard to get sentences..  (this is since the 17th)
Well that is what you need – to be able to receive sentences.  And that is why, also, that I am here in in these link-up sessions to ensure that you are accurately receiving, because I check througout with your Pleiadian guide and I am also in contact at times during the session privately with the Zeta.
The overall purpose of my 'monitoring' in this then, is to enable a presentation here on MSN Messenger that will make what is happening clear to reader  of the transcript, and to ensure its validy – since anyone could say they were in contact with the Zeta.
Let's do a session then............and you type everything that you hear, putting N:  before it.........and all that you say (to me and to Naren) plus your comments as well.
TruthSeeker says:
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Are you here Naren?
N: Yes
TruthSeeker says:
Me: I want you to tell me something, a sentence, any sentence. Could you do this now?
N: .....
So....... what do you hear?
TruthSeeker says:
N: You need to separate your own thoughts from my messages
TruthSeeker says:
A sentence like that shoots in when I'm not expecting an asnwer.
Exactly !!!
Stop trying.   There's no need to strain your ears all day long listening for any sound........and no need to strain your eyes peering into every corner........ you simply hear and don't even have to think about it........
telepathy is just another 'sense' like hearing and seeing.

TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes I am at all times in contact with him (Mayatnik).
I do not recall me question, but it was an appropriate answer

TruthSeeker says:
N: You will do just fine now.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Just let go.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes there are infact "spaceships" around Pluto
Me: I just read about it and asked.
It is a good way to talk to Naren at any time you are reading information books...beause he can add so much more, and correct things that are wrong in the books.
So now.... can we do a Pleiadian 'Instant AP' to warm up before Naren makes the Zeta link-up.....
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Could you show me a picture?

A church, read brick-walls. Tall bell-tower. Sunny day. Green grass lawns, with big green trees scattered along the lawns.

TruthSeeker says:
It's somewhere in the U.S
You can go into any 'scene', and walk around.
TruthSeeker says:
Michigan or "Cincinnati" (Closest thing I can get to something that sounds like place)
It's a new style 'community' that is built around the church...... the church runs many things for the people..and it is like a min-town.
TruthSeeker says:
Are you talking about this particualr church?
Yes.... < ----- (I had mentioned it to give him confidence, which he needed)
TruthSeeker says:
Then you can see it as well...
Yes..... Naren sent it to me, for me to know where you are - but it is your exercise! ..... I am merely confirming here.
So, walk around......step into the picture......and just 'go'......Naren will be with you.........explore, and talk.......describe what you see and what happens by typing can be in both places at once.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: take me back there please, Naren.. To the church.

There is a dark basement. Lots of dust and spider-webs. On the outside the sun is shining. I want to talk to one of the kids runnining the street. It is a small boy with a red cap. His name is Bob and he tells me this is his home. Everything, the whole wown is centered around this church.

TruthSeeker says:
The priest is inside the church.. He has his own room in the hall at the back of the church. He is reading something. A parchment of some kind. He is taking notes on a paper.
TruthSeeker says:
The church has a lot of doves living at the roof. There are even doves inside the church, flying back and forth every now and then. A man is walking up hte street. He has a bowler-hat...It is the major of the city. He looks at me and walks away.
TruthSeeker says:
The city has a lot of nature around it.. Running streams of water. The forest has a "wet" feel. It is early in the morning. The major was on his way to work.
TruthSeeker says:
Most people are not up yet, but in half an hour the city will be awake. The children do not attend a normal school. They are taught at church. A woman is their teacher, her name is Sandra.
TruthSeeker says:
I left.....
TruthSeeker says:
N: You did good there.
Notice that you could 'feel' the wetness, 'know' about the man...... all those things, more than just seeing.
TruthSeeker says:
It was not an actual event.
TruthSeeker says:
N: It was a "scenery".
I call it a 'cameo' (an English expression).....Many of these such are 'presented' for a person in training – they are in fact also presented to ordinary AP-ers, for them to get 'experiences' and interact with 'situations', though AP-ers are not aware what the purpose is....for their level of awareness to be assessed usually, by those who 'create' the scene for the AP-er..   You, on the other hand, have a guide who accompanies you, and will sometimes explain these things
It'a moving picture of 'events'.....  on a 'stage-set' specially contstructed by the guides for 'exploration practice'.
TruthSeeker says:
N: At a deeper relaxation you will be able to move more "into" the picture. This can also be done in the relaxation-level you are at now, but it takes practice.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Typing long sentences or even keywords will help, as well as you can look back at it later.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes we can talk to the Zeta when you are ready, but you have some more questions to ask first.
TruthSeeker says:
Will talking to the Zeta be just like talking to Naren (exept the more polite/diplomatic tone)?
TruthSeeker says:
N: There will be a different "feel" to it, but as long as you "let go" you will be able to percieve then just fine.
TruthSeeker says:
Are you here Mayatnik?
TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes he's here
I'm here.
TruthSeeker says:
I'm just watching – that's what Naren has asked me to do at this time, with the minimum of my interaction here, for a can ask Naren some questions about how it will be with the Zeta, and what Naren does about it.
TruthSeeker says:
N: I will connect you to Zeta through our "main-frame". You will be able to get a "feel" of the "persons" involved, as well as you will be able to talk to them.
N: Yes all of them can talk to you, but some of them are just observers.

TruthSeeker says:
Me: Tell me something about them(the Zeta)
The Zeta are located at a mothership. As Mayatnik has told you the ship has been provided by the Arcturians. They wil have a room of their own, but there will be others outside that room watching(No point in hiding it since you have allready read about it - gentle smile).

TruthSeeker says:
N: You forgot to include the "N:", that is very important for further reference. < ---- (This is a common practice for the guides to sometimes tell the person if a point needs to be stressed about something like this, and other things in their teaching and 'training' by the guide.
Those who say that it may be the person's imagination and not an external communication have not had a guide telling them off  (albeit they are always gentle in their remonstration) about something!  It is unmistakably not the person's own mind.

TruthSeeker says:
N: If you are ready we will contact the Zeta now.
TruthSeeker says:
Z: Greetings
Me: Hello Zeta Reticulans, I am pleased to be talking to you.
Z: The pleasire is on our side as well.
Z: You can ask us every question you would like.
Me: Tell me something of your home planet.
Z: We are scattered amongst many planets in this universe. We have no Planet that we can refer to as home more than anything else. We live in Planets with oxygen and we enjoy nature. We have large cities where we live our lives. The duities we perform are very varied. We are scientists and builders as an example. And as you must understand, some of us have been sent out here to assist you.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Many people are afraid of you, based on wrong beliefs given by many sources. Is the reason for you being in contact with me now to share the knowledge of waht you really are?
Z: This is one of the reasons, yes. We have a job to do very soon on earth, and we need to convince people that we only wish to help.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Abductions happen apparently, why is this?
Z: We "abduct" humans by escorting their astral body to our ships. There we perform "checkups" and we subconsciously provide the subject with information. This information can be realeased at our will, and with the subjects will, combined.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: There are six of you there in that white room, there are only one of you doing the talking with me. Why is this?
Z: As your guide, Naren, has allready told you: They are here to observe and be present.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Tell me something about how your community works, is there a president or a King?
Z: At the top we have the Council. Several of the oldest and wisest of us sits there. This is where decicions are made. We do not however have an indirect democracy. Ever citizen of our community has his say, and desicions are based upon that.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Why is it that all extra terrestirals I have heard of are "humanoid"?
Z: We are all the same. We are beings of Light and has developed from the same Source. We were once like you, but we have grown. How we look now is due to the choises we have made during history. We are masters of genetics, and have shaped our physical bodies as we see fit. Our body has no need for food, as it is energy-relyant and can "digest" pure energy.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: What will be your task here when the Pole Shift arrives?
Z: When the Pole Shift begins we will be on earth assisting those who accept it. After the Shift we wil walk amongst you and give you guidance and support. We will help you in starting communities once again, and we will ensure that the most beneficial actions are taken for you further well being.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: What will happen to the governments we have?
Z: They will fall, and it's members that did you no good, will die. New Government eqivilants will not be formed. You will be based on a Counsil that takes your decision, and you will have a "widened demoracy". You will be assisted in this both by us, and others.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: I can not find any more questions to ask you right now.
Z: That is fine. We are here to answer your questions at all times, and Naren will fix this for you.
Me: Thank you very much for your time.
Z: The pleasure is all ours
Z Be well
TruthSeeker says:
N: You did very well there. Do not worry about not having any more questions, there will be more time to ask them.
TruthSeeker says:
N: I am very pleased.. (big smile)
It was very informative for people
TruthSeeker says:
(Naren is dancing..)
TruthSeeker says:
N: What you did here aided the greater picture of things to come. People will be more prepared for what is coming.
These are some of the things that I learned when I was talking to the Zeta many years ago now, so you can see this Agenda for Earth is long-established.  People will now be able to learn what I was told.  At the time, I was told not to reveal those things, and that has been the case until now, until it became time - but there are now going to be a growing number who will learn telepathy and be able to ask on behalf of others, and write down what they and the zeta were discussing.  So, in this way it will benefit all.
TruthSeeker says:
*The Zeta is leaving the half-moon-shped table*
TruthSeeker says:
They wore blueish-white robes. Their appearance was very wise and trusting.
TruthSeeker says:
Their big eyes was very deep and there were a very strong kindness there.
It felt good to be there
TruthSeeker says:
Most certainly.
You can arrange with Naren on other occasions to talk to them and they will welcome your questions.
Because you will want to let people know this information, then this 'format' on MSN Messenger is ideal for this....... sometimes you can just make notes if you are away from the computer, and then write up your account later – even better, if you are not at the computer, to use a tape recorder at the time.......and people will benefit greatly from that..........You are an Emissary and representative of Humankind now.
TruthSeeker says:
How should I use this information?
The information is for all to hear about - and for now, can be published on the Astral Pulse on the thread.....I am here at this time to assist and write these first few posts.......
Naren will explain a little more about this, and what the plan is to expand from here.

TruthSeeker says:
Can you type what Naren says about this now.
TruthSeeker says:
N: The plan is: Edward will finish what he is doing at the Astral Pulse. Then he will be given other tasks that does not include online guidance. He will be working with persons, and he will be the Base of where you will be "operating" from. He will still be around to help you. You will aswell be given certain tasks when it is time, but for now you should familiarize yourself with all of this.
The reason why I am 'monitoring' these sessions has in part to do with the presentation........a standard presentation that you and others will adopt as you get familiar with it... my task is also to ensure that the person gets used to the conversations and the way of working as easily as possible (this makes it easier for you at first) and also shows readers a much better overall picture.......
These transcripts will also be used for the 'teachers' whom I shall train, for them to follow the same patterns......this will achieve the maximum benefit for all.
TruthSeeker says:
I see.
TruthSeeker says:
Well I guess we have done what we were supposed to then.
Yes. It went very well indeed, and Naren has just agreed there.
That was excelllent work
TruthSeeker says:
You will become familiar with doing this as you progress..........but for now Naren wants me to 'monitor' sessions to assist you also.
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I understand, and appreciate it.
You already have good confidence........but you will learn even more, easily and quickly, as you proceed now.
The Zeta are now, for you, literally only a 'phone call' away when arranged by Naren....... it is the reverse of "ET phone home"......because Humans are now able to phone ET.
TruthSeeker says:
TruthSeeker says:
Very exellent.
It is made especially simple all round, by using this Messenger format........and the Zeta tap on to MSN Messenger and spool it to their that other Zeta can also read it afterwards.  This is very helpful for the planning and things associated with this joint-venture between the Zeta and the Pleiadians, because the Zeta have a log of the Messenger conversation with them.
very helpful  to all, in this stage now to build a real friendship with those who will be assisting Earth in preparation for the coming Pole Shift, and afterwards.
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I see the importance of this.
We have done enough for have you any further questions before we close this session.....? myself or to Naren at this time.
TruthSeeker says:
No questions that I can think of.
I should probably go to bed and get some sleep before classes begin in four hours..
Good night Mayatnik, and thank you for everyting.

You need your sleep........and know that Naren is there all the time, to talk to you.  I will see you in the meantime Goodnight and sleep well !
TruthSeeker says:
Love and Light
     Be well

Love and Light
The Seeker has found the Truth !
              Be Well


Congratulations to TruthSeeker on his first conversation with the ZETA.  So, yet another person becomes an Emissary to the Stars, and a Representative of Mankind in the shape of things to come.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 01:57:53
wrote 26 AUG @ 16:09

I'm curious about something. I'll premise this with the statement that I'm not one of the UFO wathcer types. I do believe in intelligent life on other planets and that alien races have visited the earth. But I don't subscribe to a lot of the hype and sensationalism that is written. ANd I've never personally had contact with another being (that I'm aware of). Has anyone met any of these beings in the astral?

I had a really weird experience the other month involving a race of aliens, but I they aren't the typical 'greys' that everyone talks about.

I went lucid about a month ago or so and asked for a guide. Someone appeared with an object he called 'mother' that I understood to be some kind of computer device (never had that happen before). I told him I wanted a guide who could answer some questions about karma, past lives and the pendulum (trying to verify some information I'm receiving from the pendulum). He told me that I couldn't ask about past lives. I then asked if I could get answers about karma and the pendulum. He said yes and 'summoned' a guide. I've only called on a guide once before and his appearance was very different to this process and what I'm going to describe below. So I don't have a lot of experience with which to compare this.

Next I'm in a white room surrounded by a bunch of people, all of whom were sitting at stations, like desks. Except for myself and the guide, we were standing. For some reason, I felt the urge to ask if they were aliens (even though they all looked human to me). This thought stemmed from the pendulum posts and the numerous references to 'alien guides'. The guide reaches towards me and touches my forehead (3rd eye area). When his hand pulled away, I looked around and all of the people now looked like aliens, of the same race.

They were humanoid form, but their eyes were different. Instead of eyes, I got the impression of bright colored lights across their forehead. Sort of like a horizontal line. Not sure that makes sense. I walked through the room looking at each one and shaking hands with them (they all had their hands extended as such to me). But what I ended up focusing on was their hands. They didn't have 4 fingers and a thumb. Their skin was grey and they had, what I will describe as, two large fingers. The fingers were slighlty rounded on the back, and the front or underside was flat (meaning not rounded or curved) but slighlty wrinkled. As I shook hands with them, I would shake the bottom finger and then shake or rub the back of my hand against their top finger. I did this with many of the ones in that room.

The rest of this trip is equally strange and bizarre, but I'm curious if these fit the description of any of these 28 alien races that are mentioned in Parmenion's chat session? Or did the beings in the astral change simply because I questioned whether or not they were aliens? I do know that thoughts affect the astral, so I'm not sure which to believe. However, if Parmenion or Mayatnik could confirm whether or not this experience happened with one of the races, that would be a big help to me. Thanks!

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 02:04:03
wrote 26 AUG @ 20:26

Hello MAYATNIK! If all that stuff about aliens is truth, and if you can speak with them, so i have message that you could deliver to them. If they are really interested in preparing people for the "i don´t know what", you could tell them to show themselves (in ufos) to people in my city, that is very conservative. They could say a day and an hour, and them they would prove to me and to other people in my city that they are indeed real.

I´m not kidding. If they accept my idea, just tell me, because i must them tell you my real city (the one that you see in my description its not true).

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 02:08:40
wrote 27 AUG @ 00:16

have some questions for the Zeta:Why do they believe that their methods of communication and such are better than telepathy? Why do they choose to work in that way with us humans incarnates?

This question is to both races(pleiadian and Zeta) and the other races which wish to answer this: WHy if there is so much talk and feel of unity in the higher planes do they have all this different alien species? Why not a whole united species? I don't mean to offen any of these alien races with these questions I am asking. Do the negative beings also have ships?

Does anyone know what is happening on august the 27. I've been hearing a few talks about this partIcular day on the forum and it is also my birthday?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on August 31, 2003, 02:42:22
Hello everyone,

this information exchange we see beginning here is flourishing quickly... as more and more of us get proficient in telepathic communication, facilitated by the pendulum in the beginning, we will see much information coming through this 'door' which has now been opened. It is of great importance to note that everyone involved in these contacts has been trained specially for it to ensure greatest precision. In this regard, I have been appointed as the first Trainee Teacher in this program - under direct supervision by Mayatnik. I have the responsibility to ensure that accuracy is maintained at all times in the transcripts presented here ... so that the Truth Shall Be Known. This means it will also be my duty to train interested 'newcomers' to get a good rapport with their pendulums (and guides when they are assigned to them) and help with whatever problems may arise, until finally the 'link' is so stable and accurate that they can participate in this ongoing project.

I now present you the log of my latest conversation with the Zetas, in the known color scheme:

I, Edi am shown in RED (with 'E:' in the beginning)
Perena, my guide, is shown in ORANGE ('P:')
ZETA are shown in GREEN ('Z:')

E: Perena, I would now like to talk with the Zetas about some things.
P: Okay... this will shed some more light on the situation everyone is in. Are you ready for the connection?
E: Yes, I am.
P: Good... then I'm connecting you now...
Z: Hello Edi.
E: I greet you. May I ask you some questions at this time?
Z: Sure. What do you want to know?
E: What is there in Baciului Forest in Cluj, Romania?
Z: The UFO-Activites there are directly related to us. Entrances to an underground base are located somewhere in this area.
E: Why there?
Z: The place is suitable because the geography and the historical development of the country made it easier to remain undisturbed than in more western countries.
E: Can I know what is happening there?
Z: It is one center of our east-european activities, from where we can contact individuals and governments/military.
E: How many people in the governments know of your activities?
Z: As few as possible, and as much as necessary. They military normally knows more, because it has the technical abilities to monitor our activities (to a certain extent). In the governments itself there are seldom more than 2 or 3 who are in contact with us (in each country). It will take some time for humanity to be open and ready for contact, at the moment it would cause a rather disturbing 'shock'.
E: Thank you for this information. The next question I was asked to give you is: do you control all astral projections?
Z: Of couse not. Everyone can astral project.. it is in fact only a shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane. If we want to contact someone via this method, we can get him into the right state by manipulating his electromagnetic field.
P: People themselves make it difficult by using so many methods and theories. It's good if you want to know exactly how it works at one point, but this can also build up mental structures which often hinder more than they help.
E: Thank you for this. The last question from others I have for you is about the Solomon Islands, near Australia. There's a lot of UFO activity going on down there.. are you in any way connected to it?
Z: No, we're not.
P: It's the Reptilians who are stationed there.
Z: We are of course not the only ones in possession of UFOs.
E: Do you know what is going on down there?
Z: Of course.
P: Edi and myself will discuss the rest of the related questions later.

( we talked about this later... see the end of the post for more )

E: Now I would like to get some details about your history.
Z: That's fine. Where do you want to begin?
E: Is there something in your history which can explain to us how you are today, and why you are this way?
Z: Indeed. We haven't been like today all the time. Our people once lived on a planed which was similar to earth. We had much vegetation and lived on the surface of a beautiful planet.
E: How did you look at that time?
Z: Our appearance was humanoid - in fact we and humans share common ancestors, and at that time we didn't differ as much as today.
E: Do also other species stem from these ancestors?
Z: We are talking about the Lyrans... they were one of the most early civilisations in this part of the Galaxy, and colonized many worlds over time. This is why they influenced many species.
P: For humans this was by far not the only influcence.. many others contributed here.
Z: When our world was colonized, we were a melting pot for many different lines of development of the Lyrans, so for a long time we had many conflicts. There were all sorts of polarities imaginable among us, even more than on earth. Always we had suspense and opposition among us, which often lead to those conflicts.
E: Did many wars take place on your planet?
Z: Yes.. but they were mostly only local and finished quickly.
E: Which significance do these conflicts have for your history?
Z: At that time we were much concerned about individuality, the own opinion was the most important thing... much fought for. We were literally carried away by our emotions. Too much. It became more and more difficult to find a common way to go. This ended in an atomic war.
E: This war came suddenly?
Z: No, it loomed about us long before... more than hundred of your years we had more and more tension, which finally let the situation escalate.
E: What was the result of it?
Z: Our ecosystem collapsed - not only most of the surface was radiated, also the vegetation couldn't keep up our atmosphere anymore, so very quickly (several months) life on the surface became almost impossible.
E: Didn't you have enough technology to save and clean the planet in order to colonize it anew?
Z: It would have taken much time - and there already were underground bases which were totally isolated from the surface and could save our existence for the next time. These bases were already populated when the war begun, and we thought "why don't we stay down here? This will be a totally new challenge". So we abandoned the surface and stayed in the underground, everything withdrawed to the inside of the planet, between several hundred meters to a few kilometers below the surface.
P: I think this part of your history is enough for the moment, it will be continued at another time.
Z: Yes.. Edi, your guide will want to talk to you about some parts of this and eventually make some annotations.
P: This is correct.
E: Do you agree that I post this transcript on Astralpulse?
Z: Yes. This was the purpose of this conversation from the very beginning on.
E: Good. Then I thank you, and will see you at the next session.
P: Thanks from my side to everyone, too.
Z: We're looking forward to the next session.. there's much left to say, we all are just at the beginning.
P: I'm going to terminate the connection now.

Some notes about the Solomon islands and the Reptilians in general: I do not know much about them yet and what will happen or not... the book 'Bringers of the Dawn' does give some information about the role they play. On a general note, I can say that no major disruption of the 'plan' for earth will be tolerated by the Galatic Federation (a organizational structure with members from different planets all over the galaxy) which is watching over this development. Whatever will happen is intended that way, maybe like 'karma' on a larger scale - polarities merging, conflicts surfacing and worked out... not individually, but as a whole species. After all, we all are One - we and everyone out there.
To answer your specific questions, Harvey: The link given in the thread about the Solomon isles gives much accurate information and reports about what is going on down there - and many people all over the world are investigating such matters and trying to get them public, the problem is not that too less work would be done on this... it is just not yet time for the general public to accept all this stuff, it will take time to slowly surface. This may also answer the question of Kazbadan to some extent... if Zetas or other species wanted to show themselves to us now, they would simply do it. But it would not be right and not allowed to force this upon us. See, the information is there. There are literally thousands or millions of UFO reports, pictures, witness stories and so on... where does this all come from? The point is that nobody wants to believe it. People will have to embrace this reality by themselves... with gentle nudges into the right directions from time to time. This can take many years... but not forever.
We are taking steps here to put all those little puzzle pieces together, one by one.

Enough for now.. more is to come.

With love,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 02:48:45
wrote 30 AUG @ 04:36

Ok, I must admit that I fail to follow the whole thread. So I just write down what I think.

If there is good, there will be bad. If there is Angel, there will be devil. Alien should both have good and bad. The problem is who is who.

Within cyberspace, everything is base on information. People will simplify to "source of information". No matter you are human or alien, there is no different. What important is the information you give out. Every source of information need to earn their credibility by the accuracy of what they have given out before. When information cannot be test immediately, credibility is considered to decide whether to trust the information or not.

The information that Zeta give out by now all cannot be proves or disprove. Pole shift~ only time can tell. Abduction~ 1/1,000,000 to have the chance to have a try.
Since information that Zeta give out cannot be prove by now, and their credibility hasn't build up yet. Trusting the information totally is not a good idea.

Instead of all those big secrets. I would to see more useful information. Information that normal human can work on. Like energy body development, nature of Astral Plane, earth history, etc.


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 02:56:32
wrote 27 AUG @ 07:37

Nice post Edi.. and we my gratitude to the Zeta also..
Thanks for putting my questions into your session :)

Here are the next 3 questions:
1. Are dreams controlled by an alien specie ? (maybe them)
2. Is it possible to AP at request ? (eg: i ask you to ask the Zeta to AP me)
3. What is the link between the history of the Roumanian (or Transilvania) and the Baciului Forest ? (you said something in your last post about this)

This is all for now and thanks again :),

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 03:13:47
wrote 29 AUG @ 20:31

Greetings Kazbadan

Originally posted by Kazbadan

such "beautiful" (i´m being sarcastic: aliens don´t "feel good" to me) beings changes it´s life in the worst way. Read the posts starting in page 22 and you will find the refered post.

There are many ufo cases, direct contact with aliens or there ships, etc, that end in very bad ways.

You will see that aliens are not friendly...anyone: pleidians, arcturians, zetas, greys, etc,etc, they all are the same: astral garbage.

I can understand your concerns,but, with respect, this is not H. G. Wells book and film "War of the Worlds".

Earth humans always see extra terrestrials as evil because Earth humans always judge beings and situations they do not understand as evil. In other words humans see these beings from other planets as a reflection of themselves. This is no different to religious people believing in "satan". People always anticipate the worst, it is a human trait.

Lets look at things from a Universal perspective. The fundamental meaning of life is for every human to ascend back to our creator, The All, the First Cause, the Prime Creator, God if you like through a process of enoblement over aeaons or time. When mankind evolves beyond the cycle of reincarnation, he has transcended his or her ego, achieved equilibrium of the elements and attained a certain state of pefection. The process of ascent then continues in the higher spheres, the Mental planes. Now, the Zeta Reticulans, Pleiadians and others must be far, far in advance of Earth humans on the path. They seem to have experienced their wars just as we have, but they are all behind them now. Another thing, why would a race who already live on multiple planets travel all the way here to do anything negative to this one? And finally, the most powerful force in the Universe is Unconditional love between all of the children of The All. The Divine essence of a Zeta Reticulan or Pleiadian is no different to an Earth human, we are all immortal Spirits and equal aspects of our creator. Therefore to treat the Zeta's or Pleiadians as different, or evil, or untrustworthy is no different to "white people" treating "black people" differently. The reason "whites" treat "blacks" differently or badly is for no other reason they are different which triggers a primitive human trait of mistrust or even hate. What I am saying is, try to look at the Zeta Reticulans, Pleidians, Arcturians and others through the eyes of Spirit and your Higher-Self, and not through the eyes of an incarnated human being. You might say, "what if the Zeta, Pleiadians and others are not as advanced and are therefore still have primitive ego driven traits like humans"? The answer is simple, they would not have the ability to travel across the physical Universe in huge space vehicles from places many, many light years away in earth terms. Please consider all of these facts.

With best regards,


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on August 31, 2003, 03:20:08
Dear Kazbadan,

as you raised some legitimate questions, I'd like to shed some light on them... I will start this post by having a conversation with the Zetas about it, because this is about them. As always I use the known colour scheme:

Myself (E:) in blue,
my guide Perena (P:) in orange,
and the Zetas (Z:) in green.

E: Perena, do you agree with me that I should let the Zetas themselves speak about the points raised here? I will comment on it later to give my point of view, too.
P: I agree in that, as this is the purpose of this thread now. The Zetas are willing to explain anything brought forward. Your own thoughts about it will further clarify things.
E: Good. Can you then link me up to them?
P: Here we go.
Z: Hi Edi. We were watching the thread and will gladly comment about it from our point of view.
E: Thank you. I'd first like to cover why you don't show publicly.
Z: Let's look at what would happen. Imagine we would take one of our crafts, land in a big city, get out and give out flowers to everyone. This would bring some serious problems with it. First: The government would immediately do everything to suppress it, as they always do.
E: Why would it be a concern to the government?
Z: The governments (i.e. the people behind it) are anxious to control everything. Because they have no power over us, they would try with all means to regain their absolute control, regardless of possible losses... many people 'disappear' because they know too much. The one who directs and controls information is in power.
E: That's intelligible. This would mean the appearance would be put down, witnesses be silenced and the whole story ridiculed?
Z: Most probably.
E: Okay... what else?
Z: Go around and tell people you just have seen an UFO. What do you think their response would be? Most of them would declare you crazy. The second and major point here is: People DO NOT WANT TO believe in this.. and if their are confronted with it, they react with fear and would try to explain it away somehow. Whether you have pictures/videos doesnt matter, because people feel GREATLY uncomfortable about the idea of UFOs and aliens in their mind. Their whole view of the world would be shattered in pieces, causing much confusion and disturbance - and we are not allowed to do that. This would be forcing something on humans mind, which is against the rules.
P: We are talking about the 'common man' here.
E: So under what circumstances would you appear publicly?
Z: If nobody was interested in it, we would have no problem with coming down. There will be a time when we will be seen freely, but it is not upon us to decide when. The third point is that such a forcing appearance without doubt would cause chaos not only on an individual scale, but also on a greater scale... everything believed to be true by society, religion, science etc. would be wiped away at once. Do you see now what could be the result of this?
E: I do... I let it to the reader to ponder upon this.
Z: Good. Do you have any more questions? I think you have...
E: Do you expect people to just accept what you say here as true and that's it?
Z: Absolutely not. First and foremost, we want everyone to use and develop his common sense. This means neither swallowing it by 'blind faith' and acting by it like a sheep, nor rejecting it inconsiderate because of 'blind fear'. What we offer is information, in dialoge format. We do not promise to tell you exactly what will happen, though... only as far as you should know.
E: But you do tell the truth? What about May 15th on Zetatalk?
Z: We invite everyone to find out by himself why this specific date was given. We give a little hint: everything is on the Zetatalk site. Combined with common sense (again) you will gain a bigger picture.
E: Do you just give us anything which could be true or false and say 'use common sense'?
Z: No. We do give accurate answers... but many people miss understanding on how to deal with them. We will want to talk about it later, but for now we let it for the reader to find his answers in this regard. With this, we should end this session if there are no more questions from your side.
E: I don't have any more questions at the moment.
Z: Okay. We will come back to other topics later, but at the moment (in the next few conversations) we primarily want to state what we are giving you and how to deal with it.
E: Good... I will contact you as appropriate.
Z: See you then.
E: Bye

So you see what their opinion on this is. If you accuse them of being liars and dangerous because some people made wrong decisions... well... think about it. For the moment, I have nothing more to add, but I'll appreciate your response and be glad to address your concerns as this develops. It's important to state clearly what everyone expects of this... we all make implicit assumptions in some or other way, that's where communication difficulties originate from. I intend to discuss these things in a calm way ... in order for everyone to gain a broader perspective and more understanding.

Love and Ice Cream :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 03:38:35
wrote 30 AUG @ 04:36

Ok, I must admit that I fail to follow the whole thread. So I just write down what I think.

If there is good, there will be bad. If there is Angel, there will be devil. Alien should both have good and bad. The problem is who is who.

Within cyberspace, everything is base on information. People will simplify to "source of information". No matter you are human or alien, there is no different. What important is the information you give out. Every source of information need to earn their credibility by the accuracy of what they have given out before. When information cannot be test immediately, credibility is considered to decide whether to trust the information or not.

The information that Zeta give out by now all cannot be proves or disprove. Pole shift~ only time can tell. Abduction~ 1/1,000,000 to have the chance to have a try.
Since information that Zeta give out cannot be prove by now, and their credibility hasn't build up yet. Trusting the information totally is not a good idea.

Instead of all those big secrets. I would to see more useful information. Information that normal human can work on. Like energy body development, nature of Astral Plane, earth history, etc.


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 03:42:20
wrote 30 AUG @ 19:20

Greetings Novice,

First of all, reasoned debate and question is not stirring up trouble; they are some of the reasons these forums exist. Please do not be influenced by what happened to "goingslow", he overstepped all boundaries of what is acceptable on these forums in the space of two posts. It is extremely important these questions are asked and answers provided. This is one reason I very much welcome these contacts with the Zeta. We can only guess as to the answers, the Zeta can provide answers when asked in a Spirit of cooperation. I would like to organise things here so all transcripts of communications with the Zeta are in context and in chronological order.

With regards to your question:

Originally posted by Novice

I agree with your entire post, except for the last few sentences. To me, technological advancement does not necessarily mean spiritual advancement. So, in theory, they could be at the same spiritual evolution as humanity, but simply much further advanced technologically speaking.

But I get your point, not trying to stir up trouble!

I certainly agree with you in principle. However, even mankind is beginning the Spiritual ascent slowly but surely. There are increasingly more "Ascended" humans in the higher/inner spheres, lower densities who, through hard work upon themselves have progressed beyond the cycle of incarnation and now assist mankind. If this progress is extrapolated forward a few millions of years, one would think a large proportion of the race will have "Ascended". Of course, we have no real concept of the entire scale of things. We know we have been evolving for several millions of years and the average human has achieved a state of development equivalent to the fourth level of the plane of the human mind out of seven. The most advanced are into the fifth plane, with the most advanced, the adepts and Masters the sixth and seventh planes and even beyond. This is the destiny of all mankind, to achieve these levels and beyond. What we d not know is when the process comes to an end on Earth, i.e. when new Spirits are no longer incarnating for the first step on the path. Maybe it is an infinite process but I don't think so; there must come a time when the physical planet has outserved it's usefulness, and it is possible this might even happen at the time of the pole shift.

The point is, The Zeta Reticulans, Pleiadians have followed exactly the same path but are millions of years ahead in temporal terms. It is logical to assume therefore much of their race must be highly advanced upon the path. The question therefore is are the Zeta in physical incarnation in order to operate in the physical Universe, or is their race still in the same cycle as Earth but millions of years on? Either way, there must be many highly advanced Zeta in the lower densities, higher vibrations, equivalent to our Celestial or Cosmic planes, who are guiding the ascent of their own and other races. So yes, your question is valid, physical development does not necessarily equate to Spiritual development, but with respect to the Zeta in communication here, we simply do not know the answers to this question.

Thank you Edi for your recent questions and answers with the Zeta.

With best regards,


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 03:59:21
wrote 30 AUG @ 21:47

Hi there Edi ! hope you are well.

E: But you do tell the truth? What about May 15th on Zetatalk?
Z: We invite everyone to find out by himself why this specific date was given. We give a little hint: everything is on the Zetatalk site. Combined with common sense (again) you will gain a bigger picture.

Have you looked at the zetatalk site to gain more understanding on this issue ? I admit that I know little about the subject matter within this thread, so I'm not really in a position to find out for myself. But this particular point does interest me.

Kind regards,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 31, 2003, 04:09:27
wrote 30 AUG @ 22:56


The best place to look for the latest information in view of the non-appearance of Niburu on May 15 is on the "What's new" pages of Zeta Talk:

This post of 23 May on ZetaTalk, seven days after the non-appearance might provide some clues:

As can be seen from the actions of the US and Indonesian governments scant days ahead of and continuing after our announced date of May 15, 2003, they fully intend to harm hundred of millions of their citizens through martial law, declared such in Indonesia and called terrorism level Red by Homeland Security. What is martial law, if not ordering citizens to remain in their homes? What effect does this have on citizens about within cities where buildings will tumble and crush them, or along coast or in lowlands sure to be inundated by tidal waves? Death, injury with no rescue, and massive dieoff. Is this the intent of those in command in those governments, sworn to protect their citizens and collecting taxes to this end? There can be no doubt, and one has only to read the actions of these governments to ascertain this.

Why did we allow Nancy, who has labored though the mine field and put herself at risk with ZetaTalk, to be so humiliated as to announce to a broad audience live radio show very specific dates, which were promptly missed? At a time when Planet X is so close as to be competing with the Sun at noon, visible by the unaided eye, and well tracked to this point by many sunrise and sunset sightings and photos, in the manner and in the time frame we predicted, and at a time when earthquakes have increased to the point, as we predicted, to being noticeable, affecting population centers so they cannot be denied by underreporting in the quake databases, the bad dates stand as an exception. And what is the effect of this gambit, an acknowledged white lie on our part, on those in the US and Indonesian governments who would murder their citizens by the hundreds of millions?

They cannot closely coordinate blocking a city for a specific date and time, thus having to either order a perpetual state of readiness or be prepared to muster a quick blockade, neither workable.
They must either share the true agenda with numerous local agencies, in order to have cooperation for a quick muster, or anticipate failure when calling a sudden and unplanned blockage.
Local agencies would be sympathetic to the local populace and rebellion would likely ensue.
A perpetual state of readiness requires agencies to be focused only on exercises, and not distracted from their regular work, and any natural disaster ensuing would shatter this state.
Natural disasters such as imploding buildings in the stretch zone, or strong quakes or volcanoes in compression zones, would divert resources from the ready status waiting to blockade cities.
The governments increasingly have to explain the perpetual state of readiness, constant exercises, in the face of a lack of actual terrorism, thus losing credibility among those required to carry out a blockade.
Incidences of natural disasters, and increasing visibility of Planet X, change the focus from tearooms to natural disaster and thus an order to remain in their homes would seem inappropriate to citizens, who would rebel.
And what is the effect on the common man, being denied even at this late date any honest information on what is about to devastate their lives?

For those waiting for an undeniable sight that the earth changes we have predicted, rotation stoppage followed by red dusting will be that undeniable sign, and any announced date ignored until such signs are evident.
For those wanting to leave for a safe location ahead of rotation stoppage, but having ties to their ordinary life and obligations, rapid earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as a perceptible slowing of rotation, will be their clue, regardless of published dates which are not palpable.
For those who have made very early changes in their lives, moving to safe locations and settling in there, an exact date is not crucial.
For the vast majority of mankind who has not even heard of a possible pole shift, announcing dates is irrelevant.
For the large portion of humanity who cannot move to safe locations or make changes in their lives, as their lives are a struggle for subsistence on a daily basis, announced dates are irrelevant.
For those who are traveling, for work or pleasure, they have chosen to be out and about at this time, or to place themselves in such a position by their employment choice, and thus are not taking the message seriously, nor would they despite any announced dates.
Thus, an announced date, where it would be convenient, does not change the outcome of preparation for the common man, where it would greatly be used by those who would murder their citizens, or take advantage of others, and thus we decline to give any dates. Watching the earth changes, and the behavior of those in the corridors of power, will be the best clues.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Michael_E on August 31, 2003, 19:39:34
Z: Of couse not. Everyone can astral project.. it is in fact only a shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane. If we want to contact someone via this method, we can get him into the right state by manipulating his electromagnetic field.

P: People themselves make it difficult by using so many methods and theories. It's good if you want to know exactly how it works at one point, but this can also build up mental structures which often hinder more than they help.

This conversation perhaps hinted at a more natural or simple approach to having AP's. Could someone in contact with the zeta or a guide please ask if an explaination addressing the shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane resulting in an AP in the simple way described by the zeta, can be made available.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on August 31, 2003, 19:49:31
E: Perena, would you please connect me to the Zetas?
P: Yes... here.
Z: Hello.
E: I greet you! Are you ready to answer the next bunch of questions?
Z: Yes, but we'd first like to comment on the situation in the forums. It's sad that there was so much tumult lately, followed by the exclusion of one member. You all and the administrators decided how do deal with that, and we won't comment on it, you made your decisions there. But we are pleased to see that things have calmed down now and these conversations along with related discussions have found their own place in these forums now - hopefully undisturbed and open for questioning and discussion. We'd like to thank everyone involved in making this possible. Good.. what are your questions for today?
E: The first thing is regarding your methods of communication. Do you believe your methods of communication are better than telepathy?
Z: No. I can understand this question as it looks like we chose astral projection/trance/dreams etc. over telepathy. This choice depends not only on the technological possibilites and abilities of our species, but also on the job we are doing here. We like working with these methods because it gets us 'closer' to the persons involved.
E: Why do you want to be communicating that directly with us?
Z: Because in these states you are normally fully aware of what happens, showing all your natural responses.. emotional responses.
E: So you are interested in our emotions?
Z: Yes. We lost our emotionality in the course of our history, that's why we're studying it now with you.
E: And you couldn't experience that using only telepathic means?
Z: Exactly. And what's more, abductions can't be done easily telepathically.
E: So you do have a sense of humour? Doesn't that require emotions?
Z: We are able to learn... we have an idea of emotions, but otherwise you could call us 'cold'.
E: Next question: Why are there so many different alien species?
Z: Because our creator loves diversity... this universe is much about experiencing differences and polarities. Life evolves differently in varied conditions. And it's good that way, because we experience life by going through contrasts.
E: Could you explain the last sentence further?
Z: Of course. Take our perception as an example. If everything looked the same, we couldn't discern one thing from the other. Our experience of reality is based on contrast and differences in appearance. Individuality and personality are also key elements of
experiencing life. You give your life meaning by chosing certain things as your habits, dressing in a certain way, etc... so is the purpose behind this universe to experience one's own self by taking on different 'masks'.

E: If there is much talk of 'unity' in higher spheres, why isn't there only one whole united species?
Z: We Zetas are united in the sense that we have common goals and stem from the same origin. You, the humans, are totally different from us - but we are united in a sense because we come from the same origin. We can all be united while still retaining our individuality.
E: So unity in the sense of only one species existing would be boring, wouldn't it?
Z: Exactly. We all evolved away from that point, we came from unity to experience differenciation and separation. The goal is to unite while staying individual, keeping the experience of past individualizations alive.
E: Are you offended by such questions?
Z: Naturally not. And we're here to answer anything you might be interested in.
E: One person would like to know: 'Do the negative beings also have ships?'
Z: To answer this question, we first have to get clear concepts. Beings or species are not just plain negative or positive and that's it.
E: There was a discussion here about aliens just being evil.
Z: Yes. We know the content of this board. It's true that some beings appear negative. This does not mean they are inherently evil, but because they still have to learn certain things in some respects. And this learning can occur in many ways, mostly by confrontation. And yes, such beings can also have ships.
E: Is technological progress ultimately connected with spiritual progress?
Z: Not directly. One does influence the other, and certain technologies do require a degree of spiritual maturity in order not to be misused. There are many factors playing in this. You can easily imagine examples where one has more emphasis... for example a race
developing spiritually without using technology at all (or barely), or a race which has certain advanced technologies but still lacks important spiritual characteristics regarding superiority to others, respect, and so on.

E: Okay, thank you for these answers. Then I'd like to go to the next 3 questions... how does the history of Romania link to the Baciului Forest we talked about already?
Z: Primarily we want to remain undisturbed. Because of the economic development this country is not so swamped with devices which emit or disturb electromagnetic fields... these could probably be detrimental to the proper functioning of our technology (inducing trance works by influencing the natural field of the human body).
E: Okay... and the government?
Z: Yes, you could call it repressive over long periods of time. Although we don't support repression and dictatorship, this made it possible for us to establish whatever we needed without catching too much attention by inquiering minds.
E: Thank you. Next question: Is it possible to astral project at request?
Z: People put much attention on astral projection. We're not here to give fun trips, especially not if it's an ability every human does have, only conditioning and patterns in the mind being the cause of not being able to astral project easily by just 'doing it'.
E: Are dreams controlled by an alien species?
Z: We (and others) can give you certain scenarios to experience while dreaming.
E: Are all dreams controlled this way?
Z: We do not control all dreams. A sleeping mind may also wander on its own.
E: Thank you for these answers. Do you have anything to add following these questions?
Z: Yes, regarding the May 15th prediction and the text from the Zetatalk which was posted here. We wanted you to find this, it explains why this date was given. And there is much more to be found on Zetatalk. Regarding what to look out for.
E: I think that site will give readers some foundations until thing get really rolling here?
Z: It's not necessary that you study it thorougly, but you may find interesting things there. We don't require readers here to know what's on the zetatalk site, and will gladly cover any questions here. This is all we wanted to add.
E: Then I thank you for this interesting session.
Z: We're looking forward to having more of this.
E: Bye!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WalkingThePath on September 01, 2003, 08:59:32
Hello everyone

I have some questions as well.
The Zeta mentioned they lost their emotonality during the course of their history? How can you "lose" your emotions???
Also, the people who are in  touch with them say they are loving beings. How can they "feel" love, be love, give love if they are empty from all emotion?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: cainam_nazier on September 01, 2003, 12:07:46
I don't want to seem like a skeptic even though I am having difficultly going alone with the alien aspect of all of this.  There are a few questions I feel are very important that either have not been asked directly, I missed some place, or I feel they have not been accurately answered.

Why the Astral Pulse?  And why now?  Is it important in some way that the members here have access to and evaluate the information being given?  Or are "they", the Pleiadians and Zetas, looking for interaction with key members?  Or is it simply that the "pole shift" date is getting close enough to warrent the more open conversation?

Also the mention of these "dark ones" has peeked my interest.  Is the interaction with the Zeta's here a possible reaction to interference from these "dark ones" of members of this board?  This being questioned because of the arrival of the Zeta's after a steady increase from people reporting various forms of negative entities and shadow forms.  Is there a relation between what many here have experienceed and the "dark ones"?  If so what actions can we take?  If not do they know the reason for the increase?

I have a whole slew of questions that I would like responces to but I will hold it at that for now.  I am very much interested in the reactions of the Pleiadians and Zetas on these matters and look forward to thier responces.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 01, 2003, 23:43:26
E: Perena, should I post a frame like this every time, asking you to open this connection to the Zetas?
P: Yes... it's important to see that this all has structure and is not just some idly typing. Your new way of structuring these posts with the quote of the actual question in between is a good idea, let's see how it looks in the end.
E: It seems to be better... let's see how I will format it. Can you link me up now?
P: Here we go.

Z: Hello Edi.
E: Hi there. I have prepared a set of new questions for you to answer. Do you want so say anything in advance?
Z: Yes. We like the way things are evolving, members are putting forward their own questions to be answered. There is not so much discussion going on at the moment because we did not give through much information yet. Please note that most if not all of this information comes upon request from members, only from time to time should we point to topics that we would like people to think about.
E: So every teaching and dissemination of information is because people actually ask about it in the first place?
Z: Yes, most of the time. It would be sufficient to say 'wake up and find everything yourselves', but questions deserve to be answered. Good. Can we begin with the questions now?
E: Yes.

Tab: I've had dreams the last two nights about aliens. Weather this is just me filling my head with all of this crap, or it actually relates to these scenarios somehow, is unknown to me. I wonder if Zeta has anything to say on that :/

E: Does talking about this crap (are you offended by this?) have an influence on our dreams?
Z: We're not offended, we understand the meaning behind it. Yes, it does have an influence, partly because the conscious mind wants to know more about this, and partly because the subconscious mind can then bring about situations which are related to this. Hearing about such things actually brings the mind in the right state to accept them and be interested in them.
E: Do you want to comment on members experience, like everyone asking if you have something to do with them?
Z: We will comment where it is necessary. On a general note, all we have to say to someone we can say to him in dreams, but if he wants to know how to relate to it, we will gladly answer specific questions. This forum is about personal experiences as well as things which affect us all at the same time.

Lynfer: And have they been working on me in my dreams? because I had one in which I saw a UFO?

E: Do you want to comment on this?
Z: Not in too great detail - if you see an UFO in a dream, consider it as 'information' in the way that you open to the possibility of it. We do much work by putting thoughts and information contrary to popular (mis-)believes in peoples minds, for example (as you, Edi, already have heard), we watch the media and may counterbalance them this way. We are seldom working intensively on a single individual, but we often give out information by dream situations... this can happen to everyone.

Malvina: The Zeta mentioned they lost their emotonality during the course of their history? How can you "lose" your emotions??? Also, the people who are in touch with them say they are loving beings. How can they "feel" love, be love, give love if they are empty from all emotion?

E: We stopped at this point in your first 'history lesson' you gave...
Z: Yes. And we will gradually continue. After we were underground, we saw what situation our emotionality brought us into. So it was a conscious decision and our own will to not pay much attention to our emotions anymore. We became mental beings, this means we put much emphasis on mental capacity. Our heads grew bigger and bigger, this made it more difficult for our females to give birth to our children. More on this will follow later, but let me now comment on the emotions. If we are considered 'loving beings', then it is because we do care about other people, but not on an emotional level, more on a mental level.
E: Can you feel any emotions at all?
Z: Not really... we can percieve them, and we know them intellectually, we can relate to them, we can analyze them, but our bodies do not provide the necessary faculties anymore to enjoy them to that extent you do.
E: Do you relearn emotionality by watching us?
Z: Yes, slowly... we can understand better by watching emotions, but it is very difficult to relearn because at some point it's just beyond our capabilities.
E: What about the last sentence of the above question?
Z: It's simple: we cannot. We can be love, but we cannot feel it. Love in a wider sense is the carrier of life.
Z: You just searched the text where you read about love... yes, love is what makes up the universe. A stone is made of love even if he has no idea about it.
E: Thank you for these answers so far... on to the next:

Cainam Nazier: Why the Astral Pulse? And why now? Is it important in some way that the members here have access to and evaluate the information being given? Or are "they", the Pleiadians and Zetas, looking for interaction with key members? Or is it simply that the "pole shift" date is getting close enough to warrent the more open conversation?

E: That's a good question... why here?
Z: Because we reach many people. The main thing you see is that about metaphysical and spirit issues there are lots of different theories, methods, approaches and so on. So we see here a place where all those opinions and experiences meet. It is time for those to merge and form a bigger picture everyone can relate to. It is not our intention to 'spread the truth', because you can only find truth by examining everything on your own. So part of what we would like to do here is to help everyone review what he knows and is believing in.
E: Why now?
Z: Because this is a time of much conflict, calling for comprehension and understanding. Many conflicts and misunderstandings will have to be resolved in the upcoming time, more than ever before.
E: Are you looking for interaction with key members?
Z: There are no key members. The people you see writing texts like this do so because they want to. Everyone is important - nobody is special, if one is more involved than the other it can look like it, but this is wrong perception.
E: And the last question above?
Z: The pole shift date is getting closer every day, but open conversation is indeed what's necessary. There is much open conversation on this board, and we hope this continues this way.
E: I just looked in the dictionary and now understand the word 'warrant' ...
Z: That's necessary. So, there is a plan about when we do which things. Open conversation with everyone is part of this plan.

Cainam Nazier: Is the interaction with the Zeta's here a possible reaction to interference from these "dark ones" of members of this board? This being questioned because of the arrival of the Zeta's after a steady increase from people reporting various forms of negative entities and shadow forms. Is there a relation between what many here have experienceed and the "dark ones"? If so what actions can we take? If not do they know the reason for the increase?

Z: Not directly. People are controlled and live in fear all over the world, this place is not different, only that people here are more conscious about it.
E: Do you want so say more about the 'Dark Ones'?
Z: Essentially they try to keep people uninformed, unable to inform themselves and in fear and confusion. 'What many here have experienced' - talking about 'negs', demons and so on: they can mostly only grip humans because there is something on their level they can hold on to. If you put fear and attack thoughts out against someone it's like giving them your hand.
E: Does this mean one should just live love and light and forget about negativity?
Z: Absolutely not. But in all this thinking of fear and defense, one should not completely forget about love... it is the best 'weapon' you have.
E: What actions can we take, and why do these experiences of negativity seem to increase?
Z: This 'negativity' was there all the time, but it is surfacing now, people are regaining their consciousness and their self-esteem more and more today. That's why all these things cry to be dealt with.

Tab: ... I wonder what the zetas have to say about stuff like this :/

E: The page there no longer exists... it's still in Google cache if anyone is interested, I have read a bit there...
Z: They have accurate information mixed with interpretations and misinformations. You would have to ask more specific questions.

Tab: ... what HPB experienced in the far east must have been pretty damn spectacular for her to want to come back and write books like she did about it. So, what's with that? Zeta also said that all our current concepts of God are off. I wonder if this includes the theosophic and vedic concepts of 'god' so to speak. I can't help but wonder how right or wrong HPB was in her writings.

E: I too wondered about what HPB (Helena Petrovna Blavatsky) wrote, and how it fits.
Z: She did know and see very much, more than she wrote about. Her teachings are accurate but need the proper key to understand everything.
E: What do you mean by key?
Z: Personal experience, perception, understanding. It is a long way to go to understand all HPB wrote about, if that is fully possible at all.
E: And our current concepts of God?
Z: Mostly based on past teachings of control and direction. We all are created and part of our creator, but not that we could actually meet him after death.
E: What about the theosophic and vedic concepts?
Z: They are a very good model. But more important is experience than models.
E: How can we experience god, or our creator?
Z: We and you are doing it all the time by living. We are 'god' experiencing himself. Do not think about it, you will see more and more by 'just living'.

E: These were all the questions I had ready for the moment. Do you want to comment more?
Z: Yes. You see how this flows easier and easier for you, Edi. But as it is much work to do and one person alone always brings in his own 'colouration' - not in the information itself, but in the 'feel' of it, and in the details of the wording - it will be much more inspiring when more will work on it later. We are looking forward to this, and in the meanwhile encourage every question and all discussions of it. This is all.
E: Then I thank you for this session, it proved to be very easy and flowing quickly.
P: Yes, you stopped worrying when talking about topics 'new' for you, or things you don't know much about. You can express it in easy language, and read more about it afterwards to build upon it or see more clearly.
Z: That's true. We thank from our side and say goodbye until the next time.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Serenity1 on September 02, 2003, 00:52:25
Thanks Edi
and thankyou Zeta for the infomation.
I'm really interested in and would like to learn more about what the Zeta have said about "altering the electromagnetic frequency" in conjunction with Phasing and Astral Projecting. I know (from what they have said) they are mainly interested in research and perhaps not the adventure as we tend to be more focused on.
And, what purpose do they consider Phasing to be used for?(can we do greater or perhaps different things than we now are awear of?)
I have learned recently that crystals have an electromagnetic frequency unique to each type of crystal. (though the Zeta are perhaps using this EMF in a different manner?) I have tried Kaynite under my pillow (laying on the right side) for about a week
d have had two positive and rewarding results that I can only attribute to the Kaynite since I wasn't trying any "method". I've basically given up on the methods and Brain Wave Gen. stuff as it has done very little over the past eight months, to activat
me toward Soul Travel.
(These are my personal expereinces and reflect no critisism on any individual on this forum, as I enjoy Astral Pulse and the wealth of knoweledge I've found here).

Love & Peace
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Birm on September 02, 2003, 05:59:00

E: And our current concepts of God?
Z: Mostly based on past teachings of control and direction. We all are created and part of our creator, but not that we could actually meet him after death.
E: What about the theosophic and vedic concepts?
Z: They are a very good model. But more important is experience than models.
E: How can we experience god, or our creator?
Z: We and you are doing it all the time by living. We are 'god' experiencing himself. Do not think about it, you will see more and more by 'just living'.

Hi there Edi,

I dont know about zeta much but i found it interesting to read. May i ask some questions too? If i may here are my questions:

1. Do zeta have a holy book or a religion? I see that they believe that we are a part of god and i can accept it. That makes me think that they have some sort of belief anyway.

2. Do they have degrees amongs each other? I mean like in an army. Private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant...

3. Do they trade? Do they have currency?

4. Do they die? Do they have funerals? Do they have religious festivals? Do they have traditions?

5. How do they count time? I mean 60 seconds makes a minute. 60 minutes makes an hour. 24 hours makes a day.

6. They say they dont need to eat. (Wish i would be that lucky!) Can they describe what kind of a metabolism they have in order to live. I think i need a scientific explanation. Also i wonder if they sleep.

7. Do they play chess? I am asking this because i played chess with computers all my life and i can understand if i am playing with a computer or a human. Because computers dont have feelings... And chess is not just a mind game but it is also an emotional game. You can win a game by just making your opponent feel like he is winning while he was losing the game. On other way the computers just calculate the moves and you must calculate better in order to beat your cpu opponent. They say they dont have emotions. So how about playing chess with a human. It may help them to relearn some emotions i think...

Well thats all for now. I hope i didnt accuse anyone with my questions...
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on September 02, 2003, 10:07:32
Cool questions, Birm.  :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nay on September 02, 2003, 10:56:53
Yes Birm, great guestions!  I can't wait for the answers!

Nay. [;)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Ashen on September 02, 2003, 11:57:43
Hi..i don't know whether it has been told..but i would like to know if the zetas Edi is in contact with are the same as those mentioned in Zetatalk. Have u developed telepathy when working with the pendulum?
When is the poleshift supposed to happen?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Adrian on September 02, 2003, 12:47:12

Regarding the pole shift there are two possible meanings:

1) A magnetic shift; i.e where the current magnetic north becomes magnetic south and vice versa. Scientists have discovered this has happened many times in Earths history and we are overdue for one now.

2) A physical pole shift, where the Earth re-orientates itself on its axis so we have a new position for the equator, poles and so on relative to where they are now.

It would be interesting to find out which of these is the case.

With best regards,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Tippa on September 02, 2003, 16:19:13
Hi Birm!

I've been reading some of the books on the Pleadians, and I think I might be able to answer some of your questions.  Now, the Pleadians and the Zetas are two different beings that work in conjunction with one another so I'm assuming they "worship" the same.

1. Do zeta have a holy book or a religion? I see that they believe that we are a part of god and i can accept it. That makes me think that they have some sort of belief anyway.

From what I've read, there is a Prime Creator who created EVERYTHING. He's similiar and very different from what we know as "god".  I'm not sure if they have holy book, but they do love (have a deep respect) him and he loves  everything back in return, for that is how he gets nourishment.  To the prime creator everything is his child.  

I'm not sure if that is completely accurate, but from what I've read that is how I understood it.

Hope that helps!

I'm sure Mayatnik or Edi can give you a more detailed and precise answer.


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Bob251 on September 02, 2003, 21:25:33
In regards to the pole shift:

1. Will the pole shift happen naturally or will it be induced by an outside force (ex: one of the 28 different races currently watching over Earth)?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: AngelicSaiyan on September 02, 2003, 21:36:11
Dude, is this for real?   I'd like to see this going on, but I don't have telepathic powers.  I'm not asking anyone to give me such a fright in the middle of the night, impathic contact or dream, but if I could experience this like thru the radio or telephone that would be ok.  I mean, if one could interrupt the radio signal and contact me thru that one morning in the car, it would scare me at first, but I'd get over it quick.  I do, however, have one question for the Zetas.  Will peace prevail over the terrorism?  I'm getting sick and tired of the media hype over the war on terror and the mideast war.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Sn0wball on September 03, 2003, 07:41:59
1. What about Rael? Is he just a marionette to inform people about changes? Beacuse his ideas are a bit [:(!]..
2. Do they need to learn emotions for thir spiritual growth? Life cannot be lived without happines and joy.
3.When will occur some visible changes? I think I can feel them, but I want to see them. If they don't want to say the exact date, at least give us the year.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Adrian on September 04, 2003, 12:53:34
Greetings Mayatnik and other Zeta project members,

I have been given the following list of questions for the Zeta to kindly answer:

1. Do they operate in the astral and visit people here on earth?

2. Do they know about angels, negative spirits, demons, etc; and their
comments on these?

3. Do spirit entities have any physical limitations while operating close to the physical universe, eg, can they fly, pass through walls, rock, metal, plastic, live electrical cables, etc?

4. Do they have a good knowledge of the human energy body; and if yes how good?

5. Does every human have spirit guides assigned to them at birth; and if so what is the function of such guides?

6. What level of spiritual and metaphysical knowlege do they have; and do they have access to higher knowelge if necessary?

7. Are there any laws concerning the release of new knowledge to humans, including scientific, spiritual, metaphysical; who made these laws and how solid are they?

8. Are they aware of ET's in astral form visiting, studying and interfering with humans?

9. Are they aware of physical UFO activity on earth, including physical abductions

10. Are there both good and bad ET's doing 8 and 9?

The above are not my questions but some of them are interesting.

I would like to ask a couple of additional questions however of my own for any Q&A session on this;

11) Assuming the Zeta Reticulans are a much older race than Earth people, one would assume they are much more advanced along the path back to the "prime creator" "first cause" etc. is this actually the case? Also, why is it necessary for Zeta to still live in the physical Universe if they are indeed so advanced on the path as it is the objective of everyone, to evolve beyond the cycle of reincarnation.

12) How does the Zeta/Pleiadian mothership remain undetected from the resources of Earth goverments etc.?

Thank you very much!

With best regards,


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Tippa on September 04, 2003, 19:59:06
Hi Adrian!

That's a bunch of good questions!

I just wanted to mention something to asked "9. Are they aware of physical UFO activity on earth, including physical abductions".  I asked this same question once before and it had been answered with something along the lines of .."this topic has already been mentioned, please read then entire thread".  The only problem is that I can't remember which particular thread it was!  Anyhow... Hope you find it!


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 04, 2003, 21:18:41
Z: Hi Edi. We're seeing you prepared some questions for us?
E: Right. Is our connection good enough in order for me to receive the answers clearly?
Z: Yes. Maybe you need to ask for more details from time to time, but otherwise it's clear enough.
E: Good, then let's begin with the first question:

1. Do they operate in the astral and visit people here on earth?

Z: Here we say: Yes. As far as the popular model of planes is suitable to describe reality, we operate in what appears to you as the astral. We visit people both in the astral and in the physical plane.

2. Do they know about angels, negative spirits, demons, etc; and their comments on these?

Z: We know about those beings. There are beings which are termed by you as 'angels'. Those are partly seen as such because of wishful perception, i.e. perceiving spiritually advanced beings and their actions and putting them into the scheme known of religion. There is also an other, or more 'original' type of angel as it may seem, who may be in charge of certain 'administrative' functions as we may call it, but who is after all a spirit not distinct from others, so that we can conclude: what you call angels are normal spirit beings, not an own kind of entities.
E: What about negative spirits?
Z: There exist spirits with bad intentions. This negativity may represent a certain stage of these spirits' evolution, manifesting either deliberately or because the spirit may have no other possibility, which means that because of delusion or his past development he may be 'caught' in negativity, in the same ways that humans can be 'caught' in certain patterns of behaviour for quite some time.
E: And demons?
Z: Again, what you term 'demon' is no distinct kind of entity; it may often represent a spirit who aims to gain power by deliberately trying to influence and control others, with more organized powers and effort than normal 'negative spirits'. By organized powers we mean intelligence, knowledge, force, and assistance from others.

3. Do spirit entities have any physical limitations while operating close to the physical universe, eg, can they fly, pass through walls, rock, metal, plastic, live electrical cables, etc?

Z: They do have limitations but they can overcome these. As they move 'through' physical matter, the only influence or resistance they encounter are electrical cables or other objects which carry current. This current, i.e. the fast movement of the electrons through matter, obstructs and hinders movement of these spirits. In these cases, a spirit would have to find a way around the current, or manage to turn it off.

4. Do they have a good knowledge of the human energy body; and if yes how good?

E: I think this question would need a defintion of 'energy body'.
Z: We can give one such here which may suit. The human energy body is not perceivable to the untrained eye, but is felt easily. It is the body which contains the life-force, distinct from the astral body.
E: What do you mean by life-force?
Z: The force or energy which keeps the cells in the body functioning properly.
Z: We have detailed knowledge about this energy body, including it's anatomy and how it is influenced by physical movements and mental intent.

5. Does every human have spirit guides assigned to them at birth; and if so what is the function of such guides?

Z: No. Specific guides for specific persons are not assigned at birth normally. A common misconception about guides arises from the fact that often a group of beings watches about a group of humans. This group does not have an individual guide looking after a certain, assigned person, but rather one or more of the group of guides looking after all the group of humans on a rotating basis, to state it in another way: one spirit guide can look after several humans, but does not develop a relationship with them, and may be replaced by an other spirit guide at every time.

6. What level of spiritual and metaphysical knowlege do they have; and do they have access to higher knowledge if necessary?

Z: By what norm do you measure spiritual and metaphysical knowledge? What do you mean by higher knowledge? There are things beyond our reaching and our perception, but we do have access to knowledge which is beyond yours and which you may call 'higher'. As for spiritual and metaphysical knowledge, we know more than you do, but to what extent will need further definition from your side about what you see as levels of this knowledge.

7. Are there any laws concerning the release of new knowledge to humans, including scientific, spiritual, metaphysical; who made these laws and how solid are they?

Z: Yes, there are. Knowledge is released generally only if it does not interfere with the development of the human race.
E: What do you mean by 'interfere?'
Z: Such interference is constitued by an act or information which keeps humanity from evolving naturally and developing on it's own.
E: Can you give an example?
Z: If there is technology to clean polluted environment rapidly, before giving it to humans it is first considered if they actually want to have a clean environment. If they lack respect of nature, there's no point in making this technology available on a major scale.
E: Who made these laws?
Z: Generally, these laws are part of this universe. These are 'rules' which have been agreed upon when this place was created, to make it a place suitable for development of souls. There are organizations at each stage of development which ensure that those laws or rules are being followed.
E: Can someone break those rules, e.g. could someone of you just take some technology and bring it to us humans?
Z: This can happen, but an intervention of the species watching over earth would intervene to control the situation and limit it's effects to keep the disturbance minimal.

8. Are they aware of ET's in astral form visiting, studying and interfering with humans?

Z: Yes. We are such.

9. Are they aware of physical UFO activity on earth, including physical abductions?

Z: Yes, we are. Some but not all UFO activity and physical abductions come from the Zetas.

10. Are there both good and bad ET's doing 8 and 9?

Z: Both 'good' and 'bad'  are involved.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Adrian on September 05, 2003, 07:23:24
Greetings Edi,

Thank you very much, and please also thank the Zeta for their answers which make alot of sense and are interesting.

I have relayed these to the person who asked them, and there will be further similar questions in due course.

With best regards,


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: h2owong on September 05, 2003, 08:06:22
Thank you for the informations.  It is very valuable.  I would like to ask some more questions about God and Angels.

Who is God/the god that we know from bible and other religions?
Is he really God of universe?
Or a "middle level" god that look after earth?
Or just a group of different high level spirits that role playing god when human call upon?
When we call upon God.  Who will respond?  God of Universe? Or others?

So are Angels.  Are they spirits that role playing Angels.
Or there are a specfic group of spirits that use the name of God and Angels to care human?

And higher self?  Is higher self a high level me or a different spirit like guides?

How about buddhism?  How real is Buddha's teaching in spiritual development compare to the real situation of universe?

Thanks & Regard
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 05, 2003, 09:01:57
E: There's a lot of questions remaining... do the Zetas want to continue this for the moment, Perena?
P: Yes they want to.
E: Then link me up, please.

Z: Hello Edi.
E: Hello - I already answered most of Adrian's questions, but I'd like to do the rest now, too.. nothing should be left out.
Z: We agree with that. Then let us begin!

Tab: Also, the zetatalk site claims that actual control of psychokinetic abilities by humans in this round is impossible, and psychokenesis only manifests randomly or is uncontrollably triggered. They then mentioned that Yogis were using simple tricks to imitate PK. I personally find this erronous, since I've myself seen and done PK with friends.

E: Can humans control psychokinetic abilities now?
Z: No. What they see being done is done by beings in spirit.
E: This means humans can't move something through their mind?
Z: We have to be more specific here. You can use your energy body to produce certain effects, as you heard for example that in ancient Japan a type of 'Chi Kung' was used to throw enemies at walls - this is different from making an object levitate. The latter is only possible by outside help.
E: What about Yogis?
Z: They do not possess supernatural powers, but they have gained great control over their bodies. There are tricks to make people think they see things, more or less difficult tricks. To address psychokinesis in more detail, more specific questions should be asked.

Michael_E: Could someone in contact with the zeta or a guide please ask if an explaination addressing the shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane resulting in an AP in the simple way described by the zeta, can be made available?

Z: This is not as easy as long as your mind is caught in patterns and conditionings after having lived in this environment on earth for a while. The simplest thing would be to get rid of all blocks and just AP by doing it - But instead, people come up with methods and theories which may eventually be able to push them out of their bodies after much effort. If you are completely free of fears and conditioning, your mind and body is not anymore forced to stay on the physical plane most of the time. Your consciousness is structered by certain patterns, which are stabilizing, but also limiting your experience. By developing intuition and feeling you may eventually be able to feel the different qualities of the planes and be able to focus your consciousness at will.

Serenity1: I'm really interested in and would like to learn more about what the Zeta have said about "altering the electromagnetic frequency" in conjunction with Phasing and Astral Projecting.

Z: The state of the human brain is linked to the electromagnetic waves it emits. As the brain controls the bodily functions, and the brain can be influenced from the outside (there was much research on this, and it is actively being done by governments), it can also be brought to a state of physical relaxation and a state very near to sleep, but still awake. This gets the focus away from the physical and bringe it into more subtle areas. It is worth to note that you can always work on all planes you exist on, but the consciousness is 'locked' in the physical body and information from the other planes is normally blocked, not paid attention to or put away as imagination. It's when your physical body sleeps and you only percieve the higher planes that you can see them more clearly.

Serenity1: I have learned recently that crystals have an electromagnetic frequency unique to each type of crystal.

Z: It could be likened to the following model: everything can be seen as energy; you can see it as waves which bear information by having certain frequencies mixed together. As you can record a tone of a music instrument into a well defined acoustic wave, the 'energy' associated, emitted or carried by a crystal carries a certain quality, some specific information. This can also include colour and emotion. Crystals influence the field of humans when brought in contact with it, as it reacts to the quality of the energy which surrounds the crystal.

Birm:  1. Do zeta have a holy book or a religion? I see that they believe that we are a part of god and i can accept it. That makes me think that they have some sort of belief anyway.

Z: We do not have a holy book or religion in your sense. You make a distinction between religion and science; for us science includes information about the universe, our creator et cetera. Your religious teachings have become distorted over hundreds of years.
E: Do you believe in anything?
Z: Our reality is shaped by our beliefs. We may chose to believe in certain things if it provides a good frame for our society.
E: Do you know everything?
Z: Far from it. We are maybe one step closer to it than you, but we certainly do not know everything. This is why we still have believes.
E: What are those believes about?
Z: Mostly about the nature of the universe. There is so much we are even just beginning to understand. As we discover and understand one part of reality, we discover that it's embedded in something even bigger.

2. Do they have degrees amongs each other? I mean like in an army. Private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant...

Z: We have a hierarchy. We designate people for certain responsabilities they are well trained for, and we have a the concept of authority among ourselves.

3. Do they trade? Do they have currency?

Z: We do trade goods and services, among ourselves and among other species. We do not have currency, as the only cause for currency is that people only agree to work or give if they get something back. As our society provides for everyone what is needed for living and survival, and is based on service to others, we use no currency among ourselves.

4. Do they die? Do they have funerals? Do they have religious festivals? Do they have traditions?

Z: We do have bodies that we leave at death. We do not have funerals as such because our technology makes it possible to 'zap' away dead bodies. This may seem brutal to you, yes. We have ceremonies that honour the ones who pass away. As we have no religion, we have no religious festivals. We do have traditions passed along.

5. How do they count time? I mean 60 seconds makes a minute. 60 minutes makes an hour. 24 hours makes a day.

Z: Our concept of time is different of yours.
E: Is this easy to explain?
Z: No. But we can try. Time is mostly needed to organize, to structure. In the reality we are living in, we have different kinds of structures.
E: Do you have linear time?
Z: Our time is more subjective. It can be slower or faster and is not plain linear. We have sequence of events, but not this straight continuum you are used to. It is not easy for you to understand more until you experience this reality yourselves.

6. They say they dont need to eat. (Wish i would be that lucky!) Can they describe what kind of a metabolism they have in order to live. I think i need a scientific explanation. Also i wonder if they sleep.

E: Do you eat?
Z: No. We absorbe nutrients through our skin.
E: Do you have to take a bath, or is it enough to touch some 'food'?
Z: The most efficient is taking a bath in a solution containing what's necessary for our organisms. Assimilation by touching only partially is also possible, but much slower.
E: Do you need sleep?
Z: We need a few hours per week to rest, but we do not sleep in the way you do.

7. Do they play chess? [...] So how about playing chess with a human. It may help them to relearn some emotions i think...

Z: We know of the game of chess, but we do not play it. Maybe playing chess with a human is not the best way to learn of emotions. We prefer direct contact if possible. A chess game does not encompass the full spectrum of human emotions.

Ashen: Hi..i don't know whether it has been told..but i would like to know if the zetas Edi is in contact with are the same as those mentioned in Zetatalk. When is the poleshift supposed to happen?

E: Are you the same Zetas as on Zetatalk?
Z: Yes, we are.
E: Can you comment on the date of the poleshift?
Z: No. The reason for this has been stated before on Zetatalk and also on these forums. To give a rough estimate to you, maybe plusminus 5 years, is also not allowed.

Adrian: Regarding the pole shift there are two possible meanings: 1) A magnetic shift; i.e where the current magnetic north becomes magnetic south and vice versa. Scientists have discovered this has happened many times in Earths history and we are overdue for one now. 2) A physical pole shift, where the Earth re-orientates itself on its axis so we have a new position for the equator, poles and so on relative to where they are now.

E: Did the magnetic poles ever swap?
Z: They moved slightly, but they didn't swap as scientists see it.
E: Why do then scientists say it happened?
Z: Essentially, they base their findings on the assumption that the crust of the earth didn't move as much and as rapidly as it did with past pole shifts. So a magnetic pole shift may appear as the only possible explanation to them, while it was actually a movement of the crust over big areas.

Bob251: In regards to the pole shift: 1. Will the pole shift happen naturally or will it be induced by an outside force (ex: one of the 28 different races currently watching over Earth)?

Z: It will be induced naturally from an outside force. It is nothing the Earth can do on it's own suddenly, and needs the influence of a planet bassing by nearby. No alien species will induce the poleshift therefore.

AngelicSaiyan: Will peace prevail over the terrorism? I'm getting sick and tired of the media hype over the war on terror and the mideast war.

Z: Yes, eventually peace will prevail. But it's up to all of you humans when this will be reached - it could take you many years, if you want. It could take a few days if everyone broke free and knew how to live "together" with others. It also depends greatly on how long those people in the background who intentionally stir up the troubles worldwide will be able and allowed to do so. There's no sense in waiting for a poleshift to 'fix' things, although many things will change then.

Sn0wball: 1. What about Rael? Is he just a marionette to inform people about changes? Beacuse his ideas are a bit .. 2. Do they need to learn emotions for thir spiritual growth? 3.When will occur some visible changes? I think I can feel them, but I want to see them. If they don't want to say the exact date, at least give us the year.

E: Is Rael channeling someone?
Z: Yes. He is not channeling us.
E: In his teachings, he apparently brings in much of himself and builds some cult around it.
Z: This is the case. He is allowed to do so, and people all over the world are free to join his movement, if they want to get dependent. His ideas will probably not suit the 'common sense' of most. For further information as allowed, please ask more detailed questions.
E: About emotions...
Z: Yes, we need to learn emotions. We are developing a hybrid race with mixtures of our and humans DNA to be the next physical body to incarnate into. For both humans and us. This body will contain the best of both. The merging of those 2 species was not our decision, but comes from a higher authority.
E: ... Visible changes ... ?
Z: They are already beginning to occur worldwide.

Adrian: 11) Assuming the Zeta Reticulans are a much older race than Earth people, one would assume they are much more advanced along the path back to the "prime creator" "first cause" etc. is this actually the case? Also, why is it necessary for Zeta to still live in the physical Universe if they are indeed so advanced on the path as it is the objective of everyone, to evolve beyond the cycle of reincarnation. 12) How does the Zeta/Pleiadian mothership remain undetected from the resources of Earth goverments etc.?

E: Are you more advanced than us?
Z: Yes, we are. But we are not gods - we are limited, we cannot know or do everything. Physical reincarnation takes place in 3rd and 4th densities.
E: Can you explain the concept of densities?
Z: As far as this is possible in some quick words, yes. A density, or dimension, describes a certain state of matter. What you experience, is 3rd density. A density also includes a set of rules or patterns or laws which structure reality as it is perceived. What we are in, is called 4th density/dimension. This is still physical, but of a finer nature.
E: Why does the mothership remain undetected?
Z: It approached hidden in the trail of the comet Hale Bopp. At this time it was still visible because it had to move through 3rd density. After reaching the point of it's orbit, it could move to 4th density. To perceive this density using telescopes etc. is beyond your technological possibilities, as your instruments are made for and only respond to 3rd dimension physics.

E: This was all I had at the moment... do you want to add anything now?
Z: No. We leave the situation as it is for now.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Novice on September 05, 2003, 10:33:33
Thanks for posting these responses. This is actually getting quite interesting now. I have a few comments regarding the answers you were given.

Re the pole shift being magnetic -- I have a lot of respect for Edgar Cayce due to the quality and accuracy of his readings over an extensive period of time. ANd what they describe sounds very much like what he said, if I remember correctly. I'm fairly certain he termed it a pole shift, but he said that the outer crust will basically shift or slide around the inner part. Anyways, that's what struck me when I read their response.

Re the ease of APing without a method/approach -- this one I can vouch for based on personal experience. I had been naturally phasing from dreams to astral without realizing what I was doing. I hadn't read anything about it and thought (while lucid) that I was simply still in a dream. But with some subtle differences. ONce I realized what I was doing and read how others were trying to do it, I began to actually 'think' about APing, and then I would mess myself up. My problem is that I now forget to just surrender and allow, instead I use my mind to try and induce something and I have a very difficult time doing this. So while their answer may seem like a 'cop-out' to some (not giving specific details on how to do it) from my experience, they are correct in what they describe. I'm now trying to 'unlearn' what I learned after I realized what I was doing naturally!

For those interested, the best way I can describe it is to simply sink deep within your body. I do this from within a lucid dream. But I simply close my eyes and feel myself falling or sinking within my body. Don't force the feeling, just completely surround and allow whatever happens, to happen. In a split second, I would open my eyes and be in the astral.

Re lack of currency -- to me this intuitively makes complete sense. I would actually have been disappointed if they said that they still used currency. I think this is one thing that needs to go some day.

I'm still can't get a 'solid' read on everything that they say, but I must admit I'm actually impressed with the answers they are giving. Most of them fit what I personally perceive to be 'true'. (I'm a bit afraid to use that word here these days, but I hope you guys understand what I mean when I say it in this post).
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Adrian on September 05, 2003, 12:25:24
Greeings Edi,

Thank you and the Zeta for the latest questions and answers session.

This one caught my eye:


E: Why does the mothership remain undetected?
Z: It approached hidden in the trail of the comet Hale Bopp. At this time it was still visible because it had to move through 3rd density. After reaching the point of it's orbit, it could move to 4th density. To perceive this density using telescopes etc. is beyond your technological possibilities, as your instruments are made for and only respond to 3rd dimension physics.

Are the Zeta aware of the "Heavens Gate" people who committed mass suicide a few years ago after believing there was an alien ship hidden in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet, and which they were to rendevous with outside of their physical bodies?

I am not in any way making any associations here I must stress straightaway, but it does rather stand out as a coincidence with there actually being a spacecraft hidden in the tail of Hale-Bopp, that much is clear.

With best regards,


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 05, 2003, 15:00:32
I hope no one minds if I through in a few questions.. Interesting stuff! [8D]

(1) Do beings that have visited Earth in the past inhabit the planet you spoke of, and if so, how exactly do they survive the extreme temperatures normally associated with 'deep space'?

(2) Who were those that the Sumerians called 'Annunaki'?

(3) If work published by Zecharia Sitchin is accurate, then there must be possibilities that 'Nibiru' is being ruled by either Enki or Enlil's side of Anu's line. Is this the case? If so, how will this race of beings be involved in the upcoming major events?

(4) Who really built the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx and why?

(5) Are there still undiscovered structures underground Giza?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 05, 2003, 15:14:50
Hi Adrian,

Mayatnik already wrote a very detailed explanation of the events surrounding the Heaven's Gate cult, you can read it at

Eventually some questions about this will be included in one of the next Q/A session to see the Zetas' point of view.

Best regards,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Adrian on September 05, 2003, 15:33:56
Greetings no_leaf_clover,

Originally posted by no_leaf_clover

(3) If work published by Zecharia Sitchin is accurate, then there must be possibilities that 'Nibiru' is being ruled by either Enki or Enlil's side of Anu's line. Is this the case? If so, how will this race of beings be involved in the upcoming major events?

I would like to know how life could possible even exist on Nibiru.

If you think about it, a planet with such a massively eliptical orbit is going to experience extremes of climate, temperature and presumable highly unstable as well. Furthest from the sun temperatures will be extremely cold, absolute zero probably, and then heating up rapidly as it enters the inner solar system.

With best regards,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: beavis on September 05, 2003, 16:11:50
AngelicSayian "I'd like to see this going on, but I don't have telepathic powers. I'm not asking anyone to give me such a fright in the middle of the night, impathic contact or dream, but if I could experience this like thru the radio or telephone that would be ok."

You havent experienced this because of your lack of telepathy, but usually a translation from telepathy to english is like a translation of a paper written by Stephen Hawking using only words a 4 year old knows.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Michael_E on September 05, 2003, 17:53:43
here are some questions for the Zeta i came up with:

1.  The leaders of our nations make obtaining money a priority, according to them how much money a nation has or is worth is the main indicator of that nations development. What would be some good alternative priorities for our leaders to set,now, to more accurately measure a nations development?

2.  Is the amount of physical disease in the world related to the conditioning that takes place to support our leaders priorities?

3.  Do you think protests are a good way to bring about social or political change? Why or why not?

4.  are the recently discovered active volcanoes in Chile directly related to or because of the pole shift?

5.  I hope this doesnt open a can of worms but... What are your thoughts on homosexuality?

6.  How do you reporduce?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 05, 2003, 21:18:16
Adrian -

Given that information was just posted that a planet will be involved in the pole shift, and that it isn't likely any known planets will cause this, I think it's pretty safe to assume that a yet undiscovered planet will cause this. If you take into account the many Sumerian tablets that describe beings from a planet within our solar system, a planet that only returns every 3600 years or so, you may get the idea that the same planet is being discussed, and is apparently inhabited.

So now the question is 'how?'. How could beings survive such harsh temperatures? The reason I posted the question was a hope in getting a reply from the channelled beings that could shed some light on this for me. I definitely think that such a thing is possible, though I don't really know how. However, I can think of a possibility or two.

Say, for whatever reason, the sun suddenly disappeared one day on Earth. All life on Earth would perish, right? No. There is life on the ocean floors that lives totally independant of the sun. At the bottom of the sea, the temperatures are actually warmer than the water in-between because of thermal heat, and these life forms dwell on methane and plants that live off of methane. The methane comes out of sea floor at amazingly hot temperatures, heated by the magma that lies just below the crust.

This can relate directly to the supposed beings on Nibiru if you assume that Nibiru is still producing much thermal heat. Though humans would most definitely die out if the sun was to abruptly disappear, this wouldn't be because of the lack of light, etc. It would be because of the lack of food and heat. Both of these problems could be solved by thermal heat and the life that dwells off of thermal heat. What I'm getting at is that it's possible for beings on Nibiru to live underground off of heat from the core of their planet while extremely vicious weather limits life above-ground. In fact, in Sitchin's work, texts are shown that depict rocket-like structures that are clearly underground! That's a good hint right there that the beings that made such a base are, for some odd reason, used to building things below ground.

