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Our Heliosphere is apparently weakening...

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... and the smart people don't know why off course.

This could be pretty damn serious if its not a cyclic thing.

kurai kokoro

It's probably happined before just like global warming.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Quote from: interception on October 20, 2008, 07:05:29
... and the smart people don't know why off course.

I detect a patronizing tone here.

It is not any scientist's obligation to know right off the bat the cause of a newly discovered phenomenon, it's their job to research until there's enough data to take conclusions.

What are you doing about it? Nothing.


Quote from: Adun on October 20, 2008, 10:00:23
I detect a patronizing tone here.

It is not any scientist's obligation to know right off the bat the cause of a newly discovered phenomenon, it's their job to research until there's enough data to take conclusions.

What are you doing about it? Nothing.

Uhm... okay... you can relax a bit there fella, I was not being patronizing. Okay maybe a little... towards a certain scientist with an attitude of knowing everything. :)

What am I doing about it? What? What kind of dumb butt, inane question is that?


Quote from: kurai kokoro on October 20, 2008, 08:17:15
It's probably happined before just like global warming.

I agree. This must be part of some natural cycle of the sun. What is interesting is how much the heliosphere has declined over the past 10 years. You must agree that it is a bit scary, because the timescale is so small for something as big as the sun/solar system. Our sun is supposed to be super stable after all. :)

kurai kokoro

Nothing is completly stable. and it could be because of a planetary "sinking" of sorts or scientists would generaly say that the orbit of the earth around the sun is going below or is leveling it's self around the sun which would thereby say that the earth's temperature would increase as this goes on, however I'm Not intierly sure of this. I would think of the solar system as a sorta "bath tub" and the planets as the "toys" or "balls" now none of these "balls" are completly sealed they have holes which alow the air to stay withen the "balls" and once they tip over then water gets in and sinks the "balls". but thats just my point of view.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Quote from: interception on October 20, 2008, 10:27:04
Uhm... okay... you can relax a bit there fella, I was not being patronizing. Okay maybe a little... towards a certain scientist with an attitude of knowing everything. :)

What am I doing about it? What? What kind of dumb butt, inane question is that?

Scientists are trying to figure out what's behind a potential threat. Even though you're doing nothing to reach the answer, you patronizingly accuse them of not being able to find it, that's what a dumb statement is.


Yawn. I patronized a scientist. Yeah, so?

I am not going to do a damn thing about the heliosphere, because.... guess what, I cant! Happy? :)

Why don't you contribute something constructive and positive to this thread, then YOU would be doing something.

Bloody hell, why do I even bother responding to you....


It seems like it could be related to how calm the sun has been recently, so maybe its nothing unnatural.

Yes, we are screwing up planet earth, but I can't imagine us puny humans have anything to do with weakening the heliosphere by an est 36%!  :-D

kurai kokoro

you shouldn't worry about the earth she can take care of herself, just remember the ice ages, when she gets a "hot flash" she'll cool herself down, she's done it before, if she gets too cold she'll heat up. heres what I think will happin, the earth will get hot causing global warming, causing the Ice caps to melt and flood the earth, however the only non flooded areas would be highly elevated and then over time most of the water would condence back into ice, repeating the process.
             now there is a super volcano in yellow stone national park so scientists say, and when that water runs over it, it will recool and when it freezes here it will then cause the rest of the activity to slow down buy solidifying the multen rock thus the super volcano would be disabled tell it starts back up again but it will continue to rectify any situation it encounters.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Thing is, we've only been able to monitor the heliosphere for a certain amount of time...we have no idea what the heliosphere was doing 100 years ago... Maybe it's natural, only time will tell, and only time can fix it. No scientist can save us from cosmic rays pounding the face of the earth. It's in "Gods" hands, and to be honest, with a matter like this which no one can do anything about, I'd rather not know if I was doomed or not  :lol:
The key to success is finding the key to success, which just so happens to be somewhere down the rabbit hole, in and of itself.


Quote from: wind3d on October 21, 2008, 04:49:53
Thing is, we've only been able to monitor the heliosphere for a certain amount of time...we have no idea what the heliosphere was doing 100 years ago... Maybe it's natural, only time will tell, and only time can fix it. No scientist can save us from cosmic rays pounding the face of the earth. It's in "Gods" hands, and to be honest, with a matter like this which no one can do anything about, I'd rather not know if I was doomed or not  :lol:

I tend to agree with you there.

Not even a 1 mile thick lead shield? Can nothing protect us from such a gamma ray dose? I need to do some research on this.


Have you seen that Danny Boyle movie "Sunshine"? It's about scientists in the future traveling in a spaceship called the "Icarus" to the sun to make it brighter after years of dimming. Some found it boring, but I really liked it.

I know it's not too related, but it made me think about it.

kurai kokoro

I never saw that movie, and I don't know that much about the sun yet, but I seriusly think it's happined before. history does repeat itself after all.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Quote from: Stookie on October 21, 2008, 11:21:47
Have you seen that Danny Boyle movie "Sunshine"? It's about scientists in the future traveling in a spaceship called the "Icarus" to the sun to make it brighter after years of dimming. Some found it boring, but I really liked it.

I know it's not too related, but it made me think about it.

Yeah, this made me think about that movie too. I kinda liked it as well.

There is a lot about the sun we don't know. For example, we don't know why it goes through a magnetic pole reversal every 11 years.


Quote from: interception on October 21, 2008, 04:08:50
It seems like it could be related to how calm the sun has been recently, so maybe its nothing unnatural.

That's the first thing I though of when I read the article.  I don't know anything about astronomy, but it would make sense that if the sunspots are not firing then they must not be stirring anything up.
Interesting irony- sunspots can fry us, but the heliosphere that it produces (my guess here) actually protects us.  I hope it's a good balance.   :-)


Quote from: interception on October 20, 2008, 18:18:39
Yawn. I patronized a scientist. Yeah, so?

I am not going to do a damn thing about the heliosphere, because.... guess what, I cant! Happy? :)

It's quite obvious you don't know what's behind the phenomenon. Yet you so readily stepped on your high horse and patronized those that try to understand it.

QuoteWhy don't you contribute something constructive and positive to this thread, then YOU would be doing something.

I am contributing. Pointing out the silly anti-science stance that is seen too much around the internet these days, specially among new age north americans.


I think interception may have been making an adage to how many scientists are bought and paid for, for instance in the scam of global warming. I mean, global warming is clearly a result of the sun, since the whole solar system is warming up at this time, and yet supposedly over 2,000 scientists agreed to the carbon dioxide theory of global warming (I say supposedly because a few of those that were on the list didn't actually agree to the theory). I forget the source of this info, it was on quite a while ago. However, you can just google the fact that the solar system is warming up, it's been on mainstream news.
The answer to all paradoxes shows this: "Reality contains logic therefore logic cannot contain reality."
The paradox here is "how can one know this is true?".

If the answer to one paradox is another then the question is the answer.


Quote from: interception on October 21, 2008, 10:42:29
I tend to agree with you there.

Not even a 1 mile thick lead shield? Can nothing protect us from such a gamma ray dose? I need to do some research on this.

Well, bud, I don't know if a 1 mile thick lead shield would protect us from radiation, but I do know that would be one damn big pencil, and I am more worried about finding the wood and rubber for the eraser than I am the lead   :lol:

It's a good thing Obama is from Krypton and his father sent him here to save the world, because the whole giant pencil thing reminds me way too much of a certain Space Balls made with a vacuum cleaner  :lol:
The key to success is finding the key to success, which just so happens to be somewhere down the rabbit hole, in and of itself.


Quote from: Adun on October 21, 2008, 18:53:56
It's quite obvious you don't know what's behind the phenomenon. Yet you so readily stepped on your high horse and patronized those that try to understand it.

I am contributing. Pointing out the silly anti-science stance that is seen too much around the internet these days, specially among new age north americans.

You are a highly critical person Adun. Lighten up. It's the heliosphere. No one can fix it, so it doesn't matter who contributes to finding out what's wrong with it, for though who does will be the BRINGER OF DOOOOM!!!
The key to success is finding the key to success, which just so happens to be somewhere down the rabbit hole, in and of itself.


Quote from: Adun on October 21, 2008, 18:53:56
It's quite obvious you don't know what's behind the phenomenon. Yet you so readily stepped on your high horse and patronized those that try to understand it.
I am contributing. Pointing out the silly anti-science stance that is seen too much around the internet these days, specially among new age north americans.

You are repeating yourself Adun. I know what I did, I know what I DON'T know and I don't care.

I am not in fact anti-science. I love science.

Moving on...

kurai kokoro

isn't astrology just the positions of the planets and stars? if not then I need to go research it more.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Quote from: Starvingpercussionist on October 21, 2008, 19:06:57
I think interception may have been making an adage to how many scientists are bought and paid for, for instance in the scam of global warming. I mean, global warming is clearly a result of the sun, since the whole solar system is warming up at this time, and yet supposedly over 2,000 scientists agreed to the carbon dioxide theory of global warming (I say supposedly because a few of those that were on the list didn't actually agree to the theory). I forget the source of this info, it was on quite a while ago. However, you can just google the fact that the solar system is warming up, it's been on mainstream news.
I thought the sun is cooling down, which is why the sunspots are low?  Or do I have it backwards?


QuoteTimes of maximum sunspot activity are associated with a very slight increase in the energy output from the sun. Ultraviolet radiation increases dramatically during high sunspot activity, which can have a large effect on the Earth's atmosphere. From the mid 1600s to early 1700s, a period of very low sunspot activity (known as the Maunder Minimum) coincided with a number of long winters and severe cold temperatures in Western Europe, called the Little Ice Age.

So according to the data, the low sunspot activity we're having should make it colder, yet things are actually getting warmer here on Earth.

kurai kokoro

well it could be that they are moving closer together.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."