Does religion matter ?

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Ok ... As you can tell I'm new.
And I have a question about Astral Projection and religion.

Is it strange if an atheist or an agnostic is interested or believes in Astral Projection and similar things ?
I'm agnostic and I never had any OBE experiences yet.
But I'm trying daily.


Quote from: SoulsNirvana on April 19, 2009, 14:32:05
Ok ... As you can tell I'm new.
And I have a question about Astral Projection and religion.

Is it strange if an atheist or an agnostic is interested or believes in Astral Projection and similar things ?
I'm agnostic and I never had any OBE experiences yet.
But I'm trying daily.

I am not particularly religious.  And this has been happening to me my entire life.  In my experience, when I mention things like AP to religious people, they tell me to stop, and go off muttering prayers.  Not that I am anti-religious or think there is no room for AP in a religious person. Just in my experience, the two do not mix.  Now, who wants to discuss politics? :)
My Other Reality Blog

My Alternative Energy Blog


Is it strange that an agnostic/atheist will be interested? Not at all. Why would it be?

Does religion matter? Yes, unfortunately it does. It can be a limiting factor regarding how successful you are at accepting and accessing broader realities, including of course "astral projection". Many religions, as complex as they may be, are merely disguised control systems.

Old Dood

Good post there interception!
You were too kind though toward 'Religions'.  :-P

I believe Religion has held us back for centuries....

I also coming to the belief that we used to be beings WITH 12 strands of DNA and we were Engineered down to 2 strands. :-o

Why?  To keep us ignorant. 
However, even with 2 strands of DNA we are still finally 'learning' (Remembering) to Wake Up!  :-)
Time will Tell...


Hi SoulsNirvana,

Welcome aboard!

I used to call myself a Christian because I was brainwashed from 0 to 18 years of age in a Catholic school. I always found the teachings odd and contradictory. I spent from age 18 to age 32 trying to fit my observations and experiences into the various "religions / belief systems".

I started experimenting with AP 3 months ago and after my first journey out of my body I finally woke up and realized that 32 years of spiritual development had been flushed down the toilet.

Religion exist to:

a) Make money
b) Gain power over others
c) Guide people who can't think for themselves
d) Attempt to understand life / universe / existence.
e) Make people feel better.

Religions lack in the ability to provide any proof and rely of faith while astral projection can be experienced first hand and allows one to form their own opinion of existence. Christianity specifically uses fear to force people into submission and is based on century old writings. The truth (if there ever was any) has been lost in interpretation.

I could go on for hours but I will stop here. You're best option (in my opinion) is to throw all religions in the trash. Don't waste this time around.

Best regards


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress ->


Quote from: dbmathis on April 19, 2009, 17:47:49
.... Christianity specifically uses fear to force people into submission and is based on century old writings and the truth (if there ever was any) is lost in interpretation.

To be even more specific, fear is the weapon of choice of all organized religions.

Good post though dbmathis. :)


Hi all,
I totally agree with dbmathis on the reasons religion exists. I get so fired up over the issue that it causes me great anger. For a while I was voicing my opinion and it caused me to be in a very negative place.
I had a very vivid message in a dream one night that has helped me deal with the issue. In the dream there was just the face of a man, nothing in the back ground around the face except white. The man pointed his finger at me and said "TREAD LIGHTLY ON PEOPLES RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, THEY ARE ON A DIFFERENT PATH". I took it as a pretty clear sign to not try and change peoples beliefs. There is a symbol known as The Apache Triangle that I had learned about that relates to the path people are on that I connected to the dream.

To answer your question SoulsNirvana, I don't think it's strange at all for an atheist or agnostic to be interested in AP. I would say follow your intuition.


Wow, people.
Thanks for the replies !
I thought only Christians do these things.

And yeah, I already threw religion away and freed myself.


I consider myself agnostic.  :-D


The only good religion does is teach people morality and values... historical people, events, writings, rituals, etc. are absolute junk and only serve to be interpreted for the self interest of those with power, or those who seek power. Religion prevents people from finding the answers within themselves... people who dedicate themselves to religion have found an "easy answer" to life and question no further... that is a blind way to go through life, imo.


I myself prefer to see astral projection as a means to understand one's consciousness/soul and how it can work e.t.c. and so does not really have much impact on religious views at all, which are usually more about god(s).

To be honest there's nothing really to say you cant learn from astral projection and not be religious, sure maybe you may have to be more liberal with your religious views, but as a (somewhat liberal) protestant myself I've got no conflict at all with astral projection.

I don't recall any part of the bible explaining how the soul works or that it's possible or not to exit your body before you're dead or anything, but just because it's not mentioned doesn't mean that learning about it is forbidden. Nor does anything I've read about astral projection or anything to do with it mean that there is/are no god(s), I certainly haven't been forced to question my belief in god, and i doubt it'll ever happen. One must understand that a book over 1500 years old that was written for a mostly simple minded population just may have been dumbed down enough for their understanding, into terms and metaphors they may have much more rapidly taken aboard than all the stuff mentioned in this forum.  :roll:

I can easily imagine multiple lives then multiple planes of existence e.t.c. and a supreme being who may look after us/guide us all or whatever, even a sort of extremely horrible plane that could be hell. It's not like it's not possible or anything like that, most people just seem to jump to the conclusion that if one small thing doesn't fit in with the religion they hated being taught as children then there's no way that the religion and what we're learning are both true, when it is entirely possible, especially when religions are open to wide interpretation.

If i die and i find there is no god or Jesus then OK, maybe it's a bit of a shame to have kept this belief through my life but fair enough, at least i can then easily shrug it away and fall back to what I've learnt about the universe and my consciousness through astral projection and continue on my path to enlightenment through the astral planes or whatever may be next. I'd certainly not want any astral entity to entertain the idea that god exists to keep me from going insane if there wasn't one, perfectly capable of understanding a universe without one.  :roll:

And if I die and it's nothing like what we seem to be finding through astral projection then i can just attribute it to becoming delusional early in my life and eventually believing it to be also true, which would be true, if that is the case.

Like a win-win-win situation...                   ...provided i don't die and then thats it...  :lol:


How can you people bash religion like that? I thought "astral projectors" of all people would respect people who devote great amount of time and dedication to what they believe in. Just because some religious people (Jeh....Witnesses) are more "pushy" than others, doesn't mean that all religions are bad or are only out to make money (which is a ridiculous statement). Come on DB, thought you'd be a little more considerate.

Old Dood

I do not look at it as 'Bashing Religion'.
People can believe what ever they want....
Religion over the corse of centuries has given us a 'Mind Set'.
We need to break from that mind set and live our lives.

What I am saying for the most part is that Religion is Dis-Info.
Especially the Western Christian Version.
Who wrote the bible?  How was it written? Where did the words come from?
Christians will tell me it is from GOD! As in the Prime Creator! 
Well, what about the Law of One?  Anyone here ever heard of that?
My point is that the Law of One was channeled.  The bible had to be channeled too.
In it's 'beginnings' that is. Since then and especially the King Jimmy Version the bible has been 'changed' to meet the political structures of that day.
However, if I tell a Christian that the Law of One is channeled no different then the bible then I am told it is SATAN'S works.  Sure...Right!  :roll:

Ever notice that in the Old Testament that 'God' was jealous and quite spiteful?  This tells me that who ever this 'God' was in the Old Testament then it is NOT the Prime Creator.
There are many 'gods' in the bible.  Who are these beings and what is their purpose?
I really believe that these beings are NOT of this Earth but, they are not 'gods'.  They are higher advanced beings then us but, not necessarily better then us.

Religions are full of Good People!  Good honest people!  However, that doesn't mean that Religion is a Good Thing.
The 'Teachings' I mean.
We have been fooled for far too long. Now, more then ever...People are finally Waking UP!

I also am of the belief that we Humans USED to have 12 strand DNA at one point.  We were altered by these So Called 'Gods'.
They dropped our DNA via genetic engineering to 2 strands of DNA so we would not surpass them.
Even though that was done to us over the coarse of eons we are still Becoming Aware!
We are evolving into 4th Dimensional beings.
Time will Tell...


Quote from: TurulMadar on April 21, 2009, 01:25:41
How can you people bash religion like that? I thought "astral projectors" of all people would respect people who devote great amount of time and dedication to what they believe in. Just because some religious people (Jeh....Witnesses) are more "pushy" than others, doesn't mean that all religions are bad or are only out to make money (which is a ridiculous statement). Come on DB, thought you'd be a little more considerate.
Religion  is "Organized Sadism" --
the sadist that gets the most pleasure/passion from upsetting the masses/outsiders the best 
by thumping the scriptures the best
always gets promoted the best: getting pleasure/passion from upsetting people is Sadism.

As Long a religion/preachers focus on the differences between beliefs -- it will never be anything more than Organized Sadism.
When religions focus on the similarities between beliefs they vanish, in "love."
both unlost and unfound


Hi TurulMadar,

Quote(Jeh....Witnesses) are more "pushy" than others, doesn't mean that all religions are bad or are only out to make money (which is a ridiculous statement). Come on DB, thought you'd be a little more considerate
The list was not all inclusive. Not all religions are there to make money, I know this because my brother is a Catholic priest and he is not in it for money.

