any experiences in the 'Akashic records' ?

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I see so many people mention this and its basically supposed to be the records in the form of a library or maybe a cinema of supposedly everything that's ever happened at anytime ever since the beginning of known existence.

Anyone managed to get to these in the astral? what happened? any awesome memories of perhaps immersing yourself in this? I am a little skeptical to be honest but experiences are interesting to me if anyone has indeed been there.


Been to a library area but I'm not sure if it was THAT Akashic Records. I suppose it was in the Human Culture Zone (even The Park / Focus 27 perhaps) of the higher astral (according to the author and teacher Kurt Leland it is already on a 'mental' plane since I asked him about it back then). I was there in the 'medical' department due to my interest in becoming a healer / naturopath back then in 2010.


I've been to some great learning institutes and libraries but have no memory of visiting what I think of as the Akashic records. However both my youngest children, when they were around 3 - 6 or 7 yrs old talked about visiting. They talked about playing with other kids around a huge water fountain and running through the fields to greet old friends. Very interesting stuff.


Sometimes I wonder if this place can change depending on the persons beliefs and expectations. I've heard of it being a library looking place but I'll bet someone could make it be a modern futuristic movie theater looking place if they wanted. I think it's just getting information from the past with an intent and the place you are at to get that information can be anything... maybe even just close your eyes and BOoM it's there. No traveling needed... I never been there so I couldn't say but I been out of body many times so this makes sense to me with my experiences... but I'm sure there are tons of library looking places over there! The possibilities are pretty much endless
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area


You guys have gotten closer to it than I have, at least from what I remember from my experiences.

During my courses at The Monroe Institute (TMI), we have made many attempts at visiting some of these areas which are accessed at Focus 27: The Reception Park, the Healing and Rejuvenation Center (the Hospital), the Education Center, the Re-Entry Center and the Library (which some feel strongly is the Akashic Records). I have seen and toured through a few of them, but not the Library. Whether these "places" are actually there in F27 at the Island TMI describes, or maybe just a series of "access points" have been developed and reinforced there, I am not sure. This is where language breaks down and becomes insufficient to clearly describe what we perceive in this Focus state.

MarsZM has the right idea. Just a reminder but in the Non-Physical Realities we are not physically going to places. We are accessing certain defined energy states where certain energetic structures have been formed, call them databases or matrixs or knowledge fields. And each of us can translate and interpret these structures in sometimes small or sometimes largely different ways from each other. The key is in determining their function. As an example, Lumaza has often described the Hospital as cathedral-like. In my case, I haven't experienced it that way; for me it is like a fairly modern hospital. I actually had a difficult time "tuning into the proper frequency" until I 'primed my visualization pump' by summoning my two young attendants from an earlier experience...which worked unexpectedly well. Another guy at TMI, who had not even experienced an OBE before, reported getting to the Hospital during the first session we tried. And yet, he was completely disappointed because it wasn't what he had expected, so he strongly doubted and rejected the experience. In his case, he did not find himself at the Hospital, but rather was floating in orbit above the Earth witnessing an orbiting space station like the one in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. He went aboard and was shown by an attendant room after room where patients had been quarantined. This made no sense to the TMI student and the rest of the room had no comment, but I knew his experience was legitimate because it exactly described the difficult conditions for certain Retrieval patients that Lumaza has described more than once in his own experiences. It was an interesting quandary there at TMI: I'm sure the Trainers knew to just take it all in stride, but for the students, they were mystified by the man's singular experience. And yet for me, it was a 100% validation of the authenticity of his experience. This for me, is a perfect example of just how differently we can each experience and translate and interpret our experiences in the NP.
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                                                          -O. Wilde


It's definitely different for each one and how you visualise it. It is the interface of your choice then. I also believe due to my own research that you can access akashic knowledge simply through questioning the Void in the right way. It does not mean that you 'are there' but just that you have a way to retrieve it, just like to query a database and get sth back in words, images, concepts, or entire 'rotes', etc.

By the way since it is mentioned in EV's post, I also saw the Hospital (or 'Temple of Healing') as a Cathedral like structure, much like the Cologne Cathedral or the Cathedral Familia Sagrada in Barcelona. All with beautiful parks and gardens before it.


There are some great replies here. That deosn't surprise me though!  :-)

Quote from: Volgerle on December 13, 2019, 14:11:45
It's definitely different for each one and how you visualise it. It is the interface of your choice then. I also believe due to my own research that you can access akashic knowledge simply through questioning the Void in the right way. It does not mean that you 'are there' but just that you have a way to retrieve it, just like to query a database and get sth back in words, images, concepts, or entire 'rotes', etc.
From my own experience through constant experimentation and exploration of the "void", I have to agree with Volgerle. The "void" is the Akashic Records, it is Focus 27, it is the Hospital, the Cathedral. It is all these things and more. It is anything you "need" it to be. It can be a Doorway or a portal. The more you access it, the more you see that there are no limits to it. The trick is to learn how to "utilize" for your desired intent at said time.

I have heard many people on Radio talk shows explaining their experience in this area. Many of them perceive it differently and because of that their descriptions of it tend to confuse people. What is it? It is "all" and "nothing"!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Mine is a particle... it's like a single point in my body (I won't tell you where) that is full of love, knowledge, and joyous energies. I call it the Fountain sometimes. I've addressed it many times and I get feedback. I thought maybe it was an over-active chakra but not sure...
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."