Any people here who can project on demand anytime?

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Can any of you guys leave your body anytime you want? Not only in the morning or just before sleep, but anytime you're willing to do so? If so how long did it take you to get to this point? And how long does it take you to take off from the point of lying down and closing your eyes?


I don't know of anyone with that kind of ability.  I think you're looking at a handful of people in the world at this point.

I could be wrong though.


On occasion theres a feeling you get, it comes and goes at varied times. If you wish to exit when its apparent then its easy and can be done within one minute. It may happen twice a year at the correct time for you.
To be able to exit at will anytime is probably for monks or the like. Living generally, work etc hinders this too much.
Its possible but as Xanth says incredibly rare.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Szaxx, is this feeling a feeling of sudden kind of comfrot and the mind suddenly goes quite empty of thoughts, it comes without any expectation instantaneously (like a very noticeable sudden change of atmosphere, when it becomes very 'comfortable')?


Tom Campbell says Rob Monroe taught them how to 'parallel process', and be in 2 places at once, thus he could be talking to one person in physical and at the same time being in the astral and talking and receiving information there from some energy form. He says anyone can develop this by simply practicing over and over and playing with imagination as often as possible.

This is really encouraging, but I guess its no surprise. I am writing this post now in the physical and yet I am also thinking of a green apple (a part of which could be in the astral), with practice the ability of imagining develops as I understand it

: )


For me its not unlike feeling intoxicated. That dizzyness after a couple or so pints of ale. Mixed in with a mental clarity where most of your memories are easy to recall, an uncanny knowing ( hard to describe) and its like the 3D darkness is part of you.
You know you can exit amongst other things.
Id like a way of inducing it at will. The worlds would be an oyster then. It would guarantee projection and much more at will. Ive often thought Mozart had this skill, its that influential.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Szaxx, thank you for your reply, this is very interesting as I get the atmosphere comfy change thing happen instead but then I just sit and meditate (and meditations become ecstatic and I can go for hours when this comfy 'thing' comes), I'd try to do a phase session next time to see if it might help to phase out

Am I correct in understanding that 'phasing at will and anytime' is just a matter of practice? I don't think there are any other variables that are involved (i mean other variables being those that help practice: good diet, exercise, etc). Any thoughts on this?

Some people I talk to phase out at will and can pull other people out, but they are occultists with years of training


Crossed posts, nice one considering the comment on two places at one time. On that subject, is there any more info available without searching for eons reading nonsense?
Im interested in this.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Back in the eighties I had 1 hour for lunch and as my home was within 5 mins of work I go home at this time. Id not eat but take something back with me. Thid left 45 mins which I would use to project. The success rate after a months programming was exceptional. On most days Id be astral and always bavk in work on time.
Now its different having my own children at home with theirs too. Noise is a problem but workable. Work is nearly 60 hours a week and I can project mostly through dreaming anchors.
It could be described as comfy depending on your meaning or relevant interpretation. You do feel so alive when its active.
If I had those free days again.....
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Szaxx, you interested in which part the 'occult training routines' for phasing/projecting or the parallel existence of being here and there as talked about by Tom?

If its the latter, Tom speaks about it in his videos a lot, and I'm still going through his book, but he does not say how it is done. However, I looked into it and I think I understand how Rob trained them, based on what Tom says in his videos. This is what I think happened:

Tom says that Rob would get them into the little cubicles and there would be a microphone hanging right above Tom's mouth and Tom would have to say every single thing he experienced and noticed EXACTLY WHEN he experienced and noticed it. He re-emphasized this by saying Rob would not allow him to simply go and then return and write down whatever he remembered, he had to speak while he was experiencing things. This made him develop parallel processing as he calls it.

Thus what I think they did is basically a guided visualisation (guided by their own mind at first just like Frank teaches us, but then it becomes 'alive/real') they simply keep saying out loud (but quite gently so they do not disturb the peaceful state) whatever they see. Overtime they develop the ability to go 'there' simply by thinking about it.