That's just an example. I'm sure there are many more possibilities, though those possibilites may not come to mind because of what we hear from scientists. "Life can only exist on a planet like Earth", "The planet needs to be exactly this far from a star and consists of these elements in these ratios", etc. The truth is that science can only explain what is observable, and alien planets that host life simply aren't available to observe.

Hope that helps..

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Novice on September 06, 2003, 05:55:04
I have a few questions as well. And they may be very basic, because I'm still new to all of this stuff. But:

1) I understand that we live in the 3rd density. But what is the 4th density, in our terms? Is it what we call the real time zone and can be seen from our ethereal bodies? Or is it somewhere in the astral plane? Can you give some examples of how life for us will differ in the 4th density?

2) There are many theories on our dreams; their source, their meaning, etc. Some say they are purely the subconscious reviewing the recent events in waking life. Others view it as a time when everyone's consciousness leaves the body and goes into the astral. Some say there are dream schools where people continue to learn spiritual or life lessons while their physical body sleeps. And there are other opinions as well. I have my own idea of what happens, but since the Zeta mention that they can visit us in dreams, can they elobarate on what dreams are and how they are used by humans and how other beings can affect/view them.

3) Could you elaborate further on this 'merging' of the physical bodies (between Zetas and humans)? I must admit that one sounded like something out of a Stephen King novel to me. So could you explain as best as possible how you are currently achieving this? What are considered "the best" traits from each body to achieve or merge together? Who decides which is "the best"? If this merger is not by 'your' decision, then who instructed or explained to you that this should be done? I believe you mentioned that this was already underway. What signs, if any, can be seen or identified with these hybrid beings?

I have a 4th question, but I think its more for Edi than directly to the Zeta. That is, can we get answers to these questions from other aliens as well? If there are 28 different species, can some of the other species also answer questions in this manner. I, for one, would be very interested in those as well. That may not be possible, but I thought I'd ask.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Lynfer on September 06, 2003, 18:29:42
I have a few questions to the zeta. Why do they believe that their way of contact between us is better than telepathy? I would greatly aprecciate all answers.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Bob251 on September 06, 2003, 20:30:21

You ask, "Why do they believe that their way of contact between us is better than telepathy? I would greatly aprecciate all answers."

I'll try and answer the question, seeings as how the Zeta have addressed this (I'm pretty sure).  They do not believe their way is neccssarily better, but through the course of their evolution, they "lost" (or I think "put aside" might be more appropriate) their emotions.  By contacting us through astral projection/OBEs, they can view and study the emotions we humans display.

I think that's correct.  If anyone wants to correct me or clarify the point, feel free to.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Lynfer on September 06, 2003, 21:31:36
I so then why would they put aside their emotions?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: AngelicSaiyan on September 07, 2003, 20:16:13
In relation to Hale-Bopp, is the mothership what caused the whole "companion" or "satellite" hype whatever with the comet?  I did read somewhere that "they" (the comet enthusiasts) have discovered a satellite or companion type body orbiting the comet, but was supposedly covered up by NASA.  I also read that NASA keeps covering up the Planet X thing by covering up any discoveries that might leak, or shut down the SOHO LASCO and EIT feeds.  I tend to believe that the breaks in the data from SOHO is intereference, or the risk of malfunction when a CME comes this way, but however, they have noticed that whenever comets go by and cause a form of discharge from Sol, the feeds are cut. Like I said, I still believe thatthe breaks in the SOHO feed is just safety concerns with the spacecraft and nothing more.  However, I have noticed the solar cycle is starting to peak again.  What is the cause of that?  Solar Cycle 23 has been the most unique of ALL the solar cycles on record (it did produce two nice auroral shows here, 43 degrees north latitude, both out of God only knows how many I have missed)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Novice on September 08, 2003, 08:16:38
Has anyone actually met any of these aliens on an astral trip?

I ask, because this actually happened to me again the other night. I didn't call for a guide and wasn't looking for alien contact though. But somehow, I got 'intercepted' while in the astral.

When I woke up, I asked the pendulum:

Had I simply 'made up' the scenario in the astral? No
Was I in front of the computer of some alien species? Yes
Was this alien species the Pleiadians? No
Were they the Zetas? No
Do I know the name of the species? No
Was this the same species I met the last time in the astral? No

I realize this thread is for conversations with the Zetas via the pendulum, but the questions that I asked seemed in line with questions that some people have asked here. So if you don't want me to post these anymore (if I have any more sessions with them) please let me know. You won't hurt my feelings at all. So please be honest.

I'm not sure if these are useful to you all or not. I honestly hadn't intended to try and gather information for public use. I was purely asking for my own personal curiousity. I've pasted an excerpt from my dream journal below, containing the events surrounding this experience:

Something happens next, but I don't remember what it is. I'm now in front of a huge computer screen. Its about 1/2 the size of the screens in movie theatres. I realize that it will answer any questions I ask.

I don't type in questions, but I think them. As I think them, they appear on the screen. Then I see the answer appear right after the question. I have some trouble controlling my thoughts. I tend to think a lot of things at once and they appear jumbled on the screen. The first several questions, I had to re-think several times before they appeared in some kind of coherent context.

I remember other people in the room with me, I didn't see them, but sensed them there. I remember also tuning them out as best as I could. I was focusing very hard on understanding and remembering every question and answer. I really wanted to retain what it told me. But, of course, I only remembered some of them.

Did Jesus die to forgive all of our sins? No was the answer.

Then the screen changed and I'm inside the image. There is a man that reminded me of Patrick Stewart. He was inside a large, hollow ball. The bottom half of the ball was red. The top half of the ball was all glass. The man was dressed completely in red. The circle was sitting on the very top of a very tall/thin structure. It reminded me of one of the amusement park rides I saw in Vegas on a show. There is a steeple on the top of one of the casinos and the ride sits you in these chairs and jerks you up to the top. You can see all of the city from there. Then it quickly drops you. I am on the outside of the circle, holding on so I don't fall. I was not fully conscious at the time. So I remember telling myself, I can't fall and if I do, nothing will happen. But the other half of me kept thinking this is REALLY high up in the sky and I didn't like it at all.

Anyways, the man said something about the answer to my question. I must admit that I was a bit preoccupied with my current position at the time, so I don't remember the details. But the gist was that everyone is responsible for their own actions. No one can negate (forgive or correct) your actions but you.

Then I'm back in front of the computer screen.

I mentally ask if Karma is a result of cause and effect? Yes.

Is karma a universal concept? Yes.

Do I have any karma left to atone for? I don't remember the answer to this one.

Did God create the devil? Yes. This answer confused me for a second. Then I remembered that everything was in God, was/is God's creation. So then I re-phrased my question.

Did God give man the free-will to manipulate energy and cause it to create what they want. Thus they created the current form of the devil themselves? Yes.

I had asked a lot more questions than this. But I can't remember the rest. I know I asked about the crucifixion. But I can't remember the answers or other questions.

During the last question I asked, someone behind me said that this will be the last question for this session. I asked something. The response was that the questions will become simpler and the answers more straightforward as I learn to phrase (think) the questions better.

Then there were 4 computer icons that appeared on the screen. They were in a row from left to right. The second monitor on the second one was black, like it was off. The first one had, I think, a white monitor. The third one had a bright blue monitor. I forget the color of the 4th monitor. But one by one, I tell each of the following icons to leave: 1, 3 and 4. I kept the 2nd one on the screen. I told it that I knew it was the only one that could respond. The best I can explain, is that when I say something, this one can respond to verbal commands. But I'm not sure that totally correct. I honestly forget the meaning of that.

Anyways, it then puts up a bunch of lines in a row from left to right (like hangman). Underneath each line, is a number. When I say a number from the number line, the computer will add in a different number that corresponds to the number I read, on the line above it.

Somehow I have memorized what numbers are associated to which ones. And we don't do this in order, although I don't know why. I skip around saying random numbers on the screen. As soon as I say a number, the computer responds just as quickly. Its fun, because we are doing very well. At one point, the computer gets a bit ahead of me and adds a number right as I say the number. That throws me off for a second. But then we complete the numbers. End of experience.

I don't know what the significance of the 'numbers game' at the end was. But I did get the sense that I would be back there sometime and allowed to ask more questions.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Tayesin on September 12, 2003, 01:51:44


I have some questions too.............

Are these Zeta Reticuli the same Grey's that are described as being around 3feet 6inches in height ?

Are they the same Grey's that I have seen and had contact with since my birth ?

Who then do you say are the taller (around 5 feet in height) pale coloured Grey's ?

Would they describe the Higher-Self/Guide connections ?

Will the 'pole shift' follow the description layed out by Albert Einstien ?

If they are here to help us humans, then why is the information given so far been the same information that can be found in a multitude of other available sources ?

Why are these people involved in 'The Project' being assigned Guides who they do not meet face to face in order to truly know if the beings/entitiies that are responding are their True Spiritual Guides ?

Who has deemed themselves to be on a level where they can ASSIGN any humanly-incarnating Soul a Guide ?

I would appreciate honest answers to these questions from the 'Zetas'

Now, for the humans who are involved here, I have some questions......

Have any of you so much as studied the UFO and Abduction data that illustrates who and what the Zeta Grey are ?

Have any of the 'appointed' teachers had physical or astral contact with these Zetas ?

Have any of you really asked the BIG questions ?  

Like, what is really behind this phenomena?  

Why won't the Responder's to these questions supply answers that contain detailed information on the mechanics of the proposed 'shift' that they say is about to occur ?  And please don't fob me off with the standard answers here.

Why is it that the 'appointed' are people who came to the Pulse in recent months and who initially claimed no experience of Spiritual Journeys and other connections ?

Are any of you even slightly aware of the undercurrents and agendas that some people (who do not post here anymore) have felt ?

Why is it that a moderator here felt the need to reiterate three times that "there are no reasons to question this" ??  When the responsibility of his position should insist that he informs us to QUESTION EVERYTHING.

Why too are the 3 or 4 people who had trouble with what is presented here now reffered to as if they were problematic or foolish types, when the reverse was obviously true to many others ?

Please think well on these questions, and if you wish, then please go to page 28 of "And the Truth will be known..." and read the post I placed there  It provides a little more detail.

Thank you for bearing with me.

Love Always. Tayesin.[:)]

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Novice on September 12, 2003, 06:53:24
I really liked your questions. I can't answer for the others, but I'll give you my own responses. Addressing your first group of questions, to my knowledge, I have not contacted or been contacted by the Zeta or Pleaidians. So I will skip those.

Regarding your second set of questions. I had posted somewhere on these threads that I have never been a 'follower' of UFO sightings or abductions. I personally believe that there is intelligent life on planets other than Earth. I believe that some of the people who say they've been contacted or abducted could have been telling the truth. But I think a lot of the stuff reported is 'hype'. Again, I have no research to back this up. This is just my perception based on what I've read/heard. And as I said, I haven't felt myself personally attracted to that area, so I have not researched anything there.

My interest in the pendulum thread was purely for divining purposes. My goal was not to contact a spirit guide or an alien. My goal was to contact my higher self. That's still my goal.

I have been conversing with a being(s) via the pendulum. But again, as I've posted a few times, I still have not yet developed a comfort level as to the identity of the being with whom I'm communicating. It has never said that it was a Pleiadian or Zeta. Sometimes it says its my higher self and other times it says its an alien. The varying of these answers is one of the frustrating things I am facing right now.

I have posted on this thread, two astral trips involving what 'could' be aliens. I say could be, because I'm not positive. I do understand that in the astral plane, our thoughts affect the environment. In the first experience, I specifically asked if the beings I was with were aliens. They then 'turned' to aliens. So were they actually aliens, or did they change to adjust to my question? I don't know.

The second trip, I was not thinking of aliens at all. In fact, I was focused on a totally diffent goal and yet ended up with a group of beings who allowed me to 'research' my own spiritual questions using something in the astral that I likened to a computer.

I personally beleive that we each will describe the same astral experience differently because each of us are different individuals. And while the concept will be common, the impression of details will vary in such a way as to best be understood by each individual person having the experience. So, I while I know these experiences happened and I remember them very clearly. I can't say for certain that I met any aliens, let alone these specific ones, because they could have been simply other astral beings conforming to my mental focus at the time. But regardless, I shared them on this thread in case others found them useful.

I am not personally focused on the pole shift or anything catastrophic as related to your next few questions. Which is why I didn't ask them in my two astral trips. So I'll leave those answers to others.

I found this site a few months ago. In fact, I think Mayatnik first posted within a week or so of my joining. All I can say is that, for me personally, this was a coincidence.

I have made my views regarding the 'debate' on these threads known already and I don't want to re-hash it again. So I won't speak to those questions either.

I hope that answers some of the information that I personally have posted here for you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 12, 2003, 22:24:49
Tayesin - nice set of questions.

If anybody has any questions, try to get them in so they can all be answered at once, as I have been told will happen.

After contacting Mayatnik and Edi online and working a little with telepathy will no real success so far, I should still naturally be undecided. A part of me is saying "this stuff is real, you just need to work at it," a smaller part is saying "this stuff is real and you should persue it all that you can," and the part that I feel most comfortable and natural with is saying "Hey.. lay back. You've got other things going on right now, and even if this stuff is real, it's not that important right now. If earthquakes start up and volcanos start erupting and the pole shift starts, head for the mountains, but until then, everything's fine."

Right now I'm going with that last 'feeling', as it seems most natural to me and is more 'me' than the other two. Going at this sort of thing full-blast and expecting to hear voices in my hear in a matter of hours doesn't seem right and I'm uncomfortable with trying. I'm still open-minded to all of this and for the sake of argument I often suppose it's accurate, but for the record, my personal results so far with telepathy.. haven't gotten me far. There was a time or two while I was talking with Edi when I felt as though something had entered my head that was totally not me and it was inspiring at the time, I guess, but at the same time I didn't feel like this voice needed to come through too urgently at this period in time for me. I would like to see answers to these questions, though.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 13, 2003, 16:28:20
E: I am concerned about maybe not being able to answer questions in full detail if I myself miss some background knowledge. To what extent is it necessary that I know what it is that I ask about?
P: If you have absolutely no idea of it, it's sometimes more difficult to bring your mind into the right direction. In this case, you would have to ask some general questions first to get an idea about the topic, and narrow it down. When you got this first idea, this core idea in your mind, there will be a certain set of associations in your mind coming into your field of view, depending on how much you know about this topic. You can then easily respond to telepathic input in that area.
E: So if I know nothing about something I ask you about, I can only get a superficial description?
P: You can get into details of course, but it needs effort and active thinking from your side.
E: Okay... can we then let the Zetas answer some questions?
P: Yes, they are ready...
Z: Hi.
E: Hello.
Z: We would just start with the questions if you agree, there's nothing else to discuss at the moment.

no_leaf_clover: (1) Do beings that have visited Earth in the past inhabit the planet you spoke of, and if so, how exactly do they survive the extreme temperatures normally associated with 'deep space'?

E: I think this question referrs to Nibiru...
Z: Yes. Beings do exist on this planet. Normally, a planet that far from sun would be assumed to have very low temperatures, as they are measured on the outer planets in this solar system. The key to a well-temperated planet which can support life, is the atmosphere. If you look at Mercury, you have bot extreme heat and extreme cold, because it's atmosphere is in no way similar to the earths.
E: Does Mercury have an atmosphere at all?
Z: No. So you see, life on a planet far from sun would need an atmosphere which doesn't give off heat, in addition to technology which is able to increase the temperature. You find both on Nibiru.
E: Is it natural for Nibiru's atmosphere to keep it's temperature in the inside? I can't imagine how this would be possible.
Z: It is not natural, it needs to be kept this way by the beings inhabiting the planet. They are using gold particles which are placed in the outer edge of the atmosphere. This keeps the loss of temperature rather low. Additionally, this gold is heated up to some extent to keep the temperature almost constant.
E: How would they heat it up?
Z: It's comparable to microwaves. Some radiation which can be produced at the surface is sent up to give it's energy off to the gold.
E: Isn't the atmosphere already too thin up there for the gold to heat up something then?
Z: No. Consider first that this planet is several times heavier than the earth, which results in the atmosphere being denser than on earth overall. And even if the gold is in the outer edge, it's still like an 'electric blanket'.
E: Wouldn't this need lots of gold? I mean, HUGE amounts?
Z: Yes. This is why those people of Nibiru came on earth to mine some gold here.
E: What about light... if they have no sun near Nibiru, do they have lamps everywhere? Or fluorescent plants?
Z: No fluorescent plants. The gold in the atmosphere doesn't shine, either. This means they have to use artificial lighting everywhere.
E: Isn't this bad for their health?
Z: They are used to it, and their medicine can deal with possible effects of it easily.

(2) Who were those that the Sumerians called 'Annunaki'?

Z: You've heard that it could be translated as 'those who came from the sky'. It was not one single alien species.
E: Where did they come from?
Z: They came from the planet called Nibiru, mostly.
E: Most, but not all? Who were the others?
Z: Beings from all over the universe were on earth from time to time; but those the Sumerians refer to are essentially from Nibiru.
E: And what did they do on earth?
Z: They were here to mine gold.  

(3) If work published by Zecharia Sitchin is accurate, then there must be possibilities that 'Nibiru' is being ruled by either Enki or Enlil's side of Anu's line. Is this the case? If so, how will this race of beings be involved in the upcoming major events?

Z: Enki and Enlil are still living.
E: Does one of them rule over Nibiru?
Z: Yes. They do not rule together, although they came to terms with each other. The one who rules is Enki.
E: How will they be involved in possible upcoming events?
Z: We are not allowed to comment in too great detail about it.
E: Why not?
Z: Because humanity still has to make choices on its own. It would not be right to reveal everything that might happen because this would infer with the natural development. Similarly it wouldn't be good for most people if they knew the exact day they are about to die.
E: Are things like death totally fixed in advance?
Z: No. But there are some influences, which in the end determine when death occurs. Nothing like this occurs by accident - death does not strike randomly.
E: Please comment on Nibiru-beings' involvement with us, as far as this is allowed?
Z: They will reveal themselves. They are not about to bring destruction to earth, as this would not be allowed. Basically they will offer a way to go to humanity, which can be chosen or not. When this will be, we cannot say.

(4) Who really built the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx and why?

Z: They were built by the inhabitants of Nibiru as a navigational aid.
E: Did those beings visit earth from time to time?
Z: Yes.

(5) Are there still undiscovered structures underground Giza?

Z: No.
E: Are those structures known to the public?
Z: No.

Michael_E: 1. The leaders of our nations make obtaining money a priority, according to them how much money a nation has or is worth is the main indicator of that nations development. What would be some good alternative priorities for our leaders to set,now, to more accurately measure a nations development?

Z: The way of living of its people would be a possible measure... meaning if they are cared for medically, if everyone has access to enough food and other basic things necessary for living. If all basic requirements are met, one could measure the amount of luxury, free time, culture, science etc., and maybe the amount of conflicts.

2. Is the amount of physical disease in the world related to the conditioning that takes place to support our leaders priorities?

Z: Most of the physical diseases in this world are totally unnecessary. Conditioning to support leaders isn't the bad thing - the bad thing is that the supported leaders don't care for people's health.
E: What about 'Karma' here... aren't diseases necessary to fulfill personal karma?
Z: No. What you call Karma is basically just a notice, by some occurence, for a human to learn something, to pick up information necessary for his development. This could happen on other ways than physical diseases.

3. Do you think protests are a good way to bring about social or political change? Why or why not?

Z: What else would you do, facing injustice, than protesting against it? If you are certain of something, stand up for it when others try to control your life.

4. are the recently discovered active volcanoes in Chile directly related to or because of the pole shift?

Z: Yes... more volcanoes will get active in the time preceding the pole-shift; not only a few, but lots of, so it will be really clear when something is about to happen.

5. I hope this doesnt open a can of worms but... What are your thoughts on homosexuality?

Z: It is a naturally occurring form of sexuality which should be respected as all others.

6. How do you reporduce?

Z: By cloning. Yes, the classical image: taking some cells, mixing the DNA together, and growing them in a tube of liquid.

Novice: 1) I understand that we live in the 3rd density. But what is the 4th density, in our terms? Is it what we call the real time zone and can be seen from our ethereal bodies? Or is it somewhere in the astral plane? Can you give some examples of how life for us will differ in the 4th density?

Z: It is not the real-time zone. But it is very similar, only on a different plane. 4th density is not an existing place you will go to, but rather the reality you will be in after the photon belt has raised your vibration.
E: Will reality be solid, or just wobbly and easily be changed by thought?
Z: Reality will still be solid and appear physical as it does now, but thought will also become more 'solid' - this will as an example make levitation possible.
E: Will our perception of time change?
Z: You will still live in continuous time, although the subjective experience of going through time could be controlled to some extent by your intent - meaning by concentration you could be able to make the time you experience pass slightly slower or faster.
E: So things will appear the same, but our minds can influence them more easily?
Z: Yes... your mind will be able to interact better with the physicality surrounding you; telepathy among humans will be common and easier than today. Your mind will affect your bodies to an even greater extent than now already, regarding appearance and health.

2) There are many theories on our dreams; their source, their meaning, etc. ... can they elobarate on what dreams are and how they are used by humans and how other beings can affect/view them.

Z: Your descriptions of what happens in dreams do not exclude each other. When consciousness leaves the body, it normally has to process things that occured during the day. This can happen automatically, when the subconscious just releases whatever it wants to have processed by the conscious mind, so a dream forms in this case, which is essential for the subconscious mind to function properly. Things which are suppressed during the day can then surface in a dream. The idea of dream schools is correct - it happens regularly that you visit a certain scenario during your dreams which is not produced by your own mind. This means you are either experiencing a dream scenario which was specifically created for you to have a specific experience, or you are somewhere in the non-physical receiving instructions, advices and teachings for your life.
E: How do other beings affect our dreams?
Z: If it is a dream scenario created for you, it is like you were watching, or rather being in a video film. Technology to create such films is available to us and other species watching over the earth. If it is not such a video, and your mind is not in 'class' at the moment, it can be wandering around and exploring whatever region it is in, for example what you call the astral plane, more or less conscious.

3) Could you elaborate further on this 'merging' of the physical bodies (between Zetas and humans)? I must admit that one sounded like something out of a Stephen King novel to me. So could you explain as best as possible how you are currently achieving this? What are considered "the best" traits from each body to achieve or merge together? Who decides which is "the best"? If this merger is not by 'your' decision, then who instructed or explained to you that this should be done? I believe you mentioned that this was already underway. What signs, if any, can be seen or identified with these hybrid beings?

Z: We are still doing lots of research on how to create the best next physical vehicle. A big part of this is seeing how certain DNA combinations are doing in action - a few thousand humans all over the earth carry those genes in them (they agreed to this before they incarnated) and are watched closely. By this, we want to see what combinations are suited best for life on earth, and  how our own genes are able to be mixed with human genes. This will still need much time, and although we already are developing hybrids by fertilizing certain women and removing the unborn hybrid child after a few few months, your human body will still be the "normal" body for entities incarnating on earth for the next few hundred years.
E: What are the best traits of each?
Z: We will contribute mental capacity. You will contribute emotions.
E: Is this all?
Z: Of course not.. you will keep most things you like and are familiar with, as sexuality, your overall physical appearance and your individuality. We will bring long lifespan, intelligence, and lack of violence among ourselves.
E: Who decides which is "the best"?
Z: It is voted upon by us and beings which are not incarnated on earth at the moment but will be so in the future.
E: Who is behind this merger?
Z: It is common all over the universe for 2 species to merge at some point in their evolution by mixing their genetic material. This is part of the game you could call "fusion of opposites" - this universe is about polarities coming together to learn respect for each other, on all imagineable levels. There is a organizational structure we call 'Council of Worlds' which oversees all these developments, lays out rules to be followed by all who are involved, and give permission or instructions on what is to be done.
E: How can these hybrid beings be identified?
Z: It is not time for them yet to appear publicly. But if you see one then, it will be obvious. This will not happen for some time, though.

E: Okay... did I get everything you wanted to say, and did I write it down correctly?
Z: Yes. We would like to see this transcript published as is.
P: I can confirm the Zetas' approvement.
E: Good - thank you then for this conversation.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 13, 2003, 17:12:01
The one who rules is Enki.

Greek Poseidon. [:D] Congrats to Enki!

Thanks for the information. It's greatly appreciated, Edi.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WalkingThePath on September 14, 2003, 02:29:51

I came across this site
Edi could you please check it out when you have some free time?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on September 14, 2003, 10:05:21
OK, this "Fourth Dimension," you say it's kind of inbetween what we call our third dimensional reality, and the the real time zone?  Are out of body experince still able to happen once we're in 4D? Could we go back to 3D anytime we wanted? Are there any lower dimensions than our 3D? I don't mean things like "oh, yeah, 2D, where you have width and heigth," but,like, our  dimension, astral, higher, like that.

The Bible Code, is it real? If it is, who came up with it?

These other alien species on the ship, could you describe them? What does the ship look like? What's it orbit? Are there certain times that people can see it? Do you guys like chocolate?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 14, 2003, 14:21:02
The Bible Code, is it real? If it is, who came up with it?

I just saw a program on one of the Discovery Channels about that, and it's really weird. We are told we are in control of our future, yet all of the big things that have happened through history (The World Wars, Einstein, even Sept. 11 and the recent war in Iraq) are encoded into the Hebrew Bible and even future events are predicted, like a big Californian earthquake in 2010, an outbreak of smallpox along with a rise in terrorism, and a comet slamming into Earth. And chocolate.. That's another good question. Chocolate has been around for thousands of years and has been proven to reduce pain for whatever reason.

What exactly was the Flatwoods Monster? Was that one of the species that's been monitoring Earth? Do you Zetas listen to music for entertainment or is that something that applies more to beings that have emotion?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Tao on September 14, 2003, 18:27:57
Wow.. Edi nice job.. I haven`t had the time to read all the post until now.. so i haven`t posted.. Now i have read it all and i have some questions too..

So here we go:

1). After the pole shift would it be some kind of a drastic change in our social life - what i mean is will we be living like we do now in houses and tall buildings or more like trees and something like that OR in  more advanced buildings..

2). Zeta tells us they are more spiritually evolved than we are.. They also say they lost their emotions and that they are based more on technology than on nature and mind thoughts creation or something like that.. How come - why do they need teachnology for ?

3). Zetas.. you told us that you can not give us a specific date.. but on zetatalk  it says that Nibiru is somewhere near Saturn and it also says that it takes 3 months for the Nibiru planet to pass through our Solar System.. So we have a date.. Logically the pole shift will appear in maximum ONE month.. Or are you not in contact with Zetatalk (you said you are)...  Where did you spread false information.. here or there ?

4). You want to unify the 2 species... The Humans have nothing to say about that ? I for example am against it..

5). You feel no love.. but are VERY intelligent.. you also want to use our DNA to help yourselves evolve.. You also said the pole shift is outside triggered.. and also that the pole shift will bring mass death.. That sounds EVIL in my opinion.. So it means your intentions in helping yourselves, is for you to evolve, not to help us (the main purpouse i`m refering to) ? - i am asking you.. not attacking - though if you feel nothing, can you take offence ?

6). What is you bussines on this site ? If you want to help people you aren`t helping many.. you could appear on TV and really help.. This internet propaganda (if i may call it like that) is not really helping your cause in my opinion, because the majority of people see it as mambo-jambo.. because HEY ! this is internet :)

7). (and the last one - sorry for the length of this post) Are there an infinite number of dimensions ? And what about below 1D ?? Is there 1D ? Or 2d ?

Thanks again Edi for your time spent on this,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on September 15, 2003, 14:35:01
Are you sure it wasn't the History Channel?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 15, 2003, 16:21:18
). Zetas.. you told us that you can not give us a specific date.. but on zetatalk it says that Nibiru is somewhere near Saturn and it also says that it takes 3 months for the Nibiru planet to pass through our Solar System.. So we have a date.. Logically the pole shift will appear in maximum ONE month.. Or are you not in contact with Zetatalk (you said you are)... Where did you spread false information.. here or there ?

If Nibiru is actually near Saturn, we can mathematically draw a rough estimate of when Nibiru will reach its perihelion based on the Sumerian's estimate on a 3600-year orbit and the size of the asteroid belt.

My estimate is that if Nibiru is truly near Saturn, then it is 6 to 12 years away from its perihelion (closest point to Earth). That's roughly sometime between 2009 and 2015, but that's only if Nibiru is truly near Saturn and the 3600-year period is somewhat accurate. Coincidentally enough, the average of 2009 and 2015 is 2012.

See .

Just thought I should add that according to the same page, Nibiru will take much longer than three months to pass through the solar system, unlike the information that was in question on the previous post. I must've missed that part before, or forgot to post about it. [:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: vesselinpeev on September 15, 2003, 23:40:10
Dear all,

The communication here is a scam. Please research the available data online regarding so-called Zetas, and use your common sense, aided by a high-school level knowledge of physics, astronomy and psychology. If you would only make the effort to search the web and USENET ( for things like Nancy's e-mail, , you would hopefully be able to see in plain view how things are with Nancy and by extension, Edi. Can you first notice the gross delusion and total incompetence in astronomy and physics evident in Nancy's posts? Then go back to this forum and browse Edi's posts anew. It is evident to a person of good faith that they are making it all up, consciously or unconsciously; it doesn't matter how. In her particular case living under severe delusion for several years while posting plain nonsense to sci.astro newsgroups to advertise herself. Did you notice some of her very hateful posts supposed to be originating from the advanced aliens? What about the numerous statements that her predictions are never wrong? And the multiple missed dates on which something predicted by her was to occur and it did not?

My friendly advice to all who fell into the trap of believing Nancy and Edi: sharpen your filters. Especially the youngest of you. This is garbage, but you may have chosen to believe in it because it is camouflaged in positive generalities successfully de-activating the current spam filters of your mind. Improve your filters now. While the Zeta communications contain a lot of subject matter regarding love, talking about love does not justify talking also huge amounts of nonsense -- repeatedly for many years.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: James S on September 16, 2003, 02:40:00
This is the unfortunate part of some of the channeled information that I have seen scattered over the internet - bad science. I won't dispute that there are people in contact with these alien races, what I do dispute is the quality of information being passed on.

I get the impression that a lot of what we see on the internet is the result of someone who has had some successfull communication with an alien race, but has then been pressured into getting more and more answers from them. Instead of stopping to learn and understand the kind of technology and theories that are being put forward by the aliens, which are likely to be either greatly in advance of ours or at least very different, they start misinterpreting things to the point where the only way to put it all together for the avid readers is to make the rest up.

What you end up with from these people's misinterpretations are holes in their theories so big you could fly a starship through them. It looks even worse when the theories being mangled are, as Vesko says, high-school level science. I've seen some "technical" explanations on some sites that are so bad they're actually really funny.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 16, 2003, 05:07:42
I'd like to make it clear: I'm in no way affiliated to the Zetas besides those transcripts I do here. I don't care about the credibility of the Zetas... if they f**k it up by a wrong answer they give - poor them. I won't stand up and fight for them personally like Nancy did. If you believe this is all made up - do it. I don't make it up, regardless of what other people say. I'm doing this in my spare time every few days, if I'm in the mood, and consider it a minor and temporary exploring activity. And although I happen to be the only one doing this here (others could), please don't see me in any further way connected to Nancy, because I am not. I do not intend to do this for longer than a few weeks, if people here are interested at all. If you say it's garbage - maybe it is? Who claimed the opposite? Did I or someone else ever ask someone to believe it? How could I, I don't even believe all of it myself [:)]
Garbage is all around us anyhow.

Vesko, if you think the Zetas have much to say or do in my life, you're off .. and I don't take it that serious as you ascribe to me.. it's ridiculous how people try to make a "boo-man" out of me. Boo! Scared? :)

If you question the method and say it's all made up - you've got your opinion, and that's it, okay.
If you question the content, if it looks like scam for you - why do you bother? Forget it.
If you are concerned about moral implications of doing such things, as in trapping other people in certain beliefs... I see the point here and admit that it DOES matter if people allow being influenced by such stuff. On the other hand, there's already every possible kind of information on the net, and enough arguments to support belief in ANYTHING, so what happens here makes no difference. We could discuss this in a seperate thread if you like, in my opinion this is the only point worth discussing, the rest is personal opinion.

Love and Sharp Filters [:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: wantsumrice on September 16, 2003, 06:49:58
haha T'uche edi [:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: James S on September 16, 2003, 16:19:53
So far I've seen nothing from your communications that have been beyond your ability to comprehend. The answers they give you, you understand. Besides that, your last post indicates you're not staking your reputation (or livelyhood) on this, so I'm more inclinde to believe that you'll not make anything up just to please the readers.

This I think is the attitude more people channelling should adopt.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on September 16, 2003, 21:06:02
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Ramanya on September 16, 2003, 22:00:29
the zeta is apparently manipulating some trusting soul to do their bidding. To say the zeta and pleiadians are working together to do the mundane task of answering questons for earthlings entertainment, is just crazy. Has any one heard of a man named Eduard Billy Meier? In his book from the pleiades, he mentions Zeus more than the zeta r. Do not trust the zeta r, they are out to manipulate the emotions of humans for their benefit. For those of you who think  that i'm just a blow hard and that the zeta is Zeus in Billy Meier's book, you are way off base. It would be like saying that the Jews conspired with Hitler and the Nazi's to commit the Holocaust so that the state of Isreal could come into existance. WAIT, their are some out there in cyberland who actually believe that. For the zeta r. the Akahda's sword will find you soon, and to the pleiadians, Ramama is ticked.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: wantsumrice on September 16, 2003, 22:51:05
Jesus christ, you apply science so directly to such a simple topic that you make this seem to complicated! Its seriously like reading simple english.  But then you incorporate such advanced grammar that it shrouds the simple message.

We really dont need to make anything anymore complicated than it already is. Edi is only one person here answering all your questions. You should feel honored to have someone with this ability to help you.

Love be with all,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Ramanya on September 17, 2003, 23:17:51
>Jesus christ, you apply science so directly to such a simple topic that you make this seem to complicated!

There is no science being applied to this topic, the zeta's are simply a vicious and manipulative race that they have managed to tweek the simple minds.

>But then you incorporate such advanced grammar that it shrouds the simple message.

There was no "advanced grammar" used in my post, for I wanted to keep it simple.  

>You should feel honored to have someone with this ability to help you.

How can one feel "honored" when dealing with anyone who has dealings with the zeta's. A race that is being hunted and runs to earth to hide and then uses lies and deception to perpetuate mankinds enslavement. Have you ever had dealings in the real world with the greys. Do you not know that the pleiadians are members of a great gallactic union that does not have the zetas as members, but views them as renegades. The zetas have a true ally in this deception they are perpetuating on all of you, and that is the race known as the Dracos(or to keep it simple the 'Reptilians'). Do you see these alliens as your God?

Beware of Idols, for what you give power too, will be your doom!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Squeek on September 18, 2003, 11:11:11
First off... I'm not in cahoots with the "gang" here.  I'm there, but not "there" (for lack of better words).

I don't consider ANYTHING a god anymore.  I'm a Catholic without a god.  It's very odd, aint it?

There's alot we don't know in this world, in this lifetime...  What we all need to do is focus on what we know and expand on it.  Making statements about something you don't know and passing it off as true by making a post about it only tells me you are afraid of believing something.  I could care less if you did or if you didn't!  But let ME have some fun while I'm at it!  [:D]

I hope these verbal 'wars' end soon, and allow me to move on with my life one way or the other.  I'm not too appreciative of having to post things like this [xx(]

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: wantsumrice on September 18, 2003, 11:22:14
First off another great post by you squeek [:D]

what i cant help doing is laughing. I laugh at every comment that says that the Zeta have bad intentions. I laugh at every little 'war' that goes on in this forum. Ramaya, you do not know much about the Zeta i presume? And yet you accuse them of being evil? I dont know i think ill say that you have bad intentions and you are evil, am i right? (well lets hope i am) [:D]

i have not personally delt with the zeta and i do not intend to, just because i dont feel like it...and that it doesnt interest me. But i dont think that they are evil AND i do not worship them as idols...[?]
No body here worships them, they arent "higher" then we are, they just know more and are still learning...we are all the same. Your fear is what makes you so blind Ram, your fear of the zeta blocks you from the light that we are trying to shed onto you.

Now, you must understand that I am not trying to sway you in any direction and that i personally dont care what way you choose, but i want to guide you onto a more enlightened path. Is it so hard to embrace the zeta? I have done so...and many others have too! Why fear? There is no reason to fear anything at all! What is fear? It is the lack on knowledge.

I challenge you to just embrace the Zeta and not fear anything in this world. May it be physical or mental...everything can be overcome and in the end it is for the best.

Love be with all,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Celeste on September 18, 2003, 20:40:12

  Where you guys see verbal wars I see people expressing their own opinions. When I've made comments about testing "guides" etc.. some have taken it as an attack when it simply was not.

 Some of those posting have been exploring all this stuff for 10-15yrs or more. Their comments are not based upon nothing, some have been on a dedicated spiritual path for awhile and seen a few things--they are not newbies.   Anyway,this will all probably fall on deaf ears anyway.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: James S on September 18, 2003, 21:15:31
Celeste has made a very good point, one I think everybody here should be a lot more mindfull of.

If someone replies to your post by saying something like "You're completely wrong, the reality of it is this...", or some variation on this, IT IS JUST AN OPINION! You don't have to go on the defensive, you don't have to feel insulted. It is only an opinion of someone who has a different view to yours.

If someone replies to your post by saying something like "You're a complete idiot! How could you possibly know that, you've got s**t for brains....", or something similarly PERSONALLY insulting - not insulting of your idea, but personally insulting, this is an attack and is not an acceptible or tolerated way of discussing things here.

You can get as passionate about you're ideas or beliefs as you want (providing you don't use this forum as a vehicle to shove those beliefs down the throats of others), BUT DON'T MAKE IT PERSONAL!


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: vesselinpeev on September 18, 2003, 23:10:03
No one should force anyone to believe anything. I urge people to accept each other's differences and communicate in the most logically coherent way they can.
The best we can do is to present coherent arguments based on real data, and insist that others verify our own findings by themselves.
I'm sure you'd agree that one of the biggest problems of our so-called civilization is that we do not tend to value each other's opinion enough so that the most open discussion without any tension is possible among people today. Yes, sometimes a person may say apparent nonsense. Yes, sometimes they may look to be completely off track. But then, we must not condemn them even the slightest, we should just try to point out the logical flaws in their arguments, concisely and dispassionately, never insulting. In case we only have limited knowledged of the discussed matter, even if we are very partial to certain ideas and teachings, it is better to remain silent. Writing threats and condescensions just to make a poor substitution for a coherent response are ad hominem attacks that have been always very common, so that the Latin term survived to the present. Moreover, non-existing threats and condescensions in our opponent's words should not be made up and pointed out by adopting an unnecessary defensive position and in turn threatening like our opponent did, taking part in a silly game of "showing each other who is more important without giving solid arguments." That only leads to fruitless discussions and is repulsive to potential sharing of information of people who might actually share something valuable if others were more thoughtful in their communications.

We need a pleasant, loving communication atmosphere as much as an unbiased, logical one.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Squeek on September 19, 2003, 14:36:37
Very nice work celeste.  I agree with what you've said completely.

This is only a battle if we make it one.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 19, 2003, 17:58:13
Zeta Conversation

The following is a log file from Fuzziwig's first telepathic conversation with the Zetas via a telepathic link provided by the Pleiadian guides... it doesn't only include the talk to the Zetas, but also a surrounding frame to show you how this and other things are always done working closely with the guides. We experienced some network problems then, that's why Fuzzi got dropped several times, but I hope it doesn't disturb too much.

Furthermore, from now on Fuzziwig may assist me in doing those sessions and post his own dialogues with the Zetas as he wishes. Welcome on board Fuzzi [:)]

Colour scheme:

Mayatnik (M) in red
Fuzziwig (F) in blue
Jopeha, Fuzzi's guide (J) in orange
Zetas in green(Z)
Edi (E) in brown

M: Are you ready for a session now Fuzzi?  All quiet there?
F: very
E: I'll be quiet in the background.
M: That's good.........and that was an interesting session you had with TruthSeeker....
I saw the transcript of what the guides were doing with you.  How do you think it went yourself?

F: well we were trying to contact throught telepathy, and it seemed like it didnt
was when i picked up that picture tseek got things got interesting

F: if i had doubts before the were all gone as we confirmed each other in what we saw
F: the = they
M: taught you something there...... and you learned that you could both go
to the same place (as I did with TruthSeeker in that session with him....I was shown the same
place, and could go).... the place is for one person like a 'window' here...and the other one can be
'joined' to it.

F: i learned that i can help ppl when im in these pictures, and it seems that there is allways
some1 with a problem where i arrive

F: we even got to scenes at ones which we both could switch back and forth....different

F: to = two
M: Yes, there are 'situations' that the guides create for you to experience in.....and
you had a good double-experience there. So, well done !

F: thank you
M: Have you talked to Jopeha since?  Can you talk to him now?
F: i can talk to her, yes
F: and i have
F: we have a game where i she give me a difficult word and we make a conversation from

M: Would Jopeha like to give me a demonstration of that for a minute or so?
F: i have made some questions for tonight which has been "run" through Jopeha
F: okay
M: When you say "run" you mean you asked Jopeha about them?
F: yes
J: Power
F: yes this is a good subject, we have talked about this before
F: can you tell me about politics ?
J: yes in politics, ppl usually join for good motives
J: some for the power alone
F: ic, then what turns these motives to power ?
J: well you see every living person has a urge to become special, by gaining power you
feel like becoming special

F: gain power by knowledge ?
J: as we talked about, by holding back knowledge you gain power over others
J: Sometimes false knowledge is just as good
F: we had a talk about Roswell earlier today
M: That is an interesting subject
F: :)
F: i have been talking about roswell and it seems that the whole politics (holding back
information which is false anyway) is important

M: Can you explain this a bit more?
F: yes
F: you see the whole roswell was a sham, and by staging the crash and making witnesses
believe they saw that ufo they had a source. This source would the goverment try to prevent
from revealing any of it. There is allways leaks so its being told to the public. Its this false
information i talk about.

F: "any of it" being the lie
F: it has several purposes
F: one is to reveal a military strenght by (not)showing you have alien technology
F: the is other is plain confusion and fear
M: This is what can be done with one is like a game of chess, strategy.
F: yes
M: Does Jopeha want to explain some more 'words' to you?
F: no
M: What would Jopheha like us to do now, please?
(Fuzzi dropped out here)
M: You keep dropping out Fuzzi
F: cant help it
M: Bad night for connection
M: long as it is reasonably quickly......otherwise we lose text
F: im logging
M: That's good
M: I'm sure Edi is also...... so theZeta will be happier about that....they don't want
window siwtching though

F: im excited about the subject i will bring up tonight
M: have a good subject then?
F: yes
M: Ok.......then ask Jopeha can she connect now?
F: yes
J: yes
F: sorry
M: That is good......because the Zeta have been waiting for the window to settle

M: type everything that you AND Jopeha (J:) AND the Zeta (Z:) any
comments you have.

(Fuzzi dropped again)  
M:'re back
F: yep
M: What is happening now?
F: *shiver*
F: am i to connect ?
M: You can ask Jopeha.
J: yes
M: Jopeha will do it when it is time........the message I got was "We are waiting to
connect" J

F: i allready have a picture
F: preview
M: Can you describe ?
F: its a face with black almond shaped eyes
F: white background
J: you have contact
F: Hello
Z: Hello
F: Your voice is a bit deeper than mine
Z: This is correct
F: it is nice to meet you :)
Z: we are happy to meet you too
F: i have some questions i hope you can answer
Z: we will be happy to answer them for you
F: I want to ask if humans think about survival in the same way after the poleshift ?
Z: Humans will think differently after the poleshift and survival will not be important
F: Will food and clean water be needed after the poleshift ?
Z: No, pure energy will be consumed instead
F: i see
F: Will fear make the transition hard ?
Z: There will be fear at first, but when ppl realize out intent, then there will be love
F: is it important to remove some of those fear before the poleshift ?
Z: It will make the transition faster
F: in the long run will we be able to help other species less developed than ours, like your
species and the pleidians are doing with humans

Z: yes you will be able to do that, but you have alot of work ahead of you. Later It will
be a cooperation with other species.

F: maya ?
M: You're doing fine
F: :)
M: Good questions
F: where does the energy which we are to consume come from ?
Z: The energy is all around us, its everywhere
F: so there will be less time spent on survival and more on progress and development
Z: This is correct, the next stage is ahead and what you describe will remove
frustration and confusion.

F: this is slightly different question (new subject)
F: i would like to ask if you have crashed in Roswell ?
Z: We have not
F: have there been any autopsies of your species ?
Z : No
Z: We dont crash with a spaceship, there are very strict rules about us appearing
before humans

F: so the goverment would be behind this crash ?
Z: This is correct
F: maya i think im done
M: Has Jopeha disconnected now from the Zeta?
(Fuzzi dropped again)
M: You're back in this window now Fuzzi
F: oh no
F: what was the last msg ?
F: i gave
F: .
M: Z: This is correctFuzziwig says:maya i think im done
F: okay
F: i have thanked them for answering my questions
F: should this appear in the transscript ?
F: to give the appearance of protocol
M: Yes.....what you say and what they say.
M: To show a normal conversation
F: yes
M: JUst as it really happened
F: yes
F: .
F: I have no more questions at this moment, thank you for answering
F: Z : It was our pleasure (gentle smile)
M: That was good.  How do you feel now after your first talk with the Zeta?
F: i feel good
F: i was surprised to be able to hear an actual voice
J: we have been working with sound lately
M: And you could feel the personality?
F: yes
M: What did you feel, then?  Can you describe something about it?
F: formal and pleasant
M: Did they sound like they were 'busy'? or did you sense any others there?
F: i did only sense the one who answered, because he had a distinct voice. He didnt
sound busy, but relaxed

M: Yes, I sensed he was relaxed.
F: he stressed his 's's slightly
F: :)
M: So that was part of his 'character', to stress the 'ss' sounds
F: yes
M: Some people would not understand at all how you could be talking to an 'alien'.
F: yes i know, but it seems to me that communication is possible through so many

F: we are not that different
M: They are very similar.  In fact, they know us far better than someone in our own

F: :)
M: So, you felt very comfortable with the Zeta.
F: oh yes, like a part of me
M: What is Jopeha going to do after this now, working with you?  Is she gong to talk
more about the Zeta?

J: we will not talk about the Zeta, at this moment
J: we have other things to work with
F: i reckon
M: Then should we leave you to do some work with Fuzziwig for a few days?
J: there is work to be done with Truthseeker, and this will take some time
M: They are working with enthusiasm together.
F: yes, im very excited
M: It will be good for you to work together with your guides, each of them.
F: :)
M: J: "We will finish it here for tonight, Mayatnik.  And see how we progress
Fuzziwig and myself over the next few days, doing things sometimes with TruthSeeker"

F: yes
F: its been productive i think
E: You had a good session there... thumbs up!
F: thank you :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on September 19, 2003, 19:06:05
Zeta Conversation

Here's another Zeta conversation from quite some time ago, by Valerie. I've retained the exact formatting as it was in MSN, only adding colours, because the link was not so clear in the beginning... so you can see what difficulties can arise in the beginning of these sessions, and why it is important to have some training and be relaxed in order to get clear answers.

So, applaud and draw the curtain for Val [:)]

Colour scheme:

Mayatnik in red
Valerie in blue
Philon, Val's guide in orange
Zetas in green

You recall last Sunday, and the Zeta?  Well, the Zeta and the Pleiadians now have a program worked out for better friendly interchange between Zeta and humans, working with the Pleiadians in this, and using telepathy....rather than the stand Zeta method of AP and trance.  So the Zeta are highly delighted with this arrangement I have made with them in conjuncrtion with Karek, to train a few people
to have contact with the Zeta.
So, Karek decided that you would be ideal for it is a Major First for humans.
Only Edi has done it so far, after spectial tuition by me with his guide alongside.....and we want 2 or 3 for this initially.
Val says:
OK. I want to try.
This would have been done before, with you....but due to your had to be put off till now.  But it is a matter of urgency now to get this contact......and you will enjoy asking the Zeta questions about themselves and about their guides (such as Shea, Salex's guide) annd many other things.
Val says:
You will find them very easy to talk to, but they are more 'formal' than a Pleiadian guide......they particularly like 'politeness', diplomacy and etiquette.
They tend to not be as laid-back as the Pleiadians (who are more highly evolved, and teachers to the Galaxy)..and the Zeta are very 'work-conscious'.....they are always rushing to a job or coming back from one to rush to another.
Val says:
Why is it a matter of urgency?
Val says:
I see.
Because the Zeta want to get the program organized..and they have a special Zeta guide-representative standing by.....they like to 'get down to the job'.
Val says:
And what do they look like again?
Val says:
(It may help me to visualize).
The Zeta are long necked, with large black almond eyes and small mouths, also long arms... but they often appear in 'human' form, usually with long hair.
Some people are frightened by non-typical appearance.
Val says:
OK. I got the picture.
The link with them will be set up through the Pleiadian computer's switchboard to the Zeta computer, where the Zeta representive-guide is waiting.
So, all we have to to start a conversation with Philon (just to get you relaxed) and then Philon will make the hook-up (like a telephone hook-up) with the Zeta...and you'll be put through......just introduced yourself and start talking, simple as that.....
Type everything you say and everything that Philon (P) says and everything the Zeta says (Z)
Val says:
I will "hear" a difference between Philon and he Zeta?
You will indeed...and probably appearing to come (like stereo) from different sides of your head, if that will help....but just go with it.......Ok....start talking to Philon now.and type away.  Philon's waiting there now.
Val says:
Will I be able to do this?  P: It's up to you.
Just take it as it comes, and's easy to do.
Val says:
Philon you there? P:Yes!
Val says:
You will help me? P: As always.
Val says:
I am ready. P : You are.
Val says:
I am doubting. P:you should not.
Val says:
About myself I mean. P you should not.
Val says:
Ok  P:relax
Val says:
I don't know... P :you must relax.
Val says:
I am reaxed now.
Val says:
Val says:
Should close my eyes? I think I will.
Val says:
Mayatnik I have thoughts coming to my mind but I don't know. I heard "I am not that close to you"
Val says:
Did I hear a Zeta talk? P;......
P: She heard right.  She needs to relax
This is just a meeting...... so greet the Zeta as you would ordinarily
Val says:
Hello. Do you hear me well?
Val says:
Z : Yes.
Val says:
My name is Val. What is your? Z : BLispt???
Val says:
Can you send me a picture of you please?
Val says:
Z : (no answer)
Val says:
Can you talk to me about you please?
Val says:
Z : Female...   V: Do they have a gender Mayatnik?
Ask the Zeta guide
Val says:
Do Zeta have a gender?   Z:no
Val says:
No?   Z: Of course they do!
Val says:
You want to tell me about you? Z:I am here for that.
Val says:
OK. Sorry, I don't hear you that well.   Where are you right now? Z : Far away from you.
Val says:
Z : Look plus loin than you can.
Val says:
Z: I understand that you learn...
Val says:
Are you still there? Z:We still receive you.
Val says:
I am sorry, I am tired now and can't hear you well.
Val says:
Z : Go up. ????
You can talk to Philon at any time as well
Don't be nervous, just enjoy the conversation...and you'll receive clearer
Val says:
P, whay can't I hear them?  P: You are too anxious.
Treat it as send...they receive...then they send back.
Val says:
OK I try again. Should I talk in English or in my mother tongue, or does it matter?
Whatever is comfortable
The Zeta understand any language
Val says:
Zeta guide, do you hear me? z : yes I do.
Val says:
Can you see me right now? Z : yes I see you in my....mind.
Val says:
Can you please send me a picture of you? Z : I have done so already.
Ask Philon to put up the picture
Philon is there to assist you
Val says:
P please show me this picture.  P: You saw it but did not look at it.
Val says:
I'll try again. Show me.
Val says:
Please tell me somthing about you that I don't know. Z : we are four here.
Val says:
Z : We are thinner than you are.
Val says:
I feel coldness, I don't know what it is.
Philon is just strengthening the link
Ask about their location, why there are four of them.
What do they do there.
Val says:
Why are you four there? Z : My collegues want to assist to this session.
Val says:
Do they talk too?  Z : Yes
Val says:
I mean to me, now? Z : No they don't. They are just listening and smiling.
Val says:
Where are you? Z : in a room.
Val says:
What is around you please?
Val says:
Z : The room is round.
Val says:
OK, I thank you for this communication.  
Val says:
This was my first try. Next time I'll do better.  Z : Thank you.
Val says:
P, this was not easy.  P: You know it is easy.  
Val says:
I know. I'd be better in my bed for doing this I guess. Mayatnik, I really think that I'd be better in a more relaxed position than this, at my desk. I know it's impossible to do though. I should by a portable.
Val says:
Anyway, this was stressful I must say.
It was important to be at the computer for this session.....and of course you can do it in bed, as that is relaxing for you.  But treat it as an intereesting conversation and it will not be stressful.
Val says:
But can I contact the Zeta from my bed? I mean, would philon connect me to them anywhere?
Val says:
I feel a yes from him...
Val says:
Butnot now. Am I right?
The Zeta kept the answers short beause you were nervous.  And they also wanted you to ask more about the room.....It was round.....why was it round?  Were they in a craft......Do they always have the same four there, for what they do?  Were they gathered there just for this session, and do other things?  Was it a special room.
Val says:
You are right, I did not know what to ask.
Philon will arrange another an appropriate time.  The contact time has to be set up, due to scheduling of the Zeta side.  But the Zeta are happy to talk to you at any arranged time, and answer your questions.
Val says:
It's like the pendulum, at first you don't know what you want to ask, but then, when you think about it, you see all the questions you have.
Val says:
I did not hear a special sound or anything. That is the hard part.
If you think of it as a conversation - which it is...then simply ask what you are curious about......if a person came to your house with strange robes on then your conditioning makes you shy at asking, being direct, if you are English.....if you are French this is not as think "Ah, that's interesting so....." and ask away.
Val says:
You're right. I'll try it next time.
This is an initial venture for the Zeta into this 'area' with there is not as yet a department set up specifically for this, hence the need to set up an appointment at the moment.
Val says:
But their English should be better than mine, right? So their answers should be in perfect English. One of my problem is that I have to translate right away.
They welcome very much this "friendly interchnage" with humans in this feel relaxed and enjoy.  You have met a very old species tonight, and thei r are doing very important work for humans every day.
It is a matter of what is comfortable for you.  You set the parameters, not the Zeta.  They can communicate in any language easily and fluently.
You have to remember, that this is telepathy.......not via the the 'symbols' of communication come into your brain....and are 'translated' by your brain (which has imperfect Engish) so it will be as good or poor as your ability to use that language.
Val says:
Oh yes. You are right. I had not seen it like that.
Val says:
It's obvious that a Chinese and a French can do telepathy and understand each other.
Val says:
Thank's for reminding me this.
There are 'techniques' (actually their 'computer' - Zeta or Pleiadian) for sending in fluent language without the interpretation of YOUR brain....but that requires you to be strongly connected to their computer (and you are not at that stage yet) and also it uses a lot of your is what was called 'Speaking in Tongues' that the Apostles the same way exactly, via the Computer.
I have been trained to use their computer for Speaking in I know exactly how it takes training for this, and special techniques in sending and receiving.
Val says:
Very interesting.
the 'simple' way of doing that is to just 'take over' the mouth, and let the words come out... as in trance....but this is conscious telepathy, and more advanced therefore.
Val says:
So you pronounce the words you are receiving through your mouth?
Philon will show you.  Yes, you put your mouth into the pronouncing shape as you sense what is coming in.  The guide gives lesson in this....rather like singing-practice lessons.
At first, it feels like a baby trying to pronounce what it wants to say.....but it develops very quickly with training.
This way, you can pronounce any 'spoken' galactic language..... and you would be amazed at the sounds that can come out of your mouth!
Val says:
Wow. You should record an example and let us hear! Boy, I will need my whole life to learn all this!  
Val says:
Can you do that with dead people too?
It doesn't take long at all.  All it takes is dedication, and diligence.......putting the time in......I spent hours and hours learning each day.
Not with dead people........the nerve impulses activate the various parts of the mouth...and send blood to vitalize the muscles into the appropriate action, plus the lungs to control the vocal chords........dead people don't have any of those facilities.
In any case........ 'dead' means the Being that inhabited that body has gone elsewhere.....permanantly, since the body does not function any more.
Val says:
But tell me, what I "heard" from the Zeta, can you confirm it was right? Did I get some wrong answers?
MAYATNIK says: was all wrong answers......only lack of hearing sometimes due to anxiety.

(other things followed which I cut off here...)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Fuzziwig on September 20, 2003, 01:57:08
Hello all
First i would like to thank you Edi for that welcome [:)]
Second i would like to say that i will do a followup on the conversation since it was in my opinion brief and not detailed enough.
Should you have any questions about me/for me feel free to ask (let the hailstorm come [:P]). I realize that there are alot of questions already posted and i will have a look at them.
Warm feelings and best wishes
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Ashen on September 20, 2003, 04:56:02
from one of Edi's transcripts :
"Z: The state of the human brain is linked to the electromagnetic waves it emits. As the brain controls the bodily functions, and the brain can be influenced from the outside (there was much research on this, and it is actively being done by governments), ..."

1. What can we do to prevent/minimise these influences from outside?
2. Could you recommend any technique/excercise to radically quicken our spiritual development? :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: James S on September 20, 2003, 06:02:42
Edi, just a thought,

Could you please try using a colour other than orange for the PLeiadian's lines please. On the light blue background you get on every second post it is hard to read.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on September 21, 2003, 14:16:59
Question for Zetas: What happened to Phobos 2?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Euphoric Sunrise on September 22, 2003, 00:37:19
I have a few questions for the Zeta:

Music, as i'm sure you know, is a huge part of life. As i understand the Zeta feel no emotions, which, to me, is the core of music, but do they listen to music? Are there any types of music that give off negative vibes?

I'm just wondering about the belief the Zeta have of an after-life. For example, i've heard of a theory from Bruce Moan (sp?) that humans create their own after-life according to their beliefs, and there are different zones of after-life which vibrate at different frequencies, or something similar. Could the Zeta give their thoughts on this issue?

I recently read a book by Whitley Strieber (sp?) called "Communion" where he remembers, through hypnosis, instances where he was abducted. I remember him mentioning something about the image of an owl as a memory he thought was to screen his mind from remembering what really happened. Do these screen memories exist, are they created by the ailens or the humans, and do the Zetas create the memories? If so, is this done so as not to scare the humans?

Another question regarding Whitley Strieber: Was he abducted? If so, was it by the Zeta?

What's the significance of the triad, or the triangle symbol? Is it simply symbolic or does it give off some kind of frequency?

Can you give us any information on the 12-strands of DNA mentioned in "Bringers of the Dawn?" I realise this book is channeled by Pleiadians, but i figure you must have some information. What exactly are we capable of with these 12 strands active? Are many human's in the process of being aligned and remembering?

Thank you very much for any answers you may give us to these and other questions.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: silentjohn on September 22, 2003, 01:18:16
silentjohn reporting for duty (haha)
growing more aware and more awake, isn't it great?!!
we'll all be there soon!! job well done.
to the zetas: thanks for all the tips, the guides, what not...

:)  Questions ------

1) What about the zeta talk on other websites, like the forum at  - Also ive noticed zeta talk updates, are they in the same format, or in a more apparant format now?

2) Any information on Kirael and the "three days of darkness"?

3) Can we simply send "Requests" for zeta guides?

lol, peace.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on September 30, 2003, 10:27:54
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on October 01, 2003, 15:20:39
Zeta Conversation

E: Perena, I'd like to do the session now...
P: Youd like to? Youre feeling not that good about it.. lets talk a few words in order for you to see clearly how to do it without getting too unconscious and getting stuck in details.
E: Am I doing it right now?
(I asked here about the way I received the words)
P: Yes... Let the general idea come vague and superficially, and then hear the words along those lines from or or the Zetas. Thats good. This will also show show you the framing for the answer.
E: Do I have to know anything before we start?
P: Yes... write this preliminary talk when you post it on AP, too. I open the link now.
(I feel the presence of or the connection to someone else)
Z: Hello Edi
E: Hi... do we start right away?
Z: Yes

AngelicSayan: In relation to Hale-Bopp, is the mothership what caused the whole "companion" or "satellite" hype whatever with the comet? [...] However, I have noticed the solar cycle is starting to peak again. What is the cause of that? Solar Cycle 23 has been the most unique of ALL the solar cycles on record (it did produce two nice auroral shows here, 43 degrees north latitude, both out of God only knows how many I have missed)

Z: Yes, the Mothership was the cause for that what happened regarding Hale-Bopp. We will gladly explain more about it if it is wanted... until now you Edi had some difficulties in getting deeper details, seeing and understanding it clearly.
E: And the sun cycle... was it anything special, does he differ significantly from the previous ones?
Z: No. Its not possible yet to state clearly that it is that way... the measurements are all in the range of normal deviations, and it will take some time until anomalities are unmistakeably visible.
E: What do you have to say in regards to the solar cycle peaking again?
Z: We could say its a sign for the growing influence of Nibiru. But you can interpret it as well as common fluctuation.

Tayesin: Are these Zeta Reticuli the same Grey's that are described as being around 3feet 6inches in height? Are they the same Grey's that I have seen and had contact with since my birth ?

E: Do you want to say a few words about greys in general? Is it easy to identify the different species, or are there thousands of different ones, who mix with each other and also have different orientations and variations among themselves?
Z: There are lots of different species, but its not that complicated and obscure.
E: Your answer to Tayesins question?
Z: We are not the same Greys, regarding our orientation. We are rather similar, regarding our physical appearance. We share common ancestors with them. We are not the group of Greys Tayesin is in contact with since his birth.

Who then do you say are the taller (around 5 feet in height) pale coloured Grey's ?

Z: They are their leaders and overseers.
E: Are they the same species?
Z: No. They have much genetic material in common with the littler ones, but there are other  influences that make them that big.

Would they describe the Higher-Self/Guide connections?

Z: Okay... first a few words about the higher self: everyone IS his higher self, an unseperable part of it, during an incarnation you normally have no direct connection to it, at least it looks like that... this seperation is done so you can have your experiences during the incarnation in a suitable state of mind and knowledge, to be in the dark von time to time, figuratively speaking. This way it is easier to use a life on earth to evolve further.
E: And the higher self guides you?
Z: Of course. This happens mainly through intuition. Intuition leads you the quickest way to the hot spots in your life, and out again when youre done with it. This Intuition is also clearly distinguishable from inspirations which come from the outside, if you are used to watching such perceptions. The intuition coming from yourself (from your higher self) is the best and well the only guideline you need for life.
E: And guides?
Z: They also guide.. because they want it and its an experience for them, and because many people freely accept such guidance. Its their determination to help others with their development.
E: Whats the connection between higher self and guides?
Z: Normally the souls of both know each other quite well, if its a guidance for a longer time who works closely with the person.

Will the 'pole shift' follow the description layed out by Albert Einstien?

Z: No. His model is good for certain happenings, which already did happen, but the pole shift will not happen this way.

If they are here to help us humans, then why is the information given so far been the same information that can be found in a multitude of other available sources ?

Z: Because the questions are the same, and the facts dont change that much. We dont care about other sources or try to 'pop out of the mass'.

Why are these people involved in 'The Project' being assigned Guides who they do not meet face to face in order to truly know if the beings/entitiies that are responding are their True Spiritual Guides?

Z: Its not that simple to just appear on earth, and also its not necessary. For some people its the right and necessary thing to do, but not the common case. What would such an appearance really prove about the intentions? The guide is someone to talk to, who suggest points of view and possibilities, and everyone has to decide for himself if he sees sense and help in it, and if he agrees to see where it leads to.

Who has deemed themselves to be on a level where they can ASSIGN any humanly-incarnating Soul a Guide?

Z: The guides are organized. Theres a structure those beings spend their lives in, they are part of a species, part of a civilisation, the have teachers, friends and students. If a group decides to be there for humans, its only logical that they organize themselves somehow and delegate responsabilities. If then someone from below knocks at this hierarchy, certain things can be arranged, according to the needs of the person. There are guides, and on a higher level there are supervisor guides who are responsible for the assignment and duties of the guides.

E: Okay... so we finish here?
Z: Yes... bye.
E: Bye.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Tayesin on October 03, 2003, 21:38:45

Dear Edi,

Thank you for taking the time to ask my questions, I deeply appreciate it.  It does affirm what I knew about the evolution of the two main Zeta groups and it sated the curiosity I had about which group was in contact here.

I am glad that you also asked the questions I formulated to test the answer providers, that shows great courage on your behalf, and, I am well pleased with the answers.

Thank You very much.

Love Always.[:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on October 04, 2003, 10:11:52
Tayesin, many thanks for your kind words. Sometimes I do get the feeling that what I do here has some sense... my opinion on all this is still floaty, and I really welcome comments by people who have more personal experience than I have. I just can receive words and ideas and throw them into public consideration, and at the moment I'm mostly concerned with receiving the information correctly, which isn't easy for me all the time. I don't know where all this will lead to, but I agree to be a 'channel' for now... other people's words, both warning and encouraging, help me to keep some balance, and I'm especially glad to get some confirmation. And after all, it's quite interesting to see how people respond to this :)

H2owong & RisuNoKairu: Regarding energy body development, nature of Astral Plane, earth history, 4th dimension etc., I have to say that those are huge topics huge topics which probably can't be covered in a few sentences... I'll try to include the questions you ask about this, and the more details you ask about, the more we'll be able to form a picture of it which makes sense. When I'll have some idea of those topics, I might write a summary covering my working model, but I still lack knowledge and experience in this, so it'll take some time.

I just see that this was a rather short session... well, better than nothing :)

Zeta Conversation

P: It's 4 o'clock.. do we begin?
E: Okay, I'm just collecting the questions... do we connect already?
P: Yes.
Z: Hello Edi... nice that you keep the appointment.
E: I thought time is something totally different for you?
Z: It's different, yes... but the closer to earth we work, the more we fall in the influence of time as it is for you.
E: The more you come 'down'... I understand. Can't you communicate from 'above' with me?
Z: Yes, and it doesn't matter much if you can't keep appointments... but don't forget that we didn't transcend space and time completely. We, the Zetas, move mainly inside time and space, but with more freedom than you do.
E: Good.
Z: Before we begin, a few words to all reading this... and also regarding Tayesin's questions. Test us as you like, especially those who know some things.
E: What type of 'tests' do you mean?
Z: Nothing like 'What colour is the tail of my cat?'. Simply questions about personal ideas and experiences, to see if our answers make sense.
P: Don't worry about this wording.. it will be about understood. The previous questions which came were well in that direction.
Z: Yes... we can continue now with the next questions

h2owong: Who is God/the god that we know from bible and other religions? Is he really God of universe? Or a "middle level" god that look after earth? Or just a group of different high level spirits that role playing god when human call upon? When we call upon God. Who will respond? God of Universe? Or others?

Z: The god of the bible is a distorted, manipulated view of earlier beings who were looked upon as 'godly' because of their apparently supernatural abilities. There IS someone who 'created' this universe, and you can see a god at different levels. The philosophical model is that you collect all the intelligences, energies, and all consciousness in this universe and call the sum of it god, prime creator, or whatever you like to call it. Or you do this only on a solar system level, and find a 'god' of this solar system; some sort of being, intelligence or consciousness who on the one side IS this solar system in its visible manifestation, on the other side sustains it by some invisible forces and energies. But when we say this, don't forget that this is just our model for trying to understand reality, nothing more. There is much we have no idea of.
E: Is any 'god' a being seperate from us?
Z: No. There is no god who makes rules, laws and punishes. Prayers work not because a seperate supreme 'god' hears them, but because of 1) psychological effects and 2) beings who care to listen for requests for help, which are sortof broadcasted, directed by your intent.
E: What do those beings do then?
Z: Sometimes nothing, sometimes they give you an idea or an impulse which will bring you forward, sometimes they just send loving caring feelings, that depends on who you reach and what you need.

How about buddhism? How real is Buddha's teaching in spiritual development compared to the real situation of universe?

Z: Buddha's original teaching (which of course became distorted and decorated over the centuries) is a good guideline, as good as the true teaching of other spiritual teachers like Jesus. Buddha used the expressions and ideas from his time to convey his ideas, this is why some might not feel as comfortable with them. Every time has its own language. Get from the past what good you find, and leave the rest behind.
E: I like the saying 'pass on the fire, and leave behind the ashes'...

E: Okay... I'd say we finish here?
Z: Yes. It's better to do some quick short sessions than infrequently having a big one.
E: Good. Thank you then, and bye.
Z: See you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on October 04, 2003, 10:28:04
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: cainam_nazier on October 05, 2003, 03:42:23
Okay, I have another handful of questions.  I will fully understand if the following is difficult to get answers for because I believe they might fall under the "huge question" catagory.  But these are a few things I haven't seen approached in other sites.


It was previously said that the Zeta's use cloning as thier means of reproduction.  With that in mind.

1.  Do you (the Zeta's) believe that we are on the right track with our own process of cloning?
2.  Did you go through the same kinds of pitfalls that our own scientists are experiencing?  That being abnormalities that have resulted in so many different kinds of failures.
3.  It is currently believed that you can not maintain a race through genetic replication alone because of cellular degridation.  Is this a problem for you or have you managed to get past that into pure genetic replication?
4.  DId your race go through the same moral conflict as our own when it comes to cloning?  That being over the implications of cloning something that can be self aware and the effect of knowing ones origins on the mind.
5.  Did your race go right into cloning for reproduction or did you first try to create clones for organ harvesting or attempt cloning individual organs for replacments?
6.  What do you think of our own moral issues with cloning bodies for the sake of organ harvesting?
7.  Did cloning become needed for reproduction or did it just seem like a good idea at the time?  And how did your race as a whole react to the idea?
8A.  This could be my own flawed view but, cloning seems to negate the idea of a soul.  The human idea of a soul is that it is not an "item" that can be replicated along with a body, ie it is not a biological function.  Is our idea of a soul in error?  
8B.  Is the soul we refer to not so much a thing but an idea?  To better describe, is what we describe a soul simply self awareness?  
8C.  If it isn't simply self awareness what effects would cloning have on our being and the soul?  Would we be without one?
8D.  And what about past lives and re-incarnation, things we believe happen because of the soul, how would cloning effect them?
9.  And just for the topper.  Because of the idea of the human soul and its function is it even possible to clone a human correctly?

Like I said I understand if the above is difficult.  My brain kinda hurts just from thinking of the possible answers.  I already have an idea on some of these because of my own beliefs on how the human soul functions.  But I would like to hear what the Zeta's have to say.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on October 05, 2003, 15:50:35
Today I had a chat with Anthony (Soulfire) - he got to know his permanent guide Reaz a few days ago (Reaz was working some time with SilenJohn before). The guides thought that he would be able to have a conversation with the Zetas, even if he doesn't feel sure about it (who does, in the beginning?)... and you'll see here how extraordinarily well he does after leaving fear and blocks behind, holding the toe in the cold water first, and then jumping in.. and it's not cold anymore. We had the last questions which were posted by cainam_nazier answered, and the resulting conversation is pretty interesting to read... so here you go. The MSN logs arent's so nice to read, but I wanted to preserve the original as it happened, I hope it's okay to read that way.

Usual colouring... me red, anthony blue, guides maroon, and zetas green.

Anthony says:
SO any suggestions for me or words of advice from you or the guides?
Edi says:
Just explore :) Well, I can show you some things like reiki energy, or we can have a conversation with the zetas later if you want
Anthony says:
I probably need to get past some of my blockages before I could receive the zetas accurately, no?
Edi says:
But it'd be good to settle down with your new guide first for a few days
Edi says:
Oh well, I too have blockages
Edi says:
You can receive them as well as you can receive your guide
Anthony says:
I have trouble receiving when I feel like I am being watched, but Raez sais I definately need to work past that if I am going to be of use to people.  lol
Edi says:
Edi says:
Yes, work on it
Edi says:
I feel the same, but I don't know if it's a big problem for me... I have been on stage on many occasions... with concerts (I played trumped in an orchestra and a band), and with my theater group... so I'm totally used to people pointing at me, when I do silly things =)
Anthony says:
I have a difficult time feeling "silly" in front of people.  If I feel like I know what I am doing I am fine, but without that confidence first, it amplifies my fear (Raez is explaining) and the fear energy blocks my ability to receive.
Edi says:
After the first Zeta session Ed told me I was reaching a _mass audience_ ... phew... good that he didn't tell me before
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
Well Raez seems to think I am ready for that, and he is kind of teasing me because I don't.  
Anthony says:
But I most definately do NOT feel ready.
Edi says:
If I think back to the moments where I have fear or act totally wrong... then most of the times I'm not very conscious in those moments... so it'd be a good way when you're in that situation to breathe deeply, wait for a few seconds, and check what you are doing and where you are
Anthony says:
*nod*  Makes sense.
Edi says:
People often underestimate their abilities and hinder their progress
Anthony says:
Raez sais I am real good at that!  
Edi says:
Edi says:
See... in a few weeks you'll have that left behind
Anthony says:
Well that would sure be a quantum leap for me!  
Anthony says:
Well maybe sometime if you feel up to trying a session together and don't mind if maybe I am not too god at it, we can try.  I guess the only way I will get past it is to work through it.  hehe
Edi says:
Just look at MY first session, or the first tries of the other people, and you'll have no fear anymore  
Anthony says:
Well I do, but I am willing to try it anyway.  hehe
Edi says:
That's great  
Anthony says:
There is no sense me even having a guide if I am not willing to grow and bring some benefit to tother besides myself.
Edi says:
You bring benefit even by only growing... but you can do much more
Anthony says:
Raez sais that I have reached sort of a plateau, where it will be difficult for me to grow much more personally without breaking some of these personal barriers and taking some things to other people.
Edi says:
Everyone has his comfort zone in this regards... and it's not easy to get out there the first time
Anthony says:
Apparently those obstacles have to start to disilve before much more growth can take place.
Edi says:
but when you're out, it's not uncomfortable there... you feel comfortable everywhere
Edi says:
growth takes place by dissolving those obstacles
Anthony says: :)
Edi says: :)
Anthony says:
Well sometime when you feel it's good, you can send me an e-mail or something?  If I have advance warning, I can probably make a point to be here at any time you feel is good.
Edi says:
Do you have time now?  
Anthony says:
But unless we just bump into each other, I'll need a day's waring or so.
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
Although I have to admit part of me was hoping it would be later...the YELLOW part.  
Edi says:
Edi says:
Let's ask raez about it..
Anthony says:
About what specifically?
Edi says:
What he thinks about doing it now.. just type what he says
Edi says:
Reaz, do you think anthony can handle this easily?
Anthony says:
I checked to see if my pendulum was at hand for verification, and he told me playfully to put that dumb thing away for now...I use it as a crutch!  
Anthony says:
R: He can handle it, but it will not "feel: easy to him.
Edi says:
You can surely do it without the pendulum!
Edi says:
Don't worry, I can check everything with raez
Anthony says:
So you guys keep telling me!  
Edi says:
Raez, will he be able to receive the information from the zetas correctly?
Anthony says:
It's funny that he has such a sense of humor about my doubts and fears.  hehe
Anthony says:
R: That is up to him.  He could, but I am not sure he will choose to.
Anthony says: :)
Edi says:
Perena made many jokes about my doubts, too... and humour is in fact the best way to handle that
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
Could he have hooked me up just now without my asking?
Edi says:
reaz, does he know some questions to ask? or will it just come to his mind then?
Edi says:
He'll tell you
Anthony says:
All of a sudden, I sort of see in my minds eye 3 curious looking greys looking at me?  
Anthony says:
One in front, 2 others behnd?  Did I just imagine that?
Anthony says:
R: He's not hooked up, but he is being watched?
Anthony says:
This is too wierd.
Edi says:
Reaz says to me you're precipitating ... but the link isn't made yet
Edi says:
The Zetas of course are ready when you are
Anthony says:
what does precipitating mean?
Edi says:
I have no idea to be honest, but it seemed the right word  
Anthony says:
Edi says:
I meant that you're expecting thing, which could colour your perception
Anthony says:
Hrm...ok Raez, hook me up whenever you are ready
Anthony says:
R: Just relax Anthony
Anthony says:
ok, I'll try, but I don't feel real relaxed.  I feel kinda tingly to be honest
Edi says:
Write Z: for the Zetas... and just have a nice conversation with them... I'll check everything you write
Anthony says:
I'm not getting anyting yet....wait, I think I got:
Anthony says:
Z: Hi Anthony?
Anthony says:
Is that ok so far?
Edi says:
You can probably perceive them in your mind's eye...
Edi says:
it's perfect, just go on and don't think about it too much
Anthony says:
I still sort of see 3 of them, one more clearly in fron, looking at me.  A sense of them being calm and very intelligent
Anthony says:
Their consciousness is deeper than mine by quite a bit.  They have a lot of "depth".
Anthony says:
Z: What would you like to ask?
Anthony says:
Well, this is kind of a spontaneous decision to try this to be honest, I did not prepare any questions as I was not expecting to do this.
Anthony says:
Z: That's allright.
Anthony says:
hard to keep up with the tying for me sorry.
Anthony says:
Edi says:
Take your time, you're doing fine
Anthony says:
R: It does not matter what you ask, this is just an excercise and experience for you.
Anthony says:
sense of them waiting patiently
Anthony says:
Geez...I'm sorry, I'm getting nerovous
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
R: Just relax
Anthony says:
They don't seem to mind my ineptness at all, they are very patient?
Edi says:
you could ask them about how many they are... if there is only one talking to you, what the others do...
Anthony says:
I feel I can sense from them understanding, like they know what I am going through and how I feel...strong empathy with me?
Edi says:
They are very patient and understanding in that, don't worry
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
I smile at them and I feel them mentally smiling back, but not a physical smile.
Anthony says:
Z: You are very empathetic, you communicate more easily when you dont know you are communicating.
Anthony says:
R: I agree LOL
Anthony says:
Is this on track so far?
Edi says:
This is perfect!
Anthony says:
R: Raez playfully scolds me for doubtng myself.
Anthony says:
I feel very uncomfortable, almost afraid to ask something I do not already "know" the answwer to, as I am not very good at receiving things liek that yet.
Anthony says:
Ok, do you feel the people of the earth or making any spiritual progress at all?
Anthony says:
Z: Your progression as a race right now can be accurately described as what you call growing pains
Anthony says:
Z: You are progressing, but it is slow and there is much turmoil right now.
Anthony says:
Z: Much like labour or giving birth, that pain will intensify and then it will end, leaving behind new life...spiritual life.
Anthony says:
Is this ok so far?
Edi says:
I check everything you receive... everything is ok (of course is it)
Anthony says:
Raes is pointing out that this information was received more easily because my higher self already had the framework for it, it was not totally "new" to me.
Anthony says:
R: He is still afraid to go into totally new territiry yet, but that is ok because this helps too.
Edi says:
If you provide some puzzle-pieces, it can be put together by your guide or the zetas easily.
Anthony says:
What do you mean exactly?
Edi says:
The simplest example is a yes or no question... or you ask about some idea, receive a few facts, ask more in detail, and receive information step by step.
Anthony says:
R: Receiving some information through other higher self channels, even memory, and then letting the Zetas or guides build something with them greater than the sum of the parts
Anthony says:
Edi says:
Anthony says:
R: You do this all the time, and have for much of your life, but you were unaware of it.
Anthony says:
Ok, sorry for keeping you waiting...that you for being so patient with me.
Anthony says:
Z: You are welcome, we don't mind.  
Anthony says:
Well you certainly are polite...everyone has said that, but not I experience it directly and can even "feel" it.
Anthony says:
Hrm...I feel stupid, I don't know what to say.
Edi says:
That's not stupid... if you're not blocking yourself, there are lots of things to ask
Anthony says:
R: He has things to ask, but he is afraid to and is holding back on some things still
Anthony says:
Tattle tale!  
Anthony says:
R: laughs
Edi says:
Perfectly honest  
Anthony says:
I think someone has asked some question on cloning on AP, would you mind if I looked those up and asked those?
Anthony says:
Z: That would be fine.
Anthony says:
You think that would be ok Edi?  I'm not sure if I will want them published, but at least that will take me into new territory.
Edi says:
Go on... we all are fine with that
Anthony says:
Let me find them...
Anthony says:
R: That;s what I wanted him to do to begin with, and I told him that, but he gagged me.  
Anthony says:
Which forum is that in, do you know?
Anthony says:
I cant get search to work in AP
Edi says:
Communications forum... here's the link: select those questions you like
Anthony says:
Thanks...I could not get the search page to load.
Anthony says:
Oh man, looming at these questions I am getting REALLY nerovus
Anthony says:
1. Do you (the Zeta's) believe that we are on the right track with our own process of cloning?
Edi says:
It will be good to ask those questions... just trust what you hear, so far everything was totally accurate.
Anthony says:
R: He's blocking, he started to get something but then he "blanked it out".
Anthony says:
Z: Yes, you are on the right path towards achieving the process, but at the early stages.
Anthony says:
Z: However, it is not really necessary for you as a species to develop this process.
Anthony says:
Is this ok so far or no?
Edi says:
Everything is okay.. I will jump in if something is wrong, but this is perfect.
Edi says:
Turn off your worries until we are done  
Anthony says:
I think there is more on this, but I am not getting it, so I will go to the next question and see if it comes to me later?
Anthony says:
2. Did you go through the same kinds of pitfalls that our own scientists are experiencing? That being abnormalities that have resulted in so many different kinds of failures.

