Does Marconic Energy Healing and other Energy work develop OBE & Awakening

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Does Marconic Energy sessions, Reiki, 4D Energy (RTI) or Qigong help develop OBE consistency and spiritual connection/awakening? There is of course traditional meditation and Yoga as well. If so, which ones are the most effective? I assume energy work's effectiveness varies from individual to individual? Curious about members experiences with these energy modalities. Marconic energy healing appears to be a newer type of energy work, geared to raising one's vibration and connection to your higher self. It looks interesting, but the recipient of the energy appears to be very animated during the session, which has me a bit concerned to try it.

I have been meditating and doing Qigong of late, but have not tried the other forms of energy work, nor yoga. I remember watching one of William Buhlman's lectures where he stated Qigong can be very helpful for OBEs.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Sorry not to have replied sooner; as you can see, there have been other recent issues to consider.

I don't know about Marconic Energy healing, but any of the others are good choices. It is next to impossible to define one as being better than the others; you
have to find what works for you!

In my case, meditation and energy work like Robert Bruce's NEW Energy Way worked quite well. Qigong or Tai Chi would also be my preference. Just keep at it and then add in some separation techniques that you have read or catch your interest here.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you for your reply. I figured, it is very dependent on the individual.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Frostytraveler on August 21, 2023, 11:31:43
Thank you for your reply. I figured, it is very dependent on the individual.
I had to look up Marconic Energy to see what you were talking about. The article I was reading was comparing it to "Reiki". I see it's more of one of those "pay to play" things. Meaning, to learn how to do it or have a session with/utilizing it, you have to shell out some "Benjamins".

I use Robert Bruce's NEW as a way to "prime the pump" before my Phase sessions. I use it to "defer" pain once in a while too. I also use my "Egyptian Healing Rods" as a energetic tool as well. Feeling the sensation of moving energy up, down, and around your body, without actually "physically touching" it, will make a believer out of just about anyone!  The thing is, people need to take the time to learn how to do it.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I just downloaded the Robert Bruce Energy material. Looks like I have some reading to do. Both of you mentioning  R. Bruce, that's enough for me. I will also do some reading on the Egyptian Healing Rods. The sensation of moving energy you describe reminds me of that which I have experienced with Chi.
Just checked on the healing rods. Yikes, they are expensive.

Thanks for the info.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Frostytraveler on August 21, 2023, 15:52:37I just downloaded the Robert Bruce Energy material. Looks like I have some reading to do. Both of you mentioning  R. Bruce, that's enough for me. I will also do some reading on the Egyptian Healing Rods. The sensation of moving energy you describe reminds me of that which I have experienced with Chi.
Just checked on the healing rods. Yikes, they are expensive.

Thanks for the info.
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of Robert Bruce... with that said, his NEW system is pretty effective. 


I did go for one session of energy healing, but not Marconic type. When the Marconic energy healer wanted to do a sample quick session remotely, she said it would be necessary for me to cover all the mirrors and unplug all electronics in my room, I got a bit nervous and passed on it for now.

The energy healer I did go to, for a in-person session, was a Reiki master, and from what what I gather an angel energy type, where guides, angels, etc. might come through. I was told my energy was at least 12" outside my body, which is unusual. So instead of being worked on with her hands an inch or two off my body, her hands were about 12" to 15" off my body. The session was long. Unusual experience. Twitching of my eyes, a few tears for no apparent reason, warmth and coldness felt throughout my body.  Hands felt tingling then heavy numb feeling. When I got up I couldn't think that clearly for a several minutes. Very light headed and very bad chills to the point of me having visible shaking. Note it was not cold in the room. The chills and light headedness passed in 10 minutes. Placebo? I really don't think so.

She said for me to hold off or at least limit the independent new energy work I was doing and said I have enough going on as it is. She said I need to work on some grounding exercises, and that my crown chakra looked atypical, heavy as if it was holding energy and not moving it around.

How did it effect projecting? I was on a bit of a downturn going in, and that continued after the energy visit for 3 more months then activity picked up. I haven't been back yet. If anyone has any thoughts on the above, especially why my energy may be located so far outside of my body, please comment. Thanks.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Regarding energy work, I am not an expert, maybe a little more than novice-level...I do manage to recognize when some technique works for me. The sheer simplicity of the Robert Bruce NEW (New Energy Way) methods resulted in quick and immediate results for me. With that said, this is my comment-

Only you can really sense for yourself the true quality of work/healing the Reiki practitioner performed for you. I wonder that if your energy field can be sensed at 12", then that is a great indicator of overall energy may NOT NEED to do any energy work right don't need to create more energy; you need to learn to direct/manage it...

The fact that she says there is lots of energy around your Crown chakra may also indicate that you have lots of energy, but that it is concentrated around your Crown chakra or it is stuck there and not circulating...this is a question that needs to be it a question of Crown chakra development or is the energy somehow 'stagnated' there? A simple pendulum might help here.

When I was at The Monroe Institute one week, a few women whom befriended me, suggested the first night we check each other's chakras with a pendulum. I knew of this technique but had never tried it. When it was my turn, I laid prone and one of the women centered the pendulum, one at a time, over each of my seven chakras to check the level of activity. I was naturally reassured as the pendulum described five inch diameter circles around each of my chakras, from Root to Crown... my Fifth chakra was strong, my Sixth (Third Eye) was cranking away, my Crown chakra was swinging along...all except for one. That was my Heart chakra and the pendulum hung almost lifeless, moving slowly back and forth, left to right...hmmm...inactivity.

So, I made an appointment with a wonderful lady who comes to The Monroe Institute the first three days of every weeklong Course and offers massage and energy healing. I didn't mention the pendulum/chakra work; I just asked her for a short massage and a once-over energy read. She gave me that unfocused stare and declared that my energy was blocked by a "protector" that was placed over my heart and Heart chakra. Why was it there, I asked? Because of some great emotional pain, inflicted in the past, she said. Many of us create them as a survival mechanism...we don't even realize they are there; but they inhibit the flow of energy through our chakra system. I immediately knew the truth of her words; my brother's traumatic injury, my parent's failing age 8, I saw my world collapsing around me and I knew when that 'protector' had been put in me...So, with my agreement and thanks to it for its' service and her effort, my 'protector' was released back in 2019...and I felt a certain light-heartedness afterward...but her admonition was that I could easily and subconsciously call it back in at any time...and that might have happened at some I need to contemplate releasing it again, on my own...

That is my current experience Frosty, hope it provides some context...our searches well


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Yes, I feel that life's challenges can really effect the functioning of our chakras.  Interesting, I have never heard of a pendulum being used for Chakra assessment. Perhaps I will try that. I do like RB's New Energy Way methods as I work that into my Qigong practice. I also agree with your thoughts that perhaps my energy being so far off my body indicates that energy development is not needed and the focus should be on using/moving the energy properly.

"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee