Breaking the gravity habit

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The only way to fly in astral is to actually believe you can fly, and use your mind to get off the ground. You must believe with no doubt at your mind. I had a few experiances where I was flying really high, and then I questioned my success. As soon as that thought of possible failure crossed my mind I started to fall. The more I resisted the faster I was falling. So have faith, and don't give up, that's my advice.

Good luck


May be of interest to some people who, like me, have trouble not keeping their feet on the ground :)
I've yet to manage to genuinely fly in a LD. I can get off the ground, but it's always just a big jump followed by returning to the ground. Gravity is a habit I'm finding it hard to break.
My breakthrough occurred thanks to my other hobby: Scuba diving. Because when you're in the water, of course, you float. And last night, I was dreaming I was underwater when I became lucid.
I was still slightly 'heavy', and sank downwards. But by imagining myself 'floaty' and swimming upwards, I managed to stop sinking. I've never managed to do that when dreaming myself in the air, but I now know that I can make myself float so long as I'm dreaming I'm underwater.
So, if you just can't make yourself fly, my advice is to head for the water. Your mind is much more open to the idea of floating than it is flying, so you may find it a useful intermediate step to get yourself used to the idea of being above the ground and not going downwards.