Dream or OBE?

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i've never heard of it but it sounds interesting. When you slammed yourself out of your body were you already at the vibratory stage?


Hi Richard,
Yes, I have used the SIT-UP technique a couple of times.  One time I did it, I came out with such force, it was like I shot up and out of my body.  http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/images/icon_Smile_shock.gif" border=0>  It was actually quite funny to review the experience afterwards ... because I had hang time about 5 feet up and was in a position similar to what a track & field long jumper would be in in mid air ... legs parallel to ground, hands outstretched toward toes all ben forward (torso over legs).  With the "hang time" it was like gravity was almost null ... so now I know what it's like to be an astronaut in Zero-G! http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/images/icon_Smile_big.gif" border=0>  It was a way cool experience.  I finally "struggled" to *upright* myself and get my feet on the ground ... since I am not used to that sort of thing! http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/images/icon_Smile_tongue.gif" border=0>

Come to think of it, I used this technique THREE times.  The third time was even more odd!  I sat up in bed and as I did, I pivoted/twisted at the waist so that I was sitting up, but now was sideways to my body.  I was still sitting so that my Astral Body was intersecting my Physical body at the waist.  I was turned and looking at my wife.  Again, this time, I sat up with such force and speed, that I could feel the centrifugal forces on my Astral Body!http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/images/icon_Smile_big.gif" border=0>

All three times were done from an sleep-induced OBE state ... I.E. ... I would become aware from a sleeping state that I was *ready* for OBE.

Greg Taylor :)

"Whatever consciousness may be, it's not a small thing" - Ingo Swann
"Oh, I... ain't got no ... body" - David Lee Roth (Van Halen)


Originally posted by Qui-Gon Jinn:
I just remembered the exit phase in other words...  I guess it was a dream, or a dream intervowen (did I just dream that word up?) with an OBE

Not necessarily, my friend.  You could have the most vivid, detailed OBE oif your life.....but if it happens in the middle of the night, and you simply fade back to sleep when you're done, even that monumental experience may seem like a simple figment of your imagination!

I'm willing to bet that you did indeed have an OBE, but because you only remember bits and pieces of it, it somehow gets downgraded to just a dream.  I think most people are under the impression that all OBE's are life changing, and that even the slightest OBE symptom (like exiting, returning, etc) will be blatantly obvious to you.  This isn't always the case.

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash
MyJokeMail.com - Jokes and Humor
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


I just had my second OBE right now ;-) ... after only 2 days of work with the NEW system (Thanks !!).

Came home from work early today, and laid down on my bed and worked on my mouth and throat area (Same technique as with the feet and hands). (I returned specifically to a point back in the throat on the upper part - not sure why ?!? ... )

Fell a slep, and had a very funny and "live" dream, but slowly i gained conciusnes in the dream (like it was in short periods of time, where i suddenly questioned the reality of the situations i was in), until at the end where i was placed in an impossible bodily posture (With regard to gravity *S*), and suddenly thought " YES !! .. I am having an Astral Journey !! ... I can't be standing like this otherwise !!")

From then on, and the next around 30 seconds I decided what I wanted to do - with full conciusnes in my Astral body. (I was geografically located around 40 miles from my home at the time). So I started trying my sight, and without difficulty looked about 2 feets through the ground i was standing on. (Like a part of the ground suddenly became transparent)

(A feeling similar to the old pictures where there apparently not are an image in them - just some patterns... The feeling was the same, as when you suddenly "see" the hidden picture og form in the pattern).

Then afterwards i tried to jump a couple of times, and came around 6 feet up in the air. (But it was a sort of "fast slow-motion" feeling).

And then time to fly ;-) ... So I took of, and flew for about 4-5 seconds, before i apperantly became TOO excited, and with a sort of little "gasp" from my throat was back in my body. (With only a splitsecond of sort of blacknes, where i heard the from my throat (Like when you try to breathe in TOO rapidly, that sound).

Afterwards i could remember bits of the dream - but from the part where i became consius, i can remember it all clearly!

What a wonderfull experience !! ;-) ...



--- One thing at a time, be in NOW, and be gentle to yourself ---

--- Your biggest obstacle is most of the time also your most powerfull startingpoint ---

Qui-Gon Jinn

Lysear, I don´t remma anything before the actual exit, so I can´t say, and I don´t remma more than fragments of a few seconds after the exit either really.

AMCTurbo, yea I was also like shut up with a rocket in me arse ;)  that is pretty much the only thing I remma...

JeffMash, that thought has come to mind a few times brother, and it sorta leaves behind some what of a dissapointment because if I really had a bad*** obe I would really want to remember it - otherwise it has little ´meaning´... Keep smiling !´

Kenneth, nice to see a dane found the way here, now we only need a brother up northwest and we´ll have a complete Scandinavian set of characters *s'  Let´s not talk handball okay, lucky bastards ;)
 Instead, congrats on your experience, seemed a very enjoyful one, hope you´ll more of those...'

   Take care //Richard

- Your focus determines your reality -


all of this dream vs oobe stuff confuses me some.  you have to be totally relaxed it seems to have a conscious oobe.   if you are dreaming then you are at that stage.  if you are at that stage in a dream and you go through the motions of projecting then why wouldn't you actually project if you weren't already?  it doesnt make sense that you would dream you projected and not have.  assuming the dream world is seperate from the astral.  confusion.


i agree with fredhead, you cant confuse projection with lucid dreaming because when your dreaming your already out of coincidence with your physical body. If you dream of projection I believe thats what your doing whether you concious or not.



Originally posted by fredhedd:
all of this dream vs oobe stuff confuses me some.  you have to be totally relaxed it seems to have a conscious oobe.   if you are dreaming then you are at that stage.  if you are at that stage in a dream and you go through the motions of projecting then why wouldn't you actually project if you weren't already?  it doesnt make sense that you would dream you projected and not have.  assuming the dream world is seperate from the astral.  confusion.


Not to sound like a broken record or anything, but I believe it all has to deal with our consciousness, not so much with the way we attain awareness.

For example, would you say there is any real difference between someone who projects from their bedroom, and someone who realizes they are dreaming, lays down within the dream, and then projects from there?

I would say the answer is no, simply because the END RESULT is exactly the same: you're operating with your full waking awareness in an altered state.

I think too many of us get confused when we try and categorize everything.....is it a dream?  Is it an OBE?  Is it an AP? Is it RV?  etc.

There is nothing wrong with trying to categorize things in the above examples, because all of them are slightly different.  However, all of them share one common thread: they all require us to percieve while we're in an altered state of consciousness.  

As long as you strive for this altered state of awareness (and not strive for a certain category, like 'I only want to OBE'), then you won't be as confused.

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash
MyJokeMail.com - Jokes and Humor
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


i ilke that explanation and agree to it somewhat.  would it also be fair to go further and say that our altered state can't be labeled an altered state?  and that it's the one we're in now?  if we do have a higher self and it helps us make decisions, is that our higher self coming through and operating on a level of consciousness that would be altered to it?  maybe all of the experiences here should just be ' hey guess what happened last night, i flew around for a little while and then after that i turned into a giant penis and had the most incredible sex i've ever had ....somewhere, and then i ended up back ....here, where i'm at now.


you turned into a giant penis? that sounds like the whole ahem! experience could have been quite distressing. without elaborating with regard for our younger members i cant imagine it being that pleasurable!



i was just thinking about part of the treastise i read on  astral sex from the home page here.  i believe robert says you actually turn into huge sex organs, which would help explain why it feels so good.


i will have to take your word for that as I havent projected since my first one 3 weeks ago, when I do get round to astral sex I will tell you my experience



Hi Qui-Gon Jin / Richard ;-) ...

he-he ... What does luck have to do with it - in Handball i mean ? *S* ;-) ...

