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Zetas WRONG even before this...

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"Tuesday May 27th, 2003"

I did some unusually strong telekinesis the 28th. I moved a fan blade an inch twice and many more times less than an inch.


James S

Ahhhh.. Bevis, so THAT was the pole shift they were talking about - in your fan.
Well done![^]
That's that mystery sorted out, now maybe we can get on with our lives.

Has anybody ever wondered why a celestial body the size of a planet, close enough to enter the solar system every couple of thousand years, hasn't been picked up by the vast network of optical, radio and x-ray telescopes we have on earth? So far, other than the objects that make up our solar system up to and including the Oort cloud at the outer limit and the handful of comets caught by Sol's influence, there's nothing much bigger than rocks for about 4 light years.

If our current level of technology has the ability to chart the stars and the black hole at our galaxy's core (found by the now defunct Chandra orbital X-ray observatory two years ago), you think we'd know about a rogue planet right in our own back yard.



Has anybody ever wondered why a celestial body the size of a planet, close enough to enter the solar system every couple of thousand years, hasn't been picked up by the vast network of optical, radio and x-ray telescopes we have on earth?

Who controls such advanced equipment?

The only thing that you can safely come to the conclusion of from all of this is that people just don't know when such a planet will be around, should it be around at all. I think that's the whole point. If everyone knew exactly when to find shelter and how, the pole shift wouldn't be able to resolve from serious problems. Forget when it's supposed to come by. You can never be sure until it's obvious. However, you can come to the conclusion that such a thing exists pretty easily if you consort both ancient artifacts and the current state of our solar system as compared to how it has acted in the 'scientific' past.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

James S

Who controls such advanced equipment? - Many people and many agencies.

Our deep space tracking stations here in Australia are controlled by a few different organisations, both government and private enterprise. They work in cooperation with other tracking stations around the world, but if you are alluding to some kind of theory that all the obsevatories around the world can have all observations monitored by some central agency, and can therefore be silenced if something really big is spotted, you've been watching too much TV.

There are too many privateers working in the Astronomical community for anything as big as a rogue planet to be silenced. As soon as one observatory spots something, they're immediately on the phone to several others around them. This can be something as simple as an amateur with a one meter equatorial reflector telescope out in the middle of nowhere. There's one such guy here in Aus who lives in the country near Canberra who makes his own telescopes, and has a couple of discoveries to his name. The ground based optical observatory network alone can accurately cover space for a distance of hundreds of light years, then the big boys in the radio observatories can cover the rest of the distance.

Track the object for a day or so and it doesn't take much computing grunt to plot and extrapolate its trajectory. Given that our closes celestial neighbour is 4 light years away, for an object the size of a planet that has not yet been identified to get in the region of our solar system by 2012, it would have to be travelling at such a speed that its mass would make it stick out like a sore thumb.

Besides, it doesn't take some rogue planet to screw up the earth's magnetic field, one big belch from our sun can take care of that. Apparently the earth was due to get hit by one of the biggest solar flares in nearly 30 years today. It's only big enough to bother our satellites for a bit, but who knows how much bigger can they get?

We mightn't be as advanced as the aliens reportedly telling us this stuff, but we do know a fair bit about whats going on around us.



Oh well, let's just wait and see then! [;)]



I don't know much about telescopes or how tracking things in the heavens go, but there can still bhe possibility. There have been many things found beyond Pluto, just nothing that is supposively that big.

From what I've read of radio telescopes (and correct me if any of this is off - I haven't really gone that far into it), they work by gathering radio waves that are emitted by bodies in space and all bodies emit at least some radio waves. The telescopes themselves do not tell distance or size, but just the intensity of the waves, and from that, along with known knowledge and possibly other instruments, distances, etc., are approximated appropriately. Planets emit much more intense waves than asteroids, floating rubble, etc., because of magnetic fields and thermal heat among other things (as long as those things are present). If a mysterious object far out into space emitted extremely intense waves, they would be barely picked up and we wouldn't be able tell much about the object except that it's there. If I'm not mistaken... you may conceivably have a similar situation if someone expects an objective be one thing, such as an asteroid, when in reality it is something completely different that emits more intense waves. The misinformed astronomer may calculate the distance of the object based on formulas for objects emitting less-intense waves, when really the object is emitting more intense waves but is much farther off. I realize I'm just trying to hold to my previous statements, but at the same, who would risk their scientific reputation to suppose such as object as a far-off asteroid is actually a much farther-off.. planet?

Maybe that's reasonable, maybe it's not. I wasn't able to find anything contradicting that possibility on Google, so I'm just assuming and posting this blindly.

Besides, it doesn't take some rogue planet to screw up the earth's magnetic field, one big belch from our sun can take care of that. Apparently the earth was due to get hit by one of the biggest solar flares in nearly 30 years today. It's only big enough to bother our satellites for a bit, but who knows how much bigger can they get?

What I was referring to with our solar system's current state was more than that. The sun's actually supposed to be in the quieter part of its surface activity right now, and when it started becoming more active, no one could provide an answer, and I still haven't heard any. The sudden huge solar flares just add to that puzzle. Jupiter is behaving strangely, and strange spots are popping up on it as its moon Io becomes more volcanically active. Then you have the Kuiper Belt, which follows around pretty close to Nibiru's projected orbit, and it's starting to send us a lot of big chunks of crap. Also, Pluto's atmosphere is warming up as it moves away from the sun. o.O
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

Anonymous is a phony website and it's evident because they claim qi/chi doesn't exist. There's nothing on there worth reading.


...that is, if you're looking for the truth.


This is from the Coast to Coast site. The Zetas were wrong before even this!!! Refer to my previous post "Pleiadian-Zeta Nonsense" at ...

"Nibiru, Now or in 2012?
"Tonight's guest, Marshall Masters has studied a variety of data to conclude that Nibiru (an hypothesized additional planet on a long period orbit) does pass close enough to Earth to create havoc. In an article on his website, he suggests a flyby is more likely to occur around 2012 than this year. This would correlate the event with the end of the Mayan calendar.

"Masters believes the most solid indications for Nibiru's presence are "precursor events" in our solar system. He lists such changes as Pluto undergoing global warming, increases in magnetic activity on Saturn and volcanic eruptions on Io, as all potentially having the same root cause. However he writes, "the fact is that if Nibiru were going to be here, an object this massive would have already been in the news for months...Sure, the government can make people, information and things disappear, but not entire planets." "

"Meanwhile Nancy Lieder, the alien contactee, who has been predicting the arrival of Planet X in this time frame, has finally named the date of the pole shift that will be caused by the rogue body, and it' (Tuesday May 27th, 2003)! As she explains in an update on her website, "rotation stoppage happens when the Atlantic Rift is fixed facing the approaching Planet X, we know that the end point of the time line should be May 27th." On another page she correlates the recent series of unusual quakes as evidence of this process. At the hour of this writing, we're still here...." "

This page:

"Update" link:

"Pole Shift Date of May 27, 2003... Since we were precise about the dates, even the number of hours for rotation stoppage (5.9 days) [on the Loud Gentile show], we have no problem with being precise on the meaning of the Pole Shift date as May 27."

"Page" link:
