Did any of the members meet in the astral?

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Hi, I'm wondering if any of the members had met on the astral plane and recalled the experienced.



Some experienced astral traveler claim that they met friends or did experiment but we dont really know if its true !


See I think that is the best way to prove that projections and phasing are real and not just internal manifestations.



You can search for "OBE verification experiment" in google, I guess you'd find good resources about that...

As for the board, there's the Astral Pulse Island construct, but I don't know if people are actually going there anymore...

The main problem about meeting in an OBE is how rare the conditions are.

1. You need to be able to astrally project
2. You need to be able to project at the same time as someone else (because OBEs only last for a few minutes)
3. Both people need to be experienced enough to see each other, and so they don't drift out of the "Real Time Zone"

The much simpler way to verify OBEs is to ask someone to guess something they could not know in the physical... The success rate is never 100%, but it's usually above average (guessing number combinations, cards, etc).
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Your not right OBE dont last for a few minutes . Somebody that know a lot about OBE can spend about a hour if they want in the astral.

and you have to add

4. They have to be at the same astral plane. You know when we project we go in a plane , lower plane are more evil and contain bad entity .
And higher plane , physical life is more clear and its more in Real Time Zone.

So you have to be lucky to be in the same plane. But someone experimented can change plane at will.


Well, look at TVOS who has been projecting for years ; he said his longest was around 30 minutes, and that seems to be the case for a lot of APers -- rarely do they stay out for more than an hour, and that would be extremely rare...

As for number 4... That's the same as my number 3 :p
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Yeah but look at Robert Bruce , how long do you think he project ?

But 30 min , way to go man , its a lot of time to be in a different world !

I never had a dream that lasted more than 15 minutes... I would freak out to have a 30 min things...


Hm thanks both of you.

I'm surprised to hear that it only lasts few minutes. I had lucid dreams that lasted an hour and a half.