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Astral projection discussed on Coast to Coast AM

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Skip the first half on the replay, it's just a supplement advertorial. :)

"Second Half: Clairvoyant and energy master, Michael Monk will discuss astral projection, also known as an out-of-body experience (OBE), and how the soul can travel independently of the physical body, often to other realms and dimensions. He'll reveal what it takes to do it yourself."

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I found another one:

"Out-of-Body Research

Hosted by
Art Bell

Saturday - February 14, 2004

Out-of-Body Research
Show Audio
2/14/04 - Full Show
Guest Only - William Buhlman - 2/14/04
Guest Only - Morgan the Vampire - 2/14/04
About the show
William Buhlman shared his research from an international OBE (out-of-body experiences) survey he conducted that included over 16,000 participants from 32 countries. His first book, Adventures Beyond the Body, chronicles his journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and preparation and techniques that can be used. He described the experience of an OBE as a lifted feeling where people often sense the presence of something touching or even talking to them.

Buhlman also discussed the difference between an OBE while living and the "permanent OBE" we experience after death, describing our existence as a narrow "vibrational level" where we cannot see past the time and space in which we live. He decried ghosts as "nothing more than an astral body that's been slowed down," and theorized that experiences with aliens are also "multidimensional." Buhlman also claimed that at times, he was able to see his own future."

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There was a replay aired last night from 1996 which I sadly cannot find on the "Coast to Coast" website. Though dated, the guest provided some good insight. I recorded part of it and tf I can successfully upload it somewhere online I will provide you a link.

Edit: Here is a link to show, but no link to replay the show from what I can see:

Here is a description of the guest, named Albert Taylor.
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Here is one of the best speakers I have ever heard on the subject of OBEs/non-physical exploration. Art Bell is the host. Dr. Albert Taylor is his guest. This is when he hosted the "Dark Matters" podcast, not during his time with Coast to Coast AM. Art did speak to Albert on Coast to Coast AM years ago as well. You can find that video via a google search.
 The actual interview begins at about the 14:00 minute mark. The first 15 mins is the opening promo that most Radio stations do.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla