Do i have to do AP methods AFTER i get SP ??

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when trying to astral project i relax for about 5 min until im completely relaxed and then i try to clear my mind and then try to concentrate on my breathing or that high pitched noise (idk wtf it is) and i can do that for up to about 2 hours but nothing happens, i dont get sleep paralysis. Last week instead of doing that and waiting for sleep paralysis i just did the rope technique and after about 15 min i began feeling something happening to my body and after about 1 min that high pitched sound was VERY loud, i couldn't hear anything else just that sound. after about 10 min i could still move my body :/ every AP technique says that  i need to do the technique after i get SP soooooooooo ???


If you wait when the sp is over, the opportunity to ap will end as well.  When you get sp you need to get out of your body as there is a short time limit.  If you take too long to get out, the ap will end.  It is better to try to do an ap technique to get out.   If that does not work you can spiritually get out of your body.  If you move your physical body the ap will end.


Quote from: Astralsuzy on October 20, 2012, 16:57:23
If you wait when the sp is over, the opportunity to ap will end as well.  When you get sp you need to get out of your body as there is a short time limit.  If you take too long to get out, the ap will end.  It is better to try to do an ap technique to get out.   If that does not work you can spiritually get out of your body.  If you move your physical body the ap will end.

so do i imagine climbing a rope after relaxing or should i wait until i get sleep paralysis ? (i never get it, never did)

and how do i spiritually get out of my body ?


Do not wait until you get sp because you may not get sp.  If you like the idea of climbing a robe then do that. 
I am not able to tell you how to spiritually get out of your body as I do not know how to explain it.  You just do it but that does not tell you how to do it.  I just thought of a gentler approach.  Try to imagine your arms are moving out of your body and when it starts to move out then you can spiritually move it yourself.  It takes practice to get it right.  It is a useful tool to be able to do it.  If something fails you have a back up. 


From my understanding anything to focus on and keep your mind from thinking about your physical body. (someone correct me if I am wrong) I am learning to meditate that way, I have problems with my mind wondering...


Quote from: bproulx12 on October 20, 2012, 18:56:14
From my understanding anything to focus on and keep your mind from thinking about your physical body. (someone correct me if I am wrong) I am learning to meditate that way, I have problems with my mind wondering...
You're quite correct.  :)

Keep practicing and you'll fix that mind wandering thing. 


Seems like you're focusing on your physical body too much, you shouldn't have to lay there for 2 hours with no success. Try meditating with a simple 2 syllable mantra and focus on nothing but repeating the mantra for 20 minutes and you should be able to get some visuals.
The point is to focus your attention away from your physical body, not to wait for changes to take place within it and then try to move forward from there


Quote from: justin35ll on October 21, 2012, 23:38:40
Seems like you're focusing on your physical body too much, you shouldn't have to lay there for 2 hours with no success. Try meditating with a simple 2 syllable mantra and focus on nothing but repeating the mantra for 20 minutes and you should be able to get some visuals.
The point is to focus your attention away from your physical body, not to wait for changes to take place within it and then try to move forward from there
People who lie there for two hours with nothing happening are simply not doing what's required in order to project.   
Most of the time it's because they haven't learned meditation.

So I'd start there.