help me find elvis

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I'm not sure you can find the real Elvis but you can always get across a look-alike [:D]
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Now seriously, you can program yourself for a meeting. When you go to bed have the intent of meeting him in the dream and eventually it will happen. You don't have to think how it's gonna happen, but just let it happen.

I've had interesting experiences looking for dead people in the dreams. Once I tried to find a person who lived in the XVII century and one night I had a dream in wich I was flying over the woods and at that time I knew it was my chance, it was happening.
I could feel this heavenly 'something' in the air. There were 2 nymphs floating next to a fountain and they took me to a spot of light in that forest. It was like a mirror suspended in mid air, but it had no refletion, just a light. There they told me to call for the person and the light would reply. I did as they said, and the light replied the person could not be reached. [:(]
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Maybe they should get an answering I am sorry I couldn't resist[:o)]

Nay. [;)]


Originally posted by ronaldo


i'm a big elvis fan does anyone think it's possible to meet elvis in the astral ?

He's my boyfriend. I'm gonna see him tomorrow...oh wait a minute...he's just an Elvis impersonator... :-)

BTW love ur Flat Eric avatar. :-)
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Hello Ronaldo
Here's a few tips for your success in finding Elvis in the astral
First fill up on Mac Donalds then get confortable
State your intent eg " I want to meet the King Elvis Presley"

followed by the mantra " Ahuh..Ahuh" repeat this until you fill the vibrations, your hips may start thrusting and legs wobbling but go with it and last but not least stay off his blue swayed shoes.
Your going to Graceland  my friend [:D]



Something about your avatar tells me that you are a very serious person [;)]. If I wanted to find Elvis I would go to the astral Las Vegas belief system territory where he is probably still performing. [8D]

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


How did you know I'm going to Graceland?


Mirador told me!!.. his psychic you know...oh and his also oversexed so ask him about that astral Dungen. He's probably got one going already with he's mates   [:D]


Ronaldo , dont listen to a lot of the jokers that posted. If your serious about finding elvis .. the best thing for you to do is go leave your body however is best for you and when you finally realize you are out .. simply call for him. I've heard its that simple from 2 other astral projecters and they have contacted people who have passed. I have not tried yet but its that simple. Theres no voodoo ritual that will bring a holographic elvis vision to you so going astral and having the intent to appear before him or vice versa would be your best bet in my opinion. Good luck in your search.
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


uh oh...think we just got in trouble.. sniff..sniff..[:I]

Hey Zarklen..ronaldo needs help in the fetish dept too perhaps you will have some tips for him.

Sorry if I offended. [:(]

Nay. [;)]


maybe I came on too strong to the "jokers" I just thought someone had to step on if this guy is serious about finding elvis in the astral. No offense to anyone out there.

*cracks nuckles*
Ok fetishes....  Well.. I know I have a fair share of my own.. I know me and my ex girlfriend got off on writing some kinky letters about suckin each other blood... we were gonna do it one day but well.. her parents found the letters soooo :) Hightschool.. bah..

Thats kind a good idea .. make a kinky fetish dungeon in the astral.. if it attracts negs .. lol blast them with energy or something .. Im sure theres plenty of astral energy in the astral plane just point a finger and zap the place clean before you get yer freak on in your freshly built fetish dungeon!  *shudders* I'm not into whips and chains just yet .. just blood and daggers/needles/vampires ..... :)
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


ooooook I know why you took him

Nay. [;)]


thanks for the help zarklon i don't know why the people in here don't take me seriously.
i like the sounds of this astral energy, does it inflict pain
what do u think would happen if i zapped my balls with it


Hello everyone
Zarklon I did check Ronaldo's age before reply [;)] I still laugh everytime I see your avatra Ronaldo. And Nay LoL  looks like your the tasty filling between two kinky  peaces of bread hold the fetish lol.
You are full of suprises Nay [:P][;)]
Oh and Ronaldo.. Ooouch!!
I'm out of here before Mistress neg takes too whipping me for being a naughty Boy


LOL..hold the fetish..  Don't encourage those two.! I was pulled into this forum by the dark forces...they are strong today.

Nay. [;)]


You guys want to feel sorry for me cos I actually know ronaldo


Kill yourself! and it will work.


Why would Elvis Presley (or any other deceased celebrity or historical figure) feel a need to make personal out of body appearances for their fans[?] I would hope that Elvis and other important discarnates have better things to do.  [8D][:D][:D][:D]



i'm a big elvis fan does anyone think it's possible to meet elvis in the astral ?