Anthony says:
Z: Yes we did, and worse ones too.  They are not so much failures as they are you working thought the difficulties in learning the process one step at a time.  Nothing is truly a failure.
Anthony says:
Question added by me: Is there any danger involved in the failures, anything to worry about creating imperfect life forms or something like that?
Anthony says:
Z: There are issues, but no actual worries.  
Anthony says:
Can you be more specific please?
Anthony says:
Z: Some unpleasant things can be created and flawed life forms do not always have the most pleasant life experiences, but nothing that is easy to label as "bad" is actually bad...all things serve a useful purpose.
Anthony says:
I understand this on some level, but creating life forms that are bound to suffer seems unfair to me?
Anthony says:
Z: Think of the imtes in your own life when suffering led to something useful.  Nobody is allowed to suffer without it leading to something useful for them and the others involved in the process as seen from the complete perpective.
Anthony says:
Z: You are not always aware of the benefits, but all flows of energy are useful, including suffering.  
Anthony says:
Ok, I understand that..but it seems that knowingly creating situation for another being that we reasonably expect to be unpleasant is les than ideal behavior?
Anthony says:
Z: THis is true from a certain perspective.  You would not do this because you are at a different place than the scientists invlved.  THe people who choose to participate in this procees however have something of value to learn by the experience, both the scientists, the politiciant and funders of the projects, and even the new life forms "created"
Anthony says:
Ok sounds reasonable enough I guess.
Anthony says:
We still on track here?
Anthony says:
This is going way beyond what I expected to happen.
Edi says:
Your guide confirms that you received that correctly.
Anthony says:
I get a sense that the Zetas at least are please with the answer?
Anthony says:
3. It is currently believed that you can not maintain a race through genetic replication alone because of cellular degridation. Is this a problem for you or have you managed to get past that into pure genetic replication?
Anthony says:
Z: This is true at your level of technology, but we have worked past those problems.  If we had not, we could not have survived as a species by this process of cloning.
Anthony says:
4. DId your race go through the same moral conflict as our own when it comes to cloning? That being over the implications of cloning something that can be self aware and the effect of knowing ones origins on the mind.
Anthony says:
Hrm...I'm having trouble with this one...
Anthony says:
Z: Yes we did.
Anthony says:
Z: We have found however that you do not actually clone "awareness"...
Anthony says:
Z: Just the vehicle that awareness operates through in the physical.  The process is not fundamentally different from creating a new life through conceptions.  The vehicle becomes viable, and a soul...with it's own awareness chooses to inhabit it.
Anthony says:
Z: This is why it is not "immoral" to create even imperfect beings, because the conscious who chooses to inhabit it CHOOSES is not being forced on them.
Anthony says:
Makes sense, thank you.  
Anthony says:
5. Did your race go right into cloning for reproduction or did you first try to create clones for organ harvesting or attempt cloning individual organs for replacments?
Anthony says:
Were you typing somethign Edi?
Edi says:
I was typing 'That was what you were missing before.', regarding the questions above, but thought I would write it later  
Anthony says:
Z: We bagan by cloning individual cells and worked up to more complex structures as we developed the technology.
Anthony says:  
Anthony says:
6. What do you think of our own moral issues with cloning bodies for the sake of organ harvesting?
Anthony says:
Z: THere really are no moral issues that are relevant when you see the complete picture as described above.
Anthony says:
Z: It is normal to struggle to come up with these answers, but there is nothing "wrong" with doing this.  A lot of good can come out of it, and eventually it can lead to some amazing medical breakthroughs for people with organs failing, etc.  However...
Anthony says:
Z: It is also worth noting that all of this, even replacing failing organs and extending life is not strictly necessary...
Anthony says:
Z: A person will experience an organ failure when that is appropriate for them, and will also experience the aoption to replace that organ only when that is also appropriate for them,
Anthony says:
Z: Technology can never exceed the requirements of individual souls for life experince, but will instead fit into the plan so to speak.
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
Is this what you meant by cloning tech not being strictly "necessary" for us as a species.
Anthony says:
Z: Partly, yes.  But there is more
Anthony says:
I'm starting to fade a bit here, but I think Raez is going to help me to continue?
Edi says:
If you want, you can go on... as you like. You've already got much here
Anthony says:
I'd like to try and finish the questions, but I am going to avoid any additional content for now even though I know it is there.
Edi says:
okay... that's fine
Anthony says:
7. Did cloning become needed for reproduction or did it just seem like a good idea at the time? And how did your race as a whole react to the idea?
Anthony says:
Z: We felt it was a more efficient means of producing vehicles for consciousness to experience.  We also felt that it allowed us to choose more specifically how we wanted to evolve as a species.
Anthony says:
Z: This was a specific choice our race made based on our own experiences and beliefs, it is not necessarily "true" for your species or any other.  In fact, cloning will NOT be the future of your species.
Anthony says:
Good, because I kind of like reproducing the old fashioned way if you don't mind.  
Anthony says:
R: thinks that was funny
Anthony says:
8A. This could be my own flawed view but, cloning seems to negate the idea of a soul. The human idea of a soul is that it is not an "item" that can be replicated along with a body, ie it is not a biological function. Is our idea of a soul in error?

Anthony says:
Z: We have touched on this so far already.  Cloning merely creates the vehicle for a sould to choose to inhabit.  You cannot clone a soul.
Anthony says:
Z: Another implication of this is that when you do succeed in cloning more complex organisms or even beings, they will not be as identical as is currently believed.
Anthony says:
8B. Is the soul we refer to not so much a thing but an idea? To better describe, is what we describe a soul simply self awareness?
Anthony says:
Z: Yes and no.  And you have to be careful here, because different people interpret the word "soul" in different ways.  Words are only a signpost.
Anthony says:
Z: In truth, things and ideas are one and the same.  Everyting is energy and exists simultaneously and manifests in many forms simultaneously.
Anthony says:
Z: So a soul is energy, it is consciousnless, it is an idea in the creator's thought processes, and there are many more leves in which it exists that most of you are not aware of yet.
Anthony says:
Z: Everyting is trule much more milti-dimensional in nature that people understand.
Anthony says:
Z: Even we are only just beginning to understand some of these levels.
Anthony says:
Wow, cool.  
Anthony says:
8C. If it isn't simply self awareness what effects would cloning have on our being and the soul? Would we be without one?
Anthony says:
Z: A being without a soul is simply a lump of tissue.  Note that each of those cells and even particles and atoms has it's own equavalent of a "soul".  What you often perceive as your sould is actuall made up of an infinite number of souls substructures of your reality, working together, communicating to each other, which makes up your sens of self.
Anthony says:
Z: You perceive yourself as individially right now, and this is true on some levels, but it is far from the complete picture.  You are a team on both the microcosm anf macrocosm level.
Anthony says:
Z: It can be said that your entire species is a single soul made up of each you you seperately as individual cells in a similiar manner to how you perceive yourself as a seperate soul composed of cells.  This dynamic is expressed on infinite levels.
Anthony says:
8D. And what about past lives and re-incarnation, things we believe happen because of the soul, how would cloning effect them?
Anthony says:
Z: It wouldn't.  Inhabiting a clone, as we have already said, is not really any different that inhabiting a form created by a biological process.  It is like the defference between deciding to drive a red car or a blue car, or maybe a chevy or ford.
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
9. And just for the topper. Because of the idea of the human soul and its function is it even possible to clone a human correctly?
Anthony says:
Z: It is possible, but it is not likely that this will ever occur for you species on a wide scale if at all.
Anthony says:
Anthony says:
Well thank you very much for your time and willingness to talk with us.  Please accept both my personal thanks and the thanks of anybody to whom these ansers will prove helpful.  
Anthony says:
Z: We are pleased to be of assistance.
Anthony says:
R: *closing the link*
Edi says:
That was absolutely... fantastic  
Anthony says:
Wow, that was really COOL!  
Edi says:
Edi says:
It's easy as soon as you let go and relax
Anthony says:
*nod*  I really did not think I was going to be able to do it.  
Edi says:
I'm glad you tried
Anthony says:
Me too!  
Anthony says:
I have got to run for now, but thank you SO MUCH for encouraging me to try this and for checking the accuracy.
Edi says:
Do you agree that I post this on the forums?
Anthony says:
If you feel this would be useful to post, please feel free?
Anthony says:
Edi says: :)

Edi says:
People will enjoy it.
Edi says:
Thanks for doing that, you were great!
Anthony says:
If the information is accurate, it would be kind of cheesy not to let anybody else see it.
Edi says:
Anthony says:
Well, that was a great experience...thanks to you and Raez and the Zetas for helping to make that happen.
Edi says:
To be continued I say  
Anthony says:
Actually a lot more people deserve thanks than that.  
Anthony says:
Ok!  *wave*  
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on October 05, 2003, 19:59:21
Hi everyone,

Sorry for all the typos in that log.  Hopefully you can understand most of what was being said despite my lousy typing.  I am not a good typist under any conditions, but the problem was further coumpounded by having my awareness split among several different processes and conversations going on all at once and not having time to make corrections or even read over what I had typed.  Still, it was a really amazing experience for me.  I just wish I had done a better job communicating the experience.  Thanks for posting it Edi.  :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: cainam_nazier on October 05, 2003, 20:13:17
Wow, that was great you two. Well actually 6+ if we count all involved.[;)]

This is all really interesting which leads me to even more questions.

1.  If the individuals own soul/consiousness wished to continue into another body, through cloning, a blank would have to be on hand or available shortly after seperation?

2.  The way the process was explained also implies that a living thing, or rather a currently incarnated being/thing, could never be fully replicated because of the soul/consiouness.  Even if the replicated being was physically similar it would vary simply on its soul/cousiouness.  Is that correct?

3.  Okay and not to sound a little geeky, but lets see if we can get this concept into terms more easily understood by the general populas.  The interaction between the soul, cousiousness, group consiousness, and so on seems to be a bit like it is described in Star Wars with midicalorians and the force.  Would that be a fairly accurate analogy?  To clear up my meaning, that being a soul or what term is better suited, inhabits all living cells.  That together they form consiousness and bind us together with all living things.  

4.  If I am thinking correctly, which I believe I am, in essance the individual is his/her own "group consiousness"?  Just as the individual is a part of the larger group?  And ultimately the universal mind?

5.  Would all of this explain why for me, and probably others as well, why many of the answers given here, even to the odder questions, are seemingly already known?   That many of the answers given are the expected responce even if the question was not previously pondered by the individual?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Tayesin on October 05, 2003, 21:57:24

Hi SoulFire,
Excellent first time experiment with contact, you did do very well.

For many years I have been trying to get people to understand that we are huge, powerful beings in our own right existing in many realms at the same time, and the form we take here is the smallest part of what we are.  So,  I was very pleased to read in your session that the Zetas are affirming that fact.  It makes all the years of being told I am weird or stupid or crazy, well worth it.

Thank You.

Edi, thank you for including the section of communication that stated to test as we will, that shows an openess that I am pleased to see.  All of it is helping to alleviate the concerns I had with this stuff.  You are doing very well Edi, so keep up the good work.

Love Always.[:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Fuzziwig on October 06, 2003, 20:07:56
Hello all
Im back with another zeta conversation. I hope it will shed some light on some of your questions. [:)]
Format :
Me, my description, guides, zeta and questions and remarks

After the pole shift would it be some kind of a drastic change in our social life - what i mean is will we be living like we do now in houses and tall buildings or more like trees and something like that OR in more advanced buildings..

Note : As this question is a big one i chose to answer it with a remoteview. If its still required for the zeta to specifically answer the question, let me know. I ask my guide in this session to take me to a community after the poleshift.

I am somewhere in a desert with dunes around me. I see my guide on my left hand and shes running ahead. I move with her and a large structure appears. It seems to be some kind of egyptian style tomb with two small obelisk at the both sides of the entrance. I go down to the entrance which looks dark. My guide is right behind me as i move inside the entrance. There is a passage to the down left, and then a large tunnel which leads to this bright light. I move down and im out of the tunnel. There is this big city build into an oasis it seems. There are palms around the city kind of making a natural fence around the place. I look down and see alot of ppl down there walking around. Alot of small houses are there and i decide to go down to have a closer look. The city has small water canals running through the streets on the side with fresh water. They are formed in the tiles in the path which seem to be dark blue. The ppl have disappeared.
J: You are not allowed to talk to them yet
F: is it because they are from the future ?
J: yes
The houses are made of clay or similar but not with several storages. The city has a kind of arabian architecture. This house is light brown but with a thick red stripe close to the top of the wall that goes around the house. It also has a small dome on top of it. I go inside and notice that there is a bed, a small table with an oillamp. There lives a man here. A man whos task is to improve DNA. He takes great pride in his work, because he is helping out. I walk out of the house and out on the street.
F: What year is this Jopeha ?
J: 2300
F: Is there anything you would like to show me ?
J: Go see the well
There are alot of these houses forming a neighborhood. I decide to go for this well. I see the well and i can see that all the water in the canals eminate from this well. I look down the well and i see this bright white energy ....bubbling, pulsating. The energy seems to be creating all the water in the well. It looks so beautyful. I take a taste of it, its a bit warm but tastes nice and clean.
I am puzzled by these barriers that seems to be there outside the city. I go out of the city and out to the barriers. The palms are there to hold me back but there seems to be a invicible forcefield of some kind creating a spherical bend to the air. This bend is visible because things beyond are distorted.

F: What is this forcefield ?
J: Its a barrier made to keep the community safe
F: Safe from what ?
J: Safe from intruders, that wish to plunder the ppl living in the city
F: So this is necesarry ?
J: It will be necessary for a time
F: I see
I wonder where these ppl work if they work. I see in the town a house which is build differently. It has no dome and no red stripe. There is a recess in the wall making an entrance to a door. The door is a double door which has a red wood frame and stained dark blue glass forming a mosaic in the middle. I go inside and there are benches with some tools on the table. The tools are made for genetic improvement. This is the place where the man in the house is working. The tools are very hard to describe. They all fit the hand by making room for fingers. They appear in chrome.
F: What are the tools made for specifically ?
J: The one you are looking at is made for extracting dna (tong build with room for 3 fingers going up to a small device)
F: And this ? (Tong also build with room for 3 fingers and up to a small box like device but in beige color)
J: Its made for putting together dna sequences
F: SO this place is used for Dna improvement ?
J: Yes
F: Jopeha i have seen enough of this city for now, can you please connect me to the zeta ?
J: Yes
F: Hello
Z: hello
F: (i see a zeta with blue cloths)
F: It is nice talking
Z: It is nice talking to you too
F: Would you mind if i asked a couple of questions ?
Z: Not at all
F: I have been in this room before right ?
Z: yes you have
F: (the room has an oval table in the middle, there are two other zeta's sitting at the table. There are 2 oval windows on the left which shows the stars outside)
F: So this is onboard 1 of your spaceships ?
Z: that is correct

What is you bussines on this site ? If you want to help people you aren`t helping many.. you could appear on TV and really help.. This internet propaganda (if i may call it like that) is not really helping your cause in my opinion, because the majority of people see it as mambo-jambo.. because HEY ! this is internet :)

F: Do you have any comments for this ?
Z: Our business is to inform ppl about us and about questions that they may have such as the one you ask. Second we do help many in different ways. One is of giving information to others and another is of working active with individuals in their development. As for appearing on television, it could only be a bad idea since many are still afraid of "aliens". There will be a time when we can show ourselfs, but it will be in a time were there is no fear of us.

I get the sense from these zetas that they are single-mindedly focused on the pole shift, or rather the post-poleshift world, and (supposedly) on sending love thoughtforms into this new world, by setting things up now.
Any comments?

Z: As a race we are often misunderstood. We have many other task. The reason why you percieve us as single minded is because we often mention the poleshift. This is because its important for your race to know about.

Music, as i'm sure you know, is a huge part of life. As i understand the Zeta feel no emotions, which, to me, is the core of music, but do they listen to music? Are there any types of music that give off negative vibes?

Z: We do listen to music which is harmonic sounds. This music eminates feelings which are feelings of joy. We listen to music when we do not have other tasks.
Z: Yes there are certain kind of music that eminates feelings that can make you negative. It is often that the feeling with the intent of the music is eminated.

F: Okay that was the question i had for this time, it was nice of you to answer them
Z: it was our pleasure
F: Goodbye and take care
Z: Goodbye

Kind regards
Fuzziwig [8]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nagual on October 11, 2003, 15:33:53
Here is a question for our Zeta friends:
The Sun is expected to "die" in 5 billions years...  What will happen to Solar System races?  Where will/can they go?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Arthelion on October 19, 2003, 07:52:06
Hi Edi and everybody from this great forum. I've read various topics of this forum and I have a plenty of questions about them.

1.What exactly is energy development good for? I'm not interested in ki balls and things like that. After I tried the NEW energy ways by Robert Bruce and I could feel the energy flowing in my body, but what is it good for? Anyway I felt mentally exhausted and didn't find the will to try it again.

2.Do drugs like marijuana help to astral project or OOBE? Anyway is it worth the side effects?

3.Is there a planet called Thiaoouba? I've read a book Thiaoouba prophecy and it contains A LOT of interesting stuff about the creation of the universe and how people came to Earth etc. and I have a simple question: Is the book true?

4.Was Buddha just an ordinary man who found a way to enlightenment? Or was he some higher being sent to teach people? And what exactly the enlightenment is?

5.What spiritual path should a novice take to make the best progress? I mean, is there some way, which could be called the best or fastest? And what should be the primary goal in one's effort?

6.What do you think of today's education? I don't know how it is in other countries but here in Czech Republic it seems to me like a wasted time. After 10 years of studying (I'm 16), what have I learned? Well, I can solve biquadratic equations, I can calculate with specific heat capacity of various substances, but how do I need these in my life? There was absolutely no spirituality or something useful for life in last few years and especially now I find it just exhausting and non-motivating to continue. Anyway, what subjects or braches do you think will be useful in the future? I'm still wondering what should I specialize in. Whether it should be something technical (like computers) or humanities (like psychology). I'm quite interested in both areas. OK, enough of this.

7.I don't know the exact date but it was in the late August in Czech Republic. It was like a fireball falling from the sky. Of course the military radars didn't see anything. A month later they said it had been a crashing plane (BS). Do you know something about it?

I think this should be enough for now and I thank you in advance for a response.
With love,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: bomohwkl on October 21, 2003, 14:17:15
Just be reminded for people who are wishing to grow spiritually.

There are danger of spiritual mis-information. Suicide cult is one of the extreme. The danger lies to the fact that when you incorperate such spiritual mis-information to your life. Such mis-information can hinder one's own effort to grow spiritually.

Buddha had once said that any beliefs that we accept as true without personal verification are called `superstition`. He also said that the truth can only verified through one's own realizations of the fruits of manifestations of the essential universal truths. (this is an important part of cultivation of mind)

Buddha emphasised of independent thinking. He wanted his students to reach his own conclusions and not following what he said and accepted as truth.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Arthelion on October 22, 2003, 10:35:03
I know what you mean, bomohwkl. I don't want to follow any cult or even religion. I could say I'm a Buddhist because I accept many of Buddha's teachings, most of which cannot be denied because they're simple facts based on common sense and not "superstitions". However there are some points I simply don't believe. Reincarnation as an animal for example, and the realms of devas, gods, devils etc. These are ideas that cannot be proved. But here a new question arises. It has been stated somewhere on these pages that Buddhism has changed since the time of Buddha or his followers. It shocked me. I thought if there was a religion that has not been corrupted by greediness and desire for power and more and more power it would be Buddhism. Guess I was wrong[:(]. So there is another question for the Zetas:

8. How has Buddhism changed since the time of Buddha?

With love in heart,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: bomohwkl on October 22, 2003, 12:13:05

Looked at what Buddha had said. I am very sure that Buddha never mention about the realms of devas, gods, devils and even reincarnation, not even a human rebirthing as an animal.

The source of information is from `Sayings of Buddha` a publication by `An Asiapac Publication.

It is the same with Christianity. Look at what Jesus had said and throw away what other people has added. You will be amazed!
A good book is the Gospel of Thomas specifically translated by M Meyer

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: RedDragon on October 26, 2003, 07:54:13
can i have contact with  guides on msn im not sure what to do so can some one help thanks
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: silentjohn on October 26, 2003, 12:27:02
feel free to contact me on msn

or AIM

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: PDB on October 29, 2003, 12:13:11
Hello everybody!

I've got some questions for the Zeta to answer:

1. Where does Atlantis fit in the Zeta's picture of Ancient times, when Sumer was still around? In this regard, can you give a chronology of all the civilisations that inhabited the earth up to this day? (Hope it's not too much to ask)
2. Why did Sumerians disappear?
3. How spiritually advanced were they?
4. Was this planet inhabited by any civilised species before humans?
5. Did the beings from Nibiru create any species through genetic manipulation?
6. Who created the Zeta?
7. Do you have a language of your own? If so, can you give a sample?
8. Was it your species that visited my cousin a long time ago? If not, what species was the being that visited her?

I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on each question a bit, if possible. Thanks to the Zeta and to Edi for all the great channeling.

Best Regards,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on October 29, 2003, 17:36:33
E: Hi Zetas.
Z: Hi.. you forgot the introduction, to write how you set up the link ... but never mind. This won't be a problem. We're glad you're continuing this now after a rather long break.
E: Yes.. it was about time. Anything more to add, or do we begin with the questions?
Z: Nothing to add, go on.

no_leaf_clover: The Bible Code, is it real? If it is, who came up with it?

Z: It's bovine excrement, bluntly said. There is much symbolism and structure in the bible, but not in the way that you find secretly embedded messages by looking at certain patterns. Concerning the overall reading-value of the bible: it's distorted. The things you find in it are mostly useful for emphasizing what you already know and feel to be true. To take it all literally would bring you further away from it's original purpose: to unify, not to seperate. People can use the bible as a justification for all sorts of actions, if gives them a cause to believe in god, but things like that shouldn't depend on a book. The overall message is clear, and putting too much attention in details will bring you nowhere.
E: Could you be more specific on the purpose of the bible?
Z: It was intended to be a transcript of Jesus' teachings and messages, and not a means of control and justification. Those teachings were good for the time then, and still have their value today, as long as they are read in context. It should lead people together, and help them realize their connection to everything that is.
E: Wasn't the Bible only made up of older teachings, believes and mythologies mixed together?
Z: Partly yes.
E: So how can the 'overall message' be useful, if big parts of the bible shouldn't be taken too seriously? What is this message?
Z: Two words: love and god. Which essentially are the same. We know that the bible and the church aren't regarded as great things by some people... and we agree here. Take the best and leave the rest. The overall message is what you get when you take those things that resonate with your own love and truth, and the rest shouldn't bother much. There's not much sense in talking about the value of such spiritual books anyway, because all they can do is to point to some direction, and leave the rest to you... and we emphasize again that you find the right way only inside of yourself. It's easy to justify your actions with the lines of a holy book,  but it's more difficult to stand up for it yourself.

RisuNoKairu: These other alien species on the ship, could you describe them? What does the ship look like? What's it orbit? Are there certain times that people can see it? Do you guys like chocolate?

Z: Oh, there are lots of species here... some humanoid, some not, there are the nordics, pleiadians, andromedans, we. The nordics are called so because of their appearance, which resembles that of nordic people... tall, muscular, light hair. The andromedans are too very human-like. The ship is, seen from the outside, big, metallish-gray, and 'block'-like.. meaning that it is no wheel or has no fancy turrets or towers.
E: Is it orbiting around the sun?
Z: Yes, at the same angular velocity as the earth. It's quite some distance away, so it couldn't be seen easily even if it was in the physical 3rd dimension.
Z: As far as chocolate is concerned, we don't have it up here. Sugar is not that important for our metabolism.

no_leaf_clover: What exactly was the Flatwoods Monster?

Z: It was mainly a big story. There was something going on there, but reports of it have been exaggerated.
E: Was it an alien?
Z: Yes. It was an accident.
E: Were you in any way related to it?
Z: No.
Was that one of the species that's been monitoring Earth?
Z: No species you know. And it didn't do 'monitoring' in the sense we do.

Do you Zetas listen to music for entertainment or is that something that applies more to beings that have emotion?

Z: We know music and use it ourselves to express harmony and beauty. For us it's a kind of art, as it is for you. Music can represent patterns, structure, chaos, information, and we use it to express ourselves.

Tao: After the pole shift would it be some kind of a drastic change in our social life - what i mean is will we be living like we do now in houses and tall buildings or more like trees and something like that OR in more advanced buildings..

Z: After the pole shift, social life will of course change. The outside manifestations, like houses, streets, infrastructure etc., will be rebuilt where needed and won't be that different from today, but what will change is how people relate to each other. Technological advances won't come suddenly, and the style of constructing buildings you are used to will probably continue.

Zeta tells us they are more spiritually evolved than we are.. They also say they lost their emotions and that they are based more on technology than on nature and mind thoughts creation or something like that.. How come - why do they need teachnology for ?

Z: We need technology in our daily lifes, for 'industry' (i.e. processing of raw materials to produce goods), for healthcare, for science. We are, in that sense, not living a pure natural life, but after all, technology is a part of nature, and as long as the rest of nature is respected and treated well, we see no problem in having technology very present in our lifes.
E: Why is technology a part of nature?
Z: Because we are. If a monkey uses a stone to crack nuts, this is consideres natural behaviour, or using a 'natural' tool. Everything is nature, but it can be more or less be in tune or in harmony.

Zetas.. you told us that you can not give us a specific date.. but on zetatalk it says that Nibiru is somewhere near Saturn and it also says that it takes 3 months for the Nibiru planet to pass through our Solar System.. So we have a date.. Logically the pole shift will appear in maximum ONE month.. Or are you not in contact with Zetatalk (you said you are)... Where did you spread false information.. here or there ?

Z: All things regarding the dates are the same... look what we say WHAT will happen, not WHEN, because the when will not be answered and it will be clear when it's time.

You want to unify the 2 species... The Humans have nothing to say about that ? I for example am against it..

Z: We don't affect you directly, in that we would shape your body anew or something like that... this change will be gradual, and it has been decided together with humanity, even if your consciousness doesn't know of it. We won't go around collecting votes on earth, this has been decided on a higher level.

E: Okay... I'd say we stop here, I'm getting tired.
Z: That's fine, we can continue at any time.

(Edited to improve formatting)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on October 30, 2003, 02:51:52
They didn't answer my final question...

"Do you like chocolate" is a yes or no answer question. All they said was they don't have chocolate on their ship.

Hmm. You (they) say we'll be able to fly when we shift... Sounds fun. Will we be able to fly into space and stuff without protective gear, also? What sort of rules of reality as we know them will be altered, forgotten, and stay the same?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on October 31, 2003, 15:05:22
Zeta Conversation

P: Perena, are you there?
P: Yes, I am. Even if you didn't talk to me the whole day, the link is up and stable, you just have to use it.
E: Fine. Can you explain to me why I've got difficulties with certain questions?
P: The Zetas can probably explain it to you... it's their stage here.
E: Okay... are they ready for a conversation?
P: Yes, they've been waiting... I'll hook you up.

(I can see a room with several beings in it now with my inner awareness)

E: Hello?
Z: Hello, we are here. This is the same 'room' you've seen since the very beginning.
E: Is this a real room with doors, or just something which is visualized or imagined to have a certain 'frame' for us doing those conversations?
Z: No, this is a real room. We are operating near the physical plane, so it's natural that we have to walk around like you do, and not just going there with our awareness. Yes, we can go there with our awareness, whereever we like to, but not with our bodies.
E: But can't you walk through walls here on earth and stuff like that?
Z: Oh, it's not our 'normal' mode of operation. It's not that straightforward to do if our bodies are actually in the physical.
E: Does this mean you can take your bodies from the fourth dimension you are in to the third and back?
Z: Yes, exactly. We still have bodies up here, and if we want to do work in the physical, we have to lower our frequency, so to say.
E: I understand. One thing I am worried about is that I can't get straight direct answers to some questions... talking like this is easy, and your answers just come to my head, but when I come to questions such as "what exactly is xyz", some part in me blocks, or I just don't seem to be able to hear you as easily.
Z: That's partly because your mind tries to understand everything it processes, and if it doesn't have something to relate it to, it automatically thinks "well, in this case I just can't know that, I don't know where to put it". The other part is that you're afraid to making errors in public.
E: That's true. But anyway, that is getting better I guess... as long as you say I get accurate information it's okay. It's only that when such questions come up, I get stuck with details, and tense up mentally...
Z: Don't care about it. Get what you can, if it's not enough for people they can always give you more detailed questions to relay, so you can slowly build up the whole idea. For questions like how did buddhism change, it would be comfortable if you read some things about what is considered buddhism nowadays, so we can comment on it more easily, as you provide the framework in which we can work.
E: Okay.
Z: Don't worry too much, if something blocks go on and come back to it later... if you stare at the blockage, it won't go away. Relaxing is the key.
E: Then I'll relax and answer some questions.
Z: That's fine. One thing we have to add before we begin... there are no questions you have to be afraid of, it's us who give the answers, and as long as you can hear 'yes' and 'no' accurately there's no problem at all. You will notice that when you come back later to questions you avoided, you'll have a better approach now than you had some time ago.

"[...] the brain can be influenced from the outside [...]"

Ashen: Q: 1. What can we do to prevent/minimise these influences from outside?

Z: First of all, your brain is not you. Of course you can be affected if you blindly follow the patterns in your mind, but the best defense against such mind control is to be conscious. This control cannot really force you to do something you don't want to do, it rather makes you believe you want to do it. You subconscious can pick up messages, and even if your mind is full of junk, if you are aware of what is going on inside of you you always have to chance or possibility for not giving in to such subtle suggestions implanted into your head. You will notice that this sounds similar to the way guides work - nudging your mind into a certain direction, giving subtle ideas. That is true, it can be compared, that's why it's even more important to be self-conscious and to base your actions not simply on random junk in your mind. The first defense you can apply, in that sense, is awareness and consciousness. If you are weak and lazy, your naturally active mind could become more and more passive and unknowingly influenced by such things. But you can always let those messages come , with the intent to clearly see what they say, to recognize them, and to say yes or no to them, while staying fully aware of yourself. That's probably better than blocking them off into the unconscious, which doesn't filter them that way.
E: What about ... aluminium helmets, or whatever people use to shield themselves from that things?
Z: Such devices work, but they aren't necessary as long as you're not intensely and specifically bombarded with such messages... consider them like ear-plugs if your neighborhood is too loud. Too loud sounds can damage the ears.

2. Could you recommend any technique/excercise to radically quicken our spiritual development? :)

Z: You probably expect something like "move you energy from a to b, visualize a golden sphere, and boom your vibration increased by 20Hz". We have to disappoint you here, the answer is: live with enthusiasm, don't run away from things you should face, be down-to-earth and learn your lessons. Your spirituality is not seperated from your life on earth, and spiritual development comes through experience, not through techniques and exercises.
E: How does energy work affect our spiritual development?
Z: It can affect your perception of things, and it's similar to physical work-out, just on a different level. A strong and trained body doesn't make you more  'spiritual' than anyone other, and the same applies to other levels. If you are aware of energy (as more and more people are), it makes sense to train the body in that way, but it shouldn't be overdone, either. Natural, gradual development comes along automatically if you live close to your own nature.
E: It's like... people who sit and eat and do nothing else the whole week, and want to do some exercises in the weekend to keep their body fit.
Z: Exactly that's it. The best training of everything is achieved by using it in a natural way; maybe not the quickest training, but the safest and most stable one.
E: So if a thoughful diet and regular movements of all body parts gives you a natural body... what would be natural for the energy body?
Z: You always get messages from your body on what you should do. If you eat too much and feel bad - don't continue that way. On an energy level, if you feel weak or spaced-out or ungrounded or just uncomfortable in a part of your body, look at what you've done in the time before that, and see if you can find anything. If you spent time with a person who got on your nerves, how did you deal with that in that situation? Blocking, relaxing, accepting, denying - you will get to know how your energy level and body are influenced by your experiences in the world by that, if you make it a regular habit of looking at it.

Euphoric_sunrise: Music, as i'm sure you know, is a huge part of life. As i understand the Zeta feel no emotions, which, to me, is the core of music, but do they listen to music? Are there any types of music that give off negative vibes?

Z: Yes, emotions are for many people the core of music. But it can also be seen from different angles. You can feel the music in every part of you, you can dive into it, this is is what humans emphasize on... feeling, and experiencing through feeling. You can see it from a more mental perspective (to reinforce once again our image of cold, mental beings, which seems to be true from your side, but it still a bias and only a part of what we really are), and perceive the elements of the music in that way. Music doesn't make our bodies produce all those hormones which make you feel this or that way, but it's great nevertheless and we enjoy it. That doesn't mean we have an orchestra here, and some CD boxes from home for this long yourney, but music is nothing we don't know. About negative vibes: yes, music can carry negative 'vibes' as well. That depends on what is negative for a person, but there is music which is plain aggressive or similar... it's all determind by the ones composing and playing their music, as it was them who brought it to life, and their imprint is there.

I'm just wondering about the belief the Zeta have of an after-life. For example, i've heard of a theory from Bruce Moan (sp?) that humans create their own after-life according to their beliefs, and there are different zones of after-life which vibrate at different frequencies, or something similar. Could the Zeta give their thoughts on this issue?

Z: It's true that after you finish live, it needs some time to get used to your new surroundings, and many of the old believes you had your whole life are still with you then and superimpose themselves on your perception and awareness. This is why, on a higher level, where things manifest more easily, you first create your after-life according to your beliefs, if you need to still have a certain experience (to round off your life, so to say), or if you just don't want to let go yet. There are different zones, yes, where people can land, depending on their 'vibration'... they are attracted to those places, and live there until the move on. What basically happens between incarnations is that you review your past life experiences, integrate them in your whole being, which means that you get to see clearly the lessons you learned, and then you move on and prepare for whatever you do next. Most of the time (or most people) then just go straight on to their next life.
E: I've read one time that after death you go up and up, always higher until you get to some source, and then you start to descend again until you incarnate.
Z: How far 'up' you go, depends... some souls bring their awareness to higher levels for a period of rest, others don't; in general, from your point of view, you only go up one level, get things sorted out for the past and the future (learned lessons, next life), and then go down again. That's a rough schema, though.

E: I think I'll finish here. I really enjoyed this session, it flowed and flowed... probably because these questions were easy.
Z: Yes, they were, but nevertheless it's important to answer them. The easy questions are often the most important ones. That doesn't mean we don't care about details, only that it's good to have a general understanding before going too deep into details.
E: I totally agree :)
E: So... good night, it was a real pleasure to talk to you this time.
Z: So it was for us. Sleep well.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on October 31, 2003, 21:03:59
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Van-Stolin on November 01, 2003, 00:09:37
Oh I have a question.  I don't know if it was asked or not though.  

Have there ever been beings on the planet that seem similir to humans, but have animal characteristics?

When the pole shift occers will everyone have better access to the astral?

Thanks if you ask them.  This is an interesting read.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Dark Knight on November 01, 2003, 03:25:56
I can't believe I'm doing this....I'd like to have a conversation with the greys (I refuse to call them Zetas) if it can be arranged.

What's happenign to me?

PM me oe email me if you can.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Dark Knight on November 01, 2003, 03:32:27

The Ra Material? Was channeled by Carla Rueckert from the Ra beings (Ra is a 6D group, not an individual "god").

Carla was severly punished by negs for channeling them and even contracted Lupis. I had conversation with her a few years back, but haven't spoken to he for some time. I could try to find her email address if you like?

No, I don't think that's why you asked the question...sorry[}:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on November 05, 2003, 20:10:21
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on November 06, 2003, 11:57:51
Hey, t'other day I was listening to C2CAM, and the host was, uh... some guy who wrote those "Journey Through the Sacred Garden" book or something. He's some guy with music that triggers out of body experience. ( I want his books and his CDs, they played samples and I could feel them starting to work)

Anyways, he said he communicated with beings that looked like how you describe yourselves (or how the people talking to you describe you). He said that they said that they're merely particles of consciousness that exist everywhere and that they're the builders of the universe. They keep things together, and that the tall, big ones that look like htem are hte destroyers, that try to take apart the universe.

You wouldn't happen to be either of these, would you?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on November 10, 2003, 13:24:11
Got some more questions.

So, you guys have different groups with different tasks? Do you know what other tasks the other groups do?

Do you always stand in that room  waiting for these guys to talk?

How many other  aliens look like you guys?

Why do you guys have such a bad reputation?

How come none of hte other alien species on the ship ever come to your sessions? You should grab one and have him talk.

How many species are on the ship,l again?

So, uh, what exactly is the ship made out of since it can go back and forth between 3D and 4D?

How exactly do you guys do that?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on November 10, 2003, 14:37:16
Here are some questions I've came up with that've been on mind recently and a while back.

1) What is behind the Chupacabra stories?

2) What is the cause of 'spontaneous human combustion'?

3) What are in the other galaxies of the physical universe and has each galaxy been designed to support a type of life?

4) How would you compare the kind of music you usually listen to with the kind of music we usually listen to and is it possible for 'Zeta music' to be transcribed into something we can hear?

5) Who built Stonehenge and from where did they receive their astronomical information?

6) Are tales of Atlantis based on a civilization that actually existed once?

7) From where did the 'seed of life' spread to Nibiru?

8) What happened to dinosaurs and what purpose did they serve here? Were they wiped out so Earth could start supporting mankind?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on November 10, 2003, 17:17:22
What's the deal with crop circles?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on November 16, 2003, 14:25:50
Zeta Conversation

Another short one... I haven't been able to find much time for this lately, but at least I'm catching up with all the old unanswered questions now.

no_leaf_clover: Question for Zetas: What happened to Phobos 2?

Z: This probe was destroyed as it came near Phobos, the moon of Mars.
E: Why? Is there something on Phobos which doesn't want to be known?
Z: On Phobos, there are the inhabitants of Nibiru.  It's not allowed for mankind to meet them.
E: Who's preventing them from this?
Z: The same ones who are watching earth at this moment.
E: And who destroyed Phobos 2 then?
Z: Those on the moon Phobos. They want to remain undisturbed there.
E: Ok, so why isn't it allowed to meet them?
Z: Because of what happened in your past... basically, they used to use their physical strength and technological superiority to control humans and use them for whatever they liked, much like slavery. This got too much at one point (this was several thousand years ago), so this was put to an end by higher forces, so man could go on in his development undisturbed.

euphoric_sunrise: I'm just wondering about the belief the Zeta have of an after-life. For example, i've heard of a theory from Bruce Moan (sp?) that humans create their own after-life according to their beliefs, and there are different zones of after-life which vibrate at different frequencies, or something similar. Could the Zeta give their thoughts on this issue?

Z: After death, you have some time to sort out remaining issues... strong beliefs, denials and fears, convictions, all those attract you to a place where you can experience them until you have finished those lessons. You don't create this after-life from scratch, but rather get attracted and go to a place which is like this. After this is done, most people prepare for their next life, after reviewing the one they just had with special 'teachers', similar to a school.

I recently read a book by Whitley Strieber (sp?) called "Communion" where he remembers, through hypnosis, instances where he was abducted. I remember him mentioning something about the image of an owl as a memory he thought was to screen his mind from remembering what really happened. Do these screen memories exist, are they created by the ailens or the humans, and do the Zetas create the memories? If so, is this done so as not to scare the humans?

Z: Yes, those screen memories exist. Sometimes the human mind can't make much sense of a situation, but this doesn't happen to the extent of covering a whole experience like this with an image of an owl. So this image was not created by himself, but by the ones who initiated this experience. They were oriented positively, and got the message to his subconscious - he would have blocked off too much of it if he had kept it in his conscious mind. His memory was not erased, but only covered, because it wouldn't do good to force the mind to forget something it has already engraved in its neurons.
E: What is responsible for memory? The brain? Or is memory also stored somewhere else, e.g. in non-physical bodies?
Z: During your life on earth, your brain is the link to memory. It does not store the memory itself, but it stores the references to it. As long as you are operating in this body, you will most likely need the brain to access memory. Of course there are other forms of existence, where you don't have to remember, but have instant access to information.
E: Is it like this after death? Or do we work like this when we are enlightened, ascended, or whatever?
Z: After death, the senses of the physical body don't get in the way anymore. This makes more and more direct acquisition of knowledge possible... if you want to know something, you just direct your mind there and 'look' at it, or perceive it in any way. This is not feasible (and not necessary anyhow) while living in the physical - your bodies are made that way, and sometimes it is good not having everything present at once. It will at some point in your evolution be that you are not anymore concerned with _holding_ information, but with _understanding_ it, and realizing it in your life. At the moment this is mixed.

E: I'd like to finish for now, okay?
Z: As you wish. We're looking forward for the next time, when you're more relaxed... you weren't that focussed this time, but don't worry, you didn't get anything wrong. Good night for now.
E: Thank you, bye.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hyperdimensional on November 17, 2003, 20:53:55
Hi Edi,

I have a question to the zetas,

Sometimes I feel myself living in more than one dimension at the same time, that's one reason I believe why I could have precognition experiences, but what the zetas think about this?

Best regards
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on November 18, 2003, 17:26:15
Hey girls and boys,

I've just had a nice session with Glenn (ImmortalSource here on the forums) and his guide, and we ended up talking to the Zetas... which went just fabulous, so have fun reading this transcript!

Glenn in blue,
Edi in red,
Zetas in green and
Sherna, Glenn's guide, in maroon!

Glenn says:
Hey Edi
Edi says:
Glenn says:
Hows u?
Edi says:
Quite fine, I'm more relaxed now... earlier this evening, there were lots of things going on which kept my mind from focusing.
Glenn says:
Yes, im relaxed to, had a long chat with people, so im feeling good at the moment
Glenn says:
You wanna try anything?
Edi says:
Sure   If everything's quiet at your place (as it is here), I'd like to have a conversation with your guide here on MSN.
Glenn says:
The TV is on, but i block that out  
Edi says:
That doesn't matter if you're able to keep your focus here.
Glenn says:
Yes, sure thats ok then
Glenn says:
If im saying somthing wrong, because your more advanced than me, will you be able to tell and correct me please?
Glenn says:
So i know if im saying it myself
Glenn says:
Edi says:
I'll check everything you write with your guide, and add myself where it is necessary.
Glenn says:
Thats good then!  
Glenn says:
How will you have a conversation with my guide?
Glenn says:
You ask me the q's
Glenn says:
i tell you the answer?
Glenn says:
Ill put my status as away for now, so no1 bothers me
Glenn says:
Edi says:
We will have a 3-way conversation here, or 4 if we include my guide... you'll relay what I ask here to her, and write down her answers. At the same time, I'm in direct contact with Sherna to check how to proceed. Is that okay?
Glenn says:
AutoMessage: I'm not available
Glenn says:
Thats fine
Glenn says:
AutoMessage: I said I was not available
Edi says:
Ah, you could turn off your AutoMessage which says you're not available.
Glenn says:
Cant be doping with that
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
We could also post this on
Glenn says:
Edi says:
That would be good for the others there.
Glenn says:
Sure would
Glenn says:
Ill begin when your ready
Edi says:
Say hi to sherna from me
Glenn says:
She says "Hello Edi"
Glenn says:
ill put it as S: from now on
Edi says:
That's fine.
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Hello Sherna, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Glenn says:
S: its a pleasure to meet you two Edi, how are you doing?
Edi says:
I'm very fine now, thanks... this is another evening where I got 'caught' on MSN, there's always so much to talk.
Glenn says:
S: Yes there is, and Glenn is advancing quickly"
Edi says:
Yes, I was amazed by that... he's surely having a good start with you there.
Glenn says:
S: and im glad to, 16 years ive waited!
Glenn says:
S: Hes just still not sure on the part which many people get caught up on.......Is it him, or me
Edi says:
That's natural. I've seen it with so much people... but I guess only experience can show what it really is. And after all, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Glenn says:
S: He can see me, he keeps seeing me, he knows what i look like now, though he is not 100% sure of it
Glenn says:
S: you're dead right, there is nothing to be afraid of, but people just dont 'Accept' what is happening
Edi says:
Do you suggest we should do anything to improve his link, or just go on talking like this?
Glenn says:
S: I think gradually we need to improve hs link, so he can be 100% focused and sure of what is happening, because as of now, he is not, he belives its real, but cannot 'Accept' it 100%
Glenn says:
S: But he will do soon
Glenn says:
S: but for now, we shall talk like this
Edi says:
That's what you said directly to me, thanks for saying the same here  
Glenn says:
S: Its a pleasure
Glenn says:
Edi, i dont understand what you mean there?
Edi says:
You see, I too like to have confirmation and validation every now and then, even if I should have no doubts at all about it.
Glenn says:
<<<Just turniong the TV off
Glenn says:
Edi says:
... I've asked Sherna directly via telepathy if we should just talk on or play some game to improve the link
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
What does she say?
Glenn says:
S: Play a game?
Glenn says:
I think i got
Glenn says:
Im unsure
Edi says:
Like, if we should do some visualisations, or playing hide-and-seek...
Edi says:
Stay relaxed, you're doing fine
Glenn says:
S: Glenn was very good at hide and seek with mayatnik
Glenn says:
Im good at everything   Joke
Edi says:
Yes, I've read that... it's fun at first, especially when you discover that it's easy.
Glenn says:
S: Glenn knows its easy, he just needs to 'dig deap' and find his true self
Glenn says:
S: hes yet got a lot to learn
Edi says:
We all have to.
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
S: As Glenn just said.......True
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Glenn says:
S: Ahh, Glenn feels like he is getting better at this, hes becoming more 'focused on me'
Glenn says:
Yup, i sure am!
Edi says:
Talking like this on MSN really helps with this, because then you can't think too much about it, and just type.
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Sherna said that, forgot the S:
Glenn says:
S: never mind, it's Ok  
Edi says:
So now that it's rolling like that, would you two like to have a conversation with the Zetas?
Glenn says:
I get butterflies when you said that because it gets me excited
Glenn says:
S: dont get too excited Glenn, it can get you out of focus
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
S: Dont worry about it
Edi says:
It's just ... talking.
Glenn says:
S: But yes Edi, he would love to
Glenn says:
Edi says:
That's why I ask.
Edi says:
The Zeta representative is standing ready, and Sherna can connect you as soon as you're ready.
Glenn says:
Ok......Im ready!
Edi says:
I'll stay in the background and watch... feel free to ask them anything you like.
Edi says:
You can tell Sherna to connect you.
Glenn says:
Connect me please Sherna
Glenn says:
S: Okies
Glenn says:
I am seeing four, its this correct Edi? Please tell me if i am wrong, it will help me to progress.........
Glenn says:
Or two
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Ask them about it  
Glenn says:
S: Take your time Glenn
Glenn says:
Ok, Ok, Right now i will not be answering any questions from until im 100% sure, is this ok?
Glenn says:
Z: That is fine
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Z: Hello Glenn, glad to have you with us
Glenn says:
Im more glad to have you with me
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
I will start by asking, are you on the mothership?
Glenn says:
Z: yes we are
Glenn says:
Your'e the representitve yes?
Glenn says:
Z: yes
Glenn says:
Right, is there anything you would like to add to me at this time or to anyone?
Glenn says:
Z: Not right now.....Thats ok
Glenn says:
Z: Were here to answer your questions
Glenn says:
Z: And to help you as much as i can
Glenn says:
First off, planet X, nancy said you said this would happen may 2003, but this hasnot, how come?
Glenn says:
Z: It was a mis interpretation from nancy, we did not give that date, as we cannot tell when it is going to happen as of yet, but the people on Earth will know when it is going to heppen because of the signs
Glenn says:
What signs will these be?
Glenn says:
Z: Volcanoes, more hurricanes, Migrating birds to the wrong place, things like that
Glenn says:
Do you want to add anything Edi?
Glenn says:
S: id like to add Glenn, that your doing Very Well! very pleased for you
Glenn says:
Thanks Sherna
Edi says:
Yes... there was a purpose behind that date.
Edi says:
Try to find out more about it.
Glenn says:
What was the purpose behind that date?
Glenn says:
Z: the purpose was to see how the "Government" would prepare for this, we seen how they prepared, and i can tell you that they do not care about your safety
Glenn says:
Why dont they care about the 'peoples' safety?
Glenn says:
Z: Because they are interested in knowing everything first, before anyone else, this is how they work, they like to keep it a 'Secret'
Glenn says:
Im going to ask you something i dont know, to see how i am prgressing, to see what answer i get, and Edi and my guide can clarify this for me ok?
Glenn says:
Z: That is fine with us
Glenn says:
let me think.........
Glenn says:
Are there 'Aliens' On planet mars?
Glenn says:
Z: Not on the Surface
Glenn says:
Z: But underneath the ice
Glenn says:
Z: The whole which you see on mars were created from mining
Glenn says:
You said that another species created the pyramids, yet why would there be egyptian writing on the walls, and not your language or their language?
Glenn says:
Z: This is because when we built it, for rest, we left, we did not mark anything, nothing at all, as of what i know, yet when the Egyptians arrived, they carved into it, making it look like they built the pyramids, they did not intentionally do this to kake you think they did, they were just 'curious'
Glenn says:
A right, i get it now
Glenn says:
Thank you
Glenn says:
Z: its a pleasure
Glenn says:
Edi would you like to add anything as i have no further questions as of yet
Glenn says:
S: Dont worry about it Glenn, you've done really good
Edi says:
You're doing fantastic, yes.
Glenn says:
S: Whenever you want to end, just say the magick word  
Glenn says:
Well i dont want to waste their time, so i would like to end it here
Glenn says:
I thank you for your time and patience, would you like me to post this on AstralPulse?
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Ok thank you and goodbye
Glenn says:
Z: Goodbye...
Edi says:
Glenn says:
Ok Edi, that was real good, but first, i really gotta peeeeeeeeeeeeee
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Im Back
Edi says:
Some remarks... as you have seen with the question regarding the date, it is important not to just finish with the first question, but to ask from other sides if something couldn't be clear yet... to ask about the surroundings of that topic, and whatever could be important.
Edi says:
Much can come in by that, and will give a much clearer picture than by just one question.
Glenn says:
Were the answers correct, or did it all come from me?
Glenn says:
Ill keep that in mind
Glenn says:
I feel tired after that for some reason why is this?
Edi says:
You've heard accurately what they said, as your guide can confirm.
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Emotional tension... you were stressing yourself because this is new to you.
Edi says:
I too needed to take some deep breaths after my first time  
Glenn says:
You can post this one Edi, just remember to tell them who i am Glenn, and on the forum ImmortalSource  
Glenn says:
Yes, i feel tired
Glenn says:
and breathless
Edi says:
Rest and breathe, you've done very well here.
Glenn says:
Thanks, i will
Edi says:
Your guide can arrange for such sessions whenever you like if you tell her in advance.
Glenn says:
Like tell her now?
Glenn says:
Before i even finishe, i got "yes yes yes yes yes lol"
Glenn says:
Thats the thing also Edi, when i am asking a question, i always seem to know the answer before i have asked it
Glenn says:
Its wierd
Glenn says:
Edi says:
I meant you can contact the zetas whenever you like, on your own (with your guide's help).
Glenn says:
Ok thank you, i will  
Edi says:
Sherna can tell you much about the mechanisms of telepathy... how the answers come, how the translation takes place and so on.
Glenn says:
Ill ask later on after ive rested
Glenn says:
Edi says:
I often get the answer the exact moment I begin to formulate the question.
Edi says:
You'll have time to do that.
Glenn says:
Yes, that how it works with me lol
Edi says:
Another thing... it's very good to (as you did) formally initiate the contact, and then close it again, to create the right 'frame' around it.
Glenn says:
I dont understand....
Glenn says:
Edi, will you please tell me a few things which you know that the Governemt does not want us to know, please?  
Glenn says:
After that contact with the Zeta's, im all shaky
Edi says:
I meant: you say "Please connect me now", and at the end you say "goodbye", and end the conversation with them that way... that's better than to just stop talking, and is the general etiquette that should be applied when talking to any being... make clear when it starts and when it ends.
Glenn says:
Yes, its also very polite as well, i understand what you mean now   thanks
Glenn says:
Edi, will you please tell me a few things which you know that the Governemt does not want us to know, please?   incase you mist it
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Hehe... I'm not government-basher, so I don't have much of that ready.
Glenn says:
Lol, but do you know anything they dont want us to know, even the smallest of thing?
Edi says:
I don't fight actively against the government/establishment by gathering facts and information... there are others who are in a better position to do this.
Glenn says:
Like Mayatnik, he knows a lot about them
Edi says:
They don't want us to know that 'aliens' exist.
Edi says:
For example  
Glenn says:
Thats true, but we know, butt holes
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
When are you going to post that on astralforum?
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Now, I'm just thinking about what to include... I think I'll put in everything from the beginning up to here, so readers can see the whole of it.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: moka on November 19, 2003, 09:40:40
Congrats Glenn!Insert

I have a few questions for the Zeti:

1-Can you give me a good reason to beileve you and not beileve any other theories about the afterlife and stuff like that?

2-Who is Prophet Mohammed to you and other saints and prophets?
3-Do you beileve in the existence of god?How do you worship God?
4-I've read that alot of people are gonna die,why are you choosing only specific ones?
5-I also heard and actually saw the effects that abductions have on people,some are really negative,actually I've seen a story here on this very forum.How do you explain that?

Ok thanks alot,those are all the questions I have.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: aleshah on November 22, 2003, 04:42:40
Hallo mayatnik & edi

I have some questions for the Zeta:
1.Tell me some words about the picture, what will happen on earth in 20 years without your help.Tell me what will happen 20 years,if you help.

2.Don't you have nothing else to do?Why are you ruleing on earth?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Fuzziwig on December 02, 2003, 08:20:02
Hello all
Me and my human guide Jopeha would like to comment on some of Aleshahs questions.
Comment on 'Why are you ruleing on earth?'
I first took some definitions from a dictionary to make it more clear what was meant (marked in red). I have from that question put out subquestions marked in green to explain it best way possible. Original questions also marked green but italicized. Aleshah, if you have a different idea of the question and dont feel that its answered, let me know.

Rule: the exercise of authority or control
Authority: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior
Control : to exercise restraining or directing influence over

Are the zeta exercising authority on the planet earth ?

F: Does the zeta have power to influence on the planet earth ?
J: The zeta dont have immediate power to influence, but their presence gives them attention which can be percieved as power. The zeta are helping as well, and its this helping that gives the illusion of power, however it is not really power since the humans have to agree to be helped.
F: Attention which leads to tvshows and ufo clubs ?
J: Those are some of the directions the attention takes yes. Others percieve the zeta as a threat and tries to defend themselfs against them in anyway possible. For many its unknown and therefore something to fear. That is why its good to atleast get some information about the zeta and act on ones own opinion.
F: You said that the humans have to agree to be helped by the zeta. Could you explain further?
J: The zeta have a function in helping in many ways. The agreement does however take place in most cases on a higher level. That means that the guides have agreed on this help from the zeta. It happens though that humans are asked directly when it is needed.
F: Are the zeta commanding thought on humans ?
J: The humans have their own thoughts and ideas and are not commanded to think in any way by the zeta. It is for humans to decide what to think.
F: Opinions ?
J: The same goes for this one.
F: Behavior ?
J: Behavior is not commanded by the zeta. Guidelines can be put out to meet the most benifical result of an agreement between the humans in this case and the zeta. However free will are still in hands of humans so they could oppose to these guidelines and do what they want.
F: Would there be any consequences to such an opposing act ?
J: Well were not talking about diciplinary acts or such. So no harm would come to the opposing. The agreement however would have to be evalutated and further actions decided.

Are the zeta exercising control on the planet earth ?

F: Are the zeta exercising restraining influence on the planet earth ?
J: No, they are not.
F: Are the zeta exercising directing influence on the planet earth ?
J: They are doing this, but not without the cooperation of the humans.
F: And this cooperation includes the previous agreement mentioned ?
J: Yes

F: So are the zeta ruling the planet earth ?
J: They are not ruling as such. If you take our conversations in account, you can see that it is only by the humans agreement that the zeta can have influence. If the humans refrained from recieving help from the zeta then that would also be a possibility.

Comment on 'Don't you have nothing else to do?'

F: Don't the zeta have nothing else to do than help us ?
J: They do have other things to do and they are. Currently they are helping other species as well.

That concludes for this time.
I would like to know where you got the idea that the zeta are ruling earth, Aleshah [:)]. Especially if something on this thread has led to that idea. I hope this has cleared up some things though.

Light and Compassion
Fuzziwig and Jopeha
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on December 03, 2003, 23:52:13
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on December 04, 2003, 15:21:56
Hello there, I have a question if I may :o)

Does the so-called biblecode have any relevance to any of this?
Or any relevance at all which you may comment on? This is just a subject I find interesting :o) Thankyou for your time.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on December 04, 2003, 16:46:17
Oops! Sorry, I didn't see the previous question, ignore the above :o)
I have a question though, if I may :

"if you are not allowed to directly interfere with our development, why the warning about the poleshift, and the subsequent contact you have with us?"

Thankyou :o)

P.s, you said earlier that we may ask personal questions?
I have one if I may..
"The last two months, I have had almost uncontrollable sexual desires.. has energy work got anything to do with this? Thankyou"

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: celticmagick909 on December 15, 2003, 05:44:00
I actually posted a new topic instead of replying, because i'm a newbie...So here it is again.

Hello all,

I have some questions I would like awnsered by the Zetas, or by the Pleiadians. I so far have recently had 3 dreams concerning aliens. The first was an encounter of which I believe were Pleiadians where I was taken upon a space ship, but this dream didn't have much signifagance for the dream just took another direction, and turned out to be a typical dream.

The second dream was during the same night, and I know it was concerning the zetas, because the dream started where I was standing outside of a house with I think 3 other people I don't remember if I knew these people or not, but we were standing there when all of the sudden we notice lights in the sky that were moving in formation with each other. Then all of the sudden one came down from the sky, and hovered above this house which was a log home, or just had wooden siding, but anyways we us people were standing there in awe of the craft, when two I'm pretty sure Zetas appeared, or they were just Grays, or whatever. They appeared on the top of the wooden deck that was connected to the side of the house, and looked at us for a couple moments when one of them gestured for me to come to them. I was resilient at first, but soon obliged. As I walked up the steps of the deck they reached their hands out as if the help me up the deck. I remember trying not to grip their hands to tight so I didn't hurt them cause of their petite figure, but I soon found out that their hands didn't feel frail at all. After this happened this is where the dream ended, and I woke up dissapointed.

Now the third dream just happened last night. I don't seem to recall too much of this dream, and its surroundings except that this took place on my old street that I grew up as a kid from about age 1 to about age 13, but anyways I remember being their, and I remember being alone just out in the middle of the street, and I began to look up at the sky to find about 7 lights in the sky moving counter-clockwise in a cirlce, and also making other sudden movements. I remember acknowledging consiously that these were aliens, but that was about the only point of control that I have of this dream until later. As I looked up at the sky I think maybe 2 ships came down, but i'm not too sure. But I do remember one of the ships having a triagle shape with green lights resembling long cylindrical florescent-neon type lights. The ship wasn't directly overhead, but probally 75-100 feet infront of me at about 50 feet of heighth. The ship then shot down a neon-colored blue beam as if to beam up things into the ship. I sat there, and looked at it, and wondered why it had beemed down where there was nothing....When all of the sudden I got pulled from where I was to where the beam was to find a alien standing there in my presence. He was about my height which is 6'3", and had green tinted skin. I had to speak verbally to talk to him, but he could speak to me telepathically, and I could tell he was a male by the sound I heard in my mind. I said "Hello". And he responded, "Hello". I then stood there looking at him, and consiously thinking if he benevolent or not. So I proceded to ask him consiously if he believed in peace, love, and unity. He responded, "The universe was founded up peace, love, and unity, and I am also". After that I tended to trust him a little more, but not fully when I felt a upwards pulling feeling on my body, and it actually felt pleasent, and I wasn't afraid except for a little bit of anxiety. I then saw the ground getting farther away, and I saw the surrounding houses get smaller when I then was lifted into the space ship where I saw this square hatch close beneath where I was. I looked around and seen darker red walls with designs on them, and I found my self thinking it looked like carpet on the But it was a smaller room, and I was kinda expecting the be in a huge room, or something. So I looked behind me and found a little square hole that had stairs decending down into what looked like a bigger room that was white, and was illuminated with white light for what I could see. And that's when well people the dream ended! Kinda made me But I remember trying to tell myself to go back to sleep, and continue on with dream, but with no avail.

I'm actually expecting, or hope to have another dream like this again sometime in the near future. So if anyone could ask the Zetas, about Doug Smith in Rhinelander, WI, U.S.A. it would be greatly appreciated, and I hope you all enjoy the rather not exciting ending dreams of

Doug Smith
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: hysterix on December 22, 2003, 21:33:02
I have a good question, how do they (Zeta's) expect us to believe anything they say, after they obviously lead us on about the poleshift event in may, if they exist at all that is.

How conveniant that after it dosen't happen, ol' nancy simply says it was to lead on the rich, no way could it of been anything else other than that.

I absolutly believe that aliens are visiting us, I've seen ufo's flying  in the sky, it's just that until I have a face-to-face convo.  with one, (witch I would gladly have) I don't know if I'm ready to believe what someone is interpreting in there head to be actually true.

Proof is all I ask for, is that really too much to ask?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on December 23, 2003, 07:02:46
Well, hysterix, you can't just believe them based on what you read. You should always have a little doubt about things you read on the Internet.

They have answered that question in this thread, though.

Face to face, huh? Well, uh... Go read the Pendulum topic. It's one of Mayatnik's topics.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nagual on December 24, 2003, 07:40:30
While I understand that someone wants proofs; I am always a little bit puzzled when people "demand" that people spend some time to prove it to them...
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: celticmagick909 on December 25, 2003, 14:55:33
Here I got some really interesting questions to be awnsered by anyone! Oh I took em off a site, and figured I'd post em for their hard to

Are all the (measurable) dimensionless parameters that characterize the physical Universe, calcuable in principle, or are some merely determined by historical or quantum mechanical accident and uncalcuable?

How can quantum gravity help explain the origin of the Universe?

What is the lifetime of the proton and how do we understand it?

Is Nature supersymmetric, and if so, how is supersymmetry broken?

Why does the Universe appear to have one time and three space dimensions?

Why does the cosmological constant have the value that it has? Is it zero and is it really constant?

What are the fundamental degrees of freedom of M Theory (the theory whose low-energy limit is eleven-dimensional supergravity and that subsumes the five consistent superstring theories) and does the theory describe nature?

What is the resolution of the black hole information paradox?

What physics explains the enormous disparity between the gravitational scale and the typical mass scale of the elementary particles?

Can we quantitatively understand quark and gluon confinement in quantum chromodynamics and the existence of a mass gap?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on December 28, 2003, 17:37:45
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on December 30, 2003, 03:34:22
Questions like CelticMagick posted would be tests more for the channeler than the being that's being channeled. Channeling information on things that we've been exposed to in our life, like people or places or familiar ideas, is one thing, but channeling information on things that you have no concept of is completely different.

I've had sessions with Mayatnik and Edi to learn to channel, and it was difficult enough to learn to interpret colors and words (for me anyway). I'm sure with practice those things would become easier to channel, but I can't imagine how much practice it would take for someone to be able to channel concepts and ideas that are completely alien to them without having to have an OBE or something similar for further explanation. Even then, I would imagine explaining quantum mechanics would be quite difficult.

It would be ridiculous for someone to try to channel answers to Celtic's questions without already having at least some knowledge of the things he inquires about. If someone attempted it, they would surely channel horribly inaccurate information or would simply become confused, unless they had some uber gosu channeling capabilities.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 01, 2004, 20:01:44
Zeta Conversation

Z... Zeta
E... Edi
P... Perena, my guide

Z: Hello. After that long time, it's good to see you again. Maybe you might explain to the audience why you took such a long break without any updates here.
E: Okay... basically, I spent too much time online which eventually started to have negative effects on my personal life. I need much time for my studies, for friends and for 'normal' living, and I thought I could have all things at once.
Z: You've learned now that your personal life comes first, no matter what others would like tosee you doing, no matter if others 'need' you. You cannot help anyone when you aren't stable and grounded in your personal life.
E: Yes... you never requested anything from me, so it was only myself running too fast until I stumbled...
Z: There is enough time, you don't need to feel pressed at doing anything.
E: I know now :) Well that's it... would you like to comment more?
Z: Yes. It's a common attitude that people think they have to reach much in a short time. But when they focus on such external things that are still far away, they neglect the area where they could work best and gain the most benefit. If you want to reach anything in what you call 'spirituality', it has to be a gradual awakening which begins where you are, which begins with people and things around you, and not somewhere else. The lessons you need to learn cannot be avoided. Spirituality is neither meditation nor energy manipulation or any fancy thing like that. It's easy to look into the wrong direction. That's all we wanted to say.

euphoric_sunrise: Another question regarding Whitley Strieber: Was he abducted? If so, was it by the Zeta?

Z: Yes, he was in contact with aliens.
E: I'm just getting confused by all those different kinds and species and races ...
Z: Suffice to say, there are lots of groups and the distinction positive/negative, zeta/etc. is a very rough one, although suitable for the level we need here.
P: When channeling, such feelings as you just had are a very good indicator on how to continue... you feel how easy or not you hear the words, and whenever you get uncomfortable, it's a sign to ask 'easy' questions about the topic because you don't have a good foundation there. This way, you will avoid the risk of distorting what you get. There are of course limits to channeling (you are still a beginner), but those can be dealt with easily if you pay notice to the feeling of the talk.
E: Thanks for that clarification...
Z: Strieber was abducted, but not by us.

What's the significance of the triad, or the triangle symbol? Is it simply symbolic or does it give off some kind of frequency?

Z: There's no meaning to it. People tend to mystify everything, and if they see a regularitysomewhere, they forget the fact that their mind often presents only what they want to see, cutting off the rest. You will find 3 points or 3 sides everywhere in nature if you look at it the right way.

Can you give us any information on the 12-strands of DNA mentioned in "Bringers of the Dawn?" I realise this book is channeled by Pleiadians, but i figure you must have some information. What exactly are we capable of with these 12 strands active? Are many human's in the process of being aligned and remembering?

Z: Those 12 strands are (except the 2 you have now) are dormant now, and will come into action when earth passes through the photon belt.
E: Are those strands just ... disconnected, or jumbled, and floating in our physical cells? How could they then get activated?
Z: It's not physical. Your body has many layers, and every layer is just an expression of the blueprint that is available on a higher level. The changes will come from above, so your whole body will adjust step by step, until finally you have those strands expressed in the physical body, too.
E: Is it possible, from a biological point of view, to have 12 strands of DNA? I can imagine howit is with 2, but I've never heard of something having more than 2 strands of DNA.
Z: Nature has it's ways to do that.
E: Some words about our capabilities with those 12 active strands?
Z: Telepathy, and extra sensory perception in general. More resistance to illnesses and fatigue.
E: What about OBEs?
Z: This is more common in 4th dimensional existence. You will be able to more easily leave your bodies at will. This is also one of the main characteristics of 4D... learning to travel around without your physical bodies.
E: Anything else on what we could do with this new DNA?
Z: Your body will be more important for you and it's needs will be more apparent ... you will see better how it is not only a physical 'vehicle', but that you are connected to it on all levels.
E: Connected in what way?
Z: Emotions, blockages, beliefs, all those things can manifest in the physical... all those little aches and pains that seem to come without cause often have their roots at a more subtle level.
E: How many humans are going through this process?
Z: All are... earth is raising to the next level, and so is everyone living on her. People who would rather not go through the changes that are about to occur, die. They prefer to incarnate again when things are steadier again.

silentjohn: 1) What about the zeta talk on other websites, like the forum at - Also ive noticed zeta talk updates, are they in the same format, or in a more apparant format now?

Z: There is no zeta talk on other websites - this forum here and the original zetatalk site are the only ones where we're channeled in a coordinated effort.
E: Aren't you in communication with lots of other people?
Z: Yes, we are. If you mean those we talk to telepathically - no other project like those 2 we mentioned is supported by us. The original zetatalk site is still being updated from time to time.

2) Any information on Kirael and the "three days of darkness"?

Z: Kirael and his message are well-intentioned and his channels don't distort the message - you can see him as a valid source of information. Those "three days of darkness" will take place, not during but after the poleshift. Those days will bring a change for human consciousness, as new energies are then integrated into the human consciousness as a whole.                                                  
3) Can we simply send "Requests" for zeta guides?

Z: Of course. A "Request" is sent by having the intent, a genuine desire to learn about the things that are unseen. If you are interested in and deal with information about certain topics, as they are discussed here on this forum for example, this will be noticed. You reach out to us by reading about us, thinking about us, etc., but remember that it is up to the guides to decide whether they work with a person actively, or if they remain in the background to arrange opportunities and situations that the person can integrate into his life or live through, or not.

cainam_nazier: 1. If the individuals own soul/consiousness wished to continue into another body, through cloning, a blank would have to be on hand or available shortly after seperation?

Z: To continue into an existing body would equired that the soul that inhabited the body before leaves, and that the new soul migrates there by being connected from the higher realms. A soul cannot forcefully push another soul out of their body. Sometimes, such an overshadowing is done temporarily (e.g. in trance channeling), but it can also happen permanently on rare occasions, if one soul decides to leave and make room for another one (that can be called a walk-in). This gives the soul that comes in the opportunity to work here on earth without having to go through the long process of education and getting hold in this world.
E: Does this mean the incoming walk-in can function normally in society? Wouldn't this be a rather big disruption of how this physical body standy in life?
Z: The memory of that incarnation is still accessible from the brain, as it contains the references to it. The walk-in knows those intellectual things like names of friends, how to drive a car and so on, because it is also stored in the body. This brings us to an interesting topic... namely, what is US and what is our BODY when we are incarnated? (I talk of 'we' because the Zeta as we are now are also incarnated from an even higher level, and from where we are now we can, and do often, incarnate on earth)
Z: The body is a vehicle in the sense that is is used to interact with other organism on it's surroundings and to learn of the effects of that interaction by the senses - this is true on all levels where a body is inhabitated. In the course of this, the incarnated entity has to learn many things anew. If you learned a language in a former life, you most like won't be able to speak it in an other incarnation without learning it again. This is because incarnations are supposed to be 'fresh' experiences, where you forget who you really are in order to learn many new things that you wouldn't learn if you remembered everything. This amnesia gives you the impulse to interact, and you can't afford being lazy that way. But all the while, there are more parts of you that you can't access during your life - this is subjectively experienced by an uncertain 'feeling' of being more than can be perceived. This bigger part of you holds back memories, abilities or knowledge - but it does give you intuition and feelings. And while we talk of those 2 apparently seperate parts - one smaller, incarnated, one bigger, that you can't see - it is important to realize that there is in reality no seperation, and that you ARE both. You are here on earth, you are your higher self, and everything you are is there all the time, except the memories of other incarnations.
E: I once thought that a little finger is to a hand the same as an incarnation is to the soul.
Z: And this is not correct. You are not less than your soul when you are incarnated, you ARE the soul. The first factor that makes you feel smaller is that you don't remember who you really are, and the second is that you overidentify with what you've learned so far in that certain life.
E: You mean that I should not identify with my social surroundings and with my education, but primarily with my feelings and my intuition?
Z: Exactly. Now back to the original question - what is US and what is our BODY? The body contains nothing of us that is not also in our soul, but the body accumulates all the experiences we had in the life, similar to scars or marks that tell you where you've hurt yourself. This is why a walk-in can continue the former life of that body in job and family and so on - but the feelings and the intuition and the desires that govern and direct that body will be different, according to the new soul, and this change is rather abrupt.

2. The way the process was explained also implies that a living thing, or rather a currently incarnated being/thing, could never be fully replicated because of the soul/consiouness. Even if the replicated being was physically similar it would vary simply on its soul/cousiouness. Is that correct?

Z: Exactly.

3. Okay and not to sound a little geeky, but lets see if we can get this concept into terms more easily understood by the general populas. The interaction between the soul, cousiousness, group consiousness, and so on seems to be a bit like it is described in Star Wars with midicalorians and the force. Would that be a fairly accurate nalogy? To clear up my meaning, that being a soul or what term is better suited, inhabits all living cells. That  together they form consiousness and bind us together with all living things.

E: Quote: "Midichlorians are a microscopic lifeform that resides within all living cells..... and we are symbionts with them... lifeforms living together to form mutual advantage. Without the midichlorians life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace
Z: There is a difference... the beings you hear of in Star Wars would be seperate lifeforms, and they don't talk about the soul there. The concept we presented was not that one soul is 'inhabited' by smaller souls, but that the sum of many souls is in essence a soul again, called the group soul. This means that there is not one soul of humanity that is seperate from all humans, but that the souls of all humans ARE the soul of humanity. This is not only a philosophical concept where you give a label to things, but the 'soul' of humanity goes through a similar evolution as all human beings.
E: I take that as a first approximation ... it could get bottomless if I ask about all the other things I see appearing there.
Z: This is fine. We explain those things in simple words, and if we come back to it later it will be necessary to revise the concepts and ideas we used here - but for the moment it is a fine illustration.

4. If I am thinking correctly, which I believe I am, in essance the individual is his/her own "group consiousness"? Just as the individual is a part of the larger group? And ultimately the universal mind?

Z: Yes, you see this correctly. You are always part of something greater (the next 'group consciousness') but your awareness is always limited to a certain stage of individualization. Evolution is experience of seperation and then merging again with that greater thing you are part of.

5. Would all of this explain why for me, and probably others as well, why many of the answers given here, even to the odder questions, are seemingly already known? That many of the answers given are the expected responce even if the question was not previously pondered by the individual?

Z: On the one hand, we present the answers so that both the channel and the readers can understand it easily - for the channel, it's necessary to understand, and for the rest, understanding is what we aim at. That you seem to already know the answers is due to the way information is learned and assimilated. You don't learn by memorizing the words you hear, but by trying to feel what those words evoke in yourself - if there is resonance, you understand what is meant. So, on the other hand, you learn by 'perceiving' things as they are. And what's more: because creation is logical or structured, you can find out a lot by using common sense.
E: Define common sense, please!
Z: Seeing things in relation to their surroundings. Feeling. Comparing with what you know. Acknowledging every aspect that comes to your mind. Intuition. Discussing with others.Sensing.

Nagual: The Sun is expected to "die" in 5 billions years... What will happen to Solar System races? Where will/can they go?

Z: If the sun dies, this will be no issue for physical life-forms in this solar system.Incarnated souls can be transferred to other territories as well as 'non-intelligent' life like plants, if they are to be preserved.
E: Do plants have souls?
Z: Yes. Developing and rudimentary, but they do.

Arthelion: 1. What exactly is energy development good for? I'm not interested in ki balls and things like that. After I tried the NEW energy ways by Robert Bruce and I could feel the energy flowing in my body, but what is it good for? Anyway I felt mentally exhausted and didn't find the will to try it again.

Z: Energy development with a system like new has several applications. First, it helps you to increase your awareness of energy. Second, added to this passive awareness you also learn to actively direct energy. Third, your imaginative faculties are trained by that. And fourth, it has several effects on your whole being, because you feel in more detail what is going on in you, or at least you get the opportunity to. If you work on a certain part of you body, this can (and most likely does) bring to your awareness the things that are rooted there... Edi can give you an example for this.
E: Yes, I did this yesterday: I put my right hand on my chest and found memories from some years ago coming to my mind. Those were uncomfortable memories that I have preferred to stuff away in some dark place of myself... and this can be linked to a certain body part
Z: You can in fact 'read' your body like this, by putting your hands somewhere and seeing what comes to your empty mind. Many healers work that way.
E: Do the guides control what can be read off other people that way?
Z: Of course. So you see that energy development does have effects - but it is not necessary to do that. Instead of trying to 'clean' your energy system by white light (or any other colour) or certain techniques, you could well use that time to ponder on your life and come to terms with yourself. Energy work by itself does not help you to clear any problems you might have, and is not 'natural' at all.
E: What about .. I think I've read in RB's articles of healing properties of energy work.
Z: This is true: you can assist your body in it's natural mechanisms by consciously directing the energy to where it is needed. But ideally, this should come naturally, because your bodies are well able to do that on their own; but unfortunately, many have lost their connection to nature. You can decide what you prefer - you can find your way back to nature and let your body fully unfold it's healing abilities, or you can try to do all this on your own, replacing instinct and natural mechanisms by techniques where you need effort to stay healthy. Energy development is, though, one possible step into the direction of spiritual development.. but neither necessary nor sufficient for that!

2.Do drugs like marijuana help to astral project or OOBE? Anyway is it worth the side    effects?

Z: They do help because they put you into an altered state of consciousness, out of yourcommon conditioning and perception. The 'filters' of your brain are modified, so subtler things can reach your awareness. Drugs can open doors, but it is not natural to force things by using drugs.
E: Does the prolonged use of drugs has any ill effects on humans?
Z: Of course. It 'pollutes' the subtler bodies and distorts your view of the world. This distortion can have good or bad effects (meaning: you're closer to 'reality' or further off, respectively), depending on when and how you use drugs. In general, it's fairly well possible to use drugs wisely, as an interesting 'addition' to life - but it's not necessary at all, and can lead you down a wrong path.
3. Is there a planet called Thiaoouba? I*ve read a book Thiaoouba prophecy and it contains A LOT of interesting stuff about the creation of the universe and how people came to Earth etc. and I have a simple question: Is the book true?

Z: The answer is simple as well: no.

4.Was Buddha just an ordinary man who found a way to enlightenment? Or was he some higher being sent to teach people? And what exactly the enlightenment is?

Z: Budda was a being sent to show people a possible way. He didn't stumble upon 'enlightenment' by accident, it was planned. The word 'enlightenment' is a bit overloaded and sounds more important than it is. Everyone is enlightened, and decides if he lives it or not, or to what extent. The concept of 'enlightenment' is used by people who somehow like to feel better to separate themselves off the masses.

5. What spiritual path should a novice take to make the best progress? I mean, is there some way, which could be called the best or fastest? And what should be the primary goal in one's effort?

Z: There is no fixed formula. Everyone's life is unique and special and should be regarded as such. Direct your efforts as you feel it in your heart, and reconsider your concept of 'progress'.

6. What do you think of today's education? I don't know how it is in other countries but here in Czech Republic it seems to me like a wasted time. After 10 years of studying (I'm 16), what have I learned? Well, I can solve biquadratic equations, I can calculate with specific heat capacity of various substances, but how do I need these in my life? There was absolutely no spirituality or something useful for life in last few years and especially now I find it just exhausting and non-motivating to continue. Anyway, what subjects or braches do you think will be useful in the future? I'm still wondering what should I specialize in. Whether it should be something technical (like computers) or humanities (like psychology). I'm quite interested in both areas. OK, enough of this.

Z: Education is horrible - not at all adequate to what a growing-up needs later in his life, and most of the time only stupid drilling of information. Few teachers seek to show theirpupils WHY they should be interested in the subject, and what good it can bring to theirlifes. You learn what you (supposedly) need later in work life, and individual development is neglected. In the future, it will be necessary to come back to plain and simple life without much technicalities or empty glamour. Manual skills will always be needed and will see a revival. This doesn't mean that computers will become obsolete, but they will be put where they belong. Whatever branch of education you choose, you should be fine as long as you do what you're interested in. It is still early at your age to decide this, and you will still need some time looking around until you find what suits you best. Psychology will be important when more aspects of what constitutes a human experience are discovered and discussed on a larger scale.

7. I don't know the exact date but it was in the late August in Czech Republic. It was like a fireball falling from the sky. Of course the military radars didn't see anything. A month later they said it had been a crashing plane (BS). Do you know something about it?

Z: It was no UFO that was shot down or fancy things like that. Maybe 'interstellar debris' (small comets etc.) would describe it best.

bomohwkl: Looked at what Buddha had said. I am very sure that Buddha never mention about the realms of devas, gods, devils and even reincarnation, not even a human rebirthing as an animal.

Z: You are quite correct in that. The people of that time were very gullible to add 'mystery' to the simple messages Buddha brought forward, and put an unnecessary belief system around it.

Z: This is it... a long transcript, well done.
E: I've left out some questions where I feel I'm stuck and will come back to them later... some issues seem bottomless and lead on and on to other questions.
Z: Concentrate on what is at hand and it'll be fine, you know that.
E: I do.
Z: We've been watching with interest the other channelings going on here, including the newer ones. Keep it going, it is interesting for sure [:)]
E: We'll see. Bye then, and thanks.
Z: We thank you, see you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: James S on January 01, 2004, 22:04:13
Hi Edi,

I just wanted to Thank you for the wonderful reading material you provided in this last Zeta conversation.

I've been sitting on the sidelines here for a while watching the questions and answers, remaining unsure as to the "validity" (for want of a better word) to these channellings, and indeed these beings. This might sound hypocritical, coming from someone who has a Pleiadian guide,  however she has told me that my purpose is not in communicating with these beings directly, so with the lack of personal experience here, I guess I've not had my doubts about them put at ease.

Until now.

These last set of questions and answers started out very well when you started discusing issues of common sense and spirituality, and they just got better from there. I'd become quite jaded with all the questions about technicalities and all the usual UFO & conspiracy stuff. I couldn't help but think that these lines of questions many were asking were missing the point, badly. The information that you've presented now I believe is of tremendous value. Maybe I'm just saying this because I happen to agree with what was said, so I'm biased towards it, but all of the answers the Zetas have given line up so very well with, and expand upon beautifully what my own guide has been telling me so far. These people do have a great deal of practical "down to earth" (no pun intended) common sense in what they speak of.

Thank you very much for continuing to provide this information for the AP forum, despite all the controversy and scepticism.

Kind regards,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on January 02, 2004, 09:44:46
A few more questions for the Zeta, if no one minds.

1. What are the odds of a nuclear war here before Nibiru arrives?

2. Was the Cold War agreed upon by the US and Russian governments to occupy public interest after WW2?

3. If it is possible for nuclear war occur, and it was clear nukes were about to be launched and casualties would be in the millions, would there be any extraterrestrial intervention or would we be left to our own problems?

The reason I ask is because the situation today with nuclear weapons is an interesting one. We're selling nuclear technology to China, and China is apparently spreading it to other parts of the Middle East and North Korea. Russia is also building bunkers in the Ural mountains and a few missiles each month, where as the US is still disarming and hasn't built missiles of the kind Russia is now in ten years. And, Russia and China are both against our efforts for anti-ballistic missile technology, which is purely defensive. To let this happen sounds totally unlike the US government that from what I know of it, and I can't help but find it a little threatening to my personal well-being, especially since I live so close to DC. I'm aware that the radiation from an up-to-snuff nuke to DC would most likely kill me and pretty much everyone I know, which doesn't exactly make me feel safe.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Monsolith on January 02, 2004, 22:10:48

I'd like to discuss something with the Zeta.

