Energy work??? Do you need to do it?? Does it really help???

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I have been wondering...  What does Energy Work have to do with LD and OBE????  What is the connection and why do some feel it is good(And some dont do it if it is good?)


the idea is that control of your conscious awareness is facilitated by energy work.  there are various theories about how or why this happens.  i guess i would say that i think that "energy" functions as something like a medium for consciousness to move through.  so if you had a higher frequency energy, it would be easier for your consciousness to shift focus quickly and effectively.  but i really can't say for sure how or why energy work helps.

what i can say is that through the practice of energy work, my mind has stayed focused on these types of metaphysical topics, which really does help achieving conscious exit.  but more than just AP/OBE, it has increased my day to day sensitivity.  my intuition is much sharper, my mind is sharper, my ability it sense energy is heightened, and i just feel all-around better.

it is not necessarily needed in any way for AP/OBE.  it may facilitate better control of your experience, but is not required and does not directly help (imo).  indirectly, i feel that energy work just makes you more aware in general, which couldn't hurt when you're practicing something that is based on control and degree of awareness. 

i will say though that when i do NoY's violet-flame meditation (which is a kind of energy work) whilst out of body, i find that i become grounded in the projection (rather than in the physical) and it not only prolongs the experience but provides me with a higher degree of control.
be awesome.


Thank you personalreality...  That was a great explanation for me..


I think of energy work as a form of meditation that gives special focus to the body. I sometimes do it before attempting a trance state and subsequent conscious exit. Like any form of meditation it assists in the ability to project and maintain awareness/control.