Anyway - thanks for your reply, and yes, I hope, that I have many more of those experiences too;-) ... AND, it is very nice to meet a fellow Scandinavian as well !! ...

Tried the Rope technique the other day - without the deep trance ... and almost instantly went to the Jitters, and after a very few minutes got almost a pain in my chest, followed by a VERY fast hartbeat (With the feeling of my "normal" hartbeat underneath)... Then I ran completely out of energy, and just laid down to sleep.

Tried it with my girlfriend the other day. She has NO experience what so ever with regard to OBE's. She got the jitters wery strong as well, and suddenly she could relate to all my talking about OBE's, Energywork, and so on ;-) ...

....Can't wait to try the Rope technique AFTER I get in a Trance-state ;-) ... (THAT has  been my problem all along ... I have no trouble reaching the deep trance-state, while staying awake - but the step with Roling out or Flowing out i have never been able to overcome).


--- One thing at a time, be in NOW, and be gentle to yourself ---

--- Your biggest obstacle is most of the time also your most powerfull startingpoint ---

Qui-Gon Jinn

Kenneth, you obviously aren´t very skilled in handball, everyone knows the number 1 rule in handball is that whenever Sweden loose (which by the way very seldom happens) it is all about luck for the other team... ;)
Sorry you guys lost the final though (well not really, I won some money on it:), not easy without Krogh Jeppersen and Boldsen out sick....  (not a soul knows what I am talking about here, hahaa)

If the rope tech doesn´t work for you, try my recent "dream method" of sitting up real quick (hopefully your physical body won´t), perhaps you´ll succeed with that one...  but the rope technique is a good one, at least for putting oneself into the right conditions for projecting.

Bor du i Copenhagen?

- Your focus determines your reality -


Hej Richard ;-) ...

Nope - not Copenhagen, but Helsingør ... (So I am in reality a part-time-swede, based on the numbers of Swedes in our local shops *S*) ...

(For those NOT aquainted with Scandinavian Geographi, Helsingør is at the upper right corner of the part of Denmark called Sjaelland, about 40 kilometers / 25 miles north of Copenhagen).

I have actually tried the Sitting up technique, but I have a limitation in my mind, that I "can't do that" ... It seems like a physical barrier, that prevents me from just sitting up - that's why i look forward to trying the Rope technique, as it is more "step-by-step", and focused on a very small point... (I have an idea, that the wider the area you spread your energi on, the weaker the energy gets ??).

Whou - this Journey is exciting ;-) ....

/ Kenneth

--- One thing at a time, be in NOW, and be gentle to yourself ---

--- Your biggest obstacle is most of the time also your most powerfull startingpoint ---

Qui-Gon Jinn

I have been one of those swedes in your local shops, who haven´t?  It was a few years back but I remember there was a music store with alot of alternative music, ambient, nature sounds etc., I liked that one... perhaps you know of what I speak?  Reckon you´ve been to Helsingborg a few times also.

Had any experience with the rope technique yet?

  Be well //Richard

- Your focus determines your reality -

Qui-Gon Jinn

Does it really matter if I am not sure, I reckon not...  it was a darn short one though, that is for sure..  I asked myself last night before going to sleep to, during the night, have an full-conscious OBE where I would remember all that happened in it after returning to my body; and some time during the night I indeed remembered leaving my body, didn´t remember anything pre-exit though... I used a technique I never tried before, I simply sat up real quick with force, sort of threw my self upwards...  and off I went, and then after that I don´t remma anything....  I just remembered the exit phase in other words...  I guess it was a dream, or a dream intervowen (did I just dream that word up?) with an OBE, but it really doesn´t matter to me...
 I have never for sure had an OBE yet, perhaps this "dream" was a way to introduce me to this new exit technique I´ve never tried before....  I have always been avoiding trying to move my body when the vibrations set it, and in this "dream" I "slammed" my self out of body....  so I´m curious, has anyone tried this "technique"???  

  It was all very encouraging I should add....

     ....take care //Richard

- Your focus determines your reality -