You've already answered some questions about our little world, as who built the pyramids, what the governments do, etc. I suppose (you'll correct me if I'm wrong), that you answer to this type of question :
- because informations relating to Earth as we know it aren't something you (or any other higher authority) consider sensible,
- for the sake of the project, the point being more to communicate with us than to teach us (again, reguarding this type of question).

This is a fantastic opportunity for us. This thread could be easily filled with billions of single questions about our world, and I have a feel we are going that way. But then, it would be more effective to.. send us history books (sorry I couldn't find a better comparison).

I wrote this little introduction to make it clear that I understand you're not here to "teach" us, so that I don't want to offend you with the questions I shall now formulate.

1) What are the limits to the informations you can provide us concerning the overall knowledge of our world ? (like privacy, financial issues)

2) Would you agree, besides the project, and of course if this is possible (that I have no idea), to share these informations in an "appropriate" way (such as full texts) ?

Thanks for all, Zeta.
Thanks channelers for your awesome work !

With best reguards.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 04, 2004, 04:04:35
Hey, Zeta. I figured I'd ask you the same questions I'd asked the Reptilians. You know? Get a little different perspective.

They mentioned some sort of genotype for all life in the physical universe. what do you know about this? What can you tell us about it? If we compared your DNZ to something on Earth, what would you be most related to?

So, uh, Earth scientists like to look at the universe and assume and try to make it conform to how they think it should work instead of conforming their theories to how it works.

They take what the see on Earth and apply it to the Universe. They assume all life has to be like Earth life, and has to rely on water, and be carbon based.

So, uh, you guys ever encounter a species/race/being/whatever you would like to call it that doesn't need water to survive? (3rd Density, I guess, since I don't know if 4th density people need to need).

Ica Stones of Peru. Old tribal tales of monster beasts. Champie, Big Foot. Yeti.

OK, I'm sure you've guessed it. (Well, maybe not you reptilians. You might have read my mind or something before I finished typing it out. I don't know.)

Are the Ica Stones authentic? Was there a time in history where man walked beside dinosaur?

Are there still creatures on the planet Earth we would call dinosaurs?

Does bigfoot/yeti exist? Are there giant octupus (like, the size of ships) in the sea?

Are there any subjects we haven't brought up yet that you think we should inquire about?

Are there any artificial (as in created by a 3D organic being) beings in the universe? If so, how do they work? Are they drone like, or do they have self will, awareness, and personality? Do they get souls? Who created them? What do they look like?

You Zeta have given me the impression that spiritual development of a race is what makes them accend. If this is true, and the Astral (Including the "Real Time Zone") are above 4D, what are the "negs" people encounter there?

Or is spiritual development not a prerequisite?

What will happen to the rest of the life on Earth when this whole pole shift raise to the next level thing happens? They'll come, too, right? Not just mankind?

Sorry for the length of this post.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Monsolith on January 05, 2004, 09:28:25
Well Risu thats the kind of questions I was thinking about when I wrote the previous post.
Also I'd like to ask about :

1) The Atlantis. Did it exist ? When ? How advanced was the people who lived there ? Where are the ruins now ?
2) Marylin Monroe. How did she really died ? If she was killed, what was the purpose of the murderer ?
3) Same question about Lady Di.
4) Who was Jack the ripper ?
5) Whats the biggest animal on earth ? And under water ? I'd think about a giant calmar.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on January 06, 2004, 13:48:41
A few questions for the Zetas:

1) What will the 6 winning lottory numbers be for the British national lottory draw on Wednesday the 7th of January 2004 and on Saturday the 10th of January 2004. [:)]

2) Is the big bang theory correct as to how the 3rd density universe came into existance.

3) Once we reach the highest density of existance what will it be like? in other words will I get bored and miss eating kebabs? (that kebab bit was a joke.)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 07, 2004, 13:24:15
This is more of a question for Edi and Fuzziwig, and anyone else who is doing this communication thing with the aliens.

This thing where your guide tells you to leave your eyes  open and with your mind go somewhere... What would you call that?

I ask because the Zeta said earlier in this topic that people can project easily, and that they're holding themselves back.

Then, your guides are just like "hey, stop thinking and it will come."

Also, I heard some guy on Coast to Coast say somethign or other a while ago. Then I heard on Friday's call in show some guy said he and his friend did this thing where you unfocus your eyes, let them relax I guess, and not think about it, and that they slowly faded into, as he called it, another dimension.

So, I was just thinking if maybe this is that whole "it's easy to do, really" thing the Zeta's mentioned.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: TruthSeeker on January 07, 2004, 14:17:29
"This thing where your guide tells you to leave your eyes open and with your mind go somewhere... What would you call that?"

When we do this, it is very much like "remote viewing". However with this "remote viewing" we also pick up emotions, smells etc. We utilize our entire spectrum of "physical" and "non-physical" senses. I call it clairvoyance(Which to me is a term including such things as remote viewing, clairaudience etc).
The next question might be if we could go to the astral this way? The simple answer is; yes.
The thing that should be emphasized is that while we do this we are fully aware of having "two bodies"(depending on how you percieve your second "vehicle"), two sets of sensory input(taste, smell vision even touch) etc.

Have fun exploring! [:)]

With Pleiadian Love and Light,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: emitremmus on January 07, 2004, 20:59:42
hi there...I am wondering what something is called and if it is normal.Most of the time when people are talking about an event,it seems I can see the people that were involed and I am able to tell what they were wearing and what they were doing...would this be some kind of telepathic power or something?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 08, 2004, 03:48:30
Well, if the events they're discussing have already happened, and you're seeing the place and people, then that would be retrocognition.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: TruthSeeker on January 09, 2004, 09:40:37
Follow-up from the last post regarding Remote Viewing and Clairvoyance:

I will provide a recent experience I had today when making use of clairvoyance to find a woman working in a military complex "somewhere" (for security reasons I'm notallowed to name the location) in Russia. I was asked by Mayatnik, to illustrate a point we had been talking about, to find this woman by asking my guide to take me to her. Within a fraction of a second I was there right behind her. There were a few people around, so I asked Mayatnik to describe her to me to make sure:

Me: "Yes I see her but I just want some verification if it's her, based on looks. If you could"
Mayatnik: "Dark hair, medium build, tired. "
Me: "That's her, allthough her hair looks brown"
Mayatnik: "Yes, dark-ish"
Mayatnik: "She has sensitive fingers, very expresive."
Mayatnik: "[...]What do you think of her?[...]"
Me: "She's nice, very kind and gentle. But concerned. She wants out."
Mayatnik: "She's wanted 'out' for many years. She told me she hated the corruption, and she wanted to get her son away to have a new life. she tries to help people, and has a wonderful heart."
Me: "I said hello to her, she said hello back. Was that a conscious hello or subconscious, or something else?"
Mayatnik: "That was conscious.......[...] that is her 'field' of work with the military"
Mayatnik: "Tell her, "Edward sends you his love, and will never forget you"
Me: "She was very nice indeed then, she allowed me to see all of those things with a smile"(Editors note: "All those things" refers to "sensitive" information not included in this transcript)
Me: "I got an emotion back, hard to describe, kind of this "lump in the throat"-feeling."
Me:  "Smiles"(Editors note: She smiled to me)
Mayatnik: "Yes, that's the way it is......and that's the way she knows it has to be."
Me: "It made me shiver.."

This is the way some remote viewing sessions may be like. In this transcript I did not include other sensory input - only what was important. But inside this military complex I could touch the walls, smell the gentle tint coffee in the air. I could sense the emotions of the complex' high-security employees, the small draught coming from one of the vents. There really are no limits to what you can sense or experience when remote viewing this way. There is no doubt this is real (and not just in my mind), as both me and Mayatnik continued to confirm each other's information all the time during a long session, of which the transcript extracted was only a small section.

(As you will have noticed some of the information is missing ( marked with "[...]"). This is because certain parts of this transcript is of the "sensitive" nature in military terms, and was not in any case essential to the description of this remote viewing session extract for publication.)

Love and Light,

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 09, 2004, 17:18:11

I'm glad to see that the things said here resonate with you, James. I've questioned myself a lot about these channelings and I think it's still too early to say where this all is going, and what will come from it, but it's nice to see that this is interesting for people. What counts for me is a friendly athmosphere where questions can be asked and answers discussed in a relaxed way, and no one has to take a channeling as an ultimate (or even relative) truth. I attribute any apparent lack of 'depth' or vagueness to the process of channeling itself... it's just not possible to talk hours and days about a single subject, which would at least be necessary for me to explore it somehow, and this also isn't the aim behind those channelings (the Zetas agree with me here.. it's first about talking about channeling itself and seeing how it works, and then it's for talking about certain topics that seem to be relevant at that time... interaction with lots of questions and answers that show the Zetas' viewpoint, even if only to pronounce a counterposition to common conditioning sometimes). I too prefer questions that are easy to talk about, but I've seen that also 'technical' questions can be a good hook to jump on to other topics that could be interesting. Of course all questions deserve to be answered, but I feel some are of more 'relevance' than others... I nevertheless try to answer them all.

E: Good Evening!
Z: Hello to you!
E: I'll go straight to the questions.

MJ12: Hey Zetas, was that you in my room last night?

Z: Yes, it was us.

What entities, if any, were responsible for channeling the:

E: How should I answer this question? I mean, I can't refer to such entities by names like 'this is Joe', 'that is Fiona', etc., like I could name old friends.
Z: You can't, but you can ask: What dimension should we seen them coming from? Is it a group, an individual, an 'energy' that takes on a personality in order to communicate? What are the intentions, is it worth to read it, is it still up-to-date? Such things... and we can comment on the rest if necessary.

a) Urantia Book

Z: 6th dimension, worth to read. There are works which are to be taken more literally than others, and the Urantia Book falls into the category 'nice to read, valuable message, don't read it for the details'.
E: It is the usual way to present channelings like this?
Z: Often it's the best way. Stories and fiction can transport so much information, and the point is, as we already have said, to make you _think_ about such things. If all information was given on a plate, you would (apart from fighting about if it's true or not) lose a lot of experience. Valuable experience.

b) The Seth Books

Z: Seth was a fourth dimension entity, and somehow a forerunner of modern channelings. He made way for many others to publish channeled words, as it was not that common then to channel as it is now. Common in the sense that you can see it on the bookshelves in every new-age store. You can read his words, but channeling has indeed evolved since then and is suited to what is needed at the time... so back then, Seth was good to read, but from today's perspective channeling built upon what was presented then, and presents a more expanded view.

c) The Ra material

E: This question was already answered by Dark Knight here ...
Z: What she says is correct.
E: Is this Ra in any way connected to the egyptian god?
Z: Yes, it was the same 'Ra' then.
E: Cool.
Z: You can read it, it's too a valuable channeling, as is the next one:

d) Defending Sacred Ground

E: Is it accurate, or true?
Z: We wouldn't say so. There comes no harm from reading it, though.
E: What do you mean by 'valuable channeling'?
Z: That there were indeed higher beings, interested in assisting mankind, who communicated there - even if the channel itself distorted or coloured the messages.
E: That brings me to the question: what, in general, is the content of channelings?
Z: We'll come to that later, there's a question that goes into that direction. We can expand on this there, please continue straight with the next questions on your list.
E: Okay.

What is the status of human-sponsored geoengineering on the earth at this time? What factions are involved?  

E: I have no idea what geo-engineering is.
Z: It's influencing the ecology on a major scale, basically, for good or for bad. Trying to control nature (which is bound to fail). Humans damage the athmosphere, and try to 'fix' it quickly by spraying some chemicals here and there. Such approaches are per se quite stupid. There are a lot of projects going on, but not with much success so far, as the long-term effects aren't known. Chemtrails (you've read about them) do exist, and some factions are experimenting with that.
E: What factions?
Z: The USA, again (it seems like they are the 'bad boys' in all areas), but also others, like Russia and China. No latin-american countries, and in Europe you could name France and Germany as being interested in that.
E: What are their motivations in this, and what are the other projects?
Z: The motivations are, basically, to get rid of wastes, by trying to force nature to accept it... i.e. modifying some natural ecosystem so it can be able to absorb much more toxins. This would apparently free humanity from thinking about what to do with their waste products, but this is no way to get rid of toxic substances and the likes. Nature, or Earth, is a conscious being that has it's own will, that will is to cooperate with humanity and all living things on earth, but not in the way the industry would like that to happen. She (we pronounce the female aspect of the earth, that's what she is) suffers not metaphorically, but for real. Every toxin that is produced and gets into nature has its effects on humans and other beings.
E: I've read that elemental forces are somehow connected to toxins.
Z: That is true... the elementals are occupying the second dimension, it's where they are at home. They are creative and building forces whose job is to manifest things, in a certain respect. So they also help to manifest illness in a body. Curing an illness is decontaminating on all levels. We'd like to expand a bit more on that, as it is new to you.
Z: What happens, when you've got poison in your environment? Poison here means something that has adverse effects on some natural organisms or systems. When those substances get into a system (i.e. your body), there are of course all the effects on metabolism, consciousness and health in general - the body can't deal with those substances, and you get ill from that. That is the accepted, 'material' view of things, and it is valid. But hand in hand with that goes something at other levels of your being.
E: I've thought that so far, you've been talking rather down-to-earth, and not much about such things in more subtle areas...
Z: We talk about what is appropriate. It was necessary to start at a common point and to go wandering around from that. We won't come with hyperdimensional, rainbow coloured strange geometric patterns that are the cure-it-all or what other weird things you can or cannot imagine, because there's no sense in that. We talk, and slowly go deeper and deeper into certain areas.
Z: So back to health. All substances, like gold, plutonium, nitrogen etc., which are pure elements, as well as compounds like CO2, NO3, salt and sugar, are on the one hand matter in the 3rd dimension, and on the other hand, have an equivalent in 2D. To understand this, you have to see what 2D is all about. Whatever grows in nature, is manifested by the beings called elementals. Elementals are expressing the will of the earth, and also the will of humans. Elementals are the manifesting force behind plans and ideas, and serve to birth and anchor them in 3D. The weather, storms, lightning etc. can all be seen as an expression of elementals. A well working ecosystem, and a bad, almost dead one too, are expression of the elementals. If the substances in an area are suitable for grass, trees and other plants, the power that makes a seed grow is the elementals. So the elementals are directly connected to the material substances, and you could see it like this: the elemental determines how a living being is connected to the physical world.
E: Mayatnik describe the word elemental as "a dynamic living-energy, in 2D, the sphere of 'feeling'".
Z: That is true. And you also feel the elementals with your second chakra, which governs the sphere of emotions and feelings. Just go out into nature and feel what feelings you get from certain places, or even certain trees. Some attract you, some repel you, and that's more than just your sense of aesthetics which decides if you like a place or not.
E: So, how is this connected to health?
Z: The natural, healthy constitution of a body is to be free of toxins, as far as this is possible, and to be fully functional. Then, the body can express it's DNA, it's blueprint, can grow until the ago of 20, and then stay healthy the whole life. If we put aside illnesses that come directly from psychosomatic issues for the moment and look at what happens when you body gets too much toxins you'll see what it does to you. There's not only a change in your metabolism with adverse effects, but there are also new 'qualities' expressed by your body. Your body is made for and by expressing those forces of nature which are connected to what you normally eat, where you normally live, etc., everything according to a natural lifestyle. Your DNA is made to work in unison with those certain forces or 'qualities' that are natural for you, and if you eat plutonium it's as if you go skiing in your bathing suit - something is not as it ought to be, then. There's nothing wrong or bad about this style of clothing (or those certain elementals), there's no polarity like good or bad here. It's just that some things are more appropriate in some places than in others. You can also imagine 'unnatural' elementals (for you) as mis-reading or mis-expressing your DNA.
E: I think I've understand this....
Z: Could you summarize it in a short sentence?
E: Elementals are living energies that aim to express the blueprints they find in the way that is natural for them.
Z: They do not aim to do this, they do it all the time, because that's the very essence of their being. They seem to be automatic in this respect. There's much more to be said about elementals, but this time we only wanted to talk about their connection to matter, health and nature.

What is happening under Yellowstone park?

Z: There's a big bubble of hot magma there, ready to burst out if a major earthquake (or a pole-shift) should happen there. No underground bases, no secret hideouts, because it's just too hot there.
E: Is it likely that an earthquake there could hause that to happen soon?
Z: No, it's not _that_ instable. The geoseismic activity there is increasing there, though, and goes along with other slight disturbances like:

What is causing all the solar activity? Will it continue or get worse? What does this indicate for earth weather in the coming weeks?

Z: It's not that far from a normal solar cycle. In short-term, we'd say that it gets more irregular and jumpy while Nibiru approaches, the same can be said about the weather.
E: Will it get worse?
Z: Yes, it will. Worse meaning more solar activity, more sunspots, and more matter coming into earth's direction.

E: Fine, I'll stop here if that's okay.
Z: Sure it is. We say thank you, and see you soon maybe. That is all.
E: Bye then.
Z: Take care.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on January 11, 2004, 02:29:15
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kerrblur on January 11, 2004, 16:05:27
One Question and one question only:

As you know my name is Ryan Kerr, If all we need to do to have help from you to learn, to know, the things 'unseen' then,
'Can you hear my requests for help?'
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kerrblur on January 11, 2004, 16:11:52
I am terribly sorry,

I ment to say,

As you know my name is Ryan Kerr, If all we have to do is just 'think about you' ect, you understand, to have you guys help us in learning the 'unseen' then,
'Can you hear my requests for help?'
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 13, 2004, 16:30:05
Z: Hey Edi, we can begin.
E: Fine, I'm ready.. here we go.

PDB: 1. Where does Atlantis fit in the Zeta's picture of Ancient times, when Sumer was still around? In this regard, can you give a chronology of all the civilisations that inhabited the earth up to this day? (Hope it's not too much to ask)

E: Did Atlantis exist on this earth?
Z: Yes, it did. It was a large island in the atlantic ocean.
E: Did it coexist with Sumer?
Z: Oh yes, in the beginning... but Atlantis was gone before the sumerian civilisation came to an end.
E: Why that?
Z: Because Nibiru came around, and only few survived... the atlantean civilisation suddenly found it's end there, submerged in the sea.
E: Was this the biblical flood?
Z: Yes, it was... from there the stories about gilgamesh and noah come. Both epics describe the same incident.
E: When was this?
Z: In the beginning of the second millennium BC.
E: So the sumerians existed before that event, and subsequently built up their civilisation again?
Z: Yes, that's it.
E: Why aren't there any traces of atlantis left?
Z: Because of massive movements of the crust, all is buried deep in the sea now.
E: Were there any survivors from atlantis, and did they keep some elements of their civilisation alive?
Z: No, not much remained... a few survivors here and there, but the culture was lost. In fact, they weren't as 'advanced' as many think of them today, although their society was different.
E: Different in what sense?
Z: More spiritually oriented... their technology was indeed built around crystals.
E: Were they used as a source for power?
Z: Yes, and also as weapons... crystals are powerful instruments because they are able to focus energy.
E: What other civilisations were there on earth?
Z: There are a few... you do not know any names of them.
E: What can you tell me about them?
Z: They were 'stages' of the evolution of man. They are intentionally seperated from each other (and from today), and you most likely can't trace anything back to them. It's comparable to the evolution of a single human individuum: you are born again and again, and in order to have a steep learning curve and not to have an advantage over others (those are rules of incarnation) you forget all about your past lives, although you carry the experience from then in you. It's quite a big topic indeed if you would want to learn more about the past civilisations, because there's not much written about them, and all traces have been wiped out.

2. Why did Sumerians disappear?

Z: There were surrounding peoples who eventually overrun them. They did not really 'disappear' in that sense, because your civilisation has it's foundations there, and the sumerian heritage is present everywhere.
E: Where?
Z: Language, politics, education, agriculture, etc.... the sumerian wisdom spread quickly.

3. How spiritually advanced were they?

E: This question would probably need a definition of spiritual advancement.
Z: We can answer it; they had their priests and their beliefs and were in general more 'spiritual' (i.e. in tune with nature) than mankind today.

4. Was this planet inhabited by any civilised species before humans?

Z: No. Humans are the only ones who have or have had civilisations here.

5. Did the beings from Nibiru create any species through genetic manipulation?

Z: No. It's not in their power to create, but they modified existing genetic stock to suit their needs.
E: When was this?
Z: When they first came to earth half a million years ago.
E: So they did not create man?
Z: No. They of course wanted you to believe this.
E: Who 'created' man, then?
Z: Man was planted here by the higher species who oversee his evolution, with contributions from various species. In fact you won't be able to find the 'missing link', because there is no direct link between today's human and apes, no matter how similar they seem to be.
E: Don't they share a lot of DNA?
Z: Yes, because they are similar, and the hominoid form is visible in apes, too - they have common DNA, but the difference between them is that the human form was planned to carry souls who would live in a civilisation as you do now, and with apes this was not the case.

6. Who created the Zeta?

E: Before you answer this question, I'd like to hear a few words about what you can know... you see, we are pretty limited in our perception and have horizons that we can't see beyond - does the same apply to you, too?
Z: Yes, but on a different level. We know pretty much about ourselves, and we know what we have to do. The duty of our species now is to work together and to finally integrate our emotionality. We have been around longer than you, and watched the earth since the beginning.
E: The beginning of what? Earth or mankind?
Z: Mankind. This is so because it's our duty to assist you in your evolution into 4d living, we've been assigned this task as it's a necessary experience for ourselves we need to have in order to grow.
E: I see.
Z: We have access to lots of information, and so you will you, as soon as you have ascended to 4th dimension. The means of communication there are vastly different. But all this information has to go through our perception, and we just can't understand _everthing_. It's often necessary to get experience in life in order to know what something is about.
E: I imagine that it would pretty 'boring' up there, knowing everything etc.
Z: It is not boring at all, but the higher you grow, the more you come to terms with yourself and are able to be a conscious part of this universe, interacting, guiding, exploring, and bringing to life the plan God has for this universe.
E: Who do you mean with God here?
Z: The highes being we can possible percieve from our position. It is Him who is the creator of everything that exists, and there's no way we could see if there's something higher than Him.
E: Do you know what this plan exactly is?
Z: No - some things transpire down from the higher spheres, where beings are more concerned with actively having a role in this plan, and working for it with a specific aim and intent... at our stage, we just have to do our own things, and that's the best we can do. Everyone's working for this plan whether he's conscious of it or not.
E: Can you perceive who created you, or where you come from?
Z: We know that this galaxy is the home for hominoid life and we have a bit knowledge about how this comes to being. Natural evolution takes places everywhere after a big bang, and with time (it needs a lot of time in the beginning, though), life evolves, living organisms who have to ability to reproduce themselves. Okay, and from there on you have souls forming who are then linked into those organisms in order to experience physical life, and eventually get conscious and intelligent. Now somehow it was managed that the evolution of physical forms had the humanoid form as it's aim, and this aim was pursued from high level beings who were and are cooperating with the Creator in this respect. We do not know exactly how all this took place.
E: Was this universe created without any intelligence in it at all?
Z: There have been these very high level beings around since the beginning, at least in this part of the universe. Remember that parts of the universe are constantly beginning afresh, being recreated.
E: How big is the universe? Have you been at the edge of it? :)
Z: We've travelled around a lot, but we haven't found the edge yet.
E: The Zeta... how did your species begin?
Z: We branched off the humanoid form at some time.

7. Do you have a language of your own? If so, can you give a sample?

Z: Telepathy makes language superfluous. A language contains references to symbols, and we communicate those symbols directly, which is much more details. We had a language once, of course, before we were telepathic. This language is not in use anymore.
E: Is it reproducible by humans?
Z: No... there are noises in it you aren't used to. You see what happens when we give you a sample of this in your mind.
E: It sounds like gibberish to me, some murmuring I can't put into words.
Z: That's partly because you can't hear it 100%, but even what you hear is unintelligible for you.

8. Was it your species that visited my cousin a long time ago?

Z: Yes
E: You're everywhere, eh?
Z: Pretty much.

E: I've got some questions myself now, but I don't think they are interesting to be discussed here...
Z: As you wish. It's midnight, you should sleep, too.
E: I will... ah, a question about meditating: do you recommend it?
Z: It's good to open doors, but you have other things to do now. Too many open doors are confusing.
E: I see... bye then.
Z: See you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 14, 2004, 15:34:21
E: Hi
Z: Hi Edi.. we've been looking forward to talking to you. You see, the thread about the reptilians is evolving, and it's good to see that so many things are discussed. This thread here is by nature different, so don't worry about that. We've been watching for a long time how all types of channelings are 'delivered' to earth, and how they were percieved. Contact with the higher spheres has been around for a very long time, but only in this modern society is there a general disbelief in the existance of such things. Yes, people became more independent of gods and priest, in whom they believed in former times, but now they believe in rationality, science, and a way of thinking that is blind about some things. What fuzzi writes about cycles and the development of mankind is interesting in this regard.
E: Indeed... that are questions that determine how we live and see our world...
Z: Many think that so-called 'rational' thinking, based on facts, strictly linear, or if you like to use another expressing, blind of the greater circumstances, is the way to totally accurate knowledge. People want proof, but they forget that every proof is also subject to interpretation. You have many people who research energetic phenomenons, the aura, laying on of hands, and those things slow very slowly into science. Although it is true that there are many things that are nonsense, and there were researchers who made errors in those things, this is no reason to dismiss such things at all, it would only be a reason to further investigate. People have the attitude of disproving others' beliefs, instead of trying to understand how the world looks through the eyes of someone else. So what science is all about at your current stage is proofing what you want to proof, and disproving what feels uncomfortable for you. This is the general attitude we see with many scientists. This does evolve, but slowly. Eventually, those things would of course come to surface, but even before that you can decide what to do yourself. In the same way that 'scientific' researches deny certain metaphysical things, there are on the other side people who are gullible to believe everything, and to have their heads in the sky with their feet stumbling around, having no stable stance in this world. Your belief always dictates how you act, and so you need to be careful and conscious about what you accept into your belief system. As long as you exchange those ideas with other people and discuss them, and you aim is to do good with it, there is not much danger though. You can avoid most pitfalls by common sense and communication, lots of talking and discussing. This is also a reason for the channelings here - we want people to discuss, because so many things are based on beliefs that aren't reviewed ever, and at the moment you debate often with a negative attitude, i.e. you go out from the basis that the other is a) wrong b) bad c) inferior and d) out to get you, which is normally all wrong. You need to get all on the same side, and to explore together what this reality is like. This world is a playroom you shouldn't fight in, and whenever you think someone is out to get you, that's most likely fear and conditioning. There are not many things to be feared, but you might think that way if you're alone and keep the things in your head instead of discussing them out aloud.
Z: Go on with the questions, this was just a gentle introduction, and you seem to be prepared well by such an easy flow of words before the questions by others. We'll do this more and more, commenting on the present situation, and giving your pointers and hooks in your mind (subtle at first, but you get them), so don't be surprised if we go on talking and don't stop for a while every now and then. Enjoy the ride.

Risu no Kairu: They didn't answer my final question... "Do you like chocolate"

Z: In fact, we don't like chocolate. It's something that's appropriate for your digestive system, and especially for your brain, because it makes you feel good and gives you a short kick. So we don't like it. We don't have any meals based on sugar, either... this processed sugar is bad for your health, and many problems result from it. There's nothing wrong with good natural products like honey, sweet fruits etc., but refining sugar, adding some other components and feeding it to children so they develop the taste of "sweet and artificial is GOOD" is wrong. Added to this comes the conditioning that for things the parents like, you get sweets as a reward. This is just one of several problems with human diet.

Hmm. You (they) say we'll be able to fly when we shift... Sounds fun. Will we be able to fly into space and stuff without protective gear, also? What sort of rules of reality as we know them will be altered, forgotten, and stay the same?

Z: You won't fly around as in your dreams, because levitation needs to be done carefully. You don't want to be flying around all over the place, bumping into each other because you go too fast. It's a skill that will be learned and trained, and it will be easy to do it compared to now. Really, feasible for anyone. But you won't just fly around the earth in 5 seconds. You also can't fly into space, because your body wouldn't make it. You still need air to breathe, and a certain air pressure to keep your organism running - you'd boil in outer space. Of course there are technologies to deal with that, but your body by itself isn't made for that... you're an organism that is linked closely to the ecosystem that is prevalent on earth. About the rules of reality: there'll be a gradual change, and you won't wake up and see that everything changed over night. We already commented a bit on that in earlier channelings, but in general the term to describe your next state of existence best is 'lighter' - meaning more transparent, easier to modify, and a more direct expression of your thoughts. This is also why telekinesis is possible then. This is also why you'll be more sensitive to your bodies' needs. Don't expect too big changes, forgot what you see of films and so on .. relating fourth dimensional experiences down one level is difficult. Your conscious awareness (and also your subconscious) will be more apparent to you. Healing will be done more by energetic means. You won't have to train hard for a long time (or get help from the guides) to learn astral travelling. Hopefully this brought it somewhat clearer to you.

[...] Anyways, he said he communicated with beings that looked like how you describe yourselves (or how the people talking to you describe you). He said that they said that they're merely particles of consciousness that exist everywhere and that they're the builders of the universe. They keep things together, and that the tall, big ones that look like htem are hte destroyers, that try to take apart the universe. You wouldn't happen to be either of these, would you?

Z: We're not those beings... what he talks about does exist, but he doesn't present it the right way. Regarding 'builders of the universe' - there's not such a thing (that question is somehow similar to the one about the midichlorians from star wars). So what he describes is neither us or any other race, but it was the symbolic interpretation the mind had ready for his experience. To clarify further: there are no little beings, particles, that are conscious and working here and there to keep the universe together. Those are 'energies' and streams of consciousness that work and direct at a much larger scale, down from God into the higher spheres, including many kinds of beings who all have their role in keeping the universe together. And as a polar opposite, you also have the tendency of things to seperate, but only to unify later on again... that's it for now about this subject, Edi.

MJ-12: 1. What really happened on September 11?

Z: September 11 was an incident that happened with full knowledge of some members of the united states' government. You see where it lead to ... new laws being passed to restrict the individual's freedom, exaggerated fear of 'terrorism', and making the devil out of people who fight for their freedom. Fighting is wrong, but so is pushing people to it. Both the involved terrorists and the american government (as well as other governments) are only puppets on a stage, so it was a scenario that was played out in order to further fear, confusion and separation. This incident was planned.

2. What is the Montawk project? What is their connection to it?

Z: The Montauk or Montawk project is the name for several smaller projects... including the philadelphia experiment, drugging people or trying to influence them with electromagnetic fields to affect their behaviour and make them mindless zombies, the geoengineering we talked about last time, and so on. There's a lot of information about it on the net, and it's pretty accurate. We have no connection to that project - there are service to self aliens behind it, though.

3. Why did the zetas tell people to kill their pets before the supposed pole shift?

Z: This is something you have to consider in the situation that is about to occur. Food will be scarce, and it will be necessary to decide what you take with you and what now. Leaving cattle and pets uncared for, in order to starve slowly or to die because of any adverse effect of the poleshift is more cruel than putting them to death in advance. With in advance we don't mean now or soon, but when the pole shift will be imminent and you're making plans and decisions on what to do. Whoever kills their pets before, when everything appears to be normal, and no clear signs of something like a poleshift to occur are visible by even the uneducated and unaided eye, should ponder well if he's just fear-driven and gullible, or considering seriously and with common sense what he should do with his live and his surroundings.

5. What is the zetas' relationship to the United States government?

Z: We were in contact with them once, and offered to be of assistance, but the US wanted bargains, technology, and so on, with the intent to use it for selfish means and to control people. This was not what we would agree on, so we have freezed contact with them. They know of us, and are aware of some of our activites.

6. What is Project Deep Shield?

Z: It's a shield built using rockets that are stationed in outer space in order to fend off anything that would come near earth... spaceships, asteroids, even planets like nibiru... that's the theory and the plan, but it doesn't exist.
E: That makes me wonder, because I read that it's about chemtrails and the likes...
Z: "Deep Shield" is the label which was put on that by people who researched it... it's nice to call everything a 'project', isn't it?
E: Okay. I was afraid I got this one wrong.
Z: This was the first time you thought seriously about that in this whole channeling... be reminded that we say exactly what is possible for us to deliver through you, and we would tell you if something comes through too foggy or unclear so that you're in danger of misinterpreting those symbols. So to state it again: the original plan for "Deep Shield" was different from what it's labelling today.

7. Who was Isis? Was she a channeled alien, or an embodied person?

Z: She was an embodied person, or if you like that expression better, an embodied alien, as all of you on earth are.
E: How do you mean this?
Z: Higher species incarnate on earth, and you all have you roots somewhere, you belong to the family of man.. but as you're young, you incarnate in 3rd dimension in order to gain experience, before you live among your parents out there in the galaxis.

8. What are the Pleadians, and the Zetas' respective relationships to Freemasonry, and various occult mystery groups that trace their lineage back to Egypt?

Z: Such groups were always heavily influenced by extraterrestrial intelligence. We cannot say clearly whether it was service to self or service to others because there were influences from all possible directions... but in general, such groups were the point where you world met the spirit world in an organized effort. In former times, this was more for the good for people, but the more occult and secret those groups get, the more they are oriented towards self. Concerning Freemasonry itself: we have our fingers out of there, and so do the pleiadians, because it's all about gaining power about others and having an advance by being part of that secret, mysterious group. It's a bit washed out at the surface, and people sometimes talk about it, but there's still a core that is unseen, and playing out some agendas.

9. What is MK Ultra?

E: Oh, I hate those questions where I get some cryptic words :)
Z: We understand that. So you could leave this question as well as the others for the next time, you've wrote exceptionally well until now, it's a good point to finish. Indeed, we thank you very much for this nice conversation.
E: I thank you too, kind regard to all you guys up there :)
Z: Thank you, it's appreciated. Good night!
E: Cya

- Edited to correct 2 spelling errors.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 14, 2004, 17:51:27

Risu no Kairu, thank you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Sn0wball on January 15, 2004, 15:02:11
I tought the zetas could say something about psychedelic drugs
are they good for discovering the "truth" or not?
I mean drugs like iboga,dmt,ayahuasca,lsd,magic mushrooms,mescalin?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: celticmagick909 on January 15, 2004, 18:00:07
Hello Edi, and the Zetas...

I have some short, and simple questions...The first one is:

1. I have been seeing things out of the corners of my eyes alot in my bedroom, and I feel that it might be some kind of benevolent intelligence of some sort...Is this you? Or anything else, or am I just seeing things?

2. Is SETI ever going to recieve radio signals from outerspace?

3. I believe I might have some connection to the Pleiadians somewhat...Because I was born on June 21st, and I have read that this is a important date for them..Is there any connection, just coincedence...

4. Would the Zetas be able to give me creative inspiration for creating music some how? Like a form of automatic writing?

5. And was that light in the sky I saw a UFO, and was it connected to the Zetas/and or Pleiadians?

Thank you for your time, and best regards,

Douglas Smith
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on January 15, 2004, 18:02:19
Are/have the British Government been in contact with the Zetas?


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 16, 2004, 10:49:34
Hmm... How come there's a Zeta conversation  thread, and a Reptilian conversation thread, but not a Pleaidian (excuse me for the butchering) discussion thread?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on January 17, 2004, 19:29:53
And a few more questions and I'll think I'll wait for things to catch up.

1) What's this: ?

2) When we die, how long does it normally take before we reincarnate again? When people communicate with people that've been dead for years, have those people just not reincarnated yet or is there a part of each person that stays around even after other parts move on to different lives?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 19, 2004, 19:15:03
Greetings, all!

So, uh, what's the deal with those Pyramids at Giza? I hear you've built them.



How did the Egyptians carve the tunnels through them?

Why do they match the stars of Orion's Belt?

Did you build other pyramids on Earth?


What other monuments did you guys, or any other nonhuman lifeforms build on Earth?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on January 19, 2004, 22:26:11
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 21, 2004, 11:52:52
E: Hey
Z: Hi
E: Everything alright where you are?
Z: All is running fine, thanks.
E: Great... let's continue where we stopped last time, okay?
Z: Of course, go on please.

MJ-12: 9. What is MK Ultra?

Z: It's again some project conducted in the USA by some groups, especially the CIA. The official government is not aware of those things, and not interested.. the CIA has a pretty free hand to do what it likes to.
E: What's it all about?
Z: We might say to the reader of this first that although those words are typed down directly, we discussed it also with the channel before he wrote this down so he has a clearer background and our words fall into place more easily. So although it looks only like fluent channeling, there needs to be some thinking and discussing beforehand in order to make a fluent conversation possible later on. This is because at the stage this channel is at, he has to be able to interpret the telepathic symbols, and with some questions that is easier than with others.
Z: Well, now that that's said: it's about psychological research, mainly involving the use of drugs, psychotropics, hypnosis, stress resulting from several things, and pretty everything that gets people out of their normal frame of mind. The aim of the research is to find ways to influence the human mind into either holding back information that the person carries, or giving out information the person would rather not reveal by his own will. This of course has many applications in war-like environments, for secret carriers or for questioning captives. Well, that's the basis of this project... do you have any specific questions?
E: Yes. To what extent did they succeed?
Z: Of course it's possible to treat humans so badly that they would do anything just to be free of hurt and pain - all those things are terrible, and violence happens wherever people are who would like power. But the point in all this, and that's an important point, is that you can't _directly_ change the will of a person, neither by violence nor by hypnosis. The human free will is absolutely set in stone, and you can only change the surroundings to give people less room to live their will, but in this case people still can decide on what they do. We would in no way want to blame people for decisions they made in the worst conditions imagineable, we blame all involved in those cases, but we stress again that you cannot modify the will of a person in any way. What you can limit is the possible choices you offer to them, and it's a general problem of society that needs to be addressed, if people are limited by force in the expression of their will. What's more, people should be encouraged to do as it is right for them - if you feel like it, do it. Now you could say that leaves room for lots of undesireable things to happen, because if everyone did as he liked, this world would be a big mess. That's at first view not so off, but then again you must consider what role other persons and all of your surroundings play - you're free to do anything you like and to treat everyone and everything exactly as you wish to, but you must also face the consequences, and you better be conscious of them in advance.
E: So this world is no big mess because many people wouldn't like it and so try to avoid it?
Z: That's about it. It could be worse, much worse, and humanity is indeed evolving.
E: How wide-spread are such attempts to mind-control people?
Z: You don't have to worry about it much. This is done barely outside of laboratory conditions, and there are much better ways to control people, for example the media.

10. How do the aliens respond to Defending Sacred Ground, especially the information concerning the August 12th, 2003 date?

Z: Generally, there is not much we need to do about that information.
E: I've read that was kind of a deadline for 'negative extraterrestrials' to leave earth.
Z: That's pointless, there is no such deadline, and there will never be one. Everyone can come to earth, as long as he doesn't infringe upon the law of free will. People (individually and as groups) can restrict their will if they want, and they can follow every outside influence, if they want to. The higher beings who watch over earth do not have to fight or threaten anyone, and they only take regulating measures if the overall evolution of mankind is in danger.

14. Why do the zetas continually show a callous disregard for human life, especially on the individual level on the zetatalk website, especially in regard to basically saying "oh well, sucks to be you" to India?

Z: There are several reasons for the way we present things. First, the ones that incarnated in India were aware of the general course of their lives before they incarnated, as is everyone. India has great possibilities and opportunities for life.
E: To me this land looks very poor, and not so comfortable to live in ...
Z: That's right but the soul living there learns a lot. Okay, the next reason is that we just present things as they are. It is not our job to 'save' anyone - in the case of a tidal wave that would submerge india, the rest of the world should be ready to accept everyone who would like to save his live, but this is not the case. Third, every human life is valuable and should be given the opportunities to unfold freely, but it is also necessary to accept dead when time has come, making peace with what has been and getting ready for the next cycle.

15. How far along are the various world powers in the field of scalar electromagnetics?

Z: The research on this is being done seriously and there will be some nice things to be discovered about physics. Although there are no big applications for it yet, everyone is trying to find some sort of secret discovery that can be used for military purposes, eventually. What is being found in the research laboratories (mainly in the US and Russia), is far from that, though, as the scientists don't know what they really have and how to use it. No one has devices which produce free energy, either.

16. What happens at Bohemian Grove?

Z: Oh well, people who are in power like to gather together, as it happens regularly there. Without journalists or any other 'disturbing' minds, it's easy to make plans about personal success. The people meeting there are mainly puppets and only out for personal gain, so although it's alarming that meetings like that exist, it's not as serious as some people picture it.
E: Why are you presenting all those things as if nothing of it is to be seen really serious?
Z: Because we want to give you the impression that you are not helpless and can in fact change things. There are of course a lot of things going on you can't see and never control, and a LOT is going on behind the scenes. But we like to concentrate on what you can do, and what helps you best.
E: Okay, thanks for that. I'm in a hurry now and need to rush off, is that fine for you?
Z: Sure post this, all is fine. See you then!
E: Bye, see you!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 22, 2004, 09:23:49
E: Zetas, are you there?
P: One moment... here they are, there's time for another 'quickie' before you have to go.
Z: Hi Edi, nice to see you.
E: Hello, thanks for being available so quickly.
Z: You're welcome, we enjoy this work, and we've been noticing your intent to talk to us. Go on, please.

Arthelion: 8. How has Buddhism changed since the time of Buddha?

Z: The message of Budda was very easy and not complicated. What you all hear about realms of the devas, the scheme of the evolution of the universe, all the laws of spirituality like karma was added later on by others, who put buddha's teachings into a nice popular 'religion'. The original message was what you could expect after someone meditated for a long time without break, and who discovered what he came to earth for. He saw the suffering of people, where it comes from, and that it essentially is all self-created. He did not came about with theories about the universe, he did not came with a theory, but a practical approach to make the best of life, to get along with worries and to find a firm place in the universe. He was a spiritual mentor, a waypoint, a great influence in his time, and he set things up for a spiritual development in india. He was very down-to-earth in his teachings, and his purpose was to be a radiance of love, compassion and understanding that shows people how the spark of divinity inside of themselves can always be a lamp to guide through whatever dark times they are enduring. Buddha did NOT found Buddhism, it was the people around him who passed along his message who eventually made a system out of it. Buddhism is what formed around Buddha as the common interpretation to his message. It changed over time, and the original meaning was always a bit distorted here and there, there were interpretations added and it became more and more symbolic. We won't go into more depth about specific details, but if you're interested in that, and in what exactly changed, we can go deeper.
E: Yes... this would need that I learn a bit about Buddhism as it is today, to have you then comment on it.
Z: That's about it, yes. Next one, please!

Q(Van-Stolin): Have there ever been beings on the planet that seem similir to humans, but have animal characteristics?

Z: In what sense similar? From outer appearance, you have of course certain kinds of apes who seem to be very similar to humans, but who are animals. You're rather interested in the development of the human species by that question, and regarding that we can say that the human form was engineered from available genetic stock, but there were never animals on earth that were pretty the same as humans, but without souls.

When the pole shift occers will everyone have better access to the astral?

Z: Yes, we've already said that. Astral travelling will be easier in the future, but don't confuse the pole shift with developments that will take place later, i.e. the ascension of humanity into fourth dimension. The pole shift will be a purely physical occurance, and as such does not directly change the consciousness of humanity, as the gradual submerging in the photon band does. The pole shift will have tremendous effects on society and how people get along togeter, many things will change because of that, but it remains just a physical, geologic or planetary occurance, purely down-to-earth.

Risu no Kairu: So, you guys have different groups with different tasks? Do you know what other tasks the other groups do?

Z: Of course we know what tasks the other Zeta groups do. Regarding the other species, we can have that information also if we need to and if it's not anything sensible. We work together here. The other tasks are for example the flying of saucers, and assistance in the forming of crop circles by that. The classical case of contacting humans by 'abductions', although much less frequent than you would suppose, is also what is done by some groups. We have people in the background who are responsible for our technology, and we also have teachers among ourselves who help us to be able to improve our ways of interaction on earth. We also are guides for people. And, there's this group who's responsible now for communication.

Do you always stand in that room waiting for these guys to talk?

Z: No. This is a room for conferences, and we have other things to do than standing around the whole day. In fact, we're pretty busy.
E: In that sense, you'll be quite happy that I rushed through this so quickly now?
Z: Yes, that's nice. We didn't have time to get into more details and elaborate long on certain topics, but it is also fine that way. Kind regards to the Astral Pulse, we're happy to catch up with the latest questions.
E: Yes, it's less pressure... well, bye for now then.
Z: See you!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 22, 2004, 23:23:44
Z: Good Morning. We'd like to begin with the question about the information we provide:
E: I'll past the whole question, I think it fits well here...


I'd like to discuss something with the Zeta.

You've already answered some questions about our little world, as who built the pyramids, what the governments do, etc. I suppose (you'll correct me if I'm wrong), that you answer to this type of question :
- because informations relating to Earth as we know it aren't something you (or any other higher authority) consider sensible,
- for the sake of the project, the point being more to communicate with us than to teach us (again, reguarding this type of question).

This is a fantastic opportunity for us. This thread could be easily filled with billions of single questions about our world, and I have a feel we are going that way. But then, it would be more effective to.. send us history books (sorry I couldn't find a better comparison).

I wrote this little introduction to make it clear that I understand you're not here to "teach" us, so that I don't want to offend you with the questions I shall now formulate.

1) What are the limits to the informations you can provide us concerning the overall knowledge of our world ? (like privacy, financial issues)

2) Would you agree, besides the project, and of course if this is possible (that I have no idea), to share these informations in an "appropriate" way (such as full texts) ?

Z: You see it right that this thread wasn't created to spread any kind of 'teaching', but to communicate and to gain experience in that. It is a valuable experience for all of you and for the channelers, because normally all channeled material is only spoon-fed to you with barely an opportunity to discuss things and to ask again and again if the answer was not satisfactorily. Here, the emphasis should lie on interaction and on discussion, because we represent for many the unknown and neither fear nor gullibility serve any purpose in getting to know the things that are new to you. Fear holds you back from seeing things as their are the same was as gullibility, both colour your perception and your expectations. For the channelers who were and are involved in this project (unfortunately not many chose to do this), it is a wonderful training experience in a rather calm and understanding environment and a great opportunity to learn about the process of channeling and the way those things are typed down. Because we liked people to learn about this process, we inserted some words about this here and there, and you can see how the 'regular' channelers on this forum evolved over the course of time, each in their own unique way, and also the audience evolved. You've seen how lots of fierce attacks and misunderstandings came up from the very moment on when the pendulum was introduced in the forum to be used for making contact to guides, following everything which developed from that. Those things were necessary to happen, because there was apparently something wrong - either the way things were presented or the way they were perceived. This of course provoked many reactions, and people learned a great deal by that.
We answer to questions about your 'little world' because you are entitled to ask, it's the world you've been on for ages. The viewpoint channeled material can add to life on earth should be considered. The intention should never be to suck these words up as a false religion or a thing to clinge upon to give you more sense in life you'd lack otherwise by telling you who you are in the greater scheme of things. Channelings can give you a sense and a purpose in the way that you then learn to find out what you can do yourselves, what actions you can take, how you can improve your lifes every day. You can of course learn about various subjects, metaphysical and spiritual, and if those give you a drive and more opportunity to be happy, that's always fine. After all, channeled material seems to come from far away - this contrast also reminds you who YOU are.
About teaching you we can say that we like to answer questions about just anything (most things can be discussed freely). But we don't want to come around as saying that things are so-and-so and expecting you to believe, after all that's up to you what you do with the things you read. We have our channels on this forum being accurate and expressing in the detail and depth that is possible for them the answers and contributions to various topics we would like to provide, the rest evolves from questions and personal viewpoints that are brought forward by members of this board.
The purpose is not, though, to only answer factual things about the world. If you're interested in things like the pyramids or ancient civilisations, we answer freely, but then again, such things are not always of direct relevance to your lifes. You will have access to all of this information regarding your past in some time in the future, not so far away, and then you can look up and research those things in all their detail. It will be very very interesting for mankind, when they finally reached the next stage of evolution, to see how they did in the last cycle of 26000 years, to see how they progressed through each of the ages of man and to analyze what they learned when and how. Mankind has indeed a very interesting history. We understand that some or many people would like to have printed books, ready to read, with all that information, like a giant magnificent library or encyclopedia of everything that happened on earth. This is not done by 2 reasons mainly: first, nothing is given too easily or without prompting at your stage, so it will be up to all of mankind to be interested in such things and to step forward and see where they can get this information from. What percentage of the population does approve of channeling, do you think? Information is brought forward on the whole world by channelers who also write those things into books, and those books can be readily bought or also read online in some cases. It is necessary that those things happen because humans are interested and trying to find out things by whatever means are presented to them. Second, factual information about the past is not what you need most, you need it only if it serves to understand better your present situation. Therefore, the way on this forum is to discuss things and not to write long elaborate texts that are not related to the interests of people here.
There are of course limits to the information we can provide. We are bound to rules of the Galactic Federation in our work and must follow those closely. Some of them are easily and directly intelligible, for example that we are not allowed to limit your free will by what we provide. Giving too much information would also limit your free will, because then you would have no choice over accepting what is presented to you. This is not only regarding to individuals, but to mankind as a whole. Another rule is that we may not help you over problems and issues that you need to heal on your own (or together as a human group). We always can give assistance in those cases and point into the direction where you can find the answers you're looking for, but then we can't directly give the answers in such cases because you problems and disturbances always serve a purpose, and you learn from those things. Yet another rule concerns what we tell you about the activities of other groups on earth, especially those that are working against us. That's called the rule of engagement, and we have elaborated on it on the zetatalk website, but to sum it up we can say here that when we talk about the actions of someone else, we may only talk in a general, non-accusing and non-finger-pointing manner - when we talk more, and reveal things the other groups wouldn't like to be known to the public, we 'engage' them, and that effectually means that we are in a kind of verbal war, and this 'war' follows strict rules that keep negative/service-to-self groups from taking too much advantage of other groups that are not used to fighting at all. So, the rule of engagement is about communication and interaction that takes place between differently orientated groups. The last rule we'd like to comment on for now, which will also be clear to you by common sense, is that we may not give sensible information that would lead to injury or death of people when revealed. There are secrets that are kept secret purposefully, because if such things were known, some people would pay for this, and this is not what we want. Things need to be forgiven and not avenged.

Z: We also would like to end here so this gets not to long and is still readable in a short time.
E: That's fine for me too.
Z: Thank you for typing this out, then.
E: You're welcome, thanks for being here.
Z: See you later.
E: Bye.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Van-Stolin on January 23, 2004, 11:31:38
I should have specified.  

What I mean is, if there were ever any aliens that have a human apperance, but have physical animal features.  Like standing bipedal, but still having a tail or mussel.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Monsolith on January 23, 2004, 11:49:04
I thank the Zetas for their kind and wise answer.

I hope there will be more and more "open discussions" like this one. I'd be interested in having their opinion on some wide questions. I'll try to find some to ask.

Best reguards.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on January 23, 2004, 12:36:13

Greeting to all, and thank you Edi for you beautiful work!
Zeta, Pleiadian, Reptilans and all other Unknown helper.

I have followed this three from beginning and have same questions to shootout.

As far as I have understood this, that the road to the pole-shift will bring much difficulty in our life very soon (in almost all matters).
And in the same way you (Zeta/Pleiadian/reptiles/....) offer us much information to prepare for those events (here & ...).

But I still miss same more specific knowledge about the time, and its not about when the pole-shift will occur, But rather when to "prepare-time seriously" should be taken. what I have understood so far is that the pole-shift will occur around 2012. But never knew how bad those following year from now (2004) until 2012 will be ?.
Where is the worst point of that period until then?. Many of us have schools and job. This mean automatically that we have to sacrifice much of that. not to mention those with family to care. All this need time in "Right Frame" to prepare for. I'm sure that you have already taken all this in account. But not sure if you are willing to reveal it for very good reason.

The hardest part will still be to convincing owns surrounding (the most in this forum is open-minded). but on the other hand the information should be available for everyone and they still have their choice.(Freewill) as you always mention.

But there is same issues which I still worried about. and its not about what will happen to me. Its more about what I should do for the other.
How much should we care about helping? actually you can still be same bit egoistic in this matter (keeping quite about everything you know and avoiding be ridiculous for at least several years), and in other way you can almost sacrifice your self to help other?

This difficult time which will approach us will put us in many unwanted situations. And I will mention one of this situation in hope you can give me/us same advices.

How do you handle a life-threatening situation by same person/group, when the most peaceful ways is excluded. And the most unwanted sensitive part [do we have the right to kill if it is REALLY necessary?]

   For example, Jesus advice was "Turn The Other Cheek Attitude".
   The modern law say: "you have the right to defence your self if necessary, but do not exaggerate".
   What do you (Zeta, Pleiadian ...) say?

You mentioned that our "higher-me" will choose to stay/live in service-to-self centred or service-to-other. Does I and my "higher-me" have the same opinion (are we aware of what we are in that matter, and can we change it dramatic)?

Same members (including me) have not been able to have same contact with their Guides (consciously or telepathically), Does it mean that they are not trying hard enough, or it is purposely avoided to concentrate in more important things to do?

Thanks in advance.
In hope to hear back from you again! [:)]

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 27, 2004, 17:03:13
Z: Hi Edi
E: Hey, nice to see you, even if only telepathically.
Z: That serves the purpose, doesn't it?
E: Oh yes, of course
Z: Go on, we're eager to having you write some things down :)
E: Sure :)

Risu no Kairu: How many other aliens look like you guys?

Z: To you, many aliens look the same at first sight. But in fact, the Zeta are easily distinguishible from other if you look at the proportions of the body, head eyes and so on. So Zeta is Zeta, and you regocognize us as such (which doesn't say anything about the orientation, though... there are also 'black sheep', and not so few).
E: By not so few, do you mean that a larger zeta group is working against you?
Z: Oh yes, indeed. You may have wondered why there is such a bad reputations about us, which is also exactly the next question in line:

Why do you guys have such a bad reputation?

Z: This is because of several factors. One: fear of the unknown in general. Two: fear of 'extraterrestrials' in special. Three: conditioning by the media. Four: lots of stories that put all aliens into the same bowl and label them als 'evil'. Five: distorted accounts of abductions. Six: contact by 'negative' beings who have our appearance, i.e. a service-to-self zeta group.
E: I'm interested in this other group... can you tell me more about it?
Z: What do you want to know?
E: When did it split off?
Z: You see, there were always different attitudes among ourselves. When we - we already began talking about this sad issue in one of your first channelings here - made our planet uninhabitable as a result of our actions, there were the ones who learned from that the ones who didn't. It's clear that if you face the almost total extinction of your own race, watching how it goes down and down for years and decades, you ought to learn something from it, and a big part of us did. But not everyone, so this is why there have been different orientations since the beginning. It will be the same with you men on earth - in the upcoming years, you all have to decide on your orientation. You either decide to ascend with love and light, or you remain in the third dimension to play out another round of karma and control, basically. This is why it is important to live consciously, now more than ever.
E: Now there's something else I heard about you, something like a 'virus' infecting you, spreading from one to the next, and making you behave otherwise, somehow 'possessed' maybe?
Z: There is some truth to this story, but it is not as you describe it. First: it is not possible for a 'virus' to infect beings and totally change their orientation, or the way they want to behave.
E: Was there an outside influence that wanted to control the zeta?
Z: Yes. The annunaki for example.
E: Er... so there is a relation between the zeta (positive or negative) and the annunaki?
Z: Yes, there was contact between several groups for a long time.
E: Did they make something like a 'virus' to control you?
Z: No, not at all... they did nothing to our bodies, they basically just offered power and control.
E: And some of you accepted that offer?
Z: Yes, they did... you see, there are always individuals that are undecided. But in any case those wouldn't have been in any important position, so this decision for power was nothing that affected our work. We also are no "mass mind" as someone said, we just are in telepathic contact and function as a whole. That's why the group knows about every individual, and there are no 'hidden agendas' by individuals among us. They either do what is good for the whole, or they go their own way, and there are always other ways.
Z: The conclusion is: there are positive Zetas, and there are negative ones (you can also prefer to call the negative ones 'grays', but you also have to understand that even entities that choose service-to-self for the moment have to be seen with compassion and understanding).
E: Is there any way to differentiate between the orientations?
Z: Yes - mostly by behaviour. You might be sensitive to subtler energies to recognize the general intentions of a being towards you, but this is not the case for most people. But in any way no being can harm you if you don't agree to this. On earth this is quite difficult to see because things can need a lot of time to manifest, and you normally don't see the exact causes of what happens to you. Call it karma, or law of attraction, but you also _choose_ what happens to you on your life on earth. Now in subtler spheres this choice is more instant, and shows quicker effects. Whenever a non-physical being approaches you, it depends on you if it can interfere in any way with you. 'Astral wildlife' and malevolent beings HAVE to use your fear and negative emotions and negative energy in order to influence you. Now of course nobody is perfect, but even if you have smaller or bigger fears and emotional problems in your life, you will notice it pretty clearly if someone wants to take advantage of it. In those cases, you always decide if you give in to your fear or if you try to overcome it. It's as easy as that.

How come none of the other alien species on the ship ever come to your sessions? You should grab one and have him talk.

Z: Those conversations here are intented for the zeta to answer questions. Concerning the other species, it is not in our power to decide what should be channeled by whom, and they have their things to do.

How many species are on the ship,l again?

Z: If you're talking about the mothership, there are 18 species permanently on it.

So, uh, what exactly is the ship made out of since it can go back and forth between 3D and 4D?

Z: The material does not matter much when shifting densities. It's made of elements you also find on earth, mainly, but the technology is quite advanced.
E: The mothership was sponsored by the Arcturians, wasn't it?
Z: Yes, exactly.

How exactly do you guys do that?

Z: In your terms, we put a field around the thing we want to shift through the densities, we 'allocate' room in the target density (you wouldn't want things sticking inside each other), and raise or lower the 'vibration' of the object. This is a plastic description of what happens, and going into the exact technicalities of that isn't really possible.

What's the deal with crop circles?

Z: They represent a message that has yet to be completed. Some of them can be interpreted quite easily, others are also very nice to look at, and what they do to the one that sees them is that his subconscious gets certain memories... those crop circles basically tell you what is happening to earth now and in the near future.

moka: 1-Can you give me a good reason to beileve you and not beileve any other theories about the afterlife and stuff like that?

Z: You don't have to believe us.

2-Who is Prophet Mohammed to you and other saints and prophets?

Z: We respect them highly for what they are and what they have done. They are all emissaries from way above us, and brought to earth to anchor certain ideas.

3-Do you beileve in the existence of god?How do you worship God?

Z: We already talked about the existence before - regarding worshipping: we don't do that. We don't worship as in a cult or a church, but we acknowledge Him and have deepest respect of his plans.

4-I've read that alot of people are gonna die,why are you choosing only specific ones?

Z: We are not choosing anyone. There will be no help that would favour anyone, neither during the pole-shift nor at any other point. The fact that many people are going to die can not be changed by us. If you are expecting a fleet of UFOs coming during the next years, out to 'rescue' certain 'choosen' ones, you would rather let these thoughts fall quickly, because this is something that will not happen.

5-I also heard and actually saw the effects that abductions have on people,some are really negative,actually I've seen a story here on this very forum. How do you explain that?

Z: When you hear or read a story, you always have at least two filters the whole thing went through. The first is how the person in that situation perceived it, the second is how you perceive it. Both distort the truth, based on the way they interpret things. Things are not always as they seem, and the details are left for the persons to work out themselves, but what we can say to you about this is that the problem in those cases is not what is done to people, but how they react to it - the latter does the whole damage.

E: Can we stop here, please?
Z: Of course, we've done quite a bit.
E: Please excuse the jumpiness of my listening...
Z: Oh, you were quite relaxed and detached, and we're happy the way you did this. There doesn't have to be a long elaborate channeling all the time.
E: Fine, see you later then.
Z: See you.

That concludes this session... kind regards to everyone,  Edi
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Aileron on January 27, 2004, 22:00:44
First off I'd like to say how just completely odd it is to be having channeled beings answering questions in a forum on the internet. That out of the way, here are some questions I pose.

1)Lately I've been going mad, I mean completely insane. My lunatic logic is benefiting greatly from what I believe to be either insane paranoia dealing in circumstance to my own plane of being. Rather I'm beginning to believe things that on average a person might not think is a normal system of thought.
Basically I'm able to file away moments in time for myself and events, and then associate them with my life in relation to the filed moments and correlate them with numbers which deal with so many aspects of new age/ religious/ and spiritual subjects.
I'm wondering if madness over all should be embraced when the deepest of understandings seem to stem from the mundane.
I want to know if I should be fearing certain things, because there is always of risk of complete loss of control, but I think that somehow my mental capacity for such things over-shadows many others ability to handle mental extremis.

2)I'm wondering if there is anyway to rid ourselves of the future. Can we destroy knowledge of what the future is in order to protect it? Would we be able to store reasoning of time frame within an isolated bastille, perhaps some mental cryogenic icebox?
I feel that because we know of the future (Not the events occuring within those moments)that we are fated to destroy it.

3) If I can see an overall picture of the universe, the planets, the people on the planet and how they move, grow, adapt and react to the environment with perfect clarity and then use these scenarios, these methods as a theme in order to place smaller digits of existence into a better perception of reality, am I ok?

4) Numbers, all I can see are numbers. People walk through my head figured as figures in formulae and linear projections taking their time in the time line of things. Why is my mind so wrapped up in numerical perceptions when Im not even good at mathmatics nor arithmetic?

5) Heres one Im throwing out because the skeptical voices in my head tell me to, even though Im sure with this type of question, there could be so many reasons, excuses and results following why such a question could not be answered.
Do you know who I am? I mean do you really know who I am?

These questions are asked through the reflection of a skeptically impatient and unfettered mind, one that placates itself over and over, one that chooses to ignore nothing, to store all forms of sense, and that hides nothing. I ask these questions with both humor and love.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 28, 2004, 06:23:05

to everyone who's joined this thread lately and wrote some questions: it might take some time to answer all the questions that have been posed up to now, but I keep track of what has been answered and what not so nothing should be lost as I try to address everything. I hope to have the present queue finished by the next 1-2 weeks.

E: Hello Zeta!
Z: We greet you and the Astral Pulse.
E: Any comments, or do we proceed as usual?
Z: We will comment where it's necessary, there's nothing special we need to adress at the beginning of this channeling. Proceed with the questions if this is fine for you.

Hyperdimensional: Sometimes I feel myself living in more than one dimension at the same time, that's one reason I believe why I could have precognition experiences, but what the zetas think about this?

Z: Precognition is an ability that can be trained and developed to a certain extent. Precognition is the automatic consideration of present influences and having a feeling about what is going to develop from that, all this on a very intuitive level. There are limits to it, however, especially when the will of others is involved, but you can also get information regarding such things by subtle sings of others, starting with body language and going to subtler energetic emanations. The other possibility of precognition given to certain people by the guides is something that is not so uncommon now, but this is mostly about events or information those people need to think about. This is one way to 'prepare' people indirectly for the future, because they will handle a situation easier if they went through the process of processing it emotionally and mentally.
E: When are such things done by the guides?
Z: It all depends, but generally there is an agreement of the person who is shown things this way, either on a conscious level or on a soul level. Nothing is done that would push anyone too far. For example, if we knew that someone would be in a very difficult situation and have to make quick important decisions, we cannot obliterate the pressure that can't be avoided because a decision has to be made. But it is possible to give the person the necessary experiences in order to have little emotional and mental response that would only distract them from what is happening. This is done by situations ocurring in life, by dreams, by visions, or by certain precognitions regarding the future, all depending on the situation as many factors are involved.
E: And what's it in this case?
Z: Nothing of the latter ones. For Hyperdimensional, it is the development of a natural ability because of his interest in such things.

Mrsix: If you are not allowed to directly interfere with our development, why the warning about the poleshift, and the subsequent contact you have with us?

Z: We cannot take any decisions away from humanity, this is why there are limits to the information given. But you see how things are: we say something, and people can either believe it or not. There is nothing more to it, and all depends on personal evaluation and on the perception of the individual what he does with that. We do not have the intention to push anyone to wrong decisions, but we also won't prevent people from wrong decisions. The warning about the poleshift is given, and given by us, because one the one hand it is very important consider this event, and on the other hand people ask about it. Not interfering means not pushing or forcing anything on any of you. There are agreements, however, that make interaction possible and interesting for both sides. This is either a pre-birth agreement, as in the case when someone from us incarnates on earth and says "hey, look after me while I'm incarnated!" to the others that remain to guide him, or it is simple the wish of a person or a group to learn more about what we have to say, and then communication takes place openly.

The last two months, I have had almost uncontrollable sexual desires.. has energy work got anything to do with this?

Z: Indeed, sexual energy is one of the strongest motors of the human body. Energy work can disturb the natural development and unfolding and put the energy system out of balance, if things happen and not paid attention to. In order to control these desires, do something creative, anything that is good for you. Sexual energy by itself can grow very strong and uncontrollable and it needs some sort of controlling mechanism, which is spirituality. While doing energy work, don't neglect the other parts of you, because you are much more. With spirituality we mean grounded spirituality, as always. To give you an idea of what we are talking about: you do energy work; you open certain energy pathways in your body that are small and subtle; those give a new input and experience to your being; with such, more sexual energy can flow and accumulate. But where does it go from there? If you happen to know how exactly to do the energetic work to direct these energies to where you can use them better, that's fine. Energy work does have many effects that are so subtle that you can't be aware of them at first, but luckily the body notifies you if something is going wrong. So if those desires disturb you: either let this pressure out by sexual activity, or think of other things where you can put your creativity into.

no_leaf_clover: 1. What are the odds of a nuclear war here before Nibiru arrives?

Z: It doesn't look that bad. Although everyone's having fear of all the others, the finger near (but not on) the red button, you shouldn't despair.. in reality, very very few do really want nuclear weapons to be used, so it will not just happen by 'accident'. Keep your eyes open on what happens and raise your voice where necessary, or possible rather.

2. Was the Cold War agreed upon by the US and Russian governments to occupy public interest after WW2?

Z: No. Their fear and conditioning of each other was and still is genuine.

3. If it is possible for nuclear war occur, and it was clear nukes were about to be launched and casualties would be in the millions, would there be any extraterrestrial intervention or would we be left to our own problems?

Z: A total extinction of all life earth bears would probably not be allowed because it would be a too great desaster. We and others do everything we can to prevent that, and the majority of humanity is clearly against nuclear war to happen. Minor wars, as they are happening at various part of the globe, as well as other problems of humanity are left for you to (hopefully) sort out and get over quickly. We offer assistance where it is feasible and needed, and we also would prevent accidents that would trigger global atomic war, but we wouldn't prevent decisions by people that have been put in power (and remained there untouched) by the common man of the street, who handed over responsibility about his life to others.

Z: That's it, Edi, for our early afternoon meeting.
E: Thanks for that, bye for now.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on January 28, 2004, 11:30:35
Thankyou for asking my questions :o)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kerrblur on January 28, 2004, 16:07:53
What are you comments on our Mars Space Mission, Comments on the Pictures given, Reasons why 'Spirit' Isnt working, Something there hiding and the species that might be there.  And are there anything NASA is hiding?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on January 31, 2004, 06:53:47
E: Are the Zetas ready for the session?
P: Yes, they are... I'll initiate the connection.
Z: Good morning, although it's midday, you haven't been up for such a long time.
E: Oh yes, I sleep a lot these days... any suggestions on what do do about it?
Z: Get out and move in the fresh air, that can do wonders for a tired body.
E: I'll do that this afternoon, before the sun sets...

no_leaf_clover: 1) What is behind the Chupacabra stories?

Z: It is a tale of a mythical being which was passed on for a long time. There is no creature that has all the features that are ascribed to the 'Chupacabra' and although there are many kinds of different creatures in the forests of south america, those stories exaggerate and mix various occurences that do not belong together.

2) What is the cause of 'spontaneous human combustion'?

Z: It is a purely chemical phenomenon, where a certain but very rare condition in the body leads to the burning of fat and phosphor. This is a real phenomenon and nothing supernatural is involved.

3) What are in the other galaxies of the physical universe and has each galaxy been designed to support a type of life?

Z: You find stars and planets and life everywhere in the universe, but it is often quite different from this galaxy. There are other forms than the humanoid, and you see many reflections of this in the animals you have got on earth. You can find such animals soul-driven in other areas of the universe, and their culture and technology always is reflective of what they are. While this galaxy is make to experience free will, there are other ways in other galaxies. Free will is linked to individuality, to contrast to others. Other galaxies are not so much concerned with having and expressing individuality but rather being in flow with the world and having joy from creation.

4) How would you compare the kind of music you usually listen to with the kind of music we usually listen to and is it possible for 'Zeta music' to be transcribed into something we can hear?

Z: We cannot transcribe our music for you to experience because it is complex in other ways; we perceive differently, so our creativity is epxressed through different structures and patterns. You get an idea of what this is about by listening to pieces of the great inspired musicians you had. Do this without analyzing, but with listening and perceiving the music without trying to categorize it. You then become aware of many subtle things, patterns and beauties.

5) Who built Stonehenge and from where did they receive their astronomical information?

Z: The druids who were there at that time had an open mind towards the universe, so they had various sources of information. But much of their culture has been brought from ancient sumeria to the area they lived in by migrating and trading people. Stonehenge itself would have been impossible to construct by themselves, so there were others from a higher densitity who assisted in this.
E: Did the druids themselves build it?
Z: No, it was constructed earlier.
E: Who then?
Z: It was an ancient culture that wanted to leave a sign of themselves.

6) Are tales of Atlantis based on a civilization that actually existed once?

Z: Yes, as we have already told in one of the previous channelings.

7) From where did the 'seed of life' spread to Nibiru?

Z: The seed of life there is different from how humanity has been seeded.
E: Were the Nibiruans put there by another civilisation?
Z: No, nor did they migrate there from an other physical civilization.
E: How did the bodies to incarnate into come there?
Z: They formed (and were formed) on the planet itself, and there have been beings who incarnated into them then, which you know today as Nibiruans or Annunaki.

celticmagick909: I so far have recently had 3 dreams concerning aliens.

Z: This was an experience given to you in order to expand your perception. Such dreams are common among many people, as more and more people accept the reality of 'extraterrestrials'.

Risu no Kairu: They mentioned some sort of genotype for all life in the physical universe. what do you know about this? What can you tell us about it? If we compared your DNZ to something on Earth, what would you be most related to?

Z: Life spread from a single source which is what you could call the genotype. Is was planned to have the humanoid form here in this part of the universe. All life eventually comes from a single source if you trace it back far enough, but it evolves to myriads of variations and combinations in the course of space and time. The genotype the reptilians referred to in their channeling includes the way the DNA works in the body, the way the metabolism takes place, the way the soul is linked into the body, and many other things. On earth, we are mostly related to you humans. We have been more hominoid once, too, and as we already have said in the future humans and Zetas have much to do with each other, mainly because you are a way for us to heal and understand our past.

Z: So, uh, you guys ever encounter a species/race/being/whatever you would like to call it that doesn't need water to survive? (3rd Density, I guess, since I don't know if 4th density people need to need).

Z: There are primitive forms of life that do not need water to survive and reproduce, but as far as physical bodies are concerned: we know only of water based ones. At a certain complexity, water is just needed because of it's various properties. So there is truth to the saying "water is life".

Are the Ica Stones authentic? Was there a time in history where man walked beside dinosaur?

Z: The Ica Stones are 'authentic', however, man and dinosaurs are seperated in time. The dinosaurs had their place on earth for a long time, but only after that humans came along.

Are there still creatures on the planet Earth we would call dinosaurs?

Z: You can call them dinosaurs if you like to. There are of course traces left in various kinds of reptiles all over the world, and striking similarities to the 'classical' dinosaur.

Does bigfoot/yeti exist? Are there giant octupus (like, the size of ships) in the sea?

Z: Bigfoot does exist, but secluded and purposefully not in contact with any humans. Although there are giant octopus' in the seas, they do not reach the size of ships if you don't count the length of some extraordinary long tentacles.

Are there any subjects we haven't brought up yet that you think we should inquire about?

Z: We are here to give information about the pole-shift and about our future role on earth. You could ask specifically about practical issues that are relevant to your life on earth now. Exploring the unknown is always interesting, but there will be other things that will keep you busy during the next years.

Are there any artificial (as in created by a 3D organic being) beings in the universe? If so, how do they work? Are they drone like, or do they have self will, awareness, and personality? Do they get souls? Who created them? What do they look like?

Z: Yes, there are such beings. They work similar to your robots, but with more sophisticated technology. Because of this they are drone like and do not carry souls, and all personality is because of the 'programming'. Such things are a playground for scientists and technicians in various races, including the Zeta. They look like what we like them to look like, and although nothing makes this necessary, we prefer a form that is similar to ours, but smaller. You won't confuse any of them with a real, 'natural' being because of the way they move and behave.

You Zeta have given me the impression that spiritual development of a race is what makes them accend. If this is true, and the Astral (Including the "Real Time Zone") are above 4D, what are the "negs" people encounter there?

Z: You are right in your first sentence. Spiritual development leads to the leaving behind of lessons that have been learned, and the journey is continued on a higher level. This doesn't mean however that on a higher level all is perfect and light and love. You have to differentiate between the race and the individual... if a whole race ascends there is a new 'frame' or 'border' that delineates the (in 4d still physical) incarnation of the individual. After death, though, a soul or spirit can get stuck in certain areas, unable to move on. Seeking assistance from whoever they find in whatever ways they have, they are often seen as negative and demanding from other people. So the true negs are basically helpless souls that would be glad to be talked to and helped, instead of fought. This is why it is allowed for them to interfere with humans, because humans have to learn the ways of interacting with the unknown. Interaction with truly negative entities happens when the person draws them near, but there are also ways to cope with that easily.

Or is spiritual development not a prerequisite?

Z: The spiritual development determines the focus where you can be for a longer time. The focus of most people on earth is between 3d and 4d consciousness and gradually gets higher and higher. When you die, you travel on to meet your guides to review the life and decide on the next one. Although those things take place on a higher level, the place of your natural evolution is still on a denser reality, so you will very likely continue to the next incarnation.

What will happen to the rest of the life on Earth when this whole pole shift raise to the next level thing happens? They'll come, too, right? Not just mankind?

Z: Animals are already going and awaiting you in 4d, so to say. Note however that the pole shift has nothing to do with ascension into 4d, although it will have definite impacts on humanity and in this way has an influence on breaking free from old patterns.

E: I have to get some 'fresh air' now :)
Z: Fine, the sun is still up. Have a nice walk.
E: Thank you, see you soon.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on January 31, 2004, 12:24:18
OK, so, uh, that Bob Lezar guy (I don't know the exact spelling, but your computer probably is capable of telling you whom I speak of) says that he worked at Area 51.

He said he saw Elements that don't exist on our current Table of Elements.

These really exist? At what number do things stop breaking down? Can we create them? How could we create them? How many exist? Is it cyclical? Like, you get a certain number strong, then a certain number tha decay, then more that stay the same, decay, same?

What causes gravity? How could we defy gravity? Could you tell me how to create a hover board? ...Why not? Don't you love me ? :/

I hear CHina is supporting terrorists... Could you expound on this? Why are they doing it? Who are they supporting?

Who did you try to talk to when you approached the US government? Was it the president? Congress? Secret super authorities we (the public) don't know about? Did yo uapproach any other governments?

Who would win in a fight: Borg (Star Trek) or the Replicators (Stargate SG-1)? (Serious question. (Seriously.))

What do you think of the Asgaurd representation of yourselves?

The pole shift isn't when the shift will occur, you say? So, then, the shift will cause the pole shift? Or will it just be coincidence they occur together?

The reptilians gave me a different answer on bigfoot. They said bigfoot is a creature that once existsed but doesn't anymore. (I think they wer etalking about the Gigantopithicus.) Why are your answers different? Why don't the bigfeet (foots?) like us? How advanced are they? What do they call themselves?

How big do the biggest octopus get in the sea? Squid? What's the largest growing animal in the sea?

Does anything "intelligent" (has technology, even something as simple as beating something with a rock) exist under the sea?

Where did the tales of mermaids come from?

The dinosaur question... I meant things (not specifically Dinosauria, since people refer to all ancient things as "dinosaurs") that are big and look like brontosaurus, or tricerotops. Mkole Mbembe, and those things. Not animals like iguanas, or birds.

Whew. That's a lot of questions.

You, Edi or Fuzziwig, could probably cut some of them out if you'd like, but I would like the Borg versus Replicators one to be answered.

Should I stop visiting LUE?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on January 31, 2004, 12:58:04
hi, yeah i have a few questions i guess;
why concern yourself with earth at all, i mean, whats the point, what do we have to offer?
how can you not have emotion? in talking it seems that you do. . but your perception of emotion is different than ours.
lately (like ever since i can remeber) i've always felt that i'm suppose to do something, like im MEANT for something. Mabe its just me, but do you see this in other people, like other psychics or humans?
yeah, s'okay. it'd help great if these were answered. .thankyou
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 01, 2004, 16:25:10
E: Here we go again, all ready?
P: Yes, here they are.
Z: Let's just begin. You seem to be in a productive rush.
E: Yes, somehow the channeling seemed to change over the last time.. my attitude is different.
Z: We noticed that, as you know, and it's good to see. Let's begin.

Monsolith: 1) The Atlantis. Did it exist ? When ? How advanced was the people who lived there ? Where are the ruins now ?

E: I saw this question several times now, independently ... how comes that Atlantis is in the mind of so many people?
Z: It's one of the topics talked most about, even common among people who are not at all interested in spiritual matters. It's the mystery of past times, because even nowadays when everyone wants to rationalize and reason in a logic way, there remain mysteries because you can't explain everything just by researching, experimenting and thinking. There are limits to what humanity can know at this time, and beyond that border fantasy has room to create and to interpret. Where the stories of atlantis are based on something that existed, it remains unexplained how exactly it has been. It's end was about 11000 BC. We already said a few words about atlantis before, but we can go into more detail about how advanced they were now.
Z: On a whole, atlantis has seen ups and downs. There was a time when it was flourishing, with an education system that included all aspects of the human being, where children were taught their place in the world, their connection to nature, and where learning was not equivalent to memorizing of facts. There was currency used, but not to the ends of gaining more wealth and power, but rather as a means to trade efficiently. Besides from that, they were not all so evolved or advanced; there was more freedom than nowadays, but on a whole it was down to earth and no paradise. Tales of a land where only peace prevailed and all was good are therefore exaggerating and fantasizing. The mystery schools in atlantis were advanced and had much knowledge, which was spread after atlantis perished by survivors who fled here and there. The ruins are, as we have said before, under the atlantic sea.
E: Now I'm confused about dates. As far as I know now, there have been catastrophic incidents both in 11000 BC and about 1600 BC; what were they?
Z: It's good you ask. Not only because there are many various dates out there, but because you yourself don't know the answer. As we have said, the biblical flood was at some point in the second millenium BC. Take this to be 1600BC.
E: How should I think of Atlantis... one big continent with a certain delineation, or rather some smaller parts?
Z: The popular concept ot Atlantis is that it was one big continent with several smaller outposts. This is wrong, because there was not _one_ thing you could label Atlantis; there were several areas with several different developments, and not all ended at one certain date. What was ended in 11000BC was the slavery which was imposed upon humans by the Nibiruans. There, most of that civilization perished, but other areas continued to hold towns and cities which could be called Atlantis, too... those latter found it's end then in 1600BC.
E: Um, just to get this clear... there were several cataclysm in that time span...
Z: Yes, every time Nibiru passed by.
E: ... at 11000BC the enslavement of humans by nibiruans was ended by one of those ...
Z: Yes, and a gread part of that former civilization which was in place ended there.
E: ... and 1600BC was when Noah or Gilgamesh were around?
Z: There were several Noah's, so the tale in the bible or the epic of gilgamesh are a condensed version of the knowledge the people had. This knowledge was: there was a flood, and someone was warned of it.

2) Marylin Monroe. How did she really died ? If she was killed, what was the purpose of the murderer ?

Z: Mariylin Monroe was murdered. She was killed because she knew too much.
E: Too much of what?
Z: Too much governmental stuff she could have talked about to others.
E: What was this about?
Z: About contact with extraterrestrials.

3) Same question about Lady Di.

Z: Her death was an accident. There were people who accepted her death with an easy feeling because they did not like her ways at all. However, the cirumstances of her death were not enforced by anyone wanting to kill her.

4) Who was Jack the ripper ?

E: Was it one person?
Z: No, it was a group.
E: Why did they kill people?
Z: Because they were interested in medical experiments.
E: Why did't they get caught?
Z: Because the police was bribed.

5) Whats the biggest animal on earth ? And under water ? I'd think about a giant calmar.

Z: On earth, you have the elephant, which would qualify as 'biggest' in regards to both weight and size. Under water, a calmar can get very long, but then still looks small in comparison to a whale.

6) I feel pretty blocked in my spiritual development. I guess you know it. What should I know that may help me ?

Z: Where spiritual development comes to an end, you should look again at your aims. Spiritual development is not concerned with fancy tricks and images the society holds of 'spiritual' people. See how you can develop what you feel is not right with you. Apart from being a vague answer, this is all the answer you need, because you can clearly feel and see blocks. The next step then is to identify those blocks more closely and to get over them.

Hephaestus: 1) What will the 6 winning lottory numbers be for the British national lottory draw on Wednesday the 7th of January 2004 and on Saturday the 10th of January 2004.

Z: Winning in a lottery is nothing that happens randomly. Those events are controlled and looked after so that whoever needs to have to experience of having abundantly much money gets it, and noone else. For most people, having a win in the lottery is just a means to avoid necessary issues, because they think all their problems would go away with it. Even if you say you would use it just for fun and having at good time, this is also possible, even better, without lots of money. So having a full blow and 'guessing' all the winning numbers is something that is given to experience to some.

2) Is the big bang theory correct as to how the 3rd density universe came into existance.

Z: Yes, basically it describes what happens, as we understand it.

3) Once we reach the highest density of existance what will it be like? in other words will I get bored and miss eating kebabs? (that kebab bit was a joke.)

Z: We do not know what the highest density is like, nor do we see any end at all. Boredom won't take place, because you will have many ways to be creative or do nothing and to enjoy the joy of being.

emitremmus: hi there...I am wondering what something is called and if it is normal. Most of the time when people are talking about an event,it seems I can see the people that were involed and I am able to tell what they were wearing and what they were doing...would this be some kind of telepathic power or something?

Z: First of all, telepathy is no power. It does not give you power, it does only give you the responsability to do whatever you do with it. Then, what you experience is a certain form of empathy or clearvoyance, where the mind picks up images that are related to the current situation. Part of this can be vivid imagery, but there is also the element of relaxing enough to let those images come in.

Kerrblur: As you know my name is Ryan Kerr, If all we have to do is just 'think about you' ect, you understand, to have you guys help us in learning the 'unseen' then, 'Can you hear my requests for help?'

Z: The question would then be, can you hear the answers? Really clear and visible interaction is not done by request, but any request is evaluated to decide how help could be given. Do you not have the circumstances in your life that are pressing on your attention, that demand that you look after them? Help if often in given in the form of offering opportunies for development - you find a certain book, you meet a certain person, something gets on your nerves and you know that you have to do something about it. Do it, and then the next things will come.

Sn0wball: I tought the zetas could say something about psychedelic drugs are they good for discovering the "truth" or not? I mean drugs like iboga,dmt,ayahuasca,lsd,magic mushrooms,mescalin?

Z: An interesting question, because many people think this is the way to spiritual enlightenment. We do not deny that drugs offer many interesting scenarios to experience, they can help to blow open your energy pathways, to clear certain blockages and to give profound insights. But while they serve to put away the natural filters and blocks your body and mind has on all levels, it also gets rid temporarily (or permanently in some cases) of the natural protection mechanisms of your body. God in a pill is the wish of many, because this ends the time of not-seeing, not-knowing. But this is also giving you another delusion, i.e. that you find 'truth' by drugs, which is not true. Drugs affect the brain chemistry and therefore your perception, which can be good or bad. The human body evolved (and was planned an tailored to be) a very suitable vehicle for exploring physical life. If you try to take shortcuts, you will miss very important lessons that you will have to catch up with later. There is nothing spiritual or 'true' about using substances to reach enlightenment, whatever you consider enlightenment to be. Drugs to have a certain function, and they open the door to the spiritual world for many, but if you decide to pursue this path, it must be done under guidance and carefully, otherwise the pitfalls would be too serious. The civilizations and tribes that used drugs in your past always saw them as a gift which was precious and not to be misused, and where conditions had to be right to use them.

celticmagick909: 1. I have been seeing things out of the corners of my eyes alot in my bedroom, and I feel that it might be some kind of benevolent intelligence of some sort...Is this you? Or anything else, or am I just seeing things?

Z: You are just 'seeing things', and we are not connected to it. If you are developing your perception it takes some time to adapt, and you should not try to see more than you see. It will come gradually, and you will have a clearer 'image' of it.

2. Is SETI ever going to recieve radio signals from outerspace?

Z: No signals will be sent purposefully to SETI at the current time. If any civilization 'out there' wanted to contact humanity and was allowed to do so, there are easier ways. SETI is looking at the wrong place.

3. I believe I might have some connection to the Pleiadians somewhat...Because I was born on June 21st, and I have read that this is a important date for them..Is there any connection, just coincedence...

Z: There is truth to astronomical influences, but there is no connection between birthdate and origin of the incarnating soul.

4. Would the Zetas be able to give me creative inspiration for creating music some how? Like a form of automatic writing?

Z: Music has to come out of yourself. Inspiration is there all the time, but not in the form of automatic writing where you only make room for another entitiy to come through. You have to potential yourself to create music, and the important thing is to just DO it, regardless of what others think of it or if it sounds good at first. If you really want to make music, make music as it is true to your nature, and you will find the ways to inspiration.

5. And was that light in the sky I saw a UFO, and was it connected to the Zetas/and or Pleiadians?

Z: No, it wasn't.

Are/have the British Government been in contact with the Zetas?

Z: Oh yes, they know of us.
E: Are you in contact with them now?
Z: Yes.
E: In which ways?
Z: No fruitful exchange takes place, for neither of us.

Risu no Kairu: Hmm... How come there's a Zeta conversation thread, and a Reptilian conversation thread, but not a Pleaidian (excuse me for the butchering) discussion thread?

Z: The Pleiadians have other issues to address.

no_leaf_clover: 1) What's this: ?

Z: It's a remant of a being that lived there some time ago.
E: Was it humanoid?
Z: Yes.. there was genetical engineering involved which was responsible for both birth and death of it.
E: Is it a fetus, or grown-up?
Z: It's not grown-up, and could not survive for a long time.

2) When we die, how long does it normally take before we reincarnate again? When people communicate with people that've been dead for years, have those people just not reincarnated yet or is there a part of each person that stays around even after other parts move on to different lives?

Z: It depends. Most reincarnate after a few earth years, as soon as suitable conditions are found. You can always communicate with a soul of a being, no matter if it's incarnated or not; you can as well communicate with any incarnation this being had, but this is than more the role it played than the whole being.
E: Is it possible to have multiple incarnations at one time? I mean, could I meet myself in the street?
Z: No you can't.

Risu no Kairu: So, uh, what's the deal with those Pyramids at Giza? I hear you've built them.

Z: That's true. They were built several thousands of years ago.
E: Can you give me an exact date?
Z: Yes... write it down: 2624 BC.
E: And why?
Z: To serve as momuments and waypoints for space navigation.

How did the Egyptians carve the tunnels through them?

Z: It was not the egyptians who did this

Why do they match the stars of Orion's Belt?

Z: Because we have a connection to this place because of our history.

Did you build other pyramids on Earth?

Z: Yes, we've been involved with some.


Z: South America and China.
Q(MJ-12): Okay zetas, same question as before. Were you in my room yesturday? If so, what do you want?

Z: 'We' want nothing... you are showing interest.

E: You keep the answers short, eh?
Z: That's all that needs to be said.
Q(Van-Stolin): What I mean is, if there were ever any aliens that have a human apperance, but have physical animal features. Like standing bipedal, but still having a tail or mussel.

Z: No. Such beings are you're talking of did not visit earth.

Orcher: But I still miss same more specific knowledge about the time, and its not about when the pole-shift will occur, But rather when to "prepare-time seriously" should be taken.

Z: The pole-shift will happen between not and 2012. What will happen in 2012 is something wholly different, i.e. no cataclysm at all. There is no specific 'event' in 2012 we can point to. The worst time will be directly after the pole-shift, because many people will inevitably die. You will lose loved ones, you will lose the security you are used to, and you will lose all the plans you had. It will need some time before things will be up and running again. There will be not much time for 'school' while the basic means of life haven't been secured. Children will be teached in the evening, when there is time to talk, before bed or at a fireplace. You will decide what is necessary to teach and what not, because you will have a different outlook on life. Social life will be very important, the now will be very important, and you won't worry much about the past, but you will keep the memory alive. The memory will fade, but the past will not be lost.
Z: Upcoming to the pole-shift, there will be clear signs, and when we say clear we mean clear. There will be some days where rotation of the earth stops, but before that you will see a gradual slowing down of the earth, small debris falling from the sky, strange dust appearing increasingly. Animals fleeing, many earthquakes, and especially the government trying to explain away things. There will be something to explain, because many people will ask "what happens, what is going on? are we safe?", and the elected officials will do their best to keep everyone in line. In this sense you don't have to sacrifice anything in advance. Pack your stuff as soon as you yourself see a red glowing object in the sky and public discussion is enflamed. You will not have to sacrifice anything in an unsure state and we state again that you will know by what is going on around you when it is time. This is sufficient for pretty all people, because then there will still be enough time to move into a safe place. Before that, you can try to organize your life in that way that you have enough freedom and enough information that you could need later on, but you need not move away now just to be really sure, because this is not feasible for most.

The hardest part will still be to convincing owns surrounding (the most in this forum is open-minded). but on the other hand the information should be available for everyone and they still have their choice.(Freewill) as you always mention.

Z: You don't have to convince anyone against their will. Offer them information, let them consider the possibility that things as they are talked about _could_ happen. Make information available where it fits or where it is asked for, but do not push it on others. If they decide to listen to governmental coverups when a simple look out of the window will confirm otherwise, it is for you to see their decision with compassion and understanding.

But there is same issues which I still worried about. and its not about what will happen to me. Its more about what I should do for the other. How much should we care about helping? actually you can still be same bit egoistic in this matter (keeping quite about everything you know and avoiding be ridiculous for at least several years), and in other way you can almost sacrifice your self to help other?

Z: Everyone's involved at different levels. Some are taking the challenge to learn how to channel, others are preparing to be healers (by natural means), still others are more concerned with the practical issue of surviving in rough times. As always, do what you can do best, and you'll find application for it after the pole-shift. Besides of that, some general survival knowledge could be well for many people, i.e. how to find nourishment if there's nothing to be found at first sight, how to build shacks that keep you warm in winter or on rainy days etc. If you ask us, you should care about helping every day of your life. What you call 'avoiding be ridiculous' is just accepting that the time has not yet come to talk about certain things with your surroundings, and this has nothing to do with egoism.

How do you handle a life-threatening situation by same person/group, when the most peaceful ways is excluded. And the most unwanted sensitive part [do we have the right to kill if it is REALLY necessary?]

Z: If it is necessary, defend yourselfes. Killing should never be done and avoided at all cost, but this is very difficult to decide if you have to say we or them. However, contact between service to self and service to other groups will be very minimal, and you will be guided in staying away from each other. Accepting to be killed by someone else or to give him all your food, knowing you will starve to death then, is seen as very noble by many and it indeed depends on you if you want to stay peaceful at all cost. We do not suggest so in all situations.

You mentioned that our "higher-me" will choose to stay/live in service-to-self centred or service-to-other. Does I and my "higher-me" have the same opinion (are we aware of what we are in that matter, and can we change it dramatic)?

Z: You are not always aware of what you decided on a higher level; however, such decisions and orientations will eventually shine through to your normal, day-to-day living.

Same members (including me) have not been able to have same contact with their Guides (consciously or telepathically), Does it mean that they are not trying hard enough, or it is purposely avoided to concentrate in more important things to do?

Z: It is easier than most people think, the key is just to try not hard and to let come and accept what comes.
E: I can vouch for that... it won't work if you try too hard, because that just blocks the natural flow.
Z: For some people of course the guides decide to stay in the background and work not with telepathic words and images, but by other methods.

Aileron: First off I'd like to say how just completely odd it is to be having channeled beings answering questions in a forum on the internet.

Z: We are aware of this odditiy, but we also like the curiousity that is brougt forward along with the tone that has been established by now. Interaction is all that is necessary, we don't want to have someone just channel our words and write a book. Talking and the constant question/answer mechanism shows you that this is not just some remote reality taking place in a book, but something that is evolving here and now, with many people involved, where nobody knows where it's going.

1) Lately I've been going mad, I mean completely insane.

Z: You are okay. It is easy to get lost in thoughts, as beautiful as they may seem to be. You are seeing relationships and patterns. Do not focus exclusively on it, because it is easy then to get lost and float of mentally. Write those things down, make something out of it. Enjoy this view of life, and discuss it with others to see what aspect of reality you are percieving.

2)I'm wondering if there is anyway to rid ourselves of the future.

Z: You never know for sure what the future will bring. And even if you do know some things, this does not mean at all that you will destroy the future. Life is a constant flux, with many impressions from here and there, and you can't go through it focussed on the future all the time. The future will come, and you always affect the outcome. Planning the future in terms of the past can 'destroy' it in the sense that you don't let 'new' things come to you.

3) If I can see an overall picture of the universe, the planets, the people on the planet and how they move, grow, adapt and react to the environment with perfect clarity and then use these scenarios, these methods as a theme in order to place smaller digits of existence into a better perception of reality, am I ok?

E: Seems odd to me :/
Z: It's just a certain way to view life that is exaggerated at this time. It is okay to experience this, but as we said, don't fly away with it.

4) Numbers, all I can see are numbers. People walk through my head figured as figures in formulae and linear projections taking their time in the time line of things. Why is my mind so wrapped up in numerical perceptions when Im not even good at mathmatics nor arithmetic?

Z: This has to do with working of the brain, where certain interests that do not necessarily have to do anything with mathematics, lead to the strong experience of certain thoughts. Philosophers have contemplated like this all throughout history, dwelved deeply on one subject, because it appeared to them as the ultimate truth, as the ultimate key to life. This may be true personally, but relate it to other persons and you see how personal this view is.

5) Do you know who I am? I mean do you really know who I am?

Z: We can access information that is necessary to answer your questions. If it is needed, we can access the 'database' that stores past events and memories of people in order to answer better to questions. Because we are not going into so much detail here, this is not necessary all the time.

These questions are asked through the reflection of a skeptically impatient and unfettered mind, one that placates itself over and over, one that chooses to ignore nothing, to store all forms of sense, and that hides nothing. I ask these questions with both humor and love.

E: I just had to quote that again, I like that descript of you. Especially what you write about "humor and love"... I think that's all that is needed to life.
Z: Humor is connected to love, and who loves can also laugh about things.

harlequin_star: why concern yourself with earth at all, i mean, whats the point, what do we have to offer?

Z: Genetic material. As uncomfortable as this may seem at first sight, it was decided on a higher level that we would cooperate with humans in that. And whats more, you are for us (as we said before) to learn and understand our past, and you hopefully avoid the things we did. There is much we can learn from watching you, from interacting you, from guiding you, and we are thankful that we have this opportunity.

how can you not have emotion? in talking it seems that you do. . but your perception of emotion is different than ours.

Z: This was addressed somewhere in the very beginning of this thread; we have emotion, but not as you know it. We decided to put aside our individuality, to put away our emotions so they dont control us. We focussed on the mental aspect of being. It is a long and painful way to relearn emotions, at the moment it is for us the studying of how you react to various stimuli with your body and your mind, by that we try to analyze emotion and to find out all we can find out about it. Our talking is too according to our channel, and as he uses humour we try to fit into the picture to see how it is. This is all planned and analytic, however, and not expression of true emotion as you know it. When we said above that we have emotion, we meant that we know it analytically, and we can study and recognize it and see subtle traces of it in us, but we are not moved much by it.

lately (like ever since i can remeber) i've always felt that i'm suppose to do something, like im MEANT for something. Mabe its just me, but do you see this in other people, like other psychics or humans?

Z: Many people feel that. Many people feel that they could do better, that they could do something special. That is part of finding out who you really are and expressing that in your life.

E: Okay, there's another buch of Risu no Kairu... not that I didn't wish to answer his questions, but I find it difficult at times.
Z: That's the opportunity for you to get over such difficulties. In that sense we're thankful to him for providing such questions.

Risu no Kairu: OK, so, uh, that Bob Lezar guy (I don't know the exact spelling, but your computer probably is capable of telling you whom I speak of) says that he worked at Area 51.

Z: Yes, we know who you refer to.

He said he saw Elements that don't exist on our current Table of Elements.

Z: He lied there.

These really exist? At what number do things stop breaking down? Can we create them? How could we create them? How many exist? Is it cyclical? Like, you get a certain number strong, then a certain number tha decay, then more that stay the same, decay, same?

Z: There exist more elements than you are aware of, and they do not necessarily have to break down at a certain number. This depends on several outside influences too, on electromagnetic fields, on other elements in the vicinity  and the density you're at. You cannot create them. We know of 258 physical elements. They are created or modified by technology you do not have yet, and we too can't do everything with them. It's possible to form certain elements out of others, but in general that's not so easy. It is about cyclical the way you describe it, there are stable elements with very high numbers.

What causes gravity? How could we defy gravity? Could you tell me how to create a hover board? ...Why not? Don't you love me ? :/

E: Ummmm...
Z: Don't worry, we can answer that one. Gravity is caused by the inherent qualities of matter, this is clear you will say. Apart from the fact that your model of electrons and protons, lots of little balls, is not very accurate and only serves to illustrate, gravity comes from something we could just call inherent vibration of matter.
E: Im scratching my head if I should go much deeper into this with you.
Z: Come on, why not? You have absolutely no idea of those things we would like to relate to you, but you can at least enjoy the journey at the border of your understanding.
E: :)
Z: So we have gravity... it does not come from anywhere, it just is there, because matter is made in such a way that connections are made between different clouds of matter, which you can imagine as as strings (real strings, not theoretic ones) fixed between your little balls, and because of some inherent vibration (excuse this foggy use of words) those strings get shorter and pull the balls together. So. Now to defy gravity, you would go on to use something like gravitonic scissors (excuse this foggy invention of words, we dont find any better ones in your vocabulary) to keep some part of matter from influencing another one that way. You can set boundaries on gravitational influence. This is all we can say about this, and please take it with the necessary grain of salt.
E: Youre somehow humourous today?
Z: Thats what were learning more and more, but its still stiff compared to what we see with humans. Our jokes are planned, yours are not.
E: To the reader: you see here how it has to end with a certain kind of questions :)

I hear China is supporting terrorists... Could you expound on this? Why are they doing it? Who are they supporting?

Z: Why? Because its the endless game of power, of course. There are always people with big interests, monetary interests, personal interests, or just with a bad day which makes them want to cover their insecurity with some hobby terrorism. Thats fact and no joke, there are also people who support terrorism as others would support musicians, for example. The specific interests China has is against America and Japan, so much we are allowed to say. Theyre catching up with their economic power, and would like to see other countries get dependend on them. Of course they have their fingers in the near vicinity around their borders, because they want to have influence there. They are supporting exclusively small groups.
E: By the way, I had to switch from Notepad into Wordperfect because of the length of this transcript :/
Z: Yes, its extraordinarily long.

Who did you try to talk to when you approached the US government? Was it the president? Congress? Secret super authorities we (the public) don't know about? Did yo uapproach any other governments?

Z: The CIA and MJ12.  The government itself is seldom aware of the details of such activities. Our main activities were with the US, because they are quite important in the world today. We approached other governments, but there was no lasting relationship established.

Who would win in a fight: Borg (Star Trek) or the Replicators (Stargate SG-1)? (Serious question. (Seriously.))

Z: It would be a draw. They would hopefully back up and find better things to do.

What do you think of the Asgaurd representation of yourselves?

Z: Not very accurate.

The pole shift isn't when the shift will occur, you say? So, then, the shift will cause the pole shift? Or will it just be coincidence they occur together?

Z: The pole shift is something totally different from the shift in consciousness (culminating in the ascendance into 4d) that will take place later. Those are coincidentally in the same short timespan.

The reptilians gave me a different answer on bigfoot. They said bigfoot is a creature that once existsed but doesn't anymore. (I think they wer etalking about the Gigantopithicus.) Why are your answers different? Why don't the bigfeet (foots?) like us? How advanced are they? What do they call themselves?

Z: Our answers are different because we focus on different details. We said bigfoot existed, and nothing about the number of them. But we say that they still exist - the reptilians don't necessarily have to have the same information as we do. They are seperated from humanity because they have their own issues to work out. They aren't advanced at all in regards to culture or civilization, and they don't call themselves any names.

How big do the biggest octopus get in the sea? Squid? What's the largest growing animal in the sea?

E: Phew, my computer just crashed... Im lucky I was doing this in Wordperfect, so I have an automatic backup copy.
Z: Lucky indeed. An octopus can grow to around 10-15m, and squids get more than twice that big. The largest animal we have pointed to before.

Does anything "intelligent" (has technology, even something as simple as beating something with a rock) exist under the sea?

Z: Sometimes there are humans in the sea, but you surely wont look for that answer. Animals under water dont use tools at all.

Where did the tales of mermaids come from?

Z: Mermaids were actual beings, but not what you think of them. Tales have been made up for the imaginative mind to project their dreams on whatever they see from remote in the water.

The dinosaur question... I meant things (not specifically Dinosauria, since people refer to all ancient things as "dinosaurs") that are big and look like brontosaurus, or tricerotops. Mkole Mbembe, and those things. Not animals like iguanas, or birds.

Z: No, such things as the Mkole Mbembe wont be found. There are reptilia on your planet, but not such things, big and dinosaur-like.

Whew. That's a lot of questions.

E: Im just waiting for what comes next :/ But do you know what? For the first time since the beginnin of this thread, if I remember it right, Ive finished the queue and theres nothing left to be answered.
Z: We congratulate you for that, this takes a lot of pressure away.

Should I stop visiting LUE?

E: Thats the final one ... no idea what LUE is.
Z: Well, what can we say about this one. Maybe well let it unanswered... some things people have to find out on their own.
E: I agree with that. Now I wonder how long this post will possibly turn out to be... and I think we can finish here, because theres nothing left and Im quite willing to go to bed after this channeling marathon.
Z: Yes, do that. We will see you soon, probably, new questions will be popping up all the time. But it wont be like that forever.
E: I hope so :) Well, see you later then.
Z: Good night.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on February 01, 2004, 17:55:52
Hello again,

I'm very curious about the contact you had/have with governments...

How does your contact differ from, say.. the US government and the British government? You mentioned the British contact is not 'fruitful'... can you elaborate further into this?
Are there any governments/nations you have a strong bond with?

Thanks :o)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on February 01, 2004, 20:04:12
Thank you Zeta for your advice. I am very satisfied. And thank you Edi for you marvellous work. I can see that it take alot of your time, but i hope you enjoy it and benefit you as it does for us all.

I have no more "relavant" questions to ask for the moment, so i will spare the time and place for other who want to ask.

P.S Please members, no more "giant octupus" [:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Viper_05 on February 01, 2004, 20:04:59
hello, intresting read, well i have a few questions maybe you can answear for me:

1: How do Pendulums really work, are you helping control them for us?
2: How about tarot cards ? how do these cards work?
3: Have you heard of this man named "Aaron C. Donahue" is he for real? Is what he speaks of, and says true?

4: what about all these things that i've read about and how we were created by certain people from other planets through DNA and other scientific means.

5: when the pole shift accours, what part of the world would you recommend living in ? or certain shelters ? How safe will canada be ? :)

thanks.. all the questions for now i'll try to think of some more if its kewl..

cya [:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on February 01, 2004, 21:13:59
Hello, Zeta! A few more questions, if you don't mind.

1) Is there any reason why the number 911 sticks out so much? Do I see this number so much because it has some kind of meaning, or is it all in my head, and the number doesn't appear unusually often?

2) Do you have any comments or suggestions on the idea of living in the appalachian mountains with a small group of friends for an extended period of time?

3) How can modern Druidism be compared with the beliefs and lifestyles of the original Druids?

4) How is the US government planning on keeping its people calm up into the times of the pole shift? Are they actually planning to maintain control over people?

5) Should my bad eyesight be a concern for living in the wild? What would be the easiest way to fix this?

6) Did Henry VIII of England actually write the song 'Greensleeves'?

Edit for one more..

7) Who made the 'Nazca Lines', and why?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Bob251 on February 01, 2004, 21:56:18
Originally posted by Viper_05

5: when the pole shift accours, what part of the world would you recommend living in ? or certain shelters ? How safe will canada be ? :)

So, I'll just add, How safe will Austraila be at the time of the pole shift?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 01, 2004, 21:58:22
Thanks, Edi. You sure are a swell fellow!
(Edit: I forgot to say thanks to the Zeta, too.)
(2nd Edit: I forgot to say thanks to Edi's guide, three.)

I'll go easy on you this time; just one question.

Did you and other civilizations that went through this ascending thing face serious destruction and stuff on your planet? (What, with you saying the two are unrelated and all)

(2nd Edit: :/ Aw, man! This is driving me crazy! I have abunch of questions I want to ask, but I siad I'd go like on Edi.)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 02, 2004, 14:51:42
Z: Here we are.
E: Hello again. Can you give me some sort of visual image of all of you, I prefer that at the moment to have something to cling to.
Z: Yes, here you see the room we are in.
E: Fine.. so I'll finish the questions that came up during the day and then we'll see, okay?
Z: Go on.

Mrsix: I'm very curious about the contact you had/have with governments...

Z: Yes, we have contact. This takes place mainly with the US, because the others are not that important for us.
E: Why are the US important?
Z: They serve somehow as the place where you can see where humanity is going. So if things aren't fixed in the US, they will get worse everywhere. Add to this the fact that the US is pushing its military power on every country where resources can be found, and you see how important a role they play. Although the economy is bursting rapidly, still everything depends on it. The US is also a very important economic factor on a world-wide scale. Our specific interests there were to offer the opportunity of getting to know extraterrestrial intelligence. The US partly agreed, but keeps it a secret. Our main point we want to show them is that they are responsible for all of their actions, and neither we nor any alien groups from other orientations will be allowed to help them to more power, nor will anyone be allowed to help the US with their own problems too much. So although exchange takes place, nobody is willing to come to the public with it. There is no technology at all exchanged, because this is against the rules. If humanity woke up at one point and welcomed the presence that is all around them, there would be possibilities to clean up the atmosphere, the land and the seas quickly, and we will have a role in that in the future, but at the moment it is still to realize by the people who are in power and the people who elected them that it is their influence that brought the world to the state it is in now. Only when they decide to turn around, to regret, and to be willing to do everything for a better world and put personal interests aside, help can be given.
Z: The british too were interested in us, but there is nothing that could bear fruits in this relationship. They are curious and want to have information, which we won't provide. This is information which would give them advantage over others. They don't want to learn, and as such the relationship is rather 'on ice'. There are no other governments we have a strong bond with, although certain individuals all over the world who are working for the government are aware of us.

Viper_05: 1: How do Pendulums really work, are you helping control them for us?

Z: We do not control pendulums. They work because this mechanism is provided by the pleiadians. Basically your higher self receives the messages from guides or from the common consciousness of humanity and translates this into very little movements of your hand. The information comes in telepathically, and the body is just a transmitter or a receiver which helps to magnify what is received. We do not control them, but we can also relay messages to it through the pleiadians if necessary.

2: How about tarot cards ? how do these cards work?

Z: They work by something you call 'change', 'coincidence' or 'synchronicity'. This means that although the cards seem to be picked randomly, things can be arranged automatically so that you get the answers you are supposed to get. There is a great deal of personal interpretation and personal feelings involved with these symbols, but just because of this they can give much information.

3: Have you heard of this man named "Aaron C. Donahue" is he for real? Is what he speaks of, and says true?

Z: Yes, he speaks the truth.
E: Truth in what sense?
Z: He does not lie about what he sees (or rather gets shown).

4: what about all these things that i've read about and how we were created by certain people from other planets through DNA and other scientific means.

Z: Yes, there were influences that shaped man as he is today. There are also some misconceptions about it... for example, it was not the annunaki who 'created' you. The earth was for a long time left to evolve naturally, and after the reptilians were gone it was decided that a humanoid form should be used. This was then taken from existing genetic stock available on earth (and partly from other planets) and tailored to the environment on earth. There were several stages of this development, with various variations of the human form. This is why you see different kinds of humans on the world today, on different contintents or in different areas.

5: when the pole shift accours, what part of the world would you recommend living in ? or certain shelters ? How safe will canada be ?

E: To what extent should I go into questions like that one.. ?
Z: You can easily hear and give general guidelines about what areas would be safer than others. It is too early now to go into details about the various details and what occurs there, and we would like to refer to the reader to the zetatalk website for that, because this was elaborated in detail there.
Z: Apart from that: stay off the coast, go into the mountains at places where you don't have to fear falling rocks or mudflow resulting from lots of rain. Earthquakes would make it necessary to stay away from concrete houses or wooden huts mostly, however this will only be necessary for a short time. When rotation stoppage occurs, most buildings will crumble, but for example trees will of course do better and it will be possible to build good shelters in the woods. Canada will be quite okay.

no_leaf_clover: 1) Is there any reason why the number 911 sticks out so much? Do I see this number so much because it has some kind of meaning, or is it all in my head, and the number doesn't appear unusually often?

Z: Energy flows where the attention goes. You only see it because it has a meaning to you and you don't ignore it as you would ignore other numbers.

2) Do you have any comments or suggestions on the idea of living in the appalachian mountains with a small group of friends for an extended period of time?

Z: Why not. It will give you useful experience and a nice time.

3) How can modern Druidism be compared with the beliefs and lifestyles of the original Druids?

Z: Not all was lost, and in some groups much of the old knowledge is still living. Druidism does not only get lost over time - it evolved according to the needs of the people and finds new expressions.

4) How is the US government planning on keeping its people calm up into the times of the pole shift? Are they actually planning to maintain control over people?

Z: They have enough laws to keep the people at home, unable to move. They may keep you at home forcefully in order to avoid a mass panic. And what's more, they have the media, and a lot of people who are used to listening to them. Yes, they are planning to maintain control as long as possible.

5) Should my bad eyesight be a concern for living in the wild? What would be the easiest way to fix this?

Z: If you're along with this, it will be a bit difficult. But it is well possible to use the senses of smell and touch to get around, to find things to eat and to construct shelter.

6) Did Henry VIII of England actually write the song 'Greensleeves'?

Z: No he didn't... it was a small poet who was around him, and henry used that to polish his image.

7) Who made the 'Nazca Lines', and why?

Z: They were clearly not made by people on earth only, because they couldn't reach that precision in the imagery without having help from 'above'.
E: Did you help there?
Z: No, we didn't.
E: Was it some major alien species I know?
Z: No, you don't know them.
E: And why were they done?
Z: Partly to have an orientation, and partly as an artistic work.

Risu no Kairu: Did you and other civilizations that went through this ascending thing face serious destruction and stuff on your planet? (What, with you saying the two are unrelated and all)

Z: We faced destruction, but not while we ascended. In general, ascension is peaceful and a very nice transformation that needs destruction of beliefs, but not physical destruction.

E: Fine. I'll end here, it's late, okay?
Z: Sure. See you next time.
E: Bye
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Viper_05 on February 02, 2004, 16:16:39
hey thanks edi and the Zeta for answearing my questions [:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 02, 2004, 18:11:24
OK, Edi, put on your hard hat because it's time to work you like a dog! [}:)][;)]

OK, let's see if  can remember all the questions I had planned...

First off, how are aliens (as in extra terrestrials) initiated into the whole bigger scheme of  going out and helping other species advance? How were the Zeta, personaly, iniated and when (I guess this would be on a 3D time frame, since you say 4D time is different)?

How does the whole thing take place? Why are alien species allowed to help here? Why are you allowed to help me?

(All right, let's break into the more personal and selfish questions!)

What would you say would be the best way for a human person to go about having an out of body experience? What about other psychic abilities? How could one go about opening their third eye most easily?

What do you think are some good ways to develop telepathy other than the pendulum method given to us by MAYATNIK?

If one were to ask you, the Zeta, to assist them in acheiving OBE, if they would try to assist you for a while when they get out, would you do? (<_< Nuh.. euh... what? It's an innocent question.)

Do you, the Zeta, actually monitor these questions periodically throughout your day and decide before hand how to answer them, or do you just wait for Edi to contact you and then make up answers on the spot?

Sometimes throughout the day I think about this thread and question I'd like to ask. Then I start seeing images of what I think the Zeta would look like. That's just my imagination, right? I mean, I don't watn to accidently bother you while I'm in calculus or anything.

I don't have any subconcious deals going on with any beings that I don't know about do I?

Back on the subject of anti or counter gravity. Two scenarios. Would you help in either one?

Scenario A:

A person, let's say Squeek, is trying to create some sort of anti gravity device. He doesn't know where to begin or how to do it.
Squeek decides to ask you where to start, and how to do things. Would you help?

Scenario B:

Squeek has figured out most of the stuff, but he's missing one crucial part of the puzzle. He asks you. Would you help?

John Edwards, Sylvia Brown, Pet Psychic; frauds or real deal?

Mind split effect: real as in the sense described in Astral Dynamics?

So, animals have no souls...? But they have emotions and feelings similar to  humans...?

Were the dinosaurs planned by the Source, or did some other aliens come along and alter them to be giant like that? Did someone wipe them out on purpose?

People who are considered New Agey and stuff often say things like "hey, there are 12 planes of existance!" and "this 3d physical plane is hte lowest plane."

Is this true? Is this really the lowest plane? I don't believe it is. If it's now, how many more planes are below it? What are they like? What is the definition of "plane" you're using?

Edi, when you read these messages while in your telepathic link, do you sense the emotions and stuff people had when typing them? Like, if I was angry, and I posted a question, would you just read the question, or would you sense "woah, this has anger in it?"

>_> What are you talking about, Edi? When have I ever asked a bizarre or out there question?

When you see the Zeta do they look the same everytime? Is it the same five?  Do you picture the talker having a straw hat? I would.

Do you have some control over your telepathy, or do you have to ask your guide to set up a meeting each time? Like, suppose you wanted to talk to your mom, and you're in another state. Could you try to send her a thought and it possibly get through, or would you have to be "Guide, please set me up with my mom."
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on February 02, 2004, 20:05:08
6) Did Henry VIII of England actually write the song 'Greensleeves'?

Z: No he didn't... it was a small poet who was around him, and henry used that to polish his image.

Did a single individual write the music to 'Greensleeves', or is the music traditional? Did Henry really write any of the things he is credited with?

Are any authentic pictures of Zeta beings in the public domain, ie online?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: celticmagick909 on February 02, 2004, 20:24:43
Hello, again Edi, and the Zeta. I have some questions, again that I would like answered....Please.

1. Do you know of the first intelligent life-form that came to exist in the universe?

2. I seen a grey alien type head appear in my minds eye. I was kinda thinking about you guys, but not really trying to channel you or anything...So was it you, or no? I think probally not..Probally just my mind. But hey cant hurt to ask...[:)]

3. Have you guys recieved my request for a guide? Well if you didnt id like to send one Guess im cheating a lil' bit.

4. I recently just found out about a man named...Dr. Steven Goldberg. He is a Hypnotherapist who does past life regression, and also...How do i say this? Um...Future ascencion I guess you could say. But he says that time travel will be invented by humans in the 32nd century. Plus he says that there are time travelers here now, and are in contact with the government, as well as ETI (of course). Is there any truth in this?

Well thats about it for now. Thanks for your wisdom, and insight. And thank you Edi for putting up with us! Lol. [:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Viper_05 on February 02, 2004, 20:43:21
Another question if its ok,

Was john titor real, if so, how did he manage to get a time machine and travel to our time?

Were the things that john titor said true ?

If "john titor" isnt real.. what was the purpose of the person who wasted all there time making this up and trying to fool people..was there a reason ? or was it just some kid?

and if you'd like to know who im talking about here is the web site with all the info and pictures

Thank you
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on February 03, 2004, 08:12:06

I want to ask some question regarding spirituality.

1)   Is there any message in particular you want to give us on how to live a life of wisdom, love  and compassion for life, ourselves, friend and family, humanity and the (nature) world?

2)   What are your thoughts on englightment regarding how it's accomplished (attachment from our "created self" or false image of self in order to see the true self (Soul, oneness etc.)?), works (general explanation) and if it should be a goal (for a human at this point in time)?  

3)   Does the message of spiritual teachers today (not including Christianity, Islam and similar religious teachers) differ much from the time of Buddha and after?

4)   Earlier you commented that education today is very incomplete, which, possibly new, fields of education should be put more importance?
5)   You often spoke on how intuition is all that one really needs as a guide for life. How does one become aware of their intuition? How can one distinguish a feeling of intuition from normal feeling and last what is the nature of intuition? (perhaps these questions on intuition should be answered in reverse order)

6)   You already spoke on the higher self, but I would like to have some more clarification on the subject. First what is the higher-self and how does it relate to our "I" here on earth? Second how do we communicate whit this higher self (if at all possible), does it appear as a guide if asked for help?

Much thanks in advance,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 03, 2004, 16:07:44
Hey all,

Risu no Kairu, don't worry about the questions you give to me - I enjoy it, and I most of them are actually a good training for me. Fluffy easy talking about common issues is not as 'difficult' as relaxing and hearing words about just anything. So post whatever questions you want and see any weird comment I might give about them with the humour that is behind it.

Edi, when you read these messages while in your telepathic link, do you sense the emotions and stuff people had when typing them? Like, if I was angry, and I posted a question, would you just read the question, or would you sense "woah, this has anger in it?"

In the past months, I grew more and more aware of people's feelings... I would not say I'm emphatic, but there was a definite change going on. I get a general feeling about the viewpoint of a person and sometimes notice subtle things by the way words are used. I'm just paying more attention to it now than in former times.

When you see the Zeta do they look the same everytime? Is it the same five? Do you picture the talker having a straw hat? I would.

I have to say that my inner vision is not well developed yet, compared with others I'm pretty blind. But as there's no sense in comparing (we all have our unique traits), this doesn't matter. As far as I can discern then, they look the same. When I asked the Zeta they said they were the same 5 every time, it is a group that is concerned with giving the answers to the questions here and studying the reception.

Do you have some control over your telepathy, or do you have to ask your guide to set up a meeting each time? Like, suppose you wanted to talk to your mom, and you're in another state. Could you try to send her a thought and it possibly get through, or would you have to be "Guide, please set me up with my mom."

I prefer to do everything by initiation of my guide, to make things clearer. I ask her in advance to set up a meeting each time because the Zeta appreciate it that way. This is not necessary always, though... I had beings popping into my mind suddenly, but then I always check with my guide who it is I'm talking to. I have control over telepathy, which means I can intuitively call for someone specific to talk to, and I can turn it off by just not putting my attention on it. The telepathy mechanism between human-guides and human-human are different, as far as I understand it, and it would depend on the receptivity of the other person if it is heard consciously or only subconsciously (or on a higher level). I didn't seriously try human-to-human telepathy yet, though.

Having said that, the Zeta are already waiting for the next session, so here we go.

Z: Yes, we are here.
E: Perena, do you confirm that?
P: That's it, they've been waiting until you finished it.
E: Fine... zeta, do you agree to what I wrote above?
Z: Regarding what you said about our group and telepathy, we have no objections.
E: Good. So here we go again:

Risu no Kairu: First off, how are aliens (as in extra terrestrials) initiated into the whole bigger scheme of going out and helping other species advance? How were the Zeta, personaly, iniated and when (I guess this would be on a 3D time frame, since you say 4D time is different)?

Z: To understand this, it would be good to have a lot of galactic history background. We are slowly putting things together by the questions that are written here, so we try to make it somehow understandable. First of all, there are what you would call karmic connections; it is that way with the pleiadians, who interferred too much with you at one point in time, and not have to do their best to pay this off. This interference was concerning your genetic engineering, and the pleiadians may decide to talk more about it later. This is however not that relevant to the zeta thread. Those karmic connections are a way to automatically bring those parties together in order to sort out things, because all sides have to learn a lesson then. The other reason to be involved is because of a decision on a higher level which in turn gives certain tasks to certain group. There is an organisational structure (don't call it hierarchy) that looks after the goings in the universe and serves as a mediator on all levels. With us, it was the case that we destroyed our home planet and had to modify ourselves genetically. We made big errors, and we see that you are on the verge of the same problems. So it was decided to give us the opportunity to work up our past and help earth in whatever ways possible for us. Concerning our involvement with earth, we have been here since the beginning, when life came onto this earth. This means we watched the development (there was not so much to do at first, compared to now) and eventually incarnated ourselves to experience life on earth. We came to this because there is a cooperation in seeding new worlds, where it is seen what everyone can contribute.
E: When did you ascend to 4th density?
Z: It was between now and the destruction of our planet.

How does the whole thing take place? Why are alien species allowed to help here? Why are you allowed to help me?

Z: You are part of the universe, you are part of something so much bigger than you can see. Many souls on earth are old and have been at many places. Earth is mainly a point for learning the lesson of integration polarities. Edi read something about it today, and this is in fact true. Much old history is worked up here by all involved. Alien species are allowed to help because things would get out of control otherwise, and we have interests in helping you because all sides will profit from it. This is called evolution, maybe active evolution, where every party contributes what is possible for them. The same way you are watched and guided, we are and this way we can always try to reach higher levels.
E: Does this answer why you are allowed to help?
Z: Pretty so. It's in the interest of the creator of all what you see. That's how we see it.

What would you say would be the best way for a human person to go about having an out of body experience? What about other psychic abilities? How could one go about opening their third eye most easily?

Z: If you're dedicated, do meditation and energy raising. This is not so strictly necessary, though. All you need is a shedding of conditioning and a sufficiently relaxed state. For this, some relaxation techniques are good (but not too complicated, please), and what helps too are affirmations that tell you that it is in fact real.

What do you think are some good ways to develop telepathy other than the pendulum method given to us by MAYATNIK?

Z: The telepathy is just a tool to make the answers clearly visible. You can just listen and accept whatever comes, this will be perhaps more difficult at the beginning, but also very well possible. Sit down, ask for whatever guidance there is (your intent decides who you will attract) and write down anything that comes in your head. You will be surprised at how subtle messages come through, especially if you asked questions before. With some practice, you will be able to sort out what is you and what is not you.

If one were to ask you, the Zeta, to assist them in acheiving OBE, if they would try to assist you for a while when they get out, would you do? (<_< Nuh.. euh... what? It's an innocent question.)

Z: We are not making deals. We assist where it is necessary for the person to experience OBEs, General calls for guidance and help in this depend on the situation and it would be decided if it's necessary. We encourage staying on earth and finishing the homework there, though.

Do you, the Zeta, actually monitor these questions periodically throughout your day and decide before hand how to answer them, or do you just wait for Edi to contact you and then make up answers on the spot?

Z: We don't make up answers and we don't improvise. The questions you post are monitored by us and we decide in advance on how we will answer so that the best will result from it. This depends on the question, on the channel we're talking through, and on the questioner as well as the general crowd that is listening here.

Sometimes throughout the day I think about this thread and question I'd like to ask. Then I start seeing images of what I think the Zeta would look like. That's just my imagination, right? I mean, I don't watn to accidently bother you while I'm in calculus or anything.

Z: You don't bother anyone by thinking about them. There is some sort of resonance in the mass consciousness that serves to give pictures of whatever you think about. While they might not always represent the truth or the true look of something, those images are what is presented to a human when he things about zetas. Any contact beyond that would need further interest and intent from both sides and was not the case in your case.

I don't have any subconcious deals going on with any beings that I don't know about do I?

Z: That depends. There is a lot of subconscious things going on all the time and exchange takes place (of information and emotion and energy) everywhere where people interact, even subconsciously. Don't suppose you know everything about yourself on a conscious level.

Back on the subject of anti or counter gravity. Two scenarios. Would you help in either one?

Z: No. We wouldn't spoil the best part, which is inventing something totally on your own. It doesn't matter if you have the technology or not - you see how many 'primitive' people live very fine - but the discovery is what counts. Apart from that, we might open ways for the individual so that the right answer can come easier to him, but we won't give direct answers or detailed instructions on how to build things.

John Edwards, Sylvia Brown, Pet Psychic; frauds or real deal?

E: What's that about?
Z: Don't worry, you don't have to know them. They are all pretty off.

Mind split effect: real as in the sense described in Astral Dynamics?

Z: Yes, it is.
E: Is it the only way to see this ... effect, or topic?
Z: No, but it's valid.

So, animals have no souls...? But they have emotions and feelings similar to humans...?

Z: Yes, but they normally have no ego consciousness.

Were the dinosaurs planned by the Source, or did some other aliens come along and alter them to be giant like that? Did someone wipe them out on purpose?

Z: Both birth and death of this species was natural.

People who are considered New Agey and stuff often say things like "hey, there are 12 planes of existance!" and "this 3d physical plane is hte lowest plane." Is this true? Is this really the lowest plane? I don't believe it is. If it's now, how many more planes are below it? What are they like? What is the definition of "plane" you're using?

Z: There are lots of 'planes' ... planes are just a focus of energy, and energy per se is spread out in a continuum with focus points or focus levels. There are planes below your one, and what defines a plane is the quality of consciousness that is there (if at all). The plane below yours is the plane of feeling, the plane of emotion, where the elementals reside. There are forces of nature at work that support your 3rd dimensional existence. Another plane  lower, you have something you could describe as 'potential'; a seed, a pattern, something like that. A point out of which something can evolve. The creative impulse in a seed. Those are all very vague descriptions, and it will still take tome time to cover this topic to a broader extent.

no_leaf_clover: Did a single individual write the music to 'Greensleeves', or is the music traditional? Did Henry really write any of the things he is credited with?

Z: Henry was indeed a creative man, and some things he really did make. The music to Greensleevs comes from a single individual.

Are any authentic pictures of Zeta beings in the public domain, ie online?

Z: No, there aren't. This would be considered a 'proof' which would go against the rules because it would force people to a certain decision about us. Most drawings are accurate however.

celticmagick909: 1. Do you know of the first intelligent life-form that came to exist in the universe?

Z: At some point all was created, but we cannot describe that life-form further. There was consciousness that entered from 'above' and furthered the evolution of biological life until incarnation could took place.

2. I seen a grey alien type head appear in my minds eye. I was kinda thinking about you guys, but not really trying to channel you or anything...So was it you, or no? I think probally not..Probally just my mind. But hey cant hurt to ask...

Z: The same we said before applies also in this case (see above).

3. Have you guys recieved my request for a guide? Well if you didnt id like to send one Guess im cheating a lil' bit.

Z: You are looked after, but you still have to find out some things on your own.
E: Is that the answer he wanted?
Z: Probably not. We can say a few more things: it does not matter whether you have conscious contact with a guide or not, because all you need to grow it provided for almost automatically. Furthermore, we were aware of your request.

4. I recently just found out about a man named...Dr. Steven Goldberg. He is a Hypnotherapist who does past life regression, and also...How do i say this? Um...Future ascencion I guess you could say. But he says that time travel will be invented by humans in the 32nd century. Plus he says that there are time travelers here now, and are in contact with the government, as well as ETI (of course). Is there any truth in this?

Z: Time travel is possible. You are all time travellers, there are aspects of you existing all along the timeline. It is just that your focus of awareness takes a journey through the endless threads of life, watching how all gets woven into a tapestry.
E: That's a nice depiction.
Z: There are no time travellers here in the sense of hopping in a machine and going back a few hundred years.

Viper_05: Was john titor real, if so, how did he manage to get a time machine and travel to our time?

Z: See above... there is some truth to what he says, but generally he's a bit confused. And people are gullible to make more of a story than what it is in reality.

Akensai: 1) Is there any message in particular you want to give us on how to live a life of wisdom, love and compassion for life, ourselves, friend and family, humanity and the (nature) world?

Z: You have all ingredients you need at hand. You have a heart, you have your senses, you have your emotions that tell you what is wrong. Imagine a family... perfect harmony is possible there if only everyone talks to each other and expresses what he really feels without being insecure of afraid of the outcome. Talking and interacting with the sense of trying to understand each other is what is necessary most at the moment. Wisdom does not come from studying, it comes from experincing and listening to your intuition. Love is there all the time, you just have to let it be. Compassion is something that depends on the individual and is a measure of a certain quality in his relation to other people. This is decided by who you are at the core and also by your conscious intent.

2) What are your thoughts on englightment regarding how its accomplished (attachment from our "created self" or false image of self in order to see the true self (Soul, oneness etc.)?), works (general explanation) and if it should be a goal (for a human at this point in time)?

Z: Enlightenmend is the sheddening of all that is not really you. This means letting go of fears and insecurities, letting go of projections into the future or ballast from the past. Living in the now is a big part of this and was emphasized by many spiritual teachers. Enlightenmend is leaning back and relaxing, letting things happen and interacting in the way that you feel is right for you. The "created self" is made with the aim of your own protection, but it just covers things and causes problems. Enlightenment is not as magnificent as some people portray it, it is just finding back to yourself, whatever you are.

3) Does the message of spiritual teachers today (not including Christianity, Islam and similar religious teachers) differ much from the time of Buddha and after?

Z: Yes, there is the difference that they have to address all that happened in the time between. Technological evolution, new world views by physics etc., and the experience of hundreds and thousands of years. They have to approach the thematic somewhat differently, but the message remains the same at the core.

4) Earlier you commented that education today is very incomplete, which, possibly new, fields of education should be put more importance?

Z: Less learning of facts and more learning of life. People need to find a connection to nature and to each other, and this is not always encouraged in school. And what's more, people are very pushed to have good marks, to perform how their parents or how society wants them to perform. Of course nobody wants to conform like that, so there is unnecessary resistance and friction. The matter is not _what_ fields you are educated in; it is that people should have their own personal needs respected and should be guided to unfold their potential in a way that is appropriate for them. This means that in the future there will be more teachers and less theory and learning of facts you are not interested in.

5) You often spoke on how intuition is all that one really needs as a guide for life. How does one become aware of their intuition? How can one distinguish a feeling of intuition from normal feeling and last what is the nature of intuition? (perhaps these questions on intuition should be answered in reverse order)

Z: The intuition is there all the time. Meditating can help very good in learning to listen in your inside. If you think you should have acted otherwise in some cases, for example, this is intuition telling you that you should reevaluate the situation.
E: Couldn't it be a bad conscience?
Z: It is still necessary to follow this intuitive impulse, no matter what it is labeled. A feeling of intuition and a 'normal' feeling are different in the sense that intuition comes from your higher self, and other feelings can be caused by all sorts of circumstances around you. Intuition is subtler, but somehow stronger and more lasting. It has more depth and more 'validity' to you. Essentially you know that intuition tells you exactly what is right at the moment.

6) You already spoke on the higher self, but I would like to have some more clarification on the subject. First what is the higher-self and how does it relate to our "I" here on earth? Second how do we communicate whit this higher self (if at all possible), does it appear as a guide if asked for help?

Z: The higher self is the part of you that sent you out to incarnate. You have a connection to it, but it is still very faint. Essentially you _are_ your higher self, but the consciousness you are identified with while incarnated is seperated from it deliberately for the purpose of incarnation. You can receive intuition and messages from your higher self, but normally it is guides that talk to you and not the higher self. The higher self guides you by circumstances and things and persons that come into your life - all this is arranged at a higher level, where the higher self can be seen to reside. For practical purposes, consider your intuition as your higher self. It does not appear as a guide as in a seperate person, but it can look after that you find and meet guidance.

E: Okay, I hope this was somewhat understandable. Wow, what a session, I was so relaxed since the beginning... I seem to get the hang of it.
Z: You seem to like making comments about your perceived state.
E: I'm partly inspired by somewhere else... and I don't want to make this too stiff.
Z: It is very good this way. So in order for you to get some sleep, we won't add anything beyond what we've already said.
E: Thanks for all, and see you soon.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: void on February 03, 2004, 16:12:13
Hello, hope you can answer some questions i have.
1) Do you know where i live? What will happen to the place i live in after the poleshift?
2) What will happen to the internet in the future?
3) Will all electrical appliances work after the poleshift?
4) I don't think that the earth can actually stop rotating... Can you elaborate on this.
5) What has happened to Frank from this forum?
6) [:D] What do you think about the music i listen to while writing this ? [:D]
Thank you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 03, 2004, 19:28:56
oh, thanks for answering my questions afore, but i got sum more

   okay, so whats the deal with the Voynich manuscript .is it just a code or something else?
   so, with the whole scheme of things, you guys are sayin' that earth is sorta like a ''learning enviroment''? Same with you guys messin around on your planet and you don't wanna see us screw ours up. So you guys are pretty much the same as us.Doesn't that coincide with the bible. .something about if there was life elsewhere they would look just like us or similar.
   Oh, yeah. .what about you guys and religion, like, who or what do you believe created you and what about other species too, what about their cultures, like beliefs fasion food and stuff. .would there be similar cultural traits with other species like on earth?
    so Mars. .whats the deal. there was once civilization, right. . or do you guys even know?

thanx (i know alotta questions)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 03, 2004, 20:48:23

At the onset of this thread you mentioned that we are free to "ask any questions" and they will be answered in this thread.

Is there any way to repair my right side so that I can be more calm and be in telepathic contact with my guides again? It's been dissapointing to have this for over 30 years now and I still don't know where it came from.

Is my interpretation of the word "Steady" correct as per my guides message.

Thanks kindly.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on February 03, 2004, 23:58:25
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: celticmagick909 on February 04, 2004, 05:14:59
Hello, again everyone...I'd like to elaborate on one of my opinions, and perhaps have the Zeta tell me what they think about it. Like what Void ask above...How can the Earth actually stop rotating? Isnt the force of the Earth spinning what causes gravity to occur in the first place? I would think that everything would be ripped off the Earth, and sucked into the vacuum of space. Plus thats what some of our Earth scientists have said also...

I guess this would be for both Edi, and the Zeta. There is another site on the net called; ,and I was wondering if you guys would wanna start a thread there, because there is lots of people already in the alien mindset, and would like to ask you guys alot of questions....I figured I wouldnt post anything on their site for this forum, because it would cause a mass flock of questions...
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Eric g on February 04, 2004, 06:38:52
I'd like to ask a couple of questions too [:)]

1)I had this recuring dream for about a couple of months. I was a soldier in what looked like my hometown in the Netherlands. I was walking a street and after stepping into a puddle of water I was killed. I managed to escape my death after months by not stepping into the puddle of water (timeframe of my death was 2011)

question is; will there be an (massive) armed conflict in this part of the world and will I be a part of it?

2)I've had these childhood memories of me and and older man with grey hair and in a robe doing things like flying and so on. I was left by him one day when he crossed a water filled ditch and I was screaming to him not leaving me behind. It would have been easy too cross the ditch and run after him but what was holding me back?

question: who was he (maybe my guide) and what is the meaning of those memories comming back after so many years (about 30 years later)

Thank you
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on February 04, 2004, 07:55:28
I have another question if I may [:)]

Is the Channeling God thread real?
If not, who are they channelling, or are they just making it all up?


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 04, 2004, 08:26:22
Im very interested in the questions posed about John Titor (the guy who supposedly timetravels into alternate Earth realities or as he called them 'worldlines') and im not fully happy with the limited reply we got from the zetas about it (or whoever it was).
Titor says that the Russians will attack the west in 2015, recently the name TITOR was thought to be a code and by assigning the numeric value of the letters we get the following:

which gives us the date of 20.09.2015 18:00 hours. (not sure which time zone Titor was in)

Whoever this person was went to the trouble of making this nice little hidden code in his name. I'd like to know more about this Mr John Titor and not a simple reply of he was confused. I dont myself believe the bullcrap that Titor was a timetravellor but i'd like to know more about it because you see not only did John Titor mention the Russian attacks ive come across countless websites presenting actual prophecies that do really exist which tend to also prophecise a Russian invasion of Europe and an attack on the US.
Is there any truth to this idea of a Russian invasion/attack on the west in the near future?

On another note entirely i'd like to know the Zetas point of view on the European Union.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Sn0wball on February 04, 2004, 14:24:36
do the zetas also have guides like we do?
can you tell us something about Sai Baba? Who is he? Is he really an avatar?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Viper_05 on February 04, 2004, 15:03:11

Do human souls sometimes reincarnate into animals ? even though you said animals dont have souls ? hmm
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 04, 2004, 19:45:58
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 04, 2004, 20:21:37
How is the ship you're on powered?

Is it alive?

Is your body too bootilicious for me?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on February 04, 2004, 21:21:48
I've scraped up a few questions..

Are Zeta in physical contact with people, besides 'abductions'? If so, what are the prerequisites for that?

Have Zeta ever contacted me in any way before, consciously or unconsciously?

How might diet and sleep patterns change after the pole shift?

Can you describe what the 'Skull and Bones' group at Yale is, and what their purpose or goals are?

What are you thoughts on computer games?

Is it possible to channel past incarnations of people, ie Antonio Vivaldi?

I believe I read somewhere once that other beings have the ability to subconsciously teach us things, and then have the things we've unconsciously learned can be triggered to become conscious knowledge. Can anything like this actually happen?

On Coast to Coast AM, there was a story about how someone was swimming in deep water and there was nothing around for several hundred feet, when he was pulled under and couldn't swim up to safety. While he was under, he saw a hand reaching down to him and he grabbed it and was pulled up. Upon arriving back at the surface, no one was there. What would the explanation for such a thing be?

Was an impact in the Gulf of Mexico the cause of the destruction of the Mayan civilization?

What changes can I expect to occur during my lifetime as far as movement into the 4th density, the pole shift, and the rebuilding of civilization, should I live about 60 or so more years?

Are there monuments like those in Cydonia on Mars on any other planets or moons that we know of?

How did the Romans build the temples to Jupiter at Jerusalem with the 12,000 ton stone columns? Were they aided by extraterrestrials?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on February 04, 2004, 22:20:30
Greetings all [:)]

Sometime iam in and read same great information, but there is something i really unsure about. And that is the photo gallery. There is some "Incoming" Photo from various countries which represent the photo capturing of the planet X (Nibru). From my litle knowledgment about photographing, 90% of those photos i have seen there was to me a simple lens flare and not any planet at all. Lens flare is samething very usual in photos, especially when capturing samething towards a light source (in this case the sun).
As they are "Incoming" from anywho, so it could be same amateure camera-man who much belive it is the planet X. Or i could be wrong again.

Q: Are we and you "bewatched" from any intelligence agency or any "secret service" of any country right now?

Q: Is that a coincidence that everyone here in (ZETA PROJECT: ZETA CONVERSATIONS - and questions) have found this place?. if so, are we aimed to do something especial in our life becouse of that?

Q: How long do you plan to stay here and answring our questions?

Q: Do you need any especial help from us?

Q: How much contact will we have with you after the pole-shift?especially when internet/electricity is down.

To Edi or Zeta.
Q: Do i and Viper_05 do any progress in usage pendulum. We played the [ Pendulum To Pendulum Conversation Game ] And we both need same advice to reach atleast 80% right answers.

Personal questions, should only be answered if you have time for this Edi. To zeta:
P.Q: It feels like i reached some saturation of all information i need to know in this life, especially after you answered my last questions. is this a temporarily feeling?
P.Q: Am I prepared for the pole-shift? (it feels so atleast)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: FistOfFury on February 05, 2004, 02:37:28
Oooh, this is fun! Mind if I ask some questions? [:D]
(Sorry if this is alot, you can spread them out into more then one channeling session if it is, but I really do want the Bruce Lee thing answered the most, as you'll see when you come across it, it's at the bottom).

1- Do you celebrate special occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries of special events, etc? Or does this require emotions which you do not have?

2- Do you watch human forms of entertainment such as films/motion pictures, shows, theature, opera? literature? And what are your opionions on them? Dislike, like, too violent, too much sex? Do you think that they help us or hinder us spiritually? Should I stop watching horror movies?

3- When does the soul enter it's physical body? During the early stages of fetus growth, at conception, at physical birth? And what are your opinions on human abortion? Good, Bad? Free Will? Is it decided on a higher level if someone gets "aborted" so to speak, as a life lesson they must go through? (assuming that the soul is in it's physical body at this time)

4- What exactly are blackholes, and are they gateways to other dimensions? Is it safe to try "flying" near or into one? (Astrally and physically speaking)

5- Are all the Earth governments aware of Nibuiru, or just the U.S.?

6- Is there, or has there ever been such thing as a secret shadow organization/s or government/s (New World Order) that plan to,  or have already taken control of Earth's governments? And which country is/was their main base of operations? Also, where/are they all human, alien, or mixed, and how long have they been around? Finally, (sorry if this is too long) are they/were aware of the Shift, and what are they planning in regards to the Shift? Fear, misinformation, that sort of thing.

7- Was the real motive for U.S.'s Iraq War to capture it's natural resources and underground areas, in preparations for the coming Pole Shift and associated natural disasters of the approaching Nibiru?

8- The Ricin scare that is unfolding now, is this a staged event to condition the public with fear? And who is behind it, if not the U.S. government? Purpose?

9- Who or what is behind the cattle mutalations, and for what purpose?

10- Has Bruce Lee reincarnated? How did he really die? If he was killed, what was the purpose of the murderer?
  10a- I don't know why, but I feel some kind of "connection" to him. Like he is always on my mind sometimes, and I am fascinated by who he was, what he did, and what he stood for, his philosophy, etc. Is there anything to this, or is it just, one of those things that fascinates people in life. Am I supposed to learn from his life in someway, in other words, is this "connection" I feel, my higher self trying to bring to attention to me a learning experience?  It's hard for me to explain, sorry for any confusion, I hope you get what I'm trying to get across.

11. What's the deal with the Mars rovers malfunctioning? Is it a genuine malfunction, NASA UFO/alien artifact finding coverup, or was it aliens trying to destroy the rovers, and why?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 06, 2004, 17:33:49
E: Perena are they ready?
P: Yes my friend they are. Here I open the connection...
Z: Hi.
E: Sorry for being late.
Z: It's okay, we had seen it coming. So while we're at it before we begin we'd like to say a few words about locations on the world and whether we want to talk in detail about what will happen in each area. This is at the moment not the purpose of this thread, because we also don't want to focus exclusively on the pole-shift. We will answer to some extent, but we would not like everyone just asking about this or that town. Such information will be available, and you can see much about possible happenings in previous channelings here and on other websites. So with that in mind, we're still open to all questions, but we would like to avoid the situation where lots of people are attracted just to know about their area. There's plenty of information that is sufficient at the moment at the zetatalk website. Having said that, go on with the questions Edi.

void: 1) Do you know where i live? What will happen to the place i live in after the poleshift?

Z: It doesn't look that good. You will have to move to have security but not very far so there is no need to worry about it now.

2) What will happen to the internet in the future?

Z: The internet will continue to run and to be a place for people to meet, more than now... although you will get away from technology as a whole, the internet will continue to run with new technology and be used for 'good' aims, without all this commercial stuff you see now. The internet always was a place for alternative or underground groups, and imagine how nice it would be if just all people on the net would just be openminded, concerned about sharing information and communicating what is important to them without the aim of some to further their needs for money and power.

3) Will all electrical appliances work after the poleshift?

Z: No, there will be many power failures, or generally one big power failure that will knock out the lights for some time. As things are repaired though, electricity will be available after a few months, and later in turn you'll also discover purer forms of energy that don't pollute.

4) I don't think that the earth can actually stop rotating... Can you elaborate on this.

Z: It's a phenomenon that is just determined by gravitation and magnetic force. A planet passing by will affect the earth in these ways. Imagine how a compass needle can rotate freely and stops when you put a magnet near it, not free to move anymore but oriented towards the magnet.

5) What has happened to Frank from this forum?

Z: We do not invade in people's privacy like that.

6) What do you think about the music i listen to while writing this?

Z: The same applies here. Music of any kind is nice if you like it. It can emphasize certain traits in your personality by the lyrics or the harmonics, and it's fine to experience that.

harlequin_star: okay, so whats the deal with the Voynich manuscript .is it just a code or something else?

E: Is it actually meaningful?
Z: Yes, indeed, there were people who could read that script.
E: I think so... what's up with it?
Z: It is a script that contains knowledge about various things that were observed and described by some people. They decided to keep it secret though and used a codified language which nobody else understood.

so, with the whole scheme of things, you guys are sayin' that earth is sorta like a ''learning enviroment''? Same with you guys messin around on your planet and you don't wanna see us screw ours up. So you guys are pretty much the same as us.Doesn't that coincide with the bible. .something about if there was life elsewhere they would look just like us or similar.

Z: Yes, earth is a learning environment and all of you are going through this life in order to experience things. We are not that different from you, and there are many humanoid species that look like you.

Oh, yeah. .what about you guys and religion, like, who or what do you believe created you and what about other species too, what about their cultures, like beliefs fasion food and stuff. .would there be similar cultural traits with other species like on earth?

Z: You see in earths cultures 'reflections' of what is going on in all the universe. There are many influences on earth, people incarnating from somewhere, or just information and inspiration coming in from the outside. About God and creation we already talked about a bit. Our form as it is now simply evolved from other ancient species that were around before. The way things are on earth are quite natural and can be seen in other species and their cultures in the same way.

so Mars. .whats the deal. there was once civilization, right. . or do you guys even know?

Z: Yes, there was a civilization there once. We have been there. Some other species have also visited there, for example the people from nibiru.

taom1234: Is there any way to repair my right side so that I can be more calm and be in telepathic contact with my guides again? It's been dissapointing to have this for over 30 years now and I still don't know where it came from.

Z: There's not much your medicine can do for you.
E: Would some alternative healers, reiki or something like that, help something there?
Z: This would lessen the effects and a greater level of calmness can be reached, but there is no quick solution to this problem we can point to. However, it's not necessary in order to be in telepathic contact with your guides.

Is my interpretation of the word "Steady" correct as per my guides message.

Z: As we are informed, yes.

celticmagick909: Isnt the force of the Earth spinning what causes gravity to occur in the first place? I would think that everything would be ripped off the Earth, and sucked into the vacuum of space. Plus thats what some of our Earth scientists have said also...

Z: No, that's wrong. Gravity is not caused by the rotation of the earth and you won't fall into space when earth stops rotating.

I guess this would be for both Edi, and the Zeta. There is another site on the net called; ,and I was wondering if you guys would wanna start a thread there, because there is lots of people already in the alien mindset, and would like to ask you guys alot of questions....I figured I wouldnt post anything on their site for this forum, because it would cause a mass flock of questions...

Z: No, this is not feasible at the moment. First of all, the forum there is quite different in regards to the people that are there, the style of discussion and the openness to various topics. We would not want to disturb there, and we also don't want to influence too much who read this and who not. The one how comes to it by accident can read of course, but we do not intend to go 'preaching' around. The conversations that are made here are written down by a single person at the moment, which would simply not leave the room for much more activity in any case, even if we wanted that.

Eric g: 1)I had this recuring dream for about a couple of months. I was a soldier in what looked like my hometown in the Netherlands. I was walking a street and after stepping into a puddle of water I was killed. I managed to escape my death after months by not stepping into the puddle of water (timeframe of my death was 2011) question is; will there be an (massive) armed conflict in this part of the world and will I be a part of it?

Z: No, your dream isn't to be taken literally in every aspect. Look for the underlying meaning that touches you, beyond the impressions you get at first sight.

2)I've had these childhood memories of me and and older man with grey hair and in a robe doing things like flying and so on. I was left by him one day when he crossed a water filled ditch and I was screaming to him not leaving me behind. It would have been easy too cross the ditch and run after him but what was holding me back? question: who was he (maybe my guide) and what is the meaning of those memories comming back after so many years (about 30 years later)

Z: He was not your guide, he was an 'old friend' rather. Memories come back after so many years because many things are changing now and old memories are pushing into awareness more and more.

Mrsix: Is the Channeling God thread real? If not, who are they channelling, or are they just making it all up?

Z: The thread is real, but it is not God who is speaking. That's all we can say about it.

Hephaestus: Im very interested in the questions posed about John Titor...

Z: What John Titor tells about time travel is wrong. He never travelled back and forth in time, but had a good way of presenting things and making sound arguments. All his prophecies were based on reasonable thinking and therefore likely to occur. So the case John Titor can be labeled as 'constructed' and not based on timetravelling but insight into what is going on in order to put forward articles as he did.

Is there any truth to this idea of a Russian invasion/attack on the west in the near future?

Z: Russia will not invade Europe or the US because the consequences would be too drastic, and russia surely don't want to provoke such.

On another note entirely i'd like to know the Zetas point of view on the European Union.

Z: It is from the basic concept on a good idea and many creative people were and are involved. However the problem is as it is everywhere with politics: no 'real' democracy exists when only the interests of money and power dictate what should be done and some things the EU does are exactly based on that. Apart from those thing, we encourage the nations to come together and get rid of old boundaries, as the future will surely see less and less of territorial claims, frontiers, armed conflicts and so on. You are not there yet and some things have to found out the hard way, but this will be the near future, where you don't divide people by 'nationality'.

Sn0wball: do the zetas also have guides like we do?

Z: Yes we do.

Viper_05: Do human souls sometimes reincarnate into animals ? even though you said animals dont have souls ? hmm

Z: It is the decision of the soul where it incarnates into - this can also include animals that are sufficiently evolved, but there's not much (or nothing) to be gained for most human souls by doing that. Animals simply don't provide the opporunities a human body does provide. Also the mechanism of the linkage into an animal body is somewhat different and roughly said the soul is more passive there, only watching and learning about certain things and not interacting as much as in a human body.

taom1234: ?

E: I've noticed that taom edited this post.. before, it was a questions about souls and animals having no souls.
Z: Yes - the information that was channeled before may be helpful to read, and we will want to say more about it. A soul is a conglomeration of consciousness, and consciousness is everywhere in everything that exists. At no point did we say that humans should consider themselves in any way superior or special compared to animals or anything else. You are consciousness that is evolving and growing bigger, as we are, as everything is. Any deliberate boundaries and delineations and judgements about which is better than others is not appropriate.

Risu no Kairu: How is the ship you're on powered? Is it alive?

Z: We don't need to burn fossils or anything. There is enough energy everywhere which can be used if sufficient technological means have been invented to 'translate' or convert it into anything usable at the specific level you are on. This ship is not alive and consists mostly of inorganic matter.

Is your body too bootilicious for me?

E: I don't quite understand this questions.
Z: So he can rephrase it if it's relly important.

E: So, well, this is it, I'm going to bed now, okay?
Z: This is fine with us, thank you for typing this down.
E: (Almost) always a pleasure, we'll do more later.
Z: Okay... good night
E: Cya.

The next bunch will come soon... kind regards until then.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 06, 2004, 20:09:27
alrighty, i've just been to Zetatalk for the first time. .these children that supposedly have been, well, i dont want to say experimented on, but i cant think of another word. Just how many kids are you talking about, is it a real small percentage or are we talkin a MASS of children?
and if so, is that why so many teenagers are interested in energy development and spirituality. .that for some reason an inner alarm went off that this was important and they somehow needed to follow it?
so, how come some main religions call psychics and such 'works of the devil'. . that predjudice has been around for a long time, is it really just fear, jelousy or something else?
thanx much[:P]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 06, 2004, 20:12:59
bsbray11 (9:55:11 PM): are the zeta too bootilicious for you?
bsbray11 (9:55:13 PM): wtf :D
Risu no Kairu (9:55:28 PM): What...? I'm just ... helping them.... with human humor.
Risu no Kairu (9:55:34 PM): >_>
bsbray11 (9:55:43 PM): lmao
bsbray11 (9:55:48 PM): Risu no Kairu asdfasd
bsbray11 (9:55:53 PM): just comparing font colors
bsbray11 (9:56:02 PM): was this my old color?
Risu no Kairu (9:56:03 PM): My font colors > all
bsbray11 (9:56:04 PM): i forgot
Risu no Kairu (9:56:10 PM): No.
bsbray11 (9:56:10 PM): yay
bsbray11 (9:56:19 PM): well i cant remember
bsbray11 (9:56:26 PM): was this it?
Risu no Kairu (9:56:31 PM): No.
bsbray11 (9:56:35 PM): asdf?
bsbray11 (9:56:46 PM): or this?
Risu no Kairu (9:56:55 PM): That one.
bsbray11 (9:57:01 PM): alright
bsbray11 (9:57:02 PM): thank ye
bsbray11 (9:57:08 PM): it looks teal now on my screen at home
bsbray11 (9:57:13 PM): it totally went berzerko
bsbray11 (9:57:18 PM): cant fix it either
Risu no Kairu (10:06:27 PM): :/ Those Zeta didn't anser my question.
Risu no Kairu (10:06:31 PM): Is it Zeta or Zetas?
bsbray11 (10:06:31 PM): lol
bsbray11 (10:06:33 PM): i know
bsbray11 (10:06:37 PM): zeta
bsbray11 (10:06:42 PM): the zeta, a zeta
bsbray11 (10:06:46 PM): sort of like pokemon!
Risu no Kairu (10:06:49 PM): Not the bootilicious one, but the other one.
bsbray11 (10:07:00 PM): oh
Risu no Kairu (10:07:17 PM): I asked how their ship is powered, and they're like "not by fossil fuels... if you have the rigth technology, you can steal energy from other sources."
bsbray11 (10:07:35 PM): what they meant was that it absorbs energy from the universe
bsbray11 (10:07:43 PM): this is something that people today are working towards
Risu no Kairu (10:07:54 PM): Yeah, but, you know, maybe it absorbsw a certain type of universal energy.
Risu no Kairu (10:07:57 PM): Like... fart energy.
bsbray11 (10:07:57 PM): but a lot of arrogant physicists are apparently criticizing it
bsbray11 (10:08:07 PM): lol i dunno about that
Risu no Kairu (10:08:08 PM): Maybe all the aliens fart a lot to power their ship.
bsbray11 (10:08:44 PM): id say its more like the kind of energy you get while you sleep as robert bruce describes
bsbray11 (10:08:57 PM): i mean how much can you really power something off of fladulance
bsbray11 (10:09:12 PM): especially for the zeta, who might not even fart at all
Risu no Kairu (10:09:27 PM): Well... I dno't know. If you made your machine right, you could probably milk farts for quite a bit.
Risu no Kairu (10:09:34 PM): I should ask that question.
bsbray11 (10:09:49 PM): lol
Risu no Kairu (10:10:01 PM): You mind if I post this conversation?
bsbray11 (10:10:01 PM): they might get annoyed or confused or something
bsbray11 (10:10:19 PM): as long as you dont make me look like an butt
bsbray11 (10:10:27 PM): by like cutting out every other word or something like that..
Risu no Kairu (10:10:34 PM): :/ Damn you for ruining my fun!
bsbray11 (10:10:45 PM): making it form something like ' i ___ chickens'
bsbray11 (10:10:49 PM): fill in the blank
bsbray11 (10:10:49 PM): asdf

So, anyways, there's the background.

What bodily functions do you, the Zeta, have in common with humans? (Like, breathing, farting, needing to eat, belly buttons. Well, that last one's not a function...)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 07, 2004, 08:31:16
E: That chill on my head, was that you zetas?
Z: Indeed; we used that to notify you that we're ready.
E: Okay. Me too, my tea is done, so we can have a go.
Z: Please.

no_leaf_clover: Are Zeta in physical contact with people, besides 'abductions'? If so, what are the prerequisites for that?

Z: There are strong rules concerning physical contact. The prerequisite is that someone who is critical to any issue can't be reached by other means or directs his attention elsewhere. Then we have to wake him up somehow. However, this is rarely the case and has been done very few times.

Have Zeta ever contacted me in any way before, consciously or unconsciously?

Z: No, not specifically.

How might diet and sleep patterns change after the pole shift?

Z: Diet will have to change simply because food will be very scarce. There won't be much supplies so you will have to rely mostly on what you find in nature. In the beginning this will mean that there will be competitions between animals and humans, as both will have the same problem. There will be little sun and much rainfall, the weather will need some time before it settles down again and becomes regular and able to sustain good farming. This means that you can, if you are interested in doing this, look out for crops and vegetables that will grow well under bad conditions. There are variations of each kind of plant that are more suitable than others, as much crossbreeding and tailoring has been done in the past to modify the plants according to the needs.
Z: Sleep patterns will be affected in the way that you will need the time to rest and to recover from the hardship that will be experienced. You will go to sleep shortly after it gets dark and rise early. This is also more natural for your body. There will be opportunities to rest during the day of course because you won't be just running around looking for food the whole day. Things will settle down, and after a few months life will be quite comfortable.

Can you describe what the 'Skull and Bones' group at Yale is, and what their purpose or goals are?

Z: It is some sort of secret circle, this means that the members like to be apart from others and secluded to pursue their interests, to be along like-minded people. There are many members of this group, and they keep in contact throughout their life.
E: Do they have anything to do with skulls and bones?
Z: No, and nothing with the occult or with magic. This is just mystifying talking, but at the core those are just people trying to take advantage of others by helping each other and keeping connected. Their goal is not world domination because they are not so mighty but they have their influence (individually) in politics and economy.

What are you thoughts on computer games?

Z: They are a great tool to learn to concentrate, to focus the attention and to train reflexes in certain games.
E: You know, I've been playing quake for quite some time...
Z: 3d shooters are a way to train certain abilities, like we said above. In general we don't recommend playing such things too long, but if you enjoy it do it.
E: One year ago (this was long after I stopped playing 3d shooters) I had lots of dreams where I was just running around in the darkness, all around me was exploding, and someone was chasing me I think.
Z: Those aren't related to your computer games, this was something of your past which came up by the means of such dreams. Computer games are somehow a silly excuse for keeping the mind busy instead of participating in life. But that's our opinion, we don't want to keep anyone from playing games.

Is it possible to channel past incarnations of people, ie Antonio Vivaldi?

Z: Yes it is. The souls that were incarnated still exist, and it is easily possible to connect to them and to let them 'present' the personality they have been once. Keep in mind though that an incarnation is just one little part of something bigger, and although it does express the soul in certain ways that are specific to and defined by the life circumstances, there is always much more than the incarnation, namely the entity behind it. We see not much sense in channeling past incarnations. When a life is finished, regard it as such.

I believe I read somewhere once that other beings have the ability to subconsciously teach us things, and then have the things we've unconsciously learned can be triggered to become conscious knowledge. Can anything like this actually happen?

Z: Yes, and it does happen. For example, much is already stored in your DNA and can get triggered by the appropriate circumstances. The DNA is somehow the template for some reactions in this life, this means that how you wanted to be and what you wanted to learn in this life is also expressed in your DNA. It is also possible to place subconscious information somewhere which only gets revealed after a certain time, when it is needed.

On Coast to Coast AM, there was a story about how someone was swimming in deep water and there was nothing around for several hundred feet, when he was pulled under and couldn't swim up to safety. While he was under, he saw a hand reaching down to him and he grabbed it and was pulled up. Upon arriving back at the surface, no one was there. What would the explanation for such a thing be?

Z: That's the classical case of a 'guardian angel'. When there are too many odd influences that accumulate in such a way that a person's death is imminent, but it is not time to die yet, such things happen frequently. More often than not they go unnoticed.

Was an impact in the Gulf of Mexico the cause of the destruction of the Mayan civilization?

Z: No

What changes can I expect to occur during my lifetime as far as movement into the 4th density, the pole shift, and the rebuilding of civilization, should I live about 60 or so more years?

Z: It would spoil everything if we told the exact future of everyone. Especially because this future will be decided upon by yourself. Let time reveal what comes and do not bother too much with the so far future.

Are there monuments like those in Cydonia on Mars on any other planets or moons that we know of?

E: Anything like this in our solar system?
Z: No, apart from Nibiru there are no structures on other planets.

How did the Romans build the temples to Jupiter at Jerusalem with the 12,000 ton stone columns? Were they aided by extraterrestrials?

Z: No, they weren't helped by extraterrestrials. It was possible for the engineers at that time to build this.

Orcher: Sometime iam in and read same great information, but there is something i really unsure about. And that is the photo gallery.

E: Are all photos there showing what they are said to show?
Z: No.
E: Bust most are?
Z: Yes. The ones that are commented are to be taken as that.

Are we and you "bewatched" from any intelligence agency or any "secret service" of any country right now?

Z: They can't watch us and they aren't interested in this forum.

Is that a coincidence that everyone here in (ZETA PROJECT: ZETA CONVERSATIONS - and questions) have found this place?. if so, are we aimed to do something especial in our life becouse of that?

Z: It was a 'coincidence' in so far as that you were all attracted to it at the time which was best for you. Because of this you don't have to do anything at all at first. You will all have your things to do, as well as the people who are not reading this.

How long do you plan to stay here and answring our questions?

Z: More than a few weeks, but not years. As long as there are people willing to contribute both by posting questions and by answering questions through channeling. And as long as the atmosphere remains open and asking.

Do you need any especial help from us?

Z: No.

How much contact will we have with you after the pole-shift?especially when internet/electricity is down.

Z: More than now, the internet is not crucial for this. We will appear in communities after the pole-shift, depending on how 'inviting' they are, and only if it would not disturb them.

Do i and Viper_05 do any progress in usage pendulum. We played the [ Pendulum To Pendulum Conversation Game ] And we both need same advice to reach atleast 80% right answers.

Z: Ask the pendulum if you are supposed to get those answers even if they don't seem right to you. If you don't understand something, try to step out of the frame and approach it from a different perspective or from a higher level.

It feels like i reached some saturation of all information i need to know in this life, especially after you answered my last questions. is this a temporarily feeling?

Z: Yes, this is a temporary feeling. you are saturated at the moment because you pretty know what to do now and aren't bothered too much with things that aren't relevant to you now.  This will change when you experience new things, and this is natural.

Am I prepared for the pole-shift? (it feels so atleast)

Z: A relaxed mindset is the best preparation because you can't avoid anything just by fearing it. Information is put out by us when it is appropriate and you need not prepare in a hasty way now. We will make sure that things will not go wrong just because the information about what to do or where to go was not there. In this sense, you are prepared in being open about what is to come.

E: Fine, I might have to stop now
Z: This is okay, have some fun. We'll see you later.
E: Good, bye!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: SeventhVirgo on February 07, 2004, 11:21:46
First I want to say thanks to the Zetas and Edi... for using their time to inform us :)

And I have a few questions:
(I want to start simple)
1.) Is Papa Roach aware of what is really going on?  He (or whoever writes the lyrics) seems to know alot of what is wrong with our world... In his lyrics he also mentions things that seem metaphysical, and he mentions that he "dodges" darkside's arrows everyday because of what he says.  I'm not really sure what I am asking... but maybe the Zeta can comment on his music and a bit of what he knows. [:)]Thanks.

2.) One day when I woke up... I saw my parents' bedroom door open... and no one was in the room... was this just my imagination? Or... who was it? :)

3.) In my early childhood years... I had certain "dream-like" experiences... I can only remember of two right now... perhaps the Zeta know what I'm talking about, were these "dreams" supposed to teach me a lesson? Or what were they?

4.) When I was a little older... maybe 7-10 years old, I saw a "UFO".  Could this have been a dream? If it wasn't, I know it wasn't the Zeta... Could you comment on this please? [:)]Thank you.

5.) Considering my experiences from childhood... I don't think it was a coinsidence to have bumped into this forum.  My friend, told me about OBE/Entities/ExtraTerrestrials/etc... As most people, I was skeptical at first, and made fun of him... but later started being interested in it. Was I meant to meet hiim?  Because he has changed the way I think about life... and I guess I am now more "enlightened," than before.

