Dweller on the Threshold

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First of all, have you ever met an entity while OOB?

After reading your account the conclusion I tend to draw is, that you heard these noises/voices of people talking because you were at that time in a state whereby you were already able to perceive astrally.

When you are in the middle of the "vibes-phase", trying to get out of your physical body, you can already be attuned/open to the astral world, so to me it doesn't seem at all strange that you would hear noises and "people" talking to each other (about you in this case)while trying to go OOB. You could very well be "picking up" on intelligences/entities in the astral dimensions. I have had these experiences several times, whereby I heard a voice, saw an entity, saw certain images, etc... I would not be out of my physical body yet, but would be able to pick up on things from the astral (I call this the "twilight zone", but it is also known as the "hypnagocic state").

When you are in such a state of awareness you could become aware of entities who are already there; you just happen to become aware of them because you are in an altered state of awareness and "by chance" have tuned in to their frequencies. But you could also become aware of entities who know you and are there to assist you in some way. They might even have helped you to tune into them. (Maybe the 2 "people" talking about you were guides...)

You said that you think your subconscious is at work here, "trying to play tricks on you", trying to "put obstacles in your way so you'll have a more difficult time in getting out". It somehow doesn't seem logical to me that your subconscious would be doing this, when you are someone who is eager to grow in your astral experiences (and I assume that this is the case).
Maybe, instead of seeing these experiences as "obstacles", you could see them as indications of (an improvement of) extra-sensory perception. This to me seems far more logical than that your subconscious would be hampering your progress in astral awareness & traveling!

In the case of the 2 voices; you wrote that "they" were saying to each other "I wonder if he sees us?" Well, you heard them anyway. And it is obvious, from what you heard them say, that they were very well aware of you and what you were doing. They might have wanted you to hear (& see) them; they may be wanting to help you to progress to the point where you can see them. Maybe that is why they were there in the first place - to help you to improve on your astral awareness. This would mean that "they" should not be viewed as obstacles but as exactly the opposite!

Ofcourse I wouldn't be able to say who these "people" were, but it is possible that there are entities out there who are trying to help you to highten your perception of the non-physical realms (I have read various accounts of this happening - entities/guides who are in some way trying to get your attention). But as I already mentioned, they could also be entities who you "accidentally" come across because you are in a different state of awareness and therefore open to the astral.

Perhaps, the next time something like this happens, you could try to find out who is actually there, by asking the "person(s)" this directly. It may be an opportunity for you to increase your experience. But I can well imagine that you would want to know who you're dealing with when you do this. I learnt (from a book I read by William Buhlman -"the secret of the soul") that in order to find out exactly "who you are dealing with" when you meet up with an entity, especially if you want to know if you're dealing with a "good guy", something you can ask this entity is: Show you true self". (I have never as yet been in a situation where I felt I had to ask this, but I find it a usefull thing to know anyway).

I hope my posting is worth something.

Good luck DOA.

Take care.



What is it.  Its a pain in the butt is what it is.

I have been practicing for years.  I finally learned something this last weekend.  Depending on where I practice I get differant results.  I sometimes go to work on saturdays to catch up on work.  But also if kids are lound ect.  Well it was early and I came to office which is closed on weekends and I practiced.  I did some rope some relaxing and then I started my count.  1.  I feel the vibrations 2.  I feel the vibrations well I fell under the spell of tiredness and fell into a light sleep.  Here is the differant part.  I was becomeing more aware and I heard someone rattling the door to my office its locked so I know no one can come in.  They keep rattling like they are really trying to get in..  I think im in the inbetween space so i slowly try to get up I feel my arms come out and as I try to get torso out I feel my self starting to wake up so I settle back down.  I relax a little more and again I hear the door.  I know no one is there I realize its my mind.  I have realized that I have had this happen like 3 times before.  The other times it was as if someone had come in the door.  And one other time it was as if 2 people were out there talking saying I wonder if he sees us.  Those othere times I was unsure if I was dreaming or if it was real so It took me out of it.

So I came to the conclusion that some part of me myself puts up obsticals so ill have a more difficult time in getting out.  What a jerk my subconscious is.  I mean to keep me from reaching this goal he must be real mean.[:)]  

When I practice at home I bet it just makes me sleep. Or I get the fear response. But how to overcome this obstical?  What can I do to tell my subconscious let me out to play?