Astral projection process / problems

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I've been reading (and rereading) a book called Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. I'm reading the first edition (from 1999) for the first time in 8-10 years. Basically the process he says is:

1.deep physical relaxation.
2.trance state (started / sustained by a "falling" effect) - this is one of the most difficult parts for me.
3.projection technique and exit - I don't know a good visualization technique. I don't like / can't do the rope technique because I've never climbed a rope in my life. The same with the ladder version of this technique I've never climbed a ladder in my life before. I tried a technique after the "falling" effect was initiated / maintained. Swinging like spiderman. Another one I used is once the "falling" effect is maintained / entered I swung around a tower in the sky by holding onto a web like spiderman but swinging 360 degrees or in a circle.

For the trance state the best was imagining I was going down and then up some stairs.

Edit / after thought:
The first time I memorized / tried this I got what felt like small / medium surges of electricity going through my body after the second step. Then I tried exiting my body through going through at least 2-3 techniques. It kinda felt like my physical body was actually moving and I couldn't tell the difference whether it was my physical body or not.

More thoughts / replies after I get my first and / or more replies. Thank you.


It sounds like you are doing well.   Just keep practicing.   Let things happen naturally.   If you force it, it will unlikely work.   Do a technique that you like doing.    It does not have to be climbing a ladder.   It could be playing tennis, hitting a ball or a million billion other things.


He's added a few things between editions, (and taken some stuff out), but in short, he has added "energy body loosening" in between trance and exit methods.  I agree with this, it keeps you from starting the exit method too early in the process and getting tired/fed up before it works.
I would not advise starting the exit methods until you're having some sort of symptom -then do energy body loosening and then go for the exit attempt.


Quote from: CFTraveler on December 14, 2013, 14:57:13
He's added a few things between editions, (and taken some stuff out), but in short, he has added "energy body loosening" in between trance and exit methods.  I agree with this, it keeps you from starting the exit method too early in the process and getting tired/fed up before it works.
I would not advise starting the exit methods until you're having some sort of symptom -then do energy body loosening and then go for the exit attempt.

What is energy body loosening? Are there any online articles about it. I checked out the second edition of the book a two or three years ago,but got bored of it.



Yes, in the Astral forum, in the OBE R & D section.


Quote from: CFTraveler on December 15, 2013, 16:05:08
Yes, in the Astral forum, in the OBE R & D section.

I tried reading the topic about it and didn't understand it. Would I have to read the second edition of Astral Dynamics in order to get a beginners tutorial on it?

I can check it out from my library.



In the book he explains rather simply what it is and what it's for.  The edition that lists them is the 2012 edition, not the 1999 edition, although I remember reading about them first in M.A.P. (the book).
I'm not sure, other than the techs that are movement-based, what's difficult about them (I wrote most of them in the stickied thread, so you can ask me if you have trouble with a concept)-some of the techs are energy work based, and there are tutorials on them.