In occult schools this is trained a couple of steps up from the very basic training, where the person is taught how to visualise so concretely that he can literally see the object infront of him even if his eyes are wide open. The object then appears as a hallucination infront of the person.

Then the person can create an entire scene like this and be in the  physical room, yet at the same time actually be in the 'scene' that he created with his imagination, and move through that scene by using the intent. It is just a matter of practice over and over and over. Now to do this with eyes open is pretty neat, but it is much easier to do it with eyes closed - as I understand, this is exactly what Tom did at first, what Frank did, what Rob did, and what everyone seems to be doing. With eyes closed is also the way the occult schools teach this method at first, only later they teach it with eyes open.

Now there are many different schools in occult and they teach many different things, this is just based on what I understand about it.

So basically, as I understand it the occult schools teach pretty much the same 'result' as the Rob Monroe schools (up to a certain point), the only difference is 'how' it is taught. The occult schools usually have pretty hardcore routines and details to 'help' reach the state/skill faster (the so called 'formulas' where the person combines as many different things together as possible to help them progress - eg: Phase out in the morning hours (aka Brahma hour) + vegetarian diet + no alcohol, and it gets more progressive). You see even Frank at first said that he didn't believe in chakras etc, but then he started to change his mind as he begun to understand that things like 'chakras' (taught in occult schools) can be very useful tools if used accordingly, just like meditation is a useful tool in the physical reality, and so on.

If that helps in any way

: )


Szaxx, do you have an online diary/log/journal where you post your astral adventures?


Thanks for that info on two.
As far as journals go I've written nothing apart from shared experiences here on the pulse. I know I should but my memory of these events is seemingly uncanny. I rarely forget much but do remember more of recent outings in the afternoon. Strange I know but you dont forget much this way. I cant remember all that'd be amazing but if Im asked about one from 35 years ago the person asking would need to remind me of some part of it, then the memory follows. My first few oobes I can remember very well from the mid sixties, just thought it normal nocturnal happenings. You can be wrong and not know it. I was very young then....
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Szaxx, you seem like a seasoned pro!
There is much use for people like you, have you thought about writing a book? With your experience, it would be a hit.

I recently read a book by an artist he was lucid dreaming all the time, and wrote a book about what he discovered on his trips, it was quite interesting, he also has videos on youtube (he has a strange name, Sjorb or something)


I've thought about a book but on a subject that gives the need to meet with a guy who has a brilliant mind and he died possessing a secret. Ive met him before and he was a xxxxxx. He will remember me as I left him with an option. Ive no idea where he is but I can find him that I know.
I would write a book if I could project at will with the details of how to. The last quest was a success from focus level clairvoyance to the RTZ without any loss of conciousness. I would like the info on getting out on demand to further my knowledge too.
Seasoned, ha Im still 21, twice over and then some....
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: nikolai on May 20, 2012, 18:15:42If its the latter, Tom speaks about it in his videos a lot, and I'm still going through his book, but he does not say how it is done.
Could you compile some of those videos where Campbell explains how he does it.
I would like to know how close it is to Moen's "imagination method".

If possible, state the exact part of each video clip as in for example; "07:30 - 12:15".
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Quote from: sqprx on May 20, 2012, 09:28:22
Can any of you guys leave your body anytime you want? Not only in the morning or just before sleep, but anytime you're willing to do so? If so how long did it take you to get to this point? And how long does it take you to take off from the point of lying down and closing your eyes?

The only way I know of to be able to project at will consistently each and everyday would be to be conscious while falling asleep.

Each and every time you fall asleep, you would have to remain conscious during the act of falling asleep and let your consciousness slide out the top of your head. This would be difficult to do. I have been successful at it, but not on a consistent basis. If anyone has did this consistently, please let me know how you do it.


Hi everyone.

The problem lies in how you think about the issue. I think most of the problems that arise from reaching the state is by constantly shooting yourself in the foot by asking over and over if you are there yet.

You see if you read a book and you are so enthralled, engrossed in reading that's focused attention right there. You block out other sounds, you don't hear them. That's why someone might be telling you something and you don't hear. Because you are focused on the reading. It is the same with projecting. When you listen to the tape gateway first cd wave 2 many ask - am I there in Focus 10? Now if you are there why do you doubt it? Because you don't know how it should feel and you start to question yourself - because you have read some other experience and what he felt.

But everytime it says you are in Focus 10 you are already there. What the tape does is that it brings your attention so smoothly that you don't notice the fading in from outside reality to inner reality. You think you are still outside but you aren't. What the tape does also is to create some kind of anchor - when you first do the tape you have some "cues" that you have reached (for me it is my area of nose becoming really different from all of the other "points over my body" and I know I am there) and for others there are other cues. But whenever I meditate I don't reach the intent to have the area of my nose in a particular way - it's just the way it happens most of the time - even if it doesn't happen I know I am there.

Another way to put it - imagine in your head an apple - can you see it? And I don't mean to visualize it like you see in real life - in whatever way you see it trust it. Even if you have a feeling of what it should look like that's ok too. Whatever it is trust it. You will phase automatically when you generate some kind of environment and maintain your attention there.

Even Frank said that his body was in the "background". When you imagine something and then slowly create a world you go towards your attention and you generate less and less attention towards the physical. If you question yourself you automatically come back to your attention of the body and every time you do that you switch back from the imagination back to the body and you get in a loop. You shoot yourself in the foot like I say :D.

This is a scenario to show you this point - the tape says you are in F10 - you ask yourself am I in F10 - I don't feel like I'm in F10 - let's see if I can hear the sounds outside - and of course you hear them - then you think damn it and I was so close to reaching F10 and then you try again and you do it again.

You switch back from F10 to F1 only because of where you direct your attention. Ignore your questions of being in F10 - just assume that you are there. Assume that everything works accordingly and you will reach what you want to have in the first place.

You don't need to disconnect your awareness totally from the body - like in OBE. There were many cases in which people still felt to some degree the body and had beautiful experiences. They didn't question what was happening. They did go with the flow. Even Frank was in the same case.

But you say I want to have that experience in which I feel like I'm there (with all of my 5 senses) - and I'm telling you that the first thing you should do to reach that state is forget about your ideas of how it should be done (by constantly asking yourself if you are there yet). Forget all about what you read. Go with the flow. The more you go with the flow the more you are in that state. It's really much simpler than people think.

Again it's like imagining an apple. Can you imagine it? That's it. You are there. But you say - I'm not seeing like in the physical - well it's not physical - that's why :D. The more you stay in the frame of the mind that it doesn't feel like in the physical the more grounded you become in the physical - you see how you get yourself in a loop ? It's so simple that people don't believe it's that simple.


Quote from: Pauli2 on May 20, 2012, 19:49:29
Could you compile some of those videos where Campbell explains how he does it.
I would like to know how close it is to Moen's "imagination method".

If possible, state the exact part of each video clip as in for example; "07:30 - 12:15".
It's identical.
It's using the same faculties, but different metaphors.

Everyone has direct access to the wider reality at all times... the thing is though, not many people are actually trying to listen to it.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on May 21, 2012, 10:39:11
Everyone has direct access to the wider reality at all times... the thing is though, not many people are actually trying to listen to it.  :)
This statement here is one of the most important things said on this site period. EVERYONE has direct access to the Wider Reality. At any time day or night you have the ability to just close your eyes and experience this. This first became noticeable to me after many Phasing techniques and showed it"s true essence while I was taking a shower. I was in my shower, I got soap in my eyes, so I closed them, to my surprise I was in a beautiful waterfall scene. I was standing at the cliffs edge and way below me was a beautiful flowing river, parallel to me on the other side of the mountainous scene were beautiful cascading waterfalls. To tell you the truth, I got kind of dizzy at first seeing this, because my toes were teetering right on the end of that cliff, I thought I might fall. It was surreal. Now that I have realized that this is possible, I close my eyes many times a day just to see what is there. I want to say though, at no time do I ever imagine a scene first. They are just there. This is one of the rewards you will find when you truly open your mind to the Wider Reality.


I agree to an extent of what's being said, but I believe you should also keep the physical experience and astral experience as 2 separate things. Don't let a meditative state come into your daily life. It's bound to eventually create an imbalance, neurosis, depression, unclear thinking, or exasperate any other existing issues. I would guess most people who are clairvoyant 24/7 have mastered their inner and outer lives independent of each other first.

Being able to focus clearly in the physical creates a more balanced and focused meditative life. I'm not knocking what anyone else said, just stating something I find important in regards to having a balanced life.


Quote from: Stookie_ on May 22, 2012, 11:48:03
I believe you should also keep the physical experience and astral experience as 2 separate things. Don't let a meditative state come into your daily life. It's bound to eventually create an imbalance, neurosis, depression, unclear thinking, or exasperate any other existing issues.

I totally agree.


Quote from: Stookie_ on May 22, 2012, 11:48:03
I agree to an extent of what's being said, but I believe you should also keep the physical experience and astral experience as 2 separate things. Don't let a meditative state come into your daily life. It's bound to eventually create an imbalance, neurosis, depression, unclear thinking, or exasperate any other existing issues. I would guess most people who are clairvoyant 24/7 have mastered their inner and outer lives independent of each other first.

Being able to focus clearly in the physical creates a more balanced and focused meditative life. I'm not knocking what anyone else said, just stating something I find important in regards to having a balanced life.
I actually disagree with this statement, and believe that the goal of everyone who meditates or wants to learn meditation should be to achieve that state of constant focus/concentration.  Learning this has clear helpful implications upon your waking, physical life.  It's not about "learning to meditate"... it's about becoming consistent and focused throughout your life, as a whole.  Physical and non-physical.

As I usually tell people in relation to astral projection... meditation shouldn't be something you "do", it should be a state of mind/consciousness that you "are".
The series of videos I linked above explain it much better than I can.  They're a long listen... but VERY worth it.


Lets not forget that you can learn a discipline too. Its a way of life. Sounds familiar Xanth? ;)
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on May 22, 2012, 17:21:47
Lets not forget that you can learn a discipline too. Its a way of life. Sounds familiar Xanth? ;)
That's pretty much it.

Astral Projection (and yes, meditation) isn't something you pick up and do for a short period of time.  You'll get nowhere with it.
It's a lifelong venture. As Tom Campbell puts it (he has a lot of good stuff to say, btw ;))... take the long view... in 15 - 20 years, you'll be good at it and you'll have learned lots along the journey.  I don't pretend here... this *IS* a long journey, but one that's well worth it in the end (actually there is no end LoL).


Quote from: Xanth on May 22, 2012, 13:03:28
I actually disagree with this statement, and believe that the goal of everyone who meditates or wants to learn meditation should be to achieve that state of constant focus/concentration.  Learning this has clear helpful implications upon your waking, physical life.  It's not about "learning to meditate"... it's about becoming consistent and focused throughout your life, as a whole.  Physical and non-physical.

As I usually tell people in relation to astral projection... meditation shouldn't be something you "do", it should be a state of mind/consciousness that you "are".
The series of videos I linked above explain it much better than I can.  They're a long listen... but VERY worth it.

You keep generalizing and trying to group everything under 1 simple rule when there are differences. There's a difference between being mindful and consciously shutting down your physical awareness to access the astral. You do not want to be walking around in a trance state. During your daily life, your awareness should be centered in the physical. And yes, being mindful of this is the best way to do it. That's when you're properly focusing your awareness in the physical. But you can't rely strictly on physical mindfulness for AP, you have to learn to focus away from it, and those activities should be done separately for a healthy and balanced progression.