Exit Symptoms/Signposts

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Quote from: floriferous on October 05, 2018, 00:29:14
This is why i advocate indirect obe methods first.

Got any links/details regarding recommended indirect methods?


Quote from: Yodad on October 06, 2018, 00:58:41
Got any links/details regarding recommended indirect methods?

I think any method that utilizes losing consciousness right before the OBE is great way for people to get some experience under their belt. This way, unlike direct methods, you don't get all analytical about it and constantly wondering if you're nearly there. Let your consciousness do the work for you. I think going straight for a direct OBE is hard but if you've already created a path in the long grass through some indirect methods it makes it easier to then do direct ones and once you do then move onto direct methods you know exactly what an obe is like for you abd so you k now just how close or far away you are.

If I remember rightly when I first started I did the timer method which involved getting up at around d 5 am then listenING to some binaural beats to send you to sleep but it had a timer go off after a certain amount of time to wake you. You would then drift off again and the timer would go off again after a shorter period of time. This would continue about four times with the time betweens alarms getting shkrter and shorter and all the while your consciousness is levelling off around the wake sleep border and invariably you would automatically experience something like the vibrations or just find yourself out of body.

Also the wake back to bed method is good. I still utilize a modified version of that with about a success rate of 85%.

With these methids you don't need to worry about exit techniques or questions how close you are. William Buhl man did indirect techniques for years.

With doing a direct method wit no experience you are flying a little blind not really ever sure if you're doing it right. Sure there are lots of generic symptoms of our OBEs as guidelines but reading too much into them can hinder progress because your experience of symptoms s might be different from another's and you question if you're doing it right. They experienced the vibrations. Why can't I? I must be doing something wrong.


Quote from: floriferous on October 06, 2018, 03:29:52
I think any method that utilizes losing consciousness right before the OBE is great way for people to get some experience under their belt. This way, unlike direct methods, you don't get all analytical about it and constantly wondering if you're nearly there. Let your consciousness do the work for you. I think going straight for a direct OBE is hard but if you've already created a path in the long grass through some indirect methods it makes it easier to then do direct ones and once you do then move onto direct methods you know exactly what an obe is like for you abd so you k now just how close or far away you are.

If I remember rightly when I first started I did the timer method which involved getting up at around d 5 am then listenING to some binaural beats to send you to sleep but it had a timer go off after a certain amount of time to wake you. You would then drift off again and the timer would go off again after a shorter period of time. This would continue about four times with the time betweens alarms getting shkrter and shorter and all the while your consciousness is levelling off around the wake sleep border and invariably you would automatically experience something like the vibrations or just find yourself out of body.

Also the wake back to bed method is good. I still utilize a modified version of that with about a success rate of 85%.

With these methids you don't need to worry about exit techniques or questions how close you are. William Buhl man did indirect techniques for years.

With doing a direct method wit no experience you are flying a little blind not really ever sure if you're doing it right. Sure there are lots of generic symptoms of our OBEs as guidelines but reading too much into them can hinder progress because your experience of symptoms s might be different from another's and you question if you're doing it right. They experienced the vibrations. Why can't I? I must be doing something wrong.

Although I agree with what you said above, the "Indirect" techniques have their own challenges as well. The biggest one being, you still have to know how to handle yourself when you awaken in Sleep Paralysis or you still have to ground yourself to be able to hold your awareness while becoming lucid in a Lucid Dream.

The thing I like about the "Direct" techniques, especially "Creative Visualization based Phasing" is that you are completely consciously aware the entire time from start to finish, unless of you happen to "click out", as can happen. Because you are aware the entire time you are forced to learn control. But, and that's a big "but", you can also utilize that learned control in this physical reality as well.

I have had many "tests" in LDs where something jumps out at me or some kind of event occurs, right in my face, that immediately either knocks me back to my physical focus or forces me to "react" to it. At that time, my awareness is not 100%. It takes a while to get it to that level, I find.
The same thing can happen in a Phase session, the difference is, I am already consciously passively observing everything that the NP is throwing at me and because I am 100% aware, I can react accordingly, on my own time. Yes with Phasing, "sometimes" (you don't always have them) you have to handle the exit symptoms and signposts. But I believe and have been shown that that's what makes you stronger. Phasing is also a great way to learn to navigate your new surroundings. Not necessarily just navigating them, but getting used to them, like making them "second nature" to you.

I guess in the end, my choice comes from the fact that when I sleep, I like to sleep. I have awoken many times, used the bathroom, jumped back into bed and thought for a 1/2 a second about implementing a OBE technique. Then decided to just go back to sleep, lol. It happens!  :-D
I do still use nightly affirmations and find those very helpful though.

When I do a Phase session, I am mentally prepared to see it through. That kind of "conditioning" comes through years of almost daily practice.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


One thing that i have started noticing is that when I am getting into deep relaxation and the vibrations are starting to happen, i see blue shapes (while my eyes are close). these shapes kind of indicate that I am ready to come out. One time i asked for assistance and a very young Buddhist monk came to my aid. he activated my kundalini and the vibrations became really high frequency and i was out.