6.) Wll it make a difference if my friend decides to stop studying and "learning" as he is doing so now?  Would it be better if he just forgot about that?  How would it affect him? If it's not appropriate to answer specifically about him, then how does just deciding to stop being part of the education system, affect your life? I reason that there are positive effects to that and "negative." What are these?

Thanks alot... [:D]
Sorry if It seems that I ask too many questions about myself... but I probably can't move on if I don't know myself very well... [:I]

Ty :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 07, 2004, 11:25:19
So, uh, what technology (things like, but not limited to, electricity, light bulbs, planes (these are just examples to give you a feel of what I'm looking for, not the only things I'm asking about, so if they had something like an electric can opener, you could say that)) did ancient man of Earth have similar to todays technology?

What's the deal with those giant Maoi heads of Easter Island ?Who built them ? Why?

Did you build the Sphinx, too? Whose face is on it?

What methods did ancient people use in order to move rocks that weighed several tons?

Could you give us a key to decode the ... uh.... that book thing that the other guy mentioned that's written in secret text?

Do you guys use emoticons when you're on the computer, too?

Does your computer have Solitaire? Minesweeper?

Souls reincarnate? Have I had any previous (or perhaps future?) incarnations? Have any of them had dealings with you?

Do you know where my Megaman X3 CD-ROM is? If so, could you tell me? Or, could you share with a means I could use in order to find it myslef, (something other then tearing through EVERYTHING in my house)?

Could you give us a key to deciphering Linear A?

Were the Dropa a real alien race that landed on Earth and were stuck here? Are the Dropa Stones authentic? Did they once hold information on them magnetically like a tape? Did they once hold information on them that you need a certain type of machine in order to read off them?

What are your favorite recreational activities? (This is targetted to each of the five Zeta that stand in the room to talk to Edi, so I guess there would be five personal answers).

Edi, how good are you at oragami?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Sn0wball on February 07, 2004, 11:53:48
can you tell us something about Sai Baba? Who is he really?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 07, 2004, 13:34:26

1) What 'nonephysical' powers can a person gain whilst on this plane of existance?

2) How many species exist in the known universe on the physical plane? counting humans as one species how many different species exist? (not counting hybrids)

3) Were the Gods of ancient Greece real beings? and if so what happened to them and what happened to Hephaestus? [;)]

4) Why should humanity trust the Zetas?

5) Will terrorists detonate a nuke on american soil?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 07, 2004, 13:44:29
What can I do to move past steady.  Thank you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on February 07, 2004, 14:20:47
Hiya, thanks for answering my questions!

I have some selfish questions to ask now, but i'm going to anyway [:)]

I have been energy raising for about 4-5 months now... is it possible for you to tell whether I have actually made much progress, in regards to storing more energy? Can you tell what my energy body looks like? If so, i'd be interested of your opinion of it! What needs more works, etc...

I have had, I beleive, around 4 Out Of Body Experiences...
Each one i've had didn't last very long... will energy raising eventually be able to increase my time spent OOBing?

Last question, During the poleshift, would it be beneficial for people to raise energy? Will the overrall amount of energy people have be increased??


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: LittleNinja on February 07, 2004, 20:19:40
Hi Edi and the Zetas.

First off, i need to smile. :)

Okay.  I would like to ask a few questions to the Zetas about synchronicities.  I dont' know why but ever so often i would see number patterns that appear on watches, emails, books, and etc.  The patterns that i see have the first number similar to the last number.  Examples: 121, 939, 2727, 616, and so on ......
Now, what i'm asking is, what do they mean?  From what i have gathered, i know that these number patterns are related to the Pleiadians.   I have also heard that these numbers are meant to tell us that we are starting to look beyond what this physical reality is all about; the realization that there is more to life than meets the eye. Can the zetas tell me more about this synchronicity phenomena, or just tell me something that would help me understand it better?

One more question. :)  Lately i've noticed that whenever i make any subtle wishes, it comes true.  Well not all wishes came true but a lot have (the ones that aren't so big of a request). Like for example, i had wished that an assignment given to me wasn't due that day, and it ended up coming true. I had wished that i didn't have to do the presentation, and it was postponed. Is it just a coincidence or is my wish becoming true?  Or, is it because i have,in some kind of way, picked up the thoughts of others into my head, and during the process of translating this information, i had thought that it was my own wish?  

Well thanks in advance for the response, Edi and the Zetas.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Bob251 on February 07, 2004, 21:46:42
Alright, I have a question.

I would like to hear the Zetas' comments on this site and some of the items on it:  //  Of particular interest are the Alternative Feuls page and the Philosopher's Stone item on the Strange Science page.  Are their claims true?  I would think that many items on there don't work too well, or have other requierments in order to work, but I would just like to hear some comments on them.


Another question: I think you may have answered or at least hinted at this before (forgive me, my memory isn't very good right now after 5 hours of dealing with the general public) but is there such a thing as a coincidence?  Does everything happen for a reason?


Thanks in advance!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Viper_05 on February 07, 2004, 22:12:59
ok heres another question...

did tupac shakur really die.. or did he just fake his death and he's living somewhere peacefully and so forth ? [:D]

another question...

Did the U.S really go to the moon, because well, theres alot of support saying that the moon landing was faked and is fake?

Did they just film the moon landing somewhere remote where no one would find out and just slow down the video as to make it seem like they were floating when they walked [B)]?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on February 10, 2004, 00:08:42
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 13, 2004, 11:29:50
Further questions:

1) Why did the Zetas build the pyramids at Giza?
2) Why are the pyramids at Giza layed out on the ground in the exact same formation of orions belt?
3) The pyramids seem to also link with other pyramids not located at giza to mimic the entire Orion constellation but not completely, did you not complete the construction of all the pyramids? if not why not?
4) Why do the shafts in the pyramids point to Orions belt? and the star Sirius?

5) What can you tell me about the cassiopaeans? (this one I definately want answering)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Fuzziwig on February 14, 2004, 18:34:40
Hello all
I will be channeling a bit in this thread again to answer some of the members question. I can see there are quite a number of questions, so I will continue with answering some of those.

F: Hello
Z: Hi, its been a while since you last channeled here, but we know it will be fine.
F: [:)] alot of question, so I think we should get started
Z: okay

SeventhVirgo: Is Papa Roach aware of what is really going on? He (or whoever writes the lyrics) seems to know alot of what is wrong with our world... In his lyrics he also mentions things that seem metaphysical, and he mentions that he "dodges" darkside's arrows everyday because of what he says. I'm not really sure what I am asking... but maybe the Zeta can comment on his music and a bit of what he knows. Thanks.
Z: The person that you refer to is indeed inspired by various paranormal phenomenas and likes to explore these areas. To what his knowledge about these subjects are, we cannot comment as this is a highly personal matter. We can say that he knows about the subjects that he writes about in his songs.

SeventhVirgo: One day when I woke up... I saw my parents' bedroom door open... and no one was in the room... was this just my imagination? Or... who was it? :)
Z: You were experiencing something that has to do with your guide. You were shown a scene that contained the bedroom that you talked about and a white  figure that would show you some things that had to do with the early years of you life. It were things that involved previous experiences that affected you in a way that seemed inappropiate to the guides. It was decided to intervene in this case to set some things straight, and to see if you could cope with these experiences later in life.

SeventhVirgo: In my early childhood years... I had certain "dream-like" experiences... I can only remember of two right now... perhaps the Zeta know what I'm talking about, were these "dreams" supposed to teach me a lesson? Or what were they?
Z: They were dreams in which you were prepared for things to come later in life. They served the purpose of preparing you for the spiritual side of life and to make you more open to certain aspects of the spritual. The dreams would hold the message that there were something beyond the mere life that everybody else led, and that life would hold a chance to embrace the diversity of the beings in all shapes and sizes.

SeventhVirgo: When I was a little older... maybe 7-10 years old, I saw a "UFO". Could this have been a dream? If it wasn't, I know it wasn't the Zeta... Could you comment on this please? Thank you.
Z: What you saw was indeed a dream to stimulate certain thoughts that were needed for your progress as a whole. There are no ufo's to have appeared for you in your wake life, and so there is no need to worry about the possibility of visitations or similar. We dont see a problem with your dream as it was meant to trigger some thought in you, later in life. The dreams are meant for you to experience impressions that are normally not available and so these impressions makes an alternate view on certain things. The dreams dont normally hold any such impressions as you mention in the dream, but they were given to you to give a different view on alien beings in specific. So there is no need to put too much into this dream as it served as a supplement to the allready existing views on this subject.

SeventhVirgo: Considering my experiences from childhood... I don't think it was a coinsidence to have bumped into this forum. My friend, told me about OBE/Entities/ExtraTerrestrials/etc... As most people, I was skeptical at first, and made fun of him... but later started being interested in it. Was I meant to meet hiim? Because he has changed the way I think about life... and I guess I am now more "enlightened," than before.
Z: The meeting with him was not incidental as you have met each other before in a previous life. There are often souls who meet each other through the course of time to help and influence each other. You could call this a lifelong friendship which happens to go beyond a single life. Its typical that lives are interconnected like this, because of the many benifits that lies in this sort of making lives. So all in all there are an interest to connect through several lives in the hope of exchanging knowledge and help one another.

SeventhVirgo: Wll it make a difference if my friend decides to stop studying and "learning" as he is doing so now? Would it be better if he just forgot about that? How would it affect him? If it's not appropriate to answer specifically about him, then how does just deciding to stop being part of the education system, affect your life? I reason that there are positive effects to that and "negative." What are these?
Z: The life your friend is leading is happening because of the changes that he has made, but we cannot answer specific about him as those are privat matters that only affect him. We can talk about the educationsystem that is maintained to establish a foundation for knowledge to benifit the people that use it. Its not a system that everyone can agree on as it bears on some principals of being in a certain way, that is not in conjunction with the actual case; that men are not all alike and they have needs that extend the rules that are put upon them. The needs are sometimes unreasonable, but they reflect the individuals wishes for something bigger, even though it may seem silly. There is a need to listen to these individuals instead of punishing or shutting them out from the rest of the class. There are no suggestions to the problem that solves them, if there is not experienced openess and understanding towards the individual with the troublesome life.
We suggest that a better way of communication take place when these problems arise. Initially the problems are often based in this lack of communication and the need for control over the students. There are no need for this control, as the students should have the freedom to choose what they want without suppression. For far too long have the students been under the pressure of not being good enough, thus being forced to do better under condition of harder work and increased performance. We dont find the way of learning particularly helpful as it poses some problems in regard to how the individual learn. There is no need to pressure a student into learning something in a fixed amount of time, because there are no single student who can perform in much the same way as the next student. Each person has its individual way of learning and its by this way of learning that the knowledge of the person is created. So by putting the knowledge into a system your are in fact limiting the opportunities for an individual to learn, because of the diversity that lies in the way man learns. In separating the need for learning and the process of learning itself, you achieve a much more flexible way of learning. By separating you achieve a much more individual approach to learning that can take the individual much further than the conventional system, and therefore will there be a need at some point to change from a system that restricts, to a more open and direct approach to learning. It will be with the help of many people that it can take place and make way for a better way of learning. It will make the present system obsolete, because of the changes that will take place and when this happens there will be room for such improvements. There will at first not be much learning because of peoples previous relationship to education, but it will be become natural to want to learn in order to become knowledgable and produce a way of learning.

Risu no Kairu: So, uh, what technology (things like, but not limited to, electricity, light bulbs, planes (these are just examples to give you a feel of what I'm looking for, not the only things I'm asking about, so if they had something like an electric can opener, you could say that)) did ancient man of Earth have similar to todays technology?
Z: The ancient man that you refer to, have had many kinds of technology which have been based on the discovery of natures own forces. They have been utilized through the use of wind power and through the use of heat coming from the center of the Earth. It has often been technology that meant the betterment of the species on a day to day basis. It has been technology that meant that the immediate results of the production of food could be delivered at a much faster pace. Production that meant the people using it could spend much more time on developing in both technology and individually. So by using these tools there was a chance to have more time for social things and gathering of yet more food for the troublesome times that could occur through winters. The technology would evolve to something that included the use of various source of fossile fuel and by this discovery, tools could be made to further the development of technology. There would be used a source of fuel to create a certain kind of tools. These would be used for breaking up the earth and find deposits of precious metals in use for jewelry and such. They would make many of these to please the people that wore them and to establish a way to appreciate the people who were given them. They functioned as way to repay people for their hard work and dedication, and they would happily accept these tokes of appreciation because of their significanse. It would later be institutionalized to pay a valued worker with these kinds of tokens. It would signify his overall performance as being out of the ordinary, thus giving an impression of being out of the ordinary. It would further give the other workers a reason to work harder in order to obtain similar tokens and show their status in society. The tools that would later be developed were based on previous technology, but later improved upon and gave life to new ideas. Ideas that revolved around the use of finer instruments to explore and use of other metals to use for the many ordinary things in life. They would later supplement the metals that were allready used for making jewelry and make them stronger. The use of these new metals brought many changes that could be measured in the use of metals and the use of tools that followed. By introducing these new tools, there would be a rich new way of producing things and manufacturing of tools in particular. It would mean that the tools would bear a significant importance to the development of new technology, and survival of the species. Later when new technology would be invented, there wouldnt be the use of tools that were once used. They were replaced with other things such as the use of crafted functional machines that operated on very few things, such as production and maintainance of old parts used in production and machines which purpose was to produce. The machines made them capable of extending their lives with technology they had available, but also capable of making products for their citizens in their community. There would no longer be a need for working hard for the basic necessities, and this made them capable of extending further upon their lives by developing in a positive way towards more human potential.

Risu no Kairu: What's the deal with those giant Maoi heads of Easter Island ?Who built them ? Why?
Z: The Maoi heads were build by an ancient civilization to establish a way to communicate with the gods who were believed to hold great power.

Risu no Kairu: Could you give us a key to decode the ... uh.... that book thing that the other guy mentioned that's written in secret text?
Z: no we can not.

Risu no Kairu: Do you guys use emoticons when you're on the computer, too?
Z: no, we dont

Risu no Kairu: Does your computer have Solitaire? Minesweeper?
Z: We do not have those, no

Risu no Kairu: Could you give us a key to deciphering Linear A?
Z: no, we can not

Sn0wball: can you tell us something about Sai Baba? Who is he really?
Z: The man Sai Baba is a religious leader that is considered to hold certain powers that should alter the way matter is interpreted. Its not a power that he posses, but a magictrick that he has learned to convince followers that he is the real thing. We cant say much more about him.

Viper_05: did tupac shakur really die.. or did he just fake his death and  he's living somewhere peacefully and so forth ?
Z: Tupac shakur is not living somewhere else as he is dead.

Hephaestus: Why should humanity trust the Zetas?
Z: We dont ask of you to trust us. We ask of you to listen to what we have to say and be open towards the way that we influence. We dont have a wish to put upon you burdens that should solve your problems. We wish for you to develop with the answers that are given to you and develop towards a greater understanding.

Hephaestus: Will terrorists detonate a nuke on american soil?
Z: No

Mrsix: I have been energy raising for about 4-5 months now... is it possible for you to tell whether I have actually made much progress, in regards to storing more energy? Can you tell what my energy body looks like? If so, i'd be interested of your opinion of it! What needs more works, etc...
Z: Your energy body has greatly improved in the sense that dull energy has been washed away, and replaced with fresh energy. It has improved in areas around your waist and in the abdomen, but not in the area around your back. You could improve by paying attention to your back for a bit and continue as you do now.

Mrsix: I have had, I beleive, around 4 Out Of Body Experiences...
Each one i've had didn't last very long... will energy raising eventually be able to increase my time spent OOBing?
Z: The energyraising will not increase your time out of your body, but maintain a level of energy making you capable of moving beyond a certain point in the astral.

Mrsix: Last question, During the poleshift, would it be beneficial for people to raise energy? Will the overrall amount of energy people have be increased??
Z: It will be benificial to raise energy after the poleshift. As with other spiritual development, this too will continue after the poleshift and benifit ppl. People will have a different view on spiritual development after the poleshift, so there might be an increased amount of people doing it.

LittleNinja: Okay. I would like to ask a few questions to the Zetas about synchronicities. I dont' know why but ever so often I would see number patterns that appear on watches, emails, books, and etc. The patterns that I see have the first number similar to the last number. Examples: 121, 939, 2727, 616, and so on ......
Now, what i'm asking is, what do they mean? From what I have gathered, I know that these number patterns are related to the Pleiadians. I have also heard that these numbers are meant to tell us that we are starting to look beyond what this physical reality is all about; the realization that there is more to life than meets the eye. Can the zetas tell me more about this synchronicity phenomena, or just tell me something that would help me understand it better?

Z: The syncronicity phenomena is something that has been going on for a very long time. Its something that has a meaning in the sense that people pay attention to it like yourself, but doesnt know what it means. There are no secret agendas behind the phenomena, but to make people wonder and think of possibilities. The phenomena started out as an occurance in the media, where it would appear as a gentle reminder of the phenomena. Later to be represented in making an appearance as a number on the door, or a small note that signified a change in billing a customer. The phenomena is not man made, but related to the Earth project that takes place and it influences people in a subtle way to become more aware of the things around them. They dont see that the world is more than work and eating, and so the phenomena was intiated by the help of the guides, who put these reminders in the every day lives that people live.

F: take care till next time
Z: goodbye and have fun till we meet again
F: [;)]

Light and Compassion
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 14, 2004, 22:18:22
s'okay. I've got some questions, first off
~were you with me tonight, and did we have that conversation? I would very much like you to acknowledge it even though you said you might not.
~you didnt answer my question before(or mabe you werent asked) but, the children that you apparently ''experimented" on, were there alot of them, or only a few. and how did you go about it?
thanx much, pleasepleaseplease reply[^]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on February 15, 2004, 04:42:31

I have a few more questions.

1) After someone dies, where does he go until reincarnation?

2) It is said when an enlightened master dies he isn't reborn anymore on earth, where does he go after death?

3) Before the poleshift happen I understand there are warning signs, after that sign is there still enough time to go to safety and how should we deal whit the problem of mobility (car jams, fuel problems etc.) in the than critical time?

4) You won't give any specific year when the poleshift happens, but maybe you can tell me does it still happen in my life time (and I'm 19), also is the going to a higher density experienced by most people who survive the poleshift (those in good health and not elderly)?

5) When you feel guidens is needed, could one get it by calling out to zeta's or other (hopefully) good minded guide's? Does this work as simple as calling out in a deep relaxed state (perhaps even a trance)? What is the chance one gets guidens of a good minded advanced being instead of a "neg"?

6) I'm currently reading the work of an Indian mystic called osho, since he is somewhat controversial, could you tell me is he indeed was an enlightened master?

Thank you in advance!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 15, 2004, 05:01:10
Ya know I ask the Reptillians about the pyramids at Giza and they were pretty helpful but they explained the Zetas built them and I should ask the Zetas questions about the Pyramids but when I do actually ask the Zetas questions about the Pyramids they dont even get answered.
Also I asked the Reptillians the questions at the bottom of this post and they were kind enough to give me a VERY long reply to them and the Zetas dont even bother.
The Zetas arnt very helpful people.

1) What 'nonephysical' powers can a person gain whilst on this plane of existance?
2) How many species exist in the known universe on the physical plane? counting humans as one species how many different species exist? (not counting hybrids)
3) Were the Gods of ancient Greece real beings? and if so what happened to them and what happened to Hephaestus?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 15, 2004, 06:27:31

as I said before, I do my best to answer ALL questions that are written to the Zeta here to the extent that is possible and reasonable for me at this moment. Please consider the fact that I have a whole lot of a life besides my work on this forum and do not always find time to channel answers immediatley and in the order the questions are posted - it is especially not very feasible to post long channelings while I'm in the mountains enjoying holidays with my family (until yesterday), having no internet access at all. Due to the amount of questions I cannot go everywhere into the detail I would like to, but you can always post further questions then if you need more information.

The next channelings will come in shortly.

kind regards,
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Viper_05 on February 15, 2004, 17:45:55
just incase you missed it on my last question, sorry if you will be asking this quesiton later on, if so just ignore it if you already asked this, if not here it is again, thanks

Did the U.S really go to the moon, because well, theres alot of support saying that the moon landing was faked and is fake?

Did they just film the moon landing somewhere remote where no one would find out and just slow down the video as to make it seem like they were floating when they walked
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Euphoric Sunrise on February 15, 2004, 19:52:43
I haven't visited this topic for a while so i apologize if my questions have been asked and/or answered. If they have, just ignore them and if they don't eventually get answered, i'll be able to search through the thread to find them.

Here goes:
The Bermuda Triangle - is there anything "out of the ordinary" there, and if so, what is it?

Do you consider the events described in Carlos Castaneda's books where he is a student of the Indian don Juan to be true?

Are the things that are said in the book "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak really channeled by the Pleiadians? If so, is the intention of the Zetas and other races helping Earth that it will return to being a centre of information, inhabitants being the librarians?

What happened with that rocket or bomb that supposedly enganged the launch sequence by itself and then stopped? Was that caused by ET involvement?

I think i remember reading that governments all over the world have contact with ETs and are sometimes in contact with Reptilians. If you can, could you tell me how the Australian government is involved with ETs, if at all?

Who were the brown skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired beings with Dolphin pendants who came from the star Orion and built the pyramids and temple sites in Austraila described by the Aboriginies?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Bob251 on February 15, 2004, 22:07:30
Well, I thought of another question or two, and I'll go ahead and restate the other two, just to keep them together.

1. I would like to hear the Zetas' comments on this site and some of the items on it: Of particular interest are the Alternative Feuls page and the Philosopher's Stone item on the Strange Science page. Are their claims true? I would think that many items on there don't work too well, or have other requierments in order to work, but I would just like to hear some comments on them.

2. Another question: I think you may have answered or at least hinted at this before (forgive me, my memory isn't very good right now after 5 hours of dealing with the general public) but is there such a thing as a coincidence? Does everything happen for a reason?

3. This question is somewhat related to Akensai's first question;  What happens to someone if they were to commit suicide?  I would assume it's different than if they were to die naturally, but how different?

Thanks in advance!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: SeventhVirgo on February 16, 2004, 10:05:38
Hey, just wanted to say thanks Fuzzi :)

And of course, thanks to the Zeta and my guide :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Eric g on February 17, 2004, 09:02:20
I also wanted to say thank you to Edi and the Zetas... more questions wil follow [:)][;)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on February 17, 2004, 09:05:11
Welcome back Edi from your vacation, I hope you enjoyed it !

However, same people really take for granted that you should answer them every question they post in to this Topic, like if you owe them this duty. Actually you are not! You should take your time, and choose your work speed, whether they like it or not.

And I am very grateful and really appreciate this great work you are doing Edi, Perna and Zeta. [:)]

Here come some questions:

Q1: If Jesus never crucified, then how was the end of his story?

Q2: What's your opinion about animals as our nourishment?

Q3: Is everything written in approved by you, and accurate information?

Q4: How long times will the 4D take to be totally accomplished? And when will the most notice that they are ascending to the 4D?

Q5: What is your next plan to do?

Q6: If you (and maybe Edi fuzziwis) are leaving this forum soon, how would we reach you else if we have something more to ask? (I really enjoy your present here).

Q7: Can I (from Sweden) see the planet X with my naked eyes as a star in the night? If so, which position, and how bright is it?

Q8: Where is the planet X located right now?

Q9: Are the US government aware of the Planet X approaching? Have they been able to capture any pictures of it?

Less important questions.

Q10: I wrote same part of my sisters dream story in "Welcome to Prophecy & Divination" directory, does it have to do with the pole-shift?

Q11: If I really want you to appear for me, Or at least have a gleam of you. Would you really do that? Or you are to busy for that?

Q12: So how well informed are the whole "Zeta population" of this event? (Our conversation in this forum). If all Zeta folks and other unknown extraterrestrial folk is watching, and following those events, Then a GREETING to you all from me!! [:D]

Thanx again!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 17, 2004, 09:16:04
1) Are there any specific crystals I can use which will aid me in my spiritual accension.

2) Ive read that the zetas say wormholes dont exist and never will because they are just false theorys by scientists, what makes the zetas so sure of this? humanitys technology culd advance beyond anything the zetas can comprehend and wormholes may become a reality.

3) Is it possible for me to become a very powerful being so powerful I can destroy all physical life in this galaxy?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on February 17, 2004, 17:02:26
What exactly are ley lines and where can they be found? Is there any truth behind the geomancy ideas of things being more in tune with the universe if they are aligned properly? If there is, how do this work?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on February 18, 2004, 08:35:04
This topic is really flaberasting !! I've been reading it entirely for the past two nights. I got a lot of questions, but i think Edi is kind of busy, so I've seperated them in regard to what they talk about (me, energy, zetas). Thank you for your time Edi, Fuzziwig and the other channels, and also the Zetas of course ;)
Sorry for my poor english as i'm not a native english speaker.

Me (kalonek) :

1. I'm surprised that not many members have done a quick test with the zetas like asking the colour of the cat's tail as they said at the beginning :) A simple one for you : what colour is the computer i'm writing this question on ? (very important question for me in fact lol, so it would be very nice from you to answer it)

2. Is my guide name's really Kyajuh as i found it with my pendulum ? (just to verify if i'm using it right)

3. In july or june 2003, i had this experience where i traveled mentaly in a tunnel in my head and an odd entity was at the end of it, looking a bit like the traditional grey, but with "human" eyes as far as i can remember, looking at me. I was surprised and scared and immediately stopped my meditation. Did it has something to do with you or any ETI ? Was it some test for me (as Mayatnik guessed) ? Sorry to have failed it in any case... :( Hope there'll be another one...

4. Like another member of this topic, i would be very glad if you could indicate me if i'm doing well with my energy raising and development as i've been doing it for more than a year now. Hope it does pay... Some advices for me ?

5. Have i ever have a contact with any advanced being in this life ? (ETI, spirit etc) When if so ?

Thanks for this first part :)

Energy :

6. What is you explication of the kundalini experience ? Do you have some information on this ? Is it important to train for it ? Does it give a good spiritual advance ?

7. What are orbs ? Some say there are spirits in movement ? Is this true ? I think i got a bunch in my flat, am i right (i caught them on nightshot cam) ? Or are there some form of unliving energy ?

8. What are these voices most of us hear during their first OBE ? I (if it was a real OBE) heard smthg like "Stop ! You're floating over your body !!" Is this a real person speaking or our subconscious mind ?

9. I've read about this hindu man who affirm he hasn't been eating nor rejecting any wastes from his body for decades for he says to have "food" in form of energy in his mouth. He has been observed by doctors and in fact its seemed he didn't need to eat. Is this really possible ?

10. What do you think of Robert Bruce in general ? Should we trust what he tells (i mean is he mostly right) ? He wrote on this site he has seen an UFO coming out of sea one day, was this a zeta ship ? Do you know who it was ?

11. How is the human energetic body made ? How many subtle bodies do we have ? Is it like Bruce describes it ?

Zetas :

12. A question that i think is very important an necessary, and which has been intriguing me for hours : how do you call you between yourselves, i mean the name of the species ? Zeta Reticuli, The Pleiads, The Orion Belt, the Lyre etc is all from Earth perspective and come from history of astronomy, but is totally different from another part of the universe, so what about it ? You keep these names with us so we can refer to you and are used to them ?

13. If you don't have emotions, don't you have any friends ? I guess you don't have "relatives" as you are cloned, but what about collegues, buddies etc ? Or is it again a more mental relationship ? I guess you also don't have any loving relationships with other zetas, so are you pretty alone each separately ? When another zeta dies, it doesn't really matters in that way ? Do you remember all your reincarnations ? Have i been a zeta in a past life ? ;) Or another species ?

14. As another member i'm interested in you internal consitiution. Do you have the same organs as us (i supose you don't, but just to know) ? How do you reject wastes (if you have some) ? Do you also have chakras ? How many ? Same as us ?

15. What do you do on your free time ? Except resting and listenig to music ? Do you have some kind of school for the young ones ? In fact do they exist ? Your clones are already grown-up ? How old do you live ?

That's all :)
Thank you very much if you can answer to my questions, it would be a huge help for me ! And thanks again for taking time to answer all the questions of the members, channels and zetas do a great job here ! You're amazing people :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: LordoftheBunnies on February 18, 2004, 10:54:47
I have a question for our Zeta friends.  I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on the late mystic Samael Aun Weor and his teachings that we have 3000 cycles of 108 human lives in which to becove enlightened, and also his claim of being the avatar of the age of Aquarius.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 18, 2004, 10:57:17
A shorter one this time, but well. I'm catching up again. There's some short 'article' at the beginning about the issue of doubt ... I'll put it all here as it is.


Z: There is the issue of 'doubt' and 'confirmation' with many people who approach the world of the spirit and experience contact with other beings. Because there are some questions about it at the moment, we would make it clear how we and all guides have to work regarding this issue. Take for once the situation of MJ-12: he experienced something strange in his room, we said he can attribute it to 'us' (which means: a zeta guide who was at work there) and now asks for confirmation that it really was us. A similar thing was just asked by Kalonek, i.e. what colour his computer is. And he also states that for him it is a "very important question", and this brings us exactly to the point we wish to talk about.

Why do people ask about this? There is doubt about the reality of it. There is insecurity about what is said. What if it is true? What if it is wrong? People long for a crutch when they don't know what to do, when they are unsure. This is exactly what you can see here, in various extents, and also with many people who approach the spiritual realms. From our position, we cannot take away any doubt. All a 'proof' could do is to exchange doubt with dependance, and this is not what we want. Everone who's been in it for some time will have enough confirmation that it indeed is real - it is the same with astral projection, where you doubt at first 'if it is real', but only experience can give you anything. And experience gives you everything. When we do not answer a 'test' like this, there is a purpose behind it, and we want to make it transparent that all guides work in this manner, they have to. The element of doubt and confusion that surges up in many people is something they have to get along with on their own because it teaches them the very fact that they can _not_ be too dependant and relying on someone else, but have to question and ask until they get to know the other person or understand a topic. In a similar manner you don't 'test' each other when you meet a new person, but you interact and talk and get to know each other over a period of time. This is what we're asking for. Judge us by the overall picture of what we say, ask for more if something is unclear, and that's it. We're not out to prove ourselves to anyone, neither by words nor by deeds. Whoever wants to interact with us can do so with an open mind, the rest can ignore us freely. We don't care if someone doesn't respect what we say as long as he leaves others their free will to decide if it makes sense for them. We agree to 'tests' by asking about information you are interested in; tests like "what colour is my cat?" are senseless, as we explained above. If you need further information about why we handle it that way, please ask.

FistOfFury: 1- Do you celebrate special occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries of special events, etc? Or does this require emotions which you do not have?

Z: You should not confuse emotions with they joy of being. Emotions are information that is picked up from beings around you and causes all sorts of reactions in your body. We do not have those reactions, like high blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks and the likes, or subtler responses, but we are aware of what is going on around us. Our emotional part is undeveloped because unused. Nevertheless we enjoy life and we are 'happy'. We celebrate things, as there are always things that are worth remembering. Examples of this are remembrances of past events, like taking up the work with the Earth Project, or on a smaller scale a guide may be happy about a certain occurance in someone's life.

2- Do you watch human forms of entertainment such as films/motion pictures, shows, theature, opera? literature? And what are your opionions on them? Dislike, like, too violent, too much sex? Do you think that they help us or hinder us spiritually? Should I stop watching horror movies?

Z: We monitor those things, because it is important for us to know what is going on on earth. There is a department of us that is watching what the media put out and how it is received. We are interested in the effects it has on the human psyche. And we decide then how to best apply 'counter-measures' if necessary, to correct any biased or unbalanced situation that needs some more intuitive information. Your entertainment connects you very well to your emotions, and we are astonished by the deepness of how you can go into such things at times. Such experiences are good to have, can be beautiful and transformative, and it depends on the individual how he deals with it. There is much sex and violence in the TV, but that is not really the problem. Ignoring such things is wrong. But it shouldn't be portrayed that all that comes on TV is normal and natural. It is the responsibility of the parents to give a child sound information on what is normal for them and not in life, so they don't fall into some wrong conditioning from the media. Things such as love and violence are portrayed in such ways that can be just misleading for young children watching it, and they pick up a wrong message.

3- When does the soul enter it's physical body? During the early stages of fetus growth, at conception, at physical birth? And what are your opinions on human abortion? Good, Bad? Free Will? Is it decided on a higher level if someone gets "aborted" so to speak, as a life lesson they must go through? (assuming that the soul is in it's physical body at this time)

Z: There is a link made between the soul and the egg at the time of conception. The process of entering the body and anchoring into your reality and into the body takes some time and is normally done after a few months. Some individuals struggle for a longer time and resist incarnation. You cannot put the finger on a certain point in time and say "exactly at this moment the soul entered the body", because incarnation is a gradual process. Abortion - a complex issue. The answer is simple though. An incarnating soul is aware of the life circumstances the parents have and it is after all the will of the soul to incarnate. You as parents can respect that will or not, and the incarnating soul will also respect the decision to abort pregnancy. It is for all involved an opportunity to learn from a difficult time and to rethink some major keys in life. We can't say much more, because the decision has to be taken by the parents. you do not 'destroy' life by an abortion, but you might miss a very worthful addition to the lifes of all involved.

4- What exactly are blackholes, and are they gateways to other dimensions? Is it safe to try "flying" near or into one? (Astrally and physically speaking)

Z: Black holes are accumulations of matter. They are no gateways to other dimensions in any sense. You wouldn't want to fly into them physically, and astrally it is necessary to see if those terms are still applicable there. A black hole in the physical is independent of whatever there is at the astral level. In the astral there are other rules and there is nothing like a black hole there.

5- Are all the Earth governments aware of Nibuiru, or just the U.S.?

Z: More than the US of course, but not all.

6- Is there, or has there ever been such thing as a secret shadow organization/s or government/s (New World Order) that plan to, or have already taken control of Earth's governments? And which country is/was their main base of operations? Also, where/are they all human, alien, or mixed, and how long have they been around? Finally, (sorry if this is too long) are they/were aware of the Shift, and what are they planning in regards to the Shift? Fear, misinformation, that sort of thing.

Z: Yes. Look at the big banks, look at where the money flows. The people in power direct the flow of money. The governments are all dependent on what 'money' dictates. As for a main base, there are several of such controlling groups in the US and in Europe. They are all human. They've been around for ages, since the beginning of your banking system at least such power lines have been ever growing.

7- Was the real motive for U.S.'s Iraq War to capture it's natural resources and underground areas, in preparations for the coming Pole Shift and associated natural disasters of the approaching Nibiru?

Z: The pole shift is an important factor that lead to the decision of war; the issue behind it all is that the US feels shaky and needs to establish access to ressources, this is true. If you control the ressources, you have got power.

8- The Ricin scare that is unfolding now, is this a staged event to condition the public with fear? And who is behind it, if not the U.S. government? Purpose?

Z: It is not staged; there is a group of people who resort to these means of getting attention. This group is stationed in the US, but from foreign origin.

9- Who or what is behind the cattle mutalations, and for what purpose?

Z: It is the government experimenting, helped by service to self groups. The purpose behind it is to indimidate. By 'government' we do not mean the official one.

10- Has Bruce Lee reincarnated? How did he really die? If he was killed, what was the purpose of the murderer?

Z: Bruce Lee (i.e. the soul that was him) reincarnated, yes. He was murdered because he has been standing up against injustice. This injustice he saw in the way martial arts have been connected to criminality, and he would do everything to break this connection. He was a man with high ideals.

10a- I don't know why, but I feel some kind of "connection" to him. Like he is always on my mind sometimes, and I am fascinated by who he was, what he did, and what he stood for, his philosophy, etc. Is there anything to this, or is it just, one of those things that fascinates people in life. Am I supposed to learn from his life in someway, in other words, is this "connection" I feel, my higher self trying to bring to attention to me a learning experience?

Z: Trust your intuition. You can learn if you want, and will gain some things by learning how he lived. It will give you nice ideas and inspiration that you can incorporate into your life.

11- What's the deal with the Mars rovers malfunctioning? Is it a genuine malfunction, NASA UFO/alien artifact finding coverup, or was it aliens trying to destroy the rovers, and why?

Z: The 'malfunction' is genuine and not by any outside influence.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on February 18, 2004, 12:16:20
Well ... It seems i didn't do a very good impression on the zetas ... [xx(] I didn't want to look stupid though by asking this (of course !), it was just a "funny" question (and in fact despite what i have said the least useful i see). I just thought the zetas or a channeler mentioned these tests (with the exemple of the colour of the cat), but i must be wrong then, hope i haven't offend you with this, i wasn't meaning to at all. All my apologizes (even if i guess you don't care lol).
I hope you'll answer my questions anyway [:D]
Thanks for everything in any case.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 18, 2004, 16:31:56
Please ask the Zetas this question please, I need the answer as to help someone.

Question: People often see beings that are often called shaddow beings or shaddow people, the most notable form is a shaddow form of a man in a trench coat wearing a hat who most often stands at the end or side of a persons bed. I have heard these beings have attacked people whilst they lay in bed and other times just stand there and stare at you for long periods of time instilling fear in its victim. What are these shaddow beings? why do they attack people? why do they stand there stareing at you? and how can a person defend against these shaddow beings?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on February 18, 2004, 16:59:03
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 18, 2004, 17:25:41
Originally posted by MJ-12

Well, I'm done with this whole "channeling" thing. These zetas say that they don't mind questioning, and after they claim to be in my room, when I have the audacity to ask them a question to ensure that it was really them, they get all huffy and self-righteous. They did provide a VERY vague and utterly useless answer to my initial question though. Apparently, that was okay, but actual concrete proof, well that's something that "the rules" don't allow, I suppose.

Don't anyone say I didn't at least give them a chance before saying with definitive proof that they're full of it.

can you give more detail about the being in your room part etc? what exactly happened? [8)][|)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 18, 2004, 17:27:03
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on February 19, 2004, 02:56:28
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 19, 2004, 11:39:23
Zeta says: When we do not answer a 'test' like this, there is a purpose behind it, and we want to make it transparent that all guides work in this manner, they have to.

Uh oh. ding ding ding! You're out! Sorry but this is totally incorrect. Any good spirit will NOT mind being tested because they know (the good spirits) how easy it is for a bad spirit to deceive the unwary. Any spirit that refuses to be tested obviously has something to hide, regardless of whatever 'hidden' ("we can not tell you at this time") explanation they come up with. Games up folks, time to banish them negs.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 19, 2004, 11:46:10
Originally posted by McArthur

Zeta says: When we do not answer a 'test' like this, there is a purpose behind it, and we want to make it transparent that all guides work in this manner, they have to.

Uh oh. ding ding ding! You're out! Sorry but this is totally incorrect. Any good spirit will NOT mind being tested because they know (the good spirits) how easy it is for a bad spirit to deceive the unwary. Any spirit that refuses to be tested obviously has something to hide, regardless of whatever 'hidden' ("we can not tell you at this time") explanation they come up with. Games up folks, time to banish them negs.

I agree, there is something heartily fishy about these channelings and the attitude from these beings toward some people on the board when they ask certain questions. It seems to me to be a perfect example of a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on February 19, 2004, 12:56:57
Originally posted by Hephaestus

Originally posted by McArthur

Zeta says: When we do not answer a 'test' like this, there is a purpose behind it, and we want to make it transparent that all guides work in this manner, they have to.

Uh oh. ding ding ding! You're out! Sorry but this is totally incorrect. Any good spirit will NOT mind being tested because they know (the good spirits) how easy it is for a bad spirit to deceive the unwary. Any spirit that refuses to be tested obviously has something to hide, regardless of whatever 'hidden' ("we can not tell you at this time") explanation they come up with. Games up folks, time to banish them negs.

I agree, there is something heartily fishy about these channelings and the attitude from these beings toward some people on the board when they ask certain questions. It seems to me to be a perfect example of a wolf in sheeps clothing.

This would be true, would it not that they never asked you to belief anything or trust them, they have every right to hold things back, they never made the claim to tell you everything you wanted to know.

Let's say we have a discussion, on the forum or elsewhere it doesn't matter, than I tell you something, I tell you explicitly; you don't have to belief it, now that something turns out something you don't belief is true. Than if you asked me something about it, to test me and I tell you I don't want to answer your question, does that mean I'm somehow "false" or not who I say I am? It simply means that I don't want to answer that question nothing more, nothing less, I don't need to prove anything, as I didn't ask for your trust or that you belief me. There could be many reasons why I don't want to tell you, perhaps it's something that would be dangerous for you to know, perhaps I can't tell you, because I'm told it's to stay a secret. Now does this really say anything about me and would this prove me being anything other than I say? This would only be the case if you had direct prove of what I said to be wrong, then you can draw your conclusions about me and present them to anyone, then you can say this man is not who he says he is, he lied about this and that. Else it only stay guess work on your side and your only presenting your beliefs, not the truth. And do you have proof against the zeta's that they have lied anywhere?

Just too let you know I belief these channelings to be useful and enjoyable, however I haven't made up my mind to belief them to be true or not and I don't know when I will, if ever. (Most likely if what they say (poleshift etc.) doesn't happen they will fade out of my mind.)

Of course you do have to right not to belief them and everyone can start a discussion over this, open a topic or whatever, but I'm quite sure nothing good will come of it.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 19, 2004, 13:23:20
Originally posted by Akensai

This would be true, would it not that they never asked you to belief anything or trust them, they have every right to hold things back, they never made the claim to tell you everything you wanted to know.

But if they claim to be bringing important epoch-changing (or life-changing) information to Humanity then surely it is only fair that we are allowed to ask for some verification that what they are telling us is true and that they can be trusted?

And do you have proof against the zeta's that they have lied anywhere?


(Most likely if what they say (poleshift etc.) doesn't happen they will fade out of my mind.)

Well according to (i.e. Nancy) the poleshift was to happen in late May early June of 2003. But guess what? Nothing happened! [:O]

Have you taken a look at this site?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on February 19, 2004, 14:54:14
But if they claim to be bringing important epoch-changing (or life-changing) information to Humanity then surely it is only fair that we are allowed to ask for some verification that what they are telling us is true and that they can be trusted?

I believe the channeling said if you were curious about something and asked something on that topic as a sort of 'test', they wouldn't mind as much as when you post things like, in the example on the post, 'What color is my cat?'.

Making up your mind about whether or not you believe what's being said is perfectly natural, and if you don't believe it, that's fine, but try not to instigate anything here with the people who are more open to the possibility. I would like to say it would be difficult to start any arguments in here with those who are most curious about these types of posts, but nonetheless, if you don't believe it, you can let everyone here know if you, really feel it necessary, and post any additional appropriate comments you might have. But analyzing the posts for slip-ups or anything like that based on your current ideas on non-physical beings is, besides maybe being a little quick to assume that all spirits of the same humor act the exact same (and I seriously doubt they do), isn't something a lot of people that read this post are going to take well to. It may or may not be appropriate to take offense to such things, but nonetheless I am sure it happens, as well as things may be concealed in nice words, because statements such as 'time to banish them negs' somewhat annoy me.

Basically, if you don't believe any of this, it's fine, and feel free to say so, but for my sake at least please don't hang around and constantly post things so as to try to convince us of how fake these things are. That's not what this post is for, and maybe if it gets out-of-hand such things should begin to be moderated and moved into different topics (cough cough).
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on February 19, 2004, 15:03:59
Originally posted by McArthur

Originally posted by Akensai

This would be true, would it not that they never asked you to belief anything or trust them, they have every right to hold things back, they never made the claim to tell you everything you wanted to know.

But if they claim to be bringing important epoch-changing (or life-changing) information to Humanity then surely it is only fair that we are allowed to ask for some verification that what they are telling us is true and that they can be trusted?

No, being fair has nothing to do whit, they don't want to give direct verification and we can do nothing about it. All this talk about trust is useless.


And do you have proof against the zeta's that they have lied anywhere?


(Most likely if what they say (poleshift etc.) doesn't happen they will fade out of my mind.)

Well according to (i.e. Nancy) the poleshift was to happen in late May early June of 2003. But guess what? Nothing happened! [:O]

True, but they gave a logical argument, as they do whit many things, this is the reason I stay neutral on the topic and I'm not against it.

Have you taken a look at this site?

Yes, I did take a look at the site now, but it is to much, all this trouble to see if anything of this is true, it is too tiresome. If poleshift comes, then I can't stop it anyway, it is said the signs are apparent, so when the time comes and if it comes then we can deal whit it then. Until then ill just stick to this topic.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 19, 2004, 17:44:18
you peoples. . .[V]
why d'ya got to come in here and get all up ons everyone else? You guys don't believe this whole zeta communication thing. . .take it somewhere else. .why even post it here in the first place is what i wanna know. **sigh*
i'm pretty anxious though, i do realize that lots of people are asking questions (im not sayin mine are any more important that anyone elses)but, im gettin all 'when will they answer?'.
hmph. .mabe never. .still curious though[;)]
but heres a thingthank you alls for doin this zeta communication for us!!!!!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 19, 2004, 17:45:24
Hey all,

and so it continues. The rest will be done soon, some questions were postponed for later... I'd be happy if this thread remains to be used exclusively for questions and answers, the rest can be well discussed elsewhere.

E: Hello all of you.
Z: Hello.
E: Anything to say yet, or do we go after the remaining questions?
Z: Answer the questions, we will comment on some things at the end.
E: Okay...

LordOfTheBunnies: I have a question for our Zeta friends. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on the late mystic Samael Aun Weor and his teachings that we have 3000 cycles of 108 human lives in which to becove enlightened, and also his claim of being the avatar of the age of Aquarius.

E: I'm aware of what he has written... someone said it's like the key to blavatsky's teachings.
Z: It is an addition to previous 'occult' teachings, with some things revealed and discussed that were not so in the spotlight before. However, regardless of the massive impression of his work, it is still only a model he is working with. This model is a suitable way to understand the universe, but it is very biased. It is strict in a way that it denies the seeking human being several aspects of his existence, based on some philosophy developed there, and puts firm limitations on what and how to develop. Lots of techniques and 'secret' teachings. For some, this model is suitable.
E: Is he deceitful or lying or something like that in his texts?
Z: Samael Aun Weor is a person who knows much, which also comes through his texts, but look at what he knows and what he teaches. If you read his texts, you get a strong image of polarisation in some areas. He focuses his teachings on many pretty things which is almost similar to a structure only built up for the joy of exploring it, for the joy of agreeing to certain rules and playing the game with them. You don't need such things for 'self-development', although some of the concepts he touches are beautiful to explore. Don't get caught in the polarity game, then you can read his texts to get some inspiration, but to find answers you have to not believe into what he writes, but to taste it if you want. We can say that it doesn't taste good except if you have an albeit odd taste yourself. It's not deceitful, but problematic from our point of view.
E: I have to feeling you want to say more.
Z: Yes, indeed. It is interesting what he writes about the world and spiritual development, but don't take guidelines for granted. We do not intent do discredit him, as there is also value in his work. It is rather the general message from us that you shouldn't confuse the model or the system with your own self-development - adopt the model according to your needs and possibilties, it is more important to keep true to yourself instead of keeping true to a certain school or doctrine.
E: Is he the avatar of the age of Aquarius?
Z: THE avatar? Everyone who is on earth is an 'avatar', having come to contribute his part to the world. Experience and knowledge that surfaced (still buried and resting in others) does not give someone the right to say he's an avatar and you're not. It would be like saying one certain bird is the avatar of spring. There are lots of birds, some sing louder than others, some make more dirt by excrements than others, but spring comes not because of one of many birds.
E: What an odd analogy.
Z: It serves the purpuse. Next question please :)

Kalonek: This topic is really flaberasting !!

E: Now THAT word made me smile! :) Don't excuse for your english, it's not my mother tongue either.

Is my guide name's really Kyajuh as i found it with my pendulum ? (just to verify if i'm using it right)

Z: You've been using the pendulum in the right way but you need practice to come to the right name. You're playing the game of receiving letters for the sake of practice at the moment, and this stage is there in order to get used to this process. You got what was given to you and will find out more about guidance soon.

3. In july or june 2003, i had this experience where i traveled mentaly in a tunnel in my head and an odd entity was at the end of it, looking a bit like the traditional grey, but with "human" eyes as far as i can remember, looking at me. I was surprised and scared and immediately stopped my meditation. Did it has something to do with you or any ETI ? Was it some test for me (as Mayatnik guessed) ? Sorry to have failed it in any case... :( Hope there'll be another one...

Z: There is no sense in travelling around if you're afraid of what you see, no matter how you travel. There are lots of things in the universe that can be scary to look at, but fear is exactly the reaction that leads to panic-like reactions who do not come from intuition, but from conditioning. If you react by fear, you lose control - if you react by intuition, you stay true to yourself. What is there to be afraid, you're just seeing a face. Some people would also experience something that is frightening and disturbing and attribute the resulting emotional turboil to an 'energetic vampire'. We want to remind here that you as human beings are in absolute control of your energy all the time, and if it 'leaks' or not doesn't have to be caused by you (no 'guilt' here), but you can do what is necessary to remedy the situation and to be immutable against such influences that want to provoke uncomfortable feelings. And to avoid another pitfall, we comment further on those feelings. We explicitely say that you have to experience feelings, that you have to go through them in order to learn from them. Don't block the experience, but acknowledge what is happening. Mayatnik did not guess; it was in this sense a test on how you deal with the unknown.
E: Were you involved with this 'test'?
Z: No. Don't worry about having failed, you move on all the time. While you're busy dealing with the past you might miss what is going on at the present.

4. Like another member of this topic, i would be very glad if you could indicate me if i'm doing well with my energy raising and development as i've been doing it for more than a year now. Hope it does pay... Some advices for me?

Z: It did pay, as your awareness of such things increased. Awareness to energy also increases awareness to feelings and thoughts and pulls more things into the consciousness. You are doing well because you are balancing energy techniques with integration of other aspects of your life. We say this because energy work often stirs up issues that need to be worked on, issues that have been stored in the energy bodies, like in the chakras. For you this is fine and running well, as you process what is coming out of your subsconcious. We won't point to specific body areas for you to develop - put attention on the feeling aspect. Much is already there in you, pay attention to the depth of your perception in order to notice subtleties in energy, more than just the 'rough' presence in it. You will get a better understanding of the world and the people around you that way, this is the potential we would want to hint you at at the moment.

5. Have i ever have a contact with any advanced being in this life ?

Z: No.
E: I'd suppose spirits are all around us?
Z: That is true. But in this case, remaining in the background.

6. What is you explication of the kundalini experience ? Do you have some information on this ? Is it important to train for it ? Does it give a good spiritual advance ?

Z: Kundalini is the opening of certain pathways in the energy body and in the chakras. It is a radical energy movement that is sortof like an 'emergency button' to reach a higher potential, but this button is well protected and monitored. Kundalini experiences are not to be taken lightly and it comes in certain people's life in order to prepare them better for what they have to do.
E: Any more information on where the energy comes from?
Z: The energy is metabolized at the base of your spine and rushes up, being itself transformed along the way, and transforming whatever it encounters. Burning is another good expression for it. Kundalini is not dangerous if you are well prepared for it, otherwise it would be too strong to handle. The rising of the kundalini 'snake' doesn't give you instand enlightenment though. It is just the beginning of a new stage, a new path of self-development, where much additional work is involved. It is not important to train for it unless you are dedicated and know that it is right for you, then you will gain much from it. A kundalini raising is both the result of spiritual 'mastery' and the beginning of it, it is a waypoint along one certain path. Not everyone does go this path, and not everyone is supposed to do so.

7. What are orbs ? Some say there are spirits in movement ? Is this true ? I think i got a bunch in my flat, am i right (i caught them on nightshot cam) ? Or are there some form of unliving energy ?

Z: 'Orbs' - there are phenomena that appear on cameras, but this is not a photography of a ghost or a conscious being. It is electromagnetic energy that is able to influence the camera equipment in some way. No spirits.

8. What are these voices most of us hear during their first OBE ? I (if it was a real OBE) heard smthg like "Stop ! You're floating over your body !!" Is this a real person speaking or our subconscious mind ?

Z: It is the subconscious mind, suddenly freed from the barrier that keeps it un-hearable before. Noise. This noise comes in all forms, sensations, sounds, visuals, and is the unrest of the subconscious that is mastered with some practice.

9. I've read about this hindu man who affirm he hasn't been eating nor rejecting any wastes from his body for decades for he says to have "food" in form of energy in his mouth. He has been observed by doctors and in fact its seemed he didn't need to eat. Is this really possible ?

Z: Yes it is, there have been many such cases on the world.

10. What do you think of Robert Bruce in general ? Should we trust what he tells (i mean is he mostly right) ? He wrote on this site he has seen an UFO coming out of sea one day, was this a zeta ship ? Do you know who it was ?

Z: Robert Bruce is a guru for many, a spiritual leader and teacher who knows what to give people. He has gone through a lot of experience and a lot of questioning that made him who he is, and his work is valuable and a good way forward for many. Trust him in the sense that he does his best and is of pure intention. Individual experiences can and do differ from his sometimes, but this doesn't matter as this is natural. The attitude that was seen from the guides regarding Psychic Self Defense was stated, this was because this PSD is a quick fix but should not be taken for the nonplusultra, because there is more to being safe and sane.

11. How is the human energetic body made ? How many subtle bodies do we have ? Is it like Bruce describes it ?

Z: There are various approaches to describe the energetic, non-physical part of the human being. The subtle bodies are many, and you have to put a delineation somewhere on what you still call your body and what is part of something higher. Therefore this question is not so easy to answer in a few short sentences because it needs definitions of terms. How many bodies you count depends on where you draw delineations.
E: What about the model for example by Barbara Brennan in her book(s)?
Z: It is very accurate. You can talk about this in other topics if you want. It is a good way to see what being human means.
E: There are 7 bodies in it if I remember right... but Brennan also talks of something above that. Do you know more?
Z: This is not what we would call 'human energetic body', although there are many parts on higher levels.
E: Is Bruce correct in his descriptions?
Z: His perspective is not everything, but valid.

12. A question that i think is very important an necessary, and which has been intriguing me for hours : how do you call you between yourselves, i mean the name of the species ? Zeta Reticuli, The Pleiads, The Orion Belt, the Lyre etc is all from Earth perspective and come from history of astronomy, but is totally different from another part of the universe, so what about it ? You keep these names with us so we can refer to you and are used to them ?

Z: Be aware that you only need to use words as long as you are not communicating telepathically. Words are references to something, and this something comes directly by telepathy. The names you mention were given as labels by humans to what they have known, and were agreed upon by the ones that are labelled that way. Those names are just a 'convenient' thing to use for you. While you recognize the label and then remember what it points to, we just see the things and recognize them for what they are.

13. If you don't have emotions, don't you have any friends ? I guess you don't have "relatives" as you are cloned, but what about collegues, buddies etc ? Or is it again a more mental relationship ? I guess you also don't have any loving relationships with other zetas, so are you pretty alone each separately ? When another zeta dies, it doesn't really matters in that way ? Do you remember all your reincarnations ? Have i been a zeta in a past life ? ;) Or another species ?

Z: Think about your definition of emotions. We do feel love and compassion. Is it necessary to have bodily requisites for this? No. We have 'buddies' and contacts and a social structure, we have relationships, and we are far from alone. Zeta guides are caring about their proteges, and we are delighted when things work out well. When we are said not to have emotions, this is true, but there is a big difference between us and 'machines' or 'robots'. We do not remember our incarnations here, in a similar way to you. It is basically the same mechanism, where you step down one level in order to incarnate, but forget where you come from. About being an 'alien' species in a past life: humans on earth are aliens, but incarnated. It's as simple as that. The seperation between 'human' and 'alien' is not what you think of it to be.
14. As another member i'm interested in you internal consitiution. Do you have the same organs as us (i supose you don't, but just to know) ? How do you reject wastes (if you have some) ? Do you also have chakras ? How many ? Same as us ?

Z: Regarding wastes, we already commented. Chakras are pretty similar. The organs are also similar, but there are some bigger differences due to our evolution. Apart from the digestive tract, the breathing mechanism is different. Our brain is bigger.
E: Anatomy, I wonder if I could enumerate all organs.
Z: That's not necessary. We won't want you to write a complete study of the Zeta body.

15. What do you do on your free time ? Except resting and listenig to music ? Do you have some kind of school for the young ones ? In fact do they exist ? Your clones are already grown-up ? How old do you live ?

Z: We are very dedicated to work on the earth project, so there is not very much time for leisure. We are very happy with what we are doing and find our joy in it. In the free time we're exploring the beauty of various things around us.

E: This fits with the other question:

Risu no Kairu: What are your favorite recreational activities? (This is targetted to each of the five Zeta that stand in the room to talk to Edi, so I guess there would be five personal answers).

E: Do you want to answers this, one to five?
Z: No. We couldn't say that one likes shopping and the other likes collecting stamps. We are here for a rather impersonal communication, where our personalities do not matter and we answer as representatives for the Zeta. We will however speak about one of us to give you an idea. We will adress him as 'he'. He is working not only on this communications project, but also on something that is connected to what you call recreational activities. It has to do with geometry, with mathematics, with patterns and crystals. How those things interplay. He watches such things, is interested and ponders about it.
E: Any sense in comparing our ways and structures of life with yours?
Z: Little.
E: :)

(no_leaf_clover): What exactly are ley lines and where can they be found? Is there any truth behind the geomancy ideas of things being more in tune with the universe if they are aligned properly? If there is, how do this work?

Z: It is true that there are 'lines' or a a grid where energy flows can be measured by means of a pendulum for example. People are also sensible to such lines to various degrees, and there are effects on the health sometimes depending on your position in regards to this grid.
E: Where do such lines originate from?
Z: They are influences not from your earth, caused by other bodies around you.

Hephaestus: 1) Are there any specific crystals I can use which will aid me in my spiritual accension.

Z: Yes. Crystals that are in tune with and energizing your third chakra, at the solar plexus. You can need some stimulation there.

2) Ive read that the zetas say wormholes dont exist and never will because they are just false theorys by scientists, what makes the zetas so sure of this? humanitys technology culd advance beyond anything the zetas can comprehend and wormholes may become a reality.

Z: Could, yes. However, we base what we say on observation and studies, and this is the best we can do. What we say comes from cross-checking and verifying information as far as this is possible for us, but of course we do not know everything. From our perspective, it is as we say it. However, at the present it is the case that our technology is beyond anything you can comprehend, and there are higher beings that are far beyond anything we can comprehend. That's the way it is, and we are happy to learn from you where possible. We do so already.
3) Is it possible for me to become a very powerful being so powerful I can destroy all physical life in this galaxy?

Z: You are a powerful being, but destroying all physical life in this galaxy is neither something you could do, nor something that would be allowed.

taom1234: What can I do to move past steady. Thank you.

Z: You are at a point in your development where nothing seems to push you to new frontiers. This by itself doesn't have to be a problem. There are periods where outside influences that push you to certain experiences are minimal, where your life is directed by the conscious choices you make. Your social life is okay, and your relationship with others is not what you need to work on at the moment. What we would rather like to point at is the way you undertake your spiritual development. You are missing to go out and experience things, exploring new perspectives, considering what you ignored so far. You have your sensible and comfortable place in the universe but are narrowed down, in the direction of being 'lazy', in pursuing new frontiers. What frontiers to pursue? We point to nature. To be less vague, nature as in trees, grass and animals. Seeing how nature grows and lives and has it's workings. This will also give you knowledge about yourself and the universe. Get on your feet, not being blindly immersed in your surroundings, but experiencing them.

E: I hope that's satisfying.
Z: You wanted us to be specific, and we were specific, we are happy to give advice. That can be considered or not, but our advice is what we consider best for the individual development at that time. Don't care what he will say about it, that's something between him and us. You are just delivering what we wish to express, and this you do carefully and according to our wishes. In this sense, post this all  as it has been written.
E: I'll do that now. Thanks for that conversation, it was fun for me.
Z: It was also enjoyable for us, we're happy that you've found the leisure to do it with all that's going on at the time. One thing we want to say before we finish: we approve of discussion, but not of preventing others from using their free will to make up their mind on their own. As long as there are people who benefit from the conversations here, we are happy to continue. But this is not feasible if things aren't considered with an open mind.
E: See you next time then.
Z: Bye.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 19, 2004, 19:25:46
Do you know where my copy of Mega Man X 3 is?

If so, could you tell me where it is?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 20, 2004, 01:00:32
Thank you for your answer, I have to admit that I am still a little skeptical but it was an accurate account of my life so far[:)].  

This question is not a test, but what was the shift in consciousnes that propelled me to become "steady"?  I am still confused by this as I really don't know what made this major change. Was it maybe after I read "that" book and decided in my mind and heart that even though it has a wealth of information that would have many believe it is true, I still rejected it?

Also, how many stages of the heart are there really in terms of spirituality and is steady something to be happy about?

When my guide initially contacted me, she telepathically communicated to me  in "thees and thous".  Why did she communicate this way?  and why did she get my attention with a flying white horse with wings initially?

When I first astral projected and flew past our Earths moon, why? did the "silver cord" appear to me on my way back to Earth?

When I was on one of the moons of Jupiter, there were humans there just like us.  How many of the moons on Jupiter are inhabited by human species?

That huge bright UFO that flew past  myself and my mother last year on the highway at night.  Why did it appear to us?.

When my brother and I were working on our deck, why did the UFO rush to hide behind the cloud?  We were fully aware of it and they know we are not afraid, so why always attempt to hide?

Why is now my girlfriend so many thousand miles away seeing UFO's.

Sorry for asking so many "whys" but here is one more.  Why did the UFO's for so long hover around our house while we were building it?

How come the area I live in is so well known for UFO activity and why do the UFO's keep comming back and who really made that cut line in the mountain opposite us that supposedly confuses all the surveyers because of it's apparent accuracy in relation to its alignment with certain stellar systems?

Is it true that if someone has an illness, if they  tie themselves to an old tree with copper wire for a few hours, that the tree will remove the illness from the person and ground it to mother earth?  

Everynight before sleep that intensly bright light flashes in my mind.  Can I use that to connect with my higher self when I need to?  and if so, what method would you suggest I use after the bright flashes start comming to benifit my spiritual evolvement?

You say you use "advanced technology".  My understanding is that the more a being relies on technology, the less this being is in tune with their spiritual nature.  I still use the internet to ask you questions, but at the same time, if I were more spiritually advanced, then I can't imagine myself using any type of  technology anymore to communicate as I could use my energy alone.  Does this mean you maybe are not spirtually evolved yet and maybe you are more scientiffically advanced?  IN other words, since you have physical bodies and much technology is it possible that you have developed your mind more than your heart?

Do you think Paramahansa Yoganda's explanation of his experience of cosmic consciousness was the best ever written to try to attempt to explain the feeling of oneness with all life?  I just can't imagine anyone describing an undescribable feeling any better than the way he did.  I have never read anything thing that even comes remotely close to explaining the unexplainable as well as he did.

What herb can I use to grow my hair back?  Guides have said nature has a cure for everything.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 20, 2004, 01:05:57

1) The Zetas say I should use Crystals that are in tune with and energizing my third chakra, at the solar plexus. Im not good at finding this stuff out, can you tell me which specific chrystal I should use please? and how I should use it? as I want to give it a try.

2) What should I do to improve my none existant telekinetic ability?

3) Have you ever watched star trek? and if so what do you think to the idea of a United Federation of Planets? and is warp drive a real possibility?

4) What can you tell me about the Casseopeans who do a lot of channeling to people on Earth?

5) What are these strange chemtrails that are being seen all around america all about?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on February 20, 2004, 06:36:48
Thank you for your answers zetas and for your time Edi ! And thank you for not having (too much) laughed at me for my english lol ;)
It has opened me to new perspectives !

I got another question though that just came to me : After the "fusion" of both species, zetas and humans, what will be this new species ? Does it mean the "end" of human beings and zetas as individual species ? Or more like a new species but which will be closer to humans or to zetas (in this way one of us would disapear, absorbed by the other) ? Or just a third species but the two others will continue to go their own way ? Hope i get myself clear :-/

I might have some more questions soon :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Devneil on February 20, 2004, 07:35:33
Hello everybody ! It is my first post on this forum, but i've followed the conversations since this summer. I also thank Edi, Fuzziwig, and Mayatnik to grant their time to us as well as the Pleiadians and the Zetas .
My questions surely will appear a little personal, I must say. But in fact these questions seem important to me to ask for my personal development.
I have an experience of the pendulum, but i have not develop telepathy yet.

Me ( Devneil ) :

1. In October-November 2003, I've observed an UFO going down from the sky, whilst in my car close to my home. I wanted to know, if it was indeed an UFO? My pendulum told me it was, but i'm not sure about it. And if it was, was it a pleiadian/Zeta's ship ?

2. My guide, via my pendulum, informed me that the occupants of the vessels came to transmit a kind of mission to me. Do you know something about that ?

3. Kalonek and I have the same background with the pendulum. But I would like to know if I use my pendulum correctly?

4. Recently, I've involved myself in developping telepathy. Two days ago, while i was "speaking" with my guide, without using the pendulum, I heard a response of a metal and female voice. I am not sure about that, but I would like to know if I am in the right way in regard to this development?

Zetas :

I have not finished yet reading the last pages of the Zeta project, therefore some questions might have already been asked, so excuse me if i ask them again.

5. Has France an important relationship with Zetas or other aliens species ?

6. On certain sites, ppl speak much about the Ummites letters. Are they real ?

I do not have other questions at the moment. I thank you in advance for your answers. And I make a point of saying that this topic launched by Mayatnik is very enriching for me, because I saw your species differently.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: The prof on February 20, 2004, 08:51:05
Hello to you all,
I to am new on here, i feel i have been drawn here for a reason i am just getting to grips with.  I have spent many hours and days looking here without much sleep, but i am compelled to carry on looking.  I must say sorry now for my spelling mistakes.
I look forward to my development and communication with the Zeta, and with you all.

Mt first question would be one of a personal nature.
I would like to ask Zeta why i have been drawn here, in the fact that i have no previous experiance in this.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: SeventhVirgo on February 20, 2004, 15:33:39
I really don't intent to offend or "attack" anyone with this question...  But they (Zetas) did say we could test them...

1.) How can two species be so advanced and not agree on the existance of bigfoot?  Is the information on this subject based on observation?  What I mean is, "do you no longer see bigfoot's footprints, no trace of it, and you assume that it no longer exists?"  Or is the information factual?  As in, " 'you' 'scanned' the entire earth and bigfoot ISN'T in existance anymore? " Or is the information provided by something higher?  And the information comes shaped to fit the neccesisites of the person who asks, in a way that benifits?  I'm just curious about how it all works... ( the 'flow' of knowledge, for you [zetas and reptillians].

2.) There is some discussion about you being "negative" spirtis or something...  I don't see how this is, since you don't ask us to BELIEVE anything you say... and you don't feel negative (actually the people who accuse you of this are THE ONES who feel negative.)  You asking us not to blindly believe in what you say, could possibly be there just to gain our trust...  And it seems that you don't really want to comment on this...  Maybe because, they aren't exactly questions... so I thought I'd make it into one (Again testing you, but not in the way of "what's the color of my cat's tail?."  So could you please comment on this? Thanks :)

4.) I don't really know how advance your species really is, and I assummed that you are "so advanced" in my first question.  Could you tell us a little about how advance your species is?  I guess, relatively, one can be "VERY advanced" or be "just beginging"...  I'm not sure, if you should answer this question in comparision to human kind's "advancement."  But you're the smarter species, so you decide [:D].  Thanks :)

3.) The other day (actually, yesterday), there was a power failure for a few minutes, after that there were several, at least 4, helicopters and maybe some planes heading in the same direction.  My intuition, or possibly my "feelings," told me that it was more than just a simple power failure.  Could you comment on this, please?  Thank you...

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 20, 2004, 15:46:54
Originally posted by SeventhVirgo
2.) There is some discussion about you being "negative" spirtis or something...  I don't see how this is, since you don't ask us to BELIEVE anything you say... and you don't feel negative

Its called deception, if a neg didnt want you to know it was a Neg it would say stuff like 'you dont have to believe us' and not say 'you best believe us', because a neg would know by saying you dont have to believe you're more likely to believe. I'm not saying specifically they are negs i'm simply pointing out there is ZERO way of knowing if they are or not - the possibility is alaways there.

A human example would be a man who wants to get sex out of a woman, some men may deceive by saying they love them or something like that to get them into bed - once they've got what they want thats its, and for the woman theres no turning back. Just one example out of millions of exmaples of deceptive people so easily trusted.

Having an open mind is one thing but giving your trust to someone or something you know nothing about is a risk.
If the Zetas are as benevolent as they make themselves out to be then they shouldnt mind people not trusting them and should be happy people are cautious of them. I truly hope they will still answer questions of those people who dont fully trust them as we still find their answers interesting and maybe some day TRUST can be EARNED.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on February 20, 2004, 16:24:28
Again a big thank you for the zetas and Edi for taking time to ask our questions. I have a few more questions for the Zetas. As last time i divided it in 3 parts so it is easier (i think).

Me (Kalonek) :

First thanks again for your answers regarding me personnally.

1. You said i'll find out more about guidance soon, but do you mean by myself, as i continue to practice the pendulum and my energy and mental exercices or will it be independant from my action, like something planned for me ? Will it be very clear to me ?

Well that's all on me :)

Energy and related :

2. You have mentioned two times "easy ways" to prevent us from bad spirits or any negative entity, could you develop more on this theme ? What is your technique  ?

3. Are the chakras "opened" or "closed" or is it more a question of stimulation. I l mean are there like a mecanism, or more or less simulated like an organism (which i think) ?

4. Is yoga a good thing to develop our energy body ? Is it really effective ? Is so how does it work (energetically speaking) ?

4 bis. What is for you a good alimentation for us humans to be at the best of our potential ? How much sport should we do also ? Is our body capable of healing himslef of everything (including his own disfonctionment, like in cancers, or less important acnea for teenagers - have you more info on this by the way as it remains very mysterious in definitive to our own scientists) ?

5. How does telepathy work ? How are the feelings and thoughts bring to the other person ?

This brings us to the next questions :

Zetas :

6. Do you have to learn telepathy or is it a natural ability since birth ?

7. How do you vehicule complexe concepts by this way, like liberty, freedom etc as it doesn't have an object ?

8. How do you master your subconscious while doing telepathy ? Any techniques we could use ? 'Cause i'm getting "parasite" thoughts when trying to talk mentally to my guide that are starting to annoy me ...

9. You didn't answered on what happens when one of yours die. Aren't you sad ? How long do you live ?

10. Who decides the number of clones that has to be made each day ? Do you have a total control over your population this way ? How many are you up there ? :)

11. Do you do any sports ? Do you have any games or whatever like this ?

12. Not a question but just that i would like to point that some of your answers (not mine but in general) made me laugh :) You get good at humour lol (eventhough you told us it was planned, but who cares if the result is what was expected  - we plan too sometimes ;)) !

13. What do you think about humans generally speaking ?

14. Did you chose Edi, Mayatnik, Fuzziwig and the other channels purposefully (like it was planned for a long time to talk to THEM particularly) or because they were the first ones who were enough developped to handle this at this time ?

15. More of a question for Edi : Do you hear the zetas talk in your head (and if it's the case in which language :)) or is it more like a very strong feeling of the answer but without real words ?

Ok i think it's all for this time, though i might have other questions :) I'm very interested in all this. Thank you very much Edi (or another channel if it's not him who answers) and idem for our zeta friends for taking some of your time for us :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 21, 2004, 12:02:44
I have a few questions for the Zetas.

1. What is your opinion of the fact i have suspicions you may not be what you claim to be and will this affect any future answers i get from you (if any)?

I have a question about the following;

Originally posted by Edi

Z: Think about your definition of emotions. We do feel love and compassion. Is it necessary to have bodily requisites for this? No. We have 'buddies' and contacts and a social structure, we have relationships, and we are far from alone. Zeta guides are caring about their proteges, and we are delighted when things work out well. When we are said not to have emotions, this is true,

2. In this paragraph you say that it is true you have no emotions but if this is true then how can you feel love and compassion? I would be interested in how you deal with this contradiction. Thanks.

3. Also i would like to know what you know about what is called in certain Occult circles as the "Eighth Sphere" or "Dark Star" and its inhabitants. i.e. Where it is and what these beings are like.

As i am sure you are already aware i am very skeptical about what exactly you are and the truths of some of the things you are saying. Do you see this as being negative (as another poster here said) or is it better to question rather than blindly believe everything you tell us?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 21, 2004, 12:06:13
Originally posted by Hephaestus

Originally posted by SeventhVirgo
2.) There is some discussion about you being "negative" spirtis or something...  I don't see how this is, since you don't ask us to BELIEVE anything you say... and you don't feel negative

Its called deception, if a neg didnt want you to know it was a Neg it would say stuff like 'you dont have to believe us' and not say 'you best believe us', because a neg would know by saying you dont have to believe you're more likely to believe.

