Can I find my deceased brother when I die?

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Before I get to this let me say that this post is connected with this previous thread.

Brother Just Died Of Alcoholism, Is He OK?;msg372034#msg372034

The report came in my brother died of alcohol/ethanol poisoning. Only 6 people a day die that way, it's really unfortunate that this happened. The good news is that I think he died relatively painlessly. Meaning it wasn't like he was wasting away in a hospice for years on end.

I don't want inflated answers I just want the truth. I know you's say that in the afterlife/astral there is no way of knowing if the person your talking to is a projection of the subconscious or someone real. So is there any way I can KNOW that I have found my brother after I died? Is there anyway I can contact him?



To KNOW for sure?


How's that for concise?  :)


Quote from: Xanth on August 14, 2019, 20:57:17
To KNOW for sure?


How's that for concise?  :)
Unfortunately that's what I thought you'd say.

What can I do to test it to increase the probability that I know that he's not just a projection of my own mind?


Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 14, 2019, 21:14:17
Unfortunately that's what I thought you'd say.

What can I do to test it to increase the probability that I know that he's not just a projection of my own mind?
Nothing.  Ultimately, there's no way to know for certain... just as you can't know for certain that anyone other than yourself is "real".

Also, you're making the assumption that we "continue" on in this physical-type state.
Nothing in my experience has ever led me to believe that we continue on in this same manner.


Quote from: Xanth on August 17, 2019, 01:45:15
Nothing.  Ultimately, there's no way to know for certain... just as you can't know for certain that anyone other than yourself is "real".

Also, you're making the assumption that we "continue" on in this physical-type state.
Nothing in my experience has ever led me to believe that we continue on in this same manner.
Yeah I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad that this is the case.


Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 19, 2019, 19:09:02
Yeah I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad that this is the case.
You don't have to be either happy or sad.  Just "be".  :)


I agree with Xanth. How can we know for sure if something is 100% objective? Comprehending subjectivity vs. objectivity involves much speculation so how can one be certain of anything? Anyway.....I have interacted with a deceased friend in an obe and the the only aspect that made me question his "reality" is that he didnt look like he did in the physical along with  a few questions I asked him. He actually thought I was dead and had no idea I was oob.  If he were "only a projection of mind" then why didnt he resemble what my memories are of him? Wouldnt my mind projection correlate with my memories? Who knows man.


Quote from: Windwalker. on August 21, 2019, 16:52:41
I agree with Xanth. How can we know for sure if something is 100% objective? Comprehending subjectivity vs. objectivity involves much speculation so how can one be certain of anything? Anyway.....I have interacted with a deceased friend in an obe and the the only aspect that made me question his "reality" is that he didnt look like he did in the physical along with  a few questions I asked him. He actually thought I was dead and had no idea I was oob.  If he were "only a projection of mind" then why didnt he resemble what my memories are of him? Wouldnt my mind projection correlate with my memories? Who knows man.
Well, consider it like this...
When a being physically dies, that's it... that bit of consciousness, in my opinion, goes back to the source.  The illusion of separation is now gone and we return to the One.
When we see and interact with someone who has already passed, we're really experiencing no differently than we would while we're physical.  The knowledge and experience of that bit of consciousness lives on within consciousness and you have direct access to that information as well.  So while it's probably not that same bit of consciousness, it would act and react in the same manner as that consciousness would... so if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... it's probably a duck, right?

So while it's probably not THEM, exactly... it still is them in the sense of how they act and react.  Next best thing perhaps?


I've met with a deceased close family member maybe a year ago but I didn't want to for 2,5 decades. I will talk about this somebody as "person" and for information sharing purposes. I always had an opinion that others are doing their stuff (even if I was little and felt this) and going on their way, just like me or others. So I didn't want a contact really. But this time I've met with this person a few times (not one after another strictly) and the story is about dying in cancer. I don't give out so much detail here, it was cruel and lasted for a few years. Cause: rushing here and there, not slowing down from fear and being over-burnt. In a nutshell. So one point about creating cancer for ourselves.

