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Courtney Brown's Announcement for 15th March

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I am currently having some fun with this topic on the other forum. There is a countdown for a supposed "historic" and "world-changing" announcement for this day.

Here's the link for the forum where you find more:

I copy the original first post here with little editing now, but I also recommend the thread over there for more on some of the speculations:


It could all be a tempest in a teapot / cry wolf event. But anyway, for what it's worth. Maybe it IS something of importance or interesting (instead of mere marketing for whatever is on offer). Who knows, so just in case:

I've been following this guy's work a bit lately, so I came to know about this now. The Farsight Institute for Remote Viewing, better: its president (and one-man-show?) Courtney Brown made announcements for some weeks in installments about an "earth-shattering" revelation to be made soon. First it was planned for end of February, now it is the "Iden of March" - and this in his own words., which is Saturday 03-15-2014.

From the first link:

QuoteA mystery that has confused our civilization for thousands of years will find an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the future growth of our species will arise." - Courtney Brown

He also said,

-It does not relate at all to earth changes or the end times.
-That the ET's will not land.
-That the Earth will not shake.
-That US President Obama will not reveal... whatever.

He said the announcement would be much bigger than all of those things.

" time, people will eventually understand that the entire development of our species was fundamentally altered on that day (...)"

What the  :-o ... ???

Some further 'implication postings' turning up the heat and creating suspense, as taken by this author from Brown's Facebook account (I have no FB account and hence no direct access, but anyone of you might look it up?):

Some wild speculations and interpretations:

This guy knows how to create suspense for sure! Maybe it's all a marketing trick for a new book, DVD on a RV experiment or whatever. I doubt it will change the world. After all, who of the reasonable mainstream listens to a Remote Viewer or any crazy paranormal researcher?  :wink:

Anyway, you never know. Just in case, remember, you read it here first.  :-D


Have fun speculating while the countdown is running.  :-)


 I hope his announcement has "positive ramifications". We don't need any more doom and gloom. There's enough of that in the World today already!  :-P


 After looking at his Facebook page and all of the "implications" (18 so far), I would say that this is possibly just his way of bringing "awareness" to a number of issues that he feels we should address. If it is, he has certainly succeeded. He has the Web "buzzing" now!  :-)


I don't know...this sounds to me like just more of what some of the
channeler's are saying....There is some sort of 'Event' that's supposed to happen,
but they won't say just what or when.
Just enough teasing and hinting to get us worked up and excited/hopeful that something
will *really* happen....
We all want something outside of us to make a change...but its all up to us don't  you think ?


Quote from: Lionheart on March 10, 2014, 18:44:19
After looking at his Facebook page and all of the "implications" (18 so far), I would say that this is possibly just his way of bringing "awareness" to a number of issues that he feels we should address. If it is, he has certainly succeeded. He has the Web "buzzing" now!  :-)

thanks for the link, I had checked on another C. Brown page and found it was somehow without anything on it (publicly), except his name and pic, seems it was the wrong one


Quote from: seapony on March 11, 2014, 16:18:30
I don't know...this sounds to me like just more of what some of the
channeler's are saying....There is some sort of 'Event' that's supposed to happen,
but they won't say just what or when.
Just enough teasing and hinting to get us worked up and excited/hopeful that something
will *really* happen....
We all want something outside of us to make a change...but its all up to us don't  you think ?
yeah, I also expect it more to be about marketing than anything else, but it is not a channelled thing about a prediction, it is not a predicted event (for March 15) but just that he (or s.o. else) makes that announcement on that day (this saturday) about sth that already 'is there' or 'has happened' in whatever way (maybe eons ago, which just a possible clue), and then will (according to him) slowly and gradually change the world, so he says


It's my sons birthday, yay, that's what its all about. He's a year older than this time last year believe it or not... :lol:
O.K. Maybe not this one.

My recent (wed last week) messages for the future included this wierd one. I've tried to match the feel with words that suit.
Three rods of water from ocean deep
the sky is hit and some may weep
the now, undone in years plus nine
is finding truth too late (unkind or find)

The colour is greeny blue and a match to something different that already exist is (spoke or reported or told or met or given) didn't understand the last part.
To give it some clarity 'skyfall' was also given.
This is a biggie, we have a downed aircraft again...
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Forever the poet, Szaxx!  :-)

That plane disappearance still has everyone baffled. Still no trace of wreckage or anything. There's new reports being released all the time now. I hope it's a hi-jacking and that the people are on the ground safely. I know that's not the best scenario, but at least in that one the people are all still alive.


 No matter what his "announcement" may be, how will he "prove" it?

If he says it came to him during a Remote Viewing Session, it will just fall on "deaf ears".

That's the part that has me intrigued. Everything new that comes out gets debunked immediately. Why should this be anything different?

Even news of some giant meteor/asteroid would have to be backed up by "hard evidence".

4 days. We shall soon see.


I'm guessing this is going to be like every other big date prediction where nothing happens. Y2K, 2012, several supposed apocolypse dates by that old man that keeps forgetting to carry the 1 in his math or whatever... Nothing ever happens. I have even seen stuff in youtube where people make some prediction based on some info about this or that, then it doesn't happen.. So they edit the video to change the prediction date, which also changes the publish date on the video... And they keep doing that over and over.

But it would be awesome if something good happened on one of these dates for a change...


 They stated clearly on their website that this wasn't a "prediction" of any kind, but indeed a fact.  :|

The date he chose was solely for the purpose of revealing his "secret".


Quote from: Lionheart on March 12, 2014, 03:33:08
They stated clearly on their website that this wasn't a "prediction" of any kind, but indeed a fact.  :|

The date he chose was solely for the purpose of revealing his "secret".

Still, I can't help but make my prediction that it will be anti-climatic. :)


Quote from: Astral-Trea on March 12, 2014, 10:34:43
Still, I can't help but make my prediction that it will be anti-climatic. :)
Possibly yes. But 'anti-climatic' is, like so many things, in the eye of the beholder.  :wink:


 I have enjoyed his "Implications" posts though. He is at #21 right now.

They in themselves would open a eye or two for someone that's not currently in the "know" or isn't really that aware.


Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.  ~Confucius

But it's always important to sift through the fact vs fiction, when it come to knowledge.

Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.  ~Carl G. Jung


Well I'm not too excited but I am very interested in what he has to say. :?
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Wait... didn't Courtney Brown say that something world changing would happen in February? Is this back tracking, or was that Sylvia Brown or something lol...
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on March 13, 2014, 16:16:47
Wait... didn't Courtney Brown say that something world changing would happen in February? Is this back tracking, or was that Sylvia Brown or something lol...
It was Sylvia Brown. She made a number of claims/predictions before she passed/transitioned on.


No I found it, he did make a February claim back in January:

"World changing announcement that won't be recognized at the time"- that is so broad it could be applied to anything lol.

My personal attribution would have been the Kiev hostilities and the Russian response, but then things like that happen every season.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


The website seems to have problems now, no wonder. Anyway, from the facebook-page:

The last countdown pic is a bit more "telling". Or not?

UFOs, Egypt, Nefretiti, ancient cone heads (see this post: or this one:, pyramids (hall of records?), Ancient Alien Astronauts theory, etc. ...


He's being extremely general for a reason...


Haha, sorry. I will indeed see what the "PROOF" is later, but I am not holding my breath lol.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I'm just hoping he isn't working for Britney Spears and trying to build up some hype to announce a new record. :-D
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


however, somehow that would be nothing new for us here, huh?