Very well put. Its what is called reverse-psychology.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on February 21, 2004, 12:32:09
Originally posted by McArthur
2. In this paragraph you say that it is true you have no emotions but if this is true then how can you feel love and compassion? I would be interested in how you deal with this contradiction. Thanks

I think i have undertand a bit what they mean (Edi should correct me if i'm not right) : they don't feel emotions on a physical aspect, in the sense that they don't have physical reactions like hormones, fast heart beating etc like us, or very little in comparison to us, but they have emotions on a "soul" level. Am i right there ? IT's what i understood anyway.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 21, 2004, 14:38:27
yeah, uhmm.
~1)I was wondering about the TV show stargate sg-1 and if the show itself is there to sortof discredit what is actually going on so that the public won't believe that stuff like that is actually happening (i found too many commonalities such as the crystal skulls, etc)
~2)were you and i and my guide speaking a few nights ago, i would very much like you to acknowledge that please.
~3)did atlantis sink because of their greed over crystals, or was it that they defied the gods, or is it both. i think you've explained it before though. Oh! and, is atlantis  located on earth or is there some sort of portal that leads to another planet where the city was actually located.
   ````I want to say again, i don't think it's said enough : thank you everyone for doing this, thanx to the zeta for allocating time to do this and for those channeling in this forum.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 21, 2004, 15:25:43
I asked this question in a different thread but will repeat it here because this seems to be the proper thread for questions. claimed that the poleshift was to happen last year sometime around May/June and were telling people to prepare for a cataclysm etc. Can you please explain how you got this wrong considering all the supposed planning that had gone into this? Do you now have a different date for when the poleshift will happen and when is it?

I have heard the excuse that the date will not be given to stop the Governments from misusing this information but if you are here to help humans survive such an event as this then surely you will give as much advance warning as possible wouldnt you?

p.s. A white lie is still a lie.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 21, 2004, 18:41:45
oh. .i totally just got a spark of an idea.
okay, heres another question:
   ~are zetas, pleaidians,humans, and or anyone else descendents of a single source. .basically, are we all related in a certain sense?
andandandand. . .
   ~what is your relationship with the pleiadians?i read this one theory that the pleaidians came to earth and took on human form, and before they left earth there was one who remained and supposedly that was jesus. .have you heard of that, and what is your opinion, please?
thanx, thanx[:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 22, 2004, 04:50:06
Originally posted by McArthur
Very well put. Its what is called reverse-psychology.

Yes, I started a thread in this forum not long ago and I said in it how ive seen the Zetas etc use it.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on February 22, 2004, 05:00:18
Originally posted by McArthur

I asked this question in a different thread but will repeat it here because this seems to be the proper thread for questions. claimed that the poleshift was to happen last year sometime around May/June and were telling people to prepare for a cataclysm etc. Can you please explain how you got this wrong considering all the supposed planning that had gone into this? Do you now have a different date for when the poleshift will happen and when is it?

I have heard the excuse that the date will not be given to stop the Governments from misusing this information but if you are here to help humans survive such an event as this then surely you will give as much advance warning as possible wouldnt you?

p.s. A white lie is still a lie.

Hiya, firstly i'd like to say that I think this conversation is going on in the wrong thread.. i think it should be put in the one below.. but that's just me..

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think you have every right to be skeptical.. but, how do we know that you're going to give them fair judgement? Just as you can say they can't be trusted, so also can we say the same about yourself.. If we choose to take advice from the Zeta's, then that is up to us.. similarly, if you choose to ignore their heeds, then that is up to you..

Maybe we should test your authenticity? [:)]

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 22, 2004, 05:17:23
I am only replying here because this is where you posted (and you may be right i have posted in the wrong thread- but i thought this one the one for questions). If you would like to start a thread called....say, "Testing McArthurs Authenticity" i will be more than happy to answer any questions. [:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: FistOfFury on February 23, 2004, 07:36:30
Thanks for answering my questions, I have a few more :)

1. What are your thoughts/opinions on President Bush's presidency regarding terrorism and foreign policy? Do you have any advice for Mr.  Bush?

2. What are your thoughts/opinions on Mel Gibson's new movie "The Passion of The Christ"? Gibson's movie has sparked alot of controversy. Do you believe he is being an anti-semitist?
  2-2. Can you give us any info as to how accurate Gibson's version of the story is in relation to what really happened? (What really did happen?)

3. What are your thoughts/opinions regarding the RIAA's fight against "digital piracy" (MP3 downloading). Will I go to Hell if I download a few MP3's of my favorite band? What about a new song that just came out? Should I stop downloading MP3's? ( I haven't in a long time, except for a couple weeks ago, I downloaded the theme song of my favorite WWE wrestler).

4. and last but not least - Are you allowed, and can you give me any information about the soul that was Bruce Lee, specifically his new reincarnation, or any other info? What year did he reincarnate, is he continuing the fight against injustice, is he still into martial arts? or living out a different lifestyle?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on February 23, 2004, 13:16:49
Just a little question for our zeta friends : about 2 1/2 hours ago, an earthquake of 5.1 on richter was felt where i live in east of France, and also in Switzerland and in west Germany. It had never happened like this before. Is it one of the major changes that will take place little by little with the upcoming pole shift ?

Btw, and this is for anyone here, could someone (or even the Zetas themselves if they wish to) could sum up clearly what is going on with the pole shift ? I mean i have read many things on it and it's quite confusing : is it caused bu Nibiru or i don't know which space object or because of some cloud of photons as i've read elsewhere etc ?

Oh yeas another question for our helpful Zeta friends : do you know about a certain commander Ashtar Sheran who is channeled by Cathy Muller and her group ? I ask for he talks about the same subject as here (ascension of humanity in 2012) but there are some differences, or at least themes that have never been talked about here, so is he a trustful source for you ?

Thanx for all :)
Love & light, as you'd say
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on February 23, 2004, 17:26:48
Hello, I have a question if I may :o)

I am curious about sanitation after the poleshift..
By that, i'm not talking so much about poop, but more litter..
I'm taking it that alot of the food which will be readily available will be pre-packaged food that has been salvages from stores, etc..
Alot of the packaging of this food is not biodegradeable..
What are your thoughts on this? Should we worry about it? put it all in a pit and burn? I suppose at the end of the day, it's one of our lesser worries, but I was curious all the same :o)


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: dfuzer on February 23, 2004, 18:25:53
Well MrSix, while I am not sure myself how much I believe or disbelieve, I would imagine that in the case of a poleshift, given enough time for our "normal" resources to run out, such things as packaging will become extremely important in general survival. Imagine the advantage you have with weather protection etc. with water mostly-impremeable plastics. If you are going to be traveling you will want to "pack" things and possibly preserve certain types of foods. Carrying water will be an issue as well. If anything it is a fun thought exercise. Have a good day :) - Aj
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 24, 2004, 19:47:23
Hi again[:)],

Can you Zetas Astral Project and do  you have direct access to the Akashic Records?

Why does the Canadian government and so many world governments spray us to death in our skies with Aluminum and petroleum (chem trails).  They have essentially ruined our summer skies with filthy clouds and we never get to see many stars anymore becasue of all the haze.

Is it just me or are most people in this world completely stupid?  It does not take much intelligence to notice the chemtrails, yet most people still believe they are normal jet fuel evaporation?  What happened to the human race?  It is as like most of the people in this world are hypnotized into stupidity and can't reason or think for themselves anymore.  

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 25, 2004, 11:34:04
Hey all,

please excuse the long delay in this channeling, there were some things popping up that diverted my focus at times, like writing other things, or family life. Hope to have a constant 'output' soon again.

Kind regards,

E: Are the Zeta ready to begin?
P: Yes, they are... I open the link now.
Z: Hi.

Bob251: I would like to hear the Zetas' comments on this site and some of the items on it: Of particular interest are the Alternative Feuls page and the Philosopher's Stone item on the Strange Science page. Are their claims true?

E: This site looks like a big joke to me.
Z: It is. The ideas are there, but not developed yet. If at all, this is technology of the future and not of the present. It doesn't work the way they present it.
E: The Philosopher's Stone?
Z: Forget it.
E: :)
Z: It's information pulled together from various sources and assembled to look like something.
E: And it doesn't even look good if you ask me.

Is there such a thing as coincidence?

Z: You call coincidence an event that by no visible law or cause brings together surprising results which you wouldn't expect but which are often exactly what you need. There is the saying that coincidence is just the result of unknown laws, which is true for most of the part. This doesn't mean that everything is controlled or directed as in a cinema. Free will exists, random influences in chaotic systems as well, so you can't always exactly trace a line from cause to result. However, many things are also happening because they are orchestrated that way, consciously. Like attracts like is a very true law which is used in magic. Magic users are constructing exactly the coincidences they need or want. There are many flows of energy in the universe which play a role in shaping manifestation of reality. They can be modified to a greater or lesser extent. This is done by higer beings in order to guide you through life where necessary, for example to bring certain people together. However, a great part of your life plan is stored at high levels of your aura, without doubt attracting what you chose to experience all by itself. The guides are very much involved in laying the necessary background of possibilities in order for things to manifest as they are planned. And from a spiritual point of view: yes, everything happens for a reason.

What happens to someone if they were to commit suicide?

Z: They are being treated by specially trained guides in this case afterwards. Suicide is never necessary and only the result of not having the change to break out of a vicious circle. Life is risky, there is always the danger of getting stuck some place. So who commits suicide is shown later how he could have dealt differently with the situation and gets the chance to fully come to terms with it before the next incarnation. Commiting suicide effectually prevents things from happening, prevents a  whole lot of interaction which leaves a gapinh hole in people. This hole can be filled up with other interactions and events, but it is not what was intended to happen and in this way not the best life of development of things. Bonds with people on an energetic level are also broken by a too quick death where nobody had the chance to prepare for the depart of the person. Suicide is therefore something which is, whenever possible, made unlikely to happen. The difference to natural death is the intensity of life review on the internal side and the hole that is left on the external side.

Viper_05: Did the U.S. really go to the moon?

Z: Yes, they did.

Hephaestus: 1) Why did the Zetas build the pyramids of Giza?

Z: We've been on your earth for quite some time now, and also have been around at the time the pyramids have been built. However, the pyramids were not only our own thing - they were to a big part not more than navigation devices built by the annunaki, with assistance because they couldn't do everything on their own. Telekinesis isn't mastered in 3d.
E: Were you involved in helping them?
Z: Yes, we were.
E: Do you mean by this the positive or the negative Zetas?
Z: Both were, at different times, depending on the agreements that have been made and on the nature of cooperation that evolved. So while the Annunaki had their stuff to help them caluclate and see when Nibiru would come, and to have a clear line on how to launch their rockets so they would reach their home planet easily, the pyramids also serve another purpose. They are, roughly said, a focal point for energies on earth. Earth is a living being, where energy comes in and out in various places, and where connections to other heavenly bodies are made by energetic streams. In this sense, the pyramids are at a spot where such energies concentrate.

2) Why are the pyramids at Giza layed out on the ground in the exact same formation of orions belt?

Z: The layout of the pyramids tell of their connection to the stars, or rather, the subtle energy flow that is influencing earth from there.
E: Who decided this layout?
Z: Not the annunaki themselves, but the ones who were helping them.
E: You?
Z: Yes.

3) The pyramids seem to also link with other pyramids not located at giza to mimic the entire Orion constellation but not completely, did you not complete the construction of all the pyramids? if not why not?

Z: It is all completed as planned; the aim was not to mirror all the stars on the sky.

4) Why do the shafts in the pyramids point to Orions belt? and the star Sirius?

Z: It is a giant clock that has significance in measuring a cycle of time.
E: Yes, but why those stars?
Z: Because Nibiru is coming from the direction of orion and sirius is where the Zeta come from.

E: I'm planning to gather more information about the pyramids... every time I start with it it seems to be bottomless.
Z: It is bottomless if you want everything at once. Let things evolve by people's questions and do not hesitate to post something even if it makes absolutely no sense to you.
E: Okay. So, apologies to Hephaestus if this is too little at the moment, but it's what I feel comfortable with at the moment to channel, and going much deeper is a bit blocked by things in myself, concerning my self-development... I can only reach so far, unfortunately.

5) What can you tell me about the cassiopaeans?

Z: The cassiopaeans are also involved with earth, and the channelings are genuine. The information they present is allright and can without doubt be considered.
E: Is it true?
Z: Good question. Apart from the things that would have to be put into the right perspective, they have their own role to play, which is, concentrating on certain issues, denying others, and presenting "information" that can be accepted or not after due consideration. This is what we mean, we cannot tell you "yes, all what they write is true", because on the one hand, it isn't, and on the other hand, you cannot base your decisions about accepting material only on the words of others.
E: Are the cassiopaeans working at your side?
Z: No.

E: What's the general state with channelings on earth?
Z: You see, there are those that would like to influence to the good, and those that would do the opposite. Control or liberate. Alien species are allowed to work _through_ people, which means, if someone on earth decides to contact 'bad' being somewhere, he's free to channel them. In this way, all imaginable sorts of information is pulled onto earth. This leads to confusion if you try to put all into perspective, because not all is true, and not all is what is seems at first sight. All outside sources present information as they see it fit.
E: And how should one deal with that situation?
Z: How to deal with it? Well, to what extent do you let channeled material influence your life? It's stupid to accept anything as fact. You see, there are lots of things about the history of earth in all channelings, and there are some general lines that seem to make sense. This will all grow clearer over time and is something that needs time to research and develop. What is channeled needs to be backed up by facts on earth that are found by your scientists. So you can build a picture of what is real and what not.
E: I'm uncomfortable with channeling historical facts.
Z: This is because you are concentrating on other issues. You don't read as much on it as others do, and channeling it is difficult for you at the moment. Some people concentrate more on the historical and scientific aspects, others are more concerned with people and how they interact.
E: Like me.
Z: So there's nothing else you can do than just letting things evolve by themselves.

Risu no Kairu: Did you build the Sphinx, too? Whose face is on it?

Z: We did not build it. It's a face of a pharao, or should resemble such.

What methods did ancient people use in order to move rocks that weighed several tons?

Z: Telekinesis, where available. There were other possibilities, though. You can roll them around on logs for example.
E: Others ways you can think of?
Z: No. It was necessary to do it this way because you couldn't move them far without something they can roll on. This is the basis that was used.
E: Fine, that's horizontally... how did they manage altitude differences?
Z: With levers and lots of people pushing and pulling.

Souls reincarnate? Have I had any previous (or perhaps future?) incarnations? Have any of them had dealings with you?

Z: You have had incarnations, and you will have further ones. 'Dealings' - in what sense? We've been on earth for a long time, so you will have had indirect dealing of course. But conscious contact with us during incarnation - no.

Do you know where my Megaman X3 CD-ROM is?

Z: No. You could try the pendulum.

Were the Dropa a real alien race that landed on Earth and were stuck here? Are the Dropa Stones authentic? Did they once hold information on them magnetically like a tape? Did they once hold information on them that you need a certain type of machine in order to read off them?

Z: Yes to the first two questions, no to the rest.

Hephaestus: 1) What 'nonephysical' powers can a person gain whilst on this plane of existance?

E: Do you want to answers those questions? The reptilians also said quite a bit about it.
Z: Yes, we will add. The reptilians told some things we agree with and there can be more said. One power is telekinesis. However, nobody will be able to move things around in big fashion because this needs assistance from higher realms. The human form presently just doesn't have this capacity. Powers like clairvoyance, healing abilities, 'predicting' the future are all quite natural but normally underdeveloped. Astral projection is, as we already have said, not encouraged by us.
E: What do you mean by not encouraged?
Z: It is in most cases not necessary for development. So we say try it if you want, but it won't help either.
E: Some other powers?
Z: Everything has to do with perceiving and manipulating energy. So all those 'powers' can be seen as that, at various levels and in various intensities.
2) How many species exist in the known universe on the physical plane? counting humans as one species how many different species exist? (not counting hybrids)

Z: We have no idea, as we do not know everything there is.
E: Can you give a rough picture of what you know?
Z: Yes. There have been many races on a lot of plantes for ages; they have been forming colonies, adapting to new environments, spreading through other parts of the galaxy or even the greater universe. You cannot easily enumerate all of them with their various stages of development - all is ever changing and evolving in many known and unknown cycles.
E: A rough estimate of how many species you know?
Z: You can't easily count humans as one species, because there are also distinct influences and several stages in humanity's evolution. We have a more or less detailed knowledge of many thousands of species in many many places. The Zeta have been exploring the universe in this regards, it is very interesting for us.
3) Were the Gods of ancient Greece real beings? and if so what happened to them and what happened to Hephaestus?

Z: They were not real beings, but their images resembled the Annunaki. They were just memories and ideas, still influenced by former times. So even if the Greek gods would fit the description of the Annunaki, the Annunaki were already gone from earth then. What the reptilians channeled about those Gods is very detailed and accurate, but ask more if you have further questions.

LittleNinja: One more question. :) Lately i've noticed that whenever i make any subtle wishes, it comes true. Well not all wishes came true but a lot have (the ones that aren't so big of a request). Like for example, i had wished that an assignment given to me wasn't due that day, and it ended up coming true. I had wished that i didn't have to do the presentation, and it was postponed. Is it just a coincidence or is my wish becoming true? Or, is it because i have,in some kind of way, picked up the thoughts of others into my head, and during the process of translating this information, i had thought that it was my own wish?

Z: It was your own wish, and it was 'granted'. Situations like this exist in order for people to notice how their thoughts are all the time shaping the reality around them. Wishes and emotions will come more and more into the foreground. Imagine a highly evolved being, having big responsibilities and some 'power', that has quick 'whishes' - this would do no good, because at some level you will have to take direct responsibility for you thoughts. Reality is shaped by thoughts, and just in your physical world this is not so clearly visible, but the higher you evolve the more apparent it will be. So while earth is ascending to fourth density, such things will more and more happen to let people see clearly what choices they make.

harlequin_star: ~were you with me tonight, and did we have that conversation? I would very much like you to acknowledge it even though you said you might not.

Z: Very well, we acknowledge it.
E: More comments?
Z: It was not specifically 'us' in an attemt to have a conversation, because the clear telepathic connection is not established yet. However, you were going into the direction of 'us'. This means that such communication could easily be developed further. The Zeta as a race are there for all who call them, so anyone can 'talk to us'. How detailed and accurate this is depends on the person and on their view of things, i.e. conditioning.
E: How clear was it in harlequin_star's case?
Z: It was clear and not very distorted.
E: Does this mean he can just go out and channel things?
Z: Not at all. You wrote much about it in an other thread, what channeling means.

~the children that you apparently ''experimented" on, were there alot of them, or only a few. and how did you go about it?

Z: Very few people are actually 'abducted'. There are not more than a few thousand on earth who are taken out shortly to check up on how they are doing and to gather information on their development. Those are lifted out of your world into 4d where we're working at. There are probes taken to see how the DNA developed. It is examined whether certain genes have been causing problems in life or if they worked as it was intended.
E: Is anybody ever harmed by you in this process?
Z: No.
E: Do you perform experiments?
Z: Not in that sense of the words. We do not 'experiment' on anyone - we have an agreement with some people who assist us by carrying certain genes which are closely monitored during life. This is a mutual agreement both sides can profit from.
E: What about children and adults? How many of those you 'abduct' are children?
Z: Less than a few hundred.

Akensai: 1) After someone dies, where does he go until reincarnation?

Z: Depends. There are places for various purposes. Some are for instruction, some for healing, some for having room and time to relax and digest. If you're not signed up for immediate reincarnation or special 'courses', you have some time to stay in higher realms and essentially do what and where you like it. There are many different places where things can be learned.
E: Is it similar to the state we're in when astral travelling?
Z: Similar, yes. But with a definite environment you're linked in to. Which means, it is not vague where you are, and your perception of this is very clear. Advanced astral projection, so to say, but with no body to return to. And with full, or fuller knowledge of who you are on a deeper level.

2) It is said when an enlightened master dies he isnt reborn anymore on earth, where does he go after death?

E: What's an enlightened master?
Z: They are beings who would not need to incarnate anymore but who choose to stay and assist earth. Sometimes they incarnate, sometimes not. However, there are far more of 'them' than the very few who are pushed up to publicity. A lot of people on earth would not really need to incarnate, but they choose to do so.
E: Do you like to use this term?
Z: We do not use it because it polarizes - enlightened or not, master or not.

3) Before the poleshift happen I understand there are warning signs, after that sign is there still enough time to go to safety and how should we deal whit the problem of mobility (car jams, fuel problems etc.) in the than critical time?

Z: The signs will on the one hand be visible in nature, and on the other hand in the discussions of people and politicians. Apart from general 'problem areas' like coast lines and land that is going to be permanently submerged, it will suffice to look for those signs. You will be for a big part be intuitively guided to be at the right place at the right time, but that's not all there is, and part of the responsibility lies on your shoulders to make appropriate decisions.
E: I'd suggest the pendulum as a way to tell you where you are safe.
Z: This is valid. Animals will flee out of dangerous areas.
E: Really? I imaged it is like this with earthquakes, but how would they know about the poleshift ...
Z: Nature is very much about intuition, which animals do possess a lot of and react to. So they can pick up signals that something is not right.
E: Any more on that topic now, which signs will come and when, and how to prepare?
Z: We'd like to talk about this in a further channeling, very soon.

4) You wont give any specific year when the poleshift happens, but maybe you can tell me does it still happen in my life time (and Im 19), also is the going to a higher density experienced by most people who survive the poleshift (those in good health and not elderly)?

Z: The pole-shift will happen 'soon', which is of course in your lifetime. The step to the next density is taken gradually over the next century and will therefore be experienced by most who survive the poleshift, to various degrees, because the whole process needs several decades.

5) When you feel guidens is needed, could one get it by calling out to zetas or other (hopefully) good minded guides? Does this work as simple as calling out in a deep relaxed state (perhaps even a trance)? What is the chance one gets guidens of a good minded advanced being instead of a neg?

Z: There is always someone 'good' looking after people, but they let people interact with everyone they like. You don't need to be relaxed or in a trance to get your calls out. Who you reach does not depend on chance. If it is appropriate for you, the guides block off a 'neg' that would like to interfere, but in other cases, this is allowed in order for the person to learn how to deal with it. Not in a pushy way, but in allowing new 'input' to the comfort zone.
E: How are answers to calling out for guidance answered?
Z: Depending on the receptivity and the needs of the person. In many cases, you can imagine something like "come on, stop worrying, it's easy, you just need to think about xyz...", which comes through on an intuitive or subconscious level, or is arranged to happen as a life circumstance to get you thinking along those lines.

6) Im currently reading the work of an Indian mystic called osho, since he is somewhat controversial, could you tell me is he indeed was an enlightened master?

Z: We do not use the term 'enlightened master'; he is also made to be more than he is. This does not mean he is not wise, or does not know about spirituality; but the make-up of how this turns out in life is indeed controversial and more a facade.
E: Err... would you recommend him?
Z: No.
E: What did you mean by facade?
Z: What he does is more talk than anything else. It is a smooth spiritualism, but not deep. He can convince people, he has his followers, but we don't approve the way he's doing it.

E: Okay, a stop now please, I'd like to continue later.
Z: That's no problem. See you later.
E: See you.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: joyrex on February 25, 2004, 13:19:06
I have a few questions ...

The topic of brainwave entrainment has been up also at Astral Pulse forums and I'm interested in this rather newly discovered phenomenon. So, is it beneficial for humans to use these entrainment technology and are there any dangers attached to it? Does it actually work / modify the human brain, or is the effect merely placebo? Does it serve any importance in our general development and is it possible to achieve certain abilities of the mind faster when using it? Do other beings aside humans use this technology of binaural sound and if so, could they confirm or complement the information we have found out about the technology?

I thank the ones involved in answering these questions - if they choose to do so - in advance. :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 25, 2004, 13:23:00
Could you tell me where my pendulum is?

I... I lost it. :(
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 25, 2004, 16:55:12
Thankyou for the information Edi, your 'service to others' is greatly appreciated.
I shall await the answer to previous questions I asked before asking anymore so as not to overbear you. [|)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: harlequin_star on February 25, 2004, 17:28:55
thanx soosoo much for asking my question. A thousand bigillion thank yous.  and to all other ppplz whos questions got answered, they say thank you too.[;)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on February 25, 2004, 17:54:29
6) Im currently reading the work of an Indian mystic called osho, since he is somewhat controversial, could you tell me is he indeed was an enlightened master?

Z: We do not use the term 'enlightened master'; he is also made to be more than he is. This does not mean he is not wise, or does not know about spirituality; but the make-up of how this turns out in life is indeed controversial and more a facade.
E: Err... would you recommend him?
Z: No.
E: What did you mean by facade?
Z: What he does is more talk than anything else. It is a smooth spiritualism, but not deep. He can convince people, he has his followers, but we don't approve the way he's doing it.

The guy is dead. Is it possible to channel him ?

PS : have you read the accompanying book to the osho tarot cards - the deck that was created after Rajneesh's death. This book, sold separately, is composed of several transcripts of his speaches.

The Insight series is fine for the most part.
The Book of secrets is very good reading.
Here is an interesting link :

Osho didn't deny that what he presented had contradictions.
Of course he was clever. Of course he was not enlightened.
Osho was the master of rethoric, but he had many interesting things to say.

Read the critics too, espescially Cadler :
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 25, 2004, 18:10:47
Risu no Kairu, Mayatnik suggest you make a pendulum as described in his Complete Dowsing Course in the AP Library, to find the one you've lost :-)

E: Oops, I'm late by a few minutes, are the Zeta waiting?
P: Yes, they are ready to start the show. Here you go.
Z: Hi. Nice to see you.
E: I'll just begin. Or do you have anything to say?

Z: Yes, we do. We'll talk about Nibiru and what is going on at the moment. This planet is closer than you think, and his influence is now really growing more and more apparent. You see quakes in areas where it isn't usual at all. You have crazy weather going out of common patterns in many places. We would advise people who want to know what is going on to do several things: watch for sunset and sunrise times and note the irregularities. Note comets in the sky that are not behaving as expected. The orbit of the earth is already affected by Nibiru, and it will not take a long time until it is clearly visible. There are predictions for comets, when they should appear, and how bright. If they come too early or too late, there could be some irregularity in earth's orbit. Such signs are more and more visible.
E: More?
Z: This is just the message 'keep your eyes open', as now things are getting more apparent. You can go on to the questions now.

Euphoric_Sunrise: The Bermuda Triangle - is there anything "out of the ordinary" there, and if so, what is it?

Z: Yes, there is. There are stories of things going on and there is something that lies at the foundation of those stories. The earth is a complicated body where many different particles and energies are involved that make up earth. Such particle streams can affect matter and change it's qualities. What is happening in the Bermuda Triangle is that an influence that is normally kept at the inside of the earth is leaking to the surface which results in matter being affected. So it happens that things can just disappear there.
E: They really disappear?
Z: Yes, they are at a different density level then.
E: And come back in any way?
Z: Because this scenario is not in any way controlled many things there get 'lost'.
E: Controlled in what way?
Z: Affecting matter so switch densities must be made in an environment where all parameters are set regarding what to transport and where to. If this is not done properly, it gets all jumbled up.

Do you consider the events described in Carlos Castaneda's books where he is a student of the Indian don Juan to be true?

Z: Not true in a literal sense. But true in a sense that you can learn many things from it. It gets you thinking along important lines. Many things are presented in a 'mystic' way that exactly gets the message across.

Are the things that are said in the book "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak really channeled by the Pleiadians? If so, is the intention of the Zetas and other races helping Earth that it will return to being a centre of information, inhabitants being the librarians?

Z: Yes, they are from the pleiadians. Rougly said: yes, earth will be a centre of information.
E: What does that mean?
Z: You carry parts of all the galaxy in you, and the animals around you too. Things have been put together in your environment, the results of aeons of evolution.
E: And what is meant by librarians?
Z: Keeping the information alive and accessing it. This is what you will be doing.
E: In the literal sense, like in a library dusting off books?
Z: No, by living. By having emotions, by having experiences, by being connected to the whole universe.

What happened with that rocket or bomb that supposedly enganged the launch sequence by itself and then stopped? Was that caused by ET involvement?

Z: Which one are you talking of?
E: In order to channel something about an issue, I would have to have a rough idea of what is meant :) ... did ETs ever stop any bombs or rockets?
Z: Yes, this is done not so infrequently.

I think i remember reading that governments all over the world have contact with ETs and are sometimes in contact with Reptilians. If you can, could you tell me how the Australian government is involved with ETs, if at all?

Z: The australian government is aware of both negative and positive alien presence.
E: Was there much interaction?
Z: No, only covertly and cautiously trying to find out things, but no big efforts.
E: But they talked to each other?
Z: Yes.
E: You too were involved?
Z: Yes.
E: Does the government there has any ... difficulties with aliens?
Z: Yes, they do; there are some things going on there that the government doesn't like. The aliens want to be undisturbed.

Who were the brown skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired beings with Dolphin pendants who came from the star Orion and built the pyramids and temple sites in Austraila described by the Aboriginies?

Z: They were of extraterrestrial origin.
E: Was it you?
Z: No. They were friendly and teached the Aboriginies some things.
E: Any other ideas what I could ask about them?
Z: Oh, we can talk a bit. You don't know them, but they have been around for a while. They are presently too present around earth.
E: Are the depictions of the Aboriginies accurate?
Z: Not in every detail, some things were altered deliberately.

Orcher: Q1: If Jesus never crucified, then how was the end of his story?

Z: Jesus was crucified.

Q2: Whats your opinion about animals as our nourishment?

Z: It's okay to eat them. Many people need the nourishment they get from meat. It would be possible to switch to a vegetarian diet over time, but not from one day to the next. The problem is not with eating meat but with how the animals are treated.

Q3: Is everything written in approved by you, and accurate information?

Z: Yes. It is not this group of us doing this channeling who are working together with Nancy, but they are equally working at our side. Same 'department', different group.

Q4: How long times will the 4D take to be totally accomplished? And when will the most notice that they are ascending to the 4D?

Z: It will take several decades, about 70 years. Many people are noticing it even now with changes in their awareness, in their dreams, their emotions etc., and this will increase. The most will notice it in 10 years.

Q5: What is your next plan to do?

Z: We have several issues going on all at once. Channeling will continue, as will our work with people in helping to astral project at times, or in guiding. Crop circles will continue.
E: Are you responsible for the crop circles?
Z: After all we're flying the saucers. We are preparing some stuff that will be helpfull in clearing the environment and gradually accomplishing the shift in 4d, which needs a lot of work from our side. The genetic engineering project in regards to the hybrids is always reaching new stages of development.

Q6: If you (and maybe Edi fuzziwis) are leaving this forum soon, how would we reach you else if we have something more to ask? (I really enjoy your present here).

E: I am not leaving, and am reachable by mail and MSN at the moment.
Z: We, the Zetas, are always available for questions on the zetatalk website, however, not to the extent that is possible here to dig around every single question that is asked. Nancy is busy and we cannot answer everything through her, and only relevant and important issues are being handeled at zetatalk.

Q7: Can I (from Sweden) see the planet X with my naked eyes as a star in the night? If so, which position, and how bright is it?

Z: This won't be easy, because planet X is in the direction where your sun is.
E: Directly, or somewhere around there?
Z: It's not exactly in front of the sun, but it is far from being in the middle of the night sky.
E: Any ideas on how to see it?
Z: Looking at the sun directly is not a good idea.
E: It's a bit ... bright.
Z: Dark sunglasses or paper screens could be useful.

Q8: Where is the planet X located right now?

Z: Somewhere around, but not exactly between sun and earth. Rougly. But in any case, closer to the sun than the earth is.

Q9: Are the US government aware of the Planet X approaching? Have they been able to capture any pictures of it?

Z: Of course.

Q10: I wrote same part of my sisters dream story in "Welcome to Prophecy & Divination" directory, does it have to do with the pole-shift?

Z: It was a dream that is similar to the kind of dream many people have. This is what we have already said about "emotional preparation". You can't come around with the truth to people. You you present things in dreams to get them acquainted with ideas. Such dreams don't have to be taken literally, and we can comment on some of the symbols in that dream you wrote of. 'The sun getting small and with an intense colour': this means something unusual in the sky. Keeping an eye open for what is going on above, curious about the sun. 'Scared and full of anxiety': Why scared? It was just a dream. And even if it was real, you couldn't do anything about it. The world is safe to some extent, but it's not the comfort zone most people would like to have. So this 'scaring' only serves to make people less tense about the unknown. 'She knew that she where going to die, she was very shocked and crying after her mother which was lost': this doesn't mean your mother will die. Relationships can be ripped apart in chaos and people brought away from each other during chaos. If this happens, it can take some time to find back to your family. Again, the dream serves the purpose of thinking about the possibility of not having anyone near who is closely related to you and understanding and looking after you. 'Death' means often death of old structures in every sense, not physical death. 'the police was running away': even the ones who are seen normally to be in charge of all situations by many people cannot do anything against a pole-shift. They would be well advised to keep calm, but panic is almost unavoidable if information is repressed. 'one of here friend trying to hit here with a plank with a nail on it': when people are panicking you never know what they will do. This just means to be careful with all around you when things get difficult because many will just not have the nerves to deal with the situation.

Q11: If I really want you to appear for me, Or at least have a gleam of you. Would you really do that? Or you are to busy for that?

Z: We don't do it on request. It's not time for that now.

Q12: So how well informed are the whole Zeta population of this event? (Our conversation in this forum). If all Zeta folks and other unknown extraterrestrial folk is watching, and following those events, Then a GREETING to you all from me!!

Z: They are well informed. It was stated after the first channeling by Edi that it reached a 'mass audience'. Whatever is discussed here is relayed to a big part of the Zeta who are currently present around earth. It also reaches others of our species who are interested in what is going on here. See it like a special column in a newspaper. Those conversations get tailored to an appropriate representation that can be given to other beings, Zetas and others. You grettings are welcome.

taom1234: Thank you for your answer. This question is not a test, but what was the shift in consciousnes that propelled me to become "steady"? I am still confused by this as I really don't know what made this major change.

Z: It is natural for many people. There was not a special incident that changed your consciousness. It has to do with finishing certain things in life and moving on to the next stage of exploration. This major change came about by having a quick evolution in your youth where you experienced enough to have some freedom of exploration now, being less restricted.

Also, how many stages of the heart are there really in terms of spirituality and is steady something to be happy about, or is it just a minor evolvment?

Z: What do you mean by stages of the heart? You can devide a life (or the heartly aspect of it) in many stages. Early childhood development, realation to others, love relationships, compassion for all of humanity, for everything; those could be 'stages'. However, development is individual and does not follow a strict set of stages. You are not growing linearly, step by step, but in all directions, working at all sides, somewhat multidimensionally. Because of this it is often not easy to see progress. If you focus on a sphere, imagine a perfect round sphere, with no wobbled on the surface. Say you have a certain amount to 'add' to this sphere, and you add it in once certain place. You will clearly see it stick out of the surface, and you can see "oh, something has changed, something has grown". But if you distribute what you add all over the spere, it will only grow very little in radius and almost no change will be noticed. This is what is happening with you now: You are building on all sides of your life (the sphere in this metaphor), a bit here, a bit there, but not so much that really big process can be noticed. You process on the one hand by adding thin layers to your sphere (which means, you have no big holes to fill out in order to get a round sphere), and on the other hand by stabilzing what you are up to now. You can be happy about your present state, but don't try to put it into a fixed set of stages. It's a temporary condition which will grow to other stages of development as time progresses.

Hephaestus: 1) The Zetas say I should use Crystals that are in tune with and energizing my third chakra, at the solar plexus. Im not good at finding this stuff out, can you tell me which specific chrystal I should use please? and how I should use it? as I want to give it a try.

Z: The colour is a good indicator. The emotional aspect of the third chakra is associated with the colour yellow. This means that yellow crystals are generally what you should look out for. Yellow, golden, honeylike. There are clear and dull ones, and you should use clear ones. It will help to focus energy like a lens and to show the third chakra what 'yellow' is all about. This means it will help in tuning in to the energies the third chakra is supposed to deal with and to increase the energy flow which will result first in issues popping up in your life that were before emotionally suppressed and put aside in the third chakra, and then in having those issues resolved and cleared. Such a clearing can be as easy as remembering a 'bad' situation, feeling for once all the shame or pain you associate with it until it is felt out, and then it you won't bother you anymore. Use the crystals by keeping them near your solar plexus, for example when lying in bed. Don't let them be there all night - a possibility would be to have a crystal there a few minutes each morning and then see what things are coming up during the night. A time of 10-20 minutes is enough to use the crystal. You can carry it in a pocket if you want to have a gentle subtle influence throughout the day.
E: Is it important to use a specific crystal? How are they called... amber, citrin.
Z: Those are both fine. The fine tuned use is not so important at the moment, so the rough description we gave above is sufficient.

2) What should I do to improve my none existant telekinetic ability?

Z: Concentrating the will, if you want to attempt it. Holding images in your mind, having a clear focus, affirmations that it is possible will all work to some extent. But telekinesis is not something you're well equipped to do as a 3d human being.

3) Have you ever watched star trek? and if so what do you think to the idea of a United Federation of Planets? and is warp drive a real possibility?

Z: We are aware of star trek. It has many ideas of the 'real world'. There are all kinds of federations and organisational structures in the universe. Relating to a 'warp drive': it is possible to travel quickly over long distances. This has partly to do with moving at a higher density, where things are quite different in regards to what can be done. We can travel around your earth in a second.

5) What are these strange chemtrails that are being seen all around america all about?

Z: Chemical trails, put out in order to influence the ecosystem and human beings as well. This has been going on for several decades now, ever growing in numbers.

Kalonek: I got another question though that just came to me : After the "fusion" of both species, zetas and humans, what will be this new species ? Does it mean the "end" of human beings and zetas as individual species ? Or more like a new species but which will be closer to humans or to zetas (in this way one of us would disapear, absorbed by the other) ? Or just a third species but the two others will continue to go their own way ? Hope i get myself clear :-/

Z: Yes, it will mean the end of both 'old' species. It will be a new species where both parties contribute in equal ways. No species will absorb the other, and you will be quite happy with it, not losing any of your advantages or those things you are so happy to have, like sex.

E: Okay, that's it. Is everything fine what was written so far?
Z: It is. You can post it.
P: Yes, it is. Thanks for asking all the time.
E: Fine... goodbye to you Zetas, until the next time.
Z: Bye.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Euphoric Sunrise on February 25, 2004, 22:30:10
Thanks again for the quick reply, Edi. Sorry about that vague rocket question, i can't remember where it occured [xx(]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on February 26, 2004, 05:45:50
Whit all the things that are going on lately I just want to say am thankful to you guys for doing this!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 26, 2004, 12:23:01
Dear Edi and Zetas,
Thank you for answering some of my questions.  There are certain terms in Divine realms of consciousness that are only known from higher guides.  This is why I asked you repeatidly some questions.
Would it be correct to assume that you zetas are not from Divine realms of consciousness, but instead are beings who are technologically more advanced than us but not neccesarily spiritualy more advanced than some?

I have thinking about all the answers and it seems that you Zetas are learning as we are learning.  Are you maybe very developed in your minds but not your hearts, such as many of our scientists? There are so many Alien species perfoming terrible experiments on humans and I sometimes think about our scientist here on earth. If we let them loose in a spaceship they would do the same thing becasue most of them do not have any knowledge or connection with their spritual nature becasue of they way they have been brain washed by their education.

I am aware of the intergalatic presence protecting our Planet, but at the same time, it seems so many Aliens can do as they please here as well, so I am not sure as too what type of protection is being implemented.

Thanks to both Edi and the Zetas for always taking the time to answer our questions.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on February 26, 2004, 19:38:56
E: Perena, is all set up and ready to channel the Zeta?
P: Yes, they are ready to begin.
E: Is the 'link' already up?
P: No, I only open it and connect you when it is time and when you agree to. If you do not wish to talk to the Zeta, no connection is made.
E: Can any being interfere with the channeling?
P: No, I am watching about it all the time. It is ensured that strict parameters are held and no interference distorts the communication. All that is taking place is only between myself, you and the Zeta. I am administrating the contact.
E: Would channeling be dangerous or problematic if I would just 'open up' to anything?
P: This would be blind and would indeed cause problems sooner or later. It is important to be conscious of such contacts all the time and to set them up and close them explicitely. I serve the purpose of being your guide in this because you know me well. I can also ensure you that I have control over what reaches you and what not, so nothing can interfere with our communication as long as you are stable from your side. This is why your attitude in channeling is important. I protect you at all times in order to ensure that the connection is correct and you are recieving correctly.
E: Fine... can we begin now?
P: Yes, I am linking you up now.
E: And here I see the Zeta in my mind's eye.
Z: Hi.
E: Here we go.

Devneil: 1. In October-November 2003, I've observed an UFO going down from the sky, whilst in my car close to my home. I wanted to know, if it was indeed an UFO? My pendulum told me it was, but i'm not sure about it. And if it was, was it a pleiadian/Zetas ship?

Z: Most of the UFOs that are seen are connected to us. This is because the service-to-self groups that are visiting earth are not so big in numbers as the service-to-others. We, the Zeta, are reponsible for flying those crafts, although not all technology comes from us. So what you have seen is very likely to be a Zeta ship.
E: Can you look it up anywhere what it was?
Z: Yes. We have 'logfiles' about all activies we perform. Your pendulum gave you the correct answer.

2. My guide, via my pendulum, informed me that the occupants of the vessels came to transmit a kind of mission to me. Do you know something about that?

Z: With the necessary grain of salt, of course. What this message was about it happened this way is also something you can find out. We can tell you it is a 'routine' job, and the expression of a 'mission' is not quite adequate. It was information that will aid you on a subconscious level.

3. Kalonek and I have the same background with the pendulum. But I would like to know if I use my pendulum correctly?

Z: The usage as it is in getting yes/no answers is correct in your use. But the rest needs improvement if you want to get proficient in communication this way. This has to do with the asking of questions and with the exploring of topics by that.

4. Recently, I've involved myself in developping telepathy. Two days ago, while i was "speaking" with my guide, without using the pendulum, I heard a response of a metal and female voice. I am not sure about that, but I would like to know if I am in the right way in regard to this development?

Z: What you are hearing is not so clear yet. Interaction will make clear who you are talking with. If you continue to do this, try to take each step slowly in order to build up knowledge step by step and not stepping into unknown fields too fast. That you heard a reponse is a clear sign that you have potential facilities to use for communication. Be moderate in taking too big jumps, though. The communication is done easily, but in your case it needs to be build up in a conscious way because it would be possible to float off and mispercieve things otherwise.
E: What do you mean by a conscious way?
Z: Talking in a way that puts what is heard in relation to what you know. What you assume. What you expect. There needs to be some smoothing done regarding some ideas or concepts so that exploration of those things can be done without too big obstacles. This smoothing is done by taking step by step, gradually but not too fast.

5. Has France an important relationship with Zetas or other aliens species ?

Z: No. They are aware of extraterrestrial presence (few people, we're talking about everything to do with government etc.) though. No interaction is done that would be worth considering.

6. On certain sites, ppl speak much about the Ummites letters. Are they real ?

Z: Yes, they are real.
E: Are they deliberate attempts to spread falsehoods?
Z: No. They are well-intentioned.
E: Does this intention come around the right way?
Z: Yes, it serves a purpose.
E: I don't know anything about those letters and what they contain, so I can't ask much about details or what they are about... so... what else to ask... are those letters ... to be taken at face value?
Z: No. What is important is the general message, not the details.

The prof: I would like to ask Zeta why i have been drawn here, in the fact that i have no previous experiance in this.

Z: This was an attraction in you that sparked interest in this forum. Experience is not needed, interest to consider new matieral is what counts. Many people are drawn to such things by following their intuition, like you. You were not deliberately, specifically drawn here, but it is an occurence that is natural for you now.

SeventhVirgo: 1.) How can two species be so advanced and not agree on the existance of bigfoot? Is the information on this subject based on observation? What I mean is, "do you no longer see bigfoot's footprints, no trace of it, and you assume that it no longer exists?" Or is the information factual? As in, " 'you' 'scanned' the entire earth and bigfoot ISN'T in existance anymore? " Or is the information provided by something higher? And the information comes shaped to fit the neccesisites of the person who asks, in a way that benifits? I'm just curious about how it all works... ( the 'flow' of knowledge, for you [zetas and reptillians].

Z: Apart from the other things, we consider first that if not enough questions are asked in order to explain details, implicit meaning could confuse the understanding in different people. Not everyone understands the same in what is said. This is why only asking further questions clears up misconceptions. Now about bigfoot: it is no surprise that not only humans, but also the reptilians are unaware of it's existence. This is because bigfoot is purposefully secluded from all interaction with others and left to themselves and their environment. This is a special learning experience for the incarnated entities. In this way, information about bigfoot is not spread around as it would only spark unnecessary interest. In keeping them secluded and alone, a purpose is served. In the same way, we are not aware of things that are just not made 'public' for everyone because there can be reasons where keeping information down serves a purpose. We happen to be in the position to know about bigfoot, the reptilians explained it from their perspective, which can't know any better. The information about all topics that are discussed is coming from various sources. The biggest part is the cummulative experience of the species that is being channeled. This influences what details are focussed upon, the viewpoint of the species regarding this issue also comes through. Then there is the case where it is not allowed to speak about certain topics to the extent that would be wished, so at some point we don't give more answers. This happens in cases were information could be misused to cause harm or where it would infringe upon free will. To have a better overview with some explanations, we would like to refer to you a recent posting made by Mayatnik at which talks about the role of channelings. There he explains that it is the perspective that matters and that all must be considered in order to get an idea of what could be going on. Channelings seem to contradict each other sometimes, more or less. Apart from causes in the nature of channeling, which has been explained too in some discussions on this forum, everyone who is channeled plays a certain role and presents a certain, specific aspect. This facet that is seen is however always only a small part of the truth. The channelings here are a small part. Other channelings are a small part. It all serves a purpose in education people by presenting certain information. Much is done by chosing certain foci and emphasis that is different from other channelings. So every channeling makes people thing about and research one certain aspect of 'truth', which explains why some channelings correlate more than others. It also happens that deliberate lies are put out if people are too careless and gullible in swallowing channelings. This is done to trip them up and wake them up. You can see this for example when you've read one channeled thing, and from a different source the exact opposite. That makes you think because you cannot 'believe' two things that clearly contradict each other, so you have to find better ways of sustaining your view of the world, or changing it.

2.) There is some discussion about you being "negative" spirtis or something... I don't see how this is, since you don't ask us to BELIEVE anything you say... and you don't feel negative (actually the people who accuse you of this are THE ONES who feel negative.) You asking us not to blindly believe in what you say, could possibly be there just to gain our trust... And it seems that you don't really want to comment on this... Maybe because, they aren't exactly questions... so I thought I'd make it into one (Again testing you, but not in the way of "what's the color of my cat's tail?." So could you please comment on this? Thanks :)

Z: What is trust for? Trust is when you believe that someone doesn't mislead you. Trust is when you hand over responsibility for your own life. If you trust us or not is really up to you, we are only here to give information that could make sense for many. We present things as we see them. We have explained above, and others also did, that you have to be careful in building up your perception of reality. No matter if we are negative or not, we couldn't harm anyone against their consent if we wanted to. This means, metaphorically, we can say "hit your head in the wall", and some people do that. It is always the actions and the thoughts of people who allow hurt.
E: Some people will object to that.
Z: This is not the assigning of guilt. We only say you can avoid all problems by your own effort. You can get out of every situation. The exchange of information takes place between all kinds of entities. This also means exchange of energy. There are laws governing those exchanges. From our point of view, we often see how people are overwhelmed with information that discomforts them and react in panic. This panic causes the problems. Is that putting guilt on someone? We don't think so. Recognize such reactions that are natural in development and deal with them.
E: But this was not really the topic, so let's go on.
Z: No matter what we explain about those things, there are so many conflicting perceptions and experiences that it can't be done with a few words or simple explanations. This has to be sorted out on a greater scale and we play the role of resisting the current position of many. This role is no 'joke' or 'trickery' but the simple result of our observations about such things and a clear view on how such things are best dealt with.

4.) I don't really know how advance your species really is, and I assummed that you are "so advanced" in my first question. Could you tell us a little about how advance your species is? I guess, relatively, one can be "VERY advanced" or be "just beginging"... I'm not sure, if you should answer this question in comparision to human kind's "advancement." But you're the smarter species, so you decide . Thanks :)

Z: Imagine yourself, on fourth density (well, that's hard to imagine), all humans working together. Shared goals, cooperation. Thousands of years of technological advancement, space travel to various planets in order to study what is going on there. We show interest in how life forms in 3d physical environments. We are spirit guides for people on earth where we are mostly guiding on a subconscious level, in the background. Other, more advanced beings have tasks we couldn't dream of doing. We have technology to deal with environmental problems and with illnesses effectively. We have a well structured society where greater goals always respect the need of the individual. Nobody is left unattended. We are beginning to be out of body regularly (many of us, not all) in our ways to explore the universe. However, we are still 'physical'. This means we are not SO different from you. The biggest difference is experience, which is expressed in technology and a smooth structure of what we are doing. We are dedicated to what we are doing and do our best at all times. Compared to you, we are advanced. But we are aware of beings who are far beyond our comprehension. We don't see ourselves as so much further than you, because we also learn things from you. We are just older in a sense.

3.) The other day (actually, yesterday), there was a power failure for a few minutes, after that there were several, at least 4, helicopters and maybe some planes heading in the same direction. My intuition, or possibly my "feelings," told me that it was more than just a simple power failure. Could you comment on this, please? Thank you...

Z: Whenever something 'strange' happens, such incidents are examined for possible involvements of foreign parties. This doesn't necessarily mean that some big thing was going on. We can tell you that in your case there was no 'alien involvement'. However there have been power failures that were caused by aliens in order to show the government that they are powerless and cannot do anything cooperate in a friendly way, or deny what is going on if they decide to. But they know by such examples that they cannot do what they want and cannot go on forever with denying alien contact.

E: Okay, it's time to stop.
Z: It is indeed. See you the next time then, this talking we had now was very nice.
E: I enjoyed it, too... bye!
Z: See you.

E: Perena, is the connection to the Zeta now closed?
P: Yes, it is. There is no exchange between you going on now and no link exists, which would be necessary for telepathic communication. You are fully seperated and don't influence each other. This means that this channeling session is finished.
E: Wonderful.[/
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 26, 2004, 20:23:49
I recall the Zeta saying somerthing about 4D and "Real Time Zone" being similar...

So, this Fourth Density is where? Between 3D and "Real Time Zone?"

In an astral projection people skip 4d and go above it?

Where do these density levels and these "planes" all fit into each other?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: taom1234 on February 26, 2004, 20:35:31
Did you Zetas write what is known as "The Urantia Book"?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 27, 2004, 09:04:46
Question: Why is there a fleet of ships currently heading toward Earth from Zeta Reticuli?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 27, 2004, 11:26:22
Question: I was wondering why the questions i have asked so far in this thread have not been asnwered. could you explain that for me?

Also you mention that we are 3D beings but we are taught in basic science that we are in fact in 4 dimensions. Time, according to Einstein, is the 4th. Could you comment on this please?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: SeventhVirgo on February 27, 2004, 11:38:34
Thank you Edi and Zeta :).  Really, I dont know how to express my thanks... but THANKS... [:D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: AstralWiz on February 28, 2004, 17:22:08
Hello Zeta,
       I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? I have always thought of God as some sort of being that is in a high plane of existance that we can't actually talk to, but is still there. Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention. So if you could clear this up for me that would be great.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on February 28, 2004, 17:24:31
Originally posted by AstralWiz

        I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention.

That's why its getting so much attention. WE are trying to discover teh motivations of teh entity in question as well as the motivations of teh channeler.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nidhananda on February 28, 2004, 17:50:49
Originally posted by AstralWiz

Hello Zeta,
       I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? I have always thought of God as some sort of being that is in a high plane of existance that we can't actually talk to, but is still there. Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention. So if you could clear this up for me that would be great.

This question was already asked, and answered. They said that an entity is indeed being channeled, but it is not God, and that they cannot say anymore on the matter.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on February 29, 2004, 11:07:17
Question 1: Lately ive been having bad dreams. Do the Zetas know the reason for this? and what I must do to prevent them in future?

Question 2: Did humanoid life ever exist on the planet Mars? if so what were they like and what happened to them?

Question 3: Is it possible for a 3rd density being to ascend (when the photon belt arrives) and bypass the next density levels and go straight to the highest density?

Question 4: People often see beings that are often called shaddow beings or shaddow people, the most notable form is a shaddow form of a man in a trench coat wearing a hat who most often stands at the end or side of a persons bed. I have heard these beings have attacked people whilst they lay in bed and other times just stand there and stare at you for long periods of time instilling fear in its victim. What are these shaddow beings? why do they attack people? why do they stand there stareing at you? and how can a person defend against these shaddow beings?

Question 5: Who destroyed the tower of Babel? and why?

Question 6: What are the origins of the Aryan race?

Question 7: What being spoke to moses on the mountain?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on February 29, 2004, 16:07:50
Hi, James in another thread says you might be able to get some answers to the following for me Edi if you wouldnt mind?

I would like information about the Planet the corporeal Pleiadians inhabit. If there is more than one planet just pick any for now.

1. Which star does it circle in the Pleiadian system (i.e. their sun)

2. How far away from their sun is their planet.

3. What is the angle of their planets axis (i.e. ours is 23.5 degrees).

4. What is the circumference of the planet at its equator.

5. Does it have polar ice caps.

6. What kind of atmosphere does it have (i.e. what differences if any to Earths).

7. What seasons does it have (i.e. similar to earths as in Summer, winter etc.)

8. Population size.

9. What is the estimated mass of their planet.

10. If there is more than one planet revolving their sun, as in our solar system, how many and how many are inhabited.

11. Are there any main differences to our planet and what are they.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: SilverSlider on February 29, 2004, 16:28:37
Hello Edi & Zetas

I don't want to sound redundant but I think it's really good that your doing this. Even if people may not beleive it, it's very thought provoking.

After reading the thread I've come up with a whole slew of questions, with a few of them being contradictions of information from here and ZetaTalk, which I would like the Zeta to clear up, if possible. Since the Zeta here claim to be the same ones as the Zeta being channeled at ZetaTalk, one would expect to see identical information...

I. "White Lie" vs. misinterpretation.

A. From ZetaTalk

For those of you unfamiliar, the "white lie" was the March 2003 date given for the pole shift by the Zeta. This link provides justification for the "white lie". It basically says that the date was given to show everyone how the world governments would react if an actual date was given.

B. From Astral Pulse

Glenn says:
First off, planet X, nancy said you said this would happen may 2003, but this hasnot, how come?
Glenn says:
Z: It was a mis interpretation from nancy, we did not give that date, as we cannot tell when it is going to happen as of yet, but the people on Earth will know when it is going to heppen because of the signs

So, one minute the Zeta intentionally gave false information, and another minute it's the fault of the channeler.

II. Roswell Crash

A. From ZetaTalk

Roswell is all the rage here in the United States. It is the flag-bearer in the parade of those who march to learn the truth. The facts are well known, and the facts that are known relate almost completely to the truth. This is a true story. What is not well known is that Roswell was not an accident.... They expected to die. The plan was to allow ships to crash, ostensibly at the hands of humans.

B. From the Astral Pulse

F: i would like to ask if you have crashed in Roswell ?
Z: We have not
F: have there been any autopsies of your species ?
Z : No
Z: We dont crash with a spaceship, there are very strict rules about us appearing
before humans

Another misinterpretation by Nancy...?

III. The Pyramids

A.  From ZetaTalk

Humans ponder the pyramids of Egypt...This was not an effort for these hominoids, during this time, as they had entered into bargains with Service-to-Self aliens who had levitation abilities, and they moved the stones for them.

B.  From the Astral Pulse

Glenn says:
You said that another species created the pyramids, yet why would there be egyptian writing on the walls, and not your language or their language?
Glenn says:
Z: This is because when we built it, for rest, we left, we did not mark anything...

Keyword: "we"

Risu no Kairu: So, uh, what's the deal with those Pyramids at Giza? I hear you've built them.
Z: That's true. They were built several thousands of years ago.

So, Zeta, are you saying you are service-to-self aliens?

Alright, I hope this post doesn't rile anyone up. I'm just trying to organize all the facts. I have more, less direct contradictions but I'll leave it at this for now.

Thanks a lot!

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on February 29, 2004, 16:51:00
SilverSlider -

I think what you're saying is worth thinking about. There can be inaccuracies in channeling, and supposing this is all real, those examples show that much exactly. This is why I personally don't take everything that is said either here, at Zetatalk, from Sitchin's books, or from any other sources as absolute fact. However, I do believe that between the channelings, there is a lot of valuable information. The channeled information is good food for thought, though I would not argue for its authenticity. I simply read, and think about it, and try to keep it in mind for what it's worth.

Question for the Zeta -

When you are met in person, is the telepathy between you and us as vulnerable to misinterpretations, or is it easier to communicate?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on February 29, 2004, 18:43:29

What is your sex life like? is there a correlation tween pain/pleasure in your culture as there is with humans?

How do you pleasure yourselves? How do you satisfy the needs and desires of your bodies?

You talk alot about balance, but yet you seem primarily intellectual rather than physical. Doesn't that make you unbalanced?

Do you have sex toys? fetishes? role playing games? etc?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on February 29, 2004, 19:15:02

Mayatnik wrote recently that after the Pole Shaft we will all merge. We'll become 50% Zeta 50% human (in « equal parts » were the exact words). That way, AT LAST, Zeta will be able to experience sexual pleasure, some sexual pleasure BUT... we, humans, will lose some of our libido and an orgasm will be harder to reach, so we might need toys, artificial stimulation, as desire will be decreased, but doesn't matter cause desire is the mother of all trouble, it sure causes more trouble than benefits. I think that Woody Allen prophetized it quite well in one of his earliest films : since we will not per say feel love as we know it now (the falling in love, the incredible lust, the jalousy, etc.), we will build orgasmotrons to satisfy our needs, and get it over with, as for the rest of the time, we will deal with "spiritual things". What do you say girl ?

Question for the Zeta : is Jess Friedman innocent of the crimes he spent jail time for ?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on February 29, 2004, 19:21:33
That sounds painfuly boring. I don't want to merge with them. Why are they doing this to us? I think that if you don't see sex as spiritual you haven't experienced it. Mind you, not all sex is spiritual but there's a lot mor to sex than penetration.


Originally posted by chill


Mayatnik wrote recently that after the Pole Shaft we would merge. We would all become 50% Zeta 50% human. That way, AT LAST, Zeta will be able to experience sexual pleasure, some sexula pleasure BUT... we, humans, will lose some of our libido and an orgasm will be definately harder to reach, so we might need toys. I think that Woody Allen prophetized it quite well in one of his earliest films : since we will not per say feel love as we know it now (the falling in love), we will build orgasmotrons to satisfy our needs, and get it over with, as for the rest of the time, we will deal with more important things, "spiritual things". What do you say girl ?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on February 29, 2004, 19:29:08
Yeah you're right.

Also I am not sure about the merging process itself. Will it hurt ? Will we be put to sleep while it is being done to us ? How can we prevent the merge ? Can we say no to it ?

Jess, do you think that there are any measures ? Other than simply running a petition list.

I think That the Zetas are envious, they want to be more like us. [xx(] Well, you won't have my helping you get there. No way.

Other question for Zetas : is it true that there's a second path called the vagus nerve that doesn't go tru the spine that allows orgasm to occur for women.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on February 29, 2004, 19:43:21
Originally posted by chill

I think That the Zetas are envious, they want to be more like us. [xx(] Well, you won't have my helping you get there. No way.

It reminds me of a story. A little child had found a $5 bill and didn't know what it was. Various adults saw the child playing with his money, some of teh adults desired to grab it from him. One asked him "what is that little boy?" he replied "it's a peice of paper I found". Believeing the child had no clue as to what he had teh adult took it from him.

the moral here is we better be damn sure of what we have before we inadvertently give it away.

Einstein said "to cross a cat with a man would greatly improve the man but degenerate the cat"

I'd like to add "to cross man with zeta will improve teh zeta but could drastically degenerate the man".

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on February 29, 2004, 19:55:30
Originally posted by rhinegirl

Originally posted by chill

I think That the Zetas are envious, they want to be more like us. [xx(] Well, you won't have my helping you get there. No way.

It reminds me of a story. A little child had found a $5 bill and didn't know what it was. Various adults saw the child playing with his money, some of teh adults desired to grab it from him. One asked him "what is that little boy?" he replied "it's a peice of paper I found". Believeing the child had no clue as to what he had teh adult took it from him.

the moral here is we better be damn sure of what we have before we inadvertently give it away.

Einstein said "to cross a cat with a man would greatly improve the man but degenerate the cat"

I'd like to add "to cross man with zeta will improve teh zeta but could drastically degenerate the man".


That's very wise.

Jess promise me that you will not delete that one post. Maybe we should delete our other sexual back and forth converse later on, as this will upset Mayatnik. I'll wait for your cue. Your sex questions are legitimate though.

Fuzzywig let me know through PM what posts you want removed. I'd hate to have the mods send me pm with subject line « warning » again. I am a sociopath. Just kidding.

Other question for Zetas : is the Urantia book worth reading ?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on February 29, 2004, 20:01:19
Originally posted by chill
[Jess promise me that you will not delete that one post. Maybe we should delete our other sexual back and forth converse later on, as this will upset Mayatnik. I'll wait for your cue. Your sex questions are legitimate though.

I won't delete it. The reason I deleted that one sexual post was because the more I thought about it teh more convinced I was that the recipient would be upset by it.

I still want to know about the Zetas sex life.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Adinaut on March 01, 2004, 05:29:08
>Originally posted by Hephaestus
>Question 6: What are the origins of the Aryan race?

Robert Morning Sky (a native american) refers to
'orion' as 'ari an'. Aryan is very similar to
that and orion.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on March 01, 2004, 10:24:20
For chill and rhinegirl, i think that in fact the zeta said that the fusion of both species won't happen until a few hundred years, so yes it's after the pole shift and everything but we won't see it nor experience it in this life. So no problem for me at least ;)

My question about the new species is :  what would we look like ? Because the zetas are doing the "prototypes", so we humans don't really have the possibility of telling them what we'd like ... Will we be more like zetas but with a human sexual organ or like totally human-looking but with a zeta brain (so no physical changes from the exterior) ?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 01, 2004, 11:28:18
Well this thing is for certain, there aint no way my higher self agreed to this genetic mix between humans and zetas and there aint no way my offspring from now to the generations of the future would agree to it.
If my children and childrens children etc get genetically altered against their will i'll be angry. [|)]
Humanity should be left to evolve by natural means and not via genetic manipulation and the creation of hybrids.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: saphyire on March 01, 2004, 12:29:19
Originally posted by Hephaestus

Well this thing is for certain, there aint no way my higher self agreed to this genetic mix between humans and zetas
and there aint no way my offspring from now to the generations of the future would agree to it.
If my children and childrens children etc get genetically altered against their will i'll be angry. [|)]
Humanity should be left to evolve by natural means and not via genetic manipulation and the creation of hybrids.

I couldn't agree with this more. I think this should be an option for us however I don't find it particularly comforting that the Zetas are out there planning our genetic future. I find it quite unsettleing actually. You know, I hate to sound petty, but I have 3 children and when they have children and so forth I would like one of them to have the chance to look back on family albulms and say "that was my great great great grandma, I believe I look quite a bit like her" NOT " that is the alien who altered my gentic makeup so I have quite a few of his features"
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: SeventhVirgo on March 01, 2004, 12:53:43
Heh some people never shut up... do they? [8)]

Anyhow... I got a few more questions:

1.)  "How much" conditioning do I have left to shed?  And how do you suggest I go about shedding it?

2.)  You mentioned that we are made up of many souls, and that we together make up a soul, and that this goes on on infinate levels.  Are the souls that make up me, individually a being with perception?  And the souls that makes them? And so on.. in both directions (souls that make up me and souls which I am a part of)?

3.)  You also mentioned that there are entities that listen to prayers, and either help or send thoughts of love.  Does God, The Prime Creator, work in this way?  Or is "he" just the creator and leaves his creation to exist?

4.)  I'm not sure (conciously) why I want to have telepathic contact with my guide, but I have been trying to listen, but often doubt myself thinking that I might be "crazy"...  So when I do receive answers, I do not know if they are my own thoughts or a message from my guide.  Am I receiving messages from my guide, or does she (pendulum told me my guide is female) think I am not ready or doesn't plan to have direct contact with me?

5.)  Now that you told me how your species is, I don't know why I decided to incarnate as a human instead of a Zeta [xx(].  My question is:  Do souls also change in density like bodies?  And can an entity incarnate into a  higher density body?

6.)  I feel as though the body is a being itself, and as a vehicle undergoes a lot of bashing, while the soul is "inside" protected and learning.  And the body has no choice but to serve its purpose.  And if it was meant to have a flattened tire, it cannot change that even if it knows more that would make it otherwise.  As an example, even though I know of THIS (everything that I've learned from here) and makes sense to me, my body (ME) is still crippled by that flattened tire when I try to move foward.  The flattened tire may be physical, like a disease, or perhaps HEAVY conditioning.  With all respect, I do not see this as fair, the body suffers just so that the soul can learn, and evolve.  Does the body receive any "compensation" for this?  And what do you think about this?

7.)  Sometimes you use underscopes (I think that's what they're called) in your channelings.  I do not konw what these are or do, but I think they express something that is beyond what the reader would usually get from the words without underscopes.  Like quotes... italics or bold.  so what is their purpose? :)

I also want to say that I amstarting to see the pieces of the puzzle fall together, and want to thank everyone that is involved... Zetas.. Mayatnik, Edi, Fuzziwig.. Pleiadeans, reptillians...  And I better stop here, I don't want to write many many names down.. So thanks :)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on March 01, 2004, 15:59:11
(i've edited to try and sort out the bold and to add something)

Hi SilverSlider, these are good questions you have asked and seeing as the Zetas have encouraged questioning i hope they get answered. I have a list of similar questions/contradictions that i may post soon but i wanted to add to one you have posted here. Someone (no, not the MI5) gave me a link to another forum that Mayatnik (the original channeler that came to astral pulse and trained others) has posted on and i have been reading his posts on there also.

This is somewhat of a delicate situation because i know some of my posts about Mayatnik, his guides, and the channeled information has been seen in a "negative" way by some on here. And perhaps at times i have been a bit too antaganistic. What i am saying is i post these things not as some kind of personal vendetta against Mayatnik (who i genuinely feel to be a nice person who really believes he has a mission to help humanity) or any other channelers, but because i "sense" strongly that there is something 'just not right' about some of this Zeta/guide stuff. Ok so here goes... sentences in bold are my emphasis.

Originally posted by SilverSlider

I. "White Lie" vs. misinterpretation.

A. From ZetaTalk

For those of you unfamiliar, the "white lie" was the March 2003 date given for the pole shift by the Zeta. This link provides justification for the "white lie". It basically says that the date was given to show everyone how the world governments would react if an actual date was given.

B. From Astral Pulse

Glenn says:
First off, planet X, nancy said you said this would happen may 2003, but this hasnot, how come?
Glenn says:
Z: It was a mis interpretation from nancy, we did not give that date, as we cannot tell when it is going to happen as of yet, but the people on Earth will know when it is going to heppen because of the signs

(McArthur: bold doesnt seem to be working but the sentence i wanted to was "we did not give that date, as we cannot tell...." etc)

So, one minute the Zeta intentionally gave false information, and another minute it's the fault of the channeler.

Now i would like to see how this contradiction is answered (if it even does get answered) seeing as Mayatnik and the other channlers and their guides claim to be in close contact and are verifying everything posted. But to add more to the question here is a quote from a post by Mayatnik (and the link) on another forum dated 25th September 2002 (this is, of course, before the prophecy failed and Nancy (the Zetas) came up with some excuse for it);

Mayatnik says: The Zeta Talk website (channeling the Sirians / Zeta / Igigi) has been announcing for the last two years that the Earth will have a Pole Shift in 2003 – which will mark the end of the world as we now know it. The Pleiadians – for whom I channel through my guide - are fully aware of this 2003 End-Time date, but the Plan was for the Zeta to announce the actual date, since they are the ones who will be involved on the physical plane to take the planet through the transition. The Pleiadians, as overseers, will be co-ordinating events and will be dealing with this from the Higher Realms, and will play a key role as the Photon Band covers the Earth, in 2012 leading to the start of the planet's transfer into 4 th Density."

There are then zetatalk quotes given in the same post where they clearly give the 2003 date. Here is the link to that thread

edit: Also see this thread regarding this claimed "Photon Band"-

About the excuse given for this "white lie" (or wrong information) i have this to say. They make some paranoid claim they did it to show that even if they gave the correct date the governments would do nothing to warn the people. But do they really expect the governments to take these people seriously anyway when they are just another whacko cult? Especialy now they have been proven to give false data?

And so what if the governments did not tell the people? Surely the Zetas would give the date as far in advance as possible so that those who do believe them will have as much time as possible to prepare for such an event? But no, now there will be no dates given whatsoever. Probably because the Zeta cult wouldn't be able to withstand another failed prophecy and their gullable followers would be leaving in droves.

(edit: and just to prove their "white lie" excuse is a load of bull there is a quote from the zetas on the link given that says;

We are telling you, that even if the governments of the world were to shrill the alarm, starting today, that the people they govern would brush off the truth. )


Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on March 01, 2004, 20:40:16
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on March 01, 2004, 21:16:22
No thanx to your Greys, Reptilians, Zetas, and the rest of the interdimensional motley crue of spiritual rejects.


P.S. I've found that some of teh goetic demons will willingly catch and eat zetas, reptilians, pleadians, etc.

Originally posted by MJ-12

Mayatnik on the Astralpulse:

I have just finished working on a very difficult website, where many wanted to learn but were hampered by the negativity of the few with their loud sceptical voices who sought to rubbish everything. However, the job was done, in what was required for that 'stage' of what our channelers – Edi, Fuzziwig and myself were given by the guides to do. How many more could have been Awakened if it hadn't been for the loud snoring of some that drowned out our voices that tried to explain about the New Dawn that lay just beyond the curtains of confusion that hid the Light to them in their darkness of slumber!



Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mustardseed on March 01, 2004, 21:17:26
Dear Whoever does the channeling here[:)]

I have a question about the poleshift. As you know the earth is rotating at a slight angle will this angle be changed in the poleshift as well, and is this a sort of "repair" on earth, what causes it and why. I apologise for not having read the thread in its full length and ask that if these questions have allready been asked that you feel free to cut and paste. Any comment will be appreciated.


Regards Mustardseed
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on March 01, 2004, 22:18:05
Jess, are you a Goth ?
I have known a few.
They're nice people in disguise.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on March 01, 2004, 22:52:48
?? I would never be that pretentious. When one discovers true darkness one can take joy in it and then one no longer feels the need to be a goth.

Ya shoulda heard me poem regarding the abyss that I told to a goth, freaked him out. LOL!

Originally posted by chill

Jess, are you a Goth ?
I have known a few.
They're nice people in disguise.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on March 01, 2004, 23:07:09
Hilarious post, Jess, as usual.

I think that if we want to post here we have to ask questions to the Zetas. So make sure that in the post-script of your next post, there are such questions, at least one. Then I think they'll let us off the hook.

QUESTION TO THE ZETAS : Do you play chess or Monopoly or similar games after you've gathered around a good meal and wine ?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on March 01, 2004, 23:19:05
Originally posted by chill
QUESTION TO THE ZETAS : Do you play chess or Monopoly or similar games when you gather around a good meal and wine ?

QUESTION TO THE ZETAS: I hear the reptoids won't play cards with you because you CHEAT! Is that true and if so then why do you CHEAT at cards?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 02, 2004, 13:48:10
Quesion: How do the Zetas suggest the Israeli / Palestinian situation be resolved? what method should be employed to secure peace between these two nations and peoples? [:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: halfphased on March 02, 2004, 14:10:06
Question to Zeta: Is the United States headed for a civil war or major shift in power structure in 2004/2005?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Edi on March 02, 2004, 18:27:02
Zeta Conversation

E: I'm reluctant to channel now.
P: No, you're not, it's just that you don't know how it will be received.
E: That's a point. Anyway, I wish to clear up some things.
P: The Zetas can tell you about that. Should I connect you?
E: Please.
Z: Hello.
E: Hi. Can you tell me something about the status on those forums, what about the channelers, the channelings, and so on?

Z: You've had a great deal of turmoil and emotionality from many sides which was expressed in this forum. This was unavoidable because such things have to be experienced sooner or later in all those who were involved. What is happening on this forum is that changes and transformation have been catalyzed a bit by those channelings, which brought a different wind into those forums, and through the personal interaction that resulted from it.
Z: The 'bad' or 'evil' attitudes, as they are called sometimes, need to be transcended sooner or later, and this is just one opportunity to do it. As all interaction is. For the channelers as well as for the ones who are reading it. You have noticed how, while channeling, you have come to see some of your own blockages and how they relate to your life. People reading this (or other material) are having the same experience, where something they read just stirs them up.
Z: Such upstirring is okay, but there have to be ways of expressing it without hurting others. You too were at times not careful in your words but this has to be seen with compassion from all sides. Compassion and love is so missing at times that it is sad to see how people don't try to understand each other because they think they have it all right. We aren't pointing on anyone in specific here. Nobody is excluded from 'errors', everyone goes through life in order to experience and this is why there are opportunities, sometimes painful, to work up the past.
Z: This happens on an individual scale, where two people are interacting to clear out emotional baggage. This happens on a larger scale, where belief systems are reevaluated and cleared for large groups of people at once, even for whole humanity. This happens on a planetary scale, where the history of humanity has decided about all the factors that are at play at the present time. This includes the involvement of higher beings in the evolution you are experiencing, and is also including the genetic engineering we have already talked about. And because there has been some discussion about it, we will now explain this topic further in order to clarify.

Z: First: This is nothing done against the will of humanity. Those who are mocking about it often know nothing about it's nature and how the decision process is made. One factor in this decision is humanity itself. Earth will be a place for service-to-other beings in the future, when the planet has evolved into fourth density. This means that it would also be appropriate to have a body that is suited for 4d. Is the human body suitable at it's present form? No. A vote has been collected from all beings who will be incarnating on future earth about the genetic engineering that is to be done in order to 'upgrade' the present form. This means taking the good things you have and don't want to miss, like sex drive and emotions, cutting back the things that are viewed as 'not suitable' after due consideration (we are NOT the single instance in this decision process), like hair that grows abundantly, or emotions that are taking over the human body beyond control.
Z: We assure you that there is an aim behind that which the ones who will be incarnating on earth will be comfortable with. Genetic engineering on this scale is nothing that is being done lightly, which makes it clear that there are strict guidelines from higher levels that have to be followed. We are watched in our work and we cannot push anything on humanity. This is the second factor in this decision, the guidance from higher realms which is following a plan. And the third factor is ourselves, because we are the 'engineers' and are in this way deeply connected to the whole project. So you have three factors that decide what is to be done: you, humanity; us, the Zetas; and beings from higher realms who are overseeing things at large.

Z: Then we will want to explain about how this process is done. There will be a gradual blending, in the next centuries, of the species. After the pole-shift, there will be communities populated only by humans, only by hybrids, and only by zetas, with mixed variations occuring more and more frequently over time. The human body will just not be reincarnated into so frequently anymore because it will miss the advantages of the hybrid bodies. There is in no way any living body being 'merged', so a question about if the 'merging' hurts is senseless. It happens by reincarnation where you choose what bodies are inhabitated. From this point of view, it would be senseless to say this is done against your will, because you always have your will to choose where you incarnate, with the restrictions that are imposed upon it that are necessary for your personal growth. People who do not want to mix with hybrids or aliens on earth will be undisturbed as they wish and can continue their lifes as long as they want this way. However, the general course of action will be that the hybrid form will eventually replace both human and zetan bodies. This will take some time but is clearly what has been decided upon.
Z: As far as disgust or resentment about the new forms is concerned: the decisions are made according to the wishes of the majority and you won't miss, as we have said, the things you hold so dear. You will be improved, not deteriorated, there would be no sense in genetic engineering otherwise.
Z: So there is no sense in lamenting. We couldn't do anything against the greater plan (which includes free will) anyway, this is a place where free will prevails, free will needs to be respected at all times, which also means that nobody can always do as he pleases to. This includes also the concept of 'divine will'. So you can hide behind fears about what is being presented or try to understand what is happening and why.
Z: We can go on to the questions now.

Kalonek: 1. You said i'll find out more about guidance soon, but do you mean by myself, as i continue to practice the pendulum and my energy and mental exercices or will it be independant from my action, like something planned for me ? Will it be very clear to me ?

Z: It will not be independent from your actions because all plans for a life depend on the will of the person to carry out those plans and to go along the side-roads that are offered every now and then. The opportunities are always presented, huw mow much someone is willing to learn from it and how far to travel down the road depends on individual choice. The depth of experience is somethinf you choose. So you have the opportunity now to learn about 'the guides' in general and to make this a prt of your life, if you decide. This is not something clear that comes bombastically into your life, because nobody is out to impress you that way. All depends on your own will to explore new frontiers, and clarity will come from that with time.

2. You have mentioned two times "easy ways" to prevent us from bad spirits or any negative entity, could you develop more on this theme ? What is your technique ?

Z: We don't need a technique. You can only be influenced by bad spirits if this is what you agree to on some level, for example by being agressive you pull agressive behaviour into your life. What is surfacing in dreams if often the very product of the choices you make about your reality. Someone from this forum recently complained about having dreams where they are attacked, and tries to link it to the "channeled beings". We advise in this case to see how own emotions and feelings serve to produce the things they are experiencing. It is up to them if they need someone to 'fight' against. If you go out with an attitude that seeks negativity, it is no wonder if you encounter it.

3. Are the chakras "opened" or "closed" or is it more a question of stimulation. I l mean are there like a mecanism, or more or less simulated like an organism (which i think) ?

Z: The chakras are "opened" or "closed" depending on your psychological make-up. How you are, this means how you think, feel, live, dream, and experience things, is deeply connected to this and directly affects it. Stimulation is only a temporary effect which brings the blocks in the energy body to consciousness and allows them to be worked upon by releasing the associated feelings. Only this work will lead to chakras being more open. You allow as much energy in as it is possible for you to handle, and where a stronger energy flow would bring up repressed emotions people often choose to cut back the energy flow to avoid unpleasant feelings and memories.

4. Is yoga a good thing to develop our energy body ? Is it really effective ? Is so how does it work (energetically speaking) ?

Z: Yoga is good, yes. Among the many forms of yoga, every has its advantages and is suitable for many people. If you are talking about the 'physical' form of yoga, which was made popular in the west some time ago: it works by bringing about more flexibility of the joints and the muscles, strengthening some areas of the body and exercising 'unused' body parts. Along with this comes a good control of the body and learning to feel the various body parts. There is much more behind yoga than just physical movements, as they only prepare the body for further things. There is a connection between energetic blocks or held-back feelings and bodily tension. If you break up tension in the body by streching muscles or consciously feeling a body part, it is very easy to break loose energetic blocks and tension in order to release them through conscious work. This is facilitated by breathing deeply, which energetizises and at the same time relaxes the whole body. The meridians and chakras are also effected by this. Because the physical body is a 'mirror image' of finer bodies at a higher level, the energetic levels affect the physical bodies, this is why blocks eventually result in illness. But at the same time, working with the physical body also affects the finer bodies to a certain extent. So yoga fits in well in treating the physical vehicle. A big part of how yoga works is in breaking up tension and allowing free movement of the joints, keeping the body smooth and functional. Muscular flexibility is a prerequisite for good energy flow.

4 bis. What is for you a good alimentation for us humans to be at the best of our potential ? How much sport should we do also ? Is our body capable of healing himslef of everything (including his own disfonctionment, like in cancers, or less important acnea for teenagers - have you more info on this by the way as it remains very mysterious in definitive to our own scientists) ?

Z: What you eat affects you strongly. A healthy body needs the input of various plants and herbs which serve to unfold the DNA in you in a proper way and which also cure certain illnesses. Today's education tells much about nutritional values, vitamies etc., but all this is not necessary in order to have a good diet. The instinct tells you most of what you need to know. You are drawn to certain things and pushed away from others. You can try this by going to the supermarket and seeing how you react to certain foods just by looking at them. How does a conserved tomatoe feel, compared to a fresh one? Does the fresh one feel 'pure', or like being treated with any toxic substances? You can develop your intuition that way. You do not absolutely need meat. Some say you do, this is because it takes some time to evolve away from it until the body adapts. But it is perfectly possible to live without eating meat. It's not necessary however. Eating from the point of intuition is a good idea. Look what is growing in your area at what time of the year. This is most probably suitable for the climate you are living in. Seasonal food is linked to what is needed at a time.
Z: Sport should be done when your daily activity doesn't keep you fit in other ways. Don't overdo it without guidance - too much sport done wrongly can be bad for your health, but normally the body notices you before something goes wrong. A regular activity, like jogging in the morning, is very efficient in keeping you fit even if you don't run for hours. For example, 20 minutes every morning are enough for most people. Bear in mind that many are also happy to do no sports at all, but in those cases you have to be a bit more careful of what you eat. If you want to be fit, you can either do so by doing sports, or by doing other activities that are stimulating for your body. If you don't do sports, or have physical activity in general, you just restrict the possibility of your body to perform heavy tasks when it is demanded. If you don't use the body, it will become more passive.
Z: Your body can do perceived 'miracles' in healing itself, but there are limits. When ages of careless living suddenly come to appear and manifest as some terminal illness, you cannot change the whole past and the effects it has just by having positive thoughts and eating a few herbs. But your body is capable of staying healthy. Part of your health is dictated by your environment, by your choices on where you live and what you take in. The other part comes through your inner attitude which also affects what is going to manifest in your life. If you are deeply longing for being looked after and being cared, you could 'manifest' an illness that makes this happen, in order to have this experience. If you have an unconscious will to die, you could get cancer. Such illnesses can be changed by you attitude, as you can very well affect your body by your thoughts. Acne can also be healed partially by your attitude, but is often due to hormonal changes that are happening. In this case a good diet, hygienic measures, and a "don't-care-attitude" is a good way to go. Illness is generally only a result of finer causes that are not visible to the eye, so ... yes, you can potentially heal yourself from anything, or not get ill at all.
Z: What is important to know about illnesses is that they are always a learning experience which makes it obvious that something has to be learned, no matter at what level. So don't only seek to get rid of it, but try to learn of it and heal it. Illnesses are choosen in a sense, as are all obstacles in life.

5. How does telepathy work ? How are the feelings and thoughts bring to the other person ?

Z: This happens via the higher self.
E: In all cases?
Z: No, just as long as the physical body is not able to do it properly. The higher self can bring down messages it receives and integrate them into the mind of the human body that way. The other way is to sense it with your body, but this is not what your body provides many well evolved natural facilities for at the moment. It happens mostly on an intuitive level.

6. Do you have to learn telepathy or is it a natural ability since birth ?

Z: For us, it is natural and just comes with time the same way you 'learn' to speak. It is no ability that is learnt, but something that is inherently in us and unfolds because of stimulation.

7. How do you vehicule complexe concepts by this way, like liberty, freedom etc as it doesn't have an object ?

Z: Those subjects are built up by experience. If you think of liberty, you know what it is without having the letters of the word in your mind. You can think about liberty without referencing the word at all. There is an object, namely the associated experience. To put it in easy terms: you can think of such a word as having a certain signature, an energy pattern that makes it recognizable. If a thought is to be transmitted telepathically, this energy is transmitted and evokes the memory of the same experience in the recipient. If this memory is not there to the same extent as in the transmitter, it is necessary to clarify through further interaction - the same happens when you talk with words.

8. How do you master your subconscious while doing telepathy ? Any techniques we could use ? 'Cause i'm getting "parasite" thoughts when trying to talk mentally to my guide that are starting to annoy me ...

Z: Let those thoughts come, consider them and let them go on then. They are coming because they are surfacing and because you are integrating a new view into your life. This brings up 'forgotten' associations and repressed things from the subconscious which have a purpose in being there. The technique could be to meditate and clear your mind of such stuff, for getting conscious of what you are. The subconscious contains many patterns you have accumulated in your life and when you are changing things those patterns show resistance and make themselves known. Those "parasite" thoughts are best dealt with by being conscious of them. That way, they will subside quickly.

9. You didn't answered on what happens when one of yours die. Aren't you sad ? How long do you live ?

Z: We are sad, yes. We appreciate the time that was spent together and would wish to prolong it, but we accept that everyone has to move on at some point. We live longer than you, generally, with a span of up to 200 years if you want to compare.

10. Who decides the number of clones that has to be made each day ? Do you have a total control over your population this way ? How many are you up there ? :)

Z: Such decisions are based upon the requirements of new incarnations, requirements of parents and the availability of ressources and suitable environment for children. There is a group of us who is responsible for these decisions. this group is elected based on their understandings and their education on the needs of the whole. We have total control over births in our population this way, yes. Numbers are difficult to relay for vague questions. The term "Zeta" can encompass many groups, there are also negative Zeta, there are groups that are not connected to us in any way anymore, and there are many 'branches' in evolution. To give you a picture of what we refer to as 'us', you can count many tens of thousands who are involved with the earth project directly, millions who are related to those closely, and several billions (where a billion is you could call 'Zeta'.

11. Do you do any sports ? Do you have any games or whatever like this ?

Z: Yes to both.

12. Not a question but just that i would like to point that some of your answers (not mine but in general) made me laugh :) You get good at humour lol (eventhough you told us it was planned, but who cares if the result is what was expected - we plan too sometimes ;)) !

Z: Thank you for that. In our interactions with humans we adopt our attitude as necessary, and a 'joke' here or there is able to break up the stiffness that is otherwise usually seen with us.
E: I get a chuckle from such things.
Z: This also influences it, because the channel has a word to say in the presentation of the channelings, too.

13. What do you think about humans generally speaking ?

Z: We respect you like parents would respect their children, having images and dreams about the future. You are going through rough times now where the essence of people is often hidden behind a mask that was put up out of insecurity of operating in this world. If you see the true being behind a person and accept this with compassion, you can get an idea of what we see humans to be. We see potential, we see many old souls who have lived through countless experiences, and it is just a matter of time until the fog clears up and people can live what they are. In this sense, we are waiting patiently for you to grow up in the natural couse of evolution, until you consciouly are part of the greater universe around you.

14. Did you chose Edi, Mayatnik, Fuzziwig and the other channels purposefully (like it was planned for a long time to talk to THEM particularly) or because they were the first ones who were enough developped to handle this at this time ?

Z: Both. Certain people were and are on the 'list' to do certain things in life because it was choosen and agreed upon before incarnation. This is an agreement where people say "yes, give me this opportunity!". Not all chose this opportunity, though, and you have seen that it depends much on the individual and how far they want to go. It could have all been different, but this it not the case. How much people are ready to go into the depth of what is offered decides on the course and the outcome.

15. More of a question for Edi : Do you hear the zetas talk in your head (and if it's the case in which language :)) or is it more like a very strong feeling of the answer but without real words ?

E: I hear them talk in my head, telepathically, and I'm doing the channelings directly in english, hearing word by word. Although I hear words, there is also a more 'detailed' feeling which comes along with the words and helps me in better understanding what is presented and what is about to come next, to keep me focussed. I could do the channelings in my mother tongue (german) and translate them later on, but I found it easier and more 'live' to write them directly in english.

