Astral Body

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All I know is that the other bodies have no set form. Only your physical body has the same form from one moment to the next, and it slowly changes as time goes by. Your other bodies can be different each time you go to them, if you even notice one at all.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.

Lawnmower Man


I'm looking for information about the Astral Body.  I projected a few times as a kid/teenager and my twenties(not on purpose)and never took the time to look!  About three months ago a friend gave me a book on OBE by Albert Taylor.  Since I read that book and many others including Astral Dynamics, I have had three OBEs, none that I would call conscious exits(I'm having problems with conscious exits, if anyone has any suggestions?)

Anyway, I made a point to look at my body the first two times because of the way they started.  When the projections started (both times) I was in the blackness of space with nothing accept millions of stars.  I raised my arms to have a look, they too appeared to be made of thousands of stars.  I could see the separation between my arms and the background but it was like I contained millions of miniture stars or lights.

I told the friend who had given me the first book.  He simply stated "Well, what did think they meant by Astral body".  I have only found this mentioned once in book by William Buhlmann, but he didn't seem to have a explanation.

Does anyone have any information on this body and which level it belongs to?

Also any information on the other bodies and appearance would be great!!  This information in any kind of detail seems to be hard to come by!

Thanks for your help!