what is the nature of void?

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dreamingcarnage, welcome to our little online society of astral (and beyond) venturers (sp?). Anyways, you raise some very interesting questions, only one of which I think I can handle.

Is there anyway to survive Void? Still retain identity?

It's obvious that you survive voids because there would be no one to tell about them if we don't. I've always imagined that you are still yourself, but in nothingness. I think that you still act and think like you, that it's only your surroundings that change. I may be wrong, but I'm very curious as to some others handle these.


well when i said is it possible to survive with identity intact i was refering to theoretically would it be possible and im a n00b about void.  The question that interests me is that it seems to be a blanket on the senses so there must be somethong there, transmuting void or infusing that form of "raw stuff of reality" and what the benefits would it afford


I may be going way out on a limb here but it seems to me that void is nothing ..absence of light and everything, it isn't that void causes us to lose sense it's just the fact that there isn't anything to sense. Besides once you are there it isn't completely void anymore right? I don't see how we could output void when we are not void, infact the opposit of void and thus somehow harnessing void would seemingly replace us with, or put us in void.... right? Ok now my head hurts if I'm wrong someone please explain it to me too?


well they say if void is nothingness how can it have definable perimeter?  There must be something else to it.  Yes we arent void but i think of void as the factory of creation and the raw unformed stuff of reality.


Great question DreamingCarnage!
What IS the nature of the Void?
I at first thought that the Void was a lack of perception. That the Void was actually something/somewhere else but was misperceived by the people who were projecting.
Since then I have experienced the Void on at least 2 out of bodies. Now I no longer believe that the 'concept' of the Void is a result of bad perception. I now think that the Void is a separate astral or ethereal plane. Or is an isolated region of an astral or ethereal plane.
Oddly enough I do not feel threatened, lonely or disconcerted when in the Void. That could be because I have always been confident of returning to the Here-Now.
One of the few certainies I have managed to glean from the Void is that, as lateralus897 asserts, individual indentity does indeed survive the void. Surviving there may not be fun, but it can be done.


can you feel any kind of "data flow" or some type of unknown energy?  Is there a possibility to infuse with it?


dc: I think perhaps you are getting the wrong end of the stick, here. The "void" Monroe talks about is probably just the 3D-Blackness at the Focus 21 state. I can't remember ever reading him saying this causes sensory deprivation in a hamful, torturous kind of way. On the contrary, floating in the 3D-Blackness is rather pleasant. If you can point me to the particular page I'll try and confirm what he is saying exactly.



I've done alot of studies on Void, though as far as my exact level of knowledge or accuracy I'm not sure.  Here's what I've figured so far:

The Void's boundies can be determined by a lack of sense.  Just as you can tell when there is darkness simply because of the lack of light (I can't see anything, so it must be dark).

There's different levels of void, just like energy, though it goes the other way on the specturm.  Most voids arn't true voids, just the amounts of energy in them are minmal at best (eg think night time with new moon, there is light, but very little of it, so still considered dark out).

It has it's own pattern except when in total darkness, just as there are shadows at night. A computer read out might look like:
High Energy: 11101110  
Normal Energy: 10101010  [Average Day]
Average Void: 10001000
Full Void: 00000000   [Not sure if this even possible]

I'd imagine you'ed be able to create a temorary void by holding a astral shield around an area, and then taking all the energy out [the shield so the energy doesn't flow back natrually].

Voids can be survived, but some are more dangerous then others.  Think temperature.  If item A is hotter then the surrounding area, the surrounding area will heat up while A cools off.  Not instantiously, but over time.  Now, imagine Item A is hot (Soul), and there surronding temperature is close to absolute 0 (Void).  Heat goes alot quicker from Item A to the surrounding area then.  Depending on how much the area is voided [eg how much lack of temperature compared to the normal enviroment], a bit more shilding will compensate [as someone in winter clothing can survive the Arctic longer].

An intersting thing is there must be something seperating the voids from the surrounding area, as energy usually fills any empty space without a barrier.

Um, I probably could go on for quite a while, but this covers the majority of what I've theorized.  Any questions, I'll keep an eye on this topic and reply.


Frank he never said it was painful


I was thinking of void in a more powerful/somewhat Buddhist idea of it, but with different goals in mind.  I thought that these 3-d blackness or void or what not in areas were in effect load screens and that maybe it is possible to reach transdimensional realms through them.


spirit is it like a black hole?


Originally posted by dreamingcarnage

Frank he never said it was painful

I know, that's why I was confused by your post.



Ney, not like a black hole, cause voids can be filled.  More like the glass being more then half empty.

Most the voids I've noticed wern't gateways anywhere, if anything less of all the layers existed in them (slight effect on the physical plane too, but most astral).

I think though some gateways might have similar "looks" as a void though, cause it would be hard to detect energy in an area when it's neither one type or another but a tansition between them.


DreamingCarnage I am intuitively thinking that your original post referred to the VOID. My understanding of the VOID is that it is a place of emptiness and solitude. This differs from others Voids which are (mostly) the result of distorted or faulty perceptions.
My own theory on the VOID is that it is a separate and complete astral or ethereal plane. Perhaps the VOID is the result of balance between two ultimate forces (Good/evel or maybe creation/destruction). The two or three times I have been in the VOID were very peaceful yet perhaps it was the same type of calm as being in the eye of a hurricane.


Hi -

I just found your forum yesterday and have found some of the descriptions of "the void" relevant to my own experiences.   One day a couple of years ago while practicing a stilled-mind meditation I found myself in a place of limitless IS-ness, where the apparent observer and the feeling of "me-ness" had disappeared.  So a bit later I began to research what this "void" space I had entered, was.  (fwiw the mind-stilling technique used is called "tratak" - an ancient yoga technique, so I later found out; although in my meditational trials it was discovered independently by pragmatic trial and error)  

Here is the web page which describes the experience and gives some links which were found to be of use.

or, mirror page,

Peace be with you,



This is a long read but i found it interesting and accurate as far as my experiences go.


relevant segment:
Minimal perceptual environments are related to perceptions of fading and stability. Some individual lucid dreamers do not awaken when they experience a complete loss of stability and fade from their lucid dreams. Instead they find themselves in minimal perceptual environments. Minimal perceptual environments are characterized by a loss of the rich sensory modalities typical of dreaming; such experiences may be perceived by the lucid dreamer as being in a "void" or in "darkness". However, lucidity is preserved; internal speech, affect and cognitive function remain intact within this minimal environment. Some sensory modalities are also preserved; kinesthetic sensations may be present (so that the subject seems to be "moving") although somesthetic sensations (sense of body image) typically are absent. There are perceptions of visual depth (e.g. the "darkness" has a sense of depth and size to it), but typically not visual perceptions of color or form. The "darkness" can sometimes appear to have visual motion; it may "swirl" or "bellow".


Im speaking of void, as in the void in astral or in parts of astral. Ive heard that monroe called "entering a void area causes total sensory deprivation ina projector, a quiet blackness without sensory input" But would it be possible to transmute the "data" of void into sensory output? If this void can cause something it cant be from a lack there of so there must be something, maybe a type of energy not yet realized or comprehended. Also does void have a spatial quality?
Is there anyway to survive Void? Still retain identity?  What of the theory that void could be used to merged and meld the conscious and subconscious into 1 "super" conscious state?