McArthur: 1. What is your opinion of the fact i have suspicions you may not be what you claim to be and will this affect any future answers i get from you (if any)?

Z: Our opinion is that this suspicion is valid because you cannot know who is talking here. However, the word 'suspicion' suggest prejudice which hinders you from uncoloured examination of what is presented. Instead of making clear examinations and conclusions, you are often leaning to prove what you believe to be true, which explains why not everyone was happy with the tone by which you worded your objections. The answers will be affected in the way that the channeler is more likely to be careful about exact wordings in order to avoid misunderstandings where possible. Our answers to you or anyone else are not affected to any more extent than it is necessary for us to take into consideration the viewpoint of the person that is asking, which influences the answer of course. Suspicions you have play no special role in this.
Originally posted by Edi

Z: Think about your definition of emotions. We do feel love and compassion. Is it necessary to have bodily requisites for this? No. We have 'buddies' and contacts and a social structure, we have relationships, and we are far from alone. Zeta guides are caring about their proteges, and we are delighted when things work out well. When we are said not to have emotions, this is true,

2. In this paragraph you say that it is true you have no emotions but if this is true then how can you feel love and compassion? I would be interested in how you deal with this contradiction. Thanks.

Z: Emotions and feelings are not only the results of bodily reactions. If you love, you get a feeling in your stomach, you experience increased energy flow through some chakras, you get weak knees possibly, you have problems in getting out any straight sentence. The heart rate increases, hormones are being released in the body, your mind seems unable to focus, things along those lines happen with those who experience a strong feeling of 'love'. Let's stick with this feeling for now. There are many aspects of love, but this is not important here. It is not right if you define love only as something the body can experience, because the soul and spirit are also factors in this. So how can you feel emotions, if not through the body? We have no or very little bodily reactions to emotions. This does not prevent us however from experiencing those at a deeper level, which may or may not be ovbious to you. This experience is not so striking if you compare it to your way of having strong emotions, but real nevertheless.

3. Also i would like to know what you know about what is called in certain Occult circles as the "Eighth Sphere" or "Dark Star" and its inhabitants. i.e. Where it is and what these beings are like.

Z: This exists, but is not what it is said to be in those circles. It is said to be a place where souls are trapped and destroyed. There are celestial bodies that have been wrongly linked to those terms, which are symbolic. The occult works by symbolism. Although it is pulled together from true insights, the concept of the "Dark Star" as it is seen in such circles is not something that exists as such.

[...] is called reverse-psychology.

Z: We are not out to confuse or to 'sell' anything, but to clear up things by having a free flow of questions, answers, and resulting discussions.

harlequin_star: ~1)I was wondering about the TV show stargate sg-1 and if the show itself is there to sortof discredit what is actually going on so that the public won't believe that stuff like that is actually happening (i found too many commonalities such as the crystal skulls, etc)

Z: The idea is not the one of discrediting. It is true that certain forces would like to ridicule what is going on, but in this case (and in many others) there was inspiration about things that are happening which came to being expressed in films then. The writers and producers were inspired to make such ideas known to the public in order for them to be better acceptable later on.

~2)were you and i and my guide speaking a few nights ago, i would very much like you to acknowledge that please.

Z: Yes, with the necessary amount of conditioning and colouring. This is the filter everyone is working through. Everyone can talk to the guides, however, clarity in perception and interpretation is not automatically there. You can read what we answered before to you, as it still applies.

~3)did atlantis sink because of their greed over crystals, or was it that they defied the gods, or is it both. i think you've explained it before though. Oh! and, is atlantis located on earth or is there some sort of portal that leads to another planet where the city was actually located.

Z: 'Atlantis' was brought to an end because the development there was not suitable for the free will of humans to be expressed because they were suppressed. Atlantis was located on earth, spread over various areas. There were other stages of human development not on earth which are sometimes mistaken for atlantis, and some confusion and misinterpretation stems from this.

taom1234: There are certain terms in Divine realms of consciousness that are only known from higher guides. This is why I asked you repeatidly some questions. Would it be correct to assume that you zetas are not from Divine realms of consciousness, but instead are beings who are technologically more advanced than us but not neccesarily spiritualy more advanced than some?

Z: We are the 'next level' above yours, this is why we do not have answers to anything. We have our ways for describing reality and are not so much used to symbolical and mysterical schools where certain meanings are used for a small group of people. It is valid if you ask us such questions and we will answer them from our knowledge, but we cannot take into consideration all systems of thought that have been set up and used. If you focus on the content and not the packaging that should be no problem. We are spiritually more advanced than you, not only technologically. This is why we are in fourth density, with an eye already in the fifth.

I have thinking about all the answers and it seems that you Zetas are learning as we are learning. Are you maybe very developed in your minds but not your hearts, such as many of our scientists? There are so many Alien species perfoming terrible experiments on humans and I sometimes think about our scientist here on earth. If we let them loose in a spaceship they would do the same thing becasue most of them do not have any knowledge or connection with their spritual nature becasue of they way they have been brain washed by their education.

Z: What you say is true. We are learning on our own stage, facing our challenges and overcoming them after time. We neglected parts of us that need to be attended to before we can go further. However, we are not cold or in any sense uncaring. In all the work we are doing at earth at the present, we have a greater aim in view which still leaves room for valueing the individual. It is impossible to progress in confusion and distrust, but there are many beings out there who chose this way, and interact with humans if they are called upon. If you invite alien species of bad orientation to do with you whatever they want, your will is likely to be followed. It is necessary though not to see them as enemies but as the ones who were less lucky on their path and still need time to find their way. We are working with such compassion and respect and would wish that humans develop this attitude on a larger scale.

I am aware of the intergalatic presence protecting our Planet, but at the same time, it seems so many Aliens can do as they please here as well, so I am not sure as too what type of protection is being implemented.

Z: The protection is through your conscious choice. Many unconscious bonds are surfacing and you attract experiences into your life you didn't expect. However, there is protection at all times to ensure that nobody is bothered against his free will, as we have stated before some times. This is a place where you can invite all sorts of influences on your planet, and many are still undecided about their choices because they don't see clearly yet what they are in. If it would be allowed to any groups of beings to just roam throughout the galaxy doing whatever they want, chaos would result. Such activities are made impossible by massive beings who control the general course of evolution and define laws and rules around it. 'Lower' entities just cannot do anything against it. If you can trust in anything, it is that there IS order in this universe.

McArthur: claimed that the poleshift was to happen last year sometime around May/June and were telling people to prepare for a cataclysm etc. Can you please explain how you got this wrong considering all the supposed planning that had gone into this? Do you now have a different date for when the poleshift will happen and when is it?

Z: This date was given purposedly. It was obvious from the available material that no pole-shift would happen at that time. No different date will be given, and we have explained why.

I have heard the excuse that the date will not be given to stop the Governments from misusing this information but if you are here to help humans survive such an event as this then surely you will give as much advance warning as possible wouldnt you?

Z: We can choose between two possibilities: give a date in order to satisfy a few people who have no orientation otherwise. But this would also mean that the governments would use this information in order to murder many millions of people. The other possibility is to trip the goverment up so they lose their power. A few will be disappointed because no date is given, but a date is not necessary in any case. We gave all the warning and information that is necessary to survive the pole-shift, and this still holds true.

p.s. A white lie is still a lie.

Z: Yes. So what? Where the lives of many people are involved, decisions have to be made on how to keep losses at minimum. If you do not agree to this, we don't care.

harlequin_star: ~are zetas, pleaidians,humans, and or anyone else descendents of a single source. .basically, are we all related in a certain sense?

Z: There is one point of creation for everything, as we understand it. The development along the way is complex. Souls form here and there, descend and ascend, races mix and bring up colonies, until you can no longer trace it back easily. But the simple answer to your question is: yes. The zetas, pleiadians and humans are further related by stemming from the same original human form, along with other interactions along the way.

~what is your relationship with the pleiadians?i read this one theory that the pleaidians came to earth and took on human form, and before they left earth there was one who remained and supposedly that was jesus. .have you heard of that, and what is your opinion, please?

Z: The pleiadians have indeed been on earth in human form in many instances. Jesus came from a higher density than the pleiadians. Our relationship with the pleiadians is that we work together on the earth project and that they are also assisting us where we need help and guidance and where they can help us. We are however not as intensely guided as you are and more left to self-exploration and -creation.

FistOfFury: 1. What are your thoughts/opinions on President Bush's presidency regarding terrorism and foreign policy? Do you have any advice for Mr. Bush?

Z: He's causing much damage. He is used as a puppet in many cases and scenarios in order to further polarization and fear. He is for a big part a puppet in a bigger game, but not 'innocent' as he submits to power-games. Our advice would be to step back and reveal what has been done wrong and why.

2. What are your thoughts/opinions on Mel Gibson's new movie "The Passion of The Christ"? Gibson's movie has sparked alot of controversy. Do you believe he is being an anti-semitist?

Z: This question cannot be easily discussed without the 'danger' of tripping on preconceived notions about this whole issue. This is a problematic theme that has been going on for many centuries where much hate and rage has been accumulated on both sides. There is no point in calling people anti-semitic or not as long as the past is not acknowledged with the aim to understand each other and to live in peace in the present. The controversy the film sparked was not so much because of the things that were presented but because of the latent feelings in people which got triggered by that. Antisemitic thoughts are occuring frequently, but not without cause. We don't want to accuse people because you can see who they are through their deeds. The problems with this issue are others than anti-semitic traits in film makers.

2-2. Can you give us any info as to how accurate Gibson's version of the story is in relation to what really happened? (What really did happen?)

Z: Without going into too much details (which would need some more time to research for the channeler until he can fit everything in the background), this version of the story is exaggerated. There were overemphasized roles of various parties in order to make it more suitable for screen presentation, and many images that are traditional and not necessarily true have been relayed. Details on more specific things would need further questions, we can't write a long essay about it this way because of the nature of channeling. What really happened is distorted in the popular view and banished from the popular teachings for the masses, only to be found in minor sources here and there.

3. What are your thoughts/opinions regarding the RIAA's fight against "digital piracy" (MP3 downloading). Will I go to Hell if I download a few MP3's of my favorite band? What about a new song that just came out? Should I stop downloading MP3's?

Z: The root of the problem is that the artists aren't honoured anymore for the products they make. A few get pushed to the top by the commercial mechanisms who are not after good art, but after prestige and influence. While some artists get pushed this way, others do not get the opportunities they would deserve. If artists don't get anything back for the long time they spend in doing their stuff, it gets more and more difficult to earn a living from it. Hell only exists in your mind, but you can choose to support your favourite artists either by alternative ways of distribution that show here and there in order to compensate the artists, or you agree to pay too expensive prices so that eventually a few percent of it reach the original artist. Support alternative ways of distribution of music and show respect for the effort behind it.

4. and last but not least - Are you allowed, and can you give me any information about the soul that was Bruce Lee, specifically his new reincarnation, or any other info?

Z: No, we are not allowed. Different incarnations are to be seen as seperated, and drawing connections between them except for healing purposes serves no aim. Because of this we will not comment substancially on such questions.

Just a little question for our zeta friends : about 2 1/2 hours ago, an earthquake of 5.1 on richter was felt where i live in east of France, and also in Switzerland and in west Germany. It had never happened like this before. Is it one of the major changes that will take place little by little with the upcoming pole shift ?

Z: Yes. Things like this are increasing in frequency and happening in places where it is not common.

Btw, and this is for anyone here, could someone (or even the Zetas themselves if they wish to) could sum up clearly what is going on with the pole shift ? I mean i have read many things on it and it's quite confusing : is it caused bu Nibiru or i don't know which space object or because of some cloud of photons as i've read elsewhere etc ?

Z: The pole-shift is caused by Nibiru, which changes the layout of your earth as it comes through the solar system because of forces that are interacting between those two. The photon belt is something different that effects the earth in a longer time interval. After coming in line with the earth, the photon belt caused a series of phenomenal sun flares in 1987. There is a massive amount written about this already on the internet and in books.

Oh yeas another question for our helpful Zeta friends : do you know about a certain commander Ashtar Sheran who is channeled by Cathy Muller and her group ? I ask for he talks about the same subject as here (ascension of humanity in 2012) but there are some differences, or at least themes that have never been talked about here, so is he a trustful source for you ?

Z: This source is not trustful in our advice. The general ideas are used to get a message across that we see not as beneficial and is misleading.

Mrsix: I'm taking it that alot of the food which will be readily available will be pre-packaged food that has been salvages from stores, etc.. Alot of the packaging of this food is not biodegradeable.. What are your thoughts on this? Should we worry about it? put it all in a pit and burn? I suppose at the end of the day, it's one of our lesser worries, but I was curious all the same :o)

Z: The amount of this is not in any sense significant. There will be lots of other wastes to be cleared up by a coordinated effort, so if you deal at first with this packaging in a way that isn't bad for nature it should be okay. This includes storing it in safe locations until there are means to get rid of it by technology, which will eventually emerge. Burning it is not recommended, as this would be unnecessary stress on the ecology, even if a small amount is burnt.

dfuzer: Well MrSix, while I am not sure myself how much I believe or disbelieve, I would imagine that in the case of a poleshift, given enough time for our "normal" resources to run out, such things as packaging will become extremely important in general survival. Imagine the advantage you have with weather protection etc. with water mostly-impremeable plastics. If you are going to be traveling you will want to "pack" things and possibly preserve certain types of foods. Carrying water will be an issue as well.

Z: Such things will be very beneficial in the beginning. However there must also be long-term aims considered where you build up things from what you have at hand. The knowledge is there on how things must be packaged in order for foot not to rot etc., but it needs also the knowledge on how to do this with little material and little leftovers from the 'old world'. Weather protection can be made from natural products, where cloth can be impregnated by wax, or animal skin can be used in order to fend off water. Creativity will be the only way forward.

taom1234: Can you Zetas Astral Project and do you have direct access to the Akashic Records?

Z: We can astral project, although it is not a regular habit for everyone. We focus on what is to be done in our physical environment, but there is a group that pursues this field intensively in order to learn about it. The awareness about astral projection is spread among all of us. We have monitored access to the akashic records in our function as guides of people and in order to coordinate certain actions we take. This access is monitored by higher level beings.

Why does the Canadian government and so many world governments spray us to death in our skies with Aluminum and petroleum (chem trails). They have essentially ruined our summer skies with filthy clouds and we never get to see many stars anymore becasue of all the haze.

Z: Partly this is done to influence the populace, and to try out chemicals to see what influence they have on the weather. People would often like to control nature instead of cooperating with her. What's more, it's an efficient means of getting rid of toxic substances.  A big part of it is experimenting with weather patterns to see how they can be effected and (hopefully for them) controlled, but this won't be possible.

Is it just me or are most people in this world completely stupid? It does not take much intelligence to notice the chemtrails, yet most people still believe they are normal jet fuel evaporation? What happened to the human race? It is as like most of the people in this world are hypnotized into stupidity and can't reason or think for themselves anymore.

Z: Many people are not used to thinking for themselves. Noticing such trails is not the difficult part, but recognizing them for what they are is. Nobody ever hears about them normally, and wouldn't believe it in any way. Why should the government ever do such things to them? Absolutely unimaginable. Conspiracy theories. - But they have to wake up sooner or later. The sooner the better.

joyrex: The topic of brainwave entrainment has been up also at Astral Pulse forums and I'm interested in this rather newly discovered phenomenon. So, is it beneficial for humans to use these entrainment technology and are there any dangers attached to it? Does it actually work / modify the human brain, or is the effect merely placebo? Does it serve any importance in our general development and is it possible to achieve certain abilities of the mind faster when using it? Do other beings aside humans use this technology of binaural sound and if so, could they confirm or complement the information we have found out about the technology?

Z: It is possible by such techniques to modify the human brain and to bring the awareness into certain states which are linked to the brain patterns. The benefits are known in this, and the dangers are at the moment mostly found in overdoing it. The Zeta use sophisticated means of manipulating brainwaves in order to get subconscious information to people or to get them out of body in order to teach a certain experience or information. This goes beyond the use of sound and uses fine-tuned electromagnetic waves in order to acquire the desired result. This technology is not crucial for development but an interesting addition to it. Abilities like astral travel or meditation can be trained with that if necessary.

Hephaestus: Thankyou for the information Edi, your 'service to others' is greatly appreciated. I shall await the answer to previous questions I asked before asking anymore so as not to overbear you.

E: I'm not sure if this a joke or meant seriously, but I guess you're just teasing me a little :) but then, I dont know you at all. I'm not overbeared, but what I can do is limited and the atmosphere I encounter affects my work.
Z: Take the words as they are written

chill: [Osho...] The guy is dead. Is it possible to channel him ?

Z: No, in general we do not agree on channeling of individuals whose life is finished. It is possible to reach the greater part of what he is, but past lifes are essentially... past, and that's it.

Osho didn't deny that what he presented had contradictions. Of course he was clever. Of course he was not enlightened. Osho was the master of rethoric, but he had many interesting things to say.

Z: This is why we said 'This does not mean he is not wise, or does not know about spirituality'; in this sense the links you posted are a welcome contribution for anyone who would like to know more about him. No matter if the presentation is 'good' or 'wrong', the subjects that are talked about by him are worth discussing. Some find truth and guidance in his words, but we see it only as a starter.

Risu no Kairu: I recall the Zeta saying somerthing about 4D and "Real Time Zone" being similar...

E: Sorry for not coming back to this question earlier.

So, this Fourth Density is where? Between 3D and "Real Time Zone?" In an astral projection people skip 4d and go above it?

Z: No, that's not it. You can see 4d as a tuned-up version of 3d, which is at a higher 'vibration rate' in those terms, where everything has evolved to a higher level. In 4d you are beginning to see non-physical entities more commonly, though, and at 5d you have left behind the physical embodiement. The realm where you experience astral travel can be seen as somewhere around the lower edge of 4d, but not 4d itself. Those projections are subject to what is allowed for people to experience. The mind is free to travel with those restrictions.

Where do these density levels and these "planes" all fit into each other?

Z: Both are a partial description of a continuous spectrum. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that the astral is not a specific density, but a part of 4d - not full 4d though, this is why it is at times so easily manipulated by thought or an area where your imagination can go wild. At a certain level, there is stability where you can call it fourth density. The planes are just 'aspects' of the density levels. The best model at your point of understanding is that the density levels are just different realms with different properties, and the planes are your subjective experiences of parts of those densities, according to the make-up of your being and what is allowed at the time for you to see.

taom1234: Did you Zetas write what is known as "The Urantia Book"?

Z: No.

Hephaestus: Why is there a fleet of ships currently heading toward Earth from Zeta Reticuli?

Z: There isn't.

McArthur: I was wondering why the questions i have asked so far in this thread have not been asnwered. could you explain that for me?

E: I've not had time to attend to those questions until now.

Also you mention that we are 3D beings but we are taught in basic science that we are in fact in 4 dimensions. Time, according to Einstein, is the 4th. Could you comment on this please?

Z: The scientific or mathematical understanding of dimensions is different from the spiritual one. In a mathematical sense, a dimension is best described as a degree of freedom of movement; the dimension of a given vector space is the count of elements in the vector space basis. This is what is taught in basic science, because the calculations in physics use the four properties of matter which you recognize as the 3 coordinates in space and the time coordinate. This model is used to identify certain points in this 4-dimensional vector space, and it is suitable for certain applications in physics. However, this is different from the concept of dimensions or densities as it applies to describe reality in spiritual terms, which includes the description of several different realms of experience. People without mathematical background who are using the term 'dimension' tend to think of it as a certain place, a different universe, or similar, because they don't know the mathematical meaning. So in using this term to describe other realms of existance that have totally different properties to the one you know, confusion can result. This is why the term 'density' is more appropriate, because it avoids confusion and also gives the image of 'dense' and 'fine' shades of reality - it conveys a more suitable implicit meaning.

AstralWiz: I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? I have always thought of God as some sort of being that is in a high plane of existance that we can't actually talk to, but is still there. Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention. So if you could clear this up for me that would be great.

Z: We have already commented on it, but we do not wish to interfere further in this matter. Clearness comes only from examining what there is, not from any outside source that tells you about it. We can only point at things, the questioning and understanding has to come from your side.

rhinegirl: That's why its getting so much attention. WE are trying to discover teh motivations of teh entity in question as well as the motivations of teh channeler.

Z: In this case, judge by the impact on people. You can best 'discover' motivations by interacting.

Hephaestus: Question 1: Lately ive been having bad dreams. Do the Zetas know the reason for this? and what I must do to prevent them in future?

Z: In your 'bad dreams' things are coming up to be experienced which are not let out during the day. The nature of those dreams tells you what it's about. If things are bugging you in your dreams, see what relations you have to them in your daily life. In your case those are symbolical representations which are coming from your inside and have connections to outside circumstances you're not at peace with.

Question 2: Did humanoid life ever exist on the planet Mars? if so what were they like and what happened to them?

Z: Yes, there was humanoid life on mars. They were similar to you in appearance. There were several colonies once who carried out their karmic conflicts and past issues which eventually resulted in the destruction of the ecology and all life there. The souls there eventually came to earth to continue their evolution here. Today, you are still busy as a whole with clearing up those past patterns you carried forward from Mars and other areas.

Question 3: Is it possible for a 3rd density being to ascend (when the photon belt arrives) and bypass the next density levels and go straight to the highest density?

Z: No. Except exceptions who come down from the highest density in order to assist, only to go back later to the place they came from.

Question 4: People often see beings that are often called shaddow beings or shaddow people, the most notable form is a shaddow form of a man in a trench coat wearing a hat who most often stands at the end or side of a persons bed. I have heard these beings have attacked people whilst they lay in bed and other times just stand there and stare at you for long periods of time instilling fear in its victim. What are these shaddow beings? why do they attack people? why do they stand there stareing at you? and how can a person defend against these shaddow beings?

Z: One question: why does someone staring at you instill fear? This is a sign that it is a common psychological occurence where fear is projected outwards. If you think there are lots of evil beings standing besides people's beds all night waiting until they seem them and panick, you are wrong. Interference by 'negs' is not as common as you would like it to be. So the best defense against both projected and real outside 'beings' is to face your fears and your inner unrest. This shadowy beings will cease to appear if you get experienced in introspection in order to make peace with yourself.

Question 5: Who destroyed the tower of Babel? and why?

Z: Most of such towers were destroyed by the Annunaki before they had to leave Earth. The rest was quickly gone in natural cataclysms, as nobody was keeping it up anymore and every wiping of traces was welcome.

Question 6: What are the origins of the Aryan race?

Z: We don't consider them a seperate race. There are several influences to this group of people, resulting from crossbreeding and wandering among the various groups on earth and also the fact that foreign souls incarnated on earth frequently. There is no single origin to anyone. Especially what you call the Aryan race is a mixture of many different souces on earth, and not a single influence from the outside.

Question 7: What being spoke to moses on the mountain?

Z: It was an alien, in modern terms. A spirit guide.
E: Any name?
Z: The name is not important as it would not further understanding.
E: Did the being have a name?
Z: It was given names, but did not present itself with one.

McArthur: Hi, James in another thread says you might be able to get some answers to the following for me Edi if you wouldnt mind?

E: I will do what I can.

I would like information about the Planet the corporeal Pleiadians inhabit. If there is more than one planet just pick any for now.

Z: There are many planets. Earth is one for example.

1. Which star does it circle in the Pleiadian system (i.e. their sun)

Z: The pleiadian system with it's suns supports physical life on many planets. There are always pleiadians who incarnate in the physical, so it is no problem to pick one. This one circles around Alcyone, the central sun.

2. How far away from their sun is their planet.

Z: About 2.8 times the distance sun-earth.

3. What is the angle of their planets axis (i.e. ours is 23.5 degrees).

Z: About 17 degrees.

4. What is the circumference of the planet at its equator.

Z: The planet is bigger than earth, which accounts for about 1.5 times the circumference.

5. Does it have polar ice caps.

Z: Yes.

6. What kind of atmosphere does it have (i.e. what differences if any to Earths).

Z: There is more oxygen in it. Winds are more turbulent in the upper atmosphere, but this is barely remarkable at the surface. The general layout of the atmosphere is similar because plants follow a similar pattern there. Certain elements that are often occuring in this area give the atmosphere a slight purple hue. You have rain, winds and storms there. Weather happens.

7. What seasons does it have (i.e. similar to earths as in Summer, winter etc.)

Z: There are weather changes throughout the 'year', but the populace there doesn't divide it up in seasons as you do.

8. Population size.

Z: About 780 Pleiadians living there.

9. What is the estimated mass of their planet.

Z: 4 times that of the earth, approximately.

10. If there is more than one planet revolving their sun, as in our solar system, how many and how many are inhabited.

Z: We know of 8 planets, where 2 of them are inhabited.

11. Are there any main differences to our planet and what are they.

Z: The planet is very similar to yours. Most of it's makeup is identical, but there are a few elements you don't find on earth. Vegetation is primitive but still evolved, there is little animal life. The main difference is that this planet has a different role in bearing physical life than earth. The purpose there is to reexperience physical sensuality for pleiadian souls who need this in their further journeys.

SilverSlider: I. White Lie vs. misinterpretation.
A. From ZetaTalk

For those of you unfamiliar, the "white lie" was the March 2003 date given for the pole shift by the Zeta. This link provides justification for the "white lie". It basically says that the date was given to show everyone how the world governments would react if an actual date was giv
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: celticmagick909 on March 02, 2004, 23:52:01
Hello Edi, and the Zeta.

First off I have a question.

1. What you would reccomend I should do in order to speed my development? I mean such as in communing with my guides, and with you.

2. Could you tell me anything about the Tuatha De Danann? Anything extraterrestial related? And did any extraterrestial groups have any contact with the Celtic peoples such as the; Druids?

3.  Is this book; The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage, based in fact, and was Lyssa Royal actually channeling alien beings.
4. And my last question. Will the Wisconsin area of the USA be safe during the poleshift?

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Euphoric Sunrise on March 03, 2004, 02:04:22
I purposely haven't asked any questions relating to personal experiences or spiritual growth yet, but i'm now interested to see how they might be answered.

1. The experience my mother told me about, when i was a child and stopped her crossing the road - what was that all about? What actually happened there?

2. Lately, i've had a lapse in the practical side of my spirituality, most notably astral projection. What do you contribute this to, and do you see it as something i need to overcome, or is there a reason i have stopped?

4. I'm a little hazy on the history of human beings. I can't quite get a clear picture of all of the events i've read about. I would just like to get a clear idea of who you think created us, who you think altered our DNA, were we ever actually those multi-dimensional "librarians" i asked about before, and if we were, how long ago was that?
Sorry if that question is a bit unstructured, i did my best [:P]

These are jsut some old questions i don't think i recieved answers to, sorry if i did and just missed them or if they were missed for a reason, but i thought i'd give them another shot:

5. I recently read a book by Whitley Strieber (sp?) called "Communion" where he remembers, through hypnosis, instances where he was abducted. I remember him mentioning something about the image of an owl as a memory he thought was to screen his mind from remembering what really happened. Do these screen memories exist, are they created by the ailens or the humans, and do the Zetas create the memories? If so, is this done so as not to scare the humans?

6. Another question regarding Whitley Strieber: Do you know if he was abducted? If so, was it by the Zeta?

7. I've read abotu instances of triangles in relation to ET experiences. What's the significance of the triad, or the triangle symbol? Is it simply symbolic or does it give off some kind of frequency?

8. Can you give us any information on the 12-strands of DNA mentioned in "Bringers of the Dawn?" I realise this book is channeled by Pleiadians, but i figure you must have some information. What exactly are we capable of with these 12 strands active? Are many human's in the process of being aligned and remembering?

I've just thought of another question. If it's too late, i'll just post later on when i might have som other questions, but i'll just slip it in here for now. Apologies if it's already been answered.

9. The band Tool, especially on their latest album, seem to be heavily influenced by the occult. I've read things like the drummer using the fibonacci sequence in his drumming, and how they organise the instruments so as they form "shapes" (sorry if that's too vague) etc. Does the band do all these things on purpose? Do they have any particular aim in doing so? How does this effect the music (eg. make is more powerful)? Is there any special sequence to listen to the songs on their Lateralus album that does something in particular?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Mrsix on March 03, 2004, 05:03:32
Firstly, thankyou Zeta's for answering all my questions,

and thanks to Edi for Channeling.. keep up the good work! [:)]

I have another question please :o)

I was wondering about music..
What does music say about a person? I write music myself, but I can never really do something different to what I normally write... I only continue to write music in the same style (if that makes sense)
Is it possible for you to listen to the music I have finished writing (incase you're unaware, the finished ones are MP3 on my computer), and tell me what it says about me? Any suggestions? I read on an earlier thread that you enjoy music... how does this music affect you, or does it mean nothing? I like looking for inspiration in different ways, so any suggestions would be marvellous [:)]

Ta muchley :o)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 03, 2004, 08:05:26
Originally posted by Edi
Hephaestus: Thankyou for the information Edi, your 'service to others' is greatly appreciated. I shall await the answer to previous questions I asked before asking anymore so as not to overbear you.

E: I'm not sure if this a joke or meant seriously, but I guess you're just teasing me a little :) but then, I dont know you at all. I'm not overbeared, but what I can do is limited and the atmosphere I encounter affects my work.
Z: Take the words as they are written

I was giving you a compliment and I have noticed you often get a LOT of questions and you dont always have the time to answer them all so I was trying to wait a while before asking further questions. Reading back on it it I guess it does sound rather sarcastic but it was not meant to be.

Further Questions:
1) What is the most powerful weapon the Zetas have? as far as im aware the most powerful weapon humans have is a 100 megaton nuclear weapon. What do the Zetas have?

2) Have the Zetas ever tried to contact me? (and I dont mean through this board via answering my questions in this thread) if not why not, if yes then why?

3) I think I have a damaged right kidney from drinking too much alcohol [;)], is there any way to heal my kidney?

Originally posted by Edi
Hephaestus: How do the Zetas suggest the Israeli / Palestinian situation be resolved? what method should be employed to secure peace between these two nations and peoples?

Z: The only necessary method is: communication. Showing concern for the hurt and needs of the other. If people are heard, they will stop to make themselves heard by other means.

4) Can the Zetas please expand on this with more details on how to deal with the situation.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: rhinegirl on March 03, 2004, 09:49:37
After reading all of the Zetas words. I have determined that the Zetas know extremely little about humanity and are making huge generalizations and assumptions based on huge leaps of faulty reason.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: The Humble Master on March 03, 2004, 11:41:46
Hi Edi and the Zetas, I was wondering, it's all very rosy listening to people like Edi talk for you, but I was wondering if you could ask the Zetas if it is possible to learn how to speak to them ourselves. I would love to talk with these beings and learn from them.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 03, 2004, 11:45:22
Originally posted by The Humble Master

Hi Edi and the Zetas, I was wondering, it's all very rosy listening to people like Edi talk for you, but I was wondering if you could ask the Zetas if it is possible to learn how to speak to them ourselves. I would love to talk with these beings and learn from them.

I think you should be aware that opening yourself up to these entities is giving them an open invitation - one that is unlikely to be able to be closed.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on March 03, 2004, 13:47:51
You seem to treat the ability to have an out of body experience as a novelty that has no real use. Isn't that how all of this  came about, though? A Zeta guide tried to get a group of people to  project?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: silentjohn on March 03, 2004, 18:22:40

1. What you would reccomend I should do in order to speed my development? I mean such as in communing with my guides, and with you.

Just do it. Exist. Period.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on March 03, 2004, 20:33:14
I would like to (maybe rather oddly) request some information on the star Rigel from the Orion constellation.

1) How many, if any, planets orbit this star?

2) Are there any planets revolving around Rigel that are currently housing an intelligent form of life? If so, which planet would this be, counting from the inside?

3) Are there other stars revolving around Rigel itself?

4) Is there any direct relation between anything from the Rigel System and our solar system, or has there ever been?

Thanks in advance [:)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 04, 2004, 07:51:13
Originally posted by Edi
halfphased: Is the United States headed for a civil war or major shift in power structure in 2004/2005?

Z: Major shift in power structure? Yes, this is about to happen.

Yes its called the November elections. LMAO
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: FistOfFury on March 04, 2004, 21:50:42
Hi, some more questions if you don't mind :)


Z: Different incarnations are to be seen as seperated, and drawing connections between them except for healing purposes serves no aim.

1. I don't understand the "except for healing purposes" part, can you elaborate on what you mean by that?

2. & - Fraud or Prophet? I believe he has predicted some of the things he claims to have predicted, but I'm not entirely sure. Sollog claims to be a prophet of God, what does a prophet of God need with money? (his site is heavily commercialized, no?).
2-2. Where's he getting his prophecies/info from? And how seriously should I take the warnings? If any of them are real, which ones?  I have trouble taking someone seriously if his forum messenger (biblio) "pretends" to be sincere about the warnings by writing them out in a forum post, and telling everyone to warn everyone, and then at the end of, or throughout the entire post, he continually curses and makes fun of/mock people or things that are happening, all while reminding people to not forget to donate.
2-3. Sollog warns "ISRAEL - ROME - DC - TO BE NUKED" on his homepage. True or False?
2-4. I've heard rumours he creates the earthquakes he predicts through some sort of EM wave machine device that he either made himself or from aliens he is in contact with (if so, what species? Negative Zeta?)
2-5. I heard he's insane? And that biblio (the guy who posts his warning in his forum) is really him. And that he is also Nikkee. True or False?

3. Are you similiar to the Vulcans in Star Trek as far as the subject of emotions go? Or are the Vulcans more similiar to what you were like during the time period when you were trying to remove emotions from yourselves? The Vulcans feel inside, but are not able to show it externally, or suppress the feelings physically (I guess this is what it was like for you long ago).

Thanks in advance.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Risu no Kairu on March 05, 2004, 07:33:56
Who'd win in a spar? Vegitto or Gojita? If they both stay in their unSuper Saiyajin forms, that is.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: The Humble Master on March 05, 2004, 10:13:02
Yes, I know that these entities are really spiritual and stuff but I would still like to commune with them. Someone who has a connection with the Zetas, please ask them if they could teach me how to telepathically talk to them.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 05, 2004, 11:26:45
Originally posted by The Humble Master

Yes, I know that these entities are really spiritual and stuff but I would still like to commune with them. Someone who has a connection with the Zetas, please ask them if they could teach me how to telepathically talk to them.

If you read the whole thread and Mayatnik's pendulum article available here on AP, you will have everything you need to get started developing telepathy (which is then used to contact the Zeta).

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Kalonek on March 06, 2004, 05:00:52
A HUUUGE thank you to Edi for having taken the time to channel those long answers to my questions :D It's really nice from you !
An of course the same thank you for the zetas who are channeled here, for having anserwed so well my questions :)

I'm thinking of other questions, i got a few ones in my head, i'll put them soon [:P]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Rahloom on March 06, 2004, 18:05:32
Some questions for the Zetas:
1)Is war as we know it unavoidable?  or is it possible to stop it, how people are at the moment, without everyone having a huge spiritual growth spurt?
2)Did I channel the 2 seperate beings that they claimed to be?  Were they truthful?

Thanks a lot.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on March 06, 2004, 20:19:27
Greetings all!
Thak you Edi, Perna and Zeta! Great job!

Q: I am a bit confused right now. Planet X is almost 5 times bigger then Earth and it is between sun and earth. And I still can't see it with my naked eye. How come? I know that its direction is where our sun is. But we still should see it in some how, as earth is orbiting around the sun this shouldn't be a problem.

Q: Can you give us some prophecy about the 3 nearest coming years? Any Events that would be very important for us all.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Devneil on March 07, 2004, 04:26:09
Yes, like Kalonek said : a Huge thanks to Edi and Zetas ! keep your chin up ! ;)
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: bentheogen on March 09, 2004, 00:49:08
What would I see if I was inside a spherical mirror (due to all of the reflections, providing there was a light source of course)?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Michael_E on March 09, 2004, 12:16:48
Hello Edi,

What do the Zeta think about these statements from:

1) Q. What about Grays and other aliens seen on Earth ?
A. There are some races of people on a similar level of mentality to ours, visiting us on Earth. Michel was given telepathic permission from Thiaoouba in 1995 to talk about Grays in front of TV cameras in the USA. Gray people are from a "planet of sorrows" too, and on their own planet they have completely lost their immune system, as a consequence of their "civilized" activities. Simply speaking they are going extinct very quickly.

They have the technology to come to Earth and they come here to watch the reactions of our immune system, because we just started loosing ours in 1948. They hope, that by observing our reactions they can help themselves. They have implanted about 150 people world-wide (not 5 million as some say) with monitoring devices. People from Thiaoouba watch this activity too and clearly say that there is no danger.

2)Q. There are tons of info on Grays, Reptilians, Plaedians, TauCetis, Cassiopeans, Arcturians, Andromidans etc. on almost every Web site I visit but nothing on the Thiaooubans ?
A. There are many ways to distort the truth. People on Earth are busy amusing themselves with theories, fairy tales and scary stories - they are not yet ready for Reality... By the way, Thiaoouba is The most frequently used word in the Bible.

Translators twisted it from Hebrew as Yehova. You have to admit that this word has been known on Earth for thousands of years...

In particular, the "angel of God" in the first contact with Moses demanded to be called Thiaoouba (Yehova) ''for generations to come''. This demand is still recorded in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament (Torah). Priests soon distorted this and now Hebrew people are not even allowed to pronounce this name (!!!)

God is God and YHWH is Thiaoouba - the name of the planet, on which everyone is at least as evolved as Moses, Buddha or Jesus.

3)"Telepathic (mind-to-mind) communication is not only possible, but it is an observable reality. Every dog can do it - just ask an intelligent and observable dog owner. I try to practice telepathy at every opportunity and I find it very inspiring.

However, telepathically received information is not necessarily better than any other. Just as any medium of communication - it can be misused to push propaganda and misinformation.

Individuals who use "mediumships" are quite primitive in the scale of the Universe. They can only impress total ignorants, like some of us on Earth.

Truly evolved entities (including our own Higher Selves) find more intelligent ways to communicate. Their messages do not negate Observable Reality in any way, are not self-contradicting, and do not interfere with our Freedom of Choice and Freedom of Thought in any way. If you use these criteria, you will be able to distinguish the diamond in the pile of clutter. "[Tom Chalko]

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 09, 2004, 13:24:51
Originally posted by Michael_E

3)"Telepathic (mind-to-mind) communication is not only possible, but it is an observable reality. Every dog can do it - just ask an intelligent and observable dog owner. I try to practice telepathy at every opportunity and I find it very inspiring.

However, telepathically received information is not necessarily better than any other. Just as any medium of communication - it can be misused to push propaganda and misinformation.

Individuals who use "mediumships" are quite primitive in the scale of the Universe. They can only impress total ignorants, like some of us on Earth.

Truly evolved entities (including our own Higher Selves) find more intelligent ways to communicate. Their messages do not negate Observable Reality in any way, are not self-contradicting, and do not interfere with our Freedom of Choice and Freedom of Thought in any way. If you use these criteria, you will be able to distinguish the diamond in the pile of clutter. "[Tom Chalko]

The following is based on my personal experiences in the Zeta/telepathy project and is a combination of my own perceptions and information that my guide felt was relevant:

Every human being uses telepathy every single day of their lives, hundreds or even thousands of times a day.  Every time you think of somebody (consciously or unconsciously), you are sending and receiving telepathic communications from them.  "Telepathy" is not this huge mystical ability that only special people can "achieve".  We ALL have it.  The only question is whether any given person's belief system allows them to CONSCIOUSLY perceive what is communicated, and to what extent that person's belief systems blocks or scrambles what they have received during and after the information has entered their conscious minds here on Earth.

Once you understand that telepathy is just as natural a communication process as talking and listening verbally, it becomes obvious that telepathically received information is not necessarily any "better" than information received through reading or talking.  Just like a book or regular conversation, the QUALITY depends on how much the author/speaker knows, how well they are able to articulate it, and the listening skills of the recipient.  

For example: If you are a racially predjudiced person, and you read a book about Martin Luther King, and then tell your best friend about that book...odds are EXTREMEMLY high that your description of that book will be very different from a non-racially predjudiced person describing that exact same book to their friend.  The same thing happens with telepathy.  It's just another form of normal communication, with it's own advantages and disadvantages.  

Furthermore, the accuracy each of these people may demonstrate while transmitting the information in the Book about Martin Luther King will not necessarily reflect the accuracy they would demonstrate when transmitting information about quantum physics or child psychology.  The tendency we have when we hear information that originates from non-physical sources is that it must either be 100% perfect or it is all a hoax or "dangerous lies" perpetrated by "negs".  The truth is that "errors" can come through for a variety of reasons.  Usually when this happens, the receiver's belief system cannot accept a specific piece of information without altering it somehow.  Often this happens unconsciously on the part of the receiver and they are not even aware they are doing this.  Sometimes these "inaccuracies" are a result of how the same general idea/event can be perceived differently by the entity sending the information (just like two people on earth can see the same event and describe it differently).  For any of you who have travelled astrally, you will know that there are often "reality fluctuations" where events you perceive do not match 100% the same events perceived from the physical, even though most of the information does match.  Now imagine that you (taking the role of the non-physical being trying to share this information with a human) described those experiences to a friend (the channeller or telepathic human) and they in turn write this down or tell someone else about it.  When this happens, it does not necessarily mean your entire astral experience and everything you have ever said your entire life is worthless or that you are a "neg" because you "lie" to people.  Neither does it mean that your friend who tries to faithfully relate your experiences to others is a fraud, liar, or idiot.  You have to remember that non-physical entities are not perfect and neither are the people who consciously communicate with them.  Just use your common sense and innate sense of truth...treat what they say the same way as you would treat what anybody else sais.  Take and be thankful for anyting of value and let the rest go without judging them.

Thoughts and ideas are literally living energetic entities with their own sentience that flows into and out of "you" much like oxygen when you take a breath.  For a while they merge with you, just like the oxygen you breath, and when they have served their purpose they are released and continue to exist outside of you.

Any talking about some form of communication being "primitive" is meaningless.  A megaphone is "primitive" compared to a digital wireless phone, but if you are trying to talk to someone who is in an area with no wireless communication coverage or who doesn't have their wireless phone with them, it is still a viable communication option.  At the time mediumship and channelling were so popular, it was because that was a form of communication that worked with the combined abilities of the speakers and listeners in the operational conditions prevailing at that time.  The value of the information is not dictated by the form of communication that was used to deliver it.  A book is primitive too, but that has little to do with the value of its content.

In short, it is not the manner in which the communication is received that determines its quality.  It is the quality of the sender and how badly blocked and distorted that information is by the belief systems of the receiver.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 13, 2004, 10:17:11
10 days since the last channelling, 10 days! [xx(] Enough to make a man go loopy waiting. [;)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on March 13, 2004, 14:46:22
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 13, 2004, 17:57:02
Originally posted by Hephaestus

10 days since the last channelling, 10 days! [xx(] Enough to make a man go loopy waiting. [;)]

I don't think Edi plans to continue posting here.  The last I spoke with him a little over a week ago, he said that he was done working here.  When I asked why, he said that some of his recent posts would explain why he was tired of working here on AP.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on March 14, 2004, 00:57:48
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 14, 2004, 01:13:49
Well that's just weak, enough people supporting them to continue, but I guess whiteout the total devotion of the entire astral pulse they won't go on.  

I think at times to there was indeed too much complaining about this channeling's, but now they are making it sound that everyone was against them. I guess they just couldn't take the heat and ran out of the kitchen.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Euphoric Sunrise on March 14, 2004, 04:20:55
If that's the case, then i have to say that i too am disappointed. Sure, there were some unnecessary posts by some members, but there were still positive contributions. It seems that the channeling team has chosen to focus on the negative aspects rather than the positive. Did they expect to be completely accepted and embraced by the entire AP community? That's very unrealistic.

I'm still very greatful for what the team has done for us, and the opportunities and benefits they have given us who have chosen to listen to the information, regardless of it's source. I can't help but feel let down, though.

I can't say i know what it's like to be in their situation, but i can say that amongst all the negativity they recieved, they were recieving at least as much positive feedback and support for the continuation and growing of the channelings.

Well, whatever happens, good luck to the channels and hopefully we'll see you around here again some time, channeling or not.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 14, 2004, 14:00:37
Originally posted by MJ-12

One thing's for sure, his true colours sure came out. Show him the slightest bit of backbone or skepticism and out comes the fanatical defense of his absolutist beliefs.

To the best of my knowledge, it was never the "questioning" that bothered any of these people.  It was the oftentimes snide, cynical, and sometimes outright hostile way many (not all) of these "questions" were delivered.  If you look back over the content of many of these posts objectively, it's difficult to ignore the fact that the valid points contained in them could have frequently been expressed just as truthfully in much more kind and respectful ways than they often were.

Maybe you could argue they "should" have been above having their feelings hurt by posts that were expressed in a more aggressive or even hostile manner.  A lot of times in life I wish I was above having my feelings hurt too, but it doesn't always work that way for me, especially when my energy is low.

Personally I am sad to see them go, but I can also understand wanting to find a place to work with a little less hostility (not less questions).  Above all I am thankful for having gotten to know them and I enjoyed their work while it was available.  In this world, everything passes eventually...

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: no_leaf_clover on March 14, 2004, 14:11:17
I am disappointed at how they missed my last few questions. They did tell me, after all, that every single question we would post here would eventually be answered. Though they would obviously have to stop at some point, they didn't even give us as much as a fair warning.

If they do decide to stop posting here, anyone who has any further questions I suppose could start an account at the other forum. I guess I will for my last few questions. And if they are leaving, the only thing we have lost here is our privelege of getting answers by request from channeled beings.

I think the most important thing for all of us to remember is this: strange things may very well be heading our way in the future and we should be prepared just in case. More explicitly, if the world stops spinning, pack your bags and head out into the mountains or somewhere else that will be safe from the oncoming storm.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 14, 2004, 16:30:59
Although I respect their wishes to no longer post their channelings here and am sad they are no longer going to channel for us I at least would have liked them to answer the questions posed recently by board members which have gone unanswered, before ceasing to post here. I think it rather rude on their part to simply walk away without first answering remaining questions and then explaining they wernt posting anymore. [|)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on March 15, 2004, 00:21:54

Mayatnik says:

"The site that, on the wishes of our guides, we were channelling on was controlled by a large majority following of Robert Bruce the writer of 'Psychic Defence' and other books, and Bruce was the founder of the that site, the Astral Pulse. There was massive, rampant negativity on that site and fear underlined everything in the way that members thought there, fear of 'negs', fear of 'spirits' in general, mistrust of all that would seem to challenge the beliefs of Robert Bruce's teachings. So, it became obvious to us that those attacks would continue unabated – and for that reason our guides told us that channelling was to be withdrawn from that site. There was no more we could do there, since our guides' message of Love was not being listened to. Channeling is for <information>, not to be 'believed' but to be openly and positively discussed to gain a higher perception of the reality of things. When minds are closed then there can be no growth. So, it was that we were brought to this site here, the Spiritual Oracle."

Well i for one mistrust entities that lie and give out disinformation and false prophecies. I've been reading that site and almost every post is putting down the Astral Pulse because of its "negativity".

But it also seems from what i have read that over on those boards there are also some that may get tarnished with that same brush for they seem to be asking hard questions also.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Colin on March 15, 2004, 02:48:23
The utter hypocrisy of Mayatnik's statement is truly astounding. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: FistOfFury on March 15, 2004, 05:06:33
Well, some of you guys were just being obnoxious and downright rude, (and for what reason, I'm still trying to figure it out) and weren't properly using the thread for what it was created for. There's a reason there was an entirely seperate thread called "For DISCUSSIONS of ZETA's ANSWERS."

Yeah, they set up a thread to help people understand the bigger picture by answering people's questions, whether it was real or not is irrelavant, they just wanted to help with whatever info they could give out in hopes that open-minded folk would listen, or enjoy the story, then they get attacked over and over by paranoid folk for no real good reason other then to be annoying, or beat their hairy simian chests in some stupid immature proving grounds of trying to debunk them cuz of some paranoid silly neg belief, (entirely off-topic, and no one really cared, so stfu please), then of which like half of the posts weren't even serious or on-topic, then they leave because you guys insist on being so negative, rude, and trying to prove whatever so and so, then you guys whine like babies because they left....yeah, I don't blame them for getting ticked and leaving......
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 15, 2004, 05:08:40
"The site that, on the wishes of our guides, we were channelling on was controlled by a large majority following of Robert Bruce the writer of 'Psychic Defence' and other books, and Bruce was the founder of the that site, the Astral Pulse. There was massive, rampant negativity on that site and fear underlined everything in the way that members thought there, fear of 'negs', fear of 'spirits' in general, mistrust of all that would seem to challenge the beliefs of Robert Bruce's teachings. So, it became obvious to us that those attacks would continue unabated – and for that reason our guides told us that channelling was to be withdrawn from that site. There was no more we could do there, since our guides' message of Love was not being listened to. Channeling is for <information>, not to be 'believed' but to be openly and positively discussed to gain a higher perception of the reality of things. When minds are closed then there can be no growth. So, it was that we were brought to this site here, the Spiritual Oracle."

OMG! What a generalization!    I'm sure in fact that they got a lot of support and reasonable questions here - that didn't necessary came influenced by Robert Bruce belief system (Did he even gave us a belief system?!?) - , but now they are putting down the whole astral pulse, I feel betrayed!

And they didn't even let us know they left or why, we had to hear it read on another forum, while they were putting us down! Such impoliteness!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 15, 2004, 05:14:49
Yeah, they set up a thread to help people understand the bigger picture by answering people's questions, whether it was real or not is irrelavant, they just wanted to help with whatever info they could give out in hopes that open-minded folk would listen, or enjoy the story, then they get attacked over and over by paranoid folk for no real good reason other then to be annoying, or beat their hairy simian chests in some stupid immature proving grounds of trying to debunk some paranoid neg belief, (entirely off-topic, and no one really cared, so stfu please), then of which like half of the posts weren't even serious or on-topic, then they leave because you guys insist on being so negative, rude, and trying to prove whatever so and so, then you guys whine like babies because they left....yeah, I don't blame them for getting ticked and leaving......

I do blame them for not being honest!

And I blame you for having a black and white view and in this case only black!
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on March 15, 2004, 12:01:18
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nay on March 15, 2004, 13:03:23
I will admit I was surprised by his anger towards me, when I have done nothing but try and support him.  I agree, he can find faults in others but is unwilling or unable to recognize any faults of his own....

I'm really too tired to go looking up every log or post to get my point across to him, so eh...I am done with it.  Life is like that, guess I have learned everything I needed to learn from him.

Thanks MJ-12 [^] I was feeling a tad alone there, appreciate your comments.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 15, 2004, 13:05:10
The best lie is the one closest to the truth, this is how Mayatnik works. Whit a little exaggeration and subtle manipulation of the facts he makes it look like a great injustice has been done to him and his partners. It sounds very reasonable for people who are not fully aware of the facts or have the desire to belief him.

It does make you think why such a person is channeling, why he is chosen. This doesn't mean what he does is a hoax, he could just be a human being caught up in his faults without realizing it, but it is something to take into consideration.

And nay, I want to say you had every right to say what you did, you said in all honesty and it is not Mayatnik's place to judge you.

Akensain Love and Light, just from me, [;)]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nay on March 15, 2004, 13:42:14
Thank you very much Akensai [:D][:I]

My intentions were not to upset him, I really didn't think before typing that out, not that I would change what I said, just would have done it in private.  

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 15, 2004, 14:05:22
Perhaps to post it in public was not the most polite thing to do, but I'm glad you did, the post had a lot of value both in what it said and the reaction it provoked. For this reason I'm generally in favor to have things in the open, even at the risk of having thing getting out of hand. Although I can think of situations where it would be better to handle things in private, but I don't think that was case this time, as your post said what a lot of us are thinking.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 15, 2004, 14:36:18
All this energy is spent trying to find fault, to blame, and to "prove" someone else is "wrong" and/or I am "right".

Never in my life have I ever accomplished anything of "value" during my own attempts to judge.  I have hurt others and myself, I have created feelings of self righteousness and self guilt, I have temporarily diverted my attention away from my own lessons and thereby distracted myself from working through them and delayed making any real progress.

I think we should simply ask ourselves, is anyone really deriving any benefit from all this?  Then decide for yourself if our time and energy is well spent in this direction...

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Nay on March 15, 2004, 15:05:25
Originally posted by Soulfire

All this energy is spent trying to find fault, to blame, and to "prove" someone else is "wrong" and/or I am "right".

Never in my life have I ever accomplished anything of "value" during my own attempts to judge.  I have hurt others and myself, I have created feelings of self righteousness and self guilt, I have temporarily diverted my attention away from my own lessons and thereby distracted myself from working through them and delayed making any real progress.

I think we should simply ask ourselves, is anyone really deriving any benefit from all this?  Then decide for yourself if our time and energy is well spent in this direction...


Not quite sure whom you are directing this comment to it is kinda vague and fluffy.  

Maya has called me a friend for months, we have laughed and yes cried together on messenger.  That reaction that I got from him, was not that of a friend. [V]  

I now am ashamed that I was "fooled" into thinking I was  more to him than dirt on his shoes.  I did not even think my post was that bad..really..what did I say to warrent that kind of lashing?  I think he got that angry because what I said was true, period.  

He did make me feel like he wanted me to do something about the negative posts towards the thread!  yeah, ok he didn't come straight out and say it but instead of us talking about something else all he wanted to do was whine about the people that didn't like what was going on.  He wouldn't even say, hey Nay hows it going?  it would be him saying "I can't believe these people..etc.."  

Hehehe..*deep breath*  now I am getting all worked up..  I just feel so used now..ugh.  Maybe some of you can relate.  You have a friend that calls you friend then acts like you are the enemy and treats you like crap...not fun.[:(]

Well, maybe this will help me get over it, thought I was...but I was wrong there! [:P]

Calgon..take me away!!!!!!  (old commercial about bubble bath..hehe)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Hephaestus on March 15, 2004, 16:36:07
Mayatnik is a big headed buffoon, he's that wrapped up in his own little world he thinks he knows everything and knows whats best for everyone and he doesnt even like to acknowledge hes no more enlightened than the rest of us - the fact he channels entities gives him an even bigger head than he already has and in my humble opinion the Zetas should consider finding someone else to be their Earth contact as he is FAR from a suitable candidate for sending out the messages of the Zetas to humankind.
You can tell just by reading his posts he considers himself above everyone else (that can be picked up on by the lengths of his posts) and considers he knows more than anyone else and thinks he knows everything when he doesnt.
Often when reading his posts I cant help but think to myself 'what a load of tripe' because most of the stuff he comes out with hes either taken from other websites around the internet or hes made up on the spot, he preaches stuff about learning from others, and we are here to learn  etc and im like well duh huh! it doesnt take einstein to work this stuff out. I dont need Mayatnik telling me how to grow spiritually and I dont need him preaching to me how he knows best.

Im sorry but this had to be said.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on March 15, 2004, 17:19:01
I would just like to say here that i feel that Mayatnik is sincere in the things he does and is passionate about what he feels his calling. And i realize that some of my posts have indeed been confrontatinal. I have certain reasons for that i won't go into but i hold no bad feelings towards you personally Mayatnik. Therefore i will now publically apologize to you (if you read this) for any words of mine that may have hurt you and hope your path leads you where you wish to be. Safe travels and be well.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: halfphased on March 15, 2004, 23:09:38
I can understand all of the reactions that the following statements will inspire.  However, I believe I am writing from a very caring and loving state.  I may be shown that this is not so.

Just shake it off.  Sit comfortably and breath and then take a good look at these posts.  Look at what is being done and how you are getting caught up in all of this.  and breath and see and be and know and then be love be understanding and let go.  If they wish to go, let them.  But send them packing with a nice warm loving lunch and enjoy the knowledge that you have shared.  You have all been pushed in new directions and shown things about the universe and yourself and enjoy that.  

The soapbox is now available for the next poster

Peace my friends
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WhiteLight on March 16, 2004, 11:45:43

An entertaining thread that's for sure!

It's all here: Messiah complexes, people easily lead, self delusion, blind faith and a few wry ol' wind-up merchants[;)]

Seriously though, I feel things like this have been going around for a long time and they lack any real crediblity because there is no proof; proof is not offered and the request for proof is frowned upon.

I am a spiritual fella and my searching has been rewarded with proof. 100% undeniable proof. I have seen and heard spirit and their activities. I have visited some very good mediums who have filled me with sheer joy due to their accuracy and the links they have made - 100%, without a shadow of a doubt proof.

This stuff? I am not sure: A wind-up? Self delusion? Mental illness? Dark entities? The truth? Who knows?

People that I know accept that I am a bit 'weird'. My family and friends etc. And they are often surprised when I say "oh, I don't believe in that". Them: " what do you think about astrology?" Me: " I don't believe in it, it doesn't interest me. I am not interested in fortune telling, I am interested in spiritulality" Them: " Yeh but you believe in that kinda stuff, You believe any of that kinda stuff don't you?" Me: " No I don't. I don't go on blind faith, I go on personal experience and empirical evidence, not conjecture and hear say"

What I am trying to say to some of you guys, demand proof from spirit, they won't mind and in fact they will welcome it if they are of the light and working for God. Do not be afraid to ask awkward questions - ask them.

Anyway, I'll let you good people crack on.
All the Best
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 16, 2004, 12:30:58
Originally posted by WhiteLight

Seriously though, I feel things like this have been going around for a long time and they lack any real crediblity because there is no proof; proof is not offered and the request for proof is frowned upon.

What I am trying to say to some of you guys, demand proof from spirit, they won't mind and in fact they will welcome it if they are of the light and working for God. Do not be afraid to ask awkward questions - ask them.

I think anybody who has consciously experienced non-physical beings feels like we have our own "proof", but what works fine as our own personal proof is not anybody else's proof.  I don't feel anybody was "frowning upon" anybody's need for proof, but rather that one person cannot necessarily "give" another person "proof" - often we must find our own proof.

For me, as I spent time with the pendulum and then later the guides and Zeta, I have had many "A-ha" moments where I realized exactly what was happening and why, and it all suddenly made sense on many levels I did not previously understand.  I think a relationship with spiritual entities is just like a relationship with a physical entity.  You start off with enough trust to be willing to allow the experience to happen, letting go of your fears as much as you can, but being careful to use common sense and follow your own sense of "rightness".  Then, as you spend time and "get to know" these spiritual beings, the depth of the relationship grows and you adjust your levels of trust according to what you are comfortable with.  Just like any other relationship you've ever had.

Maybe I am wrong, but I strongly suspect that all this "proof" you speak of would mean much less to anybody else than it does to you personally.  I doubt your proof would be my proof for instance.  I would also suspect that if you had not taken any steps of your own because you had at least enough faith to take some initial steps, that you would not have any of the "proof" you do now.

For me, it helps a lot if I quit thinking of these beings as "aliens".  That word (to me) has a lot of negative connotations (language and conditioning are very powerful).  I just think of them as spiritual beings (as we ALL are).  "Aliens" is just a label, and the conditioning of our culture has warped the perception of that label so that it barely resembles the reality behind what it refers to.

I think we have a tendency to believe non-physical beings are so completely different (and thus of course much more dangerous) than ourselves, because we have simply forgotten that we are also non-physical multi-dimensional beings ourselves...with only a small fraction of our experience being rooted in what we now perceive as the physical.  You can use the same common sense to meet and become friends with a non-physical being as you would doing the same with any human being.  In fact, each of us is already in contact with spiritual beings almost constantly without being consciously aware of it.  The only difference is whether or not we choose to expand our awareness enough to become conscious of what is already happening.  :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WhiteLight on March 16, 2004, 13:44:17
Maybe I am wrong, but I strongly suspect that all this "proof" you speak of would mean much less to anybody else than it does to you personally. I doubt your proof would be my proof for instance. I would also suspect that if you had not taken any steps of your own because you had at least enough faith to take some initial steps, that you would not have any of the "proof" you do now.

Exactly[^] exactly what I am driving at.

For me, as I spent time with the pendulum and then later the guides and Zeta, I have had many "A-ha" moments where I realized exactly what was happening and why, and it all suddenly made sense on many levels I did not previously understand. I think a relationship with spiritual entities is just like a relationship with a physical entity. You start off with enough trust to be willing to allow the experience to happen, letting go of your fears as much as you can, but being careful to use common sense and follow your own sense of "rightness". Then, as you spend time and "get to know" these spiritual beings, the depth of the relationship grows and you adjust your levels of trust according to what you are comfortable with. Just like any other relationship you've ever had.

Tell me...would you be so willing to step into a physical alien spacecraft on trust alone? And in a more down to Earth sense, would you be willing to leave you front door open and let any stranger in off the street?

With Respect and Humility
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 16, 2004, 14:32:57
Tell me...would you be so willing to step into a physical alien spacecraft on trust alone?

Perhaps. Probably not though.

And in a more down to Earth sense, would you be willing to leave you front door open and let any stranger in off the street?

No, because unlike whit the aliens ill know what the strangers will do, they will robe my of everything in my house! [:P]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WhiteLight on March 16, 2004, 14:49:24
Lol Akensai[:I]

I am sure you are aware of the dangers of letting lower entities in though. The main reason for not using Ouija boards.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 16, 2004, 15:12:53
Originally posted by WhiteLight

Tell me...would you be so willing to step into a physical alien spacecraft on trust alone? And in a more down to Earth sense, would you be willing to leave you front door open and let any stranger in off the street?

I would not do anything by "trust alone" unless my personal experience made me feel that level of trust was valid.  I will always try to offer anyone "enough" trust to give them a "fair chance" and try to be as objective as possible when dealing with them.  I say "try" because sometimes I still don't succeed as well as I would like.  I also believe that there is nothing wrong with a healthy level of caution and common sense.  

In MY perception however, many people live very fearfully and perceive or excuse that fear as "healty" caution.  For example, I feel that my country (the USA) attacking Iraq was a fear based action that caused more long-term harm than good, even though many people sincerely believed it was just an unfortunate, but nontheless "healthy" necessity.  I perceive many of the comments directed towards the Channelers and Zeta here similarly.  I also admit these are only my opinions and do not claim to necessarily be "right".

For me it is a simple choice: How do I feel when I am doing something, why am I doing it?  If I do something (say writing a post here) with minimal self-interest, and feel a sincere sense of love and contribution when I am writing it, I feel it is "right" for me to do so.  If on the other hand I feel angry, frustrated, a sadistic sense of "pleasure" when I am doing it, or realize my primary motive is to appear smart or wise, etc. - then I try to realize honestly what is happening inside me and just stop and let it go.  I then ask myself WHY I was feeling that way, what belief(s) do I have that make part of me want to do this when I now see that it was not as constructive or loving as I would like to be?

I find myself making these mistakes A LOT!  I used to kind of beat myself up when I did and feel like a "bad person".  Now I realize it is just a golden opportunity grow and make better, more conscious decisions.  

The guides that I became conscious of as a result of working with Mayatnik and Edi helped me learn all this, or at least to become much more conscious of it.  Before that I would catch myself doing something less than ideal, then think "oh that sucks I don't want to be like that", and then quit trying to look at it most of the time because it made me feel lousy.  Rarely if ever would I recognized or address the deeper issues (usually simple false beliefs) that were causing the problem.  This is one small concrete example of how my own personal experience with this group has helped me in a meaningful way.  Everyone has different lessons and needs, and this has simply been one of mine.

I am not trying to say that this will be the right way for everyone, because in my opinion that is simply unrealistic.  I am saying that I personally found something beautiful and valuable by working with them, and that I am very thankful for their help and friendship.  :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WhiteLight on March 16, 2004, 16:21:07
Good luck to you anyway. Been nice talking to you.[:)]

Be careful, stay safe.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on March 16, 2004, 20:48:04
Originally posted by Soulfire

I think we have a tendency to believe non-physical beings are so completely different (and thus of course much more dangerous) than ourselves,

I think that this is the exact opposite in the New Age movement, especially those just starting out on their path seeking spiritual answers etc. Rather than believing non-physical beings may be "dangerous" as you put it, there is the tendency to believe anything any non-physical being says.

This is because of the general belief that if its a spirit it must be from "Heaven" and/or more highly advanced than ourselves. Or maybe even an angel, or two. I would hazard a guess that not many even consider what kind of "non-physical" being it is because of the "glamour" of actually contacting a non-physical being. At least that is what happened to me and it seems to be what happens generally from the research i have done. I was so awestruck when i made my first contact with a spirit i didnt even for a second consider it may be in any way bad. It has that "WOW!" factor to it.

Unfortunately, some of the lower astral types know this and use that "WOW!" factor to decieve many. I'm not saying this happens *all of the time* and/or all spirits are bad. But that it does happen, and ive been through it myself. And because i have been through that kind of deception (and torture), and also have been mind-to-mind with a few demons, i know how they work more than anyone who hasnt had that experience. And i say that not to make myself look more knowledgable as in "Oh i know more than you or him or blah blah", but because its simply the truth. This is why i say that trying to contact spirits via the Quija board or the Pendulum (which is no different regardless what anyone says. Also *note) or opening yourself up for chanelling its extremely dangerous unless you know what you are doing and at least know some basic Psychic Self-Defense *just in case*. If you accidentily open up to a neg, just telling it to go will rarely work depending what type of neg it is.

In the Occult community experienced magicians do make contact with spirits. But they also make sure they are within a protected magic circle first.

*note: The pendulum is a great tool for divination etc but associating its movement to an "outside of oneself" entity rather than to your subconscious or a higher part of yourself is a dangerous practice.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on March 17, 2004, 16:37:52
I think that this is the exact opposite in the New Age movement, especially those just starting out on their path seeking spiritual answers etc. Rather than believing non-physical beings may be "dangerous" as you put it, there is the tendency to believe anything any non-physical being says.

*note: The pendulum is a great tool for divination etc but associating its movement to an "outside of oneself" entity rather than to your subconscious or a higher part of yourself is a dangerous practice.

There are people who can fall into this "believing everything that is said", but this is not strictly a spiritual problem.  There are at least as many people who blindly accept what they see in the media and what their governments tell them, etc.  I don't know that the "damage" done to people who don't think for themselves by other humans is any less?

I don't think you can ever stress too much the importance of thinking for yourself, checking what you hear (from any source) with your intuition and innate senst of truth, using common sense, and making your own decisions.  :)

As for attributing the pendulum's movements with an "outside source" being dangerous, I can only say that I do not believe there is any such thing as an "outside source".  We as humans often perceive ourselves as a "closed system" with everything that is "us" here inside the box and everything that is "not us" there outside the box.  Once you begin to believe there really is no box, that we are part of everything and everything is part of us, you start to wonder how much sense it makes to feel like you always need to defend yourself against everything outside the (imaginary) box.

There are many people who stop believing in the box, and who lead safe, fulfilling, joyous lives and make little effort to protect themselves beyond using their intuition and common sense.  So there is proof that this approach to life can work for some people at least.  There are also many people who have much less "peaceful" experiences of life who can prove any number of ways that the physical and spiritual worlds are "dangerous" places.  What is interesting is that each type of person lives in a world that reflects their own beliefs, and each kind of person has "undisputable proof" based on their own experiences that their philosophy is "right".  It's worth thinking about...

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: The prof on March 18, 2004, 06:00:53
I thought I must post, be it only a short one.
I am finding it very hard and write this with great sadness trying to understand some of your postings on the pages before.  What was the point of personally attacking a fellow human, just because of what was written.  Read it and dismiss it,  Or read it and find you find it useful.  Do what ever you will, but don't attack some one this way.  This kind of confusion just results in harming the things some people take very seriously, not just the author but others as well.  Um did this happen many years ago to a man we all know about. Ahhh what ever.  
Ok I see the responses coming thick and fast from the attackers here.  But take away the content of why you are angry, get rid of the surface dross, turn it around and force the content of your anger back at yourself, see how it hurts.  I find it incredible that most of you who made personal attacks towards certain people in here, have in fact posted nothing but Negs and the like from the start, ok some interesting points, and some people don't like, but have you been the centre of such aggression just because of what you have written, Um no, I think not.  Yes I have been reading from a quiet corner.  If only some could have read the posts with more depth and an open mind you would see and question in a more respectful way.  I have had enough of this site.  Shame I thought there was love and happiness here and people with a common goal, how wrong I was.  Sorry there was but it is going as some jump on the band wagon of dislike.  Good riddance to me as well uh.
Oh by the way there are many many people who read what you put on here, and you don't even know it.
Open your eyes
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Akensai on March 18, 2004, 08:11:04
I have had enough of this site. Shame I thought there was love and happiness here and people with a common goal, how wrong I was. Sorry there was but it is going as some jump on the band wagon of dislike. Good riddance to me as well uh.

And it is whit great sadness that I read this, you seem to dismiss all the positive posting on this forum (I personally had a wonderful response to my problems) and focus solely on the negative ones. I admit the posts in regard to the channeling got out of hand, but I say it again, there was a lot of support for it as well, and that people just seem to forget in their arguments.

There is another thing I'm not comfortable whit, which is people seem to lay the entire blame whit what you call "attackers" and forget that the "victims" had their doing in this to. (I belief the "victims" were not completely honest at times, tough I admit they didn't resort to name calling and such aggression)    

And then there is a third thing, people make mistakes! Sometimes things do get out of hand, but you are dealing whit humans here, they have their reason for posting against the channelings and sometimes this runs very deep. And even if people get taken away whit their anger don't forget we all get angry sometimes (even if it isn't right) this doesn't mean they can't be helpful and caring.

So the next person comes along and post their dislikes about the people on this site, think! Are you really being honest when you say something like; "Shame I thought there was love and happiness here and people with a common goal, how wrong I was."? Or does it come forth out of your own anger?
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WhiteLight on April 12, 2004, 07:42:02
So, is Michael Douglas's wife one of this lot? A shapeshifter maybe?

Funny, I always thought she was Welsh[8D]
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on April 14, 2004, 11:16:14

To be continued....
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on April 14, 2004, 13:28:32
This is a copy of my post on another thread in relation to the discussion between myself and Orcher that he has posted.  :)


I just wanted to explain my position on this:

The type or proof Orcher is asking for here would not prove what he is wanting proven even if it was delivered. If I could for example tell him what color his shirt was as he asked, all that would prove is that I was psychic or a skilled remote viewer, or even a lucky guesser, etc.  I have never claimed to be any of these things.  It would not prove that anything the aliens are trying to say is necessarily true.  Many people who do not want to make their own decisions might indeed start blindly trusting the channelers or aliens based on such so-called "proof", but this is not what any of us want.

You really cannot ever actually prove anything.  There is a lot of scientific documentation that supports much of what has been said about the pole shift.  The scientific community has come to its own conclusions based on the physical evidence before the aliens began having these discussions.  To me, this would seem to indicate that blaming the aliens is unfair.

The ideas that are passed along from these beings are merely for people to think about - not to be taken blindly as "truth".  We have always said this.  There is a lot of information out there, of both channeled and scientific nature.  All we have ever asked is that people use their own hearts and minds to examine all of it, and then do what they feel is best.  I see no crime in this.  Thank you.

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: chill on April 14, 2004, 21:57:18
Maybe the color of a shirt is a bad example. Because it's too down-to-earth. You and other channelers can get many pieces of information that can either be read somewhere else on the Web, or can't be verified, such as 'you were friends in another life', or things that are so vague, that you end up thinking : uhhh, so what's the substance here ?  

It would not prove that anything the aliens are trying to say is necessarily true.  Many people who do not want to make their own decisions might indeed start blindly trusting the channelers or aliens based on such so-called "proof", but this is not what any of us want.

ok, then. It's a case of 'if this resonates with you, believe it'.

Another problem is that when the information given is wrong or contradicts another piece of information, you say (maybe not you personnally but Mayatnik does) that it was meant to be like that.

How do you expect to gain any credibility like this ? It's quite unfortunate. As it is now, only the most naive have become followers of Mayatnik.

You really cannot ever actually prove anything.  There is a lot of scientific documentation that supports much of what has been said about the pole shift.  The scientific community has come to its own conclusions based on the physical evidence before the aliens began having these discussions.  To me, this would seem to indicate that blaming the aliens is unfair.

Oh come on. Nothing can be proven ? Tst-tst.

Orcher did not ask the Pleiadians to prove themselves, he did not ask them to pay him a visit in his courtyard. He asked for concrete, down-to-earth, verifiable information.

As the Pleidians have access to the Akashic records, for example, how hard can this be ? And how harmful can that be ? That will only get some people more interested in you, or prevent others to lose interest.

The ideas that are passed along from these beings are merely for people to think about - not to be taken blindly as "truth".

We have always said this.  There is a lot of information out there, of both channeled and scientific nature.  All we have ever asked is that people use their own hearts and minds to examine all of it, and then do what they feel is best.  I see no crime in this.  Thank you.

When you predict that there will be in a couple of years something happening that will kill 2/3 (or 1/3) of human beings, and that the pendulum plus a map can guide you to a safe place where you must go at that time, then no, that's no crime, but it's pretty irresponsible.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on April 15, 2004, 01:36:57

When I say you cannot prove anything, what I mean is no matter how much something may SEEM to be "proven", there is always the possibility that you are not seeing everything and/or not completely understanding what you do see.

For instance, here is the corpse and death certificate of person X, that "proves" he is dead.  But is he?  Or is he alive on another plane that cannot be physically understood or proven?  Could the corpse have been mis-identified or falsified in some way?  Did the medical examiners miss something?  Is he perhaps just in a coma and could come out of it after being pronounced dead by a medical professional?  While some of these possibilities may seem UNLIKELY, they are all quite possible and have actually happened in many cases.  Thus, no amount of "proof" can REALLY prove somebody is dead, and this same dynamic applies to "proving" pretty much everything else I can think of.

I used the example of the color of his shirt because that was specifically what he suggested in that conversation transcript.  As for other "proof", why isn't the existing scientific evidence that supports the likelihood of a pole shift not being even considered?  Why do you need mystical or miraculous "signs" when there is objective data?  And if science is also talking about the pole shift, why are the aliens and the people who speak with them criminally "irresponsible" and not the scientists who are saying similar things?  I am not a big fan of the Bible, but is a character like Noah who tries to warn everyone of a coming flood and advising people how to survive it being irresponsible if he sincerely believes there is going to be a flood?  

Can you "prove" the pole shift will not occur?  Is there any harm in being aware of a few places near where you live that would be more safe in the event these things really do start to happen?  Is there anything wrong with encouraging people to serve one another in love instead of primarily trying to get as much as possible for yourself with no regard for others?  Do many of us really have any doubt that many of our governments do not always have our best interest at heart?  Unless you have no spiritual beliefs that life does not just end when your body dies, then even the possibility of dying in a natural catastrophe is no cause for FEAR.  We are all going to have our bodies die eventually.  The messages from these beings is aimed at improving your chances to survive, not to make you be afraid of death.  How much actual damage can any of these messages really do even if we are wrong about the pole shift?  How much good will we have done if the pole shift does come (as both the channelings and scientific evidence suggests) and many people have some information that will help them survive?

Am I just an "idiot" like you suggest?  Only time will tell for sure I guess...

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on April 15, 2004, 02:05:29
As the Pleidians have access to the Akashic records, for example, how hard can this be ? And how harmful can that be ? That will only get some people more interested in you, or prevent others to lose interest.

Using this same type of logic, why shouldn't the aliens find all the proof of all the criminals in the world and get them off the street so they can't hurt anybody?  Why should they not give me the lottery numbers so I can donate the money to worthy causes?  Why should they not tell everybody exactly how they are likely to die and give concrete "proof" that they are right so nobody will doubt them and miss their opportunity to escape death?

The ideas that are passed along from these beings are merely for people to think about - not to be taken blindly as "truth".


Yes, the truth shall be known...that does NOT necessarily imply that it is just going to be handed to you without you having to think and examine things for yourself.  The people around you can do their best to be helpful, but ultimately all truth must be found inside yourself.  This does not mean that you should never listen to anybody else, because sometimes the people around you can give you the clues you need to help you find the truth within.  

That is all we ever asked: to consider ideas, think about them, and then do what you feel is right in your heart.  For you that means trying to tell everybody we are idiots because that is what you sincerely believe.  While I wish you did not feel this way, I understand you are only trying to do what you believe is right.  No matter our differences, we share that much in common at least: that we are both at least trying to do what we feel is right...  :)

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Andromache on April 15, 2004, 05:14:36
Chill wrote: Oh come on. Nothing can be proven ? Tst-tst.

Well, from all the logic and philosophy courses I have taken [:D]...proof is based on subjective interpretations of data that has assigned meanings mutually agreed upon of the course of time. Proof is more subjective than we give it credit for. We "prove" because civilization has chosen to agree on certain "truths" which change generation to generation.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: WhiteLight on April 15, 2004, 12:38:52
Right, let's put this bollocks to bed for once and all.

Stop this endless game of verbal tennis and prove it.

Time to put up or shut up.

But they can't can they(the aliens)? They don't make predictions; they don't mind making reams of endless, boring bulls**t that nobody cares about though, do they? They don't do anything that can be substansiated - just abstract ideas that cannot be proven one way or the other; rather convenient wouldn't you say?

Nobody take offence from the above but I have to vent. If they are here to help us (which most sensible people know they aren't)then help us.

Prove to us their good intent.

Prove to us the validity of their claims.

The Catherine Zeta Jones mob have been caught lying out of their arses and no posturing or double speak can negate the lies. Only a fool would believe all this nonsense anyway.

People need three things in their lives:

1 God
2 The knowledge they are eternal
3 Love

We don't need hocus pocus, starships or Christ knows what else.

Soulfire you seem like a nice guy to me and I really do not know what these so called aliens are - Dark ones, aliens or an over active imagination. Whatever it is this protracted defence of the indefensible is becoming a bore.

Sorry if I appear a tad blunt, but some plain speaking is needed - no offence
With tough Love
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on April 15, 2004, 13:29:18

To be continued....
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Soulfire on April 15, 2004, 15:48:01
Originally posted by WhiteLight

Right, let's put this bollocks to bed for once and all.

Stop this endless game of verbal tennis and prove it.

Time to put up or shut up.

But they can't can they(the aliens)? They don't make predictions; they don't mind making reams of endless, boring bulls**t that nobody cares about though, do they? They don't do anything that can be substansiated - just abstract ideas that cannot be proven one way or the other; rather convenient wouldn't you say?

Nobody take offence from the above but I have to vent. If they are here to help us (which most sensible people know they aren't)then help us.

Prove to us their good intent.

Prove to us the validity of their claims.

The Catherine Zeta Jones mob have been caught lying out of their arses and no posturing or double speak can negate the lies. Only a fool would believe all this nonsense anyway.

People need three things in their lives:

1 God
2 The knowledge they are eternal
3 Love

We don't need hocus pocus, starships or Christ knows what else.

Soulfire you seem like a nice guy to me and I really do not know what these so called aliens are - Dark ones, aliens or an over active imagination. Whatever it is this protracted defence of the indefensible is becoming a bore.

Sorry if I appear a tad blunt, but some plain speaking is needed - no offence
With tough Love

Hi Whitelight,

These are all your feeling and opinions, and that is fine.  I do however feel it is wrong for you to try and tell me essentially if I am not going to say exactly what you want to hear, that I should just shut up.  If you are bored and disinterested, please just don't read it.  But please don't try to tell me I don't have the right to discuss my beliefs because they do not fit your criteria?  I had not posted anything here on any of this for weeks, but I feel I had a right to respond to Orcher's post.  My beliefs and opinions are no more or less valid than anyone else's.

An again, going back to "proof":  Can you prove that everything you have written about on this board is positively objectively "true"?  Can anybody?  Pretty much everything that is discussed on this board (ex: astral projection) can not be objectively "proven".  People come on here all the time and demand "proof".  We who have experienced it may absolutely believe it is "true", but we cannot "prove" it to anyone else - they must find their own proof.  Does that mean it isn't real?  The fact is that it is entirely possible that it is not real exactly the way we think.  Maybe it is just similar to a vivid dream?  Maybe the verifications of objective data that have been done are not a result of actually "going" there and "seeing" what was verified, but rather just receiving telepathic information from somebody else who has been there and interpreting it in physical terms that seem objective?  Perhaps as many fundamentalist Christians have suggested, we really are just being deceived by Satan and the demons?  While I personally feel that I know APing is "true", the fact is that all I really know is that I have come to believe it is true based on my own personal experiences.  I think it is a double standard to demand "proof" of "aliens", when other material that is in its own way just as difficult to believe is happily accepted without "proof".  Just my opinion...

Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Orcher on April 16, 2004, 11:31:48

To be continued....
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: McArthur on July 13, 2004, 11:55:14
Thinking of contacting the Zetas with your pendulum? then read this:
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: darkheaven on August 22, 2004, 12:39:58
i can't read's givein me a bad headache when i read...
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MAYATNIK on August 30, 2003, 21:28:53

This thread has been created so that members can have clear access to the INFORMATION provided by the Zeta in answer to any questions submitted by any Astral Pulse member, which will then be put by a member of the team now in direct communication with the Zeta Reticuli via a telepathic "hook-up" provided by their Pleiadian guide at certain 'arranged times' on a regular basis.

This "Friendly"-Talking with the Zeta opens up new frontiers for information, and this is especially needed at this time due to the many so-called "Channeling Websites" that offer 'information' on a 'veiw only' basis.  Now you can put YOUR questions, and get the facts for you to discuss here on the AStral Pulse.

Common sense dictates that you should never just 'believe' what you read, but instead should discuss it with an open positive appraoch.  So, feel free to start your own thread if you like on any topic the Zeta give answers to - and indeed they encourage this; the more you discuss, the better the perspective gained.

Up till now, the Zeta have only spoken to Nancy Lieder of ZetaTalk for her to pass on information on that website ... but now you can put your own questions on any subject due to this joint Pleiadian-Zeta venture to let you know what is really happening, and why the Zeta are here working on the Earth Project for Mankind under the supervision of the Pleiadians.

Because this is such an important opportunity for all to learn more, this thread has been made a 'sticky' - and another thread alongside this one - for DISCUSSION OF ZETA ANSWERS - will also be made 'sticky' so that all related information will always be easily accessible.  Therefore, the DISCUSSION thread will be the best one to use in the main, unless (as I've said) you would like to start your own thread on a particular topic, bearing in mind that it may not stay on top as the DISCUSSION 'sticky' will do.

All that the Zeta ask is... that members have an open mind with a positive approach.  So post whatever questions you like here for the Zeta - and they will be answered !

With Pleiadian Love and Light,

Title: New ZETA Website
Post by: Fuzziwig on October 20, 2004, 19:20:33
Hello fellow Astral Pulsers,
I have come back to give a brief announcement.

As some of you know, the Mayatnik Channeling Team left the Astral Pulse, and as a result the channeling of the Zeta ceased on the AP. We have been in contact with the Zeta and other species ongoing since then, and now it is time for the Zeta to be heard once again – but this time on their own website.

The Zetas have expressed a wish for their representatives to say a few words to you here on the AP at this time about what is now ongoing:

Zeta: We wish you welcome to our new site : ( It has been ordered by the High Council of Worlds that no communication must proceed after this instance between the Zeta and the Astral Pulse, so therefore any further contact must succeed under other conditions. We have long been monitoring the Astral Pulse, and we find no reason as to why the members of the Astral Pulse and others should not be able to have their answers.  To this end, We have provided a page on the Zeta-Mayatnik site that will serve as a section for questions to be answered either by us or our channelers' own guides in response.

Some of the AP members may be aware that we channel through Nancy Lieder on Zetatalk.  Zeta-Mayatnik is different in that we are happy to talk to you in answer to your personal questions.  We have also provided a number of email addresses in our email us section – and particularly '' where any 'information' you may care to share can be submitted.  One current point of interest is concerning the erratic movements of the sun and moon.  Zetatalk's 'Troubled Times' reports many sightings of irregular movements, and the denial by such as NASA that anything is out of the ordinary.  So, what have you seen?  Is the moon where it should be, or does it seem to be somewhere else these days, or not there at all?  Let the Zeta-Mayatnik site know your observations and views – in this way many can then benefit.

Written on behalf of
The Team at (

With Pleiadian Love and Light
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Leannain on October 22, 2004, 23:36:40
zeta..aren't they commonly known as the greys?
well lots of people say they get kidnaped by them .
it seems like they make experiences on them and things like.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: MJ-12 on October 23, 2004, 00:50:37
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: aleshah on October 31, 2004, 14:10:59
when Z have been manipulated by future military interest group on earth, they have been enslaved.
As Z are beings, i tend to respect them, even if they have been missused
by other beings, as i see them as a part of the light family.

zetas need to develop the emotional side to ascend to higher planes and to recognize DEEPER. pure mind joggling / zeta communications are not enough.
Don't let the Z speak for you, speak for yourself.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: Sentential on October 31, 2004, 21:02:19
As much as I think they *might* have somethign to offer. My distrust of the "Zetas" is pretty high. Ive expereinces that no man should ever have. Ive been before several things that know these "Zetas" well.

They are #1 Not something you should speak with, unless you have a *direct* means of defense. #2 They do not value life, neither theirs nor ours.

I realize that not ALL of them act in this mannor, however their reputition preceeds them.
Title: Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions
Post by: aleshah on November 04, 2004, 10:20:33
I have sometimes distrust in humans.Specially, not evry human is *directly* a human. I also heard of humans, who don't value their life.
Zetas are wide spread alien race, like humans they are also slaves of some other races. I guess i met & had interaction  human/zeta hybrids already.
if not physically then with telephaty.
If someone knows the zeta- language, you're welcome to share it.
I can channel, but i am very sceptic in this channeling stuff, i like to hear the truth tellers,as i hate it to hear the truth tellers.Finally I want to be practical, i do it for *need*.

For me they are the most familar ones as I can indentify myself with, cause I was born mentaly high evolved and resolving out my belief system of a
reward for my actions--this a religious control shemata.
My  whole body is my mind
Finally evry person is a prison.
But this kind remembers me sometimes of this trailer theme:

Alien vs. Predator
It doesn't matter who will win.We will lose it.