Notice that I also mention that religions are for:

Quoted) Attempt to understand life / universe / existence.
e) Make people feel better.

d and e falling into the same reason why people astral project.

My point was not to disrespect religions but to point out the limiting nature of religions. This is my opinion based on years of trying to fit science into religion, religion into science, etc etc..

I seriously question all things equally including astral projection however there is a huge difference between  religion and projection. Astral Projection provides a means for you to explore freely while religions hold you within the confines of another group of people's beliefs and if you stray (if you are being honest with yourself) you are not that religion anymore. I am to the point that I question so much and so freely that I could never be part of any organized religion again.

I apologize if I offended anyone.

Best Regards


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress ->


A huge problem with religion is intolerance. The over sensitivity of some, (not all) people following a certain religion. I wonder how many people have died or suffered because of religious intolerance.

And even on a less extreme scale: Why is there this sudden coldness in a room when people find out you are not a christian/muslim like they assumed or whatever. Suddenly they treat you in a whole different way. Like you are sick or something. Who are you to judge me? I don't judge you, don't judge me, thank you. Religious people in general (again some people not all) are very quick to judge others of a dissimilar faith, and that is just never a good thing.


I agree, it's a crying shame that people cant let others be at peace with the descisions that they have made, i mean, i doubt if i went onto a christian forum and started talking about astral projection and multiple planes of existance that i'd be welcome for very long. i myself don't mind hearing critisism of my religion (as long as it has SOME structure and isn't just all "OH LOLOL GOD IS 4 TEH gAYz!!!1one") as to question or be questioned is to build upon our understanding of the universe.

To be honest i suppose i could barely consider myself a christian, i believe there is a supreme being, like some of you may, and that maybe jesus was some sort of teacher/ambassador sent to us. thats all i completely believe from the bible at all, although Armageddon and Hell undenyably extremely interesting to me. the religion seems to have been perversified so much for pollitical ends that these two are the only things that i can truly believe in

like i said nothing that cant easily fit in with astral projection and what we have learnt from it.

also christians who say that the bible was written by god are ignorant. the new testament was written by many authors over 500 years. i suppose in a sense if you really must go into details that god wrote the old testament and moses copied it down or whatever, but i don't really know about that. :wink:


Hi Slix,

So I think you have pretty much established that you are not a Christian. Your next mission may be to find out what religion you fall into.

The point in my previous posts is that you may very well go and begin searching for a religion that best suites you OR you can simply choose to throw all religions out and follow your own path.

I can't say this for sure but I bet that if you choose a different religion you will end up experiencing something or hearing something that contradicts your current beliefs and then you will either spend months trying to make sense of it and fit the contradiction into the new religion or you will throw it out too.

I personally choose not to beat myself up like that and have thrown out all religions and follow my own path. I am not saying that I can't draw for religions for knowledge I am simply saying that I am not following them.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress ->


when i say completely believe i mean with little to no doubt, there are some other things mentioned in the bible that i believe in, but not with enough integrity to say that i completely believe in them.

i suppose i cant class myself as a christian, maybe as someone with some similar views as christians, but not enough to be classed as one.


Quote from: interception on April 21, 2009, 12:07:48
A huge problem with religion is intolerance. The over sensitivity of some, (not all) people following a certain religion. I wonder how many people have died or suffered because of religious intolerance.

And even on a less extreme scale: Why is there this sudden coldness in a room when people find out you are not a christian/muslim like they assumed or whatever. Suddenly they treat you in a whole different way. Like you are sick or something. Who are you to judge me? I don't judge you, don't judge me, thank you. Religious people in general (again some people not all) are very quick to judge others of a dissimilar faith, and that is just never a good thing.

Not only that ... muslims think that when a muslim leaves the islamic faith, he's ignorant about the religion or has mental problems.
Other muslims believe that ex-muslims don't exist.
This makes me so mad ...

Old Dood

Quote from: Slix on April 21, 2009, 13:28:17
when i say completely believe i mean with little to no doubt, there are some other things mentioned in the bible that i believe in, but not with enough integrity to say that i completely believe in them.

i suppose i cant class myself as a christian, maybe as someone with some similar views as christians, but not enough to be classed as one.

I totally understand what you are saying....
I too believe in some things within the KJV of the Bible....
BUT, that is why I see it as DIS-INFO.
Truth mixed with Lies....
Time will Tell...