This person just met me in a scenery, I didn't even expect it. Then in another one which resembled our family home but in a different way, the interior was different. It seems like many post-humans are ending up in similar places which are familiar to some extent. So this person was talking to me the way that it just happened maybe in a minute, the death process and being there. Yeah... time. So we had a chat and I asked (the first time in a city scenery) that was it hard to "heal" from cancer? Yes it was. Sure, not the way we do it here in a physical reality. Emotionally. The second was that why did this person (sorry I won't call he or she for personal reason) did this to itself? It was from living in shame. This one made me think why? I was a kid at that time back then. Okay, no wonder but the thing is that it was a real person, real memories, real conversation. I didn't really question it.

The second meeting was in the created house for this person, I found it interesting, only had the proper self-control to chat for 5-10 minutes.  The impression was for me that this person is still in that emotional position, it is hard to digest, the post-events of physical life. What is the take on these? Some may stay in an emotional loop or state where they still digest it and others may won't. It seems to be very real that guides are taking people into places which are familiar to them to help get lost the physical life construct. But they in somehow, in their core still remember somehow and even if they act differently according to their physical personality, they still have that core. This may tells us that it can be very real that we need to go through a process (okay not us, who are well-experienced in many stuff) which helps us shred down this addiction or emotional loop. I guess many can't drop it. No wonder the BST territories and all the other cities and regions.
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I will add my own interpretation-

I think that Xanth's last post has it pretty close here, and I am in agreement with only a few qualifications: Maybe a part of us does return to the Source/One, but I think that unless our (current) mission is ultimately concluded, that a larger part of our NP personality remains and continues to explore/expand/evolve.

So the part that remains, we can gain access to, but it may in fact be a greater or lesser part of that being, it is really hard to tell and a truly individual thing, given time and circumstance. The number of variables may be quite large. Nonetheless, this should not dissuade us from trying if the moment seems appropriate; the Universe will deliver the degree of contact and level of message that we need. In some cases, this happens quite spontaneously; in others, it can require years.

In reading Phildan's last post, I sense the same reluctance I felt in contacting my father 9 years ago, after his death. There was the strong desire to contact him, and yet, also the sense to keep a respectful distance.

Phildan1, I think your second meeting was a very important lesson on many levels and you appear to have recognized them. Thank you for sharing such a significant experience.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thanks to everyone that chimed in. It's a lot of food for thought for me.



As I believe in reincarnation , more than likely the person will have moved on to a new life .   You might get a new brother , a son , or a grand son .


Some of these replies are very sad to me... but I do get it. I think as tom Campbell puts it source will play out one of your deceased loved ones but I honestly do think they are still around maybe just in a different form living another life and you can interact with their IUOC or higher self... which will probably be very different but at least you would know it's the being you a knew in this life plus however many other god only knows how many lives it's had... my grandpa died in 2009 and he always hangs out around me helping me in this life and I just recently saw him in my dream smiling in the background assuring (felt like assurance he was there for me in hard times...) I've heard people say they have interacted with both the higher self of that person and just a manifestation that source gives you like they are a piece of data or whatever... I would be completely happy if I could interact with their higher self or even them in another life in a totally different form. Which is most likely what would happen... but there are cases of people waiting for other people to go on adventures with after they die and start new lives together. I've also interacted with people who have an obe at the same time I do and we both share the same memories and say exactly what we did and it matches.... so other beings definitely move on.... it's not just you alone out there that's a FACT. From experience.... but it's still all coming from the same source. I like to see it as you're not alone and you can still contact and hang out with your loved ones just they might be in a different form. I hate the approach that someone you care for dies and that's it.... you'll never interact with them again and if you do it's a piece of data from source trying to make you feel better and it's not even them... to me that's disempowering and sad but to each his/her own. I've read on other forums too or groups where people say none of us even exist... weird stuff like that. If that's the case why do people say love is the only answer or the game is to lower entropy? If nobody exists why is murder even a bad thing? Aren't you just deleting a piece of data you don't want in your world? That only you exist in and nobody else is even real? It just makes no sense. What's the point in a romantic relationship? Nothing... because they don't even exist and when they die from this place they turn into data to make you "feel better" and you'll never even see that being again even in the afterlife. It's just sad to me and I'd like to think there's more to it than what I see a lot of people say... :/ I understand if someone dies here that's just an avatar... and they will change heavily and even look different etc over time.... but for god sake I'd like to think their spirit is eternal and you can always make that connection and hang out or whatever even after eons of lifetimes. I've heard of souls sticking together for 1000s of lifetimes
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area