1. Felt SUPER strong vibrations in the middle of the night in late 2019 (only days/weeks after looking into all "this stuff"). Didn't hurt but felt like my physical body was probably reacting like when someone receives a defibrillator to start their heart again.
2. Yes, sometimes I get very heated and know my temp. within my body is going up (reminds me of hot flashes...I'm going through that "change of life time" as I'm now in my early 50s). I can also get so heated, I sweat sometimes when trying to have an OBE! Ugh!
3. The one time I felt SUPER strong vibrations in late 2019, I heard/felt a wind and the most beautiful chimes...most amazing music.
4. Yes, for sure eyes twitch.
5. Yes, some shapes and colors can appear but it's not that vivid.
6. Yes, heart palpitations and/or heart beating faster.
7. Hmm... not loss of breath but needing to breathe more intentionally to "catch" breath.
8. No physical pain.
9. Yes, body twitching.
10. No sleep paralysis.
11. Yes, hearing loud sounds and sometimes voices.
12. No hand touching me...probably because I have put out my intention that that would freak me out.
13. Yes, to astral wind... that one time (#3)... both heard and felt it.
14. Inner vibration/chills... I feel like I can bring this on anytime I want. (??? not sure what that means)
15. Phantom/etheric body movement... I have felt both jerking movements with fingers and hands and a bunch of sloshing with my head and body which is pretty typical when I meditate or become aware out of a dream state.



 I should add "hearing a Doorbell" to the list. I have now experienced this 4 times in the this year. That one really catches me off guard!  :-o :roll:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


my vibrations are more of a felling being electrically charged accompanied by a intense pulsing sound hard to describe but like womp womp womp womp and very fast speed
i have experienced falling through bed, rising out of bed gently drifting sideways out of bed
aural hallucinations of people chatting in my room
also shouting and had very aggressive voice that felt right next to my head
chanting and languages i do not understand
flashes of light and loud clicks or snaps
hypnogogic imagery
intense fear and feeling of presence in the room 


Is it okay if I maybe derail this conversation just a little bit to ask a question? I'll go ahead and ask considering the slow pace here but will remove it if it is not appropriate.

Has anyone considered that what we think of exit symptoms and sign posts may be something else?

What I mean is that perhaps in your effort to 'exit' you have allowed yourself to partially view what actually is around us all the time. We just don't usually see/hear them. Has anyone tried 'staying' here (as opposed to exiting) and studying this phenomenon from 'this' side?


Quote from: Nameless on March 19, 2021, 16:39:30
Is it okay if I maybe derail this conversation just a little bit to ask a question? I'll go ahead and ask considering the slow pace here but will remove it if it is not appropriate.

Has anyone considered that what we think of exit symptoms and sign posts may be something else?

What I mean is that perhaps in your effort to 'exit' you have allowed yourself to partially view what actually is around us all the time. We just don't usually see/hear them. Has anyone tried 'staying' here (as opposed to exiting) and studying this phenomenon from 'this' side?

I think these are energy adjustments from low frequency to high frequency orientation. And when we are in between these two energy frequencies we perceive as the vibrations. When we adjust and change our focus completely in the higher frequency then the vibes disappear. same as if you adjust your old school radio and keep turning the know. Until you tune to the station frequency you will hear static. However, during that static you may here bits and pieces of the station programming because the tuning is getting closer. I think some of these vibes we observe such as voices, visions, touching, feeling of steps in the bed are coming from the other frequency worlds because we are half focused already into them. I never had the desire to stay long into them, because I wanted quickly to see the entire scene in full. But it would be interesting to stay in it and maybe ask questions and observe further.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Nameless on March 19, 2021, 16:39:30
Is it okay if I maybe derail this conversation just a little bit to ask a question? I'll go ahead and ask considering the slow pace here but will remove it if it is not appropriate.

Has anyone considered that what we think of exit symptoms and sign posts may be something else?

What I mean is that perhaps in your effort to 'exit' you have allowed yourself to partially view what actually is around us all the time. We just don't usually see/hear them. Has anyone tried 'staying' here (as opposed to exiting) and studying this phenomenon from 'this' side?
That's a great question Nameless. One that is worthy of a bit of a "derailing"!  :-D

Yes, I have opted to "stay in", instead of "exiting". A few times, this led to "tunnel vision" scenario. I wrote a post here years ago about viewing through what I could only compare as a toilet paper roll. You can read about that here:

I have also awoken/became consciously aware many times of the "onset" of vibrations. I would then slow the process down and not only fully observe it, but I would also play around with it and experiment with it. There were times that I would purposely turn it off and abort it so that I could log the results of said experience. Many times this also kept me focused on the RTZ. Robert Bruce's NEW really helped me learn how to manipulate my energy field and "frequency". It taught me how to "pinpoint" certain locations in and out the body. This led to "Phantom Wiggling" technique that can be found in the "Welcome to Astral Consciousness" Sub-forum here.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I have had: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15

On 3, which is a sound or lack of sound, what I heard is an hum.  A 'low' steady tone that did not vary in pitch but only in volume until it was nearly overpowering. And that was right before I would click to another place. I want to add that this sound was only in my left ear.  It was not in both ears.  I have also had a lack of sound which is nearly like a vacuum and this happens instantaneously.  One second it's not there and then baam!  Its there.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I agree with LightBeam on this in that these are energetic signals as our consciousness is moving/shifting/traversing through frequency levels, Focus levels and so forth. It's a kind of static or noise, but also momentary opportunities to jump off into a certain frequency, if we want. It's noise on one level as we move through it, but it could provide jump-off points if we choose to make it so.

