Getting comfortable

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a lot of it is simply training. With enough practice you will be able to become comfortable just about anywhere even a wooden chair. I sugest that you simply practice meditating in a wooden chair for a while without even worrying about OBE. OBE will come only after you know how to relax. You can always try lying on the floor as well. Once you slow your brain down enough you don't even notice a hard floor. It could also help if you do an hour of yoga before hand after which the floor would seem very comfortable. You could fold up a blanket and put it on the floor to lie on as well.
Hope that helps


I'm in a hotel room for an extended period of time.  The only furniture I have are two beds and two very uncomfortable straight backed wooden chairs.  Question:  How can I best make myself comfortable to raise energy and possibly OBE?  The beds are not recommended on account of it being where I sleep and the chair is practically a torture device from the dark ages.  Thanks.


p.s.  do any of you find that earplugs help?