Astral, dream or something else?

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Last night I became lucid in a dream. I deliberatly came out of the dream to have an obe. So I woke up and then started feeling the vibrations and heard all sorts. Usually I hear static, like TV static, it was the same but this time i was hearing a lot of voices, like off an old radio station - this is why I am questioning the experience. Anyway I started coming of my body and went through the wall infront of me, but as I came out of the other side of the wall I entered into my old living room where I used to live about 5 years ago.. is that normal, was this a dream? From their I said affirmations to try to calm me down like 'clarity now' and stuff, and then I tried thinking myself to somewhere else but I wasnt moving. Just thought id get your opinions and what it really was?  :-) thanks
The government says, "No you may not expand your mind beyond our control. No you may not experience altered states of consciousness that can be beneficial to you as an individual. You must see reality within the context of which we give you..." pfft


An altered state, that much you can no for sure. hah


If you were aware then without a doubt this was a projection of consciousness.  LD, AP, OBE - whatever, you projected your consciosness.
My Blog about my AP progression from almost day 1


You can hear all sorts of things in the vibration stage. For me it is mostly voices and you can and will project into many random places some you will recognise and some you may not.


cool thanks for the replies, and what about the 'thinking' teleporting thing. usually you can just think yourself to places right? say if you wanted to go to the moon all you would have to do is think, or is there more to this?
The government says, "No you may not expand your mind beyond our control. No you may not experience altered states of consciousness that can be beneficial to you as an individual. You must see reality within the context of which we give you..." pfft


Hallo ElectromagneticMan
I think that it is normal to find oneself in a past residence when out of body. In fact this has happened to me several times. For no apparent reason I have found myself in places where I used to live years ago including a location that was hundreds of miles away from where I was currently living physically. And I also tend to think that you had an OBE and not a dream btw. The vibrations are usually an accurate indication that an OBE is about to occur.
Also unusual noises, including voices, are quite common phenomena. It may have been due to acute hearing that sometimes is a 'side affect' of OBEs. Meaning you may have heard either nearby physical people, or else discarnate spirits.

Cheers  :-)


Quote from: ElectromagneticMan on October 17, 2011, 18:09:36
cool thanks for the replies, and what about the 'thinking' teleporting thing. usually you can just think yourself to places right? say if you wanted to go to the moon all you would have to do is think, or is there more to this?

In theory this is true... but for places you've never been it'll be a bit harder to get to a halfway accurate counterpart. Say for instance, you want to go to school... you've been there, you know the feeling/atmosphere of the location so you'll get there with relative ease. For the Moon, all you have is a depiction of it as a whole. You've never been to the environment so it's more open to interpretation... at best you'll get to a plane with a Moon that reflects your expectations at the time. So yes, thinking is key but it's the underlying feeling that is the true 'astral highway.'


Hearing what you called tv static is definitely a sign that you are going out of the body. I experienced myself this kind of phenomena right before a projection. About arriving in your old residence : have you ever used the technique of focusing on an object in your old house? Because your mind could have been programmed to it and could explain why you found yourself in your old house.
Our biggest ennemy is ourself.


really good answers, i understand more now, thanks a lot guys!
The government says, "No you may not expand your mind beyond our control. No you may not experience altered states of consciousness that can be beneficial to you as an individual. You must see reality within the context of which we give you..." pfft