For people unaware of the practice, it is understandably confusing and frightening.....
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 28, 2023, 01:47:09
I agree with LightBeam on this in that these are energetic signals as our consciousness is moving/shifting/traversing through frequency levels,

Yep, it's signal to us that a portal is open.:)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Ok, now a 'slight' variation or reversal on this topic together with a question.
Has anyone even had recurring re-entry sensations like I had (mostly 12 years ago)?

Back then I called them PREES (post reentry electricity sensations).  :wink:

I asked in 2010 Robert Bruce about it. Still found it in the archives. So here's what he told me on his forum then:



I suggest that this phenomenon may be related to the reentry of your projected subtle aspects.

This could be an energy phenomena related to reintegration, or it may involve the actual return of your projected astral double.


I had this quite often around 2010-11 but later it vanished.

On my old archived OBE-Journal on Astraldynamics (which is very well searchable still) I now found 15 entries mentioning it. It was quite a constant thing then for me it seems, at least in 2011, I suppose therefore I created the acronym PREES for it but I remember I was disappointed that almost no one experienced it like I did.


So, after 12 years let me do an update survey :wink: ... anyone of you experiencing anything similar upon return and even a short time during 'wake up'?


Quote from: Volgerle on July 28, 2023, 12:47:29
Ok, now a 'slight' variation or reversal on this topic together with a question.
Has anyone even had recurring re-entry sensations like I had (mostly 12 years ago)?

Back then I called them PREES (post reentry electricity sensations).  :wink:

I asked in 2010 Robert Bruce about it. Still found it in the archives. So here's what he told me on his forum then:


I had this quite often around 2010-11 but later it vanished.

On my old archived OBE-Journal on Astraldynamics (which is very well searchable still) I now found 15 entries mentioning it. It was quite a constant thing then for me it seems, at least in 2011, I suppose therefore I created the acronym PREES for it but I remember I was disappointed that almost no one experienced it like I did.


So, after 12 years let me do an update survey :wink: ... anyone of you experiencing anything similar upon return and even a short time during 'wake up'?

I often have my head buzzing for a few seconds after snapping back, even from dreams some times. But I never question it, as to me this is a part of the energy adjustments and I accept it as normal.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on October 31, 2015, 22:54:42My very first symptom was an earthquake shake sensation.

Well this answers my question about last night! I had an earthquake sensation!

Thank you :)
"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Quote from: Lighthouse4 on June 25, 2020, 00:10:501. Felt SUPER strong vibrations in the middle of the night in late 2019 (only days/weeks after looking into all "this stuff"). Didn't hurt but felt like my physical body was probably reacting like when someone receives a defibrillator to start their heart again.
2. Yes, sometimes I get very heated and know my temp. within my body is going up (reminds me of hot flashes...I'm going through that "change of life time" as I'm now in my early 50s). I can also get so heated, I sweat sometimes when trying to have an OBE! Ugh!
3. The one time I felt SUPER strong vibrations in late 2019, I heard/felt a wind and the most beautiful chimes...most amazing music.
4. Yes, for sure eyes twitch.
5. Yes, some shapes and colors can appear but it's not that vivid.
6. Yes, heart palpitations and/or heart beating faster.
7. Hmm... not loss of breath but needing to breathe more intentionally to "catch" breath.
8. No physical pain.
9. Yes, body twitching.
10. No sleep paralysis.
11. Yes, hearing loud sounds and sometimes voices.
12. No hand touching me...probably because I have put out my intention that that would freak me out.
13. Yes, to astral wind... that one time (#3)... both heard and felt it.
14. Inner vibration/chills... I feel like I can bring this on anytime I want. (??? not sure what that means)
15. Phantom/etheric body movement... I have felt both jerking movements with fingers and hands and a bunch of sloshing with my head and body which is pretty typical when I meditate or become aware out of a dream state.


Pretty much had a very similar experience, having most of the symptoms you encountered.  It was the strongest energy I have experienced to date. Felt like I was given a megadose of adrenaline, with perhaps a controlled but fairly significant electrical current applied to the body. I would add very heavy breathing and very loud tinnitus to the list. This lasted for about 10 minutes or so, which felt like forever. Curiously I did not have the hypnagogic images that I typically get with mild to moderate energy activity. I have had plenty of experiences to know the OOB and APs are real, but to experience major physical symptoms as well from the metaphysical activity really reaffirms everything. If I was not so aware of what was going on, I would have surely gone to the ER. One could easily interchange many of these symptoms with a cardiac emergency.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee