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Video games: the good and the bad

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This is a highly strange thing to say, but I always had this idea that the seizures were being caused by people becoming so focused that they started to enter different states of consciousness.  Given that these people had never realized that such a thing was possible they would have no way to interpret such a thing,and would not understand what was going on which could cause them to become "lost."  The body would respond in a seizure in order to aid in moving the person's awareness back to the physical world.

edit: I was taught to use run-on sentences whenever possible


Who needs life when you have Vice City & San Andreas!

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


I can just imagine the mess that will be created the day they invent virtual reality.  These games are adictive enough already!


I really wonder where will it all stop? Computer graphics will soon reach the level where we won't be able to distinct fiction from reality (see nova day movies). And will there be a time when a human and machine merge into one. Will we be able to replace our feeling organs (eyes, ears, skin, tongue) with mechanical ones and if so, there will be a direct link between these devices and our brain.

If so, then we definitely will be able to live in virtual reality (remember the Matrix).


I certainly believe that there will come a day when we are fully in control of our physical evolution.  For some reason I have an aversion to integrating mechanical parts into humans.  I am more comfortable with technology that allows a human to interface with a computer without having to build that interface into humans.  For example, I see no need to replace our brains with computers.  Our brains are more powerful than any computer, we just need to learn how to use them fully.  

As far as our bodies go, it would be ineresting to see what they could do if they combined nano technology and organic compounds.  We could create bodies that could morph and all sorts of other craziness.  I really have no interest though in turning myself into a hunk of metal.  Of course, that just shows I have way too much attachment to